The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 June 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,336. ESTD. 1835. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1941. S CENTS
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  • 425 1 Germans Driven Back Over Libyan Border OPERATIONS STILL CONTINUING "NOT LARGE-SCALE PUSH" Cairo, June 16. BKIMSU offensive m the Western Desert against tin litrmans is recorded m to-day's Britieh ,;H.O. communique issued here, which, says Reuter, "Yesterday our troops m the Western Desert .joeL -uffen*ive
    Reuter; United Press  -  425 words
  • 38 1 London, June 16. ENEMY planes which crossed over Cyprus yesterday evening dropped bombs on Nicosia and Paphos, m the wp*t of the island. There were a few casualties but no material damage was caused.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 120 1 Iron Guard Leader Followers Sentenced Rome, June 16. HORIA Sima. Rumanian Iron Guard leader, and his followers who fled abroad with him have been sentenced to hard labour for life m their absence on a charge of having instigated a revolt against Gen. Antonescu's government last January, says a Bucharest,,
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 140 1 Batavia, June 16. MR. KENKICHI YOSHIZAWA, leader of the Japanese delegation to the Batavia economic parleys, interviewed after receiving a call from Tokio to-day, said he was tentatively leaving for Tokio on June 27, reports United Press. He said he was still unable to
    United Press; Eastern News  -  140 words
  • 38 1 Cape Town, June 16. A BRITISH ship has arrived here carrying 35 survivors of the American steamer Robin Moor, which was torpedoed by a German submarine on the morning of May 21.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 38 1 London. Jane 16. A MEETING of the Federal Cabinet ha* unexpectedly been called for to-day. Th? meeting was originally scheduled for tomorrow when the Australian Prime Minister. Mr. R. G. Menzies, is to make a nationwidf broadcast. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 79 1 Washington, June 16. The United States Government has ordered the closing of all German consulates and the removal of all German nationals connected with them. ft is stated that this latest measure does not mean a rupture of diplomatic relations with Germany. Reuter Cairo, June 16. Considerable numbers
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 226 1 Nairobi, June 16. 117 HEN the trial was resumed to- day of the case m which Major Sir Delves Broughton, 53--year-old baronet, is charged with the murder of Lord Enroll, 39-year-old peer, accused replied to many questions put by the AttorneyGeneral with the
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  • 755 1 British Vichy Naval Forces In Clash Off Beirut? ALLIES 12 MILES FROM PORT: FALL OF DAMASCUS NEAR London, June 16. TRENCH warships engaged British naval forces off Beirut at dawn to-day, according to a Beirut dispatch to the Vichy news agency, quoled by Reuter. The British forces consisted of two
    United Press & Reuter  -  755 words
  • 494 1 British U.S. Protests In Tokio On Damage In Raid On Chungking Shanghai, June 16. TTIE United States Ambassador m Tokio, Mr. Joseph C. Grew, protested to-day to the Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Yosuke Matsuoka, against the Japanese bombing of the United States embassy and property m Chungking yesterday, says United
    Reuter  -  494 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 221 2 A TOTAL of over $12,000, including the proceeds from last night's screening at the Cathay Theatre of **Tne Lady Eve has been raised for the Anzac Club Building Fund. This figure, it is believed, constitutes a record m Singapore for any charity
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  • 115 2 London, Jane 16. A SURVEY recently made of damage caused by enemy action to St. Paul's Cathedral shows there was no serious disturbance of the fabric as a whole. Considerable damage was sustained and the walls m places have been weakened and scarred
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 59 2 rpHE Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, as honorary treasurers of the Ma'aya Patriotic Fund, announce receipt of the following additional donations. Mrs. V. Jarrett $25; Brunei Branch $2,394; Chartered Bank golf match $14; Officers of a Dojna battalion $16.84; Mrs. Norah A. Ward $25.50. Monthly
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  • 76 2 F.M.S. War Loan Oversu bscribed (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June IG. THE second Federated Malay S ates War Loan, of 51 0.000.000. which was floated at nine o'clock this morning, was already reported oversubscribed at 1 p.m. Bonds taken up ranged from S2OO to SIO,COO, the largest share
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  • 92 2 ON trial on a series of chir,^ of wilfully making false entries ui;i abetment of the offence, thrc.^ Chinese connected with a pawnbroker's business named Lam Mai, Lam Kuan Wing and Lam Mai appeared before Mr. Justice Worley and a common jury at the Assizes yesterday* Opening
