The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 July 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 24 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press and daily news *AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.34!». ESTD. 1835 WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 194 JL 6 CENTS
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  • 534 1 Battle Still Raging Near Minsk— Moscow RUSSIANS WITHDRAW LIN REGION OF ARCTIC PORT P London, July 1. iSIAN troops vert action all last night m the Minsk and Bohruisk sectors of the eastern hattlefront ring the (iernan attempts to break through, says McftSCOT
    Reuter; United Press  -  534 words
  • 88 1 Stockholm. July 1. according lo Swedish correspon dents m the Helstngfors area, an ,-tillery dud hcLi been proceeding ttl Hangoe since June 25. The silence ot the Russians on Sate day gave rise to rumours that th v, were prepared to yield. It is computed the*
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 206 1 TROOPS GUNNED DURING LANDING Cairo, July 1. DIG axl> ilnp.s m Tripoli harbour were so vere ly damaged by R.A.F. bombers r.nd many casualties ffere c eased by machine-gun-ning of disembarked troops, according lo to-day's British R.A.F. Middle East communique TT" communique
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 72 1 Targets In Rhineland Ruhr Bombed London, July 1. A BRITISH Air Ministry communique Issued to-day announces: "German heavy industries m the Ruhr and the i Rhlneland were a*'ain attacked by bombers ol the ii A F. last night, when objectives at Duisberg, Cologne and Duesseldor' were the main targets Tvlany
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 424 1 London. July 1. THE news Lo-day oi the Russo-Germaii war throwa some light on German Strategy, writes Gen. Sir Hubert Gough, Renter's military commentator. \V> are beginning to arrive at an appreciation of what their strategy L> and uiuit m if.- 5 aims. In its broad
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  • 350 1 'Tokio Anxious To Maintain Good Relations With U.S.' THE Japanese Prime Minister, Prince Konoye, told me 1 to-day m an interview at his private residence, where officials were arriving m quick succession for discussions on Japan's policy m view of the Russo-German war,
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  • 75 1 KeW York, July 1. "flit' East French Uner Oregon. 7.70r> tons, has been captured In the south Atlantic by Britis- warships, accoriUns to maritime circles. The Oregon. It is rep rt d, was taken ro Freetown. She wa., well known before the war on the
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 204 1 London. July 1. THE British Government's fiscal policy was put m a nutshell by Sir X ingsley Wood, Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking on the third reading of the budget In r he House of Commons to -day. He asked the House to regard the budget
    United Press  -  204 words
  • 72 1 Shanghai. July 1. THE Japanese Navy spokesman to-day expressed regret for injuries to members of the British embassy stair at Chungking as a result of Japanese j bombings, but suggested that "the itish embassy should evacuate to the \"cty zone' on the south bank of
    United Press  -  72 words
  • 61 1 Los Angeles, July 1. A STRONG earthquake swayed southern f alifornii. last night. In Santa Barbara plateglass windows were shattered, bricks dislodged and walls cracked. The earthquake, which lasted one minute, felt like 'some great cosmic rocking chair m motion." with strange flashing lights m the
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 170 1 Bombay Struck By Heavy 36Hour Storm Bombay, July 1. AN unprecedented breakdown m telegraphic and telephonic t.^iiic between Bombay and all the principal cities m India and almost complete paralysis of rail traffic from Bombay followed a break m the lengthy dry spell by the longest 3nd heaviest, downpour In
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 68 1 SIR C. CHINTAMANI DIES AT 61 Allahabad. July 1. CIR Chirravoori Chintamani. editor of the Leader and a member of the Indian Round Table Conference, died to-day. aged 61.- London, July 1. CIR HENRY GRATTAN BUSHE, Le^a! Adviser to the Dominions Office and Colonial Office, has been appointed Governor of
