The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 31 October 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,453. ESTD. 1835. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1941, S CENT*
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  • 145 1 Swastika In Place Of The Cross Berne Oct. 30. .j~ ajlv the National I ..niched Christ's tx removed from all lurches and chapels .iany and Germany's rs 1 states the prorierman National church which has been -d ir. pamphlet form In according to the news- >. [t a Ma, "musi
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  • 53 1 London. Oct. 30. playwright. Noe.' vai *lned £200. with- > w Street police summonses taken :>e fence Finance r failing to ofTer 151 4; U.S.' and tout tho consent of ires m a comABMTtemn Car proiecutiaf los; Mr Coward forras morally through Be rd or the
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  • 34 1 Wm London, Oct. JO. enounces that -sh and Empire other rank> were m Crete m ndUion ;ipactory. showed .1 jig irnoer ot pri- i They are < j rre<l to tlKll LOO
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  • 5 1 3 Drexcl Governir\rnerican Mints Reuter
    Reuter  -  5 words
  • 844 1 >S§ /SB >• X .aaaa >A mmJ a"^aa. JamT TT V% -a^"""^W all "aa^ REDS HIT BACK AND RECAPTURE VITAL VILLAGES krTi London, Oct. 30. German offensives have been launched against Moscow and Leningrad, according to the latest news from the Eastern Front. A
    Reuter; United Press  -  844 words
  • 156 1 "HUGE EXPLOSIONS GREAT FIRES" Mtae**, Oct. 30. MILITARY and industrial objectives m Berlin were bombed by Soviet planes with high explosive and incendiary T>ombs iftst night, according to the Moscow Radio. It said: "The Soviet pilots report huge explosions and great fires. Leaflets m the German
    Reuter; United Press  -  156 words
  • 96 1 London, Oct. 30. SIR EARLE PAGE attended a British War Cabinet meeting this morning, according to an announcement from No. 10 Downing street, which stated: "At the invitation of the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill. Sir Earle Page, who has been asked by the
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 34 1 New York, Oct 30 PRESIDENT Roosevelt and the Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. W. Mackenzie King, will discuss the control of prices this weekQttd, according to a correspondent of the New York Times to-day Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 155 1 Home Guard Out For "Hess N0. 2" London, Oct. 2A. DEPORTS that another Nazi official of high standing: had landed m England by air caused the calling out of th* Home Guard m the Cambridge district last night, but the reports were officially denied m London to-day. The rumours suggested
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 364 1 London, Ocl It. A UTHORITATIVE quarters m London reported to-day that they had hitherto received neither confirmation nor denial from Russian sources of the German claim to have broken through the Perekop Isthmus and to have reached the Crimean Peninsula. If true, this would mean
    United Press  -  364 words
  • 419 1 New Warning To Britons To Quit Far East PRECAUTION IN CASE OF ANY EMERGENCY Shanghai, Oct. 30. A NEW warning that Britons, especiaUy women and children, whose presence m occupied Chim is not essential, should evacuate m view of "recent developments'' was griven to-day b> the British authorities. The circular
    United Press  -  419 words
  • 497 1 To jo Warns Of Increasing Difficulties "MUST UNITE WITH IRON WILL" Tokio, Oct. 30. JAPAN is now ''confronted with an unprecedented crisis and must push on undauntedly, holdIng a strong conviction m certain victory and non-defeat m order to attain the nations mission," the Japanese Prime Minister, Gen. Hideki TV-jo,
    United Press  -  497 words
  • 47 1 Shanghai, Oct. 30. THE Japanese naval spokesman to-day branded as "absolutely without foundation the sensational story" published m the China Press alleging that a German raider supply shir) was loading oil m Shanghai. The spokesman said that the ship was one chartered by the Japanese navy. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 107 1 Britain Granted Use Of Djibouti Railroad? Vichy, Oct. 3#. pRENCH officers m French Somaliland have been m conference with British offi-oflu-ers. who assured them that Britain has no territorial ambitions m French Somaliland and merely desires to use the port of Djibouti and the railroad to Addis Ababa, the Governor
    United Press  -  107 words
