The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 December 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 The Singapore Free Press NO. 16,4*7. ESID 183 S. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IC, IMI. 5 CENTS
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  • 587 1 ATTACK ON PACIFIC COAST IMMINENT Warning: Air Force Standing By JAPANESE FORCES OFF ALEUTIAN ISLANDS San Francisco, Dec- 9. aga of the imminence of a Japanese i the American and Canadian western uttered today. of Victoria (British Columbia) i, said: Tiu> Japanese are off the J> :md we expect them
    United Press; Reuter  -  587 words
  • 69 1 to unconfirmed reports reaching Batavia, British troops have broker up a Japanese landing part m North Borneo, says Reutcr. No details are available. Further unconfirmed reports state that Japanese troops nave landed at Lubang Island. 60 miles south-west of Manila. United Press reports from
    Reuter; United Press  -  69 words
  • 295 1 ITP to an early hour this morning no further news had been received from official sources regarding the situation at Kota Bahru, capital of the Unfederated Malay State of Kelantan. The latest statement on the position m that region was contained m the communique issued
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  • 239 1 Batavia. Dec. t. Nothing is known about the tending m North Borne*. It i.. bettered that the reports may be doe to a raLvundfTStandin? Samba* for Sambak) Reuter Melbourne, Dec. 9. The War Cabinet and the War Council to-day further di cussed the new defence measures with Service
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 41 1 Washington. Dec. 9. /"LRMAN pilots may have taken part m the Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbour. Some Congress members said they had heard that some of the pianes bore the Swastika, tosatfcer with the Rising Sun. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 24 1 The German radio quotes a report tha r British river steamers p.nchored near Hankov/ were c oizcd by the Jananese authorities, says the B.BC.
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  • 392 1 G Manila, Dec. 9. EN. MAC ARTHUR, Commander-in-Chief of the VS. Far East Army, said to-day that the "Japanese sustained considerable aerial losses m raids on the Philippines yesterday," reports United Press. He added that material losses m planes had been suffered by bcth
    United Press  -  392 words
  • 333 1 Burma Forces "At Action Stations" Rangoon, Dec. 9. JAPAN has sealed her own doom. said the Governor of Biirma, broadcasting to-night from Rangoon. Ke added that by her own acts she had brought.war to the Pacific, and such blatant treachery as she had adopted m bringing about thte war iad
    Reuter  -  333 words
  • 68 1 Bangkok, Dec. 8. THE Thai Cabinet is still sitting. l!ie British Minister, Sir Josiah Crosby, saw the Foreigrn Minister at 2 p.m. and the American Minister saw the Foreign Minister at 2.30 p.m.. says Reuter. The British Legation denies making any counter-proposals to the Thai
    Reuter; United Press  -  68 words
  • 33 1 *PHE official German news agency says that the Japanese High Command has ordered the French authorities m Southern Indo China to put a complete blackout into force, says the 8.8.C.
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  • 34 1 AN air raid /arning was sounded m Singapore after dark yesterday but as far as was known no enemy activity developed m the neighbourhood of the city. The alert lasted about half an hour.
