The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 September 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,4*4. ■BTD. ins. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1941. 6 CENTS
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  • 693 1 NAZIS FLUNG BACK IN LENINGRAD AREA Voroshilov Leads Strong Counter-Drive PURSUIT SAID STILL IN PROGRESS 32-Mile Russian Advance In Central Sector Moscow, Sept. 3. BI<; Soviet counur-attaok personally led by Marshal Voroshilov, Coiuniander-in-Chief m the northern sector, has pushed back the Germans three miles, the Red Star assert* to-day, reports
    United Press  -  693 words
  • 34 1 Luftwaffe Has Lost 5,000 More Pl anes Than R.A.F. puU the s Btfca jlfil th( '>n irai -it 8.0-10 j the KA 1 \v,> has 1 >>t Is n thp Russian ibout 4.W» Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 186 1 London, Sept. 3. fo\ Bi xwnhera, marking; jj.- c.r.iversary of the; ,y" <_. oration of war, 1 b indni m Berlin ;r^a of western Liteia aid ihe daman I bomb 3 were I trial buildings r Berlin v*.a.s ra add, but m- the beamiest
    United Press; Reuter  -  186 words
  • 46 1 Washington, Sept. 3. President Roosevelt's announcement that Mr. Arerfll Harrinutn will lead the mission of five to Moscow said it would be In conjunction with a similar British mission led by Lord Beaverbrook. Minister r Supplr. to deal with *uDDtie« to I u^sia.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 94 1 Vichy Said Seeking Peace Talks With Nazis Stockholm, Sept. 3. /\tto Abytz, German Ambassador m Paris, has tjone to Hitler's headquarters bearing a formal request irom Comte de Brinon, Vichy envoy m Paris, lor negotiations for a definite Franco-German peace, according to the Tidlngen's Berlin correspondent. The Germans are displeased
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 107 1 Chungking, Sept, 3. TH£ Military Council asserted to-day that Japanese troops have evaluated Foochow following a severe battle test night. The Council claimed that the Chinese inflicted heavy casualties on the retreating Japanese, .-ays United Press Japanese headquarters m Canton make out that the withdrawal was
    United Press; Reuter  -  107 words
  • 211 1 British And Soviet Commissioners In Iran Confer London, Sept. 3. II IS Learned that the British and Soviet commissioners operating m Iran met yesterday at Kazvin. information is not yet forthcoming regarding the results of the conference. Negotiations between the British and Soviet Ministers and the Iranian Government are continuing,
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 47 1 Madrid, Sept. 3. HPHE Spanish Cabinet, at its first meeting since the summer vacation to-day, agreed vo give provisional liberty to 5.157 prisoners. Fines totalling over 1,000,000 pesos have been imposed on three businessmen for Infractions of the law regulating prices and sate of primary foodstuffs. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 508 1 'SUGGESTION IN PERSONAL MESSAGE TO PRESIDENT Washington, Sept. 3. DEUTER learns from a usually well-informed source that one of the suggestions contained m the personal message of Prince Konoye, Japanese Prime Minister, to President Roosevelt is that he and the President should meet somewhere m
    Reuter; United Press  -  508 words
  • 45 1 1/ondon, Sept. 3. PIINCE KONOYB said m Tofcio to-daj that Japan was facing the greatest crisis m her history. The Japanese official news» agency says Prince Konoye added that the crisis could be met only by "comDlete mobilization of the nations power."' Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 45 1 London, Sept. 3. r-A message to the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto, Mr. Cordeli Huli, U.B Secretary of State, sayt: 'Our two countries are drawing even more closely together m our determination to defend our own chosen w»y of lifp Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 137 1 AMERICAN NURSES ALSO ARRIVE IN U.K. London. Sep.. 3. THOUSANDS more Canadian soldiers have arrived m Britain accompanied by American technicians and C?n:^d;ai» girls recruited for the mechanical transport corps, and more American nurses joining the American Hod Groo.- m Britain, where 40 American nurses are already
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 3 1 (S« Pa*e NINE).