  • 91 1 Washington, Oct. 30 THE 53,000 coal miners out M strike m the United States are to return to work. This was announced m Washington this afternoon by Mr. John L. Lewis, the minors' leader. He said that the mine A'orkors had accepted President Roosevelt'.s proposal
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 128 1 New York, Oct. 39 The belief that the Russian purge* of the last decade were intended by Stalin to eliminate the German and Japanese spies within the Sonet I n ion is expressed b> th« former I'nited States Ambassador to Moscow. Mr. J. B. lijtvirs. m an article
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 153 2 No Agreement In Sawmills Strike EMPLOYERS of Singapore's 12 sawmills and representatives of their employees who went on strike yesterday held a meeting last night but no agreement was arrived at. The strike, involving about 1,500 men, was called when employers rejected their men's demand for an increase of $5
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  • 198 2 Shooting Incident On Hong Kong Border Hong: Kong, Oct. 30. A SHOOTING incident took place on the border ol Hong Kong yesterday morning when Japanese soldiers stationed there tired over 40 shots at three Chinese boys, missing them, but wcundins an aged Chinese farmer who is now lying m hospital
    Central News  -  198 words
  • 239 2 Balavia, Oct. 33. RECENT events may seem to indicate that mishaps to military planes have been mor° numerous In the N.I. than formerly. Actually tlie percentage of accidents has considerably diminished, but it must be remembered that both the nava" and military air arms hare
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  • 69 2 Air mails for Great Biitiun fo'-m-ard- ed on Aug. 28. by air as far as Durban I tl.ence by iurface mail, were dv^liveroa m London on Oct. 26. Air malls for j Great Britain forucrded from Siiipa- i pore on Oct 4. by Pan-American Clip- per, were delivered m London
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 The latest and best of The Saint series TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 ALHAMBRA THE SAINT'S -4 ii£l )M9|^^£ BOX OF MYSTERY! \^^J _y/ «o» SINCLAIR f '^^P CECIL PARKER v J 1 "^i fIRTHUR MACRAE ♦-V T LEUEEN McGRATH J\f__\l>L ''©<*»ce<* br WILLIAM StSTBOM I^2 J)r Otrttfd by LESLIE FENTON
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    • 135 2 OPENS TO-DAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 AVILION CONDITIONED— OSS. IT STARTS IN THE ORIENT! With Lovely ANNA MAY WONG suspected Of Murder MYSTERY and LAUGHTER Cleverly Blended to Sustain Your Interest Throughout I tj IN MANHATTAN! E mJ^ A dummy spills the story W^ of the slain ventriloquist p^^P^Jlf J^ and
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    • 140 2 sjj^ I^^ B^' Blue Ey es S :^|^2^^"W' ;>:l otfS Grey Eyes? Every day your eyes art invaded by invisible germs of every kind. They become covered with just such a film of dust and smoke and soot as your face and hands. And they art far more sensitive 1
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  • 450 3 FORMER ADVISER TO CHIANG ON FAR E AST SITUATION 'U.S.NavyCouldßeduce Japan To Third-Rate Power In One Blow' mii m* l i Honolulu, Oct. 29. has already defeated Japan, Mr. William Henry Donald, former Australian-born adviser to Gen. Chiang Kai-shek said here today upon his arrival aboard the s*. Mariposa en
    United Press  -  450 words
  • 68 3 anberra, Oct. 341. rv 4 IMONS for joint action b> I) \ustralia and New Zealand m reached at a meeting of JL. war Cabinet attended by Walter Nash, the New Z,ilund Finance Minister Mr. John Curtin. the Austniian Premier, said that ar-/m-rmenu. had been worked
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 226 3 London, Oct. 30. :HEH Jewish purge is A ported from Berlin. An •iean journalist says that hundreds of Jews were sent M capital m the last ten presumably for Poland sources report that sever- Jews were recently northern Poland, where ■c massacred. :t *hree
    Reuter; United Press  -  226 words
  • 71 3 >Ull>. Oct. V>. P'SBIAC or private reception of sh radio stations and other stations abroad iMdi for the past few months M Leen giving "violently antiflrench propaganda" is to be forAn impending law to this effect was announced here :ur infractions oi this b» i severe: "adminLstrasix
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 59 3 J. I WG the recent visit to i of a party 01 N.I v prominent officials if fi th* N I Department for Vrfairs. are to go on a at country. These y Messrs -an Hoogsict^n Vreet:ds and 6t -uyzeiv I pwpose is to organise pur- made by the N.I.
