The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 16 September 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 285 1 Col Knox On New Move A s From To-day NVESTIGATION INTO REPORTS OF RAIDER IN PACIFIC wm I :iiir SUrtca Navy, in compliance nith PrcsiKoosr¥cil 9 8 command, will, from to-<lay, ri ;,.t .;!1 I a-<' aiul lcnil cargoes cr<>^sill^ t\w Atlantic .:i imerican
    United Press; Reuter  -  285 words
  • 101 1 Thais "Must Use All Means To Destroy Invader" Bangkok, Sept. 15. THE Thai Government to-day 1 published the Wartime Duty Act, providing that citizens "must utilize all means to destroy" any invader. Violations of the Act are punishable by death or life imprisonment. A communique promulgating the Act stressed that
    United Press  -  101 words
  • 347 1 WL KNOX 9 announcement came -:..J of hLs address in teclared that since the States' occupation of Iceland 1 1 1 r and IIM Nazis have I I toatlli the Battle of. and were therefore I tempt f .o break down •> I
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 370 1 Roosevelt On Danger Of Not Being Ready Milwaukee, Sept. 15. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT called for the support of the American Legion in the defence of the nation in a message addressed to the Legion's convention to-day. "Knowing o the keen in erest manifested by the Legion m current problems t> ta
    United Press  -  370 words
  • 231 1 Cairo, Sept. 15. INCREASED liveliness in the Tobruk arfa is announced m to-day's Middle East communique, which states: "During Saturday ni:.;ht our patrols from Tobruk intensified their activity, carrying out a series of brilliant rnids aga&st enemy positions facing the eastern sector of
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 707 1 VOROSHILO V'S MEN TAKE HEAVY TOLL IN LENINGRAD AREA Russians Fighting Hard To Prevent Further Nazi Advance In South London, £ept. 15. TREMENDOUS battles are ra*rinp; in every seetqr of Germany's Eastern Front. A Around I^eninsfrad, Marshal V r oroshilov f s forces are taking a heavy toll of Gen.
    United Press; Reuter  -  707 words
  • 90 1 China Japan-U.S. Conversations Chungking, Sept. 15. CHINA awaits the ouUvm? of the Japanese- American conversations wi h "calm confidence that China's interests, as well as all countries resisting aggression will I>-. safeguarded Dr. Quo Tai-chi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, said to-day. He said he was certain China would be consulted
    United Press  -  90 words
  • 377 1 Finnish Troops Withdrawing From Karelia? Stockholm, Sept. !.'>. A REPORT of tbe withdrawal of Finnish troops from the Karelian Isthmus is current in Helsinki, awarding to news received here. Violent storms and rain ire mach hampering operations in this seeter, which may explain what may be only a tcmocrary withdrawal.
    Reuter; United Press  -  377 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 eiGi/l TEA iKINC v rHF FRESHNESS jg FIAGHAIW OF THt pglCl ro toua huml RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT I ■>! ACKOUT DANCE informal) 8 p.m. to midnight NO ADMISSION CHARGE Dinner $3-OO SUNDAY EVENING IN THE PALM COURT NOTARY BAND CONCERT 8.30 to 10.30 p.m. 3 > he Cand of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 126 2 LAST NIGHT 3.15 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. -PAVILIONr COLUMBIA'S fflOflDig SOSSWft ALSO EXCELLENT SUPPORTING SHORTS boris mm^ mmmmmmm r/i« <m mm%mmmmm\W^ *KhSk^T mas k Bg^ Si I I I mmmW '■*r'l-~'^ -*r m& 1^ W §3 J JQ|.> K SSBBbH B^^^^B ITS «l IV J^H>^^ mpK9|3SH2Uy^l9BsH^H v^z^^v. Un't >■ BR>fcfc»Aj<b»*MiMß^Mr>p*#JP
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    • 176 2 .4 SPECIAL ATTRACTMs J?> NUMEROUS CBINESB I'uit,,-, The Snappiest and mo ft DARING IfOOl i yet nre cntcd in ;«ny CHINESE rjr V( Prescstins the Prettj <^,r,- of ift "HIIA MU LAN 1 Just like a Wild Ro<c vm to hawik p OPENING TO-MC::!^ AT THE CAFITOL 3 L
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  • 415 3 "Victory In Battle Of Britain Will Be As Nothing...." r j:.\. five mm in Singapore, among them the I -:r.-Chief. Far Last Air Chief Marshal Sir i^ooke-Popham, described to Singapore listeners the tl-t nnniver^ry of Sept. 15, how 'the L Fom acaeved
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  • 16 3 1 i 10. sept. 1". I M Huggo v. I Dutch Po*- d on Sept. c.
