The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 October 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,43-1. ESTD. 1835. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941. 5 CENTS
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  • 920 1 Volossal Tank Battles In Central Sector REDS CONFIDENT OF CHECKING PUSH Nazis Claim "Soviet \rmies Encircled" Moscow, Oct. 8. <;ertiuin armies are driving* with all pov.i r toward Mo-cow from the directions 191 miles v? the west-south-west of and from Bryansk, 220 miles southlioiitative Russian
    United Press; Reuter  -  920 words
  • 92 1 Berne, Oct. 8. 117LNTER has begun on all the Russian fronts, including the Ukraine, according; to dispatches from Italian correspondents m the war zone. The correspondent of the Corriere del la Sera says: "Winter has arrived unexpectedly and replaced the summer almost without
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 103 1 Turks Nazis Deny Troop Moves Berlin, Oct. 8. THE German and Turkish Governments have issued a joint declaration catesorigally denying foreign reports oi German troops concentrations on the TurkoBulgarian frontier, or that Germany had made demands for the right to march through Turkey. The reports were described as "devoid of
    United Press  -  103 words
  • 448 1 Moscow, Oct. 8. TIME and again Major-Gen. Bondarev's name has appeared m supplements to Soviet communiques, and now he has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In one month his units accounted for 9,500 Nazi officers and men killed and
    Reuter  -  448 words
  • 240 1 Washington, Oct. 8. THE lease-lend appropriation of $5,985,000,000 1 was approved to-day by the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives with a statement that the production of munitions has not yet reached the point where the defeat of the Axis powers is assured. The
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 247 1 Washington, Oct. 8. ADM. HAROLD STARK, Chief of United States Naval Operations, disclosed to-day that the United States Navy has sent the British no naval planes under the Lend-Lease arrangement, but numerous naval planes would come off production lines for Britain beginning Jan.
    United Press  -  247 words
  • 69 1 London, Oct. 8. ORITAIN'S Slackoot is likely be relaxed this winter. News agency rei»orts say it has been decided to let towns and cities have more light and the improvement will be more substantial m comparison with last year. It is learned m this connection
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 111 1 Loudou, Oct. 8. LORD Woolton, Food Minister told the House of Lords today that Britain entered the third year of war w< better supplies of wheat and sugar than at any time since the wa* began "These bulky foods are things which made a
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 101 1 Message To Congress To-day Neutrality Act Washington. Oct. AFTER to-day's White Hou»« conference Congressional leaders announced that President Roosevelt is sending a message to Congress to-morrow recommending changes m the Neutrality Act. Senator Barkley, majority leader m the Senate, told reporters he was unable to divulge what the message would
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 177 1 Calcutta, Oct. t. JMR A DUFF COOPER, who is on sp.?oial mission for the War Cabinet m the Par East, and Lady Diana rrived here to-day and are leaving for .mla by air to-morrow. Interviewed on arrival Mr. Duff Cooper said: At present it would be
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 70 1 Ottawa, Oct. f THE Canadian Government ha* 1 received a request from the British "only a few days ago" to increase •ank production with a view to send- ing to Russia 100 tanks before the end of the year, said Mr. C. D. Howe, Canada's Munitions
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 51 1 London. Oct. X. ALL possible jstcps were being taken to secure the arrest of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Mr. Anthony Eden. Foreign Secretary, said m the House of Commons to-day. The Persian a\Viorities were fully aware of the importance which the Allied Governments attached to his apprehension.-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 30 1 Newmarket, Oct. h. TTHE Cambridgeshire run her* to-day, was wc-n by Mr. A.bel« son's Rue de la Paix, with Sir H Lawson's Emirdiran second, and Capt. BailiifrY, Firle third Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 72 1 BIGIA TEA IS BEST sea View HOTEL BAfX-ROOM PERFECTLY AIR-CONDITIONED Bf SFABRKEZE* TO -NIGHT SATURDAY SPECIAL DINNER DANCE DINNER and DANCE MUSIC BY RELIER'S BAND Dinner S3. Admission to Ball-room trie ot ciargt APELPHI GRILL Whether you require li^bt relreshmenls or an elaborate meal, the ADELPHI GRILL is renowned for
