The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 September 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 24 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS 41 43 HIGH STREET NO. 16,419. ESTD. 1835. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1941 i CENTS
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  • 850 1 Nazis Fling 15 Fresh Divisions Into Fray HEROIC DEFENDERS ARE OUTNUMBERED Sections Of Defences Pierced, Reds Admit Tux? i>,, Moscow, Sept. 21. HE Russians, denying the German claim that Kiev «J?"f state m their latest communique that fierc fi htln continue* round the city AH
    Reuter  -  850 words
  • 375 1 Sea Of Azov Reached, Nazis Claim London, Sept. 21. •0-DAY r German communique n the southern flank nan offensive the Sea of -vs been reached. ;iuds that the way r- d by the action of an I oi which lorded the "iwer reaches oi the Dnieper near north-east of Khermost
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 116 1 U.S. Refuses To Give In To Japan New York, Sept. 21. NEGOTIATIONS with Japan for 11 settlement of Japanese-Ameri-can differences have reached a virtual standstill, although they are beinjr kept open m thr hone of effecting an eventual settlement, it is reported on good authority, states the New York Times'
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 88 1 Great Depth Of Caucasus Defence London, Sept. 21. WITH the delimitation of the main outlines of Iran's political fuiure. dangerous saps have been filled m the Arglo-Russian front, which no# spreads from West Africa across Asia and Europe to Murmansk. The defence of Caucasus, which is the main barrier to
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 151 1 New York, Sept. 21. Persistent border incidents between Japanese and Russian troops are reported from f'hungkinc by the local National Broadcasting Corporation correspondent, who adds that hostilities are growing daily. He states that Russia and Japan have both moved up reinforcements. Renter. Vichy, Sept. 21. Broadcasting from unoccupied
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 374 1 London. Sept. 21. r sustain the morale of all who today dwell unwillingly under the hideous shadow of the Sv/t.stika" was the d scription of the alms of British propaganda given m a speech to-day by Dr. Huph Dalton, Minister of Economic
    Reuter  -  374 words
  • 496 1 R.A.F. IN HEAVIEST DA YLIGHT OFFENSIVE ON WEST FRONT CTRIKING at the Nazis m Germany itself, m Norway, m France and at a con oy off the Dutch coast, the Royal Air Force yesterday launched the greatest Western rrwt daylight offensive of the war Hundreds of British fighter craft escorting
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  • 174 1 since th bei^To n i £r^» have exactS 1 ritiSh flghters enem/ptaJfet three to toll of Making this statement m a SDeech An^ day Air Vi^-Marshal J p n,?rt r f? S Said that anti-aircraft guns ?hf he remainder of defence undo" hln
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 52 1 8,500 German Planes Claimed Destroyed In Russia A.vloscow, Sept o| SUPPIJEMENT to the Soviet niidnirht communique s;i*s J™ ln the three months of war the Germans have lost over 8,500 planes. It also states that on Friday several attempted riids were made on Leningrad, m which 17 German planes were
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 57 1 London, Sept 21. UNSUCCESSFUL attacks on North Sea convoys were made last night by Eboats, says an Admiralty communique Two E-boats were severely damaged when they were engaged and driven ofT by naval escorts. Low visibility prevented their certain destruction There were no casualties or damage
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 69 1 *OR LATEST DESIGNS IN ;> ALWAYS VISIT V sea View HOTEL BALL-ROOM PERFECTLY AIRCONDIT lONEU BY SFABREEZES TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SPECIAL DINNER DANCE Dinner $3.— Admission to Ball-Room free of charge .DELPHI GRILL Whether you require light refreshments or an elaborate meal '.he ADELPIII GRILL is renowned for its