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  • 193 3 White Russian Leader In Shanghai Is Shot Dead Hrxvt; Shanghai. Sept. 15. gunmen, in the second attack a-amn Whit? Bantam In less than 2-4 hour* to-day ahot dead the chairman of S) aiKha;s \Vhite Russian Emigrants Commm< e, Mr n. a. ivanoff, who wai cle ted .0 me chairmanship about
    United Press  -  193 words
  • 117 3 npIF new Chinese Minister to All tra- i, Dr Hsu Mo. h.i.s arrived in Canberra and wil! present his credent! Us to-dav A BBC Observer :n Canberra points on.t that Australia nofr has dote diplomatic contact with the three neatest Pacific powers through the United
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 78 3 I undon. Sept. 15. DRASTIC restrict!) as on th»* Importaticn of rerttln gx>ds Into Souih Africa c&me Into force yesterday The? f< rbid f> n purchase from the (Tnited States of steel oil, nv tor vehi- s fertilisers, machine tools, agriculture] rrr.^h rrrv and timber.
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 56 3 LONE RAIDER BOMB N.-E. COAST TOWN A WORTH-BAST coast town w^ |m eo- o „f c <-:r'-n raider lvi Dlghi to an Air Ministry communique, •> states "Ore enemy kirrrmft dropped I a (own ra lh€ north. -f-^t C v t Qj^nt These ranged some da wage and "Apart n
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 433 3 London, Sept. 15. AUTHORITATIVE quarters in London •J to-day stated, according to Reuter's diplomatic correspondent, that the Germans in Iran are displaying all the tactics typical of men under arrest who refuse to go quietly. They are impeding the Iranians by a display
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  • 210 3 London. Sept. .5. Ran Averell Harriman. head of the UnueJ '1 Sta'^s mlssi n to Moscow, an'ivcd in Lcndon this morning by bomber. lie wa.^ petted at the aerodrome by p Foreign s cretary, Mr. Anthony E.'.cn, the I Minister Of Supply,
    Reuter; United Press  -  210 words
  • 225 3 Washington, Sept. 1! THK repeal of the Neutrality Act or the establishment of United States basw in the Azores and Cape Verdes appear to be the alternate steps in the development of President Roosevelt's programme to protect Atlantic commerce. rome believe the occupatlwa
    United Press  -  225 words
  • 46 3 •'pHE next w~ek wLI sec whether A the German Army will spend the winter in Leningrad and Kiev or freezing to detih in camps outside these cities," declared Major Allen Murray, commenting: on th news from the B B.C. last night.
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  • 445 3 Finnish Attempt To Lay Blame On Soviet Wxshaigton, Sept. 15. PJURING 15 months of peace between Ru sia and Finland the Soviet plotted to destroy Finland's independence and finally lpunch^d an unprovoked attack on the Finns at ihe outbreak of th? Russo-German hostilities. This statement is medj in a Finnish
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 32 3 T. union, Srnt. l."i THE Rome radio reported to-day that Russia hrd ordered 3oviet shins at Hontj Kong, Bcn^lcoV: ?nd the Philippines to proceed to 3ydney United Press
    United Press  -  32 words
  • 37 3 T\H LIM BOON-KKNG will gfive a talk at 7.45 m. to-d r iy on "The Renaissance of Chine c o bemocrac?" In the "Malaya Speaks" series of the Singapore broadcasting station.
