The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 July 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 23 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press and daily news AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,348. ESTD. 1835. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1941. 5 CENTS
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  • 689 1 Reds Repel Attacks J roT Finland NAZIS" CUfIM CAPTURE OF I^rVOW BALTIC PORT a4 London, June 30. THE crucial battle on the long German-Russian front has been joined m tne air round Minsk, capital of White Russia. Although the Germans say that their Panzer units
    Reuter  -  689 words
  • 146 1 R.A.F. BOMBERS IN DARING D AYLIGH T RAID ON BREMEN Hamburg Battered In Night Attacks M London, June 30. A KING use of cloud cover over north-west Germany, R.A.F. bombers made a daylight attack on docks at Bremen and a railway yard south of Oldenburg to-day. Bremen was alsc anions
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 125 1 R.A.F. Offensive In Cyrenaica Syria liru. June 30. ry rAILS of Brit-Sl) bombing U perattona tn the Middle Bast as are gli In an ra F. Bast cor..", in. que to-day, text ol v. h.:i 1 1 a_. follows: Barrack, i store buiktirigs re T.y raided by bei kt« bexnb
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 247 1 "mo, June 30. Cnypi.j MNti ..eek's intense r rat:on c vtraordinary onieretM i of mci; m rs of the Cabimj Hi;h f -nanrt will tani rr,-. finally >rm I te the Jaj n >_c Gay ei _u_ent's basic policy ra _r_b the inter l'.mnal situation r; from thf
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 298 1 Cairo, June 30. •T*HE gradual expansion of the Air Force m the Middle East has recently been considerably improved cw ng to large arrivals of a.rcraft, beth from England and America and i there is now a formidable number j o: American aircraft
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 88 1 Craigie Sees Ohashi Matsuoka Receives Italian Envoy Tokio, June 30. •"pHE British Ambassador to Japan. Sir Robert Crai^ie, called on Mr. Ohasht, Vie; -Minister tor i oreign Athurs, to-day. The nature ot their talk Ls not divulged says Reuter. About the same time the Italian ambassador was having an interview
    Reuter; United Press  -  88 words
  • 129 1 Tokio, June 30. tthe Government and High Com- mand of the national defence services will meet again m an extraordinary session to-day to study the present explosive world situation." A liaison conference has been held daily since June 24. 'I he seriousness of the
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 115 1 Co ordination Of Nazi Fronts Dislocated Moscffr/Turte SO. A CONFIDENT .»dfe is struck by the newspaper Pravda m commenting on the military situation this morning. It writes: "Hitter's rut-throats expected to take Kiev and Smolensk within a week but this did not come ofT. The powerful Red Army has given
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 91 1 Vichy, June 30. \fICIIY has broken oil diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, .-ays an fi.cial statement ssued here. The Vi.-hy OOvemment alleges v-> its rexion that Poviet diplomatic agents A'ere engaging :n action constituting an attempt on public order and secure, zi the state. Adm
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 109 1 Chungking, June 30. r |*WO waves of Japanese bombers 1 between am. and noon to-day .•oneentrated n attack on the western distrlc; of Che -ity and the crowd area across the Ghiaihig River. The vicinity i r the Press hostel was 7cmbed. but the hostel itself
    United Press  -  109 words