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  • 538 1 Rommel Seeking Respite From Incessant Attacks Cairo, Dec. THE following is the text of a I communique issued by the British G.H.Q., Middle East, today: "i'esterday. our mobile columns of all arms were particularly active, harassing and inflictin? casualties on enemy bodies wherever they were found. Their range of action
    Reuter  -  538 words
  • 114 1 Chungking, Dec. 10. IT is anticipated here that Brig. Gen. John Magruder, head of the U.S. military mission to China, and the British and American military attaches will immediately institute full consultations with the Chinese General Staff. Gen. Chiang: Kai-shek. Dr. Quo Tai Chi, Foreign Minister, and
    Reuter; United Press  -  114 words
  • 358 1 Fighting Along Castle Peak Rd.lnKowloon Hong Kong, Dec. 9. A COMMUNIQUE issued this morning says: "There has been i a quiet night, with nothing or i special interest to renort. In ac- cordance with the defence plan, contact has been maintained witn the enemy m the neighbourhood of Taipo and
    Reuter  -  358 words
  • 28 1 Manila, Dec. S. TIHE evacuation tempo here he; been stepped-uo and it i.; es'y'. mated U:at 200 COO reop> have left the city. United Press
    United Press  -  28 words
  • 99 1 Landon. Dei-. 9. rpHE Foreign Ofilcc denies a Japanese report that Britisii forces had crossed into Thailand vhcr. Thailand was invadod ov Japan. The Japanese all^-wt th?.t British forces crossed into Thailand aCdawn on Dec. 8, and the Japanese ?tta?k on Thailand w^ ccnsequeht upon the mo y
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 66 1 OUR STOCK-TAKING SALE |i CONTINUES AS USUAL CHOTIRMALLS BUSINESS HOURS t A.M. TO 6 P.M. ADELPHI HOTEL ADELPHI GRILL Whether you require light refreshments or an elaborate meal. the ADELPHI GRILL is renowned for its excellent food and courteous service The maximum m quality the minimum m price. MONDAY WEDNESDAY
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  • 475 2 Japanese Air Force Far Behind R.A.F. London, Dec. 9. PIE Times, commenting en the new situation m the Fai East says that the new enemy (Japan) has bulk of his forces tied up m his thrust towards the Burma Road and his chief objective v.t present io on the Asiatic
    Reuter  -  475 words
  • 100 2 ■"PKE Singapore Local Defence Corps has been embodied by order of tht Colonial Secretary. I All members who have not yet received orders as to reporting for duty or who have not yet reported are ordered by the Commander to proceed at once to the Corps Headquarters
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  • 183 2 AN appeal by Mohamed Pahmy. the A Egyptian boxer, who had failed m a claim for $11,000 from the Happy World limited, was heard m the Court of Civil Appeal before Sir Herbert Trusted (Chief Justice. F.M.S.), Mr. Justice Aitken and Mr. Justice Worley. Pahmy claimed that when
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  • 279 2 i.From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 9. VOLUNTARY evacuation on a small scale is taking place m Kuala Lumpur. Many families are moving out of the congested areas m town to live with friends and relatives m :he countryside. For the first time, air raid
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  • 130 2 London, Dec. 9. THE Greek Government has severed diplomatic relations with Jap?n and has Instructed the Greek Minister m Tokio to demand his passport, stated the Royal Greek Legation m London last night. After yesterday's special Greek Cabinet mi eting, the Greek Prime Minister cabled
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 116 2 I A CONTRIBUTION by the famous Ruosian author. Mikhail Sholokov. entitled "Meet Some Men of the Red Army.'' vivid impressions by a Western Desert officer of a tank battle, and the second m a series of articles by "Watchman" analysing the theory and practice of Japan's 'New Order
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  • 75 2 EXPERIENCE m Singapore's first air raid has shown that persons brought to first aid posts may be m urgent need of clothing. An appeal is therefor? made for gifts of clothing suitable for members o! the Asiatic communities. Persons willing to make such gifts are asked to take
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  • 357 2 London, Dec. 9. THE latest communique from Cairo suggests that the Germans are retiring westward, leaving the British m possession of all the area east of a line drawn south-west from Tobruk. The British patrols have again linked up with the garrison of Tobruk m the
