The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 November 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.J61. ESri>. 183-;, MONDAY, NOVEMBFR ifl, 1041 S CENTS
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  • 272 1 J f^/^Z/ V i CYVIf*P V m i'ori As 1 m ir\/%rt T* C-#- j.l T^ SITUATION SAID DISCUSSED IN WASHINGTON New York, Nov. S. ACCORDING to a Washington telegram quoting an "excellent authority," plans are well advanced for early concerted action by Britain
    Reuter; United Press  -  272 words
  • 706 1 No Nazi Progress In Donetz Basin Push THr London. Nov. 0. PL latest news about the battle for Moscow comes from a Pravda dispatch which while confirming that, there has been no substantial chancre ot fi^ntinq; on the front, says that the Russian counter-attacks are
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  • 249 1 London, Nov. 9. Ernlofa almost at the Oennans first x -0 weeks ago. hilov broadcast a ie to Soviet men -lling Them how d do beaten. He spoke -»r Hitlers bad miscalKia:. his time-table kw be?:> c.» upset by the srtjr tmnee of the Russian rhe Germans
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  • 158 1 Appeals To Finns To Stop Fighting London, Nov. 9. ATTEMPTS by cdier Northern Coun tries to get Finland to make peace with Russia are reported by an American broadcaster. He said last night that the Norwegian and Danish Ministers m Washington had made a further appeal to Finland to end
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 91 1 London. Nov. 9. PSSEN was among the towns attacked by the R.A.F. in Germany last night. An Air Ministry communique says: "Essen and other industrial towns in western Germany were strongly attacked last night by aircraft of the Bomber Command. At Essen, heavy explosions were followed
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 52 1 Cairo, Nor. 9. fHE Egyptian Ministry of the Interior issued the following: communique to-day:— "During an air raid m the Suet Canal area early this morning, a few bombs were dropped causing damage to property, but tl Jie were no casualties. Alerts were souuded m Cairo and Alexandria and several
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 163 1 rwnr TT Washington, Nov. 9. J*HE United States' decision to establish a naval base m Iceland has at once stirred up conjecture here that an extension of American naval patrols and convoy escorts all the way to Britain is imminent. The
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  • 1017 1 London, Nov. 9. MEVER since Hitler came to power eight years a«ro has a speech by him been less publicized as the one he made yesterday, on the occasion ot the anniversary of the unsuccessful Nazi "putsch" of 1923, said the 8.8.C. announcer. While
    Reuter  -  1,017 words
  • 436 1 London, Nov. 9. A TERRIBLE story of German cruelty was told by an anonymous Royal Marine, broadcasting to-day his experiences when Calais fell m May. 1940. He said that he and others were driven like cattle through Belgian villages, their guards whipping them "whenever they
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  • 79 1 Cairo. Not. f. j^T Tobruk one of our patrols penetrated deeply into enemy positions on the eastern sector on Friday night, says to-day's communique from BnUsh O.H.Q. It was attacked by heavy machinegun lire. We suffered three rasual ies before withdrawing. In the same sector a
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  • 57 1 London, Not. 9. It is officially announced that nine enemy supply ships were sunk to-day m the Central Mediterranean by British naval forces. One Italian destroyer was snnk r>nd another seriously damaged. A tenth supply ship was set afire and is considered a total loss. Hie British ships
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 55 1 GENERAL uGSS&^L. mandmg the Australian 'on es i" Sym ha* placed temporarily m charge oi the Aulul aSt^ 1 1 F rce 'V n the SS3SU S?e &ffl cially announced He wUi cct during the ao^eiice JL°S^«Sf Thomw Blarney wno wUh e th'° r^ Ustralia to come?