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 MPlfr-rfft^j^Yjßjjfc, ivCf' /J:<S^* \^^y^gfs?!So^6jßy^3WP?^S^'iWy^BtiSyOiiKtMJfflßß^^^» ->,'' v B^B^Bf B^B^P^^ iH^ky WYTHE LINTOfT WILLIAM IR THE NEW EASTER* FRSII #ff|^ WILLIAMS- DOROT Y WELLS B COLUMBIA SERIES WAR m% wiLLinmo v^ TMOMPSOM l&**\- M WBk WORLD-FAMOUS a lurrnu ATIHU At L*• r RADIO ORACLE wt THOIIPSOII 1^ iftariatMiaity lumwi m**Jßk rfrtiw IHTtRIIATIOIIAL
      160 words
    • 45 2 //ie 6f\v/ lablo m town. C^uict Cosy and comfortable Impeccable Service for a formal dinner, or a light "after the show" snack. For table reservation i____ lB l B l mJmJLmmmJmmmmUmmmJmmmtaJ^ r=^ i OTHER CINEMA ANNOUNCEMENTS i I APPEAR ON PAGES 3 AND I i
      45 words
    • 202 2 I ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE APPLAUD DE ANNAS GLORIOUS VOICE OF VICTORY! MB^ HERE IS GENUINELY THRILLING mSBBk SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT! /mljLLiJm\ special morning I IWlttttttW/ matinees daily The Screen's Singintr Sweetheart m her most r delightfully DARINC ROLE... M DEANNA DURBIN As The (iirl who came home at 5 a.m. and started
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    • 94 2 RED HOSE lI.P, -rii^ Following nave bean irWind b preM'lit (he Hod Rom UP, -D v; a rriendUr badminton natch with the Hurricane BP --B" Irani on the Hurricane ueytang, on Pridag starting M 3 pji George Albert Theaafn, C P Laaaa Walta Dendroff, Vincent Pereira I li Noms p
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    • 23 2 V M.C.v »EAI Ti i Cta &.CJC Tlu R Si anc ft C D 4 and A and 0 X i X A:
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  • 281 3 "Firm Foundation Laid For Nazis' Defeat"— Wavell Discloses In Broadcast 100,000 Indian Troops Now Serving Overseas iw v Simla, Sept. 3. have suffered several rude buffets and undergone some heavy shocks, but we are still upright and stronger than ever,*' declared Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, tommander-in-Chief m India, m a
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 119 3 Roosevelt On New Lease-Lend p r ogramme RESIDENT MAT ad* I * 000,000 H t<liiM|IWii Sept. 3. to 'step up -"on by spend1 ind tnmtng out r President Roose- •>.:;. Press conference I tola must ive a Dem ready by the ling ol next. hew foreD ipgHroo- U the toi
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 42 3 Dentz Not Yet Released i wro. >cpl. I v. Oen Henri r.-.r.._^ I .mx■ rt Brtr. D LttaO fa th v j a- rv U) P»O--ort Beirut, r Sept M f -f. baa I M tf at pt I -•>■ the krMUmral Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 36 3 ii Scpl > < bu me ipital bad :.':nd- I that th( b- en bran] \r ,;-j|irr that it :ir > vi- uld d') aed bti be Qter I r of 1 un Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 25 3 i I „1 j.t. j, ndc oy garria n thref c ati i i itttl Bel ■I Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 321 3 Simla. Sept. A TRIBUTE to the glorious deeds of Indian troops m the many battlefields of the war was paid by the Viceroy. Lord Linlithgow, m a broadcast to the people of India on the anniversary of the outbreak of war. me viceroy
    Reuter  -  321 words
  • 81 3 WHAT -Aould you do U you had H.O*U>oo* Buy a ya. -i»t Mid WfM -mind the world V pmrtlTP a manor CMlk on ttM Wmttient? Prtscilla Lan« found It brought hn much unhapptoeaa that gave gift of $1,000,000 a *a> ko her Men* ard
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  • 222 3 Wellington. Stu'-. Z. FERVENT devotion to the id» als pi liberty and justice lor which Britain and the Allies are fighting with J inflexible determination is \oi:ed m a resolution passed by the New Zealand House of Representatives on the occasion of the second anniversary <> r
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 44 3 MECHANIZATION OF INDIES' ARMY Rat:i\ia. Sept. 3. ANBW wpplitnontary budget for the Nethertandi Indies War Department has ben pr^sentrd to the People's Council by the Neihfriands Indies Government. niLs asks for 4b.000.000 guildpr.s for farther mechanization and motortattloß nf the Netherlptnda ImUef Army. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 53 3 THE death occurred at the General Hospital Johore Bahru last night of Mr. G. A. Marshall. Chiof Building Inspector. Town Board. The late Mr Marshall, who was 43. I leaves a widow and son. The funeral will take place at Bida- dari
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  • 268 3 Rangoon. S-pt. WHEN m the fullness 61 time democracy has triumphed, as U certainly will, wo ourselves, as a rail, self-governing country, will Qnd m China a great neighbour and a iirst class power LTiKageri m the common task o; preserving the peace of the world.* 1