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  • 350 3 I THINK it is not Thailand which occupies the first attention of the Japanese but the Burma Road." said Mr. Robert Ellington m a news talk broadcast from the Singapore radio station last night. Mr Ellington was referring to reports of fresh reinforcements
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  • 80 3 Shanghai, Oct. 30. U£AVY Japanese troop move* ments m Indo- China, especially a Ion? the borders of Kwangsi and Yunnan, are reported m dispatches appearing m the local pro-Chungking Chinese newspapers. At the same time, the Japanese are said to be rapidly constructing new airfield close
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 85 3 Tokio, Oct. 30. TTHE ilrst concrete step towards placing the key industries of Japan on a complete war footing was taken by the Government today when the Commerce and Industry Ministry issued an order to the iron and steel industry as well as to the
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  • 140 3 New Delhi, Oct. 30 yHE Fakir of Ipi, the notorious 1 North- West Frontier firebrand, has declared himself as anti-German as he is anti-Bri-tish. During recent addresses to his followers he ordered them not to attempt to give any assistance to the Nazis, whom
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 64 3 Bombay, Oct. 30. PART of the gang of bandits who -are said to be ChineseMuslim nomads has been disarmed m a battle with the Kashmir Police m a corner of Kashmir State m the Indus Valley, beyond the Himalayas The bandits have been terrorising south-western Tibet and
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 64 3 London, Oct. 30. TPHE Greek Government has published m London a decree protecting the national wealth of Greece from enemy designs. The decree forbids the sale or transfer to the enemy of ownership of any property of Greek or Allied citizens, and declares confiscations null and void. Greek
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 74 3 Shanghai, Oct. 34. 11HE 35 principal foreign importers comprising the Shanghai Importers Association have voluntarily agreed to maintain prices at a "reasonable level" m order to check soaring living costs m Shanghai, the Municipal Council announced to-day. Officials prices will be fixed very soon and posted publicly,
    United Press  -  74 words
  • 80 3 Cairo, Oct. 30. A BRITISH G.H.Q. communique announces: At Tobruk activity was generally less than usual, except for a considerable increase m enemy shelling m the Eastern sector. The enemy artillery also fired some rounds into the harbour area but caused neither damage nor casualties. One enemy
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 94 3 Australia U.S. Canberra, Oct. 30. PLAN& lor stimulating a better understanding between the American and Australian peoples are outlined m the Press to-day by Mr. John Curtin, the Commonwealth Prime Minister. They include the erection of a powerful short wave station at a cost of £300,000 to enable Australian news,
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 72 3 A MILITARY parade was held on the racecourse m Istanbul to celebrate the foundation of the Turkish republic. Richard Dimbleby, B.R.C. observer m the Middle East, says that the parade served to show the military strength which Turkey had drawn from the arsenals of Britain and America. British-made
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 61 3 Moorhead (Minnesota), Oct. 30. COURTEEN persons were killed when a passenger plane caught fire after a crash m a fog near here. The sole survivor, one of the pilots, was found walking m a field m a dazed condition. The other 12 passengers and two
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 34 3 London, Oct. 36. THE Netherlands Indies is to start a campaign to make a present of tanks to Mr. Churchill on his 67th birthday at the end of next month Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 54 3 Peshawar, Oct. 3«. •THE death has occurred of the Khan of Khar, a North-West frontier tribal chief, at the age of 53. Unlike the Fakir of Alingar, the notorious North-West frontier trouble-maker whose death was announced yesterday, the Khan professed friendship for the British Government and wielded great influence between
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 36 3 A DRIVE to speed up transport m Britain was launched ty the Minister of War Transport. The letter Q is to appear on hoardings, and will stand for quicker turn-round of every type of vehicle Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 161 3 THE extension of the trans-Pacific Pan-American Clipper service from New Zealand to Australia is likely. He uter report* from Canberra jthat the opening of negotiations between the Commonwealth, New Zealand and United States Governments on the matter is indijcated m an official Canoerra 'statement
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  • 315 3 Bangkok, Oct. 36. ALL-TIM£ high defence estimates, an all-time high budget and no new taxation, were features revealed by the Thai Finance Minister, Luang Pradit Manutham, at a Press conference to-day m which he outlined the provisions of the Draft Finance Bill for the coming
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 22 3 Chungking, Oct. 3d. /JEN. Chiang Kai-shek cele- brated his 55 birthday to-day quietly, due to the national crisis. Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 34 3 London, Oct. 3i. i*|NLY one enemy raider visited Britain last night, according to an Air Ministry communique. Bombs were dropped at a point m the south-west of England. No damage or casualties occurred. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 201 3 R.A.F. Active Over France Norway London, Oct. 30. "AIRCRAFT of the Bomber A command last night attacked the enemy naval base at Brest m clear weather," states an Air Ministry communique. Many bombs were seen to burst across the docks. Enemy aerodromes m the Low Countries null also attacked. "One