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 40 1 MR- Kenkichl YoSSt., 1 1 to Haiphong yesterday mornln, .boar* He was welcomed by the SecretaryGeneral, m the name of the GovernorGeneral (Vlce-Adm. Decoux>. ™h 0 ni«h French dignitaries. The whale party then proceeded to Hanoi
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  • 49 1 London, Nov. f>. yHE Moscow radio describes now MarshaJ Timoshenko reviewed Red Army units ?t the nr-u October Revolution celebration meetins m Voronezh. He undressed a meeting ot 100«»i*j people amid great enthusiasm The troop* which paraded w*r« armed with the very latest d<- i~n ol automatic weapons Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 107 1 Tobruk Impregnable Blamey Darwin, Sow. 9. £EN. Sir Thomas Blarney, who is m charge of Vie Australian lorces m the Middle East ana 13 also Deputy C.-in-C.. Middle East, arrived here to-day from Singapore for the defence talks at Canberra. Saying that "we are not goinp to win the war
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 388 2 A JAPANESE VISION OF THE FUTURE (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 9. WHAT he describes as a "vitally i W penetrating point of view regarding the future of Japan and her war plans, as told to him by^a Japanese, has been earned to Lon- don by Mr. Lawrence Impey
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  • 168 2 TNCREAfES m the asfesnien* owncr-occtiDi^d h^us^s ai;d of vacani land were discussfi at a recent com-! ;mittee m' tin? v' the SbitafHm Tlatfnayers' Association, when It was clpcided that the lotmat inre rgainst the intentions of *,t\c Increase of Rent ■Restriction^ Crdxanoc *hile i*pre-sc-ntatic-ns should be made t> the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 112 2 LAST 8 SHOWS TO-DAY 3.i5. 6.i5 Mi 9i5 ALHAMBRA TO SEE IT IS TO LOVE IT ■T A nmMm g a-MMvMMs »v x a a MMi v%v ?V' l-ILiCT r< Mi icy :'Bml H■ /If //f J^iy| "I -*')VmSP' .•niM«ti-»»» common fl Mrwil ALSO PAT:HEGAZ£ t TE, UNIVERSAL h»F.WS^E£L WAR
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    • 24 2 uck! L— Just duck, no doubt, but it's different; it's Duck Stew, prepared with that extra touch that has made Mapros canned products favourites
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    • 178 2 "EVEN THOUGH SKIES ARE GREY, LAUGH-LAUGH. WHILE YOU MAY" (From Our Own Collection AGAIN BUD LOU have tickled Singapore's Fu nny bone Made by UNIVERSAL Who Gave You "BUCK PRIVATES" They'll Send You Into Hysterics Again BUD ABBOTT 6c flKi% LOU COSTELLO 4H*#§ it, their new IrA 1 ERSA L
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  • 153 3 Threats To Burma Rd. "Bluff" JViE that th %K a Pa Kf? vr be bluffing m their hint an attack on the Burma "is supported by a message the BBC. observer m Sm- r e *ho points out that the \L hU ve sent fresh divisions STircm the Chungking area.
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  • 119 3 \> jtshingion. Nov. S. ADMINISTRATION leaders have A decided to press for a direct md final House of Representatives ;he Senate's amendments to the Neutrality Bill not later Thursday. Mr Sam Rayburn, speaker or :iie House, after conferring with Mr McCormack, leader of the majority m the
    United Press  -  119 words
  • 814 3 300 FIGHTERS IN DAYLIGHT SWEEP AFTER BIG RAID ON BERLIN 600 Bombers Took Part In Attack On Reich apt™ v London > Nov. 8. making its heaviest raid on Germany last night 600 homhers participating, the R.A.F. followed with one of its heaviest offensives against targets m occupied territory m
    Reuter  -  814 words
  • 268 3 Cairo. Nov. 8. TO-DAY'S communique from RAT. headquarters reports that Naples was raided again on Thursday night and bombs burst on the railway station, harbour and moles, and fires broke out near an airframe works. The aerodrome of Capo di Chino was machine-gunned. The submarine base
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 75 3 Where Decisive Battles May Be Fought Cairo, Nov. 0. TTHE belief that decisive battles of the war may be fought shortly m the great quadrilateral of the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea the cradle of mankind is growing m many quarters here to-day, especially should the Germans
    United Press  -  75 words
  • 305 3 RooseveltStalin Letters London, Nov. 9. DEFi*lv£-i+CE to direct communua- von oetwetn President Roosevelt and M. biAUn v Uie circumsiances snouiu require H was maue ia an exchange Of letters beiv»cen M. btalin and 1-resl-dent Koosewlt on the subject 01 American $1,000,1HJ0,00U loan to .he U.S.S.K.. Uie text oi which was
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 57 3 'THERE were two fatalities during the week-end both involving male Chinese. The first tragedy occurred at the Gammon (Malaya) Bukit Timah quarry on Saturday night, when a Chinese labourer was killed by a dynamite explosion The second tragedy occurred at the Haw Par swimming pool, Paalr
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  • 50 3 New Delhi, Not. 9. GEN. Arthur Brodie Haig, Adju-tant-General of India, has been appointed General Officer Commanding the Southern Command, according to an announcement from General Headquarters. Major-General W. H. G. Baker, Deputy Adjutant-General, becomes the Adjutant-General, and is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 67 3 London, Nov. 9. AN Air Ministry communique Issued to-day says: "A few enemy aircraft last night dropped bombs at a small number of places on the coast of England. The damage which was done at one place m the south-east and another m the north-east was not
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • At The Cinema
    • 47 3 CELDOM are William Powell and Myrna Loy so amusing as m "Love Crazy," an M.G.M. picture which was given a midnight screening at the Capitol on Saturday. A strong cast, which tnclud Gail Patrick and Jack Carson, greatly enhances the entertainment value of the picture.