  • 117 1 London, June 30. IN answer to a Catholic member of Parliament Cardinal Hinsley his written as follows: 'The two encycii-l cals of Pope Pius XI, 'Divini Redeni- toris' against atheistic Communis^, and 'Mit Brennendrr Sorgc* against! Nazism, stated clearly Catholic condemnation of both
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 126 1 London, June 30. A SPECIAL mess^se from the British Government to the Soviet Government was taken by the British Ambassador. Sir Stafford Cripps After the introduction to M. Molotov, Soviet Foreign Commissar, of 'he members of th-*..- British military and economic mission. Sir Stafford ueclared to M. Molotov
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 249 1 British For ces Complete Encirclement Of Palmyra Cairo, June 30. I ITALIAN evacuation of Ghimbi. m Abyssinia and the enc ent Ol Palmyra, m Syria, are m ined j m the British Middle Ea.-t com- j munique to-day, which says Reuter, states: j LIBYA: No change. ABYSSINIA: Italian forces have
    United Press; Reuter  -  249 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 286 2 Construction To Be Accelerated AFTER vacationing m Australia for the past three months, Sir John Rowland, Chief Commissioner of Railways m Burma, is returning to that country to push forward the construction of a line linking Burma with Yunnan Province m China. Sir John, who arrived m
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  • 213 2, June 30. T__S hap rtant change- m the British Cabinet appointment vl with the news <>f the Russo-German On all is u_e appointment <j' Lord B erbrook as Muilut ol Suppiy is approved a:i i his work a-s Ministei oJ Aircraft Production b a am
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 368 2 HE ucuai occurred at the Genera; i-.a -piTAI, Sinßupore, on Sunday after hart ill- cis oX Mr. P. A. Ah.n at the at:p ai 6a yean. lie is survived oy a widow, [our soivs and one daughter, a member of Urn Eurasian
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  • 173 2 Prom Our Own Correspondent) T&iping, June JO. DEPORTS have been received here that Dar» Singh, who left Taiping with the first batch of volunteer truck drivers three years ago to serve the Chinese National Oovcrn_u_nt on the Burma road, and who later attained the
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  • 59 2 Rome, Jane SO. FIVE Frenchmen aged between 18 and 20 have been sentenced by a military court at Casablanca (French Morocco) to terms of Imprisonment ranging from five years to fix months on a charge ol engaging m activities on behalf of Gen. de Gaulle, says
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 219 2 mm •••ia-_______ii( a mammma a a ■HHMfIMMIHIi—_WIHIMBMmiWi^MMMIHII -B a a a a_aaam___a_______» a a a iiMa_«_-_l«i<i__--aaMMi«Ma--_------4Baiiii-_B >40^ OPENING TO-DAY T^BUmWM 3 15 615 9.15 YOU'LL LAUGH AT TfcE ADVENTURES AND MISADVENTURES OF YOUR FAVOURITE COMEDIAN IN HIS FUNNIEST FILM i.HF.AR HIM SING FOUR NEW SAUCY SONGS! o_______M__s^s3^^ GEORGE jgjjFJßYflß __Ev^
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    • 354 2 UNPRECEDENTED SCENES YESTERDAY AS HUNDREDS STORMED OUR BOX-OFFICES! EDGAR WALLACE'S great adventure BREAKS RECORDS AT EVERY SHOW!! CAPITOL TODAY Vrnrttxaa^ 10.30 A.M.-3.15-8.30 j; tMs&Wmssi *m ]^a\\ Vi HOURS OF THRILL- I Unequalled m ar.y I _A_. W previous screen offering fi IBitt£^ ..HBfcs^^^i, AT USUAL PK}( Ks EDGAR WALLA(T/S •^T-bITt
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  • 748 3 Russians Claim Offensive Spirit Oi J__ Invaders Has Been Undermined Moscow, June 30. -THK result of the first ei_rht days of war permits the following cwrliflifi i m says a Soviet Information Board C ..uirnunuiuo issued m Moscow last ni?ht "The lightning
    Reuter  -  748 words
