The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 August 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 LATE SINGAPORE The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,38?. ESTD. 1835. SATITRDAf, AUGUST 9, 1941. CENTS
    18 words
  • 543 1 SERIOUS GERMAN THREAT TO ODESSA Rapid Nazi Progress In Ukraine ENZIES' GRAVE WARNING OF AUSTRALIA'S DANGER rhai Will Fight To Last Drop Of Blood," Bangkok Minister Adelaide, Aug. 8. liin \K vKirn tag m 'Australia a danger was sounded by Mr. R. G. Menzies, lJflmon*ealth Prime Minister, in a speech
    Reuter; United Press  -  543 words
  • 48 1 bik Vo-j 8. liner R_kuyo Maru port here because Ai' rtii! br '.tk out v h > >koham i. a naval source said here to-day. This source said Japanese vessels might be ordered to return to hi lean ports to remain there indefinitely.— United Press
    United Press  -  48 words
  • 437 1 I.u .J.n, Aur. DG___ .--'.vis devotion and r____ '.>pa'.lin-. ndi- '-> f air raids are !____>::: ::v._'.an awards lr tot: '.::.:or. Os: b:_r*so: T.rev nienk •..> -srurds, which B rasa ..ven to r: .il.ary firet vs> _i a b_a:... _rto a
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 250 1 Manchukuo Border Area Evacuation Shanghai, Aug. 8. n Japanese authorities have ordered women and children of non-military nationals to evacuate the Manchukuoan-Russian frontier area between Tsitslhar and Manchuli, where sporadic border fighting was reported recently, it was learned in unimpeachable quarters here to-day. The Japanese military spokesman said the Russians
    United Press  -  250 words
  • 219 1 Ankara, Auc* THE terms of Hitler's next peace offer "after the occupation of Russia as far as the Urals," claimed to hare been received direct from Berlin, were being circulated by two separate diplomatic sources here to-day. It was claimed Germany would deliberately
    United Press  -  219 words
  • 131 1 London, Aug. 8. pERMANVS drive in the rich agricultural and industrial regions of the Russian Ukraine appears to be gaining momentum and British sources to-day believe Odessa is now threatened, says United Press. The view in authoritative quarters in London, says
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  • 357 1 If they succeed, they would cut off those places from the north. The direction of their thrust j may alter, however, if they meet resistance. The railway line between Kiev and i Odessa has already been reported cut j by the enemy
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  • 276 1 Russian Planes In first Raid On Berlin? London, An?. 9. MYSTERIOUS "enemy" planes bombed Berlin last night Circumstantial evidence indicated they might have been Russian, and not British, says United Press. If Russian, the /aid would have been the first the Russians hav e carried out oyer Germany proper since
    United Press; Reuter  -  276 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 182 2 BOOK NOW FOR TO-NIGHT AND AVOID LAST MINUTE RUSH! TO-PAY and TO-MORROW 11 a.m. 3.15 I T^^TnTTuTC 6.15 9.15 ||ffßßHft|lfffMßil r«OS'f- s WP ''.p t A\«-" It>s __PPC Wfc G MAO c* p ■HB&^£» TO DOO W! r^_f| V. iS^^ Had much! The all-timt '/M f^ttiMm :iX^M b..»-».lling odvn- \f|
      182 words
    • 292 2 CHINESE EDUCATION OFFICIAL HERE «F|U_E aim of the Chinese Government is to Chinese^ education j^J^^** improve and promote nationalist edu- General j cation with the fuU co-operation of the j hast nig ht, Mr. Kao Lirg-pai entertamclocal government for the mutual b.nefit of -j r Yu dinner. About 40 guesvS
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  • 392 3 "Japan's Next Move Will Mean War" THAILAND MUST HAVE London, Aug. 8. D4 v come* n for severe criticism in the leading p A p re thi> morning, when The Times and Daily U h i^ >us€ her of havin wo ft»^ and of con>ikiT a Pre^s campaign against Thailand
    United Press  -  392 words
  • 9 3 1 T was shot f T 3r.Ui-. the Reuter
    Reuter  -  9 words
  • 53 3 Aug. i ciriteN m shangn as > n tn4a<> by Japan n»i«»rj___ f isud ih? off f,i 1 -I. or Vladi*S»r^? or A de<Sw l n< lhr Man 4 Wi territory Ht n n the J 1 ™V R Jt s that if C Rus i Xn,er,c *n
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 113 3 Soviet Surprise For Nazis London. Aug. X. AIRCRAFT ard armaments factories have been coin? up so fast e -st of the Urals that you tan hardlv recognise the towns if you come bark to them a month later. This statement was mad Dy an \mericai. tobacco Mr. Willy Heinebers.