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 640 2 SEASON EXTENDED! PA VILION LAS /MfyV/n, < POSITIVELY LAST DAY! m j ,^^,ll^^^ CAPITOL 3 .i1-6.?5 A iHillUliM^B^ DARING, EXCITING ENTKRTAINMENT FOR \j^j®°»®^ THOSE Wi ENOUGH TO ITNDERSTANrt! B^^^^Hfv^^^B I HkSv 'BACKSTREET' to-day at in.My I^ikNt METROTONE NBWS-OF-THE-DAY (Ry Clipper y^l fA Air Express) present inn* Thrilling lectures of
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  • 344 3 Significant Functions Of National Defence H.Q. CHUNGKING SEES ASSAULT AFTER BIG NAZI SUCCESS Chungking, Saturday WITH the German armies intensifying their attack on W the Kiev ami Leningrad areas, talk is once more here about the possibility of a Japanese^vS o f
    Reuter  -  344 words
  • 53 3 TIME-BOMB EXPLODES IN SOOCHOW STATION A Shanghai, Sept. 20. exploded In a freight train tiding! at Soochow station this at 3.1 ft, causing slight damage. ted frooi Sooohow to-^ay. gendarmerie and the JapanKarrt on at Sexy-how Immediately cordon around the station com--1 '"i an inte^-tve manhunt. •'Jund no terrorists,
    United Press  -  53 words
  • 43 3 i Ip n London, Sept. 21. ti i on Britain during test night X a FTI ™V settle and damage rep^rti-» mall. Tr o people w^re killed "th cr^-t and bombs fHI at »n--the east coast, cau-.lns ore nj aircraft was destroyed. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 97 3 Vichy Approach To U.S. Over Indo-China Washington, Sept. 20. •THE Vichy Ambassador m Wash- ington, M. Henri Haye, has asked the I'nited States to seek. diinn- the current conversations with Japan, the withdrawal of Japanese forces from French IndoChina, it was learned here to-day It was understood the request was
    United Press  -  97 words
  • 223 3 Tokio, Sept. 20. M.yako Shimbun to-day described as "incomprehensible" :he apposition seen among certain official circles here to restrain the public m cerebrating the first anniversary of the Tripartite Pact on Sep:. 27. vspaper pointed out tjiat at trie third Konoye Cabinet
    United Press  -  223 words
  • 215 3 I-ondon, Sept. St. MEN of Tobruk, harrying their Axis besiegers more vigorously than ever after five month* of brilliant resistance, to-day i diluted the men and women— of Odessa. I their Russian counterparts over 1,000 miles away. The message from the Tobruk garrison says: "We admire the
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 38 3 New York, Sept. 21. EXPORTS of machine tools from the United States during August reached the record total value of $64,300,000 (£16,075.000), a 58 per cent, advance on August last year. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 54 3 Hyde F»rk. Sept. 20. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT to-day sent a mercage to the King of Thailand on his •On the anniversary of the birth of His Majesty," the President's message said: i extend my sincere felicitations and my best wishes for the wel/tre of the people
    United Press  -  54 words
  • 33 3 Boston. Sept. 10. THE USS Summit, was launched at Rockland. Maine, to-day the TJB.B. Guide at 82S? Sh^ e^nd^rne U w S N S^ de m^ sweepers United Press
    United Press  -  33 words
  • 52 3 Lahore. Sept. 21. QOLDIERS and dependents received grants totalling about>o from the half yearly distribution of Income £l the Indian Army Benevolent f^*** o **f tatf year ending June 30 "-"^e'fSnd^ £1 500 the previous half year. The runa w..s fn^ndUwhoare Ineligible for as.sLst.nce from any other military relief
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 138 3 Japanese Say "Pro-Soviets Are Criminals" Shanghai, Sept. 21. JHE Japanese-sponsored central committee of Russian emigrants m North China has published a proclamation to all Russian newspapers m Tientsin declaring that Russian emigrants sympathizing with the Soviet on nationalistic grounds "are political criminals In no way different from spies and''
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 162 3 Warning To Russia On Mines lokio, Sept. 21. "FREEDOM of the sens can be elYeoted by mines laid insecurely," says the Japan limes and Advertiser, organ of the Japanese foreign Office warning the Soviets to prevent recurrence of these dangerous occasions." The Soviet Union itself will be atiected by the
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 42 3 Berlin, Sept. 20. MINE more Chilean citizens have been arrested m Paris. Vienna and Berlin m the past few days for "subscription to intrigues hostile to the state." the official news agency announced here to-day United Press
