The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 June 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 1«437. ESTD. 1835. WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS, 194 L S CENTS
    18 words
  • 685 1 Heavy Enemy Losses In Western 1 Desert MASSES OF TANKS ARMOURED UNITS IN FIERCE FIGHTING Cairo, June 17. "UAJn determined enemy attempts to stem the British offensive m the Western Desert have far been repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy." according to to-day's British G.H.Q. communique
    United Press; Reuter  -  685 words
  • 176 1 Big Advance In Dealing With Night Bomber London, June 17. "FNEVELOPMENTS cf high promise m U many directions" m the detection and destruction of enemy planes was mentioned by the Lord Privy Seal, Mr. C. R. Attlee, m m answer to a ouestion m the House of Commons to-day. Mr.
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 56 1 SENSATION IN TOKIO Tokio, June 17. /\FFICLAL circles decline to comment on a report that an embargo has been placed on a Japanese ship loaded with oil from Philadelphia, says the Domei news agency. Officials state they are awaiting official information. Domei adds that
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 383 1 London, June 17. TTHE Allied forces are closing m on Damascus. Imperial and Free French forces, it is officially stated In London, are now attacking Aortouz, only six miles south-south-west of the city following the captare yesterday of Jibbel Madani, four miles
    Reuter  -  383 words
  • 25 1 Vichy. June 17. A FRENCH destroyer has been sunk m operations off Syria, says a Beirut dispatch to the Vichy new* afeacy.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 921 1 MENZIES ENLARGES CABINET: DRASTIC NEW MEASURES jyEW measures to intensify Australia's war effort to colossal proportions were announced by Mr." R. G. Menzies, Australian Prime Minister, m a nationwide broadcast from Canberra last niirht. His proposals, says United Press, include a new Minister
    United Press; Reuter  -  921 words
  • 323 1 Batavia, June 17. "DOTH the Netherlands Indies and the Japanese delegations regret that the economic negotiations which have been conducted between them have unfortunately come to a conclusion with unsatisfactory results," stated a joint communique issued by the Japanese and Dutch delegates this evening.
    United Press  -  323 words
  • 74 1 London, June 17. DEUTKH learns that the Japanese Ambassador m London, Mr. M. Shi"emitsu, left London for Toklo yesterday. Mr. Shigemitsu ls going to Tottio at his own request, having been away from home for over four "ears He had nlanned to see Mr. Matsuoka Japanese
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 213 2 A RGUING on toe grounds that the judge had misdirected the jury on the question of common Intent, also that there was insufficient evidence of identity, Mr. B. H. Chia. representing a young Chinese who is under sentence of death, addressed the Court of Criminal
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  • 79 2 Shanghai, June 17. MR. Akafi, head of the Japanese section of the International Settlement Police, was shot dead m "badlands'* this morning by four Chinese gunmen, one of whom was arrested, reports Reuter. Mr. Akagi was appointed by the consular body m 1938. A British
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  • 65 2 Shanghai, June IT. npHE Voluntary War Contribution Fund yesterday remitted another £14,000 to the t^moon Tt Asury for the month ending June 15 toward the purchase of warplanes for the RAF., bringing the amount sent to Ixmdon since the inauguration of the fund In
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • At The Cinemas
    • 100 2 THE life of one of America's foremost 1 sportsmen, Knute Rockne, football idol, is vividly brought to the screen m the Warner Bros, film which has his name for title. It opened at the Alhambra yesterday. A masterful characterization is given by Pat O'Brien, who
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    • 106 2 ANN Sothern and John Carroll share actA ing honours m "Congo Malsie," an amusing and thrilling picture of the African jungle which opened at the Capitol yesterday. When the semi -civilized natives begin a war dance outside the medical station, Carroll (Dr. Shane)
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  • 128 2 Bangkok, June 17. FOR the fifth day m succession the Japanese correspondents have come m for chastising at the hands of a section of the Thai Press. The Sieng Thai, "voice of the Thais,' recalls the numerous harmful reports regarding Thailand and says it is
