The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 June 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. IG3T7. ESTD. 1835. FRIDAY, JUNK 6, 1941. 5 cents
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  • 597 1 Britain Said To Be Ready To Move "All Steps To Avoid Repetition Of Defeats" Menzies 4 LARGE CONCENTRATION OF BRITISH WARSHIPS BE A OFF THE SYRIAN COAST, SAYS UNITED PRESS. ruKl u It is added that, m view of British Empire troops m Iraq, Palestine
    United Press; Reuter  -  597 words
  • 56 1 Zurich, June 5. WELL-INFORMED sources here say that Vichy is joining m the chorus of rumours that Hitler is planning a new peace offensive. The reason giyen is that to avoid American intervention and consolidate Germany's successes. Germany would declare she *s not interested m continuing
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 208 1 Madrid, June 5. THE Paris correspondent of the newspaper Ya says that since the speech of Adm. Darlan, Vichy Vice-Premier, attacking Britain and Turkey, even further glimpses of the new French policy are discernible. According to this writer, "France desires to conduct herself m
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 109 1 London. June 3. leaMQ Crete, the Royal f .rce ha^> appointed an unnamed •<■ Marshal to work m close cowith the War Office and to jupe:- und defences of aeroUrn Army being responsible |-ikcnfl fHM and aerodrome i He, :ull reports on Crete are b
    United Press  -  109 words
  • 105 1 TMI li<huiu i!r»r* dhision voukl he one •>( th< tir*t units of the United irmy to m<»f if America decided i m expeditionary fore? abroad, I'-imnl to-dar. ■ankal, Chief of the Army. 'ir House of Representatives %|M»ruition> ComniitWe. said the first m i.n a I^^ force of first
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 55 1 London. June 5. MR. I_. S. Amery, Secretary of State for India, has sent a message to the people of Malta. The message is addressed to the Governor of Malta, Gen. Sir William Dobbie, and expresses admiration for the way m which Malta has
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 15 1 Bangkok, June •>. THE Thai delegation to the IndoChina peace conference has returned from Tokio- Reuter
    Reuter  -  15 words
  • 203 1 R.A.F.Continues Attacks On Shipping DAYLIGHT RAID ON ZEEBRUGGE London, June 5. THE British bomber command con- tinues to attack enemy shipping and coastal targets m occupied territory. An Air Ministry communique states that during yesterday's operations a supply vessel of 5,000 tons was hit and set on lire off the
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 68 1 Bangkok. June 5. THE presence of the Premier's three children m England and America for studies is the best guarantee of Thailand's neutrality and convincing proof of Thailand's goodwill for England and America," said Luang Kaen Songgram, a member of the Cabinet, at a farewell
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 24 1 Bangkok. June 5. THE authorities are considering the abolition of the boy scout organization as a separate entity, it was stated here to-day.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 105 1 London, June 5. BELGIUM'S claim of £52.000.000 against the Bank of France is being discussed by American lawyers, according to the Belgian Finance Minister, who has returned from the United States, where he took part m the discussions. The claim refers to gold which was entrusted
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 326 1 Cairo. June 5. MORE than 100 people were killed m what was the heaviest air raid on Alexandria last night. An official account of the raid states: "There was an air attack on Alexandria and anti-aireratt aefences were m action. High explosive
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 21 1 Cairo, June S. To-day's British Middle East war communique says: "There is nothing of importance to report. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 49 1 Tokio, June 5. THE Japanese Cabinet met to-day the meeting being attended b> chiefs of the Army and Navy. Later the Foreign Minister, Mr Matsuoka, held a conference with heads of the services and the War Minister made a report to the Emperor.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 65 1 London, June 5. THE death la announced of Adm. Sir Frederick Learmonth at the age of 75. He entered the Royal Navy m 1879 and was attached to the hydrographic .service carrying out surveys m all parts of the world. After his retirement m 1921 he
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 109 1 Investigation London. June 6. THE German wireless to-day acknowledges receipt of Eire's protest over the recent bombing of Dublin and glibly says there can be no question of intentional bombing. The German authorities are closely investigating, it was added. Mr. Eamon de Valera, Prime Minister of
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 126 1 London, June 5. COAL exports frc-m Wales have been restricted. Since ihe beginning o( this week a number of cargoes have been stopped and ships wliicn arrived to take supplies since the last weekend are being held up. Exporters believe that t*u rt^-ic-tion is connected with