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 85 3 1.. Bangkok, An-. 8. tnese days, when lapan is sending lar?e forces into Indo-China, several aliens are renting expensive houses in the secluded localities in 8?55k0B ?55 kok says ihe Thai Rasdr. and adds that after engaging the nouses some of these tenants keep them completely
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 104 3 Sumner Welles Leaves Capital FOR RUMOURED TALKS IN ATLANTIC? Washington, Aug. 8. TWO more high Government officials 1 were gone from the capital to-day amid rumours of a conference between P-esident Roosevelt and Mr. Winston Churchill. They were the Under-Secretary of State, Mr. Sumner Welles, and Major-Gen. James H. Burns,
    United Press  -  104 words
  • 90 3 Gen. Dentz Interned NON-RELEASE OF ALLIED OFFICERS f.onrlo'-, Aug. 8. If i.s otrieiaily stated in Cairo that Gm. D^ntz, who was Vichy High Commissioner in Syria, has b^en InI terned with 35 other Vi hy Officers. This action has been taken in view of i the non- release of Allied
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  • 145 3 I ELAND Stowe. one of the Chicago Daily News' team of brilliant war correspondents, arrived in Slngspore from America yesterday by Clipper. He is covering the Far East, particularly thus end, in place of another Daily News correspondent. A. T. Steele, who has Rone to cover
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  • 573 3 London, Auc. f. THE intensification of the battle in 1 the south of Russia to-day brought Into closer focus the menace to Britain's position if Hitler captures the Caucasian oilfields and for the first time links Britain's forces ir. the Middle East with the Russian
    United Press  -  573 words
  • 495 3 London. Aaf. S. CTIRRINO stories of the bravery of Indian troops are told in details now issued of awards for gallantry in Alrica. announced in the London Gazette of July 18. The Military Cross was won by Captain John Mount Barlow. Indian Arm*
    Reuter  -  495 words
  • 523 3 'Powerful, Fortified Stalin Line Is Red Army The Russian People' Moscow, Aug. 8. JJN an amplified statement regarding Russo-Geroian losses, the Soviet Information Bureau says to-day that more than six weeks have passed since the Germans treacherously attacked the Soviet. They are meeting evergrowing resistance of Red Army guerillas and
    Reuter  -  523 words
  • 22 3 iwur. Saigon, Aug. g. THE Messagenes Maritimes liner Marechal Jotrre left to-day for Manila carrying 55 American evacuees. I principally missionaries.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 103 3 London, Aug. 8. ACCORDING to completely reliable diplomatic advice arriving in Teheran, the British Minister, acting in co-operation wiih the Russian Ambassadcr, has firmly told the Iran Government that the British Government must insist on the expulsion of Germans in Iran, despite the German
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 26 3 Revjarik, Aug. 8. AN American convey arrived recently bringing further remfcreemen-s to the garrison here, it was learned today.— United Press
    United Press  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 16 3 I*PRI_P» P. i M MmWtM lid* iUu r1 >r N < in <„/^ «n Price 55 mu m
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    • 187 3 ITS A PICTURE YOU CAN ENJOY AGAIN... IF YOU'VE SEEN IT ALREADY.. COME ALONG AGAIN TO-DAY... 11 A.M. 3.15 6.15 9.15 'Phone 3400 f ATI! AV For Reservations L_ i\ 1 JH. A. I 12th Great Day! CARMEN MIRANDA C \_Z£L _M^ l mr+ _*?i»!!?Hl, til Plft*^^> W m Century.
      187 words

  • 850 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, AUGUST 9. 1941. "On Verge Of War" /GENERAL Sir Hubert Gough, in his military commentary yest:rday, declared that Britain is on the verge of war with Japan. That is the position, and no amount of wishful thinking can make any difference if Japan acts in
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 187 4 ANE of the answers to Japan's new strategic t moves in Indo-China is not in* theory nor on paper. It is in the air squadrons of high speed American fighter planes. They are flying up the Burma Road which once carried only lumbering lorry traffic American fighter planes for China.