    United Press  -  42 words
  • 83 3 Sydney. Sept. 21. 'J'HE Federal Executive of the Australian Labour Party to-day passed a resolution rr»>nlMtlrr members of the party from Joining the AtMtraUa-Soriet Friendship League. %hlch is regarded as an offshoot of the Communist Party. The Executive. nevertheless, welcomed Russia as an ally and congratulated
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 62 3 London. Sept. 21. rtE "ghost" voice of Berlin radio had a true phoatlv rlr l" rt night wh.n it interrunted the bulletin and said: "Hitler does no*, want you to hear me. He does not wait you to hear the tru f h but
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 45 3 Hyde Park (New York), Sept. 21. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT yesterday *i«med $3,553.' 00 000 tax bill. This bill, which is the largest ever cported m the United States, is designed to help <*^fray the costs of nati^nM and lease- lend programmes. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 23 3 THB people of Ha.rara district In th? frontier province have donated for the purrhiw of a light tank for the Indian army. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 419 3 London, Sen. ?1. f/HE Ironten Parliament has demandi ed the trial of the ex-Ehah. The Government has besun a searching inquiry into the whereabouts of his reputed vr»st wealth. He wns Stated to have £5.000.Pv0 kept or invested m the United States and bi^rer
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • 243 3 London, Sept. 21. A STATE of emergency was declared m Bulgaria yesterday and Prof. Filoff, Bulgarian Prime Minister, issued a special statement calling on all officials to report any "breach of discipline" to the Government without delay, according to radio reports
    Reuter; United Press  -  243 words
  • 441 3 Turkey Said To Have Rejected Nazi Ultimatum To Hand Over Straits Tendon, Sept. 21. THERE is reason to believe that German strategy eontoirml^e 5 an attempt upon the Dnrrianolles and the Bosphorus during the next few weeks, according to th* diplomatic eorre^MNldent of the Observer. He add. "Control of the
    Reuter  -  441 words
  • 187 3 "U.S. Must Enter War" Says Writer London, Sept. 21. MR. J. L. Garvin. writing m the Observer to-day, says that to win both war and ponce the United States must throw her full weight into the war. "Th's newspaper hao niuvost unb undfd belief m the American people, at they
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 231 3 Continued from page 1 > bourg and objectives at Envien. while a Blenheim aircraft bombed a fish oil factory en the coast of Norway. "Pull reports are not yet available but it Is known that fighters destroyed 15 enemy aircraft. Seven of our fighters and thre© Blenheims are
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 23 3 V hy, Svtt. 21. MARSHAL PET/»IN vi'l broaden a particvlsrly Jir>~^rtTit 3T>oeal this evrnlnr». says the Vicny news ?g»ncy. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 96 3 Last three shows of this Glorious musical fun show! 3.15 6.15 9.15 f* ATM A\J PHONE 3400. I ri/\ T JAMES STEWART PAULETTE GODDARD IN a o fcfc POT O' GOLD" with HORACE NEIDT and his Musical Knights and CHARLES WINNINGER. ALSO LATEST FOX MOVIETONE NEWSREEL ALL THE FIRE THE
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  • 672 4 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1941. "One Problem" MR Duff Cooper did well to visit! the Netherlands Indies so soon I after establishing his headquarters' m Singapore. The Dutch will have appreciated the courtesy, and the Japanese will not fail to notice either that Batavia was first on the
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  • 483 4 Referendum On U.S. Foreign Policy Urged Washington, Sept. ML OI^NATOR George, former chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and present chairman of the Finance Committee, to-day demanded that "clear cut Issues of foreign policy be placed before the people now for an ultimate decision which they alone mast make." Senator
    United Press  -  483 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 4 CAPINC MAW (Ctrvr-;-,: M c