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 103 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, June 17. A. J. MINJOOT, a former Municipal Commissioner and a Justice of the Poace, appeared on a summons m the ,Police .ourt to-day charging him withj abetting J. M. de Souza, a PutTie Works Department workshop foreman, m
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  • 63 2 THE Band of the Straits Settlements Police will perform under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch, at Katong Park at 5.30 p.m. to-morrow:— March, "Light Cavalry," Hermann Starke; Overture, 44 Haydee,'» AuberSelection, "Gems of, Irish Song," Denis Wright; Valse. "Wein, Weib Und Gesang," Joharin Strauss; Euphonium Solo,
    63 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 SEE KNUTE ROCKNE The man who grave America its greatest thrill! MI'FT f M-J.ll to-day UZyJLiUiLy^yJ 3.15, 6.15 Warner Bros, present ■f*s^">' x.*"^ I p|Miß*tpgi^B#^^^3?yrTT:-v7 k B^WHj!W}csS^BJPBBBBBM vßß^k^ iBl BBmH ■HfIBPSS>>S:- i 181 S^B^P fiv^Bc^v **^^^^^^^B^B^l? '9^l c :Blk^»*"*^* "i\'i\M *"P (^IHf >■' -^B^ IL i^" s flßfl^^^is i^ ?!a'
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  • 592 3 NA ZI ACTIVITIES IN UNITED STATES DISCLOSED Washington, June 17. ■piK unanimous view taken by American radio commentators l|a>t ni*M was that American and German relations .ere at t^akin point says Renter. Many believe that Ller will quickly retaliate. ijovernment officials will not disclose the
    United Press; Reuter  -  592 words
  • 45 3 Jerusalem, June 17. m .oiiinuind to fire on any I r o»jp of individuals m uniform ."thrrvux* coming forward to ontained m an order to t cony of which has v ukr alive any person .ttrmptin; to parley. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 41 3 rt-»r-M.>: June 1«. to siutii oflicially m I^ondon that as a umrvr of shippir>~ hv^es continue <ico m the nu xuh. publicacioii ■«*y losses cannot be made to-day as WmA and must be postp^ric± Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 102 3 Lotdon. J«ne 17. THE Ministry of Agriculture has issued ft warning to fanners m Britain to be on their guard against possible enemy action on thsir crops this summer. •Food m the fields is as valuable as food on the h-n seas." says the
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 26 3 Chungking, June 17. SIR Archibald Clark-Kerr, British Ambassador to China, returned here from Hong Kong this morning alter an absence of about a wtek United Press
    United Press  -  26 words
  • 65 3 lierlin, June 10. TOE German Government, faced with the second fait accompli m three days from the United States, continued to maintain silence to-day regarding President Roosevelt's order closing German consulates m the United States. German sources were apparently surprised by the closing order. Inr^f*
    United Press  -  65 words
  • 178 3 U.S. Bombers To Be Flown To Africa? New York, June 17. ALL-AIR delivery of American bombers destined for the British forces m Africa was discussed at the White House last night when President Roosevelt conferred with officials of the War and Navy Departments, according to the Washington correspondent of the
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 288 3 London. June 17. P"GGS. fish, cheese, oranges, lemons and soft fruit are at present engaging the attention of Britain's Food Minister, Lord Wool ton, and experts at his Ministry, which stated today that m regard to the scheme for controlled distribution of eggs to operate as
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 124 3 London, June 17. ritHE Chief Officer of the sunken Ame--1 rican freighter Robin Moor, Mr. Melvin Mundy, said he was summoned aboard the" German U-b^at which sunk the vessel, and repeatedly pleaded witn the Nazi commandar to spare the ship, according to the Capetown
    United Press  -  124 words
  • 341 3 Life In Sidon Normal Few Hours After Occupation By Allies London, June 17. l ri preliminaries to the capture Sidon, the first sizeable town Lebanon coast, were so! i > accomplished by the' ;^iians that neither street jng nor wtifj^f wa^ experienced actual operation of entry, Sfc liter's special corresponrjeiluis
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  • 337 3 Persistent Reports Of NaziSoviet War Measures London, June 17. "ALL reports from Rumania indicate that the German Command is taking drastic measures to prepare that country for every eventuality," said the Columbia Broadcasting System correspondent, speaking from Ankara, to-day. "In addition to huge concentrations of German troops and mobilization of