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  • 381 2 Message Of Loyalty To Mr. Churchill LESS than a month alter the idea was launched, moro than 2,000 persons m Selangor have signed their names on sheets of paper which are to be bound into a book to be stni to Mr. Winston Churchill together with a message of loyalty
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  • 118 2 Rejkjavik, Oct. 7. BRITISH and United States defenders of Iceland are constantly preparing against German sea or air invasion The strength and disposition cf the forces arc secret but; it can be revealed that the Command is trying to apply the lessons learned m Crete
    United Press  -  118 words
  • 130 2 Tokio, Oct. 8. •THE Japanese Press hold a se- rious view of the possible outcome of the Manila conference editorially commenting on Far Eastern developments. The majority of the newspapers voice deep concern over the steadily expanding United States activities m the Far East which they
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 40 2 The Singapore Traction Company's traffic returns for September show an inert, se of $47,000 over tlie same period last yoar, giving a total of $287,000. The aggregate total for the past 12 months is $3,239,000, representing an increase of $438,000.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 226 2 10th DAY STILL GOING STRONG! Have You Met JOHN DOE Yet? You cannot afford to miss the sensation of millions. DAILY 3.15 f 6.15 and 9.15 'MEET JOHN DOE' undoubtedly one of the finest films yet shown this year" Straits Times A "A hurricane of happy -go lucky fun Mf*y
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    • 214 2 Follow the crowds to the B|Q HYSTERICAL. LYRICAL SHOWi I Those **BUCK I'IUVATES" are running the NAW s OH r^ApiTni 4 SHOWS TODA v I \/i- 11 3.15— 6.15 9. 1& The Sensational > <^ 5 f V^I revolutionised the _jAt I \M% ij BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO IN
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  • 786 3 "Due To Uncertain Pacific Situation" Washington, Oct. 8. JHE United States Army's Philippines garrison has first priority on war equipment because of the uncertain situation m the Pacific, Gen. George Marshall, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, revealed to-day, while testifying
    United Press  -  786 words
  • 198 3 "Must Act Sow" Urges McKnutt Washintto* 1 OcV 7 r, abandonment of the neu- < \Z7 legislation to permit ly and escorted merchant to enter combat zones was gJS of the world War faW W the delivery ol the the demands of the ,t as it has now developed. 1
    United Press  -  198 words
  • 66 3 Chungking:. Oct. 8. ORD cable from the ft r.u China front was re- v communications circles rning, saying. Ichang reThe report, however. 9t been officially ?Bby military authorities. m observers here believe .ews of the capture of Is possibly true. They »*mphc\size it is an tntarcttfl matter
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 54 3 Bangkok, Oct. 8. al k> still silent Tokio's frequent Thailand has rd the democracies as Brltlali propaganda and economic «.v alar Press, however, cs strong resentment at practiiv carried out by correspondents of 'misThai Government com--1 the fabrication of rr.s." ■CC ±*id that a ■■■>r\lv .<e£vo
    United Press  -  54 words
  • 86 3 Canberra, Oct. 8. U John Curtm, ne*.v Labour Pr;me Minister of Australia, -need m the House of repreaves to-day that he had ■ibad Mr Churchill, British Minister, promising full coitton m the war effort. A. W. Fadden. tormer Prime s f er. has be^n elected Opposileader
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 43 3 ManiU, Oct A. u^«<i States Army m the Far ■ast announced to-day it was cail- thf flm regiment of PhilipConstabu!ar7 for service In the Spates forces on Oct. 15. The J^"y regiment comprises approm *'*«v 1.200 oflßcvr^ ar.d men. United Press
    United Press  -  43 words
  • 493 3 •THE United States is certainly m no mood to appease Japan." said Mr. T. A. Raman, London representative of Indian Lnited Press, m a radio interview from the Singapore station last night. Mr. Raman, who has visited the United States and has followed
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  • 93 3 U.S. Talks With Pope "On Possibility Of China Peace New York, Oct. 7. THE possibility of a compromise peace between Japan and China was a major subject m the recent discussions of the President's personal envoy to the Vatican, Mr. Myron Taylor, and Pope Pius xn, the Herald Tribune reported
    United Press  -  93 words