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 60 3 I'okio, Sept. 3. THL Chinese Government at Chungirfng yesterday appointed Mr. 1 Tseng Yung-po, administrative Vice- Minister of Foreign AiTairs. as envoy j tc Burma, it is reliably reported m j Shanghai, says the Dome! news agency. Mr. Tseng *'ill be suroeeded at the Foreign Ministry
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 56 3 Lisbon, Sf-pt. 3. A MONO the survivors brought to Lisbon on j Monday night aboard the steamer Lima I were five Goanesc who were rescued after spending many days m an open boat alter '> the ship was wrecked Is the Atlantic. Their Bufferings were intcnre and they were ovcr'jovfd
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 468 3 I.onUuii. S<*pt. I. •nwr- k no Roosevelt hw mrtredUu Allied cause. «nai hM li:a:. *rtt tow a t ,1 Ls not alone m .r our civu ■Mi* havf s«un* >n Aj» or blfot Mriea more and m oro urto jj^,
    Reuter  -  468 words
  • 71 3 New York, Sept. 3. "THE United States is at war m the profoundest sense," writes the New York Post m an article urging that the United States shall declare war immediately. "This nation dedicates itself to the task of crushing the form and
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 184 3 Washington, Sept. 3. TT is understood there is a sharp division of opinion among officials here, including some members of the State Department, on the Par Eastern situation. A number of high officials are stated to be m favour of allowing Japan to remain
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 70 3 British Nazi Plane Losses Compared London, Sept. 3. A LIST of comprehensive looses of aircraft during August was issued here to-day. Over and around Britain the Germans lost 15 and the British nil. In Europe the Germans lest 127 and the British 265. In the Middle East the Germans lost
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 175 3 'Army Can Look Back With Pride'— C.I.G.S. MESSAGE TO TROOPS THROUGHOUT EMPIRE London, Sept. 3. r»EN. Sir John Dill, Chief cf the Imperial General Staff, En a message to troops staiioned all over the Empire, says: "As we enter into the third year or the war Army can look with
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 30 3 Wellington, Sept. 3. THE £10,000,000 New Zealand war loan has be?n oversubscribed. This was announced to-day by Mr. Walter Nash. New Zealand actine Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 9 3 fc: li >lv; tRI SHES i' IALI LTD. ROAD
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    • 239 3 CATHAY TO-DAY I Al llAl 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 SHI^^HIH^^S S >phonf dugout to a spy- j m^Hm^W tJmSJSL hideout m Lisbon \W^-^^3K^P^fS^^ipf^ it's the screens M^fe#H^fc«^^^^B ALSO INCLUDING llffiW^mTivM -^jOJP Afi^SJT vivid KUiiii %JiVC iwivni A foramowtit Picrwr* witty RUSSlANl^^^^^^^^^ PATBICU MOKISOM 8«UlE BUBRE lOMH lOOt* TERM AN f
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  • 739 4 The Singapore free Press THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1941. Third Year U/E are to-day In the third year of war and anyone who remembers or has read of the grim period that was the year 1916-17 during the last war will understand that 1941-42 no doubt has m .store for us
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  • 1075 4 Australia l& lj adopt th airstrategy of defence In depth. The Air Minister »Mr McEwen) ha-s announced a r (-organ izaUon of the R A A P. to fit m with this. A belt of aerodromes will act as a buffer against possible attacks on
    1,075 words
  • 31 4 Hw condition of I Lava] ;*»:xt. French Quislings win. wen I I m ar. assassination pttnftpt Versailles to riioi oonsldeimbk i apt «em tit, a \-> ihr Vi. !>\ vt ..:< > las( nin Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 92 4 v D ed t 4 lonu \u i BM Bfl night t sej each < Siov. UJ credit I i the Gci Pj i or 5 Radio s> But k Rn Hurri pr mid with i they i The be «-G It v... Gen I .v. :x-«
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    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 282 4 I'l h<* follow ii? -lc>p.iloh iroiit sperUl rorres^pondrnt »n Smgapove was published m the s>dn«*> Morninß Hrrald last week.! pOUR main points emerge from tnt :ortn:ghfs observations by senioc Australian loarnalists. vno had Un ix)rt.uit conversations with high Netherlands Indus and Malayan officials Their impress:, ju VCR
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1365 5 "We Enter Third Year Of War In Good Heart"— Governor the third If war, and I (MM among nights have not at Sunday .:•> ago when g station the Britain and I war," Bald Sir Shenton adcast trom ■ii last night entitled "The r the words lain when he fn
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  • 34 5 HMS Prince of Wales, one of Britain's nevest and fastest battleships. .v« Whfch Mr Winston Churchill travelled for his historic Atlantic ujfeefcitft **ttl U»J JWWbWt tire VnitttJ W A»e«ftto.