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  • 44 3 rokio. Sept. 15. TJTE Navy to-day announced that Rear-Adm. Kakusaburo Makita has hfn Prro'ntfd C< mmpnder-in-Chinf ot the Japanese naval landing p?rty in r 'hfn T !^.ni. fnicceepUng Recr-Adm. Moriii Tak^dr\, who has horn orn..H tn on lipcliscloscd post.— United Press
    United Press  -  44 words
  • 322 3 London, Sept. 15. Tvcry tank ard tank part made in Britain next week b to be sent straight to the front lines defending Leningrad, Kiev and Odessa. This supp'y of 15: Rain's all-out aid for the :",oviet Union wns announced by Lord Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, in a
    Reuter  -  322 words
  • 752 3 ANE of the most extensive air raid precautions exercises yet held were staged throughout Malaya yesterday and will be continued to-day. In Singapore the exercise yesterday was held from four o'clock in the afternoon to 7 p.m. There was only one air raid alarm during this
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  • 162 3 £alt Lake City (Utah), Sept. 15. TiHE abundance of American food tor the British would serve as a fifth column to incite the hungry, conquered peoples of Europe to rebel against Hitler, stated the S^retary of Agriculture, Mr. Claude Wickard, in a speech to a
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 127 3 Buenos Aires, Sept. ,5. rr\tfO German diplomat* who are in ihe ey? of the Argent. n° Parliamentary Committee inve. ti^aT-n-r y-^ii "~tlviti\s in the country met at the Bi'->n\s Aires r;irp~rr. pesterdav. They were Capt Franz WfMdTnnnn wtio was expelled arm the United Sta cs.
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 89 3 F- n Ottawa, Sejt 13. OR the Brst time In Canad an ristory Mr»-s v.t.s r^iebr-ted <n Parliament Hill yesterday and a .vimon delivered ;n Fr n n-h by A~> J^h^ho;) AiP\'r>.ndre Vp^h^iTb's wa^ one i,t th> manf >•• .>,- rs t'-rcn"bn-.f (.'anooa as
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 81 3 2 LORRIES MILITARY TRUCK IN CO LLISTON yWO Chinese and an Indian were hajwej in a triple cittsfcn irr-1 -t^^ fvo motor. lorrirs a-d a military tru-k in Pukit Thrah Road, at tho Mmrtlnn of Adam It-a"' ve ie'dB'- aftp'-^ron Ore of th« iniur-i Se!i?ved to ha'T lr«a the driver
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  • 43 3 J^ YOUNG Chinese who vas said to ft*ra fallen from hi^ pereh in a rtwrn tire ye^trrc'-v afterßAan in itvniffird Road *-as T"kpn to h^nit^l hi a eeml-comrtooi 1. He FuiTorr^d an injury to his iav.- aid' a lectured writ.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 16 3 A, fr? P "s? aid hits IC^ or HOME i 84 '•> $3<F HALL LTD. BATTCFTV ROAD.
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    • 46 3 fATLJAV OPENING TO-DAY V.AI nAY 3.15 -6.15 -9.15 JAMES PAULET7E STEWART GODDAED Academy Award Winasr 1941 Greater Than Ev:r f AW^f tW fflffilW 1 t$\ JMTO artists *> P/ k An Earful of VVJTH HORACE HESDT =:r=l and Charles Winnin3*c_' i4nJ Paramount British Neivs Jusi: Ar.iocd i
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  • 660 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1941. Growing Strength OURVEYING the Pacific scene from Singapore, Mr. Alfred Duff Cooper, in a broadcast to Britain last night, gave what may well be described as his first Impression of the situation in the Far East the great strength of the forces
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  • 991 4 London Letter From Our Own Correspondent London, Aug. 8. TF you were in London to-day the one thing that would rise up and hit you in the eye, so to >p< i ak. ifl the intensity with which we have learnt to hate.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 261 4 j fai&fKgk m/ 3 BITTER accumulated expert- s^^Jw^^~"j^l ence has gone to \lj/A§|9ra^7 perfecting this brew. [Imlmi^Tm! By Special appointment Ettablithed {%m j^ (|j) /ST2. NEWEST DESIGNS IN OIAMONO JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches. fIBIHHB^HBIBVI'VVBBBBiB^BHSBMtfpiBBBBB—pVIBBBB^B^HHBjBHBJiMH SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. B^r^H B^^tJlH Jm^B JBjff Wj m B^^Ty ■v r.ryf MM