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 471 2 At The Cinema THE «'Smart-Alec"-amateur-detective- helps-police-solve-murder theme is an j old one lor Hollywood but it is given a new j and an amusing and ingenious twist m Warner Bros, production, "Footsteps m tne j Dark" which opened at the Alhambra yesterday. Tlie star. Errol Plynn,
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  • 131 2 London, July 1. AI7.MALL Dumber of enemy aircraft liev. uvcr Britain hist night, according to an Air Ministry communique. Bombs were 'Iropped at places m the west and south west and m south Water. Some damage wa* done and there was a number of
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 YOU WILL DrE LAUGHING AT THE WAY ERROL FLYNN follows a more dangerous trail than he did m "SANTA FE TRAIL" m FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK" PflP l^W^¥!jyi| TO-DAY 3.15, Eaiiuili^^igiiJ 6.15& 9,15 Warner Bros. Present ERROL FLYNN km e3L gMpSßKr^'l^ 7 s "T^P "'i^iW HIS we Si^ S^»sfc^to? .J&MatLJ^M
      197 words
    • 221 2 f** .+jb TO-DAY. XV^CipjXaV 3.15— 6.15-9.1F THE BATTLE <>I (111 W^m^^^^^^^> sexes is <»\ X MARKS THE SPOT WHERE THE YEAR'S BIGGEST LAUGH OFFENSIVE IS BEING LAUNCHED! AW Mkmw LAWARR m hf mm Am I. comedy role Am Jfj BUMm mmr^ bk gorgeous thon ws mYw > *'s- Wr\. gflffiMlcKj-.TJpr'
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  • 406 3 Nazi Recognition Of Nanking Regime Is Held Significant Shanghai, July 1. Vl-'.I "TRAL quarters here to-night viewed the German, Italian and Rumanian recognition of the Nanking government, announced earlier to-day, as designed to strengthen Axis te wmh Japan at a time when Japan, if
    United Press  -  406 words
  • 64 3 Stockholm. July 1 REVIEWING oeata m .lime m th< Mediterranean rea the ,i \n-.-M military expert. Col. lU ussles out ihe >ini'ilt:U»eoiis mechanized stuck <»n Cyrenaica. ;he »ffens«v« •»> Syria of Gen. s!r \rrhih.\l«t V\.ivell. Vfiddie East He it must be idmitted that t is
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 173 3 Two Heroes Of Air War Over Desert Dead Louden. July 1. T.v- tmota o: the air war over Dm Libyan desert have lose lives, it is announced m an Ministry casualty communique. o- r t M d Meadosaa vmm won E 1 > yinguished Flying Medal Ln July h eai
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 106 3 I ', July 1. V* Q Power, Canadian Air IMM arrived In WOAr Cai i told j. Pr conLondon to-day that trie i trail srhe'ne wai well ttMM rV.ver vdded tnal ahaxw »0 per cent. i tl plai *as now u» operation a.- training untt£
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 41 3 *»«alnctou. July 1. iff ha MS) la President Rooeevelt iat slgna'.urr- a tUI increasing from m ttO to *J •iW.OOO 000 the lending al Urn mm »lity Credit Corpou I .p.:: Ing the igencv until July Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 123 3 '.oi kholm. July 1. A> appeasement towards Japan, Berlin correspondents expect ermany aj»d Italy shortly to 3>rver '-lotions with the Chungking Government. statement on this point is expc< ted lo be made m l.ipan »mmcI lately but it is expected that Japan for the nr~>ent will remain neutral.—
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 99 3 Moscow, July 1. MOSCOW had tta ftrst air raid alarm early this morning It be~an at 1.50 a.m. and enaed at 2.45 am without incident.— BOMBING OF RUSTCHUK •MERE FABRICATION" Moscow. July 1 A REPORT spnad by a German propaa\ jar. da agency ln Stockholm
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 36 3 Calcatta. July 1. TIE AR? staff school of the RAP. opened here »JJ train AR P. officers and instructors for provincial governments, also for certain industrial and public utility concern.*.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 30 3 Mi J Perrival, correspondent and aviation specialty oi the Sydney Morning Herald, who has been to Singapore twice already -joilectln» material for articles, returned here by air from Australia yesterday.