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 98 1 Nairobi. June TWE court, including the jury, was cleared to-day when the tnai or Major Sir Delves Broughton. s''-ye;»r--old baronet, on a charge of murdefin* Lord Erroll, 39-year-old peer wr>s .ontinued. The clearance was ior a lotiu, togal argument regarding the admlsstbility of tr.r rvldence of Lieutenant
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 I^mST YUN invites rhe LADIES -OPFASHION to try her dexterity m (BBSS MAKING we guarantee satisfaction CHOTIRMALL'S RAFFLES HOTEL To-Right DINNER DANCE (in}or*al)B p.m. to midnight SX, BUSTER MAGGIE (•INNER 53.0« NON-DIN^BS $1.00 Saturday LUNCH IN THE BALLROOM GRILL S|) ttl»l ORCHESTRAL COICEBT l» RAFFLES ORCHESTRA SUNDAY EVENING IN THE
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    • 87 1 We have if ffl good CARPETS I that will render 1 you a lifelong 1 service Jjl inspection is 1 INVITED 1 CHOTIRMALL'S J SEAVIEW H HOTEL SATURDAY SPECIAL DINNER DANCE CABARET FINAL PERFORMANCE BY MARLENE STARR CUBAN OANCER II GLAMOROUS ft EXOTIC OMCES DINNER $3.— Non-Diners $I.— Incl. Tax
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 169 3 Batavia, June 5. Tl ir .Japanese delegates to the economic conference here l w pect an answer from the Netherlands Indies authorities •thin 2\ hours, it was learned here to-day. TuoiH increased m Batavia as the Dutch reiterated their standpoint was "unchanged" and
    United Press  -  169 words
  • 152 3 lijingkok, Jane 5. ypW ju Japanese are fast oustH the Chinese from the and rubber markets u\d is revealed by a crre ot th€ newspaper wno says that the already own several itt »t Songkhla and have Mifht «P enormous quantities of r m oouth
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 58 3 \»j.4iinc;oa. June I. r\:v Kv-sador to London. 1 h sriving m detail a British war experience t li. a series of confer:.e and the President cf invaluable assistance m v1 States, it was learceu es vill cover the minutest economic and social va.; I lid
    United Press  -  58 words
  • 97 3 aire, June 5. IJTI&fc coniideace m final victory is ipr^sed by the Greek Prime Xftbter M Tsoideros, m x message o the Greet people, "because God and **»t it" with us an 4 Greece cannot The me&afe adds. "Th; stniceie attnue^ At the of cur
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 80 3 I ocJon. Jane 5. Q£Hi:\s jgbfl raids over Britain were and widespread" last night. Ministry communique. ■hi were drwped m the Midlands and -<wC* it continues. "The number of -***** and no extensive dam- f >fn done. •ant* also ieU at point* m the north<*st A:;?!ia
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 133 3 L Sydney, June 5. ABOUR members of the Australian War Council will insist on discussion of Australian casualties m Crete and a review of the position of all Australian forces at a Council meeting In Melbourne to-day. Mr. Busley. one of the labour members, stated that
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 87 3 Tokio, Juae 5. (U SERIOUS defeat" of two group armies «r» said to be under the direct control of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek and 23 Chinese army divisions as a result of the recent Japanese campaign m southern Shansi and northern Honan are claimed m a Japanese
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 88 3 Vomimm, Jane 5. OXFORD suxd Cambridge have agreed to meet In an Inter-university cricket match at Lord's on June 28 This is the first occasion on which the universities will hare met m wartime cricket. All proceeds of the one-day match will go to
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 59 3 MadrM, June 5. WITH a desire to "arrive at the fullest relations with those countries signifying the triumph of a new order In the world." Spain announce* she is opening a legation at Hslnking and will be represented m Manchukuo by the Spanish Ambassador m Tokio.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 27 3 Stockholm. June 5. fPEN Swedish fishing boats which had been I captured by the German naval forces have now been rpi^sed Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 45 3 Baocktk, June 5. MCXSCOW has accepted Plira Mahithanukorr. Thai Minister to Prance, as Minister to Moscow, unofficial sources revealed here to-day. Thailand also accepted M Nikolai Jukolewitch as Russian Minister to Bangkok. Simultaneously the Sonet Union permitted Thailand to use the TransSiberian Railway.- United Press
    United Press  -  45 words
  • 68 3 Peace In Pacific Hangs On The Middle East S>dney, June 5. "QYRIAN policy deeply concerns v Australia for strategic as well as more personal reasons,** writes the Daily Telegraph to-day. ''The Australian government should press urgently for prompt and adequate action concerning Syria because a complete British defeat m Egypt
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 169 3 Washington, June 5. "AMERICAN mass production methods are now geared to manufacture aeroplanes m numbers sufficient to overwhelm the enemies of democracy/* declared the assistant Secretary for War, Mr. Robert Lovett, m a broadcast last night. *'I have returned full of confidence m future victory
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 122 3 Washington, June 5. THE United States Maritime Commission has asked the Atlantic and Gulf Steamship Line to divert half their tonnage to national defence, says Reuter. Compliance with this rqeuest would ?.dd 60 to 70 ships of about 375.000 tons which President Roosevelt is