  • 820 3 How China Soviet Are Defeating Aggressors WELLINGTON KOO'S THANKS FOR BRITISH U.S. AID <- THE path of victory m Asia and Europe may not be easy, but whatever difficulties may exist, I am confident that full and complete success will crown the united efforts of all the freedom-loving nations to
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  • 568 3 London, Oct. S. u pOLrtJMNS of armoured vehicles v* engaged m air defence exercises followed by heavy guns passed me, roaring their way northwards as I went on a visit to the secret headquarters somewhere m northern India of the India Observers Corps," writes
    Reuter  -  568 words
  • 234 3 London, Oct. 6. •THE Times, m an. editorial or "Russia's new trial," says: "All signs point to the conclusion tliat Germany is now making a supreme effort and that the Russians are being subjected to as severe a trial as and as heavy a strain as they
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 42 3 London. Oct. 8. THE board of management of the London Co-operative Society is recommending payments of £500 each to the Ambassadors of Soviet Russia and China for medical supplies and general humanitarian nunxwes. and to the British Red Cross. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 445 3 NAZI ENVOY'S THREAT TO BREAK OFF NEGOTIATIONS Ankara, Oct. 8. TXR. KARL CLODIUS, Nazi economic expert, is v understood to have renewed demands for chrome from Turkey at several talks he has had with ML Menemencoglu, Turkish Minister of Justice, yesterday. The Germans are
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 103 3 London, Oct. 8. THE British Government has 1 brought to the attention of the Turkish Government reports that the Bulgarian Government has acquired from the Italian Government a number of destroyers and has demanded passage for these vessels through the Straits. It is authoritatively learned here
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 "PREP" Of Painless Shaves E sef l Latherless Or r nder Your Favourite Soap s Increase m Pri<v «.00 PER JAR. E »IC»L HALL LTB.
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  • 674 4 THE The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941. 1,000 Men Wanted I T.-Gen. A. E. Pcrcival, G.O.C. Malaya, m an interview published yesterday made it very clear that he wants an immediate increase m Asiatic enlistment m the regular forces He responded to the suggestion made after his broadcast
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  • 310 4 ANOTHER aspect of Malaya's defence problem discussed by General Percival yesterday was the work of the Volunteers. Clearly, very little can be done about increasing the number or Europeans m the ranks of the Volunteer Forces, since European manpower has now been carefully scrutinized and theoretically, at least,
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  • 290 4 IT is good to know th&t the military authorities have already embarked upon an economy campaign particularly designed to eliminate the wastage of food supplies. As Gen. Percival explained, the everincreasing strength of the Malayan garrison means a corresponding increase m the amount of food supplies and other
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  • 93 4 I\R. J. W. Scharff, Singapore's Health Officer, contributes to to-day's Free Press, an article on the Trengganu household composting plan that was recently demonstrated to the Singapore Garden Society. It is a valuable and practical method of salvaging waste materials and converting them into fertilizer, so necessary m Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1255 4  -  E. H. S. Dobby By ITLADIVOSTOK has been much V m the news recently. American oil has entered Vladivostok despite Japanese jealousy; over this Vladivostok and Far Eastern Siberia may suddenly flare up into hostilities. Nobody knows how long Japan can swallow its
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  • 415 4 MR. Churchill's recent assertion that the Nazis are short of I"* planes has not been challenged or even referred to m the Axis countries. But Axis propaganda has been attempting to counter the assertion m its usual roundabout way by .spreading reports that the rate of aircraft production m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 622 5 Defence Secretary's Talk UNDER the stimulus of war, Malaya is carrying out and competing schemes, many of which will prove to be of permanent value to the country, Mr. C. W. Dawson, Secretary Defence, Malaya, pointed out m the second broadcast of Malaya At
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  • 60 5 Mos?ow, Oct. 8. "PILOTS from India are tak--1 ing part m the battle for Ru sia,'* announces the Red Star, organ of the Russian Army. Midi states that the Ilritish air squadron is fuily representative of the Empire, with pilots from Canada, Australia, South Africa and