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  • 105 3 "•TOE Saint,' debonair Robin Hood of the twentieth century, born m the brain of a Singapore man, Leslie Charteris, is an attraction m book and film. The latest screen effort to convert one of Charteris' racy stories of the escapades of his hero, Simon Templar, is at the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 90 3 LAW NOTICE FOR THE DAY At i« a.m. Before The Jm4gtm Summonses m Chambers Before The HMrtkle The Chief Im tier In Court No. 1. At 10.30 »jtn. Motion m Priar 2 40 At 11 a.m. Bankruptcy Before The Hon'mle Mr Jasttc« Aitken m Court No. 4 ..At !l
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  • 526 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1941. Planters' Union FE Incorporated Society of Planters is still debating the question of registering the society under the new Trades Union Enactment, but a ciscision must be taken *vithin a very few weeks. The general purposes committee of the society, with two
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  • 1115 4  -  Henry Baerlein By VERY little has been heard of what Britain's Belgian Allies have been done and are doing m the air When the Germans invaded their country and attacked the aerodromes, most of the planes had been removed to the wartime
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  • 77 4 London, Oct. 30. R.A.F. raids have made the port of Naples useless to the Germans. Throughout October, thousands of Germans have been arriving at Naples, with new tanks, guns and ammunition. The R.A.F. waited until a heavy concentration had gathered before they attacked. Now it
    Special Cable  -  77 words
  • 47 4 London, Oct. 30. 'THE Coastal Command of the R.A.F. has greatly enlarged its activities by strongly defending Iceland. Big aerodromes ncrv surround its coast, flying-boats and seaplanes are based m the fjords, and small townships of huts have sprung up from nothing.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 389 4 Land Swept Clean Bare REDS' "SCORCHFD EARTH" POLICY London, o«t a WHEN the Russian before the German t! more than 'scorch th They swept it bare and not a hay -seed remairu c Ing to Swedish war c< dents behind thy? Gen.-, m the Ukraine. The Russians removed all farm
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  • 751 4 MISS SHEILAIt GRAHAM, the veil-known Hollywood columnist, is on a short visit to London and has put down her first impression of the bombed city m the following article. London, by Clipper. I HAD quite a day on Sunday. There was a luncheon at which were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 138 4 1 EILJ L^J.^^^^^^^^^^^^J W^l y nia.<,red m V\l oiO^^X^ 111 WO ft V V^JR il m t '^n^^P^' g^ I -CTHg M^K. <^^H SBS^xyva. fcflSft: ■v Bv^ <^H HBW^^>c "<\ mm, m^vlmc v hK^ \m^m^Bhuu^ <-'^ Mr x^BVVfl mm m. w* F^^WWl ■£&> ->^^KB& JBj^nHPKf X V 4 "NACET" SATISFACTORY
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    • 61 4 Let Mien Chong look after your clothes. You are assured of full confidence m the correctness of the cut, the qualit'i of the materials and the value for your monc*:. j ROCKVILLE— P^Hnffr WAINSHEELL'S l^j^^P In Silk and Wool *JH«| il ALso AMERICAN !wJ| I I SHARKSKIN \Q |j In
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  • 34 5 picture. t tuM- p»«ur» dismounted aruon by the crew nt a i^rn during a demonstration m Malaya thto wSk *"ss!!?I Ed Car of thc Ar«a an d Suth#rl w Free Press
    Free Press  -  34 words
  • 236 5 Singapore's Largest Air Ra id Shelter nilL tne Haldane principle, Singaoore's air raid shekel m Tiong Bahru— capable .(latinsr 1.600 persons— has a number It has forced ventilation, modern wooden benches, and electric lights ted oy the SingaftWl this shelter l cement of a ...Jmp. criminally ln\at a covered children's
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  • 299 5 POLICE N.C.Os. UNDER CHARGE Coi. Mohumed Sa'ad and L Cpl 1^ A:;niat bin Wahab, of me raits Settlements Police Forty >peared m the criminal distn.\." m yesterday on a charge of uninal breach of trust ot one ck of chandu which they ?re alleged to have seized m eir capacity
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  • 107 5 Prom Our Own Correspondent) Penan*. Oet 20 great interest has been aroused up-country by the Education Department's introduction of experimental broadcasts for schools, the first two of the series of four broadcasts received m Penang have been marred by bad reception. One of the local schools turned on
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  • 100 5 A CHINESE woman. Yeo Kam, who last week pleaded guilty m the Singapore fourth court on a charge of distilling intoxicating liquor m an attap hut m Kampong Hylam Sua. off Thomson Road, on Oct. 21, was yesterday fined $200. or four months' rigorous Imprisonment, by the Magistrate,
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  • 209 5 Planters 9 Help PLANTERS throughout Malaya nm asked by the Air Officer commanding, R.A.F., Far f U f? 1° assist m re Porting aircraft m distress or crashed In a letter to the Incorporated Soc ety of Planters, Air Vice-Mar-shal Pulford declares that as members of
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  • 104 5 |J|R^JOHN IRVING, of the Asiatic m tr oleu:n C<> *'*s married to miss Aueen rothea Ranson. at the Presbyterian Church, yesterday The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs I. Ranson. of Perth. Western Ausl traha, and the bridegroom is the son Mr Sco a tS?n<r S