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  • 51 4 Simla, sept 21. rS Uovtrrtimi'nt of India rrgrru -o announce that an alrcra/t of Lhr air fore* In India ftUttianed at Kahat craxhed on lliursda> PUot mfl<- r K. N. of the Indian Air Wjccp volunteer rrmerrr. and Alrc~a/tma;i Nadir HusKaln war killed.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 279 4 London. Sept. 20. |Lf R. Averill Harriman, head of the T1 United States mission to Moscow, stated m London to-day that he did not know when the American mission would leave for Moscow. He pointed out that it was a separate and
    British Wireless  -  279 words
  • 171 4 Rapid Japanese Drive To South In Hunan Chungking. Sent i\ the norui b m Hunan, wh are stubbornly ting ihe'jau? c*- southward Japanese had succe ing the Chinese d< south bank of s EfTectinc Sept. 18 at a p Yanglinch, the J»] making a i wnrcts Chai bar..; of the
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 87 4 Su>«-kholm. Mfl War bttvMn \ht great I yet pet worse and com* to Sweden but the I the firm resolution ol 81 allow herself U< be drawn into ...»J !Mr P A Ha:. "WdW WJ j Minister, fpeakini Rt a btnQW
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 28 4 AIR ATTACK RELIEF SCHEME IN I NDIA A wcmma rei.d«T.-<1 homel sv It Irmkl oo Uif cltj b >•• (KAiftcht MuT-.clna! Opi lUon With «M Th«> Kta au Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 256 4 1 ?S2la//V»^ A«^a fl^Tk bVb9 ff^BMt EMU m| Brewed and bottled by rk^jj^^-jjj TNE EMU BREWERY LTD.. ti^^^i! Perth. Western Australia. Vfj R) C A LD B E C K'S GILLETTE afl Lm aw BLADES^ C aT afc""^^^s^» Ml ma**** IM Q 1!!E SECRET OF PElrtu ff' Ir^^SOmT M SHAVING
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    • 168 4 How to Cure PILES Simple Application Stops Pain and Bleeding. Pilet Heal Completely. Until Dr. Van Vfeok* tan ling di*x>very •f hi* \tmorptiT* PtU FUama. the eurgeoo'f kuif« ni Urn only «ur» for bad ptW. But the mating h— ling efleo* of Dr. V«o Vleek't Ab^jrptir. Pik PUmou. hi ouay
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 1097 5 (ferriage Allowance Of At Least 1 ,800 Suggested agCOMMENDATirara of far-reaching changes are made I a .pedtl sub-committee of the Straits Settlements wniapore) Association appointed to consider the War J Ordinance, m a reiwrt for submission to the Governrecommendations is an additional
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  • 123 5 Lonfl with Mr. Allredl >oper, British Minister of baa established his Far, dquarten ut Singapore for mission, the British m Chungkin7. Sir lark Kerr, arrived here; day. will be m Singapore tor a few days and will return to i Chungking via 1 Hong Kong.
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  • 86 5 REGULATIONS restricting the movements of sea craft at Penang have Je No n^Uve^saiiiiig craft, other .than 'fi shine craft workins from ana 'l!?on4d m Penang or Province Welleslev is allowed to enter Penang Hari hour unless passed by the examining ,oflicer, who will provide
    86 words
  • 51 5 Kurukshetra (Punjab). Sflpt i A 'IKMPORARY city extending over A six square miles has sprime up on the htetoric battlefield of Kurukshetra I m connection with the solar tclipM m 10 arran.emen, for the hellth and other dei 3 artmmts o! the Punjab Government.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 5 Indian labourers working on Singapore's experimental padi field at Yio Chu Kang Road.
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  • 74 5 GENERAL A UXILIARY SER VICE IN JOHORE MEW additions to Johore's Eracr- ffency Regulations published m the Johore Government Gazette provide for the formation of the General Auxiliary Service whose duti< s include the manning of control rooms, operation of telephones, the performance of similar auxiliary duties at various points,
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  • 166 5 SIR EARLE PAGE CN HIS MISSION TO LONDON Melbourne (By Air Mail). •THE Australian Minister for Com- merce. Sir Earle Page, who may travel through Singapore on his special mission to London, said after his mission was announced that crucial problems affecting the future of Australia were under consldera- tion.