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  • 108 3 Gayda Warns "No Easy Victory In Russia" Rome, July 1. CIGHTING m the Russo-German war is still m its early stages and will demand a further big effort on the part of the Axis," states Gayda, Mussolini's "mouthpiece," m the Gioraale dltalia. continuing the Italian Press warning against the belief
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 182 3 German Success Claims Puzzle Observers NAZI PINCERS MAY FAIL TO CLOSE New York. July 1. |J AZ I reports of gains In Russia are minimized by neutral observers at Vichy who find the German claims puzzling, says the Vichy correspondent of the New York Times. A conservative view, he says,
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 179 3 Paderewski May Be Buried In Hero Cemetery New York, Jnlv t. SIR IGNACL PADERKWSKI, the famous pianist, who died ln New York two days J.&O, may, at least temporarily, be burled amoni; the graves of Unit-d States heroes at Arlington cemetery, Virginia if his family consents It was stated at
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 437 3 Simla. July 1. FIFTY men of the Mahratta Light Infantry have uk'^n v prominent part m the fighting In Eritrea, particularly at Keren, states a Press note. At Ummhaagar they participated m a little campaign all on their own, following up the retreating parrison and
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 220 3 Moscow, July 1. TTHE entire control of the Russian Government was turned over to-day to a supreme five-man Defence Council headed by Stalin, m a drastic move to improve the Soviet Union's resistance to the German Invasion The new Council was appointed by the
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 132 3 Honolulu, July 1. SIR RONALD CROSa former British Minister of shipping, now en route to Canberra to assume the post of High ComImlssioner to Australia, passed through hor to-day aboard the sa. Monterey. "A great deal of tonnage we can ill afford to looc
    United Press  -  132 words
  • 285 3 Moscow, July 1. IT is unnecessary to prove that by j this act the Vichy rulers j exposed themselves as agents of Qui man Fascists who betrayed France's interests," says the official j Tass news agency to-day commenting on the Vichy
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 195 3 Indian Leader On Threat From The North Hyderabad (Deccan), July 1. THIS trophy, which only a short time ago formed part of the Nazi war machine, j typifies the relentless savagery which spared neither church nor mosque, neither hospital nor ambulance it symbolize.-; rvgrrcssicn based over a broken word. In
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 84 3 Cairo, July 1. "THE surrender ol over 2,000 Italians In Abyssinia is mentioned m the following British Middle F>7tst communique issued to-day: LIBYA- Nothing to report.. ABYSSINIA: Following the occupation of Ghent, on June 27, an Italian general surrendered with 215 Italian officers and
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 118 3 Pro-Allied Demonstrations In Beirut VICHY TROOPS FIRE ON CROWDS Ankara, July 1. pROWDS demonstrating m Beirut r* m favour of the Allies were recently fired on by Vichy troops. Reuter's correspondent here learns. People who have learned how the Allies treated Damascus are anxious to welcome the British and Free
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 75 3 London, July 1. FURTHER lightening of petrel ration to private motorists is announced to-day Motorists are to receive iiincient petrol loi approximately 150 miles per month and those using cars for urgent business have been granted a supplementary allowance according to need "Hie
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 37 3 London. July 1. THE Swiss radio reports according to an official announcement by the Bulgarian High Command that Bulgarian territorial water* m the Black Sea are to be mined irom tw-morrov Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 39 3 Sydtu-Y. July 1 MR FRANCIS 3ILTLES. Australian author and explorer, died 10-day Reuter Vlehy. July 1. PCE Govenjnent to-day authorized French volunteers '"to Join the European war against the Communists ot Russia United Press
    Reuter; United Press  -  39 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 110 3 A. R. P. FIRST AID KITS FOR OFFICE or HOME Prices $4" to $30" MEDICAL HALL LTD 3, Battery Road. MS" Ikl I coME meet IL M THE LADY EVE BUT BEWARE! SHE'S BARD TO LEAVE rAT H A V 3 15 6 15 9 15 V-I-Ta. X Ilia A
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  • 661 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1941. Will U.S. Strike? A CLEAR call for the United States to go to war at once m full support of Great Britain was made by the U.S. Secretary for the Navy, Col. Frank Knox, speaking on Monday to a conference of State
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  • 1626 4 Principal Arsenal Warehouse Of The Eastern Group. Australia At War IV U/HEN Australian delegates attended the Eastern Group Conference m New Delhi last year to discuss problems uf supply m the British countries east of Suez, they had a remarkable story to tell. Some of the facts woe already known
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 31 4 Bluey €k Curley c^ 1 vusa\ k>«t sotmw <\ 1 1 7 C~ Just *w>tw mw Two A V/_^ 7*fy MFL X 7 -HiS OUL FtMCt MuwoasD MttM /-aIW _£->^ X^ tA^' ar-