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  • 46 2 London, Jans 16. ENEMY activity over this country last night was on a very small scale, says an A'r Ministry communique. Bombs were dropped ac two points m southern England but no damage or casualties are reported. One enemy bomber was destroyed during the night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 185 2 Here's A Hit And A Man To Cheer! KNUTE ROCKNE, HE'S FOOTBALL'S FAMOUS MAKER OF MEN OPENING iMl'Mk' I'W'V 3 SHOWS IU-UAX gfgjgHWJiM'UAl.lil 9.15 P.M. »^o»x* -^^^r ■l» a^lßo^Scoy^'V^iM JH 2S"- •x*y i*^."^ KNUTE ROCKNE t e A WARNKR BROS.-Fir»t Nat'l Pictarc I man s a#%O%Vvl P «R Original Screen
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    • 124 2 DULCYS IN THE AFRICAN JUNGLE..,^Jjp DOES SHE LEAD THE ZULUS A DANCE CAPITOL h ITOPAY1 TOPAY 3 's-^^ Enjoy a Safari into the land of Adventure where BROADWAY MAKIP it even Hotter than usual! TT When MAISIF ARMS AROUND YOUR jmJßg P*rformi n>; all her THIS, REMEMBER YOU /'j a
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  • 367 3 Ankara Reports Of Army Leave Being Cancelled LONDON SPECULATION ON RUSSO-GERM AN SITUATION v ji New York June 1«. THK ><> viet has a«c»r«a general mobilization and ramtM aH army leave, according to the National Breast ins Systems Ankara representative, quoted by miu .(i
    United Press  -  367 words
  • 195 3 COMMITTEE FORMED IN AMERICA Washington, June 16. MENT to co-ordinate the A work of various private groups cut the world and rally the spirit for the fight Hitlerism and Nazi propa- been launched at a meetofl the "Conference for Qnßocra:.c Victory." nonsored by the CornDefend America by
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 34 3 Berlin, June 16. Lilian assets and those of occuircnean countries by President .s described m the Wilhelm"entirely unjustified." says a! German news agency. that the question of counter being examined. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 43 3 NAZI MAKE USE OF FLEMISH WORKMEN 0 London, June 16. >'"H)0 Flemish workmen have been Germans to northern Prance. jni the Free Belgian radio at Leopolds- icy are being forced to work on "Mcancns which the Germans are build- <*i in° coast.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 124 3 New York, June 16. A CALL for strong action on the part of the United States to guard against such acts as the sinking of the American ship Robin Moor is made by the New York Herald-Tribune. "That this episode would be tantamount under any
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 306 3 Relentless Attacks On Nazi Shipping London, Jane 16. THE R.A.F. offensive against Germany was continued last night m strength, for the fifth night running. Great havoc was done m western Germany by strong forces of bombers and fighters swept enemy aerodromes with gunfire. Some of the bombers ▼isited the docks
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 210 3 Rochester, June 16. MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL, British Prime Minister, as a "symbol of Britain aroused," received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University ol Rochester to-day. The degree was presented m a two-way trans- Atlantic radio hook up by the president. Dr. Alan
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 95 3 Istanbul, June 16. GEN. DEL HOMME, lately Governor oX Damascus, arrived here to-day en route to Vichy to take up the new post of War Minister. He refused to comment on the situation m Syria, which he left from Aleppo. A report here
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 530 3 Nazi Funds In U.S. Expertly Hidden, Says Wall Street FNew York, June 16. dilation of a Government ntory of Axis and other assets m the United accordance with President proclamation would 'oab.y prove extremely difficult if «pect to succeed m compiling y comprehensive list of \xis an important portion of
    United Press  -  530 words
  • 15 3 London. June If. —tt» ft-Mtzinff of Axis funds m the United
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  • 75 3 yamf Jane 1& THE American colony in Rome, totalling nearly 1.000 United States citizen^ apparently plan to make a run to-day on an banking institutions where they have their accounts, especially the American Express. Altogether it !s estimated there are Vill 5 000 Americans in
    United Press  -  75 words
  • 198 3 "South Seas Life Or Death Issue For Japan Tokio, June 16. UNITED STATES entry into the war would mean that w Japan would have to come m too, stated Adm. Suetsugu, former Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese fleet, to-day. The Admiral referred to the "imminence of United States participation m the
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 148 3 London, June 16. THE British Government was urged to 1 regard the manning of industry as of equal importance with man power for the services m a resolution passed by the Congress of National Union of General and Municipal Workers at Blackpool to-day. Mr.