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  • 476 4  - How The Dutch Annoy German A uthorities Vernon Bartlctt By J-JOYV much the ordinary humble little man will have to do with the winning of the war is illustrated by the history of the slave states in the 12 months that have elapsed since the first neutrals," Denmark and Norway,
    476 words
  • 133 4 U.S. Fighter Planes Guard Burma Rd Against Attack Coma, is too miles from either Rangoon or Lashio. li mbers attacking an unpr tected B .una I. id Irom H't. .1. Ventaine could k_e Lease-! add to China mere wishful thinking u!c dram the war-fanss of C Bo h American high
    133 words
  • 13 4 Eimr __P On of B !__<_._. B Im i else* tv I. Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 31 4 U.S. TRADE WITH NETHERLANDS INDIEX Ptom Oui H IrNTTI M roci i i Ifr i£s pr deli. stei ing wii!: St..;. Dari! Mr with Goveri the Ii lands .....j suM v
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 "Dorit i|ou just love ROSES'?" |^J^ "Yes, but best in Kffi|| a GIMLET! m ___2_\ CALDBECKS L_ a <— —Mi ■■■■■■■■■■■Ml^y <— By Special appointment Established Skj. (£t 1872. NEWEST DESIGNS IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches. r.c-urpof ated «n CryUmf SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. ___T7_^^^^^_____________T^ JL UjM'^.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 656 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By i. neymoon to ft Kit. Lieut. U o-Driscoll and Murray Dunehagoodsend edding guests was delaytes on ThursS3. i -Tut -p.m. ,vh T Ro. mother and ■r- Murray along, l erak, many. Also -u Tary Murray T(le. who was Robert Murher. V PBM
    656 words
  • 758 5 Brilliant Achievements in Arms Production in Britain From A London THE years between 1914 and 1918 introduced tbe overalled woman munitions worker as a key figure in the national war effort In this war she has become still more important awl effective, for modem factory methods
    758 words
  • 615 5 and then go on to explain how the aluminium wa.s collected. In particular they mention the enthusiasm ot th« Indonesians in ccnnection with these collections. 3£ H" Interesting Job CTNGAPORE. as a famous port, welx e ones many interesting personalities every w ek Woman with
    Reuter  -  615 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 177 5 t v vvvv if R SEASON SALE R vvv 2 Striped Shirts $1.00 w > C 12 Handkerchieves $0.60 Q 1 Big Remnant $1.00 < H 4 Singlets $1.00 H 14 Knickers $1.00 2 Bath Towels $1.00 3 Pillow Cases $1.00 Q 6 Fancy Socks $1.00 Q 3 Scarves $1.00
      177 words
    • 71 5 lil I seven savourn I I suggestions that I I will help to prevent I I menu monotonn- I I BjUr_3_H| W^^^y^r^ __-__________________tmM^F\mW your menus get mono- l tonous take advan- _____MtMf l tl!m^m\ f\\ 1 __|J[ tage of the selection of jTw^jUUP^* I good things we can offer and
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  • 278 6 Bangkok, Aug. 8. DEEP significance is attached to a statement of the official Thai radio commentator last night that Thailand does not need the protection of any power, presumably referring to assertions regarding Japan's duty to protect Thailand against Britain and America. Turning
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  • 47 6 Bangkok, Aug. 8. AB.B.C. report quoting Raymond Gram Swing, American radio commentator, that America has promised to supply war materials to Thailand has aroused widespread interest which is only tempered by lack of confirmation in Thai Government or American legation circles.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 282 6 Radio Phone Service To Papua Open A RADIO telephone service be- j tween Australia and Papua was inaugurated recently with a threewav conversation in which the Postmaster- General, Mr. Collins, the Minister in Charge of External Territories, Mr. McDonald, and the Administrator of Papua, Mr. Leonard Murray, took part. The
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  • 44 6 Washington, Aug. 7. pjfß. Henry Morgenthau. the United States Secretary of the Treasury revealed to-day that 10,000,000 yards o: cotton ,oods are being sent to China under the Lease-and-Lend Act for the manufacture Ol Chinese militsrv uniforms.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 52 6 Vancouver, Aug. 7. THE Duke of Kent has arrived in British Columbia, after a flight irom Calgary, Alberta. While at Banff the Duke found time to climb two mountains and then drove himself to, Calgary, where he boarded a Royal Can tdlan Air Force
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 57 6 Madrid, Aug. 8. I TN CONFIRMED rumours are being Circulated here stating that a conference is imminent at Gibraltar in which Lord Gort, Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Ambassador to Madrid and the French Gen Nosues will participate. On Monday last rumours emanating from Gibraltar mentioned that Gen.