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  • 2110 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By Free Press Feature MEMBERS of the Free W French somen's war work arty were very pleased by the success ol a bridge and mating itarty they held on Mon- (her $300 was raised to materials for comforts
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  • 120 5 he problem of foxi dur ig and after ever ha? long troubled the medical rofession The path it's stomsch h sually too areas to tol< rate solid tood et nourishment i ..' to avoid ollapse Research has shown that the 'xhaustion produced by fever is the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 And the Island Committee announces m "DESIGN for LIVING" J Friday JULY 11th (Informal Night) at 9 P.M. Saturday JULY 12th At 9.30 P.M. j BOOK TO-DAY at Littles $3, $2, $1 (Tax included)
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    • 70 5 mmaammsam mmm^s^ ■ns^K.iißHa hb? m^am k3im i— ***^ss^mtsasssammm^m DEAN'S SCHOOL NEW TERM COMMENCES 14th JULY 1941=—^ Senior School Junior School Pupils accepted during terms at pro rata fees. Phone 7323 300/302 Orchard Rd. ESTELLE COWAN Announces With Pleasure COCONUT GROVE NOW OPEN EXTENSION EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT DINE DANCE BY THE
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  • 164 6 Crete Tactics Would Fail Over Britain QNE of the highest officers of the R A.F. confidently maintains that although the German air invasion of Crete succeeded, it is most unlikely that the Germans coulc" repeat their tactics m Britain writes Alan Moorehead, Daily Express staff reporter, m Cairo. This officer,
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  • 147 6 CONDEMNING Isolationists for their complete lack of understanding Colonel Knox. US. Secretary for the v rle lared recently: "Supposing the United States withdrew within itself nd htain d a sorl ot fcen_o"*rarj safety. Ho*- could we look Britain m the face without hanging our heads m
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  • 94 6 PMPLOYERS forced to reduce staffs A under ttM Federal Government's plan for the curtailment of nonessential industry, will be asked to aooly first dismissals to men under 40. This will give maximum effect to the Government's plan to release more men for the munitions
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  • 40 6 A sergeant keeps vigil on the elifTs of Dover. He is a civil servant. Men who know every inch of the Dover and Folkestone area have been recruited for this section of the Home Guard »««to*Sß_B_*M*aflß
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  • 515 6 Catalina Flying Boat Can Stay 30 Hours In Air London, June 30. MEWSPAPER correspondents have been shown something of the work of Catalina flying-boats, m operations from Northern Ireland against U-boats and enemy bombers which attempt to interfere with trans-Atlantic shipping. One of the planes seen was the flying-boat which
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  • 84 6 Bangkrk, July 1. rviSCUSS T NG the condition- undei which the Thai Prc-s is endeavouring to maintain neutrality regarding the publication of foreign news, the Prainvtra says the Thai Press and radio depend fcr foreign news on news bulletins picked up and
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 76 6 »T»HE Commission of Inquiry appointI -d by the FM S. Government to investigate the affairs of the Mines Department, which completed its investigations on Apr. 22, has presented a majority ?nd a minority report to the Government, says the Malay Mail. The Commission comprised Messrs E.
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  • 292 6 THE increased force of British air raids on Germany N y. ready producing a notable effect. The Berlin A.R or ganization, for example, is apparently unprepared l tn deal with the heavy bombs now being used by the K.A.I rn>_
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 CATHAY i^ k MONDAY JULY 7th > JPI/ -ft at 9.00 P.M. ''--ImfS*) aCmi GAIETY By courtesy of Fox Film Corporation iSjT V <*aJ 1" (East) Ltd and the Management of the f/^ J T i Cathay Cinema, the total Proceeds will f f /Ja f^pU be donated to the
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  • 494 7 Trade In Passage Tickets From China Ports yiGOROUS attempts are being: made by the Immigration authorities m Singapore to stamp out the sale m China ports at exorbitant prices of for-ed certificates of quota and non-quota passage tickets to thousands of poor Chinese
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  • 79 7 •IN I ii^ Market," a short talk on food supplies available and HM prices the publ'c should pay, k t new daily feature of the s.n-Mpore broadcasting pro- mc, rim anj ?des on the air from t,» 7.50 am These daily IM ,tt- -ire supplied by
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  • 137 7 Finding On Death Of Two Labourers H Own Cor respondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 1. T. wm expressed by Mr. I 7 rk Diai rid Officer, Kuala H j this morning when h° gave; -he ieaths of two, irera which resulted the police during ::v., m UU
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  • 121 7 MALAY GUILTY OF ROBBERY f* rear's rigososn im- [ov strokes of .7 b] Mr Justice Ai I .-day after .7 rted middle- < h Eftnrain ati story wai that Loi ler at tne Orchard W rk along 5 an on Apr 2?, 1 btej rsrtook j amc int c turn
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  • 89 7 Bilk o( the VivekaSchool end Sa-adamani are f tacted by the Ml ii 8 i capore w.n at at the -t" I H tO-OK ROY, Stu at R sue Building the proceeds RTiUgo to the Maiaya 19 it mi c mprising Balk dan es, phys.