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 173 3 CONCERN AT POSSIBLE SPREAD OF CONFLICT Stockholm, June 17. THE extensive calling up of Swedish reservists m recent days is still progressing, a semi-official source revealed to the United Press to-day. German planes yesverday flew over the south coast of the Province oi Skane. The planes
    United Press  -  173 words
  • 247 3 R. A.F. Continues Twin Offensive London, June 17. T"HE R.A.P. twin offensive against enemy shipping by day and western Germany by night was continued last night. Visiting the Ruhr and the Rhineland last night, the bombers chiefly attacked the Cologne and Dusseldorf districts and again left many fires burning. By
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 45 3 London, June 17. SIR STAFFORD CROPS, British Ambassador m Moscow, was received by the King at Buckingham Palace to-day and remained m conversation with him for a considerable time. Sir Stafford is at present In London for consultations with the Government. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 142 3 Moscow, June 17. pOREIGN reports of Russian mobi- lization find no confirmation here. As an official Soviet statement issued last Friday mentioned, it is true that training of reservists is taking place and the yearly summer manoeuvres are due to start and 4 his m a large
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 142 3 Pretoria, June 17. f^EN. Smuts, South African Premier, u ina speech here declared: "We are not at the end of the war. It almost looks like the beginning. It is terrible a thing to say but probably the greatest ordeals are still before us." South Africa
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 63 3 Tokio. June 17. 'DANZAIS" were among the cou :sies wel- coming Wang Ching-wei, Premier of the Japanese-sponsored Nanking Government, on his arrival on a visit here to-day. He will spend to-night as a guest of the Imperial family at Kasumigaseki Palace. Tokio newspapers hail Wang
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 279 3 London, June 17. '•pEOPLE of France, you have been neither bartered away nor betrayed nor abandoned. Those who tell you so are lying. They are throwing you into the arms of Communism." Thus declared Marshal Petain, broadcasting to-day. He preceded his speech with a broadc?jst from
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 81 3 All- Women Crew For Ship On Far East Run Shanghai, June 17. TWELVE Soviet steamers, each with a A displacement of 5,000 tons, are being placed on the Far Eastern run by the Soviet authorities, following the general curtailment of services by other shippng companies, according to the local Chinese
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 "NAVIGAN" TRAVEL AIR AND SEA SICKNESS REMEDY A ROCHE PRODUCT. MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD. pure, refined cane sugar of the highest quality TAIKOO SUGAR Refined and packed by a British Company m British Colony obtainable at all Cold Storage Branches and high class dealers PHOht 5376 Mil LUES
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  • 578 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1941. New Blow For The Nazis PRESIDENT Roosevelt's order for the closure of the German consulates throughout the United States should prove a severe blow to the Nazi cause m America, for there is much evidence to show that they have m fact
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  • 556 4 I lEUT.-GEN. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson who is m charge of the Allied operations m Syria, is a member of an old Suffolk family. He has the largeness and the calm of Constable's country, and, like Constable's country, he becomes the more impressive
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 4 "Ti« A Signpost YOu're Missing, Dev." lllingworth m The Daily Mail
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  • 41 4 Chungking, June 17. IN response to an appeal by Madame Chiang Kai-shek for medical ?ld to China it is learned the Australian Red Cross has decided to send A£ 25,000 worth of medical supplies Re uter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 52 4 Tokio, June 17. ORINCE Konoye, the Prime Minister, Mr. Yosuke Matsuoka, the Frreisn Minister, and other members of the Cabinet and high army and navy leaders greeted the Nanking leader. Wang Chirg-wei. ct the Tokio railway station. The public was excluded from the station.
