The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 May 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press NO. 16,320. ESTD. 1835. THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941. 5 CENTS
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  • 461 1 Bound For Libya With 3,000 Men Aboard FRENCH TANKER IS ALSO DESTROYED: OTHER SHIPS HIT London, May 28. THE sinking of an 18,000-ton enemy liner with about 3.000 troops aboard and of several other including a French tanker, all bound for Libya, is announced m an
    Reuter  -  461 words
  • 103 1 London, May 28. MR. Anthony Eden, Foreign Secretary, was only able to sive a formal reply m the House of Commons today to a question about Anglo-Russian relations. He was asked when the Ambassador, Sir Stafford Cripps, last had an interview with Stalin and whether any assurances were
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 32 1 Bangkok, May 28. MAJOR Vilas Osthananda is proceeding to Singapore by plane on Friday to discuss with British interests there the question of oil supplies to Thailand.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 54 1 Adm. Luetzens Goes Down With Bismarck Berlin, May 28. A DMIRAL Luetzens, commander of rx the German flotilla which was attacked by British naval forces on Saturday, and the captain of the German battleship Bismarck, went down with the German ship when British vessels sank her yesterday, it was announced
    United Press  -  54 words
  • 199 1 Italian Division Surrenders In Abyssinia Cairo, May 28. /"JEN. Cafaratl, commanding the 26th Italian division, has surrendered and the whole of his division m the lakes district of Abyssinia is reported to be coming m to surrender, says to-day's G.H.Q. communique issued here. Prisoners taken m operations leading up to
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 109 1 Anglo-Norwegian Agreement London, May 28. HTHE determination to prosecute the war to a successful conclusion is affirmed m an Anglo-Norwegian agre:ment concerning organization and employment of the Norwegian armed forces m the United Kingdrm, sign d to-day by the British and Norwegian Foreign Ministers. The two Governments are agreed that
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 23 1 Bangkok, May 28. T*HE official Gazette to-day announced the opening of Russo-Thai diplomatic, trade and consular relations as from March 12.— United Press
    United Press  -  23 words
  • 204 1 Damaging R A. F. Raid On German Aerodrome London' May 28. T*HE German aerodrome at Lan- nion, m Brittany, was attacked m a "particularly successful raid" by a British bomber force yesterday afternoon, states an Air Ministry communique. The British bombers attacked from a low level, destroyed seven fighter planes
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  • 508 1 MORE BRITISH REINFORCEMENTS BY AIR SEA IN CRETE Situation In Canea Said Serious THE British last nfcht landed more reinforcements on the beaches m southern Crete under the cover of darkness m an effort to stem German airborne troops who forced back New Zealand, Australian and British troops at Canea,
    United Press; Reuter  -  508 words
  • 348 1 Field-Marsh al Birdwood 's Tribute To Indian Troops London, May IS. THE strategy of Gen. Sir Archibald 1 Wavell, Middle East C.-in-C m completing the conquest of the Italian East African empire when distractions were afoot further north was vindicated m the House of Lords to-day by Field-Marshal Lord Birdwood
    Reuter  -  348 words
  • 51 1 Vichy, May 28. 'TF*: Azores garrison has been rein- forced by the fresh arrival of a contingent of infantry and some engineers which landed yesterday, states a Ponte Delgada dispatch to the Vichy news agency. They will join the garrison on the island of San Miguel.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 25 1 TTHE situation m the Fallujah and Habbaniyah areas, m Iraq, is unchanged; Basra remains quiet, states yesterday's Cairo G.H.Q communique. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 18 1 London, May ?8. BRITISH fighters shot down an enemy bomber m the south-east of Scotland this afternoon.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 227 1 Cairo. May :S The bombing of Aleppo aerodrome m Syria and a successful series of raids on the enemy-occupied aerodrome at Maleme (Crete) are highlights of today's official Middle East air communique, which states: Crete: Aircraft of the R.A.F. carried out a number of successful attacks yesterday and
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 121 2 NEW INSTITUTE FOR SERVICES IN MALAYA A CENTRE for the Services similar to those wich are proving sc popular In Great Britain, Egypt, Australia and Canada is shortly to be opened by the Salvation Army m Malaya. A site has been secured m a central position to all places of
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  • 62 2 Teng Hok Tian alias Teng Ek Tai alias Teng Thian, 22, claimed trial m the third court yesterday on a charge that he was a member at North Canal Road on Tuesday, of the "Singapore Oversea Chinese Youths National Salvation Union," an unlawful society. The case was postponed to next