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  • 99 5 J^ADY LATHAM, wife of Sir John Latham, the Australian Minister to Tokio. arrived m Singapore yesterday from Australia to join her husband during his convalescence. Sir John, who came to Singapore on the British ship Annul, entered hospital soon after his arrival here, suffering from the effects
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  • 68 5 Soh Peng Book appeared m the Singapore third court yesterday on charges of criminal breach of trust m respect of $130 belonging to Nam Yoong Teakwood and Co. and making a false entry m an account book while wck!i,fc for the same firm prior to May 13 Soh claimed trial
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  • 73 5 A CHARGE of robbing a taxi In Farrer Road at midnight on Oct. 29 was yesterday explained to 20-yfar-old I. J. Me Arthur, a soldier, m the Singapore fifth court. The <-\nse was adjourned for a week for irention and he was remanded m 24 hour s' police
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  • 109 5 J^S appeal argued by Mr. B. H. Chla I on behalf of Wonpr Pook Kow In the Singapore High Court yesterday before the Chief Justice resulted m Sir Percy McEwalne substituting a fine of $250, or three months' rigorous imprisonment, for an order of ten weeks' imprisonment. Wong had been
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  • 295 5 CLERKS' APPEAL AGAINST DEBTS CIRCULAR Request Postponement Of Official Action AN appeal to Government to defer action for three years, or until after the war, on the question of indebtedness as set out m a Government circular issued last July, has been submitted by the Junior Civil Service Association, Singapore,
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  • 161 5 .JENTENCE of six months' rigorous imprisonment was passed on Lai Wee On, a young Cantonese, when he was convicted m the Singapore third court yesterday on a charge of being a member of the Malayan Conununist Party, an unlawful society. The prosecution alleged that a room m a
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  • 110 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 30. I ESSEES of land m the FM.S. who under the Land Code were required to cultivate only specified products on their land will henceforth have more freedom of choice of crops. Regulations modifying the Land Code m this respect
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  • 361 5 (.From A Correspondent) aN amazingly versatile lot are the men who formed the first anti-tank company of the Indian Army. Before seriously being called upon to do their legitimate duty of dealing with tanks, they had seen action on two fronts. At one place they
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  • 389 5 N.I. Army's Nev. Chief i J raised T uc Batavia, Oct. 28. HE appointment of Major-Gen. H r P™*** 1 as Commander-in-Chief of the Netherlands Indies Army m succession to the late Gan T J Berenschot, says the Algemeen' Indi^ch Dagblad, has been received througnout me army with
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  • 167 5 "J SHALL postpone the inquiry for further police investigations," stated the Singapore Coroner. Mr. W. G. Poiter, yesterday *hen he adjourned an Inquiry into the death of Loh Yau, an odd-job labourer employed by tßßlteat Hotel, who disd of arsenio poisoning, to Nov. 15. Evidence was given that
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  • 129 5 \^E are asked to remind readers that donations are earnestly needed for the Poppy Day Fund. These may be sent to Lady Layton. President of Poppy Day. Singapore, at Beaulieu House. Naval Base, or to Mrs. W L Burton, hon. organizing secretary Watten Estate. Singapore. Orders and
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  • 126 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 30. •**pO repay the debt they owe to pas- sive defence service workers." the Kuala Lumpur public have been invited to contribute to the cost and equipment of mobile canteens for the use of A.R.P. workers Boy Scouts, nurses, etc.
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  • 7 5 A SHORT talk In the series "The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 Ml them p with FLIT A fre v
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    • 164 5 SLIP-OVERS 1 10-4 1 -802«BBMa^MB |||||M|j|CTMO I P'^i^l^^i aJ BMaT^T^^^ k^aV*^LVaaaaaaawV i >- < Jfc% 00 ROASTER-FRESH Chase Sanborn Coffee shouts: 'its /aMfj-J^f 4f JPT|^? a new day wake up and SHB^ET^^T-jTaa^ enjoy it!" Try this "wake-up" taste thrill! Richer, tangier k height of its fragrant, fresh f l^' I**1
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  • 1168 6  - Domestic Science Now Popular MARY HEATHCOTT By AbUBJECI whicn is a, con; paratively new item on the curriculum of Singapore's girls schools is domestic science but it has been taught long enough to prove its popularity and worth. Teaching is made more difficult than m England for the pupilt are
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  • 605 6 Red Cross Doubling Cigarette Issue Australian Cabled News Melbourne, Oct 30. THE Red Cross Council has decided to double its present issue of 20 cigarettes, or an ounce of tobacco, per man per week for sick and wounded Servicemen. m«R Jame* Mitchell, retired ln*-pector-General of the New South Wales police,
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 6 Ann Miller vs she appears in •lime 0«t tt Rhythm. < oiuinbu it will be presented at the Pavilion on Saturday midiujrht
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 443 6 CLASSIFIEI ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders Tenders are now invited ior t llowing materials or serricea For particulars apply Municipal Tenders Room Supply of Bread and -ggs to Middleton Hospital. Moulmein Road during 1942 Pate jf Closing. 12 noon. Dec. 1 1941. Supply of Liquid Chlorine for the period Jan.