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  • 142 5 Oranje Reaches New Zealand WARM WELCOME Batavia, Oct. 4. THE hospital ship Oranje has now reached N?w Zealand. Her reception there was hardly le*s enthusiastic than m Australia on her return from her first triD to the Middle Ease. The New Zealand Government gave a lunch at Wellington m honour
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  • 97 5 NEARLY 300 invitations have been issued to high Government officials and to Service officers as well as prominent civilians by the Chinese Consul-General, Mr. Kao Ling-p?.i. to a special screening of the film "Light of East Asia" at the Capitol on Tuesrtry at 4.15
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  • 170 5 ALL Viceroy's commissioned officers, other ranks and enrolled non-com-batants of the Indian Army and tx'-.ivr.lent ranks of the State forces. uiL be awarded an oversea badge when they return to India from ar.y overseas theatre of operations. Struck m bronze, circular and incorporating the star of India and
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  • 66 5 k Javanese woman was stabbed A to death m a hut off the the 13 milestone Sambawang Road yesterday afternoon. Police investigations reveal that she was a married we man from Johore The male occupant of the house who stabbed himself m the throat is under
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  • 61 5 'TWO Chinese, Lo Han Goan and L: Khai Choon, were charged with being members of the Malayan Communist Party m the Singapore third court yesterday. They were arrested on Oct. 7. The case involving Lo Han Goan was postponed to Oct. 27. and against LI Khai Choon to Oct. 15.
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  • 623 5 Romulo Elaborates Invasion Story AFTER a careful investigation of Japanese activities m Thailand and with the data and documentary evidence m his possession Dr. Carios P. Romulo, well-known Filipino publisher, is convicted that Japan, following Nazi tactics, will make a move that will be "the death knell
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  • 177 5 A CSYLONESE resident of the F.M.B has received a letter from ft nephew of hi* m Ceylon, who has joined the R.A.S.C. and is now serving overseas. The reasons which this young man gives for his decision to leave peaceful Ceylon and join m the*
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  • 81 5 A SPECIAL commemorative programme for Chinese National Day, Oct. 10, has been arranged by the Singapore station of the MJ.C. The programme opens at 12 noon with the Chinese National Anthem and other patriotic songs sung by a mixed quartette and chorus. At 12.15 p.m the Chinese
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  • 45 5 AN Indian, Andasamy, who appeared on a tentative charge of murder m the Singapore fifth court yesterday, was discharged by Mr. L. C. Goh, Singapore fifth magistrate on the grounds that the evidence was not sufficient to warrant preferring a charge against him.
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  • 27 5 A MILITARY band concert will be etven by the band of the Loyal Regiment at Jalan Besar stadium on Wednesday next starting at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 32 5 A large ve.sel recently arrived m Malaya with further reinforcements to str^ngrthe.i the already formidable fsfences of Malaya. Photo shows the men arriving with a cheery greeting.
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  • 202 5 THE administration problems facing the military authorities m Malaya when new troops arrive, were discussed briefly by the G.0.C., Malaya, Lieut.-Gen. A. E. Fercival, at his press conference. His remarks centred around his question, "How many people m Malaya realize what it means to bring m
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  • 233 5 Tn the Editor, SIR— Referring to the recent radio, talk by the General Officer Comma riding, on "Malays at War" I was disappointed At the final part of it m which the G.O.C. mentioned the various committees that were helping to entertain the troops. The G.O.C. made
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  • 45 5 BAIL was opposed m a case, m which Khoo Kuek Yin and Chang Wong had a charge of rioting with deadly weapons at an R.A.F. labourer's quarters explained to them m the Singapore fifth court yesterday. The case was postponed to Oct. 15.
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  • 35 5 INQUIRING into the death of an Indian labourer, Saminathan, who died two weeks after admission into hospital, the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W G Po: trr y sterday receded a verdict of death from natural causes.