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 23 3 Montreal, June 16. MR. Charles Bech, son of Mr. Joseph Bech, Foreign Minister of Luxemburg, has joined the Royal Canadian Air Force.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 144 3 Appeal To Hindu Youth To Join Fighting Forces Calcutta, June 16. AN appeal to Hindu youths to join the military services which are now open to them by the exigencies of war was made by Mr. V. D. Savarkar. president of the All-India Hindu Mahasabha at a meeting of Hindus.
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 77 3 New York, June 16. CARRYING "democracy's timepiece," a novel gold lapel watch for presentation to Queen Elizabeth from the British- American ambulance corps and 1,000 vitamin capsules for the British Ministry of Health, Colonel Stewart Roddie left for England by Clipper this morning to become the
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 203 3 Washington. Jane 16. NEGOTIATIONS are under way for the extension of about $100,000--000 m lend-lease credits to Brazil to construct air bases on the Brazilian coast opposite Dakar, the assistant Brazilian military attache, Lieut. -CoL Lima, disclosed to-day. The State Department declined to comment. Col.
    United Press  -  203 words
  • 74 3 London, June j». rtE report that Sir Stafford Crtpps, Brit^li Ambassador to Moscow, who Is now visiting England, has declined to return to his post finds no confirmation In official circles m London, says Reuter's diplomatic corretpcndent. According to present arrangements. Sir Stafford
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 43 3 Loud—, Jim IC. ACCORDING to the Hungarian newspaper Pester Uoyd quoted by Lyons radio, Montenegro will soon be proclaimed an Independent state and a member of the old Montenegrin dynasty will be placed oo Itw throne.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 RED PALM OIL contains considerable quantities of Vitamin A. may be osed as a cooking oil or as a medicine. Prevents Influenza. Coaghs and Colda. Product 01 Malaya per 50 cents, bottle. MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. BATTERY ROAD. A f T I XT A V rrs your last opportunity to
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  • 683 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1941. Axis Poison COR several months a not inconsiderable portion of the Thai Press has carried fantastic and unfriendly stories about Britain and British territories and Bangkok has been a centre from which Japanese and Axis correspondents have circulated stories which were patently
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  • 793 4  -  WICKHAM STEED 6? Neutral Views Analyzed By THE issues raised by Admiral Darlan's warning that the French Navy will escort foodships to unoccupied France unless Britain grants them free passage are so delicate and may become so important that I have sought information upon them from
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 159 4 MEW Zealand is calling for large; 11 quantities of British-made machinery. Orders, amounting m all to £100,000, have recently been placed m Scotland, the Midlands and m Oxfordshire for a wide range, including railway material, switch gear, copper, cables, and other metal material. Despite
    159 words
  • 84 4 Reuter THE Dolled States Maritime t^ mission announces thut six ships will be placed m artive with the United States -ch*n; W to-morrow. The sHps are foreign vessels tied up ir. waters which hay-( protective custody The commission adds mainder of the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 26 4 Stn V. THE effort to ena a V J23 in the shipyards ;h^ .i«ers of machinis s' V proposal.-: to resume *or* Francisco i iinyaras. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 <£m^^ >^W /V^S ill i wtLvi"^" /L r(V i //Ji VVV II V^~i tJlvrTTOrl ?>~(\ THE BEST EVER isM By Special appointment Established W /572 ■EWEST DESIGNS II DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches. < incorporatca tn Ceftomj SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. t) P^^?^^ "SSJImB ■■■^■^^fcsssf^P^D^Bß si Bt^j Sli^te^
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    • 62 4 Be Careful tn wearing unground Sunglasses, which may cause your eyes to be defective. Go to Nan Sin and see tn« uacdern frames fitted with Genuine Chance English Crookes' B or B 2 Dark glasses for Safe and Comfortable Vision. %t $5.04) ocr oair Nan Sin Optical House 325. North
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 36 4 Bluey <c Curley /'cftlPW. MANtMbO CVER\ ("IUMfY *»T\ H^ A V^ V\" HOW S? J SEEM «UCM A JOIWT \> f^ T CAUL f KJ^ t roCt l 6 PP f BEO *MO a V T VJM
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  • 344 5 Uniform Tax Plan For Australia INTRODUCTION of uniform taxa- tion m Australia would open the way to another £6,000.000 for the Commonwealth tax collector, says a Canberra message to the Sydney Sunday Sun. Three bases on which the State could reform their methods to aid the Commonwealth have been set