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  • 251 7 AN Indian constable ol the Naval Base police. Aziz Mohamad bin Pakir Mohamad, stood trial m the Singapore criminal district court yesterday on two charges of committing robbery of a fowl and voluntarily causing hurt to a Chinese. A*us Mohamad claimed trial Chief Injector
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  • 87 7 HAKKU MULLAH, an omnibus driver, was fined $25 for negligent driving at the junction of Middle Road and Seleme Road on June 13. by Mr. C. H. Whitton. the Traffic Judge, yesterday. It was alleged that Mullah drove an omnibus along Selegie Road from town crossed the junction
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  • 49 7 CONVICTED on a charge of obstructing a police officer on duty at the Navil Base on May 11 by striking him on the chest and tearing his shirt. Wong Yin mma yesterday fined $25, or on- m nth s rigorous imprisonment, m the Singapore second court.
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  • 183 7 Three Members Of Boys' Gang Sentenced A YOUTH whom the prosecution described as the leader of a gang of boys who make a nuisance of themselves m the People's Park area and "who specialize m violence," was sentenced m the Singapore third court yesterday to four months' rigorous imprimnment. to
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  • 175 7 FRTHER awards m the Services Honour- list of interest tD Malaya have now been announced C.B.E Brigadier C. E Davis. Royal Army Service Cerp_. ORE: Acting Lieut Col. BH.S Lloyd, Royal Engineers MBE.: Lieut <Q M i J 8 Doherty, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders M.8.E.: Subedar-Major
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  • 105 7 BAIL of $500 was offered to Tong Lai Siak. described as a salesman and bill collector employed by Phoenix Aerated Waters Ltd.. when he appeared In the Singapore third court yesterday en two charges of misappropriating money entrusted to him by certain firms and failing
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  • 231 7 LOCAL SUIT FOR FINAL DECISION A PETITION m the Court of Appeal yesterday by H. S. Arathoon, trading as Stephen Paul and Co., for leave to appeal to His Majesty m Council against a judgment of the Court of Appeal on Feb. 25, this year,
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  • 169 7 CONVICTION OF MINES OFFICER IS QUASHED From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 1. II LAWSON. Inspector of Machinery of th? Mines Department, appealed successfully before Mr. Justice Carry m the Perak Supreme Court to-day again.i conviction and sentence ol two months' simple imprisonment imposed by the Batu Gajah magistrate on
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  • 167 7 BECAUSE "temptation ruled her 7' a Chinese woman. Wong Siew Kam, who until recently lived m an amah's agency m Singapore stole $300 from the bag of the chief tenant of the establishment. Brought up for sentence m the Singapore third court yesterday after she
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  • 323 7 yHE discovery of pawn tickets m j a wallet found at the scene of a burglary led to the arrest of the culprit almost six months later, it was stated m the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday. The case was one m which Lecng
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  • 607 7 INNOVATION AT THOMSON ROAD TRAINING DEPOT MEMBERS of the Straits Settlements Police who pass AV through the Thomson Road training depot m Singapore and become inspectors now take a pledge of loyalty to the King and to the ethics of their profession similiar to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 164 7 Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young in 24 Hours nppr necessary to suffer from *our and manhood, «rak memory I -rv..ii.aric« impure h!rx-*J slok- as;c,:i. and poor sl< tp. because •i Docto* h** ilu-«..vered a way t «-ri-l th.-«* t r '.it \f». ■••'iy u i-» pleasant, ♦•asy-to- li ■tiolnttlj harmiesH,
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    • 172 7 THE FAMOUS /___£__}_|l MIDO JV MULTIFORT WRIST WATCHES ll||R/ ____^_________EC_B______________«Ma____________rva^^^^B fflftfc^^ _l SELF WINDING mMmW WATERPROOF *****11 UNTARNISHABLE l^^fl UNBR EAK AB LE Wffik—A ACCURATE KffllfMH RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORF 267 rY2i nrV] B^ynp_____________B^___r/ _fr^_^^___l_rvS_i jJ»tj^3^S^ißP^\ **f v svfv^smAfcitT _L_________B_____v*ssv£eSfesi__K W sV O v_?M>j^ js »4- ."jT TftT^(_Pj:o;^ij^E__W_g'_^^ Si > i#SP^*.i«l|-__-;
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 499 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (iacor para teo uo So* land) PBNCf SULAR AIVB OsUEMTAL JL CO. MAIL rngggflsTE ANO cabgo ssamca. rhe aeat psaamir aarrtoaa are Solas maintatoed hy the A, A a 8.-M. Oa, DallU^Ka2r lrm^ U t ie Umml e ll CMmm C9 km m fßsssssjssi
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    • 326 8 BURNS PHILP LINE i (Incorporated to Australia) FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE ria JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly satßags By sa MARELLA (7.375 teasl sad sa.f WERRf'R (g.ata tons) Rossi sir ami are fliited with Cabta-de-taae «**_g*» aaa loahte Berth cabins, swimmlag aatka tasarlsas oablic rnaasa Stagis RstsKß. Ist