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  • 273 5 TPHE importance of Singapore by virtue of its geographical position and because of its predominance as a collecting and distributing centre, makes it of vital importance that the inward as well as the outward flow of rubber should be unimpeded, and that m particular the
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  • 124 5 Highland Gathering Broadcast SPECIAL arrangements have been made by the MB.C. to record certain features of tomorrow afternoon's Highland Gathering at the Jalan Besar stadium- including pipe music and the beating of the retreat by the massed bands of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Gordon Highlanders.
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  • 97 5 OUT of 257 deaths In Singapore during the week ending Oct. 4. 144 were males and 113 females. Compared with the preceding week, the death rate of 23.03 a thousand a year showed a slight improvement, whi'.e the infantile death rate was higher than for the preceding week
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  • 230 5 THE estates group scheme of civil defenders m Kedah has prcved so successful that the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, has directed that it be developed all over the country. There is m Kedah a body of more than 2,000 civil police, the majority of
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  • 210 5 AN Indian iubouier, Jamaldin, excavating earth ov a hill slope m a quarry od the 13^ mUes Kiandai was crushed to death when a bouider dislodged lu&ell and pinned him unoer, sta^d an Indian suo-contracU>r at an inquiry before the Singapore Coroner. Mr. V. v.
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  • 50 5 Delhi, Oct. \|R. Savarkar, presid. lit of the Hindu Maha&abha, m a statement, urges Hindus to come forward m their thousands and join the Army, Navy aad Air Force, and to give the largest measure of co-operation to the British Government m the prosecution of the war.
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  • 51 5 Simla, Oct. I. nnHE question whether the Indian textile industry is to come under some form of Government control is likely ;o f>e decided during the forthcoming visit of Sir Hormasji P. Mody to Bombay. It is learned that the textile directorate will be moved to Bombay next
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  • 35 5 Delhi, Oct t. rpHE Punjab will be represented at the forthcoming price control conference m Delhi by Sir Chhotu Ram, Revenue Minist-r. and the Finance Minister, the Joint Secretary and tile Industries Secretary.
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  • 575 5 Melbourne, Ort t MORE than j m .id applied by the end o' September to join the Royal Aus Air Force. Of this number 44 G3O wanted to become members of air crews, and 160.720 to Jo.n ground staffs. September recruiting wai at the rate of
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  • 40 5 N.I. PILOTS IN ENGLAND BaUvU. O*4. < FTC frst group of pilots of the Royaf Netherlands Indies Air Fore* ria* r.rrivM m England, eager to avenge the d'9*hs of their two comrades: mho r! «"i fighting the Luftwaffe tomf tim# ago.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 THUNDERING OUT OF THE NIGHT Good Food Courteous Serv i c c are the reasons for H* Increasing Popularity CAPITOL RESTAURANT Air-Conditioned Telephone 4906.
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    • 60 5 THE SHOE THAT IS FASHIONED TO FIT SPORTS WEAR The "Master Court" a new Oxford model m strong white canvas uppers. Reinforced toe cap, crepe rubber soles. Price 3. 5 P^>> Sizes and half sizes 6 to 11 Sports socklets. White ribbed cotton with fine ribbed turn-over-tops. In sizes 10,
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  • 1214 6  -  J. W. SCHARFF By M.U., UJT H., CHIEF HEALTH OFFICER, SINGArORE TOHIS is a plan whereby kitchen A refuse of a house or group of houses, together with back-yard sweepings and garden waste, can be transformed safely into valuable plant food. The arrangement has the
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  • 147 6 j TCKE Singapore Chamber of Cotn--1 merce Rubber Association held its 1.559 th. auction yesterday when there were Catalogued 2,703,589 lbs. 1,206.96 toes Offered 2,539,510 1.133.71 Sold 2.191,802 978.48 Spot London 13 %d. New York 22\ cts. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb. I Standard
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  • 119 6 A DECLARATION of his faith m the invincibility of Uie better instincts of the human race which though mocked, traduced, denied and violated will triumph over cruelty and lying, was made m an address by Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, editor and publisher of a chain