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    • 314 6 I'UBLIC NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 3% DEBENTURE STOCKS 1937 1938. Interest Due Nov. 15, 1941. i Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Registers of the above Stocks will be closed from Nov. 3 to Nov. 15, 1941, both days inclusive W. W. DUNCAN. Ar. Municipal Secretary. THE CHANGKAT SERDANG ESTATES
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    • 91 6 ,^TT\ BEAUTY IN THE TROPICS f(\ yVw Km WPERT CWE //I Vv lizabeth Arden luiow& ali uk I \\/v I uifflculties you hav^ u> cooi«ifl \V '^th. and wha* us more s knows exactly now t^ (m% U f^l <ome them foi yo« I Be aure and mate» jui appwU
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  • 204 7 «xitt* Tokl0 Oct. 30. WE warn the United States f f that if she makes tne Pacific Ocean rough, the responsibility must be borne entirely by herself," declares the Miyako Shimbun In an editorial. Asserting that Gen. Chiang Kai-shek is now reduced to a puppet of
    United Press  -  204 words
  • 37 7 ■The Admiralty has announced the loss of the armed trawlers, K.O.P. 21 and Milion. There were no casualties In the Milion. Next of kin of the casualties In K.O.F. 21 have been Informed.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 99 7 London, Oct. 30. 1W R Hu ne s' observations present a distorted view of the conditions prevailing m Burma," writes the Burmese Prime Minister, V Saw, m letter to The Times to-day which is a reply to the clergyman's letter of Tuesday alleging that grave
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 168 7 Peking, Oct. 29. IT is understood the United States Embassy m Peking nab lodged a protest with the Japanese regarding the shooting of an American sentry here early yesterday morning, specifically asserting the assailant was a Japanese national. Details of the incident have been given m
    Reuter; United Press  -  168 words
  • 230 7 London, Oct. 30. THE Prime l^inister, Mr. Winston 1 Churchill, visiting his old school, Harrow, yesterday told the boys, "The lesson to be derived from recent experiences is never to give m. Never yield except to conviction and good sense. Never yield to force, and
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 75 7 London, Oct. 30. THE King and Queen toured war factories to-day, and saw Britain's new secret anti-tank guns m production. The factories are located m the north of England. When they visited the danger zone, Their Majesties put on rubber overshoes and gave up their matches and
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 68 7 New York, Oct. 29. ANEW United States freighter, built for the American Mail Lines at a cost of $2,277,000. has been transferred to Britain under the LeaseLend Act, according to marine circles. This ship of 9,600 tons with a speed of 16 knets completed her trials a
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 67 7 Bhopal. Oct. 30. •yHE Nawa d of Bhopal has appointed a war supply committee to survey the resources of the State to find out what can be supplied to the Government of India, obtain a list of articles required by the Government of India and devise measures for
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 30 7 London, Oct. 30. IT is announced m Rome that a Yugoslav citixen has been shot on a charge of sinking an Italian steamer with a concealed bomb.- Reuter
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  • 32 7 It is reported m Shanghai that four railway-cars were destroyed when a fully loaded Japanese supply-train was blown up by Chinese landmines at Tsunho, northern Honan Province, a few days ago. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 186 7 New Delhi, Oct. 30. THE attitude of the Government of India towards the Atlantic Charter, as it affects India, has been defined by Mr. Aney, leader of the House, m the course of a debate m the Central Assembly. The debate was initiated
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 337 7 Shanghai, Oct. 30. CHANGHAI is facing the worn •J winter m its history as a re suit of the sky-rocketing of the prices of rice, coal and oth^r essential foodstuffs and commod.ties which are now beyond th* reiach of the city's teemin? ml'lions. An ominous sign at
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 185 7 London, Oct. 30. JNTIL Italy came into the war, she had a nuisance value. But her nuisance value was nothing like so great as that of Japan to the Germans is now," writes the Manchester Guardian. "In Japan, the drawback is that unless Germany