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  • 755 5 "Let us be thankful, then, to-aay for what we have escaped and for what the British Empire has achieved. Let us remember the magnificent resistance of Russia and China, the fortitude and the will to victory which they are showing, and the help which they
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  • 101 5 ANEW dive-bomber, named Vengeance by the British Air Ministry, is being built by Vultee Aircraft, it was announced recently. Although its specifications remain a military secret, it is said to exceed m performance any known 'plane of similar type. It Ls the first machine incorporating
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  • 211 5 A LTHOUGH many people m Bri- tain have seen the giant fourengined Short Stirling: bomber overhead, looking like a much-magni-fied Wellington, its details were disclosed for the first time by the aeronautical correspondent of The Times only recently. "It is not only the R.A.F.'s
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  • 171 5 DREAKING all previous flight records 1 D m Australia, the first Bristol Beaufort torpedo bomber to be assembled m the Commonwealth recently Hew from Melbourne to Brisbane '850 miles t. m 3 hrs. 12 mins. Captain T. R. Young, a former Queensland Airline pilot,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 I Ailn f f it j I V I id happiness m children depend so comfy Socks and clothing. Look for the name 'VIYhLLA OBTAINABLE AT ALL FIRST CLASS STORES t v K_THESE_DATES ■3 iith, 12th and 13th September. FOOTLIGHTS PARADE OF 1941 Bigger better than ever AT VICTORIA THEATRE
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    • 40 5 BATTLE OF BRITAIN Commemoration Garden Party m aid of the CHURCHILL TANK FUND Kings School Tickets $1 September sth from Little's AID BRITAIN WEEK Send Your Donations toAIR HH care of RAID VKH CHINA II RFMFF distress HBBg HI FUND
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  • 385 6 Remarkable Achievements Of R.A.F. Coastal Command London, Sept. 3. VJEW details of the extent to which British warplanes contributed to the Navy's success m the Battle of the Atlantic, which is surveyed by a naval spokesman m London, can be deduced from the
    Reuter  -  385 words
  • 304 6 Army R.A.F. Preparing For Big Struggles London. Sept. 3. JHE War Se/retary Capt. D. Margesson. ga c th^ foll.w'ng exclusive message 10 Rentes on the occasion of the second anniversary of the outbreak of the war: •The Army has had many hard tasks Since the war began has known both
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 93 6 Washington, Sept. 3. THE party of 47 Russians who landed at Norn* 1 In Alaska, en route to Washington i.s "a purely technical mission." the United States War Department announces. The m'ssion will visit a number ol aircraft factories to observe American building meth d.s
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  • 56 6 Cairo. Sept. 3. ABOUT 100 planes carried out divebombing and high level attacks on Tobruk on Monday, states a General Headquarters communique. Damage and casualties were negligible, however The communique added that British patrols on Monday night inflicted casualties on the enemy m
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  • 95 6 THE Minister for Munitions. Senator Mcßride. said recently that twupounder anti-tank guns made by Australian workmen were now being supplied to the A. IF. at home and abroad, says a message from Melbourne. It was only a short time ago that the first gun of this
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  • 64 6 Zurich, Sept. 3. THE meeting of Hitler and Mussolini will, it is suggested, lead to further pressure on France to join the "new order." The Rome newspaper Popolo d'ltalia .says. "There is a place for all peoples m the new Europe. Now is the time for France to assume her
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 54 6 A Hudson aircraft named "Spirit of Lockheed Vega Employees" has been presented to Britain by the employees of the Lockheed Vega Corporation who contributed money and gave their own time to the construction of the aircraft Picture shows the aircraft m flight to make her
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  • 128 6 Tokio, Sept. 3. ALL arrangements have been completed for staging the most elaborate realistic air defence exercises m Tokio history which are scheduled to begin m a few days. Special emphasis will be placed on fire-fighting m view of the large amount
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 228 6 Simla, Sept. INDIA'S notable contribution to the production of the Empire's war supplies was emphasized by Mr. Hydari. an Indian Member of the Eastern Group Council, m a statement to Reuter m Simla. Mr. Hydari stated that India supplies about 75 per cent, of
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  • 84 6 First British U.S. Planes For Russia? \i\v Y"rk. Sept. 3. TIIK 8.8.C. asserts that Moscow dispatches had reported the arrival m Ku si i of the first British and Ame'icm n 1 ncs m accordance with the Anglo-American-Soviet uk cement. Any arrival ot planes fr"m Britain .mil America In Russia