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    • 260 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FULTNEL LINE. Frequent SaiHnga to United Kingdom Oat as art nor guaranteed. a* cargo t*ookrn*a sutayecf to Conference War Clause* WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARC Regular Service* to Fremantle (Perth} vta iava taw ti*wt __is___B ossaststiMfssr Bttsßß Single fare $192 (A
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 525 8 Broadcasting RfigfA W% A V "R" bt^ r OrowH.g mm,m¥ m kmWmrm Am piantation Chemist 7 By W > mmmmmMm A ct the Chemlcai Division ol X R SINGAPORE 9 30 p m. Musics'; taterlod ture: "Preedom Ferry "—No p, E_DL LIM he s (B9S m.| Brest." Relayed from Lf»«i,r
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  • 103 9 BM tStal relationship of a tenant existed beta rive applications aasesstnent Board no orden were mad-- with l enalf of tate of tne late re irding Upper S ranpitn d for m the Mi E th was that old be vie v "holiday perl 7
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  • 628 9 NO RE-TRIAL ORDERED FOR IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL THE Crown successfully appealed yesterday, before the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, against the acquittal m a police court of Ronald Ivan McHarjr, a Junior Assistant Immigration Officer, on a charge of harbouring a European who
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  • 136 9 MOAN KIM HENG. a lorry driver, who 11 rir'>ve bia lorry m "so negligent a rmanner" as to collide with a night soil van at the Junction Ol Rochore Canal Road and Jalan KubOl on May 18, was lined $100 and had his driving licence
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  • 136 9 DAILY PRICES CURRENT July 1. 12 o'clock noon Tone ol Market: Qu^-t Latest Cab>: Inrd q Spot Sheet 13 7, 16d per B>. Ne* Tort Spot She*>t US. cv. 21 r It) No IX RSS Sp«>t (loose Average buverr fj: June b 39 43. Buyers
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  • 98 9 Nazis Admit CounterAttacks Zurich, July 1. A WARNING to the German public not to draw too far-reaching conclusions from figures of Soviet losses given m the German special communique is contained m an article m the Frankfurter Zeitung. "Despite all these losses," it says, "the enemy was also strong enjaugh
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 103 9 Mid-Pacific Station To Start Next Month Washington, July 1. TTHREE additional off-shore United States naval ba:es are to be estabUshed, a r cording to an announcement by tne United States Secretary to the Navy. Col. Frank Knox, to-day. They will be In the
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 287 9 NO REASON FOR GIRL'S SUICIDE DISCLOSED MYSTERY surrounds the death of If'-year-old Lvi Sit Mui. the "nicest and happiest" girl m a department of the Bata Shoe factory m Prince Edward Road, who took her life With a dose of poisj nin her house m South Bridge Road on June
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  • 59 9 Washington, July 1. /"ORDERS yesterday for warpianes and tools with which to produce them and for various supplies for the air corps amounted to one of the largest sums for any single day's orders m the United States Army's history. Orders placed by
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 194 9 Independence For Syria NEGOTIATIONS SOON Jerusalem, July 1. TNDEPENDENT status similar to that of Egypt, confirmed by a treaty on the Anglo-Egyptian model, is envisaged for Syria, according to reports from Damascus. Meanwhile members of the Syrian Government, it is stated, have been requested to carry on their administrative duties
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  • 37 9 Moscow, July 1. SERVICE members of the British Mission headed by Gen. MacFarlane, met members of the Soviet General StafT yesterday morning and lt is understood that meetings axe to continue regularly Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 137 9 At 10 a.m. Before Hie Judges, Summonses m Chambers, etc. Before The Hon'ble The Chief Justice ia Court No. 1. At 10 a.m. Motions m Prise matters. At 11 ajn. In Forma Pauperis 8.132/41 Mo^a sd Pahmy vs. The Happy World, Ltd. Before The Hon'ble
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  • 458 9 'Hitler Frightened U.S. May Enter War Knox OFFER OF PEACE TO DIVIDE BRITAIN AND AMERICA Washington, j une 30. "UITLER is getting nervous about the hardening temper 1 of the American people and is frightened by the possibility that we may go from passive to active belligerency against him," declares
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  • 47 9 San Francisco, July 1. 'TWENTY-EIGHT skilled civilian work- ers employed m Mare Island navy yard had been discharged /or "subversive activity," Rear-Adm. J. W. Greenslade announced to-day. He said the dismissals were "purely precautionary." The navy yard employs 19,500 civilians.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 99 9 Battles Of North South America iioslon, July 1. SPEAKING at the same maetfass as Cat Frank Knox. ITS. Navy Secretary. Mr. RTulcobu Mac Donald. British nigh C-ommfesianer tor Canada, declared "If an- tTi^s r.aused as to lose th° battle oi Britain it wo-.iW! bo foßawed b\ the bailie o! America.