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    • 49 3 IKE its predecessor. "Zorro's Fighting Legion," "Zorro Rides Again." which had a midnight screening at the Aihambra, on Saturday night, is a picture with a special appeal to those who love thrills and excitement. It has everything that makes a picture a thrilling and entertaining one.
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    • 80 3 DRILJLIANT comedy is the outstanding feature of Paramount's "Skylark," featuring Claudette Colbert, Ray Milland and B.ian Aherne, which had a midnight screening at the Cathay on Saturday. The picture has a neglected wife (Claudette Colbert) theme, with the husband (Milland) more intent on making money than paying
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    • 103 3 ALL the clowning antics that can be associated with Leonid Kinskey, Z«uu Pitts and Patsy Kelly are much m evidence m "Broadway Limited," United Artists* comedy directed by Hal Roach, which opened at the Cathay on Saturday. A train provides the background of most of the picture, which
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  • 703 3 London, Nov. 9. BRITAIN, Russia and the United States will together begin to break Hitlerism when they begin to produce, writes Mr. J. L. Garvin m the Sunday Observer to-day. Then, and not before, he adds. The soul
    Reuter  -  703 words
  • 241 3 Moscow, Nov. 0. THE Russians have discovered a way to stop German mechanized columns. It is a large bore shell-firmg 1 cannon aimed from the air. Speed, mobility and weight of fire are three essentials needed to stop tanks. All are fulfilled m
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 303 3 London, Nov. 9. THE theme adopted by Goebbels. Nazi Propaganda Minister, m an article from his pen m the newspaper Das Reich, is noted with interest m London. "The question of how the war is going to end is to-day more important man the question of when," declared
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  • 272 3 San Diego (Calif.), Nov. 9. Officials of the American Federation of Labour M hero last night that a strike of building tradesmen would be callei to-morrow unless their <^mands for wage increases are met, Mr K. G. Bitter, Secretary of th Building Trades Council, declared
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 439 3 Tokio Anger At Action Of Panama Tokio. Nov. t. JAPAN on Nov. 1 and on Nov. 7 "strongly protested' to Panama for the latters "uniricnd.y treatment" of Japanese nationa..* as a result of Panama's new la* curtailing Japanese butlxitM anJ agriculture m Panama, to whim Japan 'cannot remain indifferent for
    United Press  -  439 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 38 3 RED PALM OIL contain.! considerable quantities of Vitamin A. may be used as a cooking oil or as a medicine. Prevents Influenza, Coughs and Colds. Product cf Malaya per 50 cents bottle. MC9ICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD.