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  • 88 6 ITNIVSRSAIAS "In the Navy," *J featuring those two crazy "Buck Privates," Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, is without a doiibt the years funniest picture. Opening to packed houses at the Capitol yesterday, it depicts the exploits of the two comedians, who cause a riot m the United
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  • 63 6 "MAGIC IN MUSIC," a musical comedy now showing at the Cathay, is first class entertainment and the producers, Paramount, are to be complimented on this great effort m bringing together hundreds of juvenile artists. Susanna Foster, Paramount's latest singing star, has ample opportunity of displaying her grand
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  • 75 6 M Vichy, Oct. 7. ADAME Masse, private secretary to the former leader of the Cagoulard Party, M. Eugene de Loncle, has been assassinated and her body found m the Seine, near Paris, weighted with stones. Madame Masse took a very active part m the formation of the
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  • 1396 6  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By mHERE was a slight znisundelJL standing about tickets for the Services dance at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Tuesday night. Many of the Servicemen who turned up tried to "gatecrash" not realising that admission is strictly by tickets only, as
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  • 85 6 C.-OF-C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION IMILY f&H i > < |KF< > I ML 8 1? o'rtek no-. H«yer> -lt«-r« No. IX K.S.S. Spot loosr No. IX R.SS. P.OB. In cases October s G.F.A.Q. R.S£ FOB. m beles October ::.s P. OB. R.S.S. F. 03. m bak., October 37 'C M blanket
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 597 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS BC ARD RESIDENCE SINGAPORE I municipauty YORK LODGE ft, LLOYD BOAD, SDfOAFOBB Tenders suwmicm residkntial ESTABLISHMENT. Tenders are now invited for Eam*to^i rmMmt the following materials or sex- "7*™" ▼tees. For particulars apply l> m l/ Tfcl 31W Municipal Tenders Room. Supply of Fuel (Coal or Oil)
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 562 6 To-Day's Broadcasting SINGAPORE gramme summary m Mand&rh: and ZHL 225 m. 1.333 k cs. ZHFJ music 123< > Pm. Teochew light U«.96m. 9.69 m ca.; ZIIF2 48.5S m iJSff 1 1 5 Market rep<>«^ Hi Hok--6.175 m iv. ZIIP^ 41.38 m. 7.55 SSJi J '5J P"* 1 I^™™* summarj 1.05
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  • 196 7 Washington, Oct. 8. MR. Cordell HuU, Secretary of State, at a Press 1U conference yesterday, emphasized that the United States Government was "very much interested m how far Finnish troops go beyond the 1939 borders." Mr. Hull said that the Unite! States Government could
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 233 7 Washington, Oct. 8. PRESIDENT Roosevelt asserted yesterday that he thought Panama's action m decreeing that her merchantships must not be armed had increased the need for a rapid revision of the American neutrality law. The President was replying to ft question at his Press conference.
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 93 7 Washington, Oct. 8. ITNTTED STATES manufacturers have shipped to British forces throughout the world over $284,--000,000 worth of planes, engines and spare parts during the first seven months of this year, according ta the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce. This represents nearly twice as many combat planes s.s
    United Press  -  93 words
  • 70 7 San Francisco, Oct. 7. rpHE engagement was an- nounced m San Francisco yesterday between Mr. T. A. Soong, brother of Mr. T. V. Soong, head of the Chinese D ence Commission m Washington, and Miss Jih Yung W»o. Mr. T. A. Scong is general manager of
    United Press  -  70 words
  • 100 7 Zurich, Oct. 8. rpHE Berlin correspondent of the Neve Zuericher Zletung, Zuricn. reports that Germany admits recent revolts m a western Serbian town, the name of which is not given, stating that the revolts were due to Communists supported by Serbian national patriots All the
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 18 7 THE Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, had lunch yesterday with the King and Queen at Buckingham Palace.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 428 7 London, Oct. 8. NEW graphic details regarding the sinking of the gunboat Ladybird during a raid on Tobruk by 47 Nazi bombers are given m a supplement to the London Gazette. Com. John Blackburn, captain of the Ladybird, who described the scene aboard the Ladybird after the
    Reuter  -  428 words
  • 66 7 San Francisco, Oct. 8. THE American liner Monterey yesterday landed here over 600 Australian and New Zealand airmen en route to Canada Si far as is known the Monterey is the first American ship to be used m a larg? scale movement of Imperial troops.