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 91 9 1/ondnn. July 1. I ORD Parmoor. famous ecclesiastical and Parliamentary iawyyer father of Sir Stafford Criprxs, British Ambassador to Russia, di^d at his Buckinghamshire house last nieht at the ace of 89. He represented Britain the Council of the League of Nations and
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 57 9 L.:.roln. Sallj fFKE death lias occurred of Major-Gen. S»r I William Watson PUte at the age erf 8: He served In the Suropeai War. 1914-17 as Director of Medical Service* of the First Army. 8.E.P.. and also heki special cotnrrlsslons ln East Africa
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 38 9 Berlin, July 1. HITLER has appou.teu Gen. Rommel, chief of the Nazi Panzer forces ln North Africa, to be general of the armoured forces, states the German official news agency.- Re uter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 151 9 Washington, July 1. pONGRESS Just before the close of the fiscal year July 1, approved six annual supply bills totalling $1,400,000,000, to bring over the all appropriations for 1942 fiscal year to $32,500,000,000— the highest m the nations history. The previous spending
    United Press  -  151 words
  • 176 9 INDIAN LIBERALS ON NEW PERIL i vrona. July THE Council ol thi In.ian National Liberal Federation, discussing tne present political situation m India hi :he course of a resolution urging the Raj to create genuine and wholehearted enthusiasm for the war by entrusting the direction and
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 295 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS, fENDRRS SINGAPORE MI NiniWLITY Tenders* asttad fcr the ••rials or services For apr Muni ipaJ Tenders ftai '.are. Hr^ii Prepare :>a:e of Closing 4 j ri. 1941 Best Quality i M) iter Deps. Date I 12 D Ju'. 14, I Q 4I W DUNCAN. M Bk Ipal Secretary.
      295 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 60 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST a close it HM OIBBWI Post Office as TO-DAY air 9 am. air 11 a.m. SB 9 a.m. TO-MORROW .air 4 p.m. ur 9 am. 4p.m. «P m air 9a.m. am als I from Bass- China air) general deli- 10-dsy« >' OB Java sai Sumatra valr)
      60 words

  • 208 10 RACING WILL B£ OF HIGHEST STANDARD SOME ol the glories of Royal Ascot are to be revived at Newmarket :o-c!av and to-morrow where substitute race.s for those normally held on the famous E3t;:;>hire Heath are bem^ run War t;mt7, first "Ascot' alii be striped „f
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 208 10 »TiiT »uih .i.iLiL Aaaocsaaiaa und the Combined Services, th? tw > teams which provided one of the best jjamPs of the rurreiu soccer <c;ison when they nl < on >lu> !7. are to clash again at Anson Koad a adium this afternoon. The Services ran out
    208 words
  • 148 10 CUSTOMS KRANJI IN DRAWN GAME Cu>tom 2; Krun^i pLATTUG "ii the Singapore Harbour Beard iround ft texday, Kr^nj; utd the Cust m _<■*-* i i i _n ,t econd dh nam o Iragiai locoes nature Thi reaun aaa true btdSeatlon of th^ nunc srhl b aai I sight at an
    148 words
  • 28 10 The reserve division league wccer match between the Ocrdons and] the Ra p which was to have been playtMi „t Beletar vesierday. aras pastil >ned
    28 words
  • 31 10 *THF. Naval Bas.-* Corinthians beat th Stamford Sports Club by three goals to one m a second division <b> league soccer match played on the Clerical Union ground yesterday.