    United Press  -  122 words
  • 52 3 Stockholm, June 5. QEVERAL German seaplanes this morning flew over Swedish territory on the western coast of the islanrl of Gotland, it is officially announced. They were driven off by anti-aircraft fire. The island of Gotland lies m the Baltic off the southern tin of
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 81 3 London, Jane 5. REGISTRATION for egg* ?s being introduced at once by the Ministry of Food to ensure fairer distribution. An official announcement; to-night states that from June 30 all retailers will receive supplies m accordance with their registered customers lor eggs, together with an
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 49 3 Quito, June 5. THE Government of Ecuador to-day decreed the expulsion of the German Count, Henry Graf von Matsuka. who was described as a representative of the official German news agency, D.N.B. TTie Count, accused of pro-Nazi activities, has been imprisoned pending expulsion. United Press
    United Press  -  49 words
  • 184 3 Nazi Attempt To Kill Iraq Regent Jerusalem, June 5. THE Iraq Regent, Emir Abdul Illah, was bombed and machine-gunned repeatedly throughout his four-day journey to Baghdad, it is now revealed. The first attack occurred a few minutes after he had landed on an Iraq airfield. Following a long attack during
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 51 3 Lamtoa, Juae 5. G*MIR ABDULLAH of Transjordan has a«it ft message cdiwatulatin* the British Government on tt»e collapse of the rebellion undertaken by Rashid Ali and his followers m Iraq "without thereby affectini» the spirit of friendship which exists between the Arabs and the British."-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 72 3 New York, June 5. LABOUR leaders are now agreed that the strike of 1.400 warehouse workers In New York's 74 dry and cold storage warehouses will not Interfere with the movement of goods for Britain. The warehouses have millions of dollars worth
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 34 3 Lisbon, June 5. A DECREE forbidding strikes and lockouts m Holland was published m the Dutch newspapers on May 25. The penalty is prison hard labour or death.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 255 3 Nichi-Nichi Story Of ThreePower Move Against Japan Tokio, June 5. THE Nichi Nichi to-day gives pro- minence to a special dispatch from its Shanghai correspondent stating that Britain, the United States and Chungking are rushing military collaboration towards bolstering southern defences on account of their observations that the recent Jnited
    United Press  -  255 words
  • 341 3 London, June 5. QERMANY is already using Dakar, French West Africa, as a submarine base and U-boats from there have practically blockaded the Cape Verde Islands, writes the News Chronicle's naval correspondent, reports United Press. Under the terms of the agreement between Hitler and Adm.
    Reuter; United Press  -  341 words
  • 101 3 New York, June a. EIGHT British merchantmen totalling 54,268 tons, were recently torpedoed less than 700 miles off United States shores. This was disclosed by the Maritime Commission yesterday, and the disclosure has driven home to United States officialdom the fact that dancer to the Western
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 30 3 WeUincUo. J«ne 5. THE New Zealand patriotic organizations conference has decided to send £100.000 to Britain for relief of air raid distress Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 151 3 Vichy Accuses Britain icii) j Hue 5. nr*HE Vichy Government lias officially accused Britain of preparing for action against Syria The statement was issued yesterday aiter Marshal Petain had conferred with the United Stater Ambassad Adm. W. D. Leahy, *no asked for definite information regarding the extent of France's collaboration
    United Press; Reuter  -  151 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 OPENING AT THE CATHAY SUNDAY, STH JUNE ADVENTURE ROMANCE \\l SITfEffifIIMDWICKE -J«£*2 i* Z> x Thriliinj South Sea Story of a man who seeks peace m an kland near Java
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    • 179 3 DOGS DOGS DOGS "CASTRIQUE" is tne World's Wonder Remedy for Worms Poor Condition Unhealthy Coat lC5f of Energy etr MEDICAL HALL LTD. T 3 0 is D Y I CATHAY 6.15 p.S. 9.15 p.ft. Where Everybody Goes |f> 'Phone 3400 'S Fun I I SOCIAL l\ V^"" Cesar Romero, as
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  • 562 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1941. Science Rubber A SOBER and timely warning to the Malayan plantation rubber industry to preserve the scientific standards which have been built up so laboriously over a number of years is to be found m the broadcast address of Dr. H. J.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 4 PIECE_BV_PieCE
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  • 964 4  - A Summing Up: Nazis Pay Dearest Price For Balkan Drive RONALD A. MONSON The Battle Of Greece— V By This is the fifth and last instalment of a full and graphic description of the astounding Battle of Greece, specially written for the British Ministry of Information by the writer, who