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  • 1497 5  - Magic Circle Shows For The Troops Deserve Still Bigger Audiences MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By Ir A.ithlv shows for the I 1 Sponsored by the Marie ■SjTwa- iven on Sund ay I r at the Victoria Theatre. Wrl* un fortunate that there I r attendance after l^ff.rtmade by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 *.v j^B !\-^a v'vi'.^^w There's no excuse for the girl Bk flP^l^^^W washing! Don't take risks with flft|^ f IT^ freshness! Give all your woollies ,0W jm§ gentle Lux care. Lux will wash >^s. $f J§m?^ safely even the heaviest woollens fBBf '-M M —will quickly restore to woollies Mr
      116 words
    • 215 5 C 4 Q~£ove/y mmtural @k£ CURLS forNBQf Beauliiui tlair Results from care Curl.v Top nelp*. nature oy supplying the essential organism that causes curis In time the hair acquires this tendcnc\ to curl and creates its own organism But- Nature needs a start You must assist Nature by using Curly
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  • 381 6 Canberra's New Drive To Strengthen Striking Power Of Home Army THE Commonwealth Government will launch almost immediately a new high-pressure drive to strengthen the striking power of the home defence armies, says a Canberra message to the Sydney Daily Telegraph. First aims of the drive are to increase production of
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  • 329 6 I IFE for most manufacturers to- day is one long dog- fight against hampering conditions," declares an industrialist of wide experience, m a striking article m The Times entitled "Handcuffs on Industry." "There is deep feeling of frustration from end to end of the country among
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  • 158 6 T'HE eld spirit of the French army 1 died hardest and is likely to revive first m More ceo, says The Times Lisbon corresprndent. Th 3 Germans are playing a watching game m Spanish Morocco, which is theirs militarily. They are content m
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  • 140 6 r\ESPITE Hitler's fresh con- quests, German newspapers are less confident that Germany can win the war, says a London message to the Sydney Daily Telegraph. The Berlin paper, Das Reich, which previously assumed German victory as certain, now states: "Germany cannot lose the war; England is
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  • 124 6 FLYING-OFFICER Jack Matthew Bousfield, 29, formerly of Waratah, NJS.W., has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for outstanding air gunnery work with the R.A.F. Announcing the award, the Australian Minister for Air, Mr. McEwen, said that Flying-Officer Bousfield had taken part m numerous operations
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  • 90 6 AT the annual meeting of the Canterbury Jockey Club (New Zealand), the chairman, Mr. A. S. Ellworthy' urged the curtailment of the number of days devoted to racing. "If New Zealand can pay so much for racing it surely can pay to help save this country from destruction," said Mr.
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  • 481 6 ALTHOUGH it is not six months since the Federal Government issued the order that all merchant ships of more than 800 tons should be fitted with paravanes for defence against mines, every large ship on the Australian register and a great number
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  • 58 6 Inhabitants at a Well m the Western Desert area look on with approval and a feeling of security as a column of British troops marches through their village. Desert dwellers have proved very friendly to British soldiers and have aided many of them to elude the enemy
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  • 307 6 "THE Axis Powers have lost over 3,0(K),0(K) ton 1 ping since the war began, and are farina °f crisis/ states the reply of the Ministry of FcL ppin if fare, to the charge of the Vichy Vice-Premier T! mQ
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 End Rheumatism While You Sleep If you suffer sharp, stabbing pains, if joints are swollen, it shows your blood is poisoned through faulty kidney action. Other symptoms of Kidney Disorders are Burning, Itching Passages, "Getting up Nights." Backaches, Lumbago, Leg Pains, Nervousness, Dizziness, Headaches, Colds, Puffy Ankles, Circles under Eyes,
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    • 161 6 I ■BtfW-^ HELPTHEM FIGHT j c %v \4 IMh They must have Guns. Tanks, Shi*H> <»r their Quiet tick a6otf/te WAR WAN f sacrifice wiU have in ain Our Men (1) War Loan is a gilt-edged security ingly offered themselves— it's up to us to offe backed by Government. (2)
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  • 516 7 S.H.B. To Present Engine As Gift To Royal Navy ro.MMENDABLE enterprise and engineering skill have entiled the Singapore Harbour Board, with the co-operation ,f experts whose keenness contributed largely to the result, t0 fomolcte Malaya s first locally-built marine Diesel engine which ha< been
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  • 51 7 to have stolen 11 bedsheets from tedding store of a military camp at 1 between June 11 and June 13. Sher an Indian soldier, claimed trial when W in the Singapore second court yes"°V. Police bail was extended when the ya£ postponed a fortnight for
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  • 47 7 CONSTABLE ACCUSED OF ENTICEMENT YEAR-OLD Malay police constable, *AwXi bin Nordln. was alleged In am in the Singapore fifth court yesternave enticed away the wife of another constable on June 3. Mahadi claimed 1 Police bail was extended when the w postponed to June 30 for mention.