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 Why worry about the war coming to Eialaya you can depend on the R.A.F. to defend this country! SEE THE STORY OF THEIR GLORY ON THE SCREEN! TO-DAY 3 SHOWS AS USUAL SATURDAY SUNDAY 4 SHOWS H J^^^hT \^mmw^mmmEm Ik mp «B mmML m* RONALD REAGAN\SSJ»fB OLYMPE BRADNA WM. LUNDIGAN
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    • 123 2 CALES of war savings certificates m Malaya from Nov. 19 to Dec. 4 amounted to over $291 000, bringing the totU to $9,300,567. A further sum of $2,003,139 has been paid by the Colony to the Imperial Treasury Chest Officer, Malaya Command, Singapore. This sum represents the proceeds from the
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    • 94 2 Bangkok, Dec 9 A JAPANESE bomber has circled over Baupkok. The Cabinet is still m session. United Press. MALAYAN and I iTlkfi t l l]j j Mfe-AM* J WORLD PICTURES The Eastern Fleet r vik^wr Alexandra Military lff»d2l^*sL Hospital R. A. F. MEWS Vf£ ss*, PICTURES Artists Australia's Women Answer
      94 words
    • 95 2 COME AND LAUGH n TOWN'S BEST COMEDY TO-DAY 3.15- 6.1? -9.15 tf+>,ns MAISIE 'OPERATES' ON DR. KILDAREIW 1 I !tt You Remember **DULCT" Km ANN SOTHERNS Even Funni^ latest M.-G.-M. News (By iippcrT"" The Most Spectacular TAMIL -hem o f Year with the Big:^e?t Possibli Cast GALA MIDNIGHT PREMIERE SATURDAY
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  • 315 3 Significant Statement By Manchu Premier •\oixiirkXT Manila, Dec. 9. QPIMON here is that there may be dramatic developments on the Siberian front m the near future and that they will not be very pleasant for Manchukuo or for Japan, reports nlt P T eM
    United Press  -  315 words
  • 462 3 Iv ,ueU *y Combined H.Q.. Japanese have engaged He-able numbers of airhc endeavour to gain Cf ;*L"ure «f superiority 1 Northern >Ulaya so as U> to rover their land- n Southern Thailand rru^^L^nKelantan. !^^naissance y«*er- .hed u that twentyirvi;er transports were dov.u the coast
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  • 40 3 »»*ara Netin&U. Thai **m m 'insapore reOH n !5 l re- fha.Jani, capital ition 55*^' An he s*^* »as a rame as a mp l hj?p had no "•"tESL*' Th^^nd-s rapit^Ul*t^nin g to the radio."
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  • 49 3 Tokio Relations with Soviet With Soviet Manila, Dec. 0. A DOMEI news agency broadrk cast states that Mr. Hori, pokesman of the Information Board m Tokio, told a Press conference: 4 *l think SovietJapanese relations will remain as before mainly on the basis of the neutrality treaty." United Press
    United Press  -  49 words
  • 406 3 ANTI-NIPPON FRONT IN S. AMERICA Melbourne, Dec. 9. AUSTRALIA and New Zealand, m common w»th the United Kingdom, the United Stac«\s and the Netherlands Indies has formally declared war on Japan. Mr. John Curtin. Australian Prime Minister, broadcasting from Melbourne last night. sai<v "The
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 39 3 New York, Dec. 9. JAPAN has officially requested Thailand to join the New Order m East Asia and nas guaranteed Thailand's independence/ says the Saigon radio, quoted by the National Broadcasting Company.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 23 3 San Francisco. Dec. 9. pEDERAL Bureau investigation T agents have arrested Hans von Bernhard, the former commercial attache undc. ttiiz Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 242 3 London, Dec. 9. PLLOWING Mr. Churchill m the House of Commons last night, Mr. H. B. Lees-Smith (Labour) expressed on behalf of the Labour Party deep approval and support for Mr. Churchill's declaration, adding: "We are confronted with the initiation of war carried out with
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 45 3 Havana. Dec. 9. CENTRAL Park was crowded and 6,000 people matched en masse to the Presidential Palace shouting "declare war on Spain." The President replied that if the United States declare* war on Germany, Italy and Spain. Cuba will follow within 15 minutes.- United Press
    United Press  -  45 words
  • 107 3 New York, Dec. 9. THE D.N.B. news agency m 1 Berlin has broadcast a statement that "the exact time and action which Germany will tike toward the United States and its allies is still unknown. However, it will be taken sooner than most persons anticipate.