    United Press  -  57 words
  • 32 6 r i Tokio, Aug. 8. HE Japanese Government has decided to Mu> Hon m lr D,fenC Burea Within Ki£F fe __^%S_. 1 22S :£_«C?A* United Press
    United Press  -  32 words
  • 145 6 Vichy, Aug. 8. COINCIDENT with the increased tension in Thailand due to Bangkok's announcement of the Government's intention to shift their recognition from Chungking to Nanking and the reinforcement of Singapore's defences, the French announced last night that a Japanese delegation headed hy Mr. Makota
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  • 266 6 (Prom Our Own (Correspondents ■xr .i Ipoh. Aug. 8 |N the Perak Supremo Court to-dav John Ratcliffe. manager of Borneo Motor; Limited, was awarded $3,000 general damages $405 special damages and costs in a case In which he claimed $20,000 general damage and $600 special
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  • 213 6 (.Prom Our Own Correspondent! Ipoh, Aug. 7. rpHE founding of a settlement for Ceylonese j in Malaya was discussed at the AU- Malayan Ceylon Federation at a meeting held l at the Ipoh Ceylon Association. The meeting which was presided over t>y I Mr. S. Rajaratnam
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  • 66 6 Men of a pioneer battalion of the A.I.F. swinging along a duty road, in the course of their comprehensive training in the Australian bush. Many A.I.F. units in Malaya have recently been celebrating the first anniversary of their formation in Australia and the men
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  • 84 6 Washington, Aug. 7. THE Senate voted to-day tentatively to authorise the army to extend the service of Selective Servicemen for 18 months beyond the present term o: one year, making a total p.rioti ol tv.o-and-a-half years. By a vote ol 44 to 28, the
    United Press  -  84 words
  • 48 6 Washington. Aup 8 r rliE Navy Department to-uay ■nuu—iml i jcint army and navy proeramme to tear! Spanish to 15.000 army aviator, and 5,0.' :.aval officers and enlisted men Ibe classes will be held in all nav;.; tricta and air stations- United Press
    United Press  -  48 words
  • 36 6 Vichy, Aup. 8. GEN. WEYGAND. delegate-gene; ai in French North Africa, will arrive in Vichy very soon where he will probably attend the Council of Ministers, accordins to reliable Quarters here United press
    United Press  -  36 words
  • 688 6 Giant 80-Ton Douglas "Dreadnought" Bomber Successfully Tested L'VEN aviation experts were astonished when Douglas Airk craft unveiled Us new flying battleship, the B-19, and rolled the 80-ton giant bomber out of its hangar for the first time, writes Lon Jones in the Sydney Morning Herald. It has taken Douglas engineers
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  • 186 6 London, Aug. 7. EXTRAVAGANT claims made in an Italian communique with regard j to an attack by British troops on enemy positions in a salient at Tobruk are refuted by authoritative quarters in London. It Is stated that enemy casualties were heavy although a correct
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 148 6 Kuala Lumpur Rally Of Air Raid Wardens mam < O A T T A ALL^ <,: Lumpur v.; Park thiv Sunday stood, is to the corps, for th. 1.000 warden considerably nam for u equipment. it is emptM will not b, of a mas> m< I roved th-, those who
    148 words
  • 40 6 PEN Duval _cB (aim that the --M deliberate.; "tH objective. ate any. ,jM In order -I 'the Germa:. I Into *hr r.<""-" between the different B '•Smo>.;.T: I •nan.'.' rtmoshenk ~W\ writer nyi United Press
    United Press  -  40 words
  • 30 6 A CIVILIAN I ba> c M fora fl passed tot- fl The schema fl furies throug] I vides lor p t. 9 victims. fl Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 t u m Wtw -^_T _T^^__m Fii fIBBB B ft #y>jfcY f_//__i B Bf Bl B I B B B^mT-I H" f _ft ■vjtb ITtB 1*- a i vJ____B w__H __i __a^__F ft a w_______________________________________Tr______Tunn_r?__f__!^^ f Kolfw ;^l_i Hl_^« _n_____fl BHwIU^B i_M:,_,, jSfm l __r^_i lyk <3_ts§l H_^^#_s£a__ j__n___WW^.-^t _ftJ_ft