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 91 7 Peshawar, Oct 30. THE death of the Fakir of Alingar. 1 notorious North-West Frontier trouble-maker, is announced here. The Fakir first appeared m tribal politics m 1927 when, with a force of 2.000 strong, he raised his war cry m the NorthWest Frontier In 1930 he
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 58 7 A LMOST one-third of the number of Jews m Bessarabia was exicrmi iated during the Rumanian-Soviet, battles and subsequent popioms according to authoritative reports received m Lisbon, while Polish circles m London report that 6.C00 Je^vs wer* machine-gunned to death by the Gestapo m Poland during S<*pi ember,
    United Press  -  58 words
  • 89 7 Sacramento, (Calilonua), Get 20 PRESIDENT Roosevelt to-tay telegraphed a reply to Governor Olson of California, who had suggested a oneminute's silence throughout America on Friday «s a demonstraUor. of sympathy for Uv victims of the ~x<>;ufittM m France "The inmima.^ty of the preset I tjime m 3erm*uy ha*
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 43 7 Pittsburgh. Oi j*> DRESIDEKT Roosevelt has sent message to the convention of the Hadassah. women's Zionist organization, asking for "a mighty f-ffo-t to repel the wave of degenerate barbs ntj which has temporarily enpiilt< d p o many counmr>." United Press
    United Press  -  43 words
  • 78 7 Loiidon, Oct 30 I*HK lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress gave a luncheon at the Mansion Houie yesterday to meet U San. ihe Prime Minl&ter of Burma. Among th#» i^ussts prerent were the Secretary of State for Burma. Mr. L. S. Amery. iJie Duke of Devonshire, who is the Parliamentary Under-
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 32 7 New York, Oct. 30 THE governing bedy of thr International Labour Organ ization voted last night that M* E. Phelan should continue %ft hold the office of acting directoi. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 286 7 NETHERLANDS INDIES Arm> chiefs continue to rub then hands with satisfaction over the results of the recent ma^manoeuvres at Cheribon, report* United Press from Batavia Umpires declared that an invading force, which had established a strTmg beachhead outside Chen bon and hoped to strike inland, had
    United Press  -  286 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 610 7 "7TO. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LIRE (Incorporated tn 3ngland) rgM NSILAB AND ORIENTAL N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. oct possibK ""to" jm betaf maintained oy the P O. N. C* fro« the Straits to their osnaJ porte of call fajotmtn w* r ****??s? r( f*^tt their recall ementc oof
      610 words
      330 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 39 7 Bluey Curley /n 77ie Quartermaster 9 Store I MEAN^frrs MURPHY Fw^l GlßftT^S F KM> V y >^ 7V H<K^ "1 WHATS StXA V4HET»CR Im j Jjrf) a FIVE AMD TV^ Pu CMtD how l& lT *U KE £&*■*&> Tl o I
      39 words

  • 216 8 Ceylonese Beat Australians At Hockey ©.s.c s; *.a.a.f marked improvement m the second half, the Ceylon Sports Club teat the Royal Australian Air Force by three goals to two In a hockey match played at Balestter yesterday. The Australians played with a wul %nd were leading by two goals to
    216 words
  • 64 8 *T*HE :ollowing players will be selected to represent for the Seletar Rangers m a friendly soccer match against the R A J*. Transit Campt Seletar at the Naval Base to-morrow, kick-off a "i.15 p.m.Kutty. Ah Bah. Nam Seng. lorahim Bin Abu. Neechee B. Ismail. Kartar. Sulong. Othman. Dollah
    64 words
  • 76 8 rUk mental? trophy shoot held by the Singapore Gun lnb at Ms m •*nir>«- at Alexandra Road on *>dnesday resulted m Mr. K. R. X <-h winnlcg the tankard with score of 17ft off the ran. Or G. A. Ransom* and Mr. C. Ctanj*s-Boas tied
    76 words
  • 251 8 rpHK R.A.F. Golf Club, Scletar, bf*t 1 the Keppcl Golf Club by 7ft points to 3% points m a mutch played on Sunday. Scores, Keppel players mentioned first, were: j. B. Stevens (10) and E. Boltoo H5) 0, P-Sgt. Baker (13) and Sgt. MacKenzie (11)
    251 words
  • 128 8 PIE following have accepted to play rugger for the S.C.C. against A Coast Battery on the padang to-day J. J. Ball; O. W. Wolters. R. M- Harsley. A. J. A. Goetzee, R. L. Parker; A. N. Other, D. R. Gulland; J. H. Wheeler, H. O. Riches. Capt.