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  • 143 7 COUR men receivad prison lern-s for rioting when they were convicted m the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday. Three of the men, Cheng B9ng Kirn, Lim Kirn Neo and Ngsan Eng Cho, were sentenced to six weeks' rigcrous imprisonment, while the fourth, Lim Hock Seng, who
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  • 74 7 A 15- YEAR- OLD Hokkicn boy faced a housebreaking charge when he appeared before Mr. Conrad Oldham, Singapore Second Magistrate, yesterday. He was alleged to have broken into a house m East Coast Read on June 13 m order to commit theft of 80 cents the
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  • 335 7 OFFENCE ONLY "TECHNICAL" "I HAVE considered the facts of the case and have come to the conclusion that a technical offence had been disclosed, but I do not propose to record a conviction against Katsutaro Suganuma, as he is hardly to be blamed," remarked Mr. W
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  • 58 7 rORTY- eight-year-old Yong Choke Meng claimed trial m the Singapore third court yesterday to a charge of dishonestly receiving stolen propertysundry goods to the value of about $1000 belonging to Ang Seng Teong, 800 Hian Kwoi and other persons, on May 15 thia year. The case was
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  • 63 7 MISS Lorna Stevens, 23 -year-old daughter of Sir Bertram Stevens, head of the Australian delegation to the Eastern Group Conference at Delhi, arrived m Singapore by Qantas yesterday on her way to Join her father m India. A graduate of Sydney University and a dietitian. Miss Stevens
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  • 143 7 A CHINESE who summoned the Fire Brigade from a fire alarm post because, he said, a jrang of men wanted to beat him up and '•that was the only way of getting h?lp," was fined $IQ, or ten days' simple imprisonment, m the Singapore
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  • 177 7 A PRELIMINARY inquiry into two; tenLative charges of theft of a cheque of $800 belonging to one S. Bala Subramaniam and using as genuine a forged cheque, on May 10, i preferred against P. Chander. a 21--year-old English speaking Indian, be- j gan m
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  • 137 7 TN connection with the A.R.P. practices to-morrow and on Wednesday, June 18 and 19. the new Lighting Restriction Order has now been gazetted. One of the regulations gazetted, however, will not be enforced on this occasion. This provides that a motor vehicle on the roads during the hours
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  • 350 7 Court Sequel To Orchard Road Collision CLT/Lieut. Jack Brandt and Capt. J. G. Jesson were commended b> Mr. C. H. Whitton, traffic judge, yesterday, for the "very fine and straightforward manner" m which they gave their evidence m a traffic case. Both Brandt and Jesson appeared on summons charges of
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  • 95 7 JHE Band of the Punjab Regiment will play the following programme at People's Park at 5.30 p.m. to-morrow: Retreat, Magersfontein; March, The Atholl Highlanders; March, The Scottish Horse; Slow March. Road to the Isles, March, Captain Norman Orr Ewing; March, Corn Rigs; March, Highland Laddie;
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  • 28 7 THE opening talk m a new series. "Malaya I Speaks," will be given from the Singapore station at 7.15 p.m. to-day by Captain N. M. Hashim.
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  • 231 7 Melbourne, June 16. INTENSIFICATION of the war effort was forecast by the Minister for the Army (Mr. Percy C. Spender) and the Federal Treasurer (Mr. A. W. Fadden) at the weekend. Mr. Spender said m Sydney that great changes m Australians' way
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  • 50 7 ALLEGED to have committed theft of $1,300 cash belonging to his employer, Arunasulam Chettiar on May 27, Vellasamy, a 25-year-old clerk, claimed trial to the charge m the Singapore third court yesterday. The case was postponed to June 23 and bail was fixed nt $1,000.