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    • 23 4 NUMONT Modern Rimless glasses by NAD SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325, North Bridge Rd., S'pore. Phone 6363. 113, High St., Kuala Lumpur. Phone 3054.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 37 4 gluey <fe Cugley 7 now did The 1 7 S 7" OBSERVATION J N0 /<# //T^^ duty turnout a Jl A s GE -y \V V^^-Wtf BlUEY?> ifyi/li^ f <N^ A s\y ir' A J^U AlPP j-/^ -~r
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  • 1791 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By terrific of I-*; ult stage Irishiates of Irish i hotly pursued )>-,!> bfy talented Magic Circle ■g waving packs Victoria Theatre n into its custo.ther before the next lor the delectalathetk bc Island Comring Dr Cht;er- the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 A THE SURE Cv. ■.■>.' REMEDY FOR i L L (.OUGHS y_~ j AND •1 j CHE SI TROUBLED STOP THAT COUGH 1 ilintl PRODUCT -3 T A NABLfc. AT HI DISPENSARIES AND STORES. v >'ca. VD'jf Dirthrlgnt o< ire rnrint yc^ir ompknoa .-a with every day that frying .tcr
      128 words
    • 239 5 1 THE MODERN WOMAN I I AN £fAA&'*k*«' 1 MASTERPIECE iFHH B Elizabeth Ard?n Preparations have brought llf L^_^H BP\ 1( veliness to the women of the world. Trust ||||l» fi yourself completely to Elizabeth Arden and I|b_ L_ y°u can be sure that you will look your If* w*_
      239 words

  • 579 6 Understanding With Japan Concerning East Asia Pacific T UI? London, Sept. 15. Hh dim outlines of a possible understanding with Japan concerning East Asia and the Pacific appears to be shaping: to-day, although ultimate decisions will remain in abeyance while the fate of the Japanese-Amercan talks hanes in •he balance.
    United Press  -  579 words
  • 81 6 Stockholm, st*pt. 15 DI'SSIAN 'living bombs" old planes carrying dynamite are claimed hv the S >v>t radio t<> have blown up I Germ in ships off Kranstftdt, reports the Aft«nblac*et. The newspaper says the Soviet radio reported that ":he R?r* Army saerifu "d 12
    United Press  -  81 words
  • 163 6 Shipbuilding History Made In Sydney DECENTLY, for the first time in the shipbuilding history of Sydney, two ships for the Royal Australian Navy were launched in one day. They were launched from different dockyards. one launching i n the morning was performed by Mrs. Hutcheson wife ol Commander O. I.
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  • 173 6 L melon, ap* 15 OUTRAGES in Serbia are lea Lnf to civil wa-.' declared the quisl ng Serbian Premier, Gen Nedltch, In a Speech lust nigh quoted by th B 1 grade raciio. "AH s rbian.s are asked to d<> everything in their n
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 66 6 Le Trait, the shipbuilding centre on tlie Kher Seine (west of Rouen) in enemy-occupied territory, was attacked in daylight by aircraft of the \vX.v. Bomber Command recently. Bombs were seen to hurst 00 the railway and a direct hit was scored on a ship
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  • 100 6 Washington, Sept. 14 THE Unitt tates Senate has be n I cupii with the inquiry bj -SI ite Commerce sub- n e int allegations that tl industry is spreading prop deled to Involve the United States war Wr. Wendell Willkie, representing the film producers
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 169 6 QOVH2T morale is not merely -ood T oecl icul savs R i in rsall. editor of pm. New v rk The people are confident, withou* either under-estimating cr over-estj mating the enemy's strei gth "When the Germai smashe I Poland on their drive into 'J th
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  • 443 6 R.A.F. Wing To Soviet Said To Include Fastest Fighters Guidon. Sept. 15 COMMENTING on the dispatch of a Royal Air Fom wing to Russia in addition to "hundreds of lircraft" already sent, military observers here point out thai the stationing of British bomber squadrons
    United Press; Reuter  -  443 words
  • 47 6 GERMANS GET MARCHING ORDERS IN IRAN sept. A T Oermai n r Bri <•• nd Russkmj Itles tori radio r instructions t Gen T A :;<n U) :> Oermai who hav< Legation compou a* Bftt inlay's meeting ich the Shah that deputi more i olce in the G Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 203 6 pONTINUOUS bombing 0 a? P Tobnik n ext insi in ol patrol activities on the Egyptian-Libyan frontier are reported in a communique issued yesterday from British g.iiq rhe communique says "in the robruk area our fighting patrols made deep p n trati