    128 words
  • 189 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Koala Lumpur, Oct. 29 SELANGOR will play their third inter-State rugby fixture his week-end when tfr NegriMalacca on the padang here Selangor easily beat the combined States m a match fixed at the eleventh hour last week-end when Perak were unable to fulfil
    189 words
  • 31 8 THE Anglo-Cliinese School beat St. Anthony's School by six goal* to nil m a hockey match played at Oldham Hall yesterday. Lav Huck Chye scored thrice for the winners.
    31 words
  • 119 8 For V.R.C (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney. Oct. Ut FINAL acceptances for V.R.C events on Saturday an? given below. MacKinnon Stake —Hi miles (To be run at 2.45 p.m.) O Golea 9.3, KeeUe 9X True Flight 9.3, High Caste 9.3, Beau Vite 9.3, Lucrative 9.0,
    119 words
  • 143 8 London, Oct. 30. LADY Cunliffe-Owen's Cesarewitch winner. Filator. will attempt to win the Manchester November Handicap on Saturday under the heaviest weight successfully carried m that event by a three-year-old Filator, with the 101 b Cesarewitch penalty, now runs at Etc. 81b and the previous heaviest
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 218 8 Yesterday's Results Sunday's Ties CURTHKR ties m the S.CR.C. open invitation lawn tennis tournament were decided yesterday The results were Junior open :»ineles: One Chew Bee beat Thomas 6 2. 6 o. Open single*: Y. P Wee beat T. Boardman 6 3, 6 o. Men's handicap singles:
    218 words
  • 80 8 Berlin, Oct. 30. •T*HE latest German newsreel reveals that Max Schmeling, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, has been awarded the Iron Cross, both first and second class. The newsreel shows Schmeling last Sunday attending a prize fight m a Luftwaffe uniform wearing the Iron Cross first and second
    United Press  -  80 words
  • 200 8 London, Oct. 30. MR. Clement Davies, M.P., who originally raised the question of the ownership of Reuter m the House of Commons, m a letter m The Times to-day says: "I am sure that everyone, like myself, will welcome the formation of the Reuter Trust and the declaration
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 350 8 Service Corps S.C.C. Provide Good Hockey CLUB WLN BY ODD GOAL S.C.C 2; R.A.S.C. R.LA.S.C 1. A COMBINED RJLS.C. and RJLAJ9.C. team and the Singapore Cricket Club provided good hockey on the padang yesterday, the game going to the home team by the odd goal m three. Alter a comparatively
    350 words
  • 594 8 GILLMAN TEAM TRIUMPH ay SIX POINTS TO NIL Loyals 6; A.LF II7HEN the Loyals and the A.I.F. met at ru^er at <, iUi yesterday a tearaway, rousing match resulted Loyals just won by six points (a try and a i*naiu nil. The weatiaer wfc
    594 words
  • 235 8 OOST moriem> ■T Cauineld Cup j,**^ J* *v€u raCC n the following verd J. Purtell city It wau> made to I had a perien mo q the r>,i< all the way, and :\v janthiS came soon aft*r straight I didn't haw en Jfl fc draw my whip,
    235 words
  • 13 8 rE Singapore beat Wavi hf :"«i goals to two §i S.S.C yesterda'.
    13 words
  • 18 8 THE R.A. <B.M College CJnk n tries to three ru^jrer match ptajrc 3<4^r Mill yesterday
    18 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 155 8 77ffi SPARKLING, GAY NEW M.G.M. HIT IS HERE Ti% W% A V 4 SHOWS a niTAI O-DAY 1 ii 3.-.-3.15 6.i5 9.15 CAPITOL WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF HEAVENLY HEDY SAID: "WILL YOU MARRY ME"? Hedy and romantic Jimmy m P^V[ HHH HBHHBBH J» (he exciting modern love story A
      155 words
    • 56 8 ■■■^^^^■I^Si^ £$W^ilU W^- Jms: B y^^BßcßßSt?SooSi^^' J o^oEoßnaßo^ttß»^^B»oß^^ '■^^^■IPJBJBJiPJBBHBBBikjc w44Wv9WBJ^^' j^^ j^ ...the bacon jii-> for brighter z' breakfasts Sz& The bacon that ib mild cured, lull of good flavour and specially prepared from selected stock. We have the famous Pineapple Brand and a £ne flavoured bacon S from West
      56 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 48 8 To-day's Sports Events Hockey: S.C.C. vs. Anglo-Chinese School. S.C.C; SJt.C seconds vs. St. Jowpb's Instttrttan, S.R.C.; Raffle* College vs. S.C.R.C, Hong Lta Green; India* Association vs. Indian GJL. LA.; Medical College Inter FaesJty Hockey. M.C.U. Rogby: S.C.C. vs. Cos«t Battery Boxing: SJLBJL wmil mewing* V M.C.A.. 630 p.m
      48 words