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  • 371 4 IN reinforcing her Pacific Fleet, the United States will bring her aircraft carriers' complement up to war strength by equipping them with the latest types of fighter and dive-bomber, says the Manchester Guardian air correspondent. The United States has a formidable number of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 253 4 f^flHr ifcv f: o DKt t■ J n Masters. "NACET" -jp^BLADES^' >#•%' .*/fi\% #w^Y SATISFACTORY SHAVING AT LOWEST IMAGINABLE PRICE You will be surprised at the number of shaves you will get from each Nacet Blade. The keen cutting edges of Nacet enable you to shave with a speed, comfort
      253 words
    • 72 4 Let Mien Chong look after your clothes. You are assured of full confidence m the correctness of the cut, the quality of the materials and the value for your money. T V •Jj 7 1 j^ hKl' *'^7 Just Received Rockvllle— U.S.A. aß^f^J^m WAIN SHIELL'S wjP In Silk and Wool
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  • 1232 5  - Attractive Decorations At Cyrano's "Night In Bali" MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By rtTE^ local kam P on res J der r anrl various passers-by eri to think you could r 2 eood free show if you Outside Cyrano's on Stfday night judging by motley crowd which col- the cafe
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  • 386 5 QNE of the most embarrassed men m the British Army has just been relieved of his blush-raising duties. He was m charge of the A.TS. clothing stores at a supply depot m the Northern Command. His task was to hand
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  • 444 5 U.S. Canada To Relieve Britain Of All Work Of Training Pilots For R.A.F. TANADA and the United States are perfecting plans to take over resDonsibility for the whole of the R.A.F.'s training programme to enable British aerodromes and organization to concentrate solely on fighting. Training of British and EmrMre nilots
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  • 166 5 PROMINENT PERSONAGES PETITION PRESIDENT Jl STATEMENT signed by 45 promin- fnt reDresentatives of the clergy. stage, screen, labour, and literary i 'ircles. was recently submitted, urging i President RooseveH to take a strong sand, even at the risk of war. now. The statement criticized Herbert Horver, Senator Burtcn K. Wheeler,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 42 5 mosquitoes Jr TwK^\ 1 Don't take chances Insist on Flit Vf^MKiy A to kill mosquitoes. Substitutes are jSf /ffe^ I dangerous and frequently waste iL ■'-IJi^*^ soldier and black band. Hit spray V^ffigpg 2aliJ|pi Kill mosquitoes with for n ß?4| B| BB^T
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    • 60 5 To every woman whose goal it is to look cool and feel fresh and attractive— and what woman doesn't ELIZABETH ARDEN urees ed^^de^sSS^c. f ea the^ Cleansi^ Cream supplementIt's as stimulating as a cool breeze TELEPHONE No. 6115 MAYNARD CO., LTD.. Battery Road. I] APB 22a BATTERY ROAD XgA-X PHONE:
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  • 559 6 U. S. Reinforces Her Pacific 'Maginot Line' From Alaska To Samoa UNDER sealed executive orders from President Roosevelt, defence expansion of all U.S. naval bases and outposts from Alaska to Samoa has been geared to a secret, unprecedented, all time "high," writes Richard Hughes, Sydney Telegraph travelling reporter m the
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  • 317 6 AFTER having: been wounded and captured by the Germans outside Tobruk recently, a 22-year-old "Di**er" from Mount Gambier (South Australia) escaped and crawled back to the Australian lines. He crawled and lay m the open m No-Man's Land for the best part of three
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  • 36 6 One of the giant Consolidated "Liberator" planes which America has delivered to Britain, These planes may yet play an important part m liberating the peoples of Europe from the Nazi yoke.
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  • 50 6 Cairo, June 5. THE General Headquarters Command communique to-day said: "In Abyssinia. Debarech which was recently captured by patriotic forces led by Britsh officers, has been the scene or stern fighting Twice retaken by the Italians, the town now remains m our hands.' United Press
    United Press  -  50 words
  • 183 6 State Covers Civilians' War Risks pVERY Australian civilian will be covered by the Commonwealth Government's proposed personal war risk insurance scheme, says a Canberra message to the Sydney Daily Telegraph. The scheme will be non-contribu-tory. The Commonwealth will carry the entire financial burden. Federal Cabinet has approved the scheme m
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  • 551 6 A FTER three weeks of dodging A across the Aegean -Sea from island to island, a party of Anzacs posted "missing m Greece" landed on Cyprus recently with a story more hair-raising than any thriller, says a London message to the Sydney
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  • 27 6 Light anti-aircraft gun post m Greece, m an improvised emplacement, from where heavy toll was exacted on the enemy 'before the evacuation.