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    • 52 3 T//£ JOLLIEST PARTY Zs-'ST^B rOt/'K£ £K£/? M£r/ m. 1^ i A United Artists .^ji^^^^% J HAL ROACH JF^i^^i^rf. VICTOR McLAGLEN jl^ar' iIfJESLi DENNIS O'KEEFE P fl I* lARJORIE WO(5I)WO!V: i^^!!S^t -^^t^^^^ PATSY KEIXY r^|j|jj| j\ 1 sZ*j!A LEONID KINSKE^ < l BROADWAY LIMITED" .HE SCREEN'S FUNNIEST SCREAM-LINED JOT-RIDF. „fcf CATHAY
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  • 914 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1941. Watch Indo-China •TWO days ago Mr. Kenkichi Yoshizawa, Japanese ambassador to Indo-China, arrived m Hanoi at the head of a large staff which when complete is expected to number three hundred. He is the duly appointed representative of Japan to further the
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  • 239 4 THOSE who are studying Malaya's reactions to the new trade union legislation are fully *aware of the importance of the attitude of employers m contributing towards the success of this new development m industrial relations m Malaya. This aspect of the question is actually far more important than
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 4 CsstBw
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  • 517 4  -  F. A. Voigt By IT has been observed again and again that the German public is apathetic. They -'o not seem to be interested m .> war. But the Russian campaign is producing a change— interest combined with deepening apprehension has begun to spread. Hitherto, the
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    • 75 4 THE prices of agricultural produce, materials and articles for agrarian use and household goods m agrar 4 an districts m Japan during the period between 1937 and the first half of 1941 rose steadily, not failing far behind the prices of daily necessaries m the urban areas, according to a
      Asahi  -  75 words
    • 73 4 CHOPKEEPERS ar? losing their affableness and kindliness. The attitude of shopkeepers goes a long way to make the world happier. In one shop, the master hangs a mirror here and there to remind the employees of their facial expressions. In this shop, ill-tempered faces have disappeared and despite
      Tokio Radio  -  73 words
    • 65 4 "T*OKIO can only gel 45 000 bags of wheat flour monthly. Now the Dopulation of Tok-io is 7,500,000. If everyone takes one loaf of bread instead of rice every day, they will use ***** bags of wheat flour, so one month's supply would last only two days.
      Asahi  -  65 words
    • 225 4 INDICATING the enthusiasm of Japanese wcmen for the South Seas, three ycung women are among the 2( students of the NamDO G?kko Behocl of r^e southern area, which held its inauguration ceremony on Monday at Pombancho. Kojimr»-hi-Ku. They are Miss Asako Suzuld. Miss Tsuyako Nakazato and Miss Teiko
      Japan Times & Advertiser  -  225 words
    • 152 4 MIPPON, a magazine uevotcd *o 11 'cultural inter jeurse" xvitij foreign countries, contains two pages on the subject M What for- mers is expected to anum, jY2OO million but m ordevent this sum from bovine (mediately into cirr; thus introducing an a-flatkaS trend, the Government planned
      Asahi  -  152 words
    • 47 4 T«E Free Pre-.s r.uLUbes v,. 1 day another of its ln side Japan" feature comprises extracts f ron j, an newspapers uhich i^ rarely available to M-ia^ readers. oinpileU by a specuj correspondent m shan-r thi> featore thrcvs rS lUht on the domestic Mt aatl!) m Japan.