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  • 61 5 DR. L. W. Evans is of3ciatln# as Clilef Medical Oflsc r, Penang. Mr. G. W. Webb is a. Prut^-otor ol Chinese. Malacca, and has aLso bi.-en appointed Superintendent r>f Prisons m thikt SetUt xnent. Mr. E. D. Tlemlng is acting a.s Imm!g:ation Otflfcr, St aits Settlemfnits. and
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  • 29 5 A talk on "Books To Read" will be given from the Singapore broadcasting station at 9.15 p.m. to-day by Mrs. K. E. Savage Bailey, librarian of Raffles j Library.
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  • 190 5 U.S. MINISTER'S STATEMENT Melbourne (By Air Mail). **I I)O not believe the people of China can be conquered." declared the now United Stales Minister to Australia, Mr, Nelson T. Johnsen, upon his arrival m Sydney. "The Japanese control the communications, the rivers, ard many cities, but
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  • 134 5 Uataw.i. srpi IT is five years .since the present Governor-General. JonJcheer Tjarda van Starkenborch Stachouwer. assumed oiiiee. succeeding Jonkheer De Jonge. The Press has appreciative articles on this subject, stressing the fact that the Queen requested Jonkheer Tjarcia van Starkenborph Stachouwer to remain m his
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  • 436 5 "AT least, as far as th^ A.I.F. is concerned, the 'iron rations' of the future will be something better than cully bee: and biscuits." Mr. A. H. E. McDonald, chief of the division of Plant Industry m Australia, made that >tatement
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  • 427 5 4 ACRES NEAR HARVEST: MAY LEAD TO NEW FIELDS CINGAPORE is likely to harvest its first crop of rice m three months. The experiment of growing padi on the island has been started by Singapore's Chief Health Officer, Dr. J. W. Scharff. on a
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  • 28 5 "Hie Postal Department notify that no mail* from the United Kingdom were conveyed by thf? east-bound British Overseas Airways Corporation i ipboat which i.rrived m Singapore yesterday afternoon.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 165 5 ■■m There'L, nothing like r Vfc^^V^^^»^ fragrant cup of Robinson's >^Hfc^^^v\^iiK^ Coffee, a blend of Ihs f \^i«^l J^M choicest coffees K^own, I 1 carefully selected for its V^ J quality and rare aroma. V. and skilfully toasted to %> bring out all its goodness ID. TIN 9U.40 1 Ib.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 479 6 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (inconxrattc u> fing(«Dd> PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL ft CO MAH PASSENGER IIfD CARGO SERVICE l'hr ix-t poasihl* vr»im art oelnjt mainiainro o> the r M l> S N OB* from the strait* v theit oraaf oort* al cal 1 v China India Ccr**> •J*^ Unite*
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    • 308 6 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated id Australia) FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARW.N AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly «alllnri> bj v MARELLA (7.315 tons) and m.* MERKHR (b.W)O cons). Both vessels are fitted with Cabin -dc last tingle and doable berth caluns swimming oatha. luxurious public rooms. Sincle Rfturn Ist
      308 words
    • 252 6 STEAMSHIF ri.W* Wli RU! IKKUS lOCM vii OVEftSEAI NO tOMMI-iMN (>R BOoJcSfn THE AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. INC. 84 Robin%<>n K'vxi -j, L j^-. RIPKI vi mim, ALL TRIN' »I'M R\rL sTt \M>HIP pl wt wo bi i tin MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequeni Sailings to Unttec Kingdom Oate?
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 620 6 1 Broadcast^ TO-DAY g-gi 5 SINGAPORE 8-SS,|g ZHL rti l ZHP.I J«.S» -n J.IS am fib to ZHL. ZHPI. ZHP2 and ZIIP3. Arabic j 6.40 am. Owning amicuncc-mciiLs In French; C.45 a.m. News m French relayed l' fiom London 7 am. News comxn* .-ntary m a>ed >rTI French; 7.15 a.m.