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  • 140 7 ..■A. described as A 5 Nippon Yusen Hipping line) in. sunty in the rdaj to a charge asea of dutiable the S S. Tottori n July 2 Ol the Customs thai on Jab 2 the r< si il the Trr--stn gapore from presented
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  • 27 7 rr- tl lenl Hed «i, lag P D- ul a holiday on ,i U I air d at Medan. 4 ami the d splay
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  • 746 7 Heavy Stocks Being Held In Reserve JN the event of Malaya being directly involved in actual warfare, it would become desirable to begin rationing rice and other foods merely as a precaution to ensure that the heavy stocks already held in reserve
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  • 131 7 ■rpHis man is one of Singapore's moat 1 d itorious housebreakers," said Chiel Court inspect >r E. v Smith, describing Ahmat Cholak bin Yahaya, a 23-year- (_>.(! Boyanese, who eras convicted In the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday on a charge of housebreaking Ahmat
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  • 23 7 SALES t'f War Savings Certificates In Malaya totalled $6,923,085 on Tuesday an increase of $355,233 since July it. 1
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  • 584 7 Death Fall From Hotel Window Witness Questioned By Coroner jpURTHER evidence was recorded at the resumption yesterday of the Coroner's inquiry into the death of Lim Poey Kian, a dealer in motor-car spare parte, who had come to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur on a visit and was found dead on
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  • 26 7 The Maharajah Of Pati. la v:ts ar^.n,? the audience at th p Cathay Cinema in! Singapore test night. His Highness and! parly occupied a private box.
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  • 966 7 AN interesting Judgment arising out of a case in hich rot:m merchants claimed damages Trom sawmill owners and sought an injunction to restrain i them from usin^ the waterway which passed over a portion of their land, was delivered by Mr. Justice Aitken
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  • 323 7 AIR STATIONS GUNNERS THE Patiala pennant flying on ihe radiator of a big" 1 limousine and two Military Police motor-cycle out-riders in their red caps have been a frequent sight in Singapore in the last two days, since the Maharajah of Patiala has been inspecting
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  • 133 7 OPITTING in public streets, places and vehicles may be forbidden in Johore. A Bill to be Introduced in the Johore Council of State seeks to amend the > mall Offences Enactment by the Inclusion of a claus^ providing a penalty up to $25
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  • 63 7 TWO cattle owners. Raj Kisher Rai and Balcsher GuaJa, were acquitted In the Singapore Criminal District j Court yesterday at the conclusion of their trial on three charges of extortion. The men were alleged to have extorted various sums of money from three Indians, R.
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  • 50 7 THE students of the Poi Wah School. Kota Tinggi, Johore, have collected $186.03 for the relief of distressed 1 British children. This amount has been forwarded to the hon. treasurers of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, earmarked for the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Relief Fund j
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  • 472 7 ALLEGED FALSE STATEMENT Indian 's Defence A LI.EGED to have made a (feist statement to a police inspector In connection with a Traffic Court case. C. M. Rajahram. an Bazlish-spealdng Indian chert, siocd trial In the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday. Ra, ahnun was stated to fcjive told insp seta A.
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  • 22 7 On account nf the death of the great Indian poet, Sir Rabindranath TagOfe, all SindhJ shops in Singapore _riU remain closed to-day.