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    • 79 4 'THE Agriculture fieci pr« v e-iiCfi throughcrj: acreage their prefecture >d into wheat realize wheat product!* 33.000 chobu valent to so:r< 345 U mulberry-field.N transformed to, rice we wheat nei offici- ed it necessary to Just mul berry -lit ids m order* increase food production said, meanwliile. thftt
      Osaka Mainichi  -  79 words
    • 76 4 MAKERS of rui port good.- a:- duelgi* ther rationing acute for them tinec W snects ar*» c.isa over as they are fi creasingly difficult W <*tt»2 teriais such a> cudc wjjj. rubber. Ten of -..JJ facturers m Osak* Pshortly to be absorb; a. tnii ducin« Uie numrK! t<
      Asahi  -  76 words
    • 8 4 1 that Uie l>ucii«* ,^9*l:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 178 4 a t il fYI D D %Q\AMIIDH V I v^yAX^y Wf 1 1 1 Cmt V JFour Crown Port Four Crown Claret I Yalumba Beaune Yalumba Burgundy C ALP B E C KS Cm "^ipi Kv^^^B l^fc»— -^d^ Gillette One-Piece Razor >^gU2^^^ With a Gillette 'one-piece* razor you /J^SlHf vc
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    • 98 4 You Can Cure PILES Physicians diseevery positively redices and heals piles. Dr Van Vleck's Absorptive Pile Plasma is a complete cm" c f° r t^ worst pUes. r itoe first appUcation stops ruin and irritation almost Instantly. Alarming loss of blood is arrested. Inflammation soon dies down. me swollen piles
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  • 563 5 Crude Efforts Made By Local Agents HJPANESE propaganda agents have failed m It heir efforts to undermine the morale of the Liatic population m Singapore by distributing nolcntb ant i- British pamphlets. !v cyclo-styled and equally crudely ted, with little organization behind the body of
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  • 163 5 JJUTCH visitors to Singapore w fron l Jm are surprised that Malaya has not followed the example of the Netherlands Indies m permitting all office workers to wear shirtc and shorts while at work. What surprises them most is that even Dutch firms m Singapore
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  • 206 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) KiLaia Lumpur. Nov. 9. pOR the first time, fire-watchers m private firms and Government offices were given combined practice at their jobs when the A.R.P. Department held extensive exercises this mornjinjr. The majority of 2.700 "private" fire-watchers registered by firms and
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  • 179 5 THROUGH the offer of a Singapore resident on leave m Australia, th grave of an Australian soldier m Malaya will not go neglected. Mr. Gordon Hearn. of CrookwelL whose 21 -year-old son, Driver Lionel James Hearn, was killed m an accident m Malaya last August,
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  • 19 5 "Stranglehold," a detective play written for broadcasting by Jon Sefton. will be broadest from Singapore at 8.15 p-m. to-day.
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  • 162 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) STRICKEN with intaUte Jaralysis. fear European child P n ho P»pifc of a school at Cameron Highlands were taken to Batu Gajah Hospital **»t week. An "iron lung," one of the numerous presented by lord Noffleld to hospitals throughout the Empire, was
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  • 51 5 sum of $20,631,014 will be spent by .he Federated Malay States Railways next year, of Tvhich $1 259,667 Ls n^n--tcurrent expenditure while $3,352,485 represents a contribution to the Railvavs Renewals Fund, according to the estimates. The largest single item, $6,111,788. comes under the heading ••tr&n='portanon department, locomor.iotive running and traffic
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  • 213 5 Remembranc Ihsv Clongre^atw" HERE was a large congregation at the Remembrance Day Serwce m St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. The Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas. Sir Robert Brooke- Popham, Commander-in-Chief. Far East. Vice-Admiral Sir Geoffrey I ayton, Commander -m Chief, China Station, Lieut.-Gen. A E. Percival,
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  • 74 5 JjUMS well exoeeding $1,000,000 will be 3 spent on each, the education service, electricity department, medical and health services, the sanitary boards, posts and telegraphs and public works departments m the State of Selangor next year, according to the State's estimates. The State's total expenditure is estimated at
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  • 19 5 The Governor npo.^tert Mt A Adcock to exerrise iSe n w.»r« of Superintendent o: the ucal Pilson m Singapore.