  • 208 3 "A NOTHER PIECE OF TYPICAL GERMAN ARITHMETIC" t „i.aon. JUine 30. ii DT at ;ji.:.- to predict the A Rva-O-Oeiman war. 7""*.>;u;) -rs treat h C anmand commcceseei ol Reich the east v si -her pi se ol v urithn sU i 1 unr.ou:«.''»-d ._> *•-> :r._> sota-Sal S_a i
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 47 3 N rm Yvj.-k. Jane 30. TWENTY- NINE persons were arrested charged with conspiracy to engage m espionage In the biggest round-up ol .spy inspects since the pwiifigt oi the Espionage Act, rwenty-two of those arrested vere b<>rn _o Oennani Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 117 3 Kea York. June 1 30. FULI Ut.itcj States ski to thi Bosrlot, Britain and a!l who against Hitljr i- .1 eocated bf 'he natl nal i sxunHtee of C mi v Ist Partj bn statement Issued hen ai urges that Urn m at! rtles
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 110 3 Canberra, Juur .10. FURTHER cati on imp i trocn ocntterttni eomtrtos t<> Urn vstas o_ flj CM vera announced to-dsj bj Mr, g j Harrison, Au ursiis-i Minister fee < v tODIS The r> :< ti.-; nme into p t..:: -p. 10-men p inelpsU Itemt m
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 152 3 TREMENDOUS FLOOD HAVOC IN JAPAN Tokio, June 30. I 117ITH the disastrous three-day j rainstorm finally-coming to an end yesterday morning, western Japan including Kyushu has stag- 1 gered to her feet and begun to check up and clean up the tre- j mendous destruction caused by the 52-year record
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 87 3 INEXPERIENCED MEN IN JAPANESE FACTORIES Tokio, June 30. A LARGE number of accidents are taking place m factories tw.r.z to| the employment of inexperienced workers since 'he outbreak of war with China, states tthe Japanese news agency. Statistics show that m 8.000 factories lemployingI employing 2.200.000 people last year's casualties
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 96 3 Shanghai. June 30. "THE Japan-OS indit__ry ->p»_i_in_Ji caLU^; on Urn Municipal Poi'.c« C-ennt-Miooer, Mr Kenn th M B >ume. t«>-day and nl<xi a protest against an artli and pictures published m the Araeric___- owned and edited China Weekly Renew regardtni Col Klngaro Hashtm '■'">. who v.
    United Press  -  96 words
  • 72 3 l.ocdon. June M MAJOR Oeorg Douglass Milne, son and heir of Field-Marsha] Lard Milne, Is officially d H was ha tl c Royal Artillery and was set slug last April "soraen m Ore cc." Mttn who commanded tin r.:i?! c h res ba BaJ
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 66 3 (urn, June ?,<\. f ""*iie Rgyptlaa Prime, Minister, Hu seta Sinrj Pa ha, st'.tfd to-da v t! >t ince Bgyptlan protests to Italy a::d Oermany against air raids an Egyptian territory i. d remained unanswered Egypt would not protest m futura, She would officially
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 21 3 Tirana, J'm 30 It bas be m officially announced that Albania has declared against Russia.— United Press
    United Press  -  21 words
  • 49 3 QUO TAI-CHI SWORN IN AS FOREIGN MINISTER < iiun,!..!!^. June 30. I lcr_aes rtilnsws AssI a. a^ nSQS-i l-i a- s v: Hp replaces L>r hui TBi-ehi baaed a .statement I ;> 71,-v WOUld DOt r bis _a__-_| offl.-f Cl i would not consider would sacrifice her i righto United
    United Press  -  49 words
  • 32 3 G London. June 30. .luber ol Oflt-M-B -.tin lust ni-ht A:" l-: eastern England fa. reported. In Lond ill thai one enemy -.v_a uillUa^ ||_t _u_7lit. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 259 3 Vatican City, June ;>(). l Pope Pius' broadcast en the occasion ol Urn least of St. Peter and St. Paul, both t»l whom died martyrs' deaths, was the gloomiest he has made since the present conflict began. Declaring the war with Its suffering!