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  • 46 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Koala Lumpur, Jane 16. OWING to bad weather up-country, Wearne's plane returned this morning to Singapore without landing m Kuala Lumpur. It is expected the plane will fly later m the day if the weather improve!.
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  • 163 7 Organization Of Indies Second Army Has Now Been Completed Batavia, June 14. THE organization of the Netherlands Indies second army, A that of the Local Defence Volunteers and the Home Guard, has now been completed m Java. According to the Preanger Bode, General Pesman will be. appointed head of a
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  • 186 7 Woman Man Appeal Against Death Sentence I TNDER sentence of death, Baloon bin All, an Indian Mohammedan, and a woman of the same nationality named Zartum binte Omar heard their counsel, Mr. A. F. Thome and Mr. Balfour E. Ross, appeal against their conviction and sentence before the Chief Justice,
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  • 75 7 ALLEGED to have broken into ft house m Onan Road on June 13 m order to commit theft of clothing worth $134.70, Yusof bin Hassan, Ahmad Cholik bin Yahaya, Kurton bin Mohamed Noor, and Johari bin Patawi, appeared m the Singapore second court yesterday. The charge was explained
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 GOOD FOOD, PROMPT and COURTEOUS SERVICE are the reasons for its Increasing Popularity at the CAPITOL RESTAURANT (Air-Conditioned): Telephone 4906
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    • 129 7 DYNOHUB COMPLETE /Twßu&Ul^ PRICE WITH LAMP Xqftl lH'w^ $li>.oo A REVOLUTION IN CYCLE LIGHTING •THE PATENT DYNOHUB (12 or 8 rolt.) is 1 completely revolutionary m design. It provides electric lighting from a dynamo mounted m the front hub It consists of the usual cycle hub with the addition of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 443 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINE (Incorporated tn England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. rbe oest noiiilii services are beto* ■witatitw< bj the F. A O. s. N. Co, rrom the Strait* to their osvjJ porto of call la China, India, Ceylon and the
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    • 213 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Oates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class oassenger ships. Single fare ii 92 (A
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 470 8 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE £HL. ZHPI CHPt 2BD 7.15 a.m. Musicr; 7.20 N -w.". Relayed from Lonoon; 7.30 a.m. "Listening Post': German propaganda analysed. Relayed from London 7.35 a.m. Louis Levy and his Orchestra; 7.50 a.m. "Britain Speaks." Relayed from London; 8.05 a.m Headline news and views. Relayed from London;
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    • 368 8 EMPIRE STATION Kevuetf l-r^uenr* v Jastcro imiiMnitiot >Cbe u Fr.»9tsp.« 6.50 a.m. MtnuSni "L^ Studio Players; 720 am b*u* Listening Post; 5a rr rmV? n Y 7.50 a.m. Britain speicv c *4 Une News and ViewVa %n a KJ' Britain-English £dr££ 'iJL Mu Ne^f 6^P^X^',< P*. b^Gly^^on^TrpTTf^ 7.50 p.m. Religious
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  • 162 9 N.I. Public Back Authorities In Trade Talks (From Our Own Correspondent) t "°^ver the negottSuJ? may "end' SSSf' 1 1 Government iSd £rnJ? c t K erlands have fnr »k the gratitude of the country carri^ o^ werl "Although full details of the latest des^v e^h^i,FS ple feel these men
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  • 61 9 General Post Office as lollows- TO-DAY Indo-China air 9 30 p m TO-MORROW i? y air 9 a.m. c dan air 11 a.m. Palsir.uang aij. 9 a m ARRIVALS Mails Java (air> general delivery 8.15 a.m. to-day Mails fro-n Java Sumatra (air) general delivery 1.40
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  • 71 9 Shanghai. June 16. 1I7ELL -INFORMED observers in W Shanghai attach no special significance to reports that Japanese naval units are manoeuvring on a limited scale off the coast of Chekiang. and that a large number of Japanese war vessels and naval auxiliaries are
    United Press  -  71 words
  • 56 9 M ANCHUKUO MONGOLIA FRONTIER AGREEMENT Tokio, Jane lfc REPRESENTATIVES of Manchukuo and Outer Mongolia, who have been m conference at Chita since May 28, have reached an agreement "eliminating unforeseen technical difficulties" and have decided to begin work on the demarcation of the frontier as from June 27, the Information