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  • 363 5 WHILE Cupid may be smiling all over his chubby face because war marriages m Singapore are steadily mounting, the Registrar-General of Marriages. Mr. H. North-Hunt, reflects gratifyingly on the growing number of couples who iff coming to him to be re-married. His tiny marriage rr*istry on
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  • 1043 5 npwO hundred officers and men i of the French Army, captured by thy* Germans during the Battle of France, last year, who escaped from Nazi prison camps and crossed the frontier into Russia, arrived m London a few weeks j ago to sght with
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  • 379 5 TOUR OF AUSSIE UNITS <4 THE Japanese will get the surprise of their lives if they try to enter Malaya by using the Australian air and army position- as a doormat/* writes Royal Arch Gunnison, Americair journalist, m a dispatch from Singapore to the
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  • 288 5 AUSTRALIA'S latest controversial subject is whether N.CO's and men of the A A A.F should salute commissioned officers of the Australian Woman's Auxiliary h\i Force, declared Mr. Hugh Kenneth Gibson, a 2fi-year-cld Australian who arrived m Singapore by plane yesterday to loin Wearne's Air Services
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  • 53 5 Tv riETJ the Prderal Council mertc m Ku&l& Lumpur on Nov. 18 the FVdend Secretary of the F.MJS. mill more "That this Council resolve* that the War Tuation Enactment 1940 a* from time to time amended shall remain m force for a further period ter. rinaUnf on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 96 5 SIMPLEX SHARPENER ky .1 wß^^Bs^tfry^^dMr 1I I DOWN YOiR SHAVTNG COSTS! PITS A NEW EDGE «•> VOIR SAFETY RAZOR SIMPLE TO USE I f .nable from SINGAPORE frdrral Dispensary Ltd.; Aurora I -<- Ht^b St.. and Orchard Rd.. Mavnard Dispersary ltd Kattrrv Rd.: I ailed Phar- .*< v North Bridge
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  • 1336 6  - Singapore Women T ry For A Record Poppy Day MARY HEATHCOTT By Fis Poppy Day to-morrow, but as part of this year's big effort for a record sum, various Singapore women were busy last Saturday selling metal Poppy car badges, paper weights badges at the different stores. At the British
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 6 The marriage took place at R< thcsda Gospel Hail, on Saturday, of Segt. William Fulcher, of the Royal Ci?nals, son of Mrs. B. E. Sutton, of Derby, England, and Miss Heather l.oreday, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lovcday, of Singapore.
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  • 127 6 THE Singapore Ratepayers' Association has decided to write to the Colonial Secretary pointing out that m certain cases, even if proposed stone and plank buildings compiled with the Municipal building bylaws, the Municipality merely refused to grant permission under section 156 without indicating the conditions under which they
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 6 Ruth Hussej wears a hat from her new Metro-Gold *yn M. lycf film. Her dress is m deep red trepe with a neck I. r- and white bow at the throat. The hat is m draped whit* im v topped with crisp white daisies.
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  • 101 6 (Fr#ni O«r Own Correspondent lpoh. No? "A REMARKABLE surer* w^ the official opinion of tbf first dispersal exercise, held m lpoh this morning. The author. ities were extremely pleased with the co-operation of the public and the exercise through. out the town went off without 4 hitch.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 899 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PUBLIC NOTICES. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE MARRL\GE TAN-LAU.— Mr. Tan Eng Wan »nd Mi s Eileen Lav were married tt the Singapore Regutry on Saturday, Nov. 8. 1941 DEATHS WILSON -On Nov. 9. 1941. at 4\ Owen Road. Mr.<. Beatrice Alice Wilson (Nee Baby Fyfe> wife ci Mr. Nelson H.
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    • 473 6 PUBLIC NOTICr? THE TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDINANCE (Chapter 213) In exercise of the powe r s conferred upon him by Section 4 of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance, the Chief Police Officer. Singapore, hereby makes the following regulations for relieving congestion and facilitating traffic at a public function, namely. Armistice Service, at
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    • 135 6 i rii^iiii^B iHiIHI I If /f m Mln m m imm i^S I //I #7ri [1/ #44/ r V r v :>li^HK?s I va/ n he seems to be try- r^ii^i I Well ne um^elf. n /^ilßP^^^^ 1 r <4 r^iit for n^'''^ B 1 mo tO TIHO yu i|
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 59 6 G.P.O. MAIL LIST PLIPPER mails close at the Singa- pore 0.P.0. at 2 p.m. to-morrow for America, China and Hong Kou*r Pacific islands and Philippines. Air mail arrivals from Australia ar? expected to be delivered at 8.15 am! ic-day. frcm Ja/a at 3cO pm to-day, f*um Java and Sunu.ra at
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  • 351 7 Indo-China A Guerilla Paradise If War Comes tt nA Hanoi, Nov. 9. J HAVE just returned from an extensive tour by motor-car of the northern areas of Indochina's frontier with China, embracing Langson, Dongdang and Caobang, and I am able to state categorically that there are absolutely no unusual Japanese
    Reuter  -  351 words