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 19 6 P reS S Comment On Moscow Conference T HE f arrival S I j j I J Qce Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 33 6 I fl :fl fl fl fl -fl log: I m fl ma gn fl fl fl fl fl J mM fl mat*: fl fl fl Wm Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 9 6 w ben:: $2.'. 1 Reuter
    Reuter  -  9 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 125 6 Now Try this Amazing Liquid Healer for SKIN TORTURE Is your Ufa one lonj tartan through Uk madciening it hoi il n diseaa I• n do time io gettin i otU i thai an zinc bquid beakf D.D.D. ripi i Iropa to the eruption it. hin« stom ele« trii I
      125 words
    • 169 6 (This j\ a untouched f-hot 'th RHEUMATISM The terrible penalty of neglect. De Wt s Look at those deformed hands bdncfi to fingers knotted and swollen inflamed joints so racked with pain W:th k that every movement is torture. That's M how badly rheumatism, if v^'C .t is neglected, can
      169 words

  • 726 7 Warlike Action By Her Allied Powers "Hardly Believable" m kudk bdfcvahfc that the one Axis power i n ifcj I'uitit world will deliberately brin down upon bt ho concentrated wratb and fury of all the lfs that ;tand united on the
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  • 193 7 INDICATIVE ol Increased prices prevailing In the country, both cost ol living and supplementary allowances tor Government employees In Malaya this month show substantial Increases over granted In august and in July. Cost oi ii'.ins ratea arc Increased by either 13 or _0 cent.s. and
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  • 77 7 SINCE the institutiun of the biweekly airmail service from the MHiHu East to Australia, members of the Australian Imperial Force have beta writing home at the rate of ?00 0«M) airmail letters a week. Judging; frcm the heavy mail which arrives in SinTipore from Australia every
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  • 295 7 China's Gift To Schools Overseas /CHINESE schools in the "South Seas," including those in Malaya arc this year receiving a total grant of $1,500,000 from the Chungking Government, said Mr. Yu Chien Hsien. of the Educational Department of the Chin Overseas Affairs Commission, when he was entertained to dinner on
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  • 38 7 THE directors of Punggor Rubber! Flit at s, Ltd have accepted an offer to purchase the properties for: ?!'20.000. An agreement has been sign- c, and completion is expected to take place on Sept. 20.
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  • 21 7 A conuniisiun as Acting sub-LwuU»iiant has been granted u> Mr. Qeoflrey Lewis Fairlie in th" Btralta Bettlementa Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
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  • 752 7 i A ROYAL Naval Reserve oiQcer re- turning home from patrol duty found a letter left by his wife in which she stated that she had de- ciritd to £0 away -with another man, 1 it was stated in the Singapore High Court
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  • 284 7 More Cultural Courses Needed At College DAFFLES COLLEGE will soon not be able to cope with the number of students desiring to attend unless it reaches out and sets new goals for itself, says the latest issue of 'Malaysia Message, the official organ of The Methodist Church in Malaysia. "Education
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  • 110 7 CYN Eng Kai. a salesman employed in the Import denartreent of McAlister and Co. Ltd. Battery Road, was offered bail of $1,000 In th S ngapore Criminal District Court yes- I tada; when he claimed trial on three charges of cheating. M is -ii
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  • 102 7 lyfß Percy C. Spender, the Ausifl Indian Minister for the Army, will not be visiting Malaya for some time yet. Mr. Spender made an official denial in Melbourne on Saturday that he had any present intention ni visiting this country. U wxs stated earlier that Mr.