    United Press  -  259 words
  • 764 3 Sir Ignace Paderewski, Pianist And Statesman, Dies At Age Of 80 SNew York, June 30. IR IGNACE JEAN PADEREWSKI, statesman and pianist of international repute, died here from pneumonia yesterday, after a week's illness, a^ed 80, says Router. His sister, Antonina Wilkonska, his aide-de-camp, Slyvian Strackacz, and the doctor were
    Reuter  -  764 words
  • 56 3 New York, June 30. A DEAL with Russia giving American planes use of Soviet air bases m Siberia opposite Alaska under an arrangement similar to the deal with Britain is being advocated by a number of influential defence strategists, says a Washington dispatch to
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 150 3 Stockholm, June 30. T'HE Swedish decision to a low a division of German troops througn Sweden did not nvan that Sweden had taken up a position m the conflict between the European powers, declared the Prime Minister. Mr. P. A. Hansscn, m a speech last
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 142 3 Chicago. June 30. TJ>LEADING for continued peace m the United States, Mr. Herbert Hoover former U.S. President, m a broadcast advocated continued aid to Britain and China without putting the United States troops into the war zones. He urged the arming of the W-
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 _P« FIRST AID KITS FOR OFFICE or HOME prices $4°° to $30°° MEDICAL HAU, LTD. 3, Battery Road. SOME SAY "NO NEWS' IS GOOD NEWS" _/V N. XT\m but here's NEWS that's REALLY GOOD N. £V\ NEWS NEWS all Singapore's been /^/o^>*\ waiting for! N^/^l^ \t\L OPENING TO-DAY fsS^f 3,15
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  • 684 4 The Singapore Free Press THUESDAY. JULY 1, 1941. Clerks Debts THE problem of indebtedness among the clerical community In Malaya, which has recently been receiving further attention from various administrations and public bodies, is to be fully reviewed by a special committee which is to be appointed by the council
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  • 2225 4 Munitions Production Has Already Made Rapid Strides Australia At War 111 U/HKN you speak of Australia as the "Arsenal" uf British countries m the Far East, do you ever stop to think what the phrase realty means? We were helped to a true understanding oi* Australia's capacity to produce war
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 452 4 i '1 i k L i\ \-j Q m\m\ m \\mTm\9 7 22__^\ ano EVERY DROP f^|? N^- THE BEST EVER Ifcst"" By Special aopo'" tment Established (j£& (M 1872 -IEWEST DES**** BIAMOIO JEWELLERY s ct -/claces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches. l incorporateA tn Or*fum) SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. BACKACHE
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    • 73 4 Be Careful j m wearing unground Sunglasses, which may cause v*»ur eyes to be defective. C__ aWS bIHT I __t_F jni Jbil \^CH____g §^§B___r JtK Sppf Go to Nan Sin and see the modern frames fitted tvitn Genuine Chance English Crookes' B or B 2 Dark glasses for Safe and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1131 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By MORE than a thousand troops, with a sprinkling of ffieers and their friends, were vrtained by the Malayan Magic Circle a' a military amp m Singapore last week.' im stage, whic:. was m the open was an elabora'e and
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  • 924 5  -  CLIO 'THE newest list of grants amount--1 Ing In all to £30.000 from the Malaya Patriotic Fund to various war charities hrus met with universal approval here, particularly that of £10.000 to the Lord Mayors Distress Fund, a cause which all of us have very much at heart
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 80 5 DAINTY GARMENTS UHli* 1 o cCU— with _H^J«. T M WJVYS FRt^" 1 +r*k\\mM wm%-%st a/ W&a, jflßn^ ____________jH-Bi'*W^' ...v. mA "wimWm 1 &BBL iHa WA**^^ sSij v _____b__k l^- :^1 i_____ti__[____. x^^^P*/*^^^^^^i :^i^^_^ :7 Ha J&7k3Jw_H __h_ '%%W' iissssmntffwffi' :^\s&i :i^smsW*mW JUUUUUUUUiBM y ch jaj -^^u|mShSHHh|__4MSlSl__PsV^^»_^^v^^ >^ I I