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  • 308 6 THE State Liquid Fuel Control Board will ask 55,000 car- owners m Australia why they cannot use public transport for business purposes, an d for travel between homes and businesses, says the Sydney Sunday Telegraph. Questionnaires containing this and other questions
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  • 230 6 •THE bravery of three Sheffield boys m air raids has been recognized by the Boy Scouts' Association m Britain, says a London message to the Sydney Morning Herald. Typical of hundreds of others who leave their homes to face the dangers of the streets, John
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  • 75 6 "FARM BLOC PROPOSED ECONOMISTS m Washington are studying creliminary plans whereby the world's larcest agricultural nations— the United States, Argentina, Canada, and Australia would establsh the potential nucleus of an international farm bloc to wage economic warfare against the Axis. The plan originated during the visit of the ArgenMne Foreign
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  • 469 6 Nanking's Reported Drastic Demands From Japanese A SHOWDOWN between Japan and her m n regime is reported by the correspondent of riT\ Nanki| it Times following conferences at Nanking atton L wy^ Japanese military and political leaders, says hy hi rt message to the Sydney Sunday Sun. ew York "It
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 273 6 Such a little thing rubbing the eyes n§ IP yet it's a definite sign that all is not well. 1 j^HUjff Eyes that are thoroughly healthy and hjpp\ f t JS don't need rubbing. Even spectacle wearers I jEL i ilOl people who think that they are taking B^BBL^W extra
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  • 485 7 "Offences Which Are Rampant In Colony" N 0 LENIENCY, SAYS JUDGE THh acrusro vwmiicu vi onences which arc I rampant m the Colony," said Mr. Justice Worley at the Singapore Assizes yesterday, passing sentences of imprisonment and fines on two Sikh contractors. Bakhtawa
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  • 139 7 MODERN GLASS FACTORY FOR SINGAPORE N of Australian participa- the industrialization of I provided by a project to I a glass factory m Singapore. fam of manufacturers m •Btra v. the Australian Glass ManuPty Ltd.. has decided to Dlifh a factory to manuTacture m a complete range of glass uding
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  • 107 7 T)TH mtn -peak English and can- excused." said Inspector D r Gray when he prosecuted two if ul Japanese. Seiichi Nakese, 19, Ichikawa, 22, m the Singaeourt yesterday on a charge Df unregistered aliens, they Colony en Monday without ling required particulars to the
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  • 95 7 pOCR Malays, Awang bin Manas, 26, Umn« bin Haji Suat. 22. Osman bin Ludin, 24, Kadir bin Abdullah, 28. and a Eurasian, W'Jliam Smith, 20. faced a charge m the Singapore fifth court yesterday alleging that Uxj caused injuries to actors m the National Theatre.
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  • 37 7 JO-MORROW at 5.30 pjn. Mr. V. K. Munisany. will conduct a musical statanent at the Indian Youth League *b«s. 118. Race Course Road. MdkA^ after this, the music and *:cr. will hold a nveting.
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  • 114 7 Prison For Contractor SENTENCE of eight months' rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr W. p. Carew, the Singapore third magistrate, on 54-ysar-old LAan Ga Sing, a Chinese contractor, for carrying on a public lottery, a "wha hoay," m a house m Kallang Road on May
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  • 608 7 A Non-Existent "Public School" DOCTOR TRAPS "COLLECTOR" A TRAP laid by Dr. C. J. Paglar m A his dispensary m Coleman Strret led to the arrest of two men who have allegedly, for more than seven months, duped the public by collecting about $400 as "funds" for a non-existent school,
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  • 128 7 G. A. CURTIES, secretary to the Singapore Amateur Football Association, was fined $40 by Mr. C. H. Whitton. District Judge and Traffic Magistrate, yesterday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of negligent driving on the afternoon of May 1 by spe?ding along Outran Road.
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  • 92 7 AT the seventh annual general meeting of the Penang Nattukottai Chettiars' Chamber of Commerce Mr. PI. Sp. Saminathan Chettiar inquired about a promise made by Mr. S. N. A. S. Sockalingam Chettiar some six years ago regarding the presentation of a building to the Chamber. The retiring
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  • 71 7 TIBI BIN MANSOR. a Singapore Harbour Board fireman, appeared In the traffic court yesterday on a charge of causing the death of Kuchit bin Ibrahim by a rash act not amounting to culpable homicide by driving a lorry m a rash manner on Monday afternoon.
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  • 892 7 Two Malays Accused Of Burglary In Hotel Room iTPHE story of the disappearance of $2,016 worth cf jev.ollery from ian hotel room was told m the Singapore criminal district court yesterday during the trial of two i Malays and an Indian on charges of housebreaking and abetment of housebreaking. The
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  • 489 7 Film Actress Arrives By Air A.I.F. MEN'S "GUARD OF HONOUR" "DIGGERS" of the Australian Imperial Force m Singapore on a brief holiday were at the Civil Airport yesterday to form an unofficial "guard of honour" for Betty Bryant, the blue-eyed, 20-year-old Australian star of the film "Forty Thousand Horsemen" when
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  • 271 7 Tinned Local Vegetables For Use By Services EXPERIMENTS SUCCESSFUL PONSIDERABLE research work has been carried out recently on canning local and imported vegetables and other products on behalf of the local civilian and Service authorities. The results of these canning trials on vegetables have been particularly successful, it is stated
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  • 83 7 Her role m this film is her first appearance on the screen and. she says, she waited more than three years for the "break." One of the first invitations she r."«**:v#^ upon her arrival yesterday was U visit the Sultan of Johore and his consort. Lady Ibrahim,
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  • 115 7 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 4. DRESIDING at the first meeting m Kinta of the Rent Restriction Board held there. Major H. J. Cockman stressed the importance ar^» necessity that land'- should get the permission of the Board btore increasing their rente— even if
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  • 33 7 A TALK on the Straits Settlements Volunteer Fore* 1 will be broadcast from Singapore at 7.15 p.m to-day by Capt. Winsley, m the "History of the Regiments" series.