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  • 303 7 "Hong Kong Glad To CoWith Chungking" Operate Chungking" RETIRED GOVERNOR ON HIGH CHINESE MORALE HESCRIBING relations between Chungking; and Hong Song u as very cordial, Sir GeoTry Northcote who recently retired from the governorship of Hong Kong, said in an interview before leaving Singapore yesterday, "We are always glad to
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  • 116 7 I*iiE Mcßivme reservoir or that part of tt where the pumping station is situated, is hjw cor..sidtrcd by the Singapore Municipality as a "protected place into which entry is prohibited." Notice beards to this effect w re erected at several points of entrance on Saturday. The
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  • 25 7 Mr. II. n. Arbenz will address fhe [Rotary club of Singapore on "Sumatra r—Thirty Years A.^o" at thej.r luncheon meeting at the Adeiphi Hotel tomorrow
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  • 266 7 PRISON ORDER REDUCED TO A $200 FINE Under sentence of six months!* simple Imprisonment and two years' suspension of his driving licence for causing the death of a ricksha puller by a negligent act, a young Ln?-lish-sp:aking Chinese, Teh Leong Chen, had his sentence reduced to a fine of $200,
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  • 24 7 Tiie Governor has eppointed Mr. Robert John Et-Chardsan to be Deputy Oo-nmiss-oner, Local Defence Carps, for the Settlement of EVnang. states the Govexmnent Gaaette.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 Good Food P o r p t 3 "e f he KCflSOm 'or Increasing Popularity A I IHL c ~:?OL RESTAURANT <^tu,ncd Telephone 4906
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    • 191 7 c2 eaii ty I ACHIEVED R Y Y^&y Sh|N 6IMNLIMfcS9 > 6kin care isn't a matter of happv dabblings with a -nisceilaiiy of pots and tubes, for oer.utj is next to skin cleanliness 2nd first your «k:n must be olean^ed and toned and smoothed and socthed. First to cleanse ?our
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 385 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (incorooratec j> Snit'tndk 'fUMNMIaM AND OKIKMTAi 5 M CO MA II PASStNGf k %JVD CARGO SEBVIt't (Tmß 'Jj S!l,r > fl>l 'w^ rTltet Jr oeln l t o» m« f a o ft CallaiTrd KmcdonT U chin |B<U Oerlon »no ch« l^f^ B r
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    • 251 8 j MANSFIELD CO., LTD BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to un.tec Kingocm mm m m euaranteed all cargo bookings sub.ect tc Conferee War Clauses I W KSTKKN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHCAPESI p AR£ Regular Services to fremantle (Perth bv first class oassenger ships Single fare $200.00
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 401 8 Broadcn^^, SINGAPORE r^ ZIIL. ZHPI ZHr2 and ZHPS. Talk €40 a.m. Opening announcement* fa S^ Wint Sj French; 6.45 a.m. News ln French reiayS w,'° L J n from London; 7 a.m. News commentary u! V S^Sj 1 French; 715 a m Singapore calling. 2e£ L Odon; :< I cT«
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  • 1597 9  -  MAC BY A*~t2* acmon^^aun- iheil suu.RamrS'o in rn ever y as P^t of the P B H Q .Company of the Man- Ky.ment carried off th* fv, d UP by a de cisive victory ovc: heR'A" V P S > a ine «a. The Gunners played disapDointing
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  • 190 9 'C 11 nued from page 4 or of paintings, arc being made f r '"o Government oi the ruined H"us? I c- moons There are ma' y ph t■- phs avail tble ol the Charr > r aa i vas before the bombing and the n v
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  • 682 9 Australian News By Cable Melbourne, Sept. 15. HTHE Minister for Information <SenaA tor Fein states that the Government will soon send an artist to 'Malaya. The practice cf stationing artists With the A.I.F. abroad was j adopted in the la t war,
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  • 187 9 LOCAL MODEL PLANES COMPETITION .THE second ai.naal Malayan open model aeroplane «.on petition cf the Singapore Aeromodellers' Societj will be held on the reclaimed ground o-T Civive Iload at 9 a.m. on Sept. 28. The com petition will be divided into five classes; the mternationa] Wakcfie'd class; the Oldham trophy