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    • 437 5 jk^-^mzf^-M mm **mm^_ xVVB ••■I __L i:^H M. >C__lF j%k\ A Gil need not take from you the glsmntir of a youthful skin. Nature did not mean your skin to become old and withered. She meant the fresh new skin which is alwayi growing underneath to take tne place of
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  • 1709 6 Horror Of Defeat Is Secret Which Binds Germans Together THERE is intense weariness m Germany over the protract- ed privation, rationing, and strain -after living m what has amounted to a state of war for eight years, writes Joseph C. Harsch, Berlin correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor. The mass
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  • 304 6 GEOGRAPHICALLY Australia centre of the Southern Hemisphere. War-time restrictions on imports will help this development. This Is the opinion of leading Sydney clcthing manufacturers and fashion designers. The ban on import of frocks and on continental fashion books has encouraged Australian fashion designers
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  • 54 6 Canada, Nigeria Holland A Canadian, African Negro from Nigeria and a Dutchman, all members of the Royal Air Force, photographed at an Air Traininf School m Uje Midlands where young men from many lands are training to take tneir places m the air to maintain Britain's newly- won air supremacy
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  • 134 6 ADDRESSING a rally attended by 3,000 civilians and 500 garrison troops m celebration of the anniversary of the first appeal by the leader, General de Gaulle, the Governor of the Free French Pacific Establishments, M. Sautot, replied to references made by the French Vice-Premier, Admiral
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  • 288 6 'Digger Makes Pen-Friend Of Munitions Girl A PAGE of the Sydney Sunday Sun drifting about m a Libyan sandstorm has formed a link between an English soldier and a pretty young Sydney munition worker. He is Trooper R. Curry, 21 she is Thelma Boland, who has Just celebrated her eighteenth
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  • 198 6 "THE Secretary to the U.S. Treasury, Mr. Morgenthau, m a speech at the alumni luncheon of Amherst College, at Amherst, Massachusetts, recently. declared that the American people could not preserve their freed' m without being ready to fight. "If we act now
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  • 902 6 Clothes Rationing May Revolutionize And Hasten Dress Reform HISAPPEARANCE of specialized clothing fadoditig eveahg dress, sportswear and beach suits, is forecast a> a result of clothes rationing introduced m Britain recent h. Bare legs may again become fashionable m summer, but the women will be able to satisfy therr taste
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  • 170 6 THE elevation of Pi Li__d< mann to I rage King's Birth lay I recognition of this abii work In tm wan tys r he Lnd correspondent I th M Herald B tween these t* kn nm Oxford gradu ite a "The Pu During ttM 1914
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  • 68 6 DR. Paul Vaii T Prime lAinistei speech at Tie Brow: D alumni at Fr vidt nee. I said that, vrithout I United Stat* E beaten, but Tat American Industii be victorious This is mainl. said Con rarj blind beli< t i v.: dung until il was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 56 6 Pains m Back Cone m 3 Hours "you Buffer terrible «harp DaJnaor d«li wearing down aches m hick aratSu-? vS 35? _SB2_! mu,t k-n^S%_2ta and bu,?,?.? rS^f!: "yrnPtoms of Kidney S___ijr^_&^^ •W_ Swells A^klei StPI&sJE? §5* thtjj, "trouble, by wr^?2?ttfgS-JL-2_ii wm a; better SLWSI_S^S Cy Sf cX jW n <S-2&
      56 words
    • 83 6 DcpSol> eKT \W La W^mtmT TOOTH PASTE Of all Tooth Pastes and Powders '^I____bl___ -T ONLY PEPSODENT CONTAINS IRIUM fNj.iff S o D H to rtrfcr 1 natural brilliance of teeth. This famous scientific t L r ingredient m Peptedent Teeth teste and Teeth Pewder WMltfm **T "s has double-quick