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 105 3 New Attack On Penang TAIPING ALERTS (From Our Own Correspondent) i'enang, Dec. 9. ABOUT B p.m. to-day 14 Japanese planes dived on the aerodrome and clubhouse and machine-gunned both severely. There were no casualties. Over Butterworth many Japanese planes engaged R.A.F. fighters. An air raid warning was sounded m Taiping
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  • 176 3 Manila, Dec. 9. DEPORTS that Japanese para- chutists have landed m Manila were emphatically denied at General Macarthur's Headquarters here yesterday (Monday). Most of the city's windows have been covered with adhesive tape as a precaution against blast, and Manila and other ports are blacked out. The
    Reuter; United Press  -  176 words
  • 46 3 New York, Dec. 9. ■yKE Department of Justice says that it has "no comment" to make on reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had started a round-up of Germans and Italians v/ho were considered dangerous to national security. United Press
    United Press  -  46 words
  • 46 3 THE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, has received a telegram from Gen. Sir William Dobbie, late G.0.C., Malaya, and now Governor of Malta, as follows: "All good wishes to you and my many friends m Singapore. I know yon will deliver the goods.*'
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  • 110 3 Washing ten, Dec. 0. THE following is the text of the White House statement regarding Lease-Lend: "Obviously Germany did all she could to push Japan into the war. It was the German hope that if the United States and Japan could be ptishei into war, such
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 209 3 At The Cinemas WILD GEESE CALLING' WILD Geese Calling," 20th Century Fox's film adaptation of Stewart White's novel, which opened at the Cathay yesterday justifies all that has been said about it, and more. It is fine entertainment and tells as vividly as possible the story of a young happy-go-lucky
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  • 52 3 London, Dec. 9. AN Air Ministry communique states: "Last Monday night, a small number of enemy aircraft flew over the coastal districts of north-east England, where bombs were dropped at a number of places. There were some casualties and damage, which was nowhere extensive, was caused mainly to
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 396 3 London, Dec. 9. TTHE initiative now appears to have definitely passed to the Russians on the central sector of the Eastern Front as well as along the Sea of Azov. Following the news earlier m the day that the Germans have been driven from
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  • 199 3 London, Dec. 9. ANALYZING the Japanese attacks and bombings m the Pacific, military and naval observers here are of the opinion that the attack on Pearl Harbour and the landings m the Gulf of Siam are most significant. It is believed that the pounding
    United Press  -  199 words
  • 278 3 Fu rther Mobilization In Australia Melbourne, Dec. 0. THE Australian War Cabinet has decided to make a iurther mobilization of manpower for the Army. The number of men to be called up is beins kept se-ret on the advice of the General stair. The age groups affected will be decided
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  • 66 3 Ankara. Dec 9. 'TURKEY is expected to declare her neutrality m the Pacific war M Sarajoglu. Foreign Minister, has been President Ineunu. the British Ambassador. Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugespen. and the Soviet envoy. M. Vinogradov. It is felt here that a hard struggle lies ahead m the Pacific, with
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 381 3 New J*± Dec. t LONG distance calls t ju-jcd Ne« York \nd S^n Francu.oo luwe been subject to lour hours' ueiay t aily o;i account ot tv? unpxx ejected trmn* jam, H b reported, 'l^.e t,.taaLlon n aiiributed to tne contiauiclo.7 repatvi of an
    United Press; Reuter  -  381 words
  • 106 3 Washington. D*C n IT is rctiably learned that American guards have been stationed inside the Japanese embassy to prevent Idm. Nomura, Japanese Ambassador, or any of the staff attempting tall kiii. An informant said that there is some fear that Nomura is disheartened by Mi dir-loinatir
    United Press  -  106 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 '^lituors haii: •RMovf n wnii ''BALDWIN" REMOVING GLOVE convenient. ■jS'TuL LTD. ROAD.
      12 words
    • 108 3 CATHAY to day LiilllAl 3.10 6.10 9.10 PHONE 3400 note new starting times HENRY JOAN FONDAjrjK BENNETT I^H^r v**«fr™ v cnpfin "^W W M I Si iVi V -M» OBG th I "WILD GEESE ULLING" 20th Century Fox BUSINESS AS USUAL A/?. P. APPROVED AIR RAID SHELTERS FOR ALL OUR
      108 words

  • 956 4 THE Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10, 1941. Battle For North Malaya THE communique issued by Combined Headquarters, Singapore, shortly after noon yesterday gave a comprehensive survey of the war situation at it then was on this sector of the Far East front. It represents the latest official information available
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  • 330 4 ALTHOUGH Singapore is still without a really powerful radio station capable of broadcasting to the whole Pacific basin, it is good to know that local broadcasts m Japanese j were on the air within twelve 1 hours of the start of hostilities m this part of the world.