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  • 113 7 Ch inese En tertain' British Soldiers THE members of the Ai ilua Musical Club, a Chinese society with premises in Robin.. on Road, gave a farewell party tui Vcdnesday night to a group of British soldiers who ha.e become their fast friends, but 'a ho nave :io.v been transferred elsewhere.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 Ccn-rar. Fit ind Durability to be Bhoea hmenl m <^^a m '_wl 8 '^gag _BT___f ia _flh 'il ___^*__\f mm mm AH YCONG CHZONG SHOE CO. Va r K-iUfr Rd.. Suitaporc I'how i\f_ Good Food Court e o u s ■J r p ice are the reasons for Us Increasing
      81 words
    • 36 7 _<_" >_ /*r- t 'V JAHT E W Velva-sheen Swimming Trunks. Skirtless with built in Supporter. Plain Colours. Nayy, Maroon, and Cossack Green, Sizes 30 to 36 in. waist. PRICE $8.25 EACH NETT ROBINSON'S I SINGAPORE taa 41-BW
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 408 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (incorooratec to England) W PENINSULAR AND OBIENTAI ti. CO MAIL PASSENGKK AND CARGO SERVICE oeat poeoibie acmces arc oeing maintained oy the P. A O. 8. N. Oa, ESJ^S* S"* l "dal t»na at call in China. India. Ceylon and the United Kingdom P»n»engccs
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    • 302 8 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated ts Australia) o^mmm> aa-_— i i st FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly sailings by s-s. MARELLA (7.375 tons) and m.m. MERKUR (fc.OO. tons). Both vessels are fitted with Cabin -de-luxe single and double berth cabins, swimming baths, luxurious public
      302 words
    • 138 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Freouent Sellings to Unttec Kingdom Oate* trt guaranteed. aM cargo bookings subject to Coins'*** War Clauses WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THC CHtAPt* 1 f Ragwlar Services to Fremont!* (Perth by first claas oessengor shka* Single fare i192 (A EBB) Frequent connection
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 721 8 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZEU. 1.335 KC/» it'AS m.) ZHPI 9.69 tne/t mi (ZHR 6.475 aac's i_tt aa.| 2HP3 7.25 me/. (4l_ia aa.) ZHL. ZHPI ZHP2 ZHP--0.30 a.m. Singapore calling: 6.35 a.m. News in Prench relayed from London: 6.50 a.m. News commentary in French; 7.05 am. Xavler Cugat and his Waldorf
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    • 362 8 mm _CALENDE_t SandaT. Ilt 1( Grnea's F»r rmm 9m <, u Americac romn,^ T* 8' Gram Smn K b lUtb^ __._-!___.> U parlour 'famf with How_rd Marsh_|, 7Z JJ i'«_ mLaa?*-*** h Tafsvlii) Aug Jafcn Londoner g±___ pttL \m views 9.24. N^pol^ m^ ,d^Gs4ng Plae_v wa itcJ^.,! 0 m te,r_:
      362 words

  • 1716 9 I ir j BY MAC w J COivlE of the most I organized in the Garrison have been those of i the R.A.F., and the social committee is determined thac the dance to be held this, evening at the Adelphi Hotel J Roof Garden will be
    1,716 words
  • 194 9 I Malls close at the Gen. rai Post Office I as follows: TO-DAY Aden alr 12.30 p.m. Africa air 12.30 p.m. America: Canada, Newfoundland. U.S.A., Central and South America and West India... .air rl2 30 p.m. Australia air 12.30 p.m. Burma air 12 30 p.m. p. I Ceylon
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  • 602 9 Vocational Rather Than Academic SPEAKING at tho annual speech day of St. Andrew's School in ihe school ball at Woodsville yesterday. Archdeacon Graham White declared that education in Singapore should be vocational rather than academic. He considered that the'ptesen* curriculum for Singapore schools needed revision so as
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 923 9 L «tD_ADVERTISEMEIiT? PUBLIC NOTICES THE STUAITS TRADING COMPANY', LIMITED (Incorporated in the ._.o.> NOTICE is hereby gi.en that an Interim Dividend oi lb cevi. per share\ for the finincial year ending Dec. 31, 1941, has been declared by the Direc- j tors payable to the Shareholders on the Register on
      923 words
    • 193 9 I l < —-i I 1 I t "O". 1 v i V J V V v V 1 Order delicious i I Ice Cream for your next I I "Social". ..order it this I I convenient and money I IfLmaMg Organisers of social functions will find ordering H___B il_ii__Bß
      193 words

  • Article, Illustration
    40 10 picture. This line action picture shows Webber (Police) just tipping the ball over the bar in Thursday first division league soccer match at \n_.on Road stadium in which the Argylls beat the Police by three goals to one,- -Free Press
    Free Press  -  40 words
  • 339 10 New Standard For Fines In Customs Cases AMENDING BILL FOR JOHORE A STOP to the "infliction of lines out of all proportion to the gravity of the offence" ot" evading customs duties is the aim of a Bill to amend the Trade and Customs Enactment in Johore, which is to