    United Press  -  52 words
  • 56 4 Jerusalem, June 17. EXAMINATION of a large bomb crater near Haifa reveals it was caused by a bomb- laden enemy aircraft which crashed on the night of June 11 after a direct hit by an Australian anti-aircraft battery. Pieces of the aircraft were found
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 537 4 Illustrious Survives Air Attacks 1-HE story X ization. seaman shk," *"<«>• nery which save TZ C carrier H.M.S. Illustrious J£ was subjected to a atucks m the MadttettS took part. Both bombs and? were aimed at her. but ™> were made. The fii couple of torpca. launched their torp* she
    British Wireless  -  537 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 47 4 Bluey <c Curley /«6T5 1«>1 t«iM«,5 'Siltn UKKY CMARW^tH wtu. "fc CHARTS x^ cr *J*» HAMfiriNGi AROOMO HE 6fil HMENOS GAVE w| A.n f «OttK.iw 1 f N.SJ Xfcß WECH CußuttV Mt— THEY'VE BROUGHT Mtflß -foo WLU. 16 o*y/ M W ,M f <"* v £Q V%»V>' J
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  • 1406 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By Australian community j n Singapore was well rented at the premiere of [It Udj Eve" at the Cathay ma on Monday m aid of Anzac Club. Singapore's Australian ,!< .jHPCid to be m the
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  • 624 5  -  CLIO BY JHE ast of Mrs. Christopher 11s' production of Noel Conmedy ''Private Lives" is mplete. There are only five ters, four principals and one art. that of a French maid, "Ts^tcTße^prayed by^Betty Jcfcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. G. McConechy. educated at Chatelard." i Avants.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 Wicb «<ucJi of Chiven L'annrtl froHi to %1 BPB^ttSM^^fc 'our larder you are able Co enjo? four fij^S Wt^ZSm ■vountt vmriedc* at tn? time of the feat. V| iS^+^B n*e»e fruit* are grown m Chiven own IJBmlft^*^^" and arr canned wirhin art Kout BhCmIV or two of plckinit CHI v
      63 words
    • 75 5 THE ISLAND COMMITTEE PRESENTS:— JANE COBB JOHN WOOD JACK McNAUGHTON ROGER BARRY DESIGN for LIVING ■vis i a > > HsV^B H^^ft^ '*vs Bfti !i^ H lia B^^B^B^s^ s B^^ **S Bk^B B^^^^9^B^B^^^B Bff^B^B^^^^H^Bi^Bl B^^Hi Bb^ He B&^BI BTfli Bk B^^^^b if^f' Bm VJ Br A ■'^f^B .AhVJ B^^^b\ -m1
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  • 324 6 U.S. Rushing More Planes To Pacific Stations To Collaborate With Fleet AS Tokio's nerve war against the Netherlands Indies grows daily more menacing scores of American pilots are being transferred to Pacific stations, including Hawaii and the Philippines, indicating a vast increase m military aircraft there to collaborate with the
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  • 83 6 THE Cairo correspondent of the Daily Mail says a British officer said the body of a parachutist he shot m Crete turned peagreen after three hours. It is presumed that he had taken a preparat on to dull the nerves and stimulate energy. which wrought a
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  • 211 6 'PHE N.S.W. State Government has already moved m Its plan to recondition Walsh Island dockyard, Newcastle, for shipbuilding. The Australian Minister lor Works <Mr Cahill) left for Newcastle recently to investigate the reopening of the yards and his report will be considered by the
    211 words
  • 87 6 A USTRALIAN manufacturers have been invited by the Supply Department to tender individually or In groups a price at which producer gas units will be manufactured for sale to the public. The Minister for Supply, Senator Mcßride. declared it was the intention of the Government,
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  • 173 6 THE Duke of Norfolk. Joint Parliamentary mentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, told the House of Lord* recently that Britain had achieved the objective of ploughing up 3.750.000 acres by the spring. In addition. 100.000 to 150.000 acre' of derelict or semi-derelict land
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  • 155 6 "A NY proved instance of petrol wasting m the Army will be dealt with most severely." a military spokesman t?ld the Sydney Morning Herald recently. He said that special steps had been taken to enforce economy m the use of petrol for military purposes.