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  • 173 7 Attempts To Kill Boris Of Bulgaria NEUTRAL travellers, on their arrival m Cairo from the Bal- 5 S K revealed that three attemnts J nad been made to assassinate King < Of T Bulgaria since Germany invaded Russia, reports the London correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald. y Conditions m
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  • 167 7 WILL FYFFE IN EDGAR WALLACE THRILLER ».y^..j on me thnii r b>- Bdfv Wallace *f --Tiw Mind of Mr. Header,* 1 a Grand nai picture which opened at th- i F.iv.Uon on Saturday. Lriiips vividly into scrren f'iiiy the famoua private inrestlgator whose n,.ld manner ond uruus-suminß dcoicanour bch.Uic workinjrs
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  • 147 7 JOHORE RESTRICTIONS ON EXPORTS O ■snucnona on th aon of rcxxis from Johore .ire now tl^ht ned by the Introduction of an order published m the Johore OOfei'liiiiant Qasftte. It proh;b U, except urrit r permit the export of anything at a 1 rxceot to a part of the British
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  • 120 7 i-»;m I'Rit i s CUBBENT S l»l. 20. 12 Oi I < k n<> n I«te«t Cable I/oh-J-ti Snot Shcvt 13 11 I6d. per lb. New York Spot Shet U.S ct*. 22^ per lb. Baycn mm i IX R.SJS j8 3S IX R S.S
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  • 39 7 Lieut H. H. Bell has been appoinU-d to art as Croup OommaJider, Johore Defence Corp-. Sepamat. durinrr the l?ave on cb. I c ol Capt. H. L. r^wrd. and w;ll hold the Ir&nX of captain whil: m that rapacity.
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  • 1294 7  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By rHE Y.W.C.A. war work party had a fine display on Saturday morning at Raffles iuay of the various clothes md comforts they have made luring the pact two months. It wa.s the first exhibition that :hts particular work party has had. the visitors
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  • 272 7 Metbo«nie, Sept. SHOT d wn Ln an aerial citioi cv:r the Western Desert, P3 ht Lieut John Perrin, 24-year-old Australian d.f.c. winner, raced ti safety with tan nsj .t hail of bullete r him p t», _i i .-it p rr n. wh bn.-. r
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  • 68 7 A SSIC- n photographic Intel view with Genera li3:;lmo and Madame Clthing Kai-ihek. Mr. Kay OUen. ramcraman attached to the Australian pictorial .r.atjazine Ptx, arrivcj m S'n-npnr? f-om j' restcrday. Mr. OL*mi v.ill be doiiig a 'coverage' of Malaya. Thailand and Burnia before goln« DO to
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  • 76 7 FOR IBM Brat Ume m the hi'tory of Malaja an inn rinsringr competition will be held at the Happy World Stadium on Sunday. Oct. 19, from 8 p.'n. to 12 midnight Prizes will be Riven away thrrr> for women, three lor men. throe for
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  • 58 7 T'lU-'. BaTwJ oi the 3.5. Police v ill pl*j v <i p Uip directkm or Mr. J. c. Hi;<?. at Ffcrrei '»ark nt S.M p.m UMBOffTOV! IftrrK, M Holj Rood." X J Alfard: Otertuiw, "Lustspiel.' rBi«; BelecUoo, M Oountn Olrl." Maock,»i- Vi'.ts?, "BJrwuflno tjed^cUrr," Hr,^a«-: Patrol. "Wee fcfaeO*"«tor.