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  • 32 4 THE United dates Navy has in--1 yoked the 1918 Espionage Act forbidding the conveyance or publication of any information which cruld possibly be of sprvif»f» tn th« enemy. United Press
    United Press  -  32 words
  • 969 4  -  J. I. Waddington M.A.,A.F.R.Ae.S. JBy WAR-TIMS r.ying imposes on pilots very severe physical and nervous strains which are encountered m no other form of human activity, and the physical preparation- for these strains, and the treatment required for their aft?r-effects, is of paramount importance
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  • 244 4 Chungking, Dec. 9. TIE China Times m a leading article says the world is at present cleaily divided into two camps might against right, aggressors against anti-aggressors, Nazism against Democracy. The paper expresses the hope that all the pjwers m the democratic group will simultaneously
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 93 4 G Cairo, Dec. 8. ENERAL Maxwell, United Stales military adviser m the Middle East, when asked to-day how the United States-Japan war would affect the activities cf supplying arms to the British forces In the Middle East and to Russia, raid: -It will be
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  • 81 4 Delhi I AIR iftt I Bensal ana P,:. >r t**M must be ex; < I cr so, .said ti,< I man at Gen. v ters last He r.ddcc I to India was I from Tha la d rhr J make a I cutta. It
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 125 4 R.A.F. Hauls In Italy Western Desert AN K.AF i* that X attacked or, Saturday r^' El Adem. A r of Drrna and B( "I^ree ova. ticn and food m the Oanb stragglers *< removed for < U or troop have bmuuhf I ami-, rcmmuniqii- -Some n..< other s-ma'il mars were
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 121 4 < I Xv uice CALDBECK*S ■^■■■■■■BHnHDM MASTERS BHBHHBB ..I HI 0 Regular automatic stropping keeps 'Valel' b'aJe* I Its perfect condition for weeks on end— far longer than i* ordinary blades. A Valet Razor will lesl for years. J f 1 f 0 Valet Is more than just a razor;
      121 words
    • 71 4 Comfort, Fit Durability are some of the features to be found m every pair of shoes that leaves our establishmentOnly the jffi^aw finest gradr< Bft of leathers t^HI 11 tocluding Rusflar M %L Leathers, are §1 I R^iJlfl used. Remem H Rflt I be r Every ■;jf pair it made
      71 words

  • 404 5 State Council Meeting REFERENCE to a ''Notorious Black Market" m ft Johore, where controlled articles can be obtained at a price far m exce-s o f "controlled" prices v:is made by Mr. J. S. I-'oley m an adjournment s pjcch at yesterday's meeting
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  • 99 5 is ci v.tal concern to the 'inecipple industry m Malaya thai the control of the Mal?yan i oe vested m me authority {ieclared^lrT-T D^Hughesr^Act <>gal Adviser. Johore. when introduced the Pin^app'e ndustry I Amendment BUI into the Johore State Council, yester- marks an interestins; ative innovation
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  • 30 5 fre that troJce out m a tea I ta Telu* Aver Street erv Iv i M promptly dealt with I Slight dUMfl done to two packages of tea.