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  • 105 6 TpHE Director- General of Recruiting, Major-General Lloyd, told an infantry brigade, at a parade at Ingleburn camp recently that men with families were being accepted now for the A IP. "We don't like that very much," he added. Men with families are being taken because men
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  • 32 6 Air Speed Oxford ambulances attached to the RA F. soaring high above the clouds. Operations are performed m flight when necessary. These planes are completely equipped miniature surgeries.
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  • 550 6 Future Operations In Middle East Will Not Be Hampered As At Crete THE Australian Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies, said recently that future British operations m the Middle East would no longer be hampered by the absence of suitable air bases, as they had been m Crete. The defeat
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  • 521 6 New British Fighters Bombers 'Way Ahead' Of German Machines jhe reputa 1021 of t» best airmen mi n th The Amer can air. Mr. Storey. wS beii ed for tremendou before many months America will bo nro range bombers a m capable of being fl Havin? v sited all fac.ones
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  • 288 6 N.S.W. Absorbing Unemployed For War Work THE Premier of X e south \v i SSrStrWSS employed m \e W South Wai* ii was also ascertaining how mJ would be suitahle for wai work It was disouie- rk time there were so many unemp Mr. McKell said nthat many of them
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 305 6 Gland Discovery eslores Youth n 24 Hours Sufferers from loss ot vigour, nervousness, weak body, impure blood, failing emory. and who are old and worn-out i fore their time will be delighted to learn > a new gland discovery by an American i octor. This new discovery makes it possible
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    • 80 6 NOT wO ffOiffifv y/.'y^''" :jj^T Wf %Sw\ L* *\%J r^IAICII t~. I D I < l AJ <D/TC A4AD\/'C I < {THINKS 1 1\ f /»>VP^ Ja/ICHT STARVATION eV**Y NICHT sr>?/?7: s** CCRTA/MY S T ™*nVZ*/'<) \|J V\ \TgO TO B£d\ VtW>«^/l^7>e^^>^\ FINISHED BY BfAT/A/O US^J \W HOWICKS^J M c
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  • 783 7 Capt. Hashim Sums Up Their Co ntributions To The War Effort |T was significant that Nazi propaganda over the Rashid 1 Ali affair m Iraq failed completely to create any impression among the Malays, said Capt. N. M. Hashim, broadcasting from
    783 words
  • 164 7 WHIPPING FOR EXTORTING $2 FROM COOK YDf Hia, a youn^ Hainanese ..ssistant, was sentenced to kei of th? and six ■WM imprisonment, m the >rccnd ccurt yesterday when l ccnv.oted on a charge of ex- alleged to have extorted $2 i Siang Soo. a cool: employed I European. X
    164 words
  • 105 7 UOLDING that there was ample evidence of common Intent of committng the murder and that each of them had taken active part m it, the President (Sir Percy M. Eiwame) of the Court of Criminal Aj^eais dismissed the appeal yesterday of ar. Indian Mohammedan, Baloon
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  • 70 7 I OW Ah Lee, 31 -year-old Kheh, clalmII ed trial m the Singapore third court yesterday en a charge that between May 24 and 31 he falsely represented to a person named I cc Ah Kow be would sell him $1,000 of forged currency notes for
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  • 202 7 PIFTY-two-year-old Tan Tian Lim, r washing his hands m a thatched hut which was used as a bath room, at the back of his house ai Upper Serangoon Road on the evening or June 4 was fatally injured when a coconut tree, which had
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  • 474 7 Bus Passengers Disarmed By Detectives 'J^HE story of how a police inspector and detectives stopped a trolley bus, detained six passengers and disarmed two men who carried daggers, was told m the Singapore criminal district court yesterday. The two men who were disarmed were Tan Ah Kee, 23-year-old Hokkien, and
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  • 349 7 \I7ILLIAM Henry Hopper, master of a vessel at present a: Singapore, appeared m the Singapore traffic court yesterday on a charge of causing hurt by negligent driving. At the end of the case the charge was amended to one oi negligent driving and Hopper was fined
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  • 120 7 TUE Straits Settlements three per cent. $10,000,000 War Loan, which was floated on Monday, has been oversubscribed. However, subscription lists will remain open until nJon to-morrow. This is the second Colony War Loan, the first having: amounted to $25,000,060. The second F.M.S. War Loan, launched on
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  • 574 7 REFERENCE to "Malaya's apathy towards the tourist industry" was made by Mr. R. Burns, chairman of Raffles Hotel, Ltd., presiding at the annual general meeting of the company yesterday. "I fully realise that this Is certainly not the time to talfe of Inviting tourists to
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  • 142 7 QUEK Jee Cheow, 43-year-old HMnanese who had been unemployed for several month.s, was found dying from a self-administered dose of ccrrosive poison m his house m Noordin Lane, on the morning of June 1, stated Queli Keng Ngee, a coffee shop proprietor, m the Singapore Corcner's court yesterday.