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  • 111 2 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce RubKr AssocStion held its 1,540 th auction there were catalogued 2,039 512 Jf l 9 lflso tons; offered 1,779,750 lb.— XilS tons; sold 1,635,697 lb.-730.22 to*. London Spot 13 %d. New York Spot 22 M cts. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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  • 33 2 The Postal Department advises that an air mall from the United Kingdom arrived yesterday evening by the Pan-American Clipper and a general delivery will be made at 8.15 this morning.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 352 2 ACCLAIMED BY PRESS and PUBLIC! "LANE SISTERS Score again m 4 FOUR MOTHERS' Eyery bit as good as its predecessors and perhaps even better" —STRAITS TIMES. "We have one of the best series m FOUR MOTHERS —Malaya Tribune. TODAY AT 3.15, 6.15 and 915 PM. at the ALHAMBRA Warner Bros,
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    • 198 2 ffi WESLEY RUGGLES' W% Wm ncre is a triumph from a master mind that will bring you a new llm\ Pf] happiness a new outlook. It is that kind of entertain- Mf j l,*! ment that befriends you and makes you all the brighter for iTI having seen it one
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    • 200 2 WHY SEEK ENTERTAINMENT EI.SFAVHj kK THIS LAUGH SHOW IN to\\\ > How about a T T h(> Beautify ft^l CAPITOL Crowds Simply Roar at Kverv Sh<,w f VIRGINIA BRUCE CHARLES XUGGLES r^ JOHN BARkYMORE f New Universal's Snappy I Uproarious Hit J^ CRAMMED j!f^~ l L^^ WITH LAUGHS! THE INVISIBLE
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  • 1336 3 Speech Acclaimed In U.S. And British Empire jMPLICATION OF ACTIVE sT EPS AGAINST U-BOATS London, May 28 nRF <iI)ENT Roosevelt's "fireside chat" to the nation, P which he proclaimed a state of "unlimited national Jentency" and told the Axis Powers of America's deter, Sation to
    United Press; Reuter  -  1,336 words
  • 273 3 Japan Anxious To Avoid War With U.S. Shanghai, May 28. QBSERVERS here scanned Presiv dent Roosevelt's speech first of all for any declaration which might directly or indirectly effect an important change m relations between America and Japan, but the speech appeared unlikely to have any such immediate effect. The
    United Press; Reuter  -  273 words
  • 205 3 Haifa, May 28. AN important change m the millrk tary high command of Syria has taken place. Gen. de Verdillac. who recently arrived m Beirut by air, has been appointed general officer commanding French forces m Syria and Lebanon m place of Gen. Fougeres who is stated
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 115 3 Chances Even Of U. S. Sending Fleet To Britain New York. May 27. THE June issue of the Fortune 1 Magazine estimates that 72.8 per cent, of Americans believe chances are even, or better, of the United States sending a fleet to Europe. This estimate Is a 13.1 per cent,
    United Press  -  115 words
  • 390 3 Hood Was Not Most Powerful Ship Afloat EX-FIRST SEA LORD REPLIES TO QUERIES London, May 28. FOLLOWING questions asked m the correspondence columns of The Times whether the protective lessons of the Battle of Jutland had been applied m the construction of the battleship Hood, Lord Chatfleld. former First Sea
    Reuter  -  390 words
  • 182 3 (Free Press Special Cables) Canberra, May 28. ]b|R. Percy C. Spender, Army Minister, OT stated yesterday that prisoners of war now arriving m Australia will be put to work as otherwise they would become demoralized. The work will be determined under the Geneva Convention. More Italian prisoners have
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  • 58 3 Hong Kong, May 28. ■yyiTH a second contribution of $100,000 from the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the South China Morning Post bomber fund passed the $2,000,000 mark this morning. Amongst this morning's contributions were a second donation of $10,000 from Sir Vandeleur and Lady
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 461 3 British Now More Evenly Matched Against Nazis In Libya London. May 28. << W E are more evenly matched now and are fighting the Germans tank for tank and man for man, inflicting steady losses m men and materials." This was told me by a British officer who has just
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  • 513 3 London, May 28. TRIBUTE to the Fleet Air Arm and the Home Fleet on the sinking of the Bismarck is paid m the following message sent to the Fleet by the British Board of Admiralty, says Pweuter: "Their Lordships congratulate the Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet and
    Reuter; United Press  -  513 words
  • 138 3 London, May 28 •pHE American Ambassador, Mr. J. O. Winant, has left for the United States to see President Roos?velt, Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, and others. He expects to return to England within a fortnight, says ReiK* It is assumed here that Mr. Winant