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  • 89 5 JAPANESE bombs which fell m Singapore on Monday morning failed to dislodge, let alone smash, a big "V" sign with Churchill's bust m the middle of it which adorned the entrance to one of the shops affected by the blast of the bombs. The
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  • 371 5 Australian End Said To Blame THE A.I.F. Malaya complain bitterly about the irregularity of air mails from Australia. Rightly or wrongly, they attribute the frequent non -delivery of letters to deliberate holding up at the Australian end for censorship reasons when convoy;? are sailing from Sydney, says
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  • 82 5 A CASUALTY clearing bureau is being established m Singapore m the office of the Registrar of Births ;md Deaths. Mr. H. North Hunt, m Fullerton Building. The bureau will compile lists ot names witn other identity features of casaulties, together with details as to where they were
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  • 55 5 Three popular types of craft included m Malaya's air squadrons, seen living over Malayan territory. Top (left) A Ions: nose Blenheim; rifht. a Catalin* longr-distance reconnaissance flying boat over the Malayan jungle and a flight of American Brewster Buffalo fighters soaring above
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  • 403 5 $47,000 Figure For Singapore paPPY DAY m Singapore this year has beaten all previous records. "There are still a few small items to come m and. when these have been received, the total will amount to more than $47,000." writes Mrs. Dorothy Burton, hon. organizing secretary. Donations
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  • 203 5 I DO not wish to Saj very much. 94 Da to Wor.g 6m reminded ur. this is a time fdr deeds not words." This brief address was made on the situation m Johore at yesterday's State Council meeting by Ungku Aziz. Mentri B"
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  • 33 5 Washington. Dec. 8. THE Soviet Ambassador, M. Maxim presented his credentials to President Roosevelt and discussed with him for 40 minutes the Far Eastern situation and Soviet- American relations United Press
    United Press  -  33 words
  • 805 5 All Christmas Leave Cancelled Melbourne, Dec. 10. THE Prime Minister of Australia (Mr. John Curtin) m a national broadcast on Monday night, said that the Australian Government that afternoon took the necessary steps which would mean a state of war existed between
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  • 58 5 ALTHOUGH no news has been received m Singapore regarding the future of Pan-American Airways Clipper service from San Francisco to Singapore, aviation officials here believe that the service acrcss the North Pacific may be suspended indefinitely because of th Japanese occupation ot Wake Island, one of Pan-American's
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  • 451 5 London, Dec. 8. ALTHOUGH very great secrecy is preserved and it is difficult to follow with any degree of certainty the detailed development cf Japanese naval and military aircraft, experts say that some general trends of policy and design have become apparent and can be
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  • 213 5 Purchases Made Must Be Normal T^HE stock position regarding foodstuffs generally is excellent, but, at the same time, the purchase of abnormal quantities cf any particular food is to be discouraged. Most importers find dealers have, during the last two years, co-operated with the Food Controller by
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  • 168 5 HUNDREDS of Chinese— men. women and children—carrying as much oi their possessions as possible, were stopped at the Johore Causeway while attempting to get into the State. Some of them had walked all the way from Singapore. This evacuation started yesterday, when large numbers of Chinese,
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  • 73 5 Washington. Dec. 8. After reviewing dispatches from tin* Pacific. Mr. Roosevelt revised his message to Congress. Mrs. Roosevelt Immediately went to the office of civilian defence and left to-night by air for the Pacific Coast. National Guards armed with sub-machineguns patrolled all thr entrances to the Wh.te
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  • 363 5 ,/KH DESCRIBES HIS EXPERIENCE DISPLAYING plastered cuts on his back chest, arms and legs. sustained from falling masonry and flying splinters, a young Sikh watchman at premise* which received a direct bamk hit m Monday's air raid by the Japanese, told a graphic story yesterday of
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  • 222 5 THE '•Borrowing By Pub i: S* > vants' Enactment" v/hich Government Servant > Johore may not oorrow moivy except when the Joan hr,.^ reived the consent Dj the I of the departrrie:n of the rower, was introduced !o: Urst time into the State Co. m ji