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  • 202 7 DISAPPEARANCE OF RUBBER WORTH $30,000 ACCUSED of committing criminal breach of trust m respect of 314 cases of crepe rubber valued at $30,000, belonging to the Bata Shoe Co., an English-speaking Chinese, Teo Kwee Liang alias Kwee Liang Chong. was on trial at the Assizes yesterday before Mr. Justice Worley
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  • 95 7 From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 5. •T'HE death occurred here tc-day of Mr. E. A. Clay, retired Potsmaster and well-known Ipoh resident, after an operation for appendicitis. Aged 68 years, Mr. Clay is survived by his wife, six sons and four daughters. He came
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 "RUSSIAN" LEATHER Made m England/ b**t jrade of feather for shoes for the MILIT A R Y. YOONG CHEONG SHOE CO. 4 5o«. North Bridge Rd-, Singapore, Phone 4253 w >..
      30 words
    • 36 7 C V\'\ fej J A N T N" Velva-sheen Swimming Trunks- Skinless with built m Supporter. Plain Colours. Navy. Maroon, and Cossack Green. Sizes 30 to 36 m. waist. PRICE $8.25 EACH NETT ROBINSON'S SINGAPORE 234-41-397.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 382 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LIME (Incorporated id England! PEN IN SI LAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER ATO CARGO SERVICE. The ont Kuibl« acrrtce* tu e tatec maiabUiied by the P O. S N C«, Jr« the Straits to their asuaJ ports of caD to CUtt, In*i*,
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    • 372 8 I W |g g ANO ENJOY SCENIC CANADA I R^fc^flO^ *^^^^^^^^Mflfl^^<^*^^^fl^ I i FAST THUOUON AOR. CONDfTIOfICOTItAfWt. DAILY •THUOUOM OJOOJ tRtUKS OP MAJKSTfO MOUNTAIN OCINWIY, I tw« pan ai»aw owoon— thmj to»onto rooi a omdoi Ttwo> I TO NfftOAlhl MtUAIH IiONT—AL OMO QM— ft. WMMiOM v^v w wMNt-fl^ fl^ flX
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    • 375 8 MANSFIELD CoTuT BLUE FUNNEL LINE* Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Oate* guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to r War Clauses. Co f WESTERN AUSTRALIA fTHE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CMEAf>tS7 flj Regular Services to Fremantie (Perth m by first class passenger ships Single fare $192 (A £28 Frequent connection
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  • 113 9 DAILY PRICES CURRENT June 5, 12 o'clock noon Bayers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 40% 40^ No. IX RS.S P. 0.8. m cases June 40& 40% Q FAQ R S.S. F. 0.8. In bales Jun-2 40 40^ FAQ R S.S. F. 0.8. m bales
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  • 477 9 CHINESE WOMAN KILLED ON ROAD AN account of how a Chinese 21 woman, in crossing Orchard Road near the junction of Koek Road on the morning of May 30, collided with an Army motor-cycle and died on the way to hospital, was given by Signalman Edward
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  • 154 9 r pKE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,541st auction yesterday when there was catalogued 2,379,077 lb., 1,062.09 tons; offered 2,212,253 lb.. 987.61 tons; sold 1,879,193 lb., 838.92 tons. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb. Standard quality 40*4 to 40% Good average guality
    154 words
  • 203 9 BUILDING SPEED CRAFT THE Rent Assessment Board yesterday gave Thornycroft (Singapore) Ltd. permission to eject a tenant of a piece of land adjoining their shipyard m Singapore. Thornycroft's were building fast craft that could not be obtained elsewhere locally and it was most important that
    203 words
  • 298 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 4. THE total area planted with rubber is 1 estimated at 954,478 acres, of which 559,712 acres are comprised m 553 holdings of 100 acres or over and 394.766 acres m 75.063 small and medium holdings. The total area
    298 words
  • 109 9 Jerusalem, June 5. "RifAY the Arab countries realize their national aspirations by the help of Allah and the aid of Britain, their great ally. We must be loyal to Britain as she is loyal to us." With these words Emir Abdullah, Ruler of Trans- Jordan addressed the
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 388 9 Gen. Gordon Bennett's Rotary Club Talk (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 5. THAT m five months of the outbreak of the present war forty-four new industries were established m Australia, was revealed by Major General H. Gordon Bennett, G.0.C., Australian Imperial Forces m Malaya,
    388 words
  • 181 9 THE Board did net have sufficient evidence before them to fix the tent of the Oranje Hotel, it was stated m the ruling m an exparte application before the Rent Assessment Board yesterday. Mrs. K. Th. van Hien, a trustee of the Estate of Seth
    181 words
  • 258 9 30 More Naval Bases For United States Washington, june 5. THHE House of Representatives yester- day approved a Bill authorizing the Navy Department to spend $50,000,000 on small boat section oases, for which 29 sites have already been approved. The Navy is planning to construct 30 more such bases. An