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  • 137 7 Perlis Makes New War Gift FIFTH DONATION OF $175,000 Pbbrat D I ttM Raja's birthday, G ternment cr the small Malay I perils has made i\ further the Emperia] Government, the i thia time being $i 75.000. This ttftb gi t m aid of the Eml fl
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  • 86 7 A I X ltd OS l Mlhner 000 :T m Urn Malaya I i ol t 10.000 to I v a 1 :.dor.'s Air IJaid Ptmd which BOW serves the Great Britain) In a cable oi r this contribution the Lord wledgi with
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  • 96 7 COR stealing a bicycle from outside a local cinema on May 25, Majld bin EKrus, a 21 -year-old Malay was sentenced to rive mouths' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by two years police supervision. In khe Singapore criminal district court yesteroay. He has a
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  • 848 7 "Bureaucratic Control Over Public Servants" STRONG POWERS ALREADY SAID TO EXIST pVO hundred Sikh and other Indian moneylenders m Johore have addressed a petition to the johore Government protesting against the introduction of legislation to regulate and control borrowing among Government servants. m The petition declares that
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  • 60 7 AN hoar -and- a -quarter is added to the first transmission of the Singapore Broadcasting station as from to -day. The programme now opens at 6.30 instead of 7.15 a.m. and includes m this period relay of the news m French from London. Also, instead of
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  • 235 7 WOMAN'S FALL FROM RICKSHA jQEAH Teow Eng, an air raid warden described m the Singapore coroners court yesterday how while on duty during the "black-out exercises'* on June 18. he found a Chinese woman lying on th? rcadside at the junction Of South Bridge Road and Ann
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  • 180 7 Lorry Driver Fined Licen Endorsed ANG KHEE, a lorry driver was fined 1 3G and had his driving license endorsee i*s Mr C H. Whitton, the traffic judsre. yesterday, for fu.iing to slow down his lorry whi turning the Junction of Balestier Road ThOU ISOU Road or: May 17 Outlining
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  • 91 7 rJK discovery ol Un- body of an unknown Chinese floating In the sea oil Conoaught Drive by Tan Choo Er.c. a Chinese physician, In the early hours of June 22, was Inquired into by Mr \V7 G. Porter, til Bfngatore cornier, yesterday. Tan Stated that he
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  • 108 7 FATHER SON FOUGHT EACH OTHER FIFTY-FIVE-YEARr-OLD Kala Khan and his 19-year-old son. Sekander. appeared ln the Singapore third court yesterday on a Charge of disorderly behaviour by fighting with each other m public at Dhoby Ghaut. Sekander pleaded guilty. The father claimed trial on the charge saying that Sekander had
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  • 55 7 pHEONG LENG. a 65-year-old woman, appeared m the Singapore third court yesterday on a charge of causing hurt te a Sikh policeman with ;i knife at People'/? Park on Sunday Pleading provocation, she claimed trial. The case was postponed a week for mentkn.
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  • 304 7 Boys See Chinese Getting Out Of Depth In Mid-stream Drown A CHINESE wading across a stream near the Chuan Seng pineapple factory off the 14th mib Kranji Rjad on the evening of June 22, got out of his d^pth and was drowned, stated eight-year-old Ong Ah Hock at em inquiry
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  • 283 7 Two Years Imprisonment For Former Secretary Of College Of Medicine MAGANATHAR Murugasu, former secretary to the 11 Principal of the College of Medicine who had been 27 years m Government service, was sentenced to a total of two years' rigorous imprisonment m the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday by Mr.