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  • 166 6 Shanghai. Sept. 3 JAPANESE forces evacuated from POOChoW, capita, ol Fukien Province, "are heading In new directions for the purpose oi continuing the campaign against China." a joint Japanese Army and Navy statement .revealed here to-day The forces wre moved because they had accomplished the.r mission of
    United Press  -  166 words
  • 89 6 Moscow, Sept. 3. "T^HERE Is every possibility of A Axis pressure on Turkey," asserted M. Solomon Lozovsky. Soviet Vice-Commissar for Foreign Affairs, at yesterday's press conference. He said that Italy has always wanted the Turkish coastline and "the Italian and German principle is one of constant
    United Press  -  89 words
  • 217 6 Stockholm. Sept. 3. DESPITE the evident desire of the Finnish people for peace, wellinformed Swedish quarters here find it difficult to believe that this is possible so l<">ng as the war on the Eastern Front continues. At the opening session of the Finnish Oiet on
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 396 6 Solid Front Stretches F Tobruk To Caspian Sen* THE second anniversary of I be iv* A stronger and more confident m Italian land and sea threat bo the 5 been eliminated and ships now sail the Only the beleaguer/1 garrison ol Gondar and a few
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • 162 6 London Sept. 3. JN b sudden attack on an enemy convoy off tht Norwegian coast yesterdas afterno Beaufod aircraft vi the Coastal Com nand b ft a Germar apply ship Mi.kin- on escort > v h!n lit damaged, and one Messerschmitt LOS was
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 30 6 Fran.- von Pap a thi Oermaii Ambaaadoi to Turkey, left Istanbul yesterday with bit wife by air for Vienna, states a message fi m tht Vu hy news Kgencj Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 39 6 "Eith er Japa n Or America Must Give Way" A I them, n the san leclarat it added I -3 dom cipl t^rnv Stale- 'i G lead I The would cut. 1 1 rar.d Russia b the Japai c
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  • 69 6 1 merit .^H abli --"-B hitht ri r Th«rf i- i -,-j- jJ undei bit Offlft jM and 't.. urn- M>rr..v r »;9 .lap.ii' if* f (jB other^viM ull follof Hhi i~ 9 s '^'i t' -.-r.c- v I v. .1 M: I Di I stn ngtta
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 30 6 Lor;. WHEN J I J Chinese J ..v It 1 I tin P. I M I till m 1 "V v i have Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 652 7 Kidnapped In Shanghai, Imprisoned In Saigon (Nvr rKh m Shanghai m April by Vichy authorities, N ttjm^i m a Saigon prison for four months, court-mar-„.M, ,.M m days a-o and sentenced to six months' imprisonment -^nti'mr^hii-h was suspended— for "assisting indirectly
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  • 221 7 Malaya senz three L ndon yesterday on ajrj Ol the war the British Prime Mr "»v .n-:<>n Churchill. Li rd Mayor of I by ltf Tan Kan the Federation of la South-Eastern ed to Mr. the I Old Mayor of Federation ond annivers-
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  • 11 7 ■< C7l iD" ar.rvunces ■Ml ta Sept. 16 at the be»n postponed
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  • 154 7 Pleading guilty to charges ol selling rice without a retailer's licence md purchasing rice without a consumer's card, a m.m and a woman were respectively hn°d $100, Of thn c months' ri?< rous impri>onrr.ent. and $10. or ten days 1 simple Imprisonment, by Mr
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  • 76 7 A CHARGE of selling forced $10 Straits Settlements currency notes brought against Wong Fook Kirn at the Assizes yesterday failed when the jury returned a unanimous verdict of not Kuiity It was alleged that Wong, through another Chinese, sold 100 forged notes to a police
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  • 68 7 More than 1.000 hineke men and women helpers covered Singapore m a street *ale of flowers m aid of the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Distress Fund yesterday. The Aid-To-Hritain campaign, which is to last until Sunday, is bein* conducted by the Federation of China
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  • 369 7 British Eastern Defence Chiefs Messages To N.I. QN the occasion of the Gist birthday last Sunday of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, messages wore exchanged between the British Far Eastern Commander-in-chief, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert BrookePopham. and the Commander-in-C'h. -I" ol the Royal Netherlands Indies Army. Gen, Berenschot. and between
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  • 37 7 Mrs. Kamala Dcvi Chatopadhya, an Indian Congress worker, will pass tiirou^h Singapore on the liner President Garfleld shortly. She is on ncr way back to India after a tour of the United States and the Far East.