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  • 19 7 Mr IT. F. C. Walsh, British CouaulCeneral ut Balavia. otrivtd m Sftiga* 1 ::oro jretterday frcsfl th€ Nethrrlandi Indies.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 416 7 gfIED ADVEBTISEMEItTS TENDERS <^Nf; APC)RE IftjNICIPAUTY Tenders. for the k tfl* eTb ais or services For y oti Munlcmal Tenders T 7 H •,.iiicr of the Muni- V rv at Bukit Brown c "Deposit $50). Date f 12 noon, Sept. 27, servicing of Kedais i i .md Pontian Closing. 12
      416 words
    • 63 7 YOUR VALUABLES IlXu dtrongi rtoom* am z^^ l Protection. It is impossible for an individual to nr>vde :or nls valued oosfess-ons rhe saiety ttjat afTord d d> our vaults *hcr<> we nave sale boxes oi various lises r O r hire it modente rates M that SAFTTTY and PRH'ACY mnv
      63 words
    • 118 7 DO/Vf SCKAICH Asepso ivill relieve it! Po»:tv>.- :vex>\fciicre n.coaiuicriv) I£^j'^'////1 £^j'^' -li^w Awcp^o !(>t ali skin diseas^~it con- J^g» hO tains s very active antisopuc, 3&£& V Jv \T ;V I)iniodi>J'- of Mercury, which -lu^kiv \ff££ v^^vVo// W^ restores the skin to its proper healthy >^~^^L^ condition. Asepso gives immediate
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  • 904 8 More Records At Chinese Sports Meeting QIX m r records went by the board on the final day. yesterday, of the Singapore Chinese athletic meeting at Jalan Be*ar stadium. New records were established m the men's 40C metres flats 400 metres medium hurdles. Javelin throw, and 5.000 metres, and the
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  • 518 8 Growder Takes 6 Wickets For 32 Runs BARNETT OUT FOR 5 LIELPKD by a smart shower of rain that fell after tiflin, A. C. Growder was m deadly form yesterday, and his six wickets for 32 runs was the outstanding feature of the cricket
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  • 29 8 Bombay. Sept. 21. A LOCAL infantry team drew with on un^onntrv In'mtrv team l»i the NPiri-fln«l of th* Pavers' Cuo football touTTiPmcnt, each side rcorin" onee Renter.
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  • 67 8 HPHE Japanese CluV> beat the AI.F. six to four at basrball on the Japanese Club ground yesterday. The Australians looked rood m the hitting but were unable to keep up to the Japanese fielding. Wright and ley ama both scored three-base hit*. Australians 003 010
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  • 456 8 A SILVER cuy, presented for the first time for int:r-state competition, will oe at stake at the Happy World stadium on Friday ni^ht m the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association's War Kund boxing show. The pair selected to fight for this trophy are
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 8 The women's 80 metres low hurdles final m progress at the Singapore Chinese Athletic me ting yesterday. Frer Press picture.
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  • 554 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. 20. nOUBLES were completed by Spun Wool, Happy Sal, Lined Up and Moon w m here to-day, the final day of the Perak Turf Club's September race meeting. The Singapore Gold Cup winner, (irand Prix, upset m
    554 words
  • 546 8 SOCCER: S..IF.A. te^e. reserre dlTUion. Cordon, r*. hiivrv Athlrtir and N r ro U nd wvor.d division (a), RE. (Malays) Ma«ay R-gfme-t. < hinr wrorvd dm-, on (b) NB, (mi-. thiana ys. Stamford. Naval Ra*e. ChslCup: extra prHtmlnary roaod R\ 11 11^ An R# 4 TM^J TMfT
    546 words
  • 429 8 Arsenal Beat Tottenhm In Thrilling Game Ga^e HOME SOCCER r Esult. ON SATURDAY S fROWDS once more florked to fJSi*' 20 y Arsenal and Tottenham, w|.« sh -,r, fL \T^ during war days, <-reatmir a cround r«L f *«N son with 1 7,4 16 onlookers m what >.. f<)r tl'f
    429 words
  • 50 8 Whirlaway Wins Again Tin; ni r r N >V W Ncpt 'O Keall/aii,,,, stake.' 22 th u <> h, lin m lMr<l r| money;- .-in.M-rv Hi-mt sun,.;';;,,;: 1 n [rom Hal PHce'i ibSLJ n^ «Hd of four as fou «hinj The \ir tur%,,,. JSL22 r s. earning Jj
    50 words
  • 24 8 I >n»] n \f-fi, pUCfBY Braml-y F*r L^r.: OMtM rd :j W Devsbunr Rudd rsfleU HunsKt KeiKhley Oldham York rs.K.
    24 words
  • 33 8 fr<.lK result style r. Nt the Bti t«rc.»v :r n I, P/O J. E. La 3, L II Cl By win ■a f r for "itii four noints G. a Jewel]
    33 words
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    • 35 8 <• w' y < f f 1 AUSTRA tt^J j i "TriY THESE CuiS KM?W^ J >irloin Roast 1 honclcss or uit?i bo*i<* 1 Topside Ronstings KOA^ H Itump Steak W^"^ C s 172A Advt OJ |^i
      35 words