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 178 7 Shanghai, Oct. 8. WHATEVER changes may take place m the world situation, and no matter how long the China war requires a solution, Japan's fleet m China waters 1$ so disposed as to meet any futuie emergency, Captain Shoichi Kamada, chief of the press sec tion of
    United Press  -  178 words
  • 119 7 Moscow. Oct. 8. "IiITLER faces a long drawn-out war leading to defeat but we must not close our eves to the seriousness of this moment." declares the Red Star, Soviet army newspaper. "Every company and regiment, every warrior and division, is now experiencing the greatest
    United Press  -  119 words
  • 23 7 Washington, Oct. 8. THE United States Treasury on Thursday borrows $1,300,000,000 Which is the largest trftivsartirtn Rince the last World War. United Press
    United Press  -  23 words
  • 347 7 New York, Oct. 8. •fjITLER m his last speech In many words dew ri bed and praised his own achievements since the war broke out m 1939, but he did not mention all." said Lord Halifax. the British Ambassador, addressing the gathering at the
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 46 7 Washington, Oct. 7. BY a vote of 69 to 25 the House of Representatives to-day defeated a 1 proposal under which any aid to Russia would be forbidden, m a measure extending the Reconstruction Finance Corporation's lending puthorily by $1,500,000,000. United Press
    United Press  -  46 words
  • 242 7 Seattle. Oct f. "r\NLY by united action can wm turn back the Nazi threat.* said President Roosevelt m a message to the national convention of the American Federation of Labour. "The establishment of peaca between labour organizations would be a patriotic step forward of great value m
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 96 7 Sault Saint? Marie, Oct. 7. THE railroad bridge across the Soo Canp.l connecting I^ahes Superior and Huron, collapsed to-day under the weight of a freight train, drown m? two men nnd trying ur> all traffic at the Michigan-Ontario border. The engine and two box cara wer° dumped into
    United Press  -  96 words
  • 47 7 Akron (Ohiol, Oct A 24-HOUR protest strike call« d l»v t^ie Congress of Industrial Ortnui; r tions shut down five plants of the BF, Goodri 1 Rubber Company hen at midnight on Monday nirht. It u»» rstimat-d that 14.000 workers were idle. United Press
    United Press  -  47 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 684 7 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (Incorporated In England) rtN.NSI LAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The beat P"w*bsi services are being maintained by the p o V N. (o. from the Straits to their asnal ports of call m China. India. Ceylon aad the
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    • 155 7 >ne f PERSONAL t* FRESHNESS! x RiL^ bL '^^t fr+ ia^^R^BPv >^p **v. ii y 3 •3pBßSfit^^^>w m^^^B' jf jB J^^^m ■W^^P?Mmwßßj^^^l^B IMHBfcflX'.*.' i 1 'am!'a<\ ■'■''."■'■■**•"■*■'^vjfrxt* tJ^^B JJBl^r jC* s ''v i w^^^j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^Bk^^^^^^^SSb^^^^^^ -w j^3l^B^* *&^f jf*^ And the only way you can make sure or hard work you'll
      155 words

  • 375 8 Loyals Bet Club At Rugger Loy-ils 16; S.C.C. -3. A HEAVIER pack and an effective threequarter line enabled the Loyals to beat the S.C.C. by 16 points (two goals and two tries) to three (a try) m a rugby cam- on the padang yesterday Right from
    375 words
  • 1489 8 Lady Patricia Pays Highest Dividend SELANGOR RACE RESULTS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 8. CCORING her maiden victory m this country m the first race here to-day, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's Autumn meeting, Lady Patricia paid $53, the highest dividend of
    1,489 words
  • 59 8 Soccer: S.A.F.A. Challenge Cap, Airport Sports Club vs. Manchester Ecximent, Anson koad stadium; SJLF.A. leafue, first division, Loyals k.a. iA £&£F "Tec. IndUAssociation, S.CC; P<*t Offi£ vs. Singapore English School, P. 0.; A.CS. vs. Naval Police, Oldham Hall; S.CJt.C. vs. St. Andrew's Old Boy's Association, S.C.RC. Rugby:
    59 words
  • 296 8 Beau Vite Sets Up New Record (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, Oct. 8. ANOTHER Australian record went by the board to-day when Beau Vite, ridden by Darby Munro, won the Craven Plate over a mile and a quarter m 2 mm lv 4S c c. Reading (McCarten) finished
    296 words
  • 100 8 Ipoh. Oct. 8. THE Perak hockey team will tour Singapore durinsr the Deepavali Holidays and will play four games, against the Singapore state side, the European Services Indian Army and Combined Services. In preparation for its tour Perak will hold a trial on Saturday after
    100 words
  • 44 8 R.A.P. I Headquarters) beat the V.M.C.A. by the odd goal m five m a hockey match played on the V.M.C.A. ground yesterday. The scorers were Smith (2) and Marchbanks for the winners and Mustapha and Hak Yang for the Y*s.