  • 45 7 New York, Nov. 8. UEAVY fighting is going on between German trooi)s anri Yugoslav guerillas, Rc^.r^ing to reports hear'i ever rht London radio. German divebr.mbers ar > blasting Serbian cities ai.'d villecrcs in an attempt to stem the tide of the violence. United Press
    United Press  -  45 words
  • 106 7 San Francisco, Nov. 8. A SPOKESMAN of the shipping industry to-day said that the Government plans to requisition at least nine inter-coastal vessels operated by Pacific Coast companies for use as defence cargo carriers m the Pacific. Authoritative quarters stated the vessels will be
    United Press  -  106 words
  • 170 7 Vichy. Nov. 8. t<HE American committee m Marseilles, charged with the task or aiding exiles and refugees who are m dang:r of arrest or execution if they return to their homelands, learned today that the German pacifist and antimiiitarist, Berthold Jacob, has been deported from Portugal to
    United Press  -  170 words
  • 64 7 New Delhi. Nov. 8. |T is announced that 184 prisoners out of those who recently commenced a hunger strike In Deoli gaol have now abandoned the strike. Forty-six of those detained are still on hunger strike. The strike is intended as a protest against general conditions and facilities
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 117 7 Baltimore, Nov. 9. ■"PHE world's largest flyingboat, weighing 140,000 lb. and capable of flying to Europe and back non-stop, was launched here yesterday with a full naval ceremony such as hitherto only accompanied the launching^ of warships. With champagne dripping from the nose, the flying battleship rolled
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  • 256 7 Rome, Nov. 8. WIDE circulation is being given to a dispatch m the Turin newspaper La Stampa, date-lined Stockholm, which reported that Capt. Amundsen, the Arctic explorer who was believed to have lost his life m an expedition to the North Pole, has been found by
    United Press  -  256 words
  • 215 7 London, >Joy. fc. THE Minister of Food, Lord Wrolton, to-day hinted th.t he might be leaving the Ministry. "My ministerial life mi^ht be only a short one," he said, opening the British Restaumnt at Daventrv. 'When I undertook my present job I had not had the long
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 69 7 London, Nov. 8. LORD WOOLTON, Minister of Food, it' not resigning. It is authoritatively stated that his remarks m opening the. British Restaurant at Daventry had been misinterpreted as implying he might be resigning his post m the Cabinet m the near future. It is understood that Lord
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 66 7 Chuffki**. Not. t. A PROPOSAL is being considered .oy the Ministry of Education to ask the United States to send an agricultural mission to China m addition to military and medical missions which are already here. The main purpose would be to send professionals to assist In a
    United Press  -  66 words
  • 671 7 Manila, Nor. 0. THE United States to-day plays a more dor.; nant 1 role m the Orient than at any time since Commodore Peary jndnead Japan to open her porti to world commerce nearly a century asro. AU^nugh Great Britain and the
    United Press  -  671 words
  • 89 7 Tokio Com ment On U.S. And Thailand Tokio. Nov. n. THHE Ur.ited States. Nwting abandoned its lukewa m attitude since the i t •Churchill declaration, i* now t irnettly supplyinc: Thail. 1 v states i special Bangkok i patch to the Ye miuri Sr mbun to i Several scores o
    United Press  -  89 words
  • 742 7 Manchester, Nov. 8. |^J a public discussion with th^ 1 workers from the north of England factories, Lord Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, hammered out the problems of war production at a meeting here today. The delegates from the Trades Councils m the seven northern counties attended. In
    Reuter  -  742 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 472 7 7«0. BRITISH INDIA ft APCAR LINE incorporateo m 3ngland) feM *SLLAB AND OEIENT.%I S. N. CO. MAtt PASSENGEB AND CARGO SEBVIC& rhe s«st pissfth strikes are aetet saatatalaed th« P 1 O. S. N. Ca frsm tke Straits to their uwU p«is «f call ililo*. ■»<«*• C^ 10 Wld Cmll
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 33 8 picture. BaJl>iT>ftn romps home an easy winner m the three-year-old Free Handicap at tlukit Timah on Saturday, the opening day or the Singapore Turf Clubs winter meeting Free Press
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • 572 8 Home Soccer Results London, Nov. 8. FOOTBALLERS have been feted and have ridden "cere- monial" coaches dragged along by enthusiasts, but the arrival of a side m a trip-waggon is something new m the varied history of soccer. This novel means of conveyance
    Reuter  -  572 words
  • 242 8 Yesterday's Results To-day's Ties HTHE .oll~wing are the results of yesterdays ties m the S.C.R.C. open invitation lawn tennis tcrrnament: Men's doubles handicap: Goh Teek Checw and Ahmat bin Ariffin .--30> beat Seah Kent Siew and Chia Chin Siang (—3O), f>— 2. 3—6. 6—4. S. K. Gaw
    242 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 8 picture. Ballymun (Farthing) beiii- led m after winning: the Free Handicap at Bukit Tim ah en Saturday Free Press
    Free Press  -  19 words
  • 86 8 Londao, Nov. ft. THE following are the results of Rugby League games for the Yorkshire Oup (second round): Halifax 13 Wakefleld Trinity 7; Hud(tersfield 14 Castleford 6; Hunslet 3 Wigan 8: Oldham 0 Bradford 10: Kelghley 10 Dewbury 31; York 56 Bramley 3: Hull 24 Leeds 5: St.