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 aicg detracts more from th- pleasure of motoring than -«> boihersome car squeaks and groans. These *nrioyances. are a sure indication of dangerous, costly fnc J^ n m ;ar. Drive m to-day and let us de-squeak your car by means I really good lubrication jo'o. You'll be more than P****
      93 words
    • 77 5 BUSINESS AS USUaL pROM to-day we will be operating the following Departments: General Fancy Perfumery and Cosmetics Outfitting Sports and Gramophones Boots and Shoes Toys Drapery House Furnishings Lady's Dresses Shoes Hardware Wires and Provisions and all other Wholesde Section. Please use side entrance, the front enhance has got a
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  • 1305 6  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By BRIGADIER C. H. Stringer. D.D.M.S.. Malaya Command, yesterday issued an appeal for nurses. He asked all qualified nurses who are not now employed m nursing duties or women doing household or clerical work to come forward and help the Army. His letter stated
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  • 78 6 THE Sultan of Kelantan definitely refuses to leave his State m this time of emergency but to ensure rapidity of action, he has handed over the administration of the State m writing to the British Adviser who has assumed all responsibilities," states an official communique. Sir
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  • 1201 6 Exploits Of An Anglo-American Ambulance Unit By Charles Fothcrgill. IT is two o'clock m the morning. Everyone m the large tenement building is asleep. it seems. The telephone bell m tnt top flat breaks the silence and. if ycu could peep behind tne scenes, you would see a young woman
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 571 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENT MITCHELL— THOMPSON. The engagement is announced and the marriage will shortly take place, between Jean net te fhompson daughter of Mrs. C J. Church of Singapor?. and the late Mr. F. G. Thompson of Hong Keng. and Captain Paul Baldwin Mitchell, The Dogra Regiment, younger
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    • 407 6 URGENT NEED FOR ARMY NURSES ANOTHER opportunity for war service by girls m Malaya who have had hospital training Is advertised In this page. More nurses are urgently required for the Indian Military Nursing Service In this country. Marriage Is no bar, provided the applicant can give wholetime service. Salary,
      407 words
    • 565 6 SITUATION VACANT INDIAN MILITARY NURSING SERVICE Nurses Urgently Needed In Malaya Vacancies exist and applications are invited tor appointment to the temporary cadre of the Indian Military Nursing Seivico m Malaya. A candidate for appointment as staff nurse must be a British subject of any race and must be between
      565 words
    • 94 6 "I CM* M«Kt YOUR MtM- s WORE HOUMSHIH6!" KLIM gives you all the wholesome nourishment of fresh, pure milk That is because Klim is fresh, full-cream milk. It is powdered and pac ked by an exclusive sanitary process so that it will keep indefinitely withoi refrigeration. Only he v/ater has
      94 words

  • 408 7 London, Dec. 8. yHE Russian position is summec up by the Manchester Guardian as follows: "At this time m the December of 1812, 20,000 men all that was left of Napoleon'^ French army of 60,000, were nearing the sad end of their monstrous retreat. 3ut m
    British Wireless  -  408 words
  • 40 7 AMERICAN is lurtner x evidenced by the fact that the United Min? -Workers' President. Mr. John I Lewis, has supported the Government, saying, -To the day of Its ultimate 'triumph over Japan and all the other enemies." Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 41 7 On a Mediterranean convoy cruiser "on gas masks" is piped through the ship, and every man, no matter what he is doing:, obeys the order. Signalmen on the signal bridge are seen wearing their gas masks.
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  • 111 7 Tokio, Dec. 9. TTHE Japanese Emperor's Rescript A declaring war on the United States and Britain states: "It has been truly unavoidable and far from our wishes that our Empire has now been brought to cross swords with America and Britain." The Rescript puts the
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 260 7 London, Dec. 8. nPHE PRESS generally regards the Japanese attack on America as typical of the methods of the Axis and its partners m taking unscrupulous advantage of surprise to gain some profit from an unprepared opponent. The utter cynicism of the meeting of the
    British Wireless  -  260 words
  • 136 7 London, Dec. 9. IT is officially announced that all Japanese nationals m the United Kingdom are now subject to special 1 emulations applicable to enemy aliens. All Japanese over the age of 16 must report to the nearest police station forthwith. It is stated that