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  • 125 9 TPHE appointment cf Ifr B ID :i? on- Snrfth &s Beoond A&iFtaat S< rotary, Cclonfal Secretary's Office, i? oi:: Lally announced. Mr. T. W Moan has been app 4nte Rarb Master. M. S. E. Je V Mr. R. W J. Kei a~d Mr. ii A. Porter have
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 219 9 SINGAPORE M mi UWLITY trr.ited for the !T-' «r services Por u llmiagWl Tenders anec ot the Mum- at Bukit Brown »tj sit *50». Dat? :-;n. Sept. 27. rviCtPl of Kedais and Pcn'.ian f Cl wtnt> l- noon. :< Qng tett to, ana MM of. the 3 at St. Andrew
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    • 51 9 WANTED ALHAMBRA BOARD RESIDENCE YORK LODGE ft) lon»K«)Al) SIX.APOKK Bl PKKIOK RESIDENTIAL ESTABI ISIIMEM. ft ?ii rumished Uounu and Kivt-pnonal Culsine. l>al!> or Montnl* Pbon* ISM. the best table in town. Quiet Cosy and comfortable Impeccable Service for a formal dinner, or a light "after the show" snack. For table
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    • 191 9 I Order delicious I I Ice Cream far your next 1 I "Social"... order it this I I convenient and money I I saving way I Organisers of social functions will find ord^nrj? »«a& g rB ™WW™" -Heir ice cream by tin ilon both eronomicaJ a; i®|^a convenient. For instance,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 182 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mail, close at the General Port Office as follows: TO-MORROW A ori; a Canada. N v.; undland, USA, Central a-d South America and West Indies 4 p rr. v Lu. opt Ail destinations with which po tal communica I sis dr? st 11 maintained r
      182 words

  • 112 10 Sydney, S«pt. 7. &at Canterbury, Feadim; was coupled with Lucrative and Veiled Threat in Epsom •Metropolitan doubles for V.'lo,»>oo. His ?ood win justified this heavy support. Red Pete also i* well supnorted with (he favourites in the Epsom Handicap. Mtfr tlie races, Ite^drn? further support for the
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  • 103 10 America 's Champion Horse Beaten Rho_e Island. Sept. 15. MA-UtSUC owned by Mr. Samuel F ddle. beat Whirl;* way, America's c'^ampion three-year-old. owned by Mr. U'arrr. n Wi i-jht. by f^»ur-and-a-h:'lf len^'hs in t'le £o.OTJ Na: rirsansett race a bed by a crovrd of 20.000. Theft were amity tv. o
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 639 10 To-M or row's Race Weights At Ipoh WEIGHTS for all nine races at Ipoh to-morrow, the second day of the Perak Turf Club's September are: Horse*. Class 3. Div. 1. 6 furlongs School B'>y OO Man- Bt u e 8 04 Lady Zenta 8.10 Scotrh Melody 8 01 Prunella
    639 words
  • 327 10 ONI.Y one tie in the B.G.C, autumn tennis tournament v. as placed yesterday. This «M in the men '3 handicap singles, 1.. «rhld) D W A bunpson 1 t ;i) beat O K i>r.n 1—15). f)--4. 7 -4, 6 3 VI RTIIF.R TII.S Further
    327 words
  • 2218 10 READING STAGES COMEBACK AFTER 19 DEFEATS Sports Notes From Australia But Honours Went To The Beaten High Caste UNIVERSITY'S SURPRISE IN RUGBY UNION Sydney, Sept. 7. MINETEEN consecutive defeats and a complete blank Ma* a ffuir-year-old preceded Reading's sensational coinebnck to beat High Ca.-.le in the Canterbury Stakes yesterday. Yet
    2,218 words
  • 55 10 a pi- Rl GIN i, (i Karri h < ant r D( v Balm«fn l;, l r I rl Ktcw m s I niversit t ffver P I r d I niv*r«it> 11. third I njver* h rl. I fi. < ranvU! W.ttew ria \dar"stov
    55 words
  • 66 10 The American and Japanese l.aseball teams, which met _.t Jalan Wmmmt Vadium on i Jnc i t winning eight-four to take the Sin-apore Baseball Lca;uc banner ani th- Uwp__y for i] L ri?ht). Draper, Shaberg, Brown, Ishii, Dyas. Nitio. Thompson, Onishi, Amerirzj) Manager p Larson, Nakamura, Stevens,
    66 words
  • 21 10 Jllh K If Gr. A. Pott c- i n H\! SWEEI t«O I:' quare M Byrdc i Sunda
    21 words
  • 12 10 tl r the SCI term b tou Sat urdas
    12 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
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      131 words