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 438 8 Solid Defence Largely Contributes To Victory CHARITY SOCCER AT STADIUM Sino-Malays 2 Combined Service^ 0. A SOLID defence was mainly responsible lor the Sino-Malays' victory by two goals to nil over the Combined Services m the charity soccer match organized m aid of The War Fund
    438 words
  • 113 8 THE Ceylon Sports Club beat 1 the Hornets by three goals to two m a hockey match played at Balestier yesterday. The Hornets opened the scoring through Scheerder after which Cathirasoo and Thuraisingam scored a goal each for the C£.C. The Hornets equalized through Woodford, but
    113 words
  • 165 8 T»HE following are the results m brief of Saturday's races *t Bukit Timah m the first day of the Sln*anore Turf Club's winter meeting: Race l: CourJnf $20 and Flyin* Column $8; Shun $6. Race 2: New Set $22 and $8; J£member Me $8; The Needles
    165 words
  • 119 8 Baseball AFTER being at the losing end m most of their games m the first round m the Mi*-;; League of the current baseball season, the Singapore Filipino Association came back strongly m tlu second and subdued all opposition except the champion Japanese The latest victim
    119 words
  • 137 8 THE seventh anniversary of the Sphinx Badminton Party was celebrated on Saturday by a dinner and dance at the house m Bukit Timah of the president of the party. Mr. Thomas da Costa During the dance Mrs. da Costa distributed the prises won m their annual tournament. The
    137 words
  • 73 8 XTEEN hockey was witnessed at Pulau Branl yesterday when Khals* beat the R,E. (P. 8.) by the odd goal Id five. Khalsa led by three coals to nil before the Gunners were able to reply. In the closing stages the home side were on top, making determined efforts
    73 words
  • 54 8 Medicals 19; Dentals 3. THE traditional "slaughter of 1 the innocents" took place at But they did get a shock m the opening minutes of play for It was, surprisingly enough, the was followed by Kok Kuan an<! Kuldlp Singh. All
    54 words
  • 689 8 SINGAPORE -JOHORE WIN CHARITY RUGBY GAME Singapore Johore 16; British Army DOUSING, gruelling: rugger was the order of 1X the day on the padan? on Saturday w l Singapore and Johore beat the British Army 16 points (two goals, a penalty goal and a W to 10 (a dropped goal
    689 words
  • 37 8 picture. Idc. Ramalli and Winter, the A.1.1. men who *-ero ,h< play rugger for Singapore *nd Johore against the Ilritis», SC on the padang on Saturday. Ramalli captained the t r f Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 49 8 To-day's Sports Events TJOCKEY: SCC. vs. Armj li Field Reft. (R.A.), S-CC; S.RC. vs. British Army and Navy. S.R.C.; Raffles College ts Punjab Regiment. Bukit Tim ah; A.C-S. vs. St. Andrew's, OldhamHall: LA. vs. Singapore Hornet*. Balestier; Nav»l Police vs \c-Ac. Re^t. H.K.S.R.A., Naval Police ground. Tennis: S.CRC. tournament.
      49 words