    44 words
  • 35 8 OW. Gilmour and Miss N. Still won the mixed doubles handicap final m the S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis tournament yesterday by beating S. C. Woolmer and Mrs. Rowly-Conwy 6 l, 5—7, 6—2.
    35 words
  • 419 8 London, Oct. 7. THE Manchester Guardian, commenting on the forthcoming meeting of the International Labour Organization, suggests that It will have matters of some importance before it and says: "If it acts on the report of the Deputy Director of the 1.L.0., Mr. Phelan. which it
    British Wireless  -  419 words
  • 857 8  -  Mac By THE return to civil life will be one of the major problems to be faced on the conclusion of the norticularlv commendable tnax w»c blems of defence, devote some ttoeW this matter. The education of B«™*men will include motor mgfcaricsaiid fitting. Both these 0 nee n
    857 words
  • 264 8 Seletar Airmen Beaten Eight— NU S.R.C 8: R-A.F. (Seletar) QUPERIOR m speed and stickwork, U the Singapore Recreation Club's first team scored five goals m the first half and three m the second to beat the Royal Air Force (Seletar) by eight goals to
    264 words
  • 51 8 THE following will represent the CeylDn Soorts Club at hockey against the Punjab Regiment at Balestier to-morrow: V. N. Pillai; X Muthucumaru S. Chelliah; V. John. K. Thiiai nathan. C. ThuraLsingam A. Joseph, Thillagaretnam. W Ponniah, S. Kulaisingam and W. Ponnampalam Reserves: R Vivekananda, G. Cathirasu and R.
    51 words
  • 37 8 rpWE Public Works Department beat the St. Joseph's Institution by three goals to nil m a hockey match played at Si. Joseph's yesterday. Rodrigues (2) and P. D' Almeida j scored for the P.W.D.
    37 words
  • 77 8 S.C.C. Hocky Team For To-day THE following have a C e DU id to play ho<key fo, thm B.C.C. versos the Indian w sociation on the padan^ t*»-d»-bolly-oft at 5 p m 7 G. Bon: Pay Lt C. G Fntiim. Capt. J. E. Theophilav J. H CoUins, W. J. Pe*|
    77 words
  • 332 8 Recs Eliminate j Sappers SJI.C. -3; Portress X.X DISPLAYING fine form lh Singapore Recreation i ul elxmnated Fortress Ro ya football Associations C'haiie,, Cup competition at Anson Ro yesterday, winning by two. This is the second bu ;r of the competition, thr r set being provided
    332 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 133 8 THE VOICE OF I VICTORY THAT NO COMBiNATION OF DICTATORS CAN STILL STOP PftifWtfV ilw^V>dmfflr you o«t a««p*« H P#iiir <n kh n#w r#d y«>iow HM^lF^nlQUr and black box Improved m I •PP««r«nc« but th« Mm* outL^mD*^ •tandlim medicinal propmrii—. J^^*^ will relieve you ol the Jj^>> /7 3 C
      133 words
    • 178 8 r0" jM Br^^^B Wf -tS Wf aHBHHHBI I Order delicious 1 I Ice Cream for your next I I "Social"... ord^r it this 1 I convenient and money 1 I saving way 1 ■■to >rganizers ot social functions will lind orcu wJ& lg their ice cream by the gallon both
      178 words