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  • 86 10 A HUA. to amend the War Risks 'Gtx_d. r > Insurance __na..mer.. which will be introduced in 'he Johore Council of State would enable .he chairman of the War Risks Insurance Board to use hLs discretion snd compound cases where .iTence.s are revealed by late insurance or
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  • 64 10 THE prohibition <..r restriction of the Slaughter or exoort of animals ln the F'.M.i.. ia Introduced by a new regulation added to 'lu- Emergency Repulations. Power is gWen to the British Resident *o either prohibit or restrict the slaughter or "xp'.rt of animals whenever he is "satisfied
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  • 97 10 New York, Aug. 8. DnilHY Kiggs former American champion and last winner of the Wembledon singles, lost in the quarterfinal of the Eastern grass courts tennis championships to Wayne Sabin, who won B—6,8 6, 6 3. while another upset at this stage was Bryan Grant's
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 178 10 London, Aug. 8. f|*HK football upset, following the I/ondon clubs breakaway from the League, which thereupon retired the clubs from membership, had a Parliamentary echo when Mr. J. Stanley Homes <Lib Nat.), asked the Transport Minister, Col. Llewellyn, if his attention had been called
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 1403 10 FINAL DAY OF PENANG RACE MEETING Circuit Court Nutcracker The Best Bets REVIEW OF PROSPECTS THE best bets of the afternoon in Penang to-day, the final day of the Penang Turf Club's Summer meeting, will be in the class three long events and Circuit Court and Nutcracker should score, although
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  • 110 10 SELECTIONS for to-day's races in Penang are: FREE PRESS Race 1: Inventory, Pat Burke. Race 2: Circuit Court, Foxdown. Race 3: Ordination, Alicante. Race 4: Nutcracker. Le Toujuet. Race 5: Bally mun, Fair Kin*. Race 6: Smoke Drean <s. Cimon. Race 7: Drift On, Elcctra. Race 8:
    110 words
  • 124 10 THE Captain's Prize of the Royal Johore International Club presented by Dr J. N Dugdale played in conjunction with the July monthly medal resulted in a win for W. H. Oliver with a net score of 66. The following cards were returned. W. H. Oliver
    124 words
  • 100 10 "y^ FRIEND had come from China say--1 ing that the Japanese were bombing her homeland and she was worried because she wanted to return there," said a witness at an inquiry before Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, yesterday into the death of his
    100 words
  • 49 10 Indian labourer, Manikam, who was alleged to have killed his brother, 22-year-old Parini, a roadsweeper employed by the Singapore Municipality, on Apr. 10, committed for trial at the next assizes on a charge of murder, by Mr. W. _>. Carew the Third Magistrate, yesterday.
    49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 10 A phase of play in the first division leagae soccer match played at th. stadium on Thursday in which the Argylls beat the PrvHce by three to one- -free i-r_»
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • 395 10 S.C.C 2; R.A. (A.A.) 2. KEEN and interesting soccer was provided by the Singapore Cricket Club and the Anti-Aircraft Gunners, in a first division league soccer fixture at the stadium vesterday, the game ending in a draw of two goals all. Twice in arrears,
    395 words
  • 135 10 Week-end Sports TO-DAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A league, first division, Chinese Athletic vs. M.F.A., Anson Road Stadium. Fortress lE. vs. 8.A.F.. Changi; reserve division, Manchesters va S.C.F.A.. Tanglin; second division <bi. Naval Base Indians va JC SA.. JCSA. CRICKET: SBC. va Combined Colleges. S.R.C S.C.C. 2nd. team va SBC. 2nd team. S.CC;
    135 words
  • 159 10 Signals Score Five-Nil Win bitrnals THREE goals s ©red r y___" enabled the s-. H the Y.M.C.A. bj fiv, u N a second division a n >& math played W *r ground yesterda.v u A The Signals w<;, and. playing oonstructh ed the marine In McDonald r Th^ Y'.s rota.
    159 words
  • 34 10 COMBINED SCHOOL BEAT S.R.C. 7-2 THE Conbtead Id Recreation Club in afriendlj wcr^mi rr.und yesterdav Scorers for Bah Chee fl). Sharif) V an. Swee J_r.g. A Clarke ar.d K goal for the Re.- l
    34 words
  • 33 10 Srx goa_s mm aaaa HM RA P k sion 'Si >agur yesterdav Srorer? for Hm T ■P£ il l i and Ptt_ferald 1 Thorap Johnson (2) scored fo?
    33 words
  • 18 10 IfRANJI beat Hm I C v I %<•»'. in three ta league soccer matcl ground yesterday
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  • 16 10 Senior students Cata beat thp J_r.;< >r la two in a foo^bai: ch
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