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  • 243 7 CHINESE YOUTH BOUND OVER FOR THEFT THE stepfather of a 16-year-old Chinese youth named Lav F01J: Seng pleaded m the Singapore third court yesterday that Lav be treated as a first offender and net be sentenced to serve a term m prkon as it would probably spoil his future career.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 198 7 Pineapple, HAMS s^¥B9fia«aHßm4jil!^s«aa«nraHnsKsi TArn wf* *>*"*A M mM > m Wr <j*aa*^. J f*Am' MWf .Aml^mß '-'3 "Wj vi^aSN^ mY^^AmWAL *m\ I^Bi WS r~7|n. Ma vw <^-^w JmrTssm sWMAmaAssmAm^^Mm. tW K W."/V* -«T^Bl mmjT js/mSSm aWAmTL^r:J^' iv ~J?W. .^AW P^2«i jrmkmm\i£7.* v~- 7^^BffaV:^^ciaayaW»a^^.^^ i Ak WAm\\^ *WiSmmmm\ Wjk 'IH B^k^fl
      198 words
    • 157 7 ■Br *r^A^kmmm m\\mmmm\ mm\ Bs\ Bl HB mA^^^ y^—- >^bl BBSv 'W n TbV\ There's noin»ii^ iike a amr^*mSmo*\^>L^mmA t fragrant cup of Robinson's 3\^s^st*V\Si™ v*^\. Coffee, a blend of th? X^vßffßßßa^Bawi^^S^ 1 choicest coffees grown, J carefully selected for its V jf quality and rare arcma, k9i f^ and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 452 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE dncorDorateo ld eng land) PENINSULAR ANO ORIENTAL 8. N CO MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE The orst possible trrvice* are oeing maintained o> Che t O s» N COfrom Che Strait* Co their usual worts of call m China India Ceylon and Che Co
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    • 256 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FULTNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Oatee are -.o/guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £26) Frequent
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 530 8 Broadcasting #■I*4*4 Wfc A^lr* Programme Summary. A .:.< V*Ar/a A Mid-d^y Maw; fi.i.s; J^ laneous New Records; 1.30 p.m SINGAPORE Mariners. K,w,; 1 .45 p ZHL. ZHPI ANiJ EtV As from to-day. there will »c A»JJ 5 Pm. Mouern Mandate m the timing of our rrencb ana i>u icd m
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  • 1747 9  -  MAC C— BY DV beating Johore so convincingly by six goals to nothing on Saturday when tht Army visited Johore, the Aran side continued their winning way m the Malaya Cup competition. I The game was decidedly devoid of f spectacle, and except for an initial at-,
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  • 115 9 TTO-NlGHT:— Whist Drives at R.A. Changi Families Club, Nee Soon Serjeants Mess and Fortress Signals' Jut: tors (8.9). To-Morrow:— Tombola at No. 1 Area Sergeants Mess R.A.F. Whist Drives at Alexandra and It. A. Changi Sergeants Messes and at Presbyterian Services Clnb. Thursday:— Whist Drive, Fart Canning Juniors
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 518 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS E TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tender? are now invited for the fr!k>*ir.g materials ot services For ticulars apniv Municipal Tenders at Standard Hi?h Pressure! er rubes Date of Closing 4' on-, hat! ISH 5 7 l <' asm of Best Quality; .< I ime fur Wat*»r Dept. Date
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    • 528 9 PUBLIC NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Claims for refund of assessment en Vacant Houses. Notice is hereby given that claims ior refund of assessment on vacant houses within Municipal Limits for the period from Jan. 1, to June 30, 1941 must be sent m on or before July ZI, Applications for refunds
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    • 164 9 I Order delicious I I Ice Cream for your next 1 I "Social"... order it this 1 I convenient and money I I saving way 1 |Smß| Organisers ot social functions will find ordering B&IBh their ice cream by the gallon boih economical and convenient. For instance, one gallon of
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 63 9 MAIL LIST Mails close at tne Oeneral Po t office as follows: TO-DAY Endo-Chfns air z 37 as. 10-MOKR«>\V Java air a.m. Me* an air U a.m. Paid tiang air Jam. ARRIVALS Ma. s from Ja^a sir) general ntMvcjf 8.15 a.m. to-day. Mali- Java and Sumatra (air general delivery 1.411
      63 words

  • 888 10 CHIN KEE ONN RETAINS SINGLES TITLE SINGAPORE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS ALTHOUGH he played much below form yesterday, m the men's singles final of the Singapore tennis championships held on the S.C.C. courts, Chin Kee Onn's experience and courtcraft came to his rescue and he just managed, m three sets, to defeat
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  • 234 10 THE Catholic Young Men's Association held the Katong Casuals to a draw m a cricket fixture played on the C V MA. ground un Sunday. The scares were: C'.Y.M A.: C. Cruz c Le Cain b Qzelman 12. A Fernar.dcs c
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  • 70 10 rTE following have been selected to play for the Junior CivU Service Association against the Singapore Cricket Club en the JCS A. ground at 2 15 p.m. on Saturday A E. Dehlkan (captain). Anthony Lim, Lim Swang. A Ix>poz. I. Goones^garam, K. Vythalingam, Mahan Singh. S. Marku-s. G.