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  • 192 7 FIRM'S APPLICATION TO RENT ASSESSMENT BOARD A NEW film studio for making motion pictures m Singapore is planned m the Balestier Road district by Messrs. Shaw Bros., it was stated before the Rent Assessment Board yesterday. Mr. John Laycock, representing Shaw Bros., applied for
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  • 96 7 AN appeal by the Deputy Public Prosecutor i against the decision of a magistrate m the police courts who acquitted Capt. D. Marr on a charge of committing an act of gross Indecency came up before Mr. Justice Worley m the High Court yesterday and
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  • 145 7 ■"PHAT the Rent Asoe^ment Board has no pewer to reduce rents was the contention of Mr. John Laycock before the B-ard yesterday. The application was by a tenant. E. W. O. Fernando, to reduce the rent of his house on the grounds that certain repairs
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  • 71 7 SINGAPORE fire-watchers will keep an all* night vigil at their offices to-night during the two-day black-out exercises which begin m all parts of Malaya to-day. Facilities are being provided by many employers for those on fire -watch duty to take their meals on the premises. Others
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 263 7 A^^^s* °jS a Ct?e those distinguished new Bulova. X <■' 'tf.*'^ w T atches and you will agree that 11 -i^^B^^W tney Ye up to ttVieir nam^ because V^ of their reputation of holding first i'y^ I^^^^^^ /v place m timekeeping, dependability and artistry. Any person wearinp .^^g^^^**^ i Eulova
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 430 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE flncon>orair is England) rBNINSCLAft AND ORIKNTAI 6 N CO. MAIL PASSENGKK AND CARGO SEKVICE. iae dmi pawibai «mm or* being matntaHiad oj tht f A O. s N. to. rrom the Stralta ta thHr ami aartt af call la China toaVa. Oylo" «a< tkc
      430 words
    • 296 8 BURNS PHILP UNE (incorporated \n AustraiiP) FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE ria JAVA. DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly satlinr* by MARBLLA (7J75 »■>< f |l|t (SJim BMh ve— tN are fitted with CaWn-de-tattt ftofl* ami fMiMe berth cabins. fvtflUßlat **tbn ImxviiMM pobl«e rcoai tat. clmM Staffapore/llrlsbjuie m 4 Sydney $i».ll
      296 words
    • 479 8 Broadcasting TO-DAY Singapore sass-^^-s ss aJ^iaj (ZHK «.175 mc/t 45.51 m.) f Gr*mepb«n, v**,*,. ZUP3 JB5 mc/« (41 3f A •I*L^^** zhl. inn. zhp2 zbts SAIGOiI 7.15 a.m. Mualct; 7.20 a.m. Newt. Mc+ >z± u m Relayed from London; 7.30 a.m. "Listening CU Met '4t»M» Post": German propaganda analysed.