    United Press; Reuter  -  138 words
  • 73 3 Port de France, May 28. *I*HE French freighter Winnipeg h&3 been "captured by a foreign warship off the south coast of Martinique within the neutrality zone," according to an official announcement here "It is presumed she has been conducted to a belligerent p: rt
    United Press  -  73 words
  • 32 3 San Francisco, May 28. AN earthquake shock was felt here at 10.24 p.m. yesterday but no damage was caused. Santa Clara. 50 miles away, alsc United Press
    United Press  -  32 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 594 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941. Clearing The Decks THE United States is clearing the decks for action that is the full meaning of the proclamation by President Roosevelt of a state of "unlimited national emergency." In a strong and forthright address to the American people he has
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  • 671 4  - Mussolini Suffers F rom Most Violent Form Of Paranoia John T. Whitaker By PRESIDENT MASARYK, of Czechoslovakia, once said, "The dictators always look good until the last five minutes." This is the tragedy of Benito Mussolini m the twenty-second year of Fascism and the nineteenth year of his own dictatorship.
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  • 72 4 pLOVERSVILLE. A!:.-: aS 0* Vi metropU. I > leathers for glovr- tain, frcm skins ro!k New Zealand. Booth A and m Britain it British toffkini, J 1 zeilii skins of British sheep, are air U.S.A. and other specially prepared b| foremost tanners The British C lee
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  • 578 4  - Turks Will Give The Nazis A R ude Shock JOHN DALY BY A FEW months before the outbreak of war I spent a short time m Turkey, and it was then that I first understood why Germany, if she ever bullied her way completely through the Balkans, would receive a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 98 4 '^^B^^^^^H '^H^^^^^^^^^H b^^^^^^H ■■■Ibbbbb ■■■■■■■I ■■■■■BB fIVfIBBB H!• I bbbbbbbß 1 1 H I ■■fIU 1 1* '1 ■■1 ■■■■^■■■■1 ■■■■■■■■1 ■■■■■■■I ■■■■■■■I ■VP -3 I I Wr'\ ■■■H ■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■M ■■"•"^^^^^■■l ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■¥■¥■¥■¥■¥■¥■¥■11 H M l^ ■■■■■I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH I bbbbbbbbbHobbß bbbbbbbbbbbbH I 1^' i I i I «rM^ryM I xm
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  • 1645 5  - Island Committee Will produce Noel Coward's "Design For Living" MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By dttSIDERING the great sueI their last show, "See one mierht think ps, the Island Com- uoU ld rest on their Jeb, but plans are already their next production Li promises to be a really the'
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  • 93 5 A group of the company who met on Tuesday evening to discuss the Island Committee's next play, Noel Coward's "Design for Living": Eileen Folliott, Geoffrey Folliott, Marie Wills, Reggie Wills, Jack McNaughton, Conrad Oldham, Be.ty Aikcn, John Wood, Leofric Thorpe and (seated on the ground) Dorothy
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 j*tT"~ If you "haven't a thing to /A§\ wear don't despair! %t WINIFRED has an Excellent Selection of Morning, Afternoon and Evening Dresses at reasonable prices. Visit her beautiful showroom and look over her collection. -P CAS W/^t? fa 4 «r; With an ASCOT MulU-Point installefl to f«n Dome 70U
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    • 55 5 V anc/ when M I they're washed— 3 I A foot rale for meaI suring, attached to 9P^^| I each pair, endorses V WoBH&'r^% 1 the guarantee. -^Sfll^Slfev A E. y V/lJd v/^^^l I! yXo R9 STANDARD SOCKS fc3H I Yon can boy «vtv»»» 1 Available at all first class
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  • 1222 6 Sydney Journalist Beards Burt Wheeler In 'Isolationist' Den I HAVE just had an astonishing interview with Senator 1 Burton K. Wheeler, leader of the U.S. isolationists, and most influential opponent of aid to Britain," writes Richard Hughes, Sydney Daily Telegraph travelling reporter m the United States, m a message from
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  • 51 6 THE R.A.F. plane carrying the Prime Minister of New Zealand (Mr. Peter Fraser) was shelled shortly after it left Basra. No damage was done. The New Zealand Expeditionary Force Official News Service says the shells were fired from anti-aircraft guns by a small section of the insurgent forces of Rashid
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  • 823 6 MEW secondary industries are, planned to enable Australia to supply Britain with canned meat. sausages, and bacon, and with meat concentrates and dried eggs, says the Sydney Morning Herald. Announcing this recently, the Aus- tralian Minister for Commerce, Sir
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  • 25 6 Torpedo being put back into its tube on board the Polish destroyer Piorun, now serving with the British Navy.