    United Press  -  56 words
  • 207 9 PRISON TERM FOR CHINESE MOTORIST QNG JOO CHIN was sentenced to seven montha' simple Imprisonment and hLs driving licence was suspended for one year when he was convicted yesterday by Mr. C. H. Whitton, the traffic Judge, on a charge of causing grievous hurt to Wong Sze Uan, an arr
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  • 277 9 "I DON'T like this attitude," said Mr. 1 C. H. Whitton, traffic judge, yesterday, addressing C. Nuij?n?, a Hollander who appeared on a charge of having committed a motoring offence. "The police and I take a grsat deal of trouble to see that justice is done
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  • 103 9 r[E plea of Ng Chew Bak. an 18--year-old Chinese, who admitted cheating a compatriot m respect of a radio worth $160, was not accepted by j the police m the Singapore second court yesterday. "I would ask your honour not to accept this man's plea. Other charges
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  • 90 9 A YOUNG, English -speaking Chinese, Pong Wen* Kee, admitted three charges alleging that he made indecent gestures by exposine: himself to insult the modesty of a young Eurasian girl, when he appeared In the Singapore fifth court yesterday. Font's plea, however, was not accepted as it was explained
    90 words
  • 1042 9  -  MAC BY CIR George Sansom. adviser V to the Far Eastern Mission of the Ministry of Economic Warfare, is to be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Dinner Club on June 25. The Club has been exceedingly fortunate m its choice of speakers thus far,
    1,042 words
  • 67 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) iSatavia, June 14. ONE of the subjects to be discussed at the next session of the Volksraad (People's Council) which will open on June 16 will be the desirability of intensifying trade relations between China and the Netherlands Indies. The
    67 words
  • 44 9 Lisbon, June 16. AMONG 221 passengers who left Lisbon for the United States yesterday were 89 Americans from the occupied areas of Europe and 44 survivors of the Egyptian steamer Zamzam which was sunk by a German raider. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 357 9 0000 TENDERS <im;apore jll NICIPALITY Tenders. *>*• are now invited for the materials or services For »&>•«* "\n P iy Municipal Tenders 1 or Standard High Pressure ■ss-jr&T"* ClosmB4 110 x 40 gallon drums of •SSfectant ot approved quality fmiti<h manu rapture. Date of £JJ .12 noon. June 30. 1941.
      357 words
    • 131 9 LAW NOTICE FOR THE DAY At 10 a.m. Before the Judges— Summonses i B Chambers, etc Before th« court of Appeal (The Chief Justice. S.S., The A/Chief Justice, F.M.S., The A/ Judge of Appeal). Criminal Appeal No. 11 followed by Cr. Appeal No. 6. Before The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Manninf
      131 words
    • 177 9 I Order delicious I I Ice Cream for your next I I "Social"... order it this I I convenient and money I I saving way I Bm Organisers of social functions will find ordering MMfl KSMBB their ice cream by the gallon both economical and convenient. For instance, one gallon
      177 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 72 9 Garrison Diary To-night. Whist Drive at RA (Changi) Families Club, Nee Soon Sergeants' Mess and Fort Canning Juniors Mess. (8.0). Wednesday. Curtailment of activities owing to "Black -on t" exercises. Thursday. Friday. Tombola at A.A. (Changi) Juniors Mess (8.0) and Fort Canning Sergeants' Mess. Whist Drive at Talbot House Club.
      72 words

  • 49 10 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. leaffiie, fcrst division. S.C.F.A. vs. R.A. (Heavy Refimrnti. Anson Road Stadium; second division (a), R.A.M.C. vs. RA. (8.M.), Gilhnan; R.A.F. (Ten***) vs. Signals. T>n-*h; second division (b). Customs ts. Airport. 5.11.8-: Air Headquarters vs. Naval Base Indians, Naval Base. TENNIS: Singapore championships, S.C.C. courts.
    49 words
  • 536 10 Two-One Victory Over Loyals In Hard Game SOLDIERS RALLY WELL IN SECOND HALF R.A.F 2; Loyals 1. FOLLOWING their runaway victory over the S.C.C. on Saturday, the Royal Air Force further strengthened their position m the first division of the league at Anson Road stadium
    536 words
  • 30 10 PULAU BRANI SAPPERS WIN 11—1 THE Royal Engineers (Pulau Brani) beat the Malay Regiment by eleven goals to one in a second division (a) league soccer match at Alexandra esterday.