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  • 44 7 Canberra, Sept. 3. THE Australian War Minister, Mr. Percy C Spender, has announced the vending of an official Australian war correspondent to Malaya as official Australian artist to depict the life of the men of the Australian Imperial Force. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 156 7 MR. Norman Fisher, who filmed th naval lx>mbardment oi Tripoli <r.d Bardia from a warship ana. watched the evacuation of British and Australian troops from Crete while Stukas dive-bombed the vessel he was m. arrived m Singapore yesterday from Egypt Mr. Fisher works for BritLh Movietone
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  • 34 7 THE first division league soccer fixture between the S.R.C. and the Malays, scheduled to come up for decision at Alison Road .stadium yesterday. was net played, The SRC. conceding a walk-over.
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  • 426 7 SINGAPORE'S MEDICAL Auxiliary Service, which has been organized on lines indicated by experience gained by British organizations during the past 12 months and adapted as°far as possible to local needs, has rapidly increased m efficiency since its formation and stands ready to give a creditable
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  • 225 7 More Indian And British Troop Reinforcements FULLY MECHANIZED UNITS AMONG further strong Indian reinforcements which have just reached Malaya are famous units with long traditions of valued service m many theatres of war. On arrival, they were met by the Commander-in-Chief, Far East, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham. The
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  • 153 7 THE Governments of the Straits 1 Settlements and of the Federated Malay States have decided to pay a supplementary allowance with effect from July 1, 1941, m addition to the high cost of living allowance which has been paid since Nov. 1, 1939. This new supplementary allowance
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  • 78 7 IN a cas;> under the Defence ReguJations 'Control of Petrol) Order. 1941. T. Pestana, the manager of Tian Hoh and Co., Ltd., Peck Scan Street, claimed trial on a summons alleging that, being a private petrol pump operator, he used 283 gallons of petrol m
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  • 137 7 IN «'Nice Girl?" the film which is now running at the Caoitol. Deanna Durbin once and for all puts the "dream-castle" days of her childhood behind her and launches out en the stormy seas of adolescence. It Ls not too easy a theme to
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  • 232 7 THE first mention of a charge under the Defence Regulations (Control of Petrol) Order, 1941. was made before Mr. K. K. Oon m the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday. Appearing as counsel en behalf of Goh Koon Hong, of Keng Lee Road, who was charged
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  • 131 7 Chinese Donates $100 To London Fund AN appeal for funds m aid of the Lord Mayer's Air Raid Distress Fund. which was made at the Rappf World under the auspices of the Prieration ol China Reliei Pond Cammitu s of bouth- Eastern Asia, has brought a
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  • 94 7 DLEADING guilty m the Singapore Police Courts yesterday to a charge under the Defence Regulations. Linn Bak. Sian was fined $50. or two months rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. \V I), Carew It was stated that Lim. after being employed by the Tanglin Military Hospital on Feo
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 Good Food Pr o m p C Courteous $ero i c C are the reasons for »*s Increasing Popularity -r^= AT THE s==^== Capitol restaurant '-< ■■.nditioned 1 1 TeUphoni 4906
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    • 16 7 For hard-wear, any where —choose Fabric of a 101 uses ROBINSON'S .SINGAPORE -——mmam—m—mmmmmmm^^mtm^mmmmmimmm 1*5.41. ,,93 mmhmmmi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 422 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (incorporater to j PKNINSfTLAS AND O&IXNTAJ H. CO. BIAU PASBKNGBB AND CARGO SERVICE. P— ««fcH •etrtcca «re oelag matntahwd d> the P. A a 8. N. C^, SSScd Kl^Awr a B 1 rU >nD to ChiB todi Ceyloß UM Piwcmw «re wfwif ccffMat their
      422 words
    • 299 8 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated is Australia* FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly sailings bj sa MARBLLA (7.375 tons) and m.v. MERKUK «MMM» tons) Both vessels are fitted with Cabin -de- lux* single and doable berth cabins, swimming baths, luxurious oufclit rooms. Single Retnnt Ist