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  • 465 6 Commonwealth Plan To Make More Efficient Use Of Skilled Labour THE Commonwealth Government has decided on three far- reaching steps to curtail non-essential production and make more efficient use of skilled manpower to speed-up the war effort, says a Canberra message to the Sydney Daily Telegraph. These steps are 1.
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  • 234 6 "Japan Will Aid Axis Without Entering War" THE Tokio corn*.* 1 New Vor k COr S nd ;uL° f while no hint has been if I**1 «ut subject of the private c^! n Of between the Japanese iw ers «*i> ister, Mr. Yosuke M 3 k n M*the United States
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  • 75 6 ABOUT 15i German seariu have been marooned m New Yort since the beginning ol th« war m» recently rounded op from saloons, and restaurants, and nmmt to Ellis Island Immigration dm It is stated that the Germans, tto are charged with over-staying toe
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  • 51 6 Mr. Churchill recently attended a t^nk demonstration, m which he was shown the cipat'i i >|mt mf iit armoured vehicles over rough country, m company with Gen. de Gaulle, leader of the I i < Picture vividly shows a tank "battle" at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 BALI NIGHT... Wednesday, 4th June POLLOCK. The Balinese Queen of temple dancers will render speci: numbers. A Hawaiian Orchestra will play for you to dance, and. addition, there will be numerous side shows which are novel and entei taining. Sensational Bali Decorations. EVERY CENT taken will contributed TO THE WAR
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  • 531 7 Large Reserve Of Supplies Being Accumulated N effic*" 1 Red Cross organization to look after the '■^rtofort of every Indian soldier m garrisons m the Ka :t has been built up with headquarters m E^apro m charge of Major-General I.
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  • 77 7 moW initiated by the Penan* JorU S* 000 having already *< S "Tb' r.bed. but a former J& h unjrntly required and the < lub of Singapore is spon--25m here to support the hBC /effort by subscribing $590 m ,t n Xv< hal further contribubr forthcoming
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  • 288 7 FIRST AIR PASSENGERS FROM U.S. states' passenger to Malaya was d yesterday with the here from America of Pan\irways' new Boeing >per. This plane made njjden flight from Treasure) '\san Francisco) to Singapore, Qying hours— bettering re established by the per which arrived a I to open the U.S.fciava sen-ice
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  • 85 7 MTTRA, a Municipal officer attached mitt^ H >mltil Department who had been ■w* m the police courts on a charge of an uiegil gratification of $7, and Efcii 1 11 $200. appealed to the JB ojun yesterday before the Chief n?^ Pwcy McHwaine. «*n&* of a chines*
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  • 129 7 PILOT OFFICER Edgar Alexander Pevreal. a young New Zealander, was fined $150 and his driving licence suspended for one year by Mr. C. H. Whitton m the Singapore traffic court yesterday. Pevreal had been convicted on a charge of rash driving The prosecution alleged that Pevreal
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  • 65 7 ALLEGED to have attempted to commit housebreaking by night by using an instrument to try and force open a door at the rear of a house hi TangMn Road on May 28, James Leslie Stewart, an 18-year-old Eurasian youth, appeared m the Singapore filth court yesterday. The charge
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  • 26 7 GOVERNMENT Is adopting the suggestion made by the Straits Settlement (Singapore) Association to add short explanatory notes when subsidiary legislation is gazetted In future.