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 62 7 Washington, Dec. 9. "I7ROM this moment we are engaged m a victory programme," says the announcement from the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, of which VicePresident Wallace is the chairman. It adds: 'We can talk and act no longer m terms of defence programme. Victory
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 51 7 San Francisco, Dec. 9. THE west-em seaboard of the 1 United States has been placed on an efficient war footing and most points between Alaska and San Francisco have been blacked out. Precautions were taken against sabotage and the Japanese section m San Francisco has been roped off.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 402 7 Washington, Dec. 9. ISOLATIONISM has been sunk without a trace by the Japanese. As they unified China overnight m 1937, so has their treacherous action welded all parties, factions and opinion? into one determined whole. Everyone to-day is grimly eager .'or the war they did not
    Reuter  -  402 words
  • 215 7 New York, Dec. 9. SINCE 7 a.m. a long line of men of all ages has been waiting outside the headquarters of the Third Naval District, anxious to join the Navy. A flushed naval officer told Reuter that the only room to which they could
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 225 7 Woman Voies Against ar Washington, Dec. 9. FOR the first time m the memory of the doorkeepers, the Houms of Representatives' visitors galleries were overcrowded when ihe war vote was taken Some foreign diplomats were forced to rind on the floor because the diplomats' box was filled. The BritLsh Ambassador,
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 542 7 London, Dec. 8. THE necessity for increased production to make good the expected gap m American supplies is the main theme m British newspaper comment on the speeches of Mr. Churchill and President Roosevelt and the British and American declarations of war on Japan. Referring
    Reuter  -  542 words
  • 7 7 His Ball And Chain
    7 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 559 7 p. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE \lncortx)ratea m 2ngiand> lIJIMIII KSD O«UfcNTAL 8. n. CO MAUL PASSENGER \XD CARGO SERVICE Ihf £<rwiblt «enrk*» m tng ma i n uined 09 th« r O Co from ihe Strafe U their usual oortt of aali o rhina lixtia Cerl©- *nd the United
      559 words
      160 words

  • 1163 8 Battle Of Communications Against Germany DIFFICULTIES WHICH HAVE TO BE OVERCOME The jo-lowwo another of a series of uncensored articles on .Russia by M* Wallace Carrel', United Press Bureau manager m Lcndon ana veteran European correspondent, who posed through Srnoapor* recently en route to
    1,163 words
  • 60 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 9. •piIE third aid fourth days, Thursday, Saturday respectively, of the Perak Turf Club's December meeting have been cancelled. The second, third and fourth days* big sweeps will be drawn at the r<«re course at > p.m. on Saturday. Subscribers'
    60 words
  • 175 8 QUEEN Wilhclmiiia of the Netherlands, m a proclamation broadcast from Radio Oranje, m London on Monday night by Dr. P.S. Gerbrandy, the Netherlands Prime Minister, declared that her Kingdom was at war with Japan because the "Aggression which aims at destroying the peace-loving nations, one after
    175 words
  • 11 8 Diggers m the MftMU East organize WW<
    11 words
  • 1041 8 Records Of Remarkable Individual Performances OFF all games cricket is the one m which team spirit is most highly developed and essential to success. Yet no other game is richer m records of striking individual performances, and the strained, intensive atmosphere of mc Test match
    1,041 words
  • 80 8 IN a match between Sussex and Surrey at Hastings m 1902 only 21 wickets fell during the three days, and over 200 runs were scored for the first wicket of each side, C. B. Fry and Vine making 238 for Sussex, and Abel and Hayward 246 for Surrey.
    80 words
  • 717 8 To-Day 's Radio Programmes SINGAPORE /.lIL 23&0 L 1.333 k eft.; £HTI 30.96 m. 9.69 me*.; ZHP2 43.58 m 6.175 m cs.: ZIIP3 41.38 m. 7.25 m c* ZHL, 711 PI and ZPHZ 6.40 a.m. Opening Announcements m French; 6 45 News m French*; 7.00 News Commentary m French; 7.15
    717 words
  • 395 8 On The Australian Front Sydney, Nov. -q CYDNEY'S leading apprentice rider (J. Thompson. was myei from certain injury at Canterbi yesieroay by rival jockey, A. Podmore, wlio, w [\u r horse? at full gallop, reached over and hoisted hi liack to the saddle
    395 words
  • 294 8 *J the boxin- proimm^T^ ranized by M/. Itcrtic B el now been cancelled v Main *vent m this prorvi was to have been the rttnZ* for the Ifchtwefcht ha r ear. wno) th against Dulwich Hill She lrom Grenfeil at the stirt oft season. For Western Subui
    294 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements