The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 September 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 963 1 Reported Preparations By Wavell In Iran NO NAZI PROGRESS AT LENINGRAD Enemy's Big Losses In Drive To Crimea PEN. SIR ARCHIBAI.I, WA VEII^Ttt-StS hief y in India, is speedily forming an expeditionary force in Jran to meet the German forces before the latter roach the
    United Press; Reuter  -  963 words
  • 108 1 AustralianEnvoy To Japan Will Touch Here SAILING HOME ON EVACUEE SHIP Tokio. Sept. IK. \n! v.M. Australian Min- n. w;is i ntong the 361 r i the British evacuaft Yokohama Jot Hong Kong d In an interview he instructions from r bri it home leave rn to Japan in the
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 62 1 i >n. lmm. Sept. 26. P re beini; cata- of British pr >tect convoys ;.d Britain from to a readds that after the the pianos try to base If the dsAt i n account of their of petrol. the down on the sea
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 105 1 Melbourne. Sept. 'i«>. TIIK following pay increases for thr \u<-tr >li->n forces are ann.>'irv M: Iftn sh.iin,' a day, to be rr^itpd to rWerre.'l r^ v begfinininit'.i.t K frr the AIF tk p sea going Ro\:il Australian and the K.A..V* on n i... r -e"
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  • 68 1 London, Sept. 26. 0.\.1. planes operating on the Murmansk front played a great part in smashing the <i rr.nn drive there and pushing the invaders hack behind the I etsa River, 35 miles from Murmansk, according to a high Finnish military source quoted by he
    United Press  -  68 words
  • 252 1 Nazi Lie About Anglo-Russian Friction in Iran London, Sept. 26. "fO-OPERATION between the Briti?h and Russian forces in Iran has not been marred by the least friction. Complete liaison has been j established and both personal and official relations leave nothing to be desired Coincident with this .^tatemont made in
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 55 1 London, Sept. 26. M. MAXIM LJTVINOV. former Russian Foreign Minister. and Lieut -Gen. Golikov, who headed the 1 Russian military mission to London, j have been added to tho c'elesation which Is to confer with the British and American missions to Moscow, states
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 64 1 I 1 1 ti >n. Sept. 26. THERE was no confirmation In authoritative quarters In London to-dav of a report that Mm r>uke of Aosta have been eranted a month's parole to vl«lt Rome. The news is considered to be devoid of foundation. The Duke of Aosta,
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 77 1 London. S-pt. 26. It Is understood that the Soviet has xt.ndod rfcojnllion to the Free French National Committee. Reuter. London, Sept. 26. At the request of the BritLsh Government and on the invitation of the Chinee Government. Sir Otto Niemeyer has undertaken a financial and economic mission to
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 161 1 London, Sept. 26. PRESIDENT Roosevelt's p.rsonal envoy to the Pf-pe, Mr. Myron Taylor, arrived in London late to-day from a West England airport. Newspapermen were forbidden to approach the aerodrome to see Mr. Taylor and the United States embassy said Mr. Taylor expects
    United Press  -  161 words
  • 152 1 JAPANESE VIOLA TE AGREEMENT WITH FRENCH INDO-CHINA Hanoi, Sept. 20. \UITHOI T any previous advice to the French authorities, 11 Japanese soldiers and gendarmes last ni^ht and early this morning erect <xl barricades and instituted cordons in various parts of Hanoi n .nd Haiphong and proceeded to search a numl)er
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 198 1 Chicago, Sept. 20. JLIR. JUIJI KASAI. member of the House of Representatives of f he Japanese Imperial Diet, told the Un versity of Chicago alumni to-day th:it thr Japanese navy will not be "used as a catspaw by any third
    United Press  -  198 words
  • 75 1 Tokio. Sept. 2fi. Jb[R. KOH ISHII. for the Japanese Information Bureau, asked to comment on the assertion of ?>lr S Nakano. leader of the Fascist lohokai organization. that the Japanese people would overthrow any Japanese government reaching a rapprochement with the United States. repliod: 'Those are Mr.
    United Press  -  75 words
  • 39 1 London, Sept. 26. A PARTY of 15 Ceylonese recruits for the Royal Air Farce has arrived in ißritiin and will be seen shortly by Lord Moyne. secr<»tarv r\f <<■.**... f«^ tv»o i Colonies.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
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  • 126 2 < owi.try, Srpt THH Prime M-i Istex, Mr. Cdurchill, ihis morning saw the destruct on wrought by N izi txmbrs on Co* ntry la t autumn Accompanied by Mrs. Churchill, the Premier drove Jr. m the station t^> the -Xf c< atre Along a rout-« I lin
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 182 2 U.S. To Troble Outp ut Of Aviation Petrol \\.< tiinb Lon, ot pt 25 A PLAN to lr l. the United BUI h refining rapacltj for aviation petrol at an expenditure of approximately $i>.oou.obo wu announced by Mr. Harold Ickci n I nee Petr hum A' ministrator. Mr, Ickes disclosed
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 120 2 WMhinffton, sp; 23 (JONgress win rtjw Um p. up «U of pie Sectary of the T. a- urv. Mr. Henry M -rr n hau to llmJt corporation profits to :r< per rent. Senate and flouau «f Rj-nn---Ita !vcs tav experus predict. Ifemben Of the ScnrUe Finance
    United Press  -  120 words
  • 94 2 London, S.'pt. 2G. OMBMAJA sentry found d< <i on the quay at Oslo. At once, the Oermanr arrested the whole batch of dock workers an-l sentenced some t-> lons terms of imrri'onrrent. To cchlirate the a;.nivrrKar" cf the Nor- ■vffrlan t^ufling coxinnl. Uorlin told
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 41 2 Ottawa, Z6. IT^TT Ucenatac jnu-vivor.s o| food and rio'hlnK m om^red ppostantay bv the V.'artimi- I'rir, and lYrid Board Tata is I o^'i To a |jr'.li'n»narv- t«» further curuiilmcmt i of buyinp l»v <v.nsnmers in eider to make roori« R euter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 182 2 London, it A THIBUIF. tO the Dutcn people bv C* N'.»ilk- flanl Bruisn Mi. 1 to ih<- Netherlands Qovernmeu w.»..> broadcast last n:^ht i n the Ra<L< Orunje programme to the NcUicrlandfl Re said: I ha\o be«n y:\tn uh«- h /in.ur of a fr* w».rci*
    British Wireless  -  182 words
  • 90 2 Lcj .m" \>. T HK Kir Queen r* mmlc .i to'ir of a h.>fr-..« **trHfl M 'r: > ■>• tntrt wi.-n- PMtji b\< li)' y h u <rt w i t r. iTiin^r 11m India IH .s«iui Uiey %tn p.<»uu wo be i-i Britain,
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 50 2 "p:IE nrrt So\ ic: ihlp Tincc the BfSßtlng of thf |«ncnU ext>ort llcfiice to R;r*ia has •rrive-J at Ob-i Phtlippiro I^land^. t<l--ir.u to hr Manila Tribune quXed in a Japanese disnatrh f roii Mum, T>ie icuwl. Ihc Kovda »,C72 ions-, will loßd conra. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
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    • 134 2 3 SHOWS TC-OAY and TO-ioSisyr The CROWDS Applaud rx "G.W.T.W." Again! Jt Jz IAT THE CAPiTOL W S^ NOTHING CUT BUT THE PRICES! The World's Greatest MOTION PH comes back AT POPULAR IMiICES' p^S^^SSZ^T? CLARK O/iPi sr I SI It*; 1 1: Bftlr^ HHf M.C.M/s Masnificenl TECHNICOLOR i "GONE WITH
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  • 316 3 "First Of Many Hundreds Of U.S. Machines To Be Released To Turks" T?iSK m Ankara J> f l<ritiBh •SSft'bSS* Aw a EL£2TiU*R%£ a Company of A erfai ln une^aL yester day," the correspondent said, "an SS Ul «be r »f British-owned American
    Reuter; United Press  -  316 words
  • 93 3 Time To Help Russia To The Utmost Bevin London, Sept. 26. nust make sacritices her own production to ,lg and must sustain at 5U to 12-month drive for said Mr Ernest lister of Labour, speaking Lumdon to-day. appreciate," said Mr. added obligation now imRussia has made reso- but muoh of
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 174 3 GERMAN DEMANDS ON AXIS ADHERENTS Zurich Sept 16 FRESH Italian units are aoout to be dispatched to the Eastern Front, according to the Rome correspondent of I the Swiss newspaper Tribune de Geneve. It i.s expected the Germans will extend ;he principle already applied to
    Reuter; United Press  -  174 words
  • 77 3 Washington, Sept. 26. r'E United States Economic Defence Board h35 announced a supplementary 'blrck list" of firms acting lon behalf of the Axis in the other Republics cf Amorlca, adding 300 individuals and firms to th^ original list o! 1.800 L-sued In July.
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 76 3 senates rejection of ;al resolution l.4>iidoii, Sept. 2«>. Rton say Pre- 1 probably i k Legislation to A t .sj as to per- A: an irhips and •nb.'t iones. reje jtcd Benat >r Mc- outtlfiht repeal of '''ad to work mn'or.dod by next week i.s ex-
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 34 3 Tokio, Sept. 26. r Govern rr.ent is con- possibility of the trans-Pacific Bhiplpng > Hawdii. a Japanese official ■d to-day. pmenta had. however, ral shipping s; tua- in raid.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 46 3 Canton Sept. 20 C were killed and v tp sli tr ht'v tnjur»n 'h- e- e of the tenth Mi Eden i i -id »nt, a In c "it n are ascrib »d 1 rn ntj who ln- U Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 387 3 SERIOUS DISORDERS CONTINUE London. Sept. 26. THE Nazis are pressing Dr. Matched. Croat leader ar.d former Yugoslav \.ce-Premier. to form a new Quisling Government in Croatia, according to news reaching Croat quarters In Lonaon. He is now under surveillance in a Milage near Zagreb after
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 76 3 'Disraeli'PleadsGuilty To Charges Under War Regulations London, Sept. IG. The cinema actor, George Arllfls, of "Dirsaeli" fame, pleaded guilty in a police court here to-dav to charfej f»i failing to register holdings in American se^uritirs worth €13.160. Arliss pleaded guilty "subject to mitigating "irrumstances." The pros^v t<>r said he was
    United Press  -  76 words
  • 105 3 Tokio, Sept. 26. /COMMENTING on the An?lo-American-Soviet conference at present in session in Moscow to discuss aid for Russia, the Japan Tinus and Advertiser says: "Surely Britain and the United States would not conspire to have the Japan-Soviet treaty of non-aggres-sion and neutrality impaired after
    United Press  -  105 words
  • 170 3 "Wanted" Nazis To Be Tried In Iran London, Sept. 26. THE Times diplomatic correspondent 1 wutes 'German citizens have warned by the Iranian police that all who are still at large and who had not surrendered themselves by y. sterday evening would, when arrested, be tried ,by the Iranian courts.
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 73 3 Bangkok. Sept. 26. yHE That Government has contract to purcha-e the Narasi Mansion for which the Japanese were reported last month to :be neiyotiatin* fur u«^e as their emba.vv it wp* r-'- ib!^- -fTX)r'.ed h^r? to-day Reports saia the mansion— Ban B kok f s
    United Press  -  73 words
  • 56 3 N^ San fW'fcUb Sept. 26. azi radi'j sta f i<;ps are 'jamming" broadcasts by General Electrics short-wave station, KOEI. it was anj rounc?d here to-day Listeners In th*» (Onrnt have rop^>rt»-d Interference all tl^c wcok The station broadjo^ts news summaries to thp For Ea^t in the
    United Press  -  56 words
  • 50 3 London, Sept. 26. CERTAIN amount of shelling has takrn place in Libya, statca authoritative circles here to-day. One or two raids by enemv aircraft do not seem to lunre caused damage. To-day's British G.h'.Q. communique from Cairo states: "In Lihvn th,.r,. la no change In the situation Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 120 3 Cairo. S pt. 2C. IT Ls learned authoritatively that tiie general supply situation in I/Pbanon and Syria has improved. Good supplies of su ;ar. I kerosene and coffee have reached the country. although the situation continues to be rather unsatisfactory Syria which normally has
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 103 3 HHsmki Srpt 26. Talvela. the Finnish comrrander of operations be ween the Aunus and Svi rivers, has announced that he will not predict whether the Finnish troops will advance beyond the Svi River "because this Is a question no only of a military but a
    United Press  -  103 words
  • 83 3 KT Chungking. Sept. 26. p a leading article on the Hunan "battle, the newspaper Sao Tan Pao. Chinos** Army organ, declares: 'The present Jap-nese offensive in Hunin to more politic than military, and its .urn Ls to remove the atmosphere of' P^s'micm rmon- the Japanese to-
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 235 3 Serious Clashes Between Italians Nazis In Greece I/ondon, Sept. 26. QUTSTANDING features of the situation in Greece to-day, yj according to M. E. J. Tsouderos, Greek Premier, in a talk tc the Press, were The ruins of bombed cities. 19 of Ahirh have been completely destroyed, widespread hunger of the
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 116 3 Montreux, Sept. 2>7. FIVE or six persons were killed and much damage done by an exolonon near the famous castle Chil! n, on Lake Geneva, whirh inspired Lord 1 Byron's poem "The Prisoner of Chil--1 Ion." The cause ol the explosion is being investigated. As a
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 597 3 Mud And Guerillas Harass Nazi Invaders In Russia Moscow, Sept. 2C. "INURING of my trip to the Smolensk front I .saw a great deal of 'Gen. Mud,' one of Russia's oldest allies," says Reutcr's special correspondent. Travelling irom one point of the 'ront to another, it was often accessary
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  • 176 3 I NAZI GOVERNOR'S SON A "CANAL VICTIM" London, Sept. 2ff. yHE mysterious disappearance of the soldier son of Gen. Christiansen, Nazi military governor of Holland, who is believed to be a "canal victim," has caused a sensation in Holland, an escaped i Dutchman said in an article
    United Press  -  176 words
  • 68 3 Large Unit Of R. A.F. Arrives In Canada T tT Sydney. Sept. 26. HL largest contingent of Royal Australian Air Force trainees to leave Australia since the outbreak of iwar has reached Canada, states an official anr.ouneemenc They inc ude detachments of fully trained pilots observers, gunners, technicians and I
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 TO-NIGHT at MIDNIGHT at 12.15 at the CATHAY 808 HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR ">^>^' in Paramounfs Laugh Riot of the season VO -CAUGHT nhc DRAFT 7 gg yW I EDDIE BRACKEN*' LYNNE OVERMAN FUNNY i.-MnilfiH TO MAKE A SERGEANT LAUGH!
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    • 73 3 CATHAY 4 SHOWS DAILY PHONE 3400 11 A.M.— 3.15— 6.15— 9.15 11,300 FEET OF THRILLS and ROMANCE: 2Oth v Jtk wn/MTr Century IKUMt T (J% 'v x^ RITA HAYWORTK JRO^ BLOOD SANE V^yV HL K Tymm i r^F^*^ and 4i |fl^r M^Wllkllrll I'JI aramount Brit < EBM J^ fllfl Mows.
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  • 651 4 The SingaporeFreePress SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 27, 1941. Malaysians i^ie announcement yesterday that the F M.S. Government is now prepared to assist the immigration of labour from Java suggests that efforts to deal with the labour shortage are to bo made along new lines. This is most encouraging There could be nothing better
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  • 690 4 London, Sept. M, '"THE anguish which the world Is suffering to-day is due to prevention of knowledge and rejection Of all high ideals by calculated barbarity," declared Sir Richard Cregory, chairman of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at the opening session of
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  • 250 4 Hitler's Call On Axis Powers For Large Reinforcements Ankara, Sept. 'ZH. UITLER has a^ked the Axis part- ners to send large reinforcements to the Russian front for the winter, according to reliable reports which state that the 'allocations are as follows: Italians 500.000 men, Hungarians 150,000, Bulgarians 150,000. Rumanians 100,000
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 20 4 U.S.-INDIA AGREEMENT ON MICA REPORTED 1 1 between I siat'-^ e© ami Didia:i l.»ad:: ■art rttal uir pi Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 12 4 F, euq a work Reuter
    Reuter  -  12 words
  • 18 4 Thk United 9 i 001. Frank 1 Bcnnudt In Ls m tins h *iiu! :c i Mnvtnrat Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 I "3li(<i4oy *7> x y^^J?* By Special appointment Established ,riS& <U^ 1 872. NEWEST DESI6NS IK DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches. SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. I^.^^T!^^^3 .^jV Ra^mimbAvG Kbl P"'^ bWH!7 P BBrW^B^BIBM Bf BMBGBBTTTJgT^iW^^^^rgql BFZJ >J^J WTS^KST?:^. J w» jsj^ 1 1 1 I 1 1 Ac>.
      53 words
    • 67 4 Comfort, Fit and Durability are come of the features to be found in every pair of shoes that leaves our establishment. Only tho flntflf m grades of lea- B thers lncludmg Russian H K Leathers, are (I K I B^lVk ißßHli^n' ise<L Rrmcm, Al her: Every pmk v is made
      67 words
    • 21 4 MOT nniTr TUC S^l^F VUIWT aaM^QM (Coyv r »C''* Ali Countries.) W9%0 1 WWI I I r*fc »#%f««K» irti w v-
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 26 4 BEuey <fc Curley cr»pes 11l bet ThoseX Y^T^X^C^ I viuv tnE^E chook/ \T^? CHOOKS WILL BE TOUGW/V M l\^f MORE PLYIN6-HOURS >^-— "^T^llSl f JUJAW >* PIMCJ L^
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  • 300 5 Municipality Will Not Lay Down Regulations S b? A r°mS lunici P?' Commissioners yesterday decided Ployws be a m*L ag nSt motion that "Municipal emthafu would V y*° wa open shirts if th «y «««ider intr( >cluction of any dress wa g s U noroni Or
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  • 92 5 THt dispatch of an Australian r rpr«-s«-ntative to the Netherlands Indies on a reciprocal basis ((inl r* more likely since the innoU n.'' merit nas made in Melbourne yesterday that the lirst 7 ft iierlandfl Minister to Australia ill b«- Mr T. Elink Srhuunrau, at Netherlands
    92 words
  • 186 5 FORMER COLLEGE SECRETARY TO JO TO PRISON UOASU, former secretary Principal of the College la to undergo two years* j prisonment as a result uccessful appeal before Worley in the Singapore p. yesterday. rv to the Principal, Dr. Murugasu was aliened to j .uted abou^ 5800. He convicted on three
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  • 86 5 S diode of fire -watchers houses assembled in yesterday for the first of I public demonstrations on flre bombs, which are to! every Friday at 5.30 Ki month or so. itions are being or- ESuropean A R.P. unit d-d for fire-watchers I I Ue :ir.
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  • 91 5 Vi KM A.r Raid wardens 'ral DivLsion (Whlcb exStamford Road to Princo •d» assembled at ciidcrd v to form a parade in Ir P M. Edmonds tH^r] '■''\.:ti> n, Mr. Q G. I>r, I Air Raid Warden and Mr. F W HaH their "/iul
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  • 139 5 VESSELS MAY BE FIRED ON IF ORDERS IGNORED pONTROL of navigation in the hary bours and territorial waters of the Colony has been tightened. A new rule made under the Defence Hegulations authorizes officers to order the firing upon any vessel— and on the persons aboard her— which does n«)i.
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  • 220 5 THF Secretary for Chinese AiTair.s. 1 Malaya, has been appointed R^eistrar of Trade Unions. The Assistant Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Malaya, and all deputv controllers of labour and assistant controllers of labour are ippointed assistant registrars of trade unions. The Trade Unions Ordinance, under .which
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  • 77 5 riE European A-s^oc.ation of Malaya, like the Straits SettlementT fStngapofV) A«-.'<x-iation. views with favour repre.ser tition r<n the Leglrtatlre CooneU being on a wid.T b«'i«:. The committee of the Furrpean Assocla- tion discussed thLs subject at con^id»r»hl«' ler.rrth but resolved that It wouJd take no action for the
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  • 28 5 Three men received injuries during a free-for-all fight aboarc a ship in the Sir roeda yesterday afternoon. The fteht followed an inrident between labourers and the sliip's crew.
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  • 310 5 B taking up £uch IXII ,p.t~e in Singquestion his b?eom'j ming, said ihe Muni lMr L Rayms n. at rea- f the Commissioners. th Chines? members influence to spread th? srave plots :<m ng t i^ir appi v. d a geclp] ts in
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  • 177 5 MC. HINDS, a 29-year-old British blip's engineer, was sentenced to two weeks' 1 1 :.:>!•• imprisonment by Mr. C. H WhlttOß in the Singapore Traffic Court yesterday for deserting his ship The prosecution alleged that Hinds ww L: ought down from Hong Kong t<> Kiii^a;>»re
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  • 77 5 "DR.CLITTERHOUSE" OPENING TO-NIGHT rIE btaad CommitUe's presentation oi Barrr Lyndon's thxill-r. •'The Amazing i- Cttttrhouse," opera at the Victoria Ti.catre to-ni«ht and will Ik? shown n't.un on |Oct 4 and 11, in aid of the Lord MayorV Pi :.«1. In this local stage presentation Phihf K nsey hand Irs the
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  • 58 5 ASUPPU-:mi;ntaL budyrt for a total sum |SSO.tti im approved at yesterday 1i rr. eting of the Sin^apor* Municipal ConiBiifSiooen, as was a revised !oan estimate for 1941 foi .vubmtstlon to the Governor In CouneiL The rcvisr I loan estimate shows an IncresM in cxpenditu from $2,806,788 tc $J,976,435,
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  • 56 5 ACCORDING to th'» Singapore Nippo. a British subject who has recently b"en evacuated from Manchuria i declared that the customs examinations en route, were severe, "it is said." Adds the paper, "that at a rertain harbour one British varuees ba^agc I was examined bit by bit by
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  • 52 5 Singapore Municipal Commissioners confirmed a derision at their meeting yesterday to sive $4,000 to the Singapore Child Welfare Society subject to a like contribution by iUm Government. Mr. L. Flayman, the Prescient, announced that Government had sanctioned the Municipal contribution and that a like contribution had teen
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  • 69 5 I A SECOND and revised edition of "A Pic- J\ ture of India'" by Edwin Haward. No 1 lln the Department of Information and P:;blicitv. Malaya, series, has been issued. The revision covers Uie recent expansion ol tho Vic oy's Executive Council and the interchange of
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  • 211 5 A IfunleiMd committee will roconsidr. the r«c<u«'.st ol W. Hammer and Co. Ltd for permiasiotl to add to the charges made for i water .supplies to shipping, to cover the coot marine war risk insurance. Sucn a re--1 quest hnd been refused, but on the motion nf Mr. C. P.
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  • 323 5 Japanese Held On Currency Charges THREE Japanese, one of whom had booked a passage on the Japanese evacuee ship Huso Mara, now in port, appeared in the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday on charges under the Defence (Finance) Regulations. Kenji Nishiyama was charged with attempting to take out of the
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  • 104 5 DESCRIBED as the lincensce of liquor i-hop In Upper Serangoon Road, a woman. Chiew Choen Neo. appeared In the bingapore Fourth Court yesterday on three summons clMtfgW under the LiqM^r Revenue Ordinance. They alleged that she faik- 1 to ke»-p a proper stork book, that
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  • 101 5 CHARITIES WAR TAX A SUGGESTION for the improve nu-nt of the position of unorganized harlties in regard to the payment of I war tax was made at a recent meeting !of the committee d tho European 1 Association of Malaya. A letter from a member relating 50 the incidence of
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  • 44 5 The new buildinp of the All-Muluya Muslim Missionan Society. Singapore, at I.oroiig 12, CJcylanp. lias b^on complftod 1 I"he oflice of the so. Scty wih be removed to th? new prernt -rs on Sept 30. An official opening v.lll take plac" after the Ramatlan.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 360 5 D YNOHUB COMPLETE XInSBmYS^ PR» C WITH LAMP MiBSCV $15 OO A REVOLUTION IN CYCLE LIGHTING •THE PATENT DYNOHUB <12 or 8 volt is 1 completely revoiu:ionary in design. It provides electric lighting from a cynamo mounted :n the tront hub It consists of the usual cycle huo with the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (incotDoratto u> nwrftndj rVNIMVI'LAB \NU OKItNTAL ft ft CO. MAIL f ASSrNneiC AND CABGO SEKVICt I'bc wn povfeiMc *rfhf» Art oeuis laaiatained oy cbe r. O. N C«w from the straJu to tbrtt gnai owta eall ip Cbln«> India. Crrlou aa* th» Unitrct Klnrdom
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    • 298 6 BURNS PHILP LINE (In cor aerated to Australia) FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARW_N AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly tailing oj %a MARKLLA (7.375 tons) and m.t. MEKKI'R <b.y«w tons). Both vessels are ntted wttb Cahtn-de-luxt single and double berth cabins swimming Lath*. luxurious rooms. Single Return. Ist
      298 words
    • 355 6 f 50% OF SERIOUS I EYE TROUBLES '•j'"- atfssw^^^^^^^^HP! WaW^.^ jBJ* ajLsHIBiBwJVBV 9 aSfV*k y Caused by neglect j An authority on the eyes has recently sutcd that 50° oof serious eye troubles are *1 i caused by neglect. Thcc troubles can be TiOVD IC prevented if reasonable steps arc
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 345 6 To-Day's BroadcastsSINGAPORE XTZ^ [•«■.«>•.. l fHL 125 m. UN k **l 7HP1 5«.«* m. aOWn Ol^ 5S §.69 me*.; 7HP- 48.58 m. (l^m/u; 7 -»»i ZHP.3 4138 m. 7 .15 m cs. 6 «0 a m O, ZHL. ZHP1. 7HP2 ZWJ. meTaVinV memary in FStin 7 i- vi N *i
      345 words

  • 61 7 posting air mails for: trallt, "Burma, Ceylon. India. Java. Mauritius. Palembang Thailand— u;.<.VALS oi nirtil-s from Java (air) AiMtrmlla <ain 8.15 a.m. bM) p.m Monday. pA ji AMERICAN CLIPPER .n CUpper with malls .a. Pacific and the DOW expected to arrive I Urtect time of post- -mentioned
    61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 7 Batavta. mmmht »n of Cuvim, art ica. mux '.^(r-.Mn Javanese and Malay women, dishes frc^T i__7?i W l C u .ui s«n5 «n "hioh would prove its valne if »f P^^ts--* war. IN I* 1 and ve*etanles failed." f Euro l» e *n InrredienU
    44 words
  • 49 7 AUSTRALIAN BAND AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE an Australian regimental musical selection at a rnment House in St->~n-Su- Sher.ton and Lady to Mr Alfred Duff C<v per Minister^ and Lady Diana Archibald Clark Kerr r to China^. Sir Joslah Minister to Thailand >. Sir C wnanttpr- in -Chief Lady I .ay ton.
    49 words
  • 19 7 rhi U-.n'bl*" Mr. Justice Worley in SO a.m. S. 105 -41 M Ramanathan chcttiar urs. Judgment.
    19 words
  • 280 7 Australian News By Cable T HE record fia^^^ 2^ a£KSi sacrifices increase the Australian war ellort. A.I.F. PROMOTIONS I lEUT.-OEN. Sir Thomas Blarney, GOC th^ A.I.F. in the Middle East, has been Promoted to the rank of a full general He s th« fourth Australian to
    280 words
  • 55 7 rB Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday confirmed a committee d?- el' inn approving proposals for the compl'tionj Of the Gunonsr Pulal waterworks *chrrm» at BE estimated e'-rritual totnl cot of anpro-:J-matelv 15.000.000 involving: provision for preliminary work in 1942 of a minimum of (250.000, subfect t<-< the sanction ct
    55 words
  • 58 7 rS Press and public were excluded from attending an inquest before a ppecial European Jury In the Singapore Cor^ne'-'s Oxirt yesterday. "I direct that the public be excluded from this court during this lnqucrt under the Emergency Powers Act, 1039." yaid Mr. W. G. Porter, the Coroner,
    58 words
  • 126 7 THE SINGAPORE C.-OF-C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION DAII.Y PRICES CI'RRENT Batavia Sept. 26. SEMERU VOLCANO In central Java has formed two new eruption points and evacuees.- Reuter •]■>*. n 11 o'clock noon Rayer* Seller* No. IX RJBJB Bpot looet MH 38 •"'i No. IX KS£. P.OB, in cases £e^'"mber 33"^ 39«4 GP.A.Q
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 1503 7  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By JVJTCH and British women In Bata* *f via take a great interest in all the wartime activities of the women in Singapore, search Singapore newspapers for ideas which they can use themselves. So Mrs. Walsh, wife of the British Consul General, told me
    1,503 words
  • 237 7 Teheran, Sept. 26. AN official announcement states the Iranian Govtrnment has made close Inquiry and discovered that ihere is no confirmation of the report that the ex-Shah had deposited money in t( reign banks. Open allegations that the rx-Sbab pot-rcsr-ed vast wealth deposited In foreign
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 293 7 THE story of the formation of the R.A.F. Wins: which has gone to Raffia is toW by the Air Ministry news service. The Commanding Officer of a north of England station received a message a few weeks ago stating br.ffly that
    British Wireless  -  293 words
  • 111 7 t ain». Sept. 26. TTHE neceiiHy fur rigorous economy of an commodities, particularly foodstuffs, wm urged by the Egyptian Fnmltr, Blrry Pa. ha. broadcasting last nlgiu. Reminding the population that other fOTernnents have resorted to rationing in orfler to husbuud their suppLes, Sirry Pasha
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 79 7 Shanghai. Sept. 2«. THE official Japanese military pr*-st> bureau to Shanghai Admits that two Chinese bombers bomhed the Japanese Army headcuarters at Yochow. north-eastern Hunan, on Tuesday, but claims that no damage was done. Thf bureau claims that the bombers flew at an "exceedingly high
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 224 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE Ml MCIPALITY Fenders. sre no-w invited for tne 'ials or services For; siuolv Municipal Tenden I nd maintenance of the Munimeury at Buklt Brown 'Deposit S5O). Date. 12 noon, Sect 27. 1 1941 Occutation ar.d servicing or Kedais Pulai and Pcntian Date of Closing. 12 noon.
      224 words
    • 130 7 ■^■vr*HH\ y^'MvAvi^' -"J The New Zealand Butter that never (ails t please. Nourishing, appetising, delicious rrul full of essential vitamins. PHONE 5376 FIVE L I I t 9 1 o/ Singapore Cold Storage C> Lfc/. < L A V E IV D If II 6o«i#« Lavnde* Soap, Path Suits. H
      130 words

  • 451 8 RECS' SURPRISE FOR THE ROYAL NAVY Sailors Score First But Go Down Five-Two SJtC 5; Royal Navy 2. TAKING their chances, the Singapore Recreation Club eliminated the Ro>al Navy in a preliminary round match from the S.A.F.V Challenge Cup competition, winning by five foall to two at Anson Road yesterday.
    451 words
  • 94 8 PROGRAMME FOR WAR FUND GYMKHANA THE foil wing U the programme f <>r the Sir re I 1 I Club'i pymkhana In :id f Th^ War Fund which i m h .<\ b ter th s ift ?rn n, I rtin at 3 p.m.: r> ?m jumping; i p Malayan
    94 words
  • 130 8 Till: following arc the teams for today's S.C.C Newcomers versus Rest l:u;liv match on the padang: Rest (Colours): A. J. A. (ioetzee; P. H. Burßess. J. P. Burley. (apt. A. E. Pend -Cudlip. Lt. D. <i. MontS^me^y.l'anipbril: V. J. C. Wilson, J. B. lotter"; D.