    United Press  -  258 words
  • 243 9 Nf\ York June 5. rE death Ls announced of Mr. Arthur Curtiss James one of America's 12 richest men. His de.ith frcm pn-u--nonia occurred m his yacht. Mr. James' investment. 1 were once rstimated at $350,000,000. Mr. James, who was ooe of the largest individual owner*
    243 words
  • 96 9 Nomura On U.S.Japan Tension New York. June 5. ALTHOUGH the Japanese -American rift has widened of late, th** present tension is not insoluble, declared Adm. Kichisaburo Nomura. Japanese Ambassador m Washington, when he spoke before the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. Welcomed by Japanese businessmen of New York City, Adm Nomura
    Eastern News  -  96 words
  • 35 9 MR. CHANCHAL SrNGH will deliver a lecture on "Sikhism'" at the Ramakrishna Mission, 9 Norris Rr;jul. Singapore, at 7 p m. to-morrow. Mr. B. G. Sahai will preside. All interested are welcome.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 SILVER JAVA PACIFIC LINE Joint service of JAVA PACIFIC LINE AND SILVER LINE LTD. to SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES W d 4b%^ vttb the term* mi C«rtb la tht .-cspeet!v« Line* R;K of Lading F«» farther p*rUcui*r» refWtliaf frtlf*»t *pply «o: 'M V KOTTKKDAM** BADDEN CO. LTD. PheM*: 4SM-7. >h|
      74 words
    • 45 9 I 1 ¥^s^fll^^9ai^^fc^^ I Starring Barbara Stanwyck and l^^^^tj^^^^^H^r^iS Henry Fonda Supported hv "Xmas Under Kin fc v Courtesy of the Associated Theatres ltd. and fl W^^^^i' Paramount Film Service Ltd., the total procc^ed- to the ANZAC CLUB bookings vr BUILDING FUND THE CATHAY THEATRE
      45 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 269 9 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE wl nm. warn *HP3 announcements; 7.20 „d by -Listening Post," Analysed: 7.35 a.m. VSZ t% MS. i ty; 11 a.m. Indian Cantooss* music: 12.30 summary and r uakah music; 12.57 prices m Hokkien: 1 me summary, an:day Market Prices; :ie** gramophone v. \r■ ta to Mariners.
      269 words
    • 669 9 EMPIRE STATIOK 6.15 auav to n.56 pan, an GSV— 17.81 ..w m u 4 Metres. GSl 15.14 me/a: 19J1 metres. i5 P-**- U-50 Bwm, and GSI>— 11,15 ■nc/a. 25^53 mctrtt North American Transmission GSD: GSC (31 metre oand, and GR* (31.25 id— 9.6S mc/s. 6.05 a.m. News; 6.20 a.m. Questions
      669 words

  • 46 10 THE closing date for entries for the Taiping Turf Club's July Professional meeting, which will be held on July 3 and July it has been advanced to 5 p.m. on Tuesday. June 24, from the original date, Friday, June 27.
    46 words
  • 500 10 YADI KAMIS RETAIN Y.M.C.A TITLE Kee Onn And Choon Leong Go Down In Three Sets SEVERAL FINE BOUTS OF VOLLEYING SHOWING superb form, Yadi and Kamis, Singapore lawn tennis doubles champions, retained their V.M.C.A. title yesterday when they defeated Chin Kee Onn and Chua Choon Leong, 6—2. 3—6, 6—l, m
    500 words
  • 53 10 T"HE following will play cricket for the Y.W.C.A. against the Union Youngsters at Teluk Kurau School ground at 230 tomorrow Phyllis Eber (capt >; Betty Ferguson, EHeen Frugtneit, Constance Struys. E. Sandosham. Sylvia Armstrong. S. G. Singh. Araxy Edgar. Jean La Brooy. Minnie Leicester. Violet Bates. Reserves: Patricia
    53 words
  • 67 10 r[E following have been selected to represent the Flight B.P. m a friendly badminton match, consisting of four singles and three doubles, with the Perhiboran BP. at the home court on Sunday, starting at 2.30 p.m. Singles: Adam. Richard Tan. Omar. Kassim. Doubles: Adam and Omar; Samat and
    67 words
  • 352 10 Full List Of Weights For To-morrow THE blowing are the weights for all ei'ht races at Ipoh to-morrow, the final day 01 the Perak Tur. Club's June meeting: 9 (lass l. DiT. I, 5U Furs. Str: (Maw I 911 Derby 8.00 Bay 9.10 Jack Druce 8.00 Kaolin 812 Harpo 8.00
    352 words
  • 210 10 Maid Of Mountains Finished Lame (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. June 3. THE Perak Turf Club has created a precedent by furnishing details to its members of inquiries held into the running »»f certain horses at yesterday's (Mondays) races. The delay before the fifth race was investigated,
    210 words
  • 110 10 A MATCH of three men's singles, three men's doubles, two mixed doubles and one women's doubles will be played at the Happy World Covered Stadium between the Mayfair Badminton Party and the Merridale Badminton Party at 7 p.m. on Saturday The following will be the Mayfair team:
    110 words
  • 36 10 THE second All-Malayan Indian tennis tournament will be held m Kuala Lumpur, under the auspices of the Selangor Indian Association, during the August Bank Holidays, Aug. 2. Aug. 3 and Aug. 4
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  • 30 10 THE annual athletic sports of King Edward VII School. Taiping. will be held on Friday. June 20. and Saturday, June 21 starting at 4 p.m. on each day.