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  • 93 9 v .v f \'..tnth«« Quotations S S on RegL«ter?d Market: Steadier. Cable: London Spot Sheet 13 "Sd. ■ft spot Sheet U.S. cts. 21H per Ml V PRICES CURRENT June 17, 12 o'clock noon Bayer* Seller* R. 3.5. Spot loose 39* 39* i \S KS4 FOB.
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  • 42 9 U.S. TAKES POSSESSION OF 6 DANISH SHIPS Washington, Jun2 16. TKK Maritime Commission's flrst action under the new Ship RequiLiw occurred to-day when the r.ission tock possession of six Idle ihifM lying at New York and: Portl:.r:<l. Or g n. United Press
    United Press  -  42 words
  • 839 9 Chinese Topics By Our Chinese' Correspondent ONE of the 1,000 schools »J1 the Chun ?kin Governmoit proposes to establish abroad for the benefit of overseas Chinese may be built m Singapore. has been instructed to d^iwsThii local authcmic? ti^t^^S? ol^ 111 D rovi <*e
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  • 163 9 P CHANDER, a 21-year-old English-speak-ing Indian, who was alleged to have stolen a cheque belonging to Sabapathy Bala Subramaniam and using as genuine a forged cheoue, on May 10, was committed for trial at the next Assizes, at the conclusion of the preliminary inquiry
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  • 75 9 thTdlrccdon of Katong an the Sept 7 when he saw a raaaU »r belong to the Municipality parked on theleft Just as he came over the crest of a bridge As he drew near, the car bf*^**^™^* to come into Singapore and m order to
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  • 243 9 Jerusalem, June 17. 17ICHY troops have made raids m some force m the difficult country around Merj Ayoum, said the military spokesman m Jerusalem amplifying a report m the official communique of the heavy fighting m the central sector. While the position is
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 69 9 Montreal. June 17. Y ou b€t was tne emphatic reply of Col. Frank Knox, Unitet States Navy Secretary, when asked at a press conference here whether Britain would be able to hold out against the Nazis. The United States does not regard the
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 289 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. n Are no* invited tor the mi materials or services For particulars apply Municipal Tenders ■■Dpll Jf Standard High Pressure r ruces. Date of Closing. 4 om July 7 1941 l! 0 x4O gallon drums of disinfectant of approved quality ar.d British manufacture. Date
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    • 199 9 HpJQjSSpNf nil M P)ON'T be complacent about this. Great I^H Rv/C wl^^lilH Xl Britain needs money needs it urgently. jB Kn* S^kW *^^BI rJB And it is up to everybody not m the fighting K. forces to see that she gets it. And that means k■ V^ Vbhl ■■>!■ F
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 81 9 POST OFFICE iViAIL LIST close at the General Post Offlce TO-DAY Ja va am. ii, «ir 11 a.m. p--m 9 a.m. TO-MORROW v.i 4P m 9 4 p.m. d »ir 4 p.m. air 9 a.m. ARRIVALS •toils from Java Sumatra (air) general 30 p.m. to-day. jlaiis from Indo-China (air) general
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  • 196 10 A SOCCER match m aid of The War Fmnd will be played at Anson Road on Sunday between Combined Bvsinese Houses' •ter« and the Chinese Athletic AMO-iatten. The same is under the patron&xe of the President of the Singapore Municipality. Mr. L. Rayman, and Mrs.