      299 words
    • 104 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD BLUE FUNNEL LINE. p requent Sailing* to Unite*. Kingdom <>atf> r ao guaranteed, all carprc h<K>kln^ subject >r ,nv^« Clauses WESTERN %USTR A I A THt SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THi fA( Regular Services to fremantl* Perth JJfV by first class oassenKe* shtp^ Single fare >192 A
      104 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 976 8 BroadcQsHnq^ TO-DAY w, SINGAPORE gU£JS- ta *U ZHL. ZHFI. ZHP2 and ZHP2. SJaTftSa 1 u£jf.' 6.40 a.m. Opening announcement m record Interlude French; 6.45 a.m. News m French relayed ary m Thai- 7', p N from London; 7 a.m. News commentanr m Hoiv Koran French; 7.15 a.m. Singapore calling. London
      976 words

  • 372 9 Australian Newt By Cable I Q\ the suggestion of the Leader or the Opposition, Mr. John Curtin. Sir iven Mackay, who recently returned lrom his command m the Middle 1 East tc become Commander-in-Cruef meeting thia morning l 0 tnscusa probtema 01 high defence policy. PREMIER CONFIDENT
    372 words
  • 127 9 W. DU Sydney, Sept. 3. arm defence of British strategy m righting the Germans m Greece EdiorH re W^ mide fa y Major-Gen. Edward Puttiek-who fought m both nn£ F f lg ?*r on hU arrival frc SingaX^ 1 6 p an appointment as rtJ
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 135 9 A PINEAPPLE seller. Lee Woh Heng, who had allegedly attacked lour persons with a chopper, inflicting sern us injuries on one is to be retried by an order made by Mr. Justice Wor- y at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. Lee, who was on trial
    135 words
  • 114 9 (From Our Ov.n Correspondent.) .Toliore Bahru. Sept. 2. I IM CHONG KIO. a rubber estate 1 owner living at Pontian Ketchil, was committed for trial at the Assizes by Tu.'n Haji Nassir, Second Magistrate, to-day, on a charge of oem?; In pcisst'ssi^n Ol 19
    114 words
  • 116 9 J» LLEGED to have caused grievous m- jury to a police constable named Sadara Singh, four m-.-n. Wong Poh Cheng, Yeo Peng Koe, Mak Chen^ Chew and Tan Tai Peng, appeared m i the Singapore Police Courts yesterday. It was stated that the constable
    116 words
  • 323 9 THE funeral of Miss Margaret* Emma McConncll Kerr, daughter of Mrs. Kerr and sister of Mrs. F. J. L. Mayger of Singapore, took place yesterday afvorncon at Bidadari Cemelery. The Rev. Father C. C;auUii?r officiated. Others present at the graveside were Mr. E. G. Mozar,
    323 words
  • 326 9 Nazi-French Parleys On Peace P roposals London, Sept. 3. DEPORTS that negotiations have b een opened for the conclusion of a peace treaty between Germany and France are examined m a dispatch from the French frontier to the independent French news agency. Commenting on the reports that the Vichy ..Ambassador
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 78 9 T'HE annual gen ral meeting oi the Friends of Sint- r an.->re will be heici the Acidphi Hot?l at 5.15 p.m. next Wednesday. At a meeting of the Council It was decided to proceed with the printing of the broadcast talks m the series "Presenting Singapore." A
    78 words
  • 220 9 A VERDICT 01 murder against some person unknown was recorded by the Singapore Coroner. Mr. W G. Porter, yesterday at an inquiry into the mysterious circumstances of the death of an Indian watchman, Fazal Rahman, whose body was found lying on his charpoy on the five-foot-way of
    220 words
  • 152 9 Th? Bingapare Chamber of Corunerce Rubber Association Yf-id its i .554Ui auction, yesterday, and there were catal^Rucc] 2,861,247 1b.— 1.277.34 hns; oHered 2.686.443 1b.— 1,199.30 IXIDS; sold 1748.638 1b.— 780.64 tons. I-ondon Spot I3\d. New York Spot -2 1 a cents. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet tents
    152 words
  • 43 9 IN common with other reiwious institutions, the Chpseti-Ei Synagogue m Oxley Rise will hold a special service or. Sunday morning. Sunday has been fixed as a "national day of prayer" which will be observed throughout ths Empire.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 206 9 JgJEB ADVERTISEMEiTS r K\DKKS M! M( IPALITY pcadtefs. x 'nvtted for tne r services For f MuH apml Tender* >-' .'v: period 30, 1&42. Date I Mil. ma a iDep sit SoU S pt. B. SC rotary tfBBER REGULATION ral initi m 1 the ra*<rtei IM] at In Malaya
      206 words
    • 22 9 BOARD RESIDENCE YORK LODGE •I. LUitß ROAD, SINGAPORE. SIPFKEOK RESIDENTIAL KST\BLISHMEM. Well furnished Rooms and Kjirepuonaj Cvi^ine. Dally or Montnlj. Pbone 3303.