    31 words
  • 524 10 122 Horses And Ponies To Run At Meeting A GOOD entry «f 122 horses and ponies, comprising 36 horses m class one. 62 horses m class three and 21 ponies m class one, has been received for the Singapore Turf Club's July meeting, which will
    524 words
  • 422 10 Singapore Tennis Championships SMITH AND MISS STOKES BEATEN IN TWO SETS SINGAPORE'S new mixed doubles tennis champions are Yadi and Nellie Chia who yesterday beat Roy Smith and Miss M. Stokes far more comfortably than the score of t;_7>, 6— i surest* m
    422 words
  • 57 10 London, .lu?v i. SKVBNTT-THREE clubs arc particinaiing m the Football League competition during the 1941-2 season, beginning next August. These will be divided Into r.orth and south sections for purposes ot calculating league tables, but each section will be .subdivided into ge lgraphical groups tor arranging fixtures In
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 72 10 London, July 1. THE following are the probables and jockeys lor th Gold Cup. which is being run to-morrow. Top Coat (Elliott); Finis Harry Wragg): Winter Halter <D Smith); Oliden <Car?y>: King Legend (Beary); Hlpplus (Ephralm Smith); Single Court Chll" Richards).- I White Face x
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 156 10 THE following ls the schedule of racing for the Singapore? Turf Club's July meeting at Bukit Timah: First day. Saturday, July 12: Horses, class j one, division one, six furlongs; horses, class j one. divisions one and two, seven furlongs; horses, class three, divisions
    Eight Races  -  156 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 10 picture. The one-mile teams' race m progress ai the Police triangular athletic sports meet hel/i at the Depot on Saturday.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  24 words
  • 281 10 Wanderers 3. S.C.F.A. 1. A FTER holding the Wanderers *a. to a scoreless first half, the S.C.F.A. fell off after the interval and were beaten by three goals to one m a second division (b> league soccer match played on the JCS. A. ground yesUula/. The
    281 words
  • 40 10 O.C.T.U. BEAT GORDONS AT WATER- POLO THE Officer Cadets Training Unit, Malaya, defeated the Gordon Highlanders by three goals to two In a water-polo match at Changi -est- rda\ The O.C.TU. team will face th Singapore Swimming Club on Sunda:
    40 words
  • 58 10 THE following will represent th< Singapore Recreation Club agains the R.A.F.. Seletar. m a cricket match to be played on the padang at 2 p.m on Saturday: L. Aivis, R H. Bain. F. Chopard A. Clarke. P. D'Almeida. L. de Souza E. le Mercier. R. Marshall, L
    58 words
  • 23 10 'THE Singapore Swimming Club will 1 play water-polo vs the V.M.C.A. at the S SC. to-morrow, starting at 5.15 p m.
    23 words
  • 509 10 EACH SIDE SCORES TWICE IN STADIUM GAME I^yak 2; Chinese Athletic 2. THE Loyals were lucky to be able to share points wftfi the Chinese Athletic m a first division league mem match played at Anson Road stadium yesterda\. Two \x*mk were scored
    509 words
  • 103 10 TWkt.iL don'i *am hipin the fame," writes seWMWnfl middleweight hoxer. Atilm Sabatin", (a a Sydney friend. Junm Minahan. a<eord>ns to the Sydaej Sun The alifornlai: Boxing < omrui--sion lias refused sabatino a lieei to engage m contests. Trouble is the old injurs to >a'r.j tino's left
    103 words
  • 29 10 TpSE i hampi mat ip "sen L-Rnal .>< I Lim and Ch ia Cl Chin Kee Onn m the j Re .< Club Spr ng tei tnenl will be
    29 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 97 10 0m i r-n Imi "•"*_H^ 7!-'~;?nl^ l:'.-^rJrix "Ufcjiiif*^fl_=>^_N_ri^_a 7^- vfjfi vjß^^*'*' x *asw 'aHnßi •~7!^iSs___^_^B^_r^F^"^_p^ Jsy** ''■w^saß' I *r.r .\':**r~ T^___ __>___________r''iLr- c t "__________B_ofr V f I *^*Tf- -cMtßg*y#Sa "^^lKHfv B s •,*;r.-'i/ -i i;tT:' ;»it^JB t ._!^^V' 'gp^ j'--Y X —I£ '*i- Ui___i w •y*." J <f^- ■^"_S___|
      97 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 42 10 To-day's Sports Events >()( CEB: South (hina vs Combined Services, Anson Road Stadium; reserve division. S.C.F.V \s. Manchesters (lerical Inion: second division (a). HE. (1.8.) vs. R.A.OC.. Pulau Brani: RJS. (Malays) vi Fortress Signals, (Changi TENNIS: Singapore championships (finals) and distribution of prizes.
      42 words