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  • 187 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 30. FIELDING a very strong side, the BehuagOK Club scored freely against the Selangor Indians yesterday m the semi-final of the Stonor Shield cricket competition. At close or piay the Club had scored 141 for three tickets. D R Gulland
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  • 144 10 The Royal Singapore Ooji club's rtu-c-'j fowrstxnes competition for Juiu wa nlayed at BoMi Timah on Sunday afternoon ard resulted m a win for Mrs. J. J. Bheehai) and B. M MidalebrcoK with a net MOTC of 23 -V Fourteen cards ware tV.cen out and
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  • 62 10 T"HE following Wre the two bst scores returned m the Keppel Golf Cubs women's June foursomes: Mm J. J. Robertson and Mrs. A. M Low 43-11 S3 Mrs J. Kean and Mrs. C. Smith 52^ 15 27. The June mixed foursome competitor resell d :n I v.
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  • 29 10 THE Fortress Signals beat the R A S C by three goals to nil m a second division <a> league soccer match played at Alexandra yesterday.
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  • 345 10 Publishers 2; >lalay Keciment 1 TWO goals scored by Dollah. who duplicated his feat against the t.A.oc last week; enabled the Pub--1 ;hers to beat the Malay Regiment by the odd goal m thr?e m a se -ond divifion <a> league soccer match
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  • 181 10 r[EIB up-country tour completed, the South China footballers are now m Singapore and will make Anson Road stadium the venue of their last match m Malaya this season when they meet a powerful local team, most probably we Combined Services— to-morrow. Although it has
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  • 268 10 Programme Of Events THE Singapore Amateur Athletic Association's 1941 championships will this year be held on the Singapore Cricket Club padang on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. All proceeds from the meet will be donated to The War Fund and certificates, instead of the usual
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  • 69 10 •TTIE following are the results of the second roun 1 return ejames In the Scottish Cup soc^r .moetitrn on Saturday. Glasgow Rangers f>, Hamilton 5 Clyde 3, Hibernian 4. (a f ter extra time Hearts 5. St. Mirrcn 1. Dunbarton 4, Third Lanark v. The match between Clyde
    69 words
  • 505 10 Malays 3: RE I AVENGING a first round defeat, the Malays bent fa <* Royal Engineers by three goals to two a large crowd at Anson Koad yesterday. It was a game m v >,„„ better finishing by the Malays triumphed over the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 397 10 Upton; Hzncork, p r rl p v Wright, Johnson, Humphri. Bigneil CLASSIFICATION UST HORSES AND POMES T :IE *mmrnm%si tne Lai 1 ation list ol horses listed by the Btr*itt Ra Con yesterday* Horses Transfers urcFrom (lass I to Us> Court, Strathmor.-. From Class 4 to Class Rogue. The Emperor
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 47 10 To-day's Sports Events Soccer: S.A.I- .A. league i r sion, Chinese Athletics \s i Regimeiit, stadium: rev sion, tiordons vs It.A.X., Se second division (fc), Costoi Kranii SHU St I v V derers J.r.S A Ptamferd Base C or.nthians. Cler lennis: Sit gapore chami ships, S.C.C courts
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