    30 words
  • 269 10 THE third Chinese team of soccer footballers to visit Australia has arrived m Sydney. It is composed of a fine athletic -looking party of young men, representing a variety of professions, writes a correspondent m the Sydney Morning Herald. The tour has been made possible
    269 words
  • 24 10 picture. The Chinese Companion Athletic Association, winners of the Straits hines* Football Association's Challenge Cup competition this year.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  24 words
  • 284 10 V.M.C.A ..4; Malay Regiment 2. CUPERIORITY m headwork and good ball control gave the V.M.C.A. victory by four goals to two m their second division (a) league soccer match played at the V.M.C.A. ground yesterday. The V.M.C.A. dominated the game from the start
    284 words
  • 54 10 SOCCER: S.A.F A. league, first division, Manchester Regiment vs. S.C F.A., stadium: second division (b), Fort Canning vs. RAF. (Hqrs). SHE.; Post Office vs. Stamford, Post Office ground: 8.H.L.. Overseas Chinese Bank vs. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. J C.S.A Athletics: Raffles Institution's annual meeting. F,.i. Tennis: V.M.C.A.
    54 words
  • 181 10 Wartime Derby History To Be Repeated London, June 5. WARTIME history may uell be repeated m the Derby which, only twice m its long history, been won by a woman owner. Lady James Douglas' Gainsborough trimphed m 1918. The other occasion was Mrs. Miller's Midday Sun m 1937. Now the
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 168 10 CTRANGE elements, ranging from love to espionage, are most cleverly blended m the film "Crooks Tour." which opened at the Pavilion yesterday to crowded houses This British National production teils the story of two Englishmen, tenacious adherents to their public school tradition, on a
    168 words
  • 306 10 Malays S.t.F.A. COMBINING speed with tricky pUy, th t y, full points at the expense of the Strait. a N ball Association m a reserve division leajr Ue lIIHs i%(. at the stadium yesterday. Playing: unsteadily S r Malays struck form m the second
    306 words
  • 137 10 R.A.S.C 4; S.H.B 4. EVENLY balanced, the R.A.SX. and the Singapore Harbour Board dre\v four -all m slow second division (a) league soccer game on the latter 's ground yesterday. The Harbour Board led three-two at half time, but it was the R.A.S.C. who scored
    137 words
  • 176 10 South China Beat P erak Three-Two SCORING i«». Athletic .lM«a»tLr',' s *'«HlHfc m a fast and thriUin,, V lB hu*e crowd, nhich L,^* Sultan of Perak thrustful and spec* I^£* ever, wac superb, and sS*^*'** outstanding HereW^**** from Sw f X 800,. Keat^S,,**** P«rak adoj.^m Mm w n fed his
    176 words
  • 65 10 THE following will represent vx YMC.\ at cncket agaiiist xh* Medic* Union or the college ground rt I pm. to. morrow: J. P. C X V SpewK. E. F. WitrheiL Chor Tsu»tr. Ste Tan Guan Hong V X»-iff R I Bekt A. P. Rajah. Au Tat Chu. A
    65 words
  • 39 10 THE Singapore Swimming Club «111 W waier-polo Ner^'.i^ NX H k.F Selttw Sunday next at I 0 4j ajn Children N>v« ity Raccj. will be hwd o Thursday. June 12 vMeh k subrtlßii for the King's Blrti;da>
    39 words
  • 22 10 Tlie terminal meeting Teachers* A^viati. t will be hfkl at Pwrield Girls S<-hool v.-more* tupnnmG 3.30 P .m. All merrbm are MHBi
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 137 10 LAW NOTICE FOR THE D4Y At 10 a.m. Before The Honble The Chief Justice and the two Judges— Summonses m Chambers, etc. Before The Hon'ble The Chief Justice m Court No. l At 10.30 a.m. Mag. Appeal K. C. Mitra vs. Rex Judgment. At 11 a.m. Bankruptcy. Before The Hon'ble
      137 words