    30 words
  • 432 10 ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL ANNUAL SPORTS DETER Chua won the individual championship at St. Andrews School's thirtie h annual athletic sports meeting at Woodsville yes- terda y, when only individual events came up for decision. The interhouse programme will be worked off on Thursday. Chua was first
    432 words
  • 200 10 DLAYINO at Blakan Matl on Sunday, a combined Makepeace "B and C" team defeated the Sergeants Mess Badminton Club (Blakan Mati by the odd game m nine. An exhibition match between Sgt. Yaldren (Sgts. Mess) and Miss Lilian Tan (Makepeace) resulted m a win for Yaldren, but
    200 words
  • 86 10 Northampton, June 16. r\ENIS Compion, the Test match cricketer, shone with innings of 70 not oat and 92, assisting: the London Counties against Northamptonshire m a drawn match, but Weilard, the Somerset and England all-rounder, also playing for the counties, thrilled the crowd when scoring 72 m
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 174 10 Weights For Second Day Of Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 16. TTHE following are weights for four races on Wednesday, June 25, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's Summer meeting: Hones, class 2. one mile and fur. Savory 9.07 Stuart Tartan
    174 words
  • 114 10 THE Kampong Jagoh Muslim Badminton Party easily beat the Teruna Badminton Party by seven games to one m a friendly match played over the week-end. The results, Kampong Jagoh players mentioned first, were: Singles: Mohd Yunos beat A. Rahman 15—11, 15—7; Alwi beat Mahmood 15—6, 15—5; A Malek
    114 words
  • 42 10 A tense play m the baseball game at Jalan Besar stadium on Sunday be tween the Americans and Japanese, which the Japanese won, six to foor. Owen Johnson, third baseman for the Yanks, tags out Nakamura, centre-
    42 words
  • 22 10 1 t k,. A r <Selet?r> beat the J?i U ci s by flve Koals °ne m
    22 words
  • 42 10 The Allied Arm'.es recently played the British Army at soccer m London. The match was witnessed by Capt. Margesson, the War Minister, and Prince Bernhard, and this picture shows Capt. Margesson shaking hands with the Allied Armies.
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  • 230 10 FURTHER RESULTS TIES IN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS JVjRS; Carter entered the semi-finals of the open women's y k singles by defeating Mrs. Eber m two straight sets m the Singapore lawn tennis championships on the Singapore Cricket Club courts yesterday. In the mixed doubles Ccmdr.
    230 words
  • 72 10 'THE following have been selected to play cricket for the V.M.C.A. versus the R.A.A.F. (Sembawang) on the Anson Road ground at 2 p.m. on Saturday: J. P. Chrysostom, A. P. Rajah, V. N. Pillay, F. Witchell, Tan Guan Kiat. K. Muthucumaru, K. Y. Spencer, Tan Guan Hong. Lall
    72 words
  • 126 10 New Haven, Connecticut, June 16. ADM.. Harry Yarnell, former Com-mander-in-Chief of the United States China Fleet, asserted last night that a free and stable China is necessary to the future peace of the United States and called for "far more" material aid to China.
    United Press  -  126 words
  • 107 10 Washington, June IS. ■THE food situation m Belgium is the most critical m Europe, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. This is due to the demand of German troops, clandestine markets and inability to secure imports. The food rations at present allowed are
    107 words
  • 133 10 THE following are the results c-f Keppel Golf Club competitions: The June Medal resulted: T. A. Boucher 86—14=72; L. E. C. Da vies 81-^B=73; J. E. Stephens 84— 10=74; G. McGuffin 85—10 =75 ST. JAMES CUP The following qualified for the St. James Cup and the
    133 words
  • 402 10 Gordons And S.C.F.A. In 3-3 Draw ttESERVE SOCCFD rick Yee ena'Vn b> to hold th, Gordon V^ 1 draw m a fast and k£ B k ed reserve division 111 <Ont< match played at gUS?! M yesterday. y!an SUdii,, Although the Cnine*. ni soccer and Just desm-edT' draw the Gordons
    402 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 60 10 B V% 111 V% F^BKBSs3i^: 4BBP^^^^^ vX-xSb^----^^^* 1 s&o**l^^^^Kr W Every bird has been carefully selected from the finest English '^^vL^/^\ Australian and Continental breeds and represents the best value j m poultry that can be obtained. V^^J Always a fresh supply m stock Jj see and select for yourself
      60 words