    196 words
  • 184 10 THE june c3LJ.pie.ord competition of the Garrison Golf Club, played at Tanslin. resulted m a tie m group "A" between Major Davies and L. H. Chater u-ith a score of 29 V 2 In accordance with the conditions L. H. Chater was declared winner on the
    184 words
  • 201 10 F Cur Own Correspondent* MMn Bih-u, June 15. OOORIW k .^cai-. ,n [be first 15 hall, the Prison* defeated the Mcd if Italic to two m a leagu i '•> al the town n-d.ine toAgg?e or., lei .^i of the time. ;he Pn v
    201 words
  • 82 10 Tokyo, June 17. OSING to Keio University, seven to three, Waseda University's baseballers lost the Six University League championship to Hosei University. Hosei won seven games, lost two and tied one, while Woseda won seven and lost three. In a double-header at the Meiji
    Eastern News  -  82 words
  • 545 10 Hee Chin And Koh Score Brilliant Victory MISS STOKES BEATS MISS CHIA IN TWO SETS Singapore Tennis Championships BY scoring a brilliant victory yesterday over the Japanese pair, T. Okamoto and S. Matsukawa, Lim Hee Chin and C. Y. Koh have entered the semi-finals of the men's doubles event m
    545 words
  • 124 10 THE following is the week-ends programme at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club: On Friday there will be the usual afternoon races for all classes, starting at 5.23 p.m. for "A" class and 5.25 p.m. for other classes. On Sunday "C" class will sail the
    124 words
  • 28 10 fTHE R.A.M.C. beat the R.A. (8.M.) by 1 three goals to two m a second division (a) league soccer fixture played at Gillman Barracks yesterday.
    28 words
  • 26 10 T*HK R.A.F. (Tengah) teat the Signals by six goals to three m a second division (a) league soccer match played at Tengah yesterday.
    26 words
  • 180 10 C»»io«si 3; Airport 1. QCORING one soal m the Orst five minutes of play and two more m the seconri half of the game, the Customs did well to beat the Airport by three goals to one m a second division <b>
    180 words
  • 80 10 npHE following are the office-bearers for 1941 of the Chinese Companion Athletic Association: President, Koong Khai Kong; vicepresidents, Lim Hock Seng, Ho Quee Phiau. Gaw Khiek Jim, Lim Kok Tai, Tan Chee Tong, Wong Yuk Chim. Khoo Hock Tian, Wong Yuk Hong, treasurer, Chan Koon Yeen; secretary, Yeow
    80 words
  • 64 10 London, June 16. THE following are the probables and jockeys for the Oaks, which is being run at Newmarket to-morrow: Fre'vhkin (Cliff Richards); Firle Jones); Hill Hampton (Richardson): Patience (S. Wragg); Prococity (Beary); Commotion (Hairy Wragg); Dancing Time (Perryman); Sunny Dear <Brennan); Sanatoga (Maher); Beau Site
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 51 10 mipton Lakes (NJ.), June IiJILLY Conn has completed hii training for his 20-rOund battle with the heavyweight c hampipn. Joe Louis, on Wednesday* The challenger scaled 178 povuds and confined his last workouts to sparing. Conn fought four times Ihis /ear and appeared m excellent shape. United
    United Press  -  51 words
  • 158 10 Starting limes Draw rS following are the starting times and draw for a women's golf match between the Royal Singapore Golf Club and the Keppcl Golf Club, to be played at Bukit Timah on Friday, K.G.C. players mentioned first: 340 Miss D. Hirst (14) vs.
    158 words
  • 70 10 THE Chinese Companion Athletic Association beat the Municipal Services Club at -billiards last Sunday. The results. C.C.A.A. nlayers mentioned first, were: ENGLISH GAME Chan Koon Yeen <200> vs. Simon Chong (152); Tan Kong Quan (200> vs. Ang Kee Nam (154); Tan Tian Seng (172> vs. Loo Cheng Rwee (200)
    70 words
  • 536 10 S.C.F.A 6; R.A. (Heavy Regiment) THE R.A. (Heavj- Regiment) were no match for JL"«* l--1 Chinese FootbaH Association at Anson Road t yesterday when the two teams met m a first j..? m league soccer fixture, the Chinese running out wi SUm six
    536 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 124 10 4j,^ T S ON *HE SC^ mm w JBMfEflf X_>4 JL JL JL JL JL J- M. JL q W^Mk Where Everybody Goes 'PHONE 34 00 OPENING r^^__^ W ffißfc^^/»^ til, I v aI BP^^^ IB^^. M WmWL m tv J^ I i W I on fe. "AS BRPm I
      124 words