      22 words
    • 135 9 Your favourite Singing Star of SOUTH OF THE BORDER" m a New Musical Thriller SATURDAY at MIDNIGHT MFC I ißralllC fB It BhF I :j mbjßt %vVC O o t s B^^ "L^^b^kß Bah! 9b t[t^ nt- nH^ "\m __^^^HVt b^|TsVvlAb«B^^^ ar gene S'ng^^^ MPT w "<■>>"+* **<**«** owi' TW>«mft»-
      135 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1326 9 Singapore Determined On B Greater War Effort MEMBERS ol various commuili.ies m Funds rak.ed m smaJl towns and villages In Singapore, interviewed yesterday Oreat Brl n thls Colony cannot lv „t the beginning of the third y*ar pf douhi% th.t the -pirit .f ser,ir. *2.r, were unanimous m the opinion
      1,326 words

  • 2332 10 Armagh Pays $48 And Banco $93 FOURTH DAY OF GOLD CUP RACE MEETING TWO maiden winners, Mr. R. Williamson's Armagh and 1 Mr. M. L. Phillips,' Banco, provided the upsets m a favourites* day at Bukit Timah yesterday, the fourth day of the Singapore Turf
    2,332 words
  • 396 10 Vrotn Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. S THE following are entries of Class 4 horrea for the Perak Turf Club meeting to be held on Sept. 13. 17 and 30. The first run will be five furlongs straight or 54 furlongs. and the second run six furlongs
    396 words
  • 528 10 (By John Davis-neuter's Sports Commentator) London, Sept. 3. WARTIME racing history will be repeated if a women owner wins the new St. Le&er, the last Turf classic of the season, which is being run over one mile and six furlongs at Manchester on Saturday. There
    Reuter  -  528 words
  • 79 10 Forest Hill. Sept. Z. r PHE veteran Helen Jacobs headrd the women's flekl into the quarter finals of the American open tennis championships today by beating th? British No 1 piaypr. Valeric Scott. 6-2; B—6.8 6. The staire Ls now set for the quajter final Lh twocn
    United Press  -  79 words
  • 32 10 A MEETING of members of the Owners and Trainers Association of Malaya will be hold at the China Building, top floor. Chulia .Street, at 6.15 p.m. to-day.
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  • 27 10 THE first division S.A.F A. league match between the Police and the R.A (Heavy Regt.). arranged to be playrd at the Depot yrsterday. was pastponed.
    27 words
  • 42 10 Indian Association gathered f\ill points I at the expense of the J.C.S.A who were unable to field a t«un for their second dlrision (b) lea£Tje soccer match which was to have been played a(j the JCSA pr^und yesterday
    42 words
  • 376 10 (From Our Own Correspondent > Johore Bahra, Sept. 2. r PHE Johore Military Forces, for the second consecutive year, became champion In the Hull cup competition to-day when they beat the Belia Club by three goals to nil m the final at
    376 words
  • 403 10 Only Goal Gives Argylls Victory At Changi GORDONS WERE WORTH A POINT Argyll* 1; Gordons THERE was a marked scarcity of thrilV 0 play m the first division league nd «td^ yesterday m which the Argyll beat t r at CS an only goal scored early m the first half
    403 words
  • 91 10 Soccer In Aid Of Air Force Benevolent Fund TENGAH V s SFirr IN SMALL Ar^gJ 1 Bam v, > v Road sud, uir gj" Mv^ Ten^ah opp.,^ seleur P U tho .small nit U v Kb Ro»d twofold chan van- as BUd] r: tan -Z. A;r V. M Officer C
    91 words
  • 147 10 Diamond And Milling Eaj«r For The Fray A LL 14 r^ad> for uj-r^ocrom p.ofr^, of fig-ht* m ±iG of tkt Ifo fuu t the Happy Wo-ir. M H !»,»niuDc ibc Milling, the pnn inalv m the main fmt are trained u> th» rr,!..ui. and oo» eayer
    147 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 31 10 for perfect t cooking use- I BEEF DRIPPING ffce wfosf economical fat for all cooking purposes In ii|Llull!ul'lliulllWLlLll PMOIE 53 7 6 Fit! 1 5 A u» CJS. 244A. Airl sib«J|*"
      31 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 53 10 To-day's Sports Events SOCCER: S.A.F.A. league, first division, Chinese Athletic vs. S.C.C., S.C.C.; reserve division, M.F.A. vs. R.A.F., Anson Road stadium; Police vs. Argylls, Depot; second division (a) R.A.M.C. vs. R.A.F. (Seletar), Gillman; R.A.F. (Tengah) vs. Malay Regiment. Tengah*. second division (b), Airport vs. Fort Canning, J.C.S.A.; S.C.F.A. v«. AJr
      53 words