    130 words
  • 272 8 M.-.i .tl C ollege 2 Indian Asscn. 1 Tlih odd roul in thtre t*** tl Medical I 'ol>j:e victory over the Indian Association in a hockey match played at Balestier yesterday. The Collie had a nippy set of forwards, who wre always quick to
    272 words
  • 174 8 Tir.s played yesterday in tho B.C.C autumn lawn teonii towaaßMOf resulted: Mi\«-d don Mrs hantM ap: Capt. E CD Thomaf and Miss B -^tiil fan I t*\it K H. r "-ell and Miss 8 Drown I IS), 6-2. 6—4 Vcn's .I >,!>:•■- handicap: MajO
    174 words
  • 38 8 •the > ••.•(jud ai nuai athletic tports meeting ol th« Singapore Reformatory School v il] bo held ■:i th° srbcxTs grcur.d to dry. startin; at 2?0 p.m. Mrs. N. M. lla^l:i^i wii] distribute the prices.
    38 words
  • 152 8 R.A.F. (Se!elar) 3: R.A.O.C 3. TIIF. K A.O were i.Mii-n hy -ijjht points (a r»«*l and a fmmMtj goal) to three (jl penalty *ojkl\ in a k< enly-contestfl Ru^by m itch acainst the R.A.K. 'Seletar) No. 1 area at Self tar yesterday. The early exchangei we're
    152 words
  • 24 8 Jhk s c 11 c. uiii hold a Unafa mectsag ii pm. on WMnewtey t<> Mitel handicmpperi for thr autumn tf-nnH ♦wourt'a-
    24 words
  • 50 8 M 'litre »l. Sept V' iy\VK tstil! uv, the (antdi.n liirhtweisiit and wrltrrweinh. 'tanipion. su< cessfully d?f%nded )>is Ushtweiffhl title hy outp int n? Harry II -st ovit trri r"umlK^rlier in th- jcar Ihe pair f<»u^ht a draw uhen Hurt < hal- Ifnjed f«r the title—
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 146 8 TO-DAY SOCCER: SA.F.A. IcnRW. fint division. S.C.F.A. vs. Police, Anson Road stadium; reserve division, Loyals vs. Chinese Athletic, Giliman. Anrylls vs. 5 C.F.A.. Farrer Park: second division <b). S»r»irford vs. N.B. Indian*. Farrer Park Challenge Cup: preliminary round. R.A.' (A. A.) vs. RA. (8.M.). Ch:»r»ei: i-pi.iv. R.A.F.
    146 words
  • 187 8 S.C.F.A. Meet Police In Vital Game rMMMTI first division S. VI .A. 1. a*ue mat< h si An«»on K«>ui stadium between the Strjits Chinese Football \«:s«k iation and the Police Ls sure to attract a '.ar^c irmul, for it i.s .1 vital game as far as the
    187 words
  • 1190 8  -  MAC BY INFORMALITY vra.; the keynote of 1 the first meeting of the T.ilbo* Hous* Club c^ba^n? .society h'Mri it the Club on Wednesday, wh m rr.ombers of the Club oVbated thmotion that "co-education is beneficial." A'tor a livci;- dlscmsfrn the notion •rai carried Wl'ii this Introduction, the
    1,190 words
  • 41 8 The ACS. beat the ra.oc bj all t<> i u m i hockey mat oh played at (>l< h.'m H.^l yesterday. Sri r« rs for the A .CH. were, i'^ Tat Lao <2i aiid Yont Slew Khow <3>.
    41 words
  • 250 8 A LTHOUGH there were several changes in t rk owinff to unavoidable drcuiatancts, C pr L>r?| nini G Amateur Hoxinv: Aatodation's War Fond I StVril %re at the Happy World stadium last r j |,t nL: Mut success, and provided fi-ht fans with a tliijn:
    250 words
  • 196 8 (Prom Oar O»n C >rr»- t; i)oiiil« nt Kuala Lumpur Srpt. 26. 'pRAIN'INO ItUa m.». ".lrij? for the !»rvhrainlßf Selanpor rare- r i_ slow canters and Individual workout! on the Inner tracje. The ti^uiz was toft. When official training becan yesterday f hort uore some last «pr!Mtv
    196 words
  • 67 8 »nd not MMkJlta p'^V n J "^«'l -tO< M P" laraeri ad wi -UT-eJ some tt S3 Fiw mi Lnmmrt hit ll g M 11 c Into an .jrv>r BQOPte vhlitlc Chrl WkHw: p b 0 1 Hu*chln> Listen; p.. j F. I Colour* FO J
    67 words
  • 39 8 THK bni'. rs will b Of the in 3 M I lowph gi morn Th nlayera h ive v th s vm rici Th > NiMf hill w th K irl tion will I the P
    39 words
  • 13 8 AN B R C lidc tSt P;i ic ven da
    13 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      93 words
    • 140 8 I Order delicious I Ice Cream for your next I ''Social". ..order it this I convenient and money j 1 saving way I H upm Urgainsers ot social functions will fun C^fflsJ BHHH their ice cream by the gallon both cvonon convenient. For instance, one gallon ot de Magnolia Ice
      140 words