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  • 293 7 AMATEURS WARNED AGAINST f MEDDLING > THE danger of amateurs meddling with their radio sets was pointed out by Inspector J. McPherson at an inquiry yesterday before Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, into the death of Abdul Karim bin Katamasar, a sundry goods shop
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  • 255 7 GODFREY MAURICE WHEAT, a civil engineer employed In Singapore, described m the Coroner's court yesterday how his motor-car knocked down a Chinese boy at the 9 Vis mile Yea Chu Kang Road on May 16. He was giving evidencs at the coroner's inquiry into
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  • 102 7 FYR. WILLIAM LOVELOCK. F.T.C.L., of U the Trinity College of Music (London), will deliver an address at 11.30 a-m. on Saturday at the music studio of Monk's Hill English School, Singapore. The address will be of interest not only to teachers of music, but to school teachers and
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  • 59 7 Twenty-six year-old Veerappan claimed trial m the third court yesterday on three charges: first, obstructing, secondly using criminal force to, and, lastly, escaping from the legal custody of. a detective m the execution of his duties t.t Selegie Road on the night of May 23. The case was postponed a
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  • 177 7 T*HE selection committee for scholar^liips available m Indian universities to Malayan Indian students, consisting of Mr. S. Dutt, Agent of the Government of India m Malaya, Mx. N. Raghavan. president of the Central Indian Association of Malaya, Dr. N. K. Menon, president of the Indian Association, Penang,
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  • 484 7 Singapore Is Health Fortress Of The East A COMMON weakness to disease and a common urge to survive and keep healthy are welding a billion people into a solid front m their battle against disease, and Singapore is the centre of this health strategy and technique, said Dr S Dakshinamurty,
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  • 216 7 'TWENTY-YEAR-OLD Tan Chin, 1 described as "an important official" of an unlawful society, who was arrested by a detective as he was about to enter the "headquarters of a number of seditious, Communist societies," was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment m the Singapore third court yesterday.
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  • 115 7 GO TAP SENG, 20, admitted In the ttxird court yesterday that he belonged to an unlawful society, the Workers Society," whose chief activity was described as being "the Inciting of workers against the Government." Mr. W. D. Carew, the magistrate, sentenced him to six months' rigorous imprisonment. It
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  • 88 7 A SPITFIRE pilot who fought over Dunkirk and m the Battle of Britain will describe his experiences in a talk from the Singapore broadcasting station to-night at 8.35. This is the first broadcast of a new series of personal experiences to be given by members
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  • 450 7 Drugs To Guard Against Malaria Epidemic LARGER STOCKS NEEDED "TT would be tragic should our Army, if operating outside the protected areas of peacetime barracks and camps, become the victim of epidemic malaria." states the annual report of the Malaria Advisory Board, F.M.S., commenting on supplies of anti-malarial drugs available
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  • 72 7 D AIL of $6,000 with two sureties was offered O. K. Nair m the Singapore third court yesterday when he claimed trial on a charg* of cheating, and the case was postponed to next Wednesday for mention. The charge alleged that Nair cheated G Rai Oovindjl m
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  • 59 7 rO Red Cross planes for the Royal Australian Air Force m Malaya have arrived m Singapore. They are de Havilland machines, containing: a nam her of stretchers on springs, and their equipment is described as excellent. The machines were flown to Singapore via Batavia and
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  • 284 7 A STORY of an alleged attempt to A poison a Japanese photographer and his young wile was told at the Assizes yesterday when a Chinese, John Leong, claimed trial on two charges en attempted murder. The accused, who at the time of the alleged oftence
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  • 117 7 •From Our Own Correspondent' Kuala Lumpur, May 28. MR. J. G. Wharton, Deputy Controller of Rubber. S.S. and F.M.S.. died this morning at Bungsar Hospital Mr Wharton, who was also proprietor of Jag's Agency m Kuala Lumpur, came to Malaya soon after the last
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  • 80 7 CEOW ENG CKUAN, Sl-year-cid ex- storekeeper employed by Joseph Travers and Sons. Ltd., was sentenced to three months' simple imprisonment yesterday m the Singapore fifth court, where he pleaded to a criminal breach of trust charge. Scow was alleged to have committed breach of trust
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  • 37 7 Three months* rigorous Imprisonment ni the sentence Imposed by the third magistrate, Mr. W. D. Carew, yesterday on Ong Eng Choc, 27, who pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to report while stin a police supervise*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 GOOD FOOD PROMPT 6c COURTEOUS ATTENTION the reasons for its Increasing POPULARITY at the Uj> 1 T 0 L i&AURAMT Mr Conditioned
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    • 117 7 tu^eautu ACHIEVE!} uy SKIN CIEANIIMS9 \^/Vt Of LONDON Skin care isn't a matter of happy dabblings with- a miscellany of pots and tubes, for beauty is next to skin cleanliness and first your skin must be cleansed and toned and smoothed and soothed. First, to cleanse your skin way beneath
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 413 8 P. O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED CN ENGLAND) P O. 8. N. GO 9 8 SAILINGS: The best possible services are being maintained by The P. ft 0. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. A Passengers
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    • 321 8 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated m Australia), f FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly sailinfs by MM. MARELLA (7475 *o«> and wm. MER^rR (SJM tons). Both vessels are fitted wllh Cabta-d#-ta« ftof** j and doable berth cabins, swlmmlnt batha. j tazvrtoos pnblk rooms. StngU Return.
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    • 274 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUHNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to F reman tie (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships Single fare $192
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 835 8 Broadcasting A TO-DAY EMPIRE STATION SINGAPORE i^uen, H ZHPI IJI me/. (36.W m.) mt/t^J* Gsv (ZHR M» »W GSf -Vs il 44 W *H« ZHP3 Ml me/i ('MI Fro. M 5 p.m il V^' *«r* ZHL, ZHFI, ZHK A ZHF*. me/t, 15.4J 10 a.m. Lagu Mclayut; 11 a.m. Indian] G
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  • 3236 9 U^. Defences To Be Strengthened To The Extreme Limit NEW MEASURES TO ENSURE SUPPLIES REACH BRITAIN Washington, May 28. I A b I > oadcast to the American nation last n i- Z f resident Roosevelt declared a state of unlimited national emergency" m the United
    United Press; Reuter  -  3,236 words
  • 296 9 "THE Salvation Army is a religious 1 foundation and its social services arise out of the leligious convictions of its workers and leaders, it was stressed by Archdeacon Graham White at the sixth annual meeting of the organization m Singaproe yesterday. "They are fighting,
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  • 57 9 Washington, May 28. JJNDER the emergency powers President Roesevelt may ••ommandeer radio s ations, power houses and conduits, demand preference for troops on any transportation system and suspend trading on securUies and exchanges. These are only a few of the broad powers which the President can
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 257 9 il^Tapvebtisemewts TKXPERS Singapore MINiriPAUTY Tenders. *re'W~mvlted for the •T" or services. For •JJj^ arPly Municipal Tender* of Liquid Chlorine for the July 1 1941 to June 30. 1942. 12 noon. June 10. nf High Pressure Date of Closing. 4 1041. I alterations etc. to Can** Middleton Hospital, ad iDeposit $50).
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  • 683 10 Joe Kane Recalls Fights In Which He Seconded The Famous Peter ONE of the ablest critics at all the fights m the Tolley Cup amateur boxing* competition, which is now m progress at the Happy World stadium, has been 20-year-old L. A. C. Joe Kane,
    Free Press  -  683 words
  • 320 10 Many Upsets In Tolley Cup Boxing SEMI-FINALS DECIDED LAST NIGHT MANY upsets were caused m the semi-nnals of the Tolley Cup boxing competition at the Happy World last night, when quite a few potential champions were eliminated by lesser known boxers, who are among the number of newcomers to this
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  • 155 10 Guthries 13: Harper Giifillan 3. OUTCLASSING their opponents m all depar ments, Guthries scored an overwhelming victory over Harper Giifillan m the Business Houses' League yesterday, beating them by 13 goals to three. Six of Guthries' goals came from Sultan. Guthries scored eight goals m the
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  • 31 10 MRS. J. E. Harvey beat Mrs. R. Tuppett four and two, m the final of the Royal Singapore Golf Club's Women's Duffers Cup competition for 1941.
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  • 43 10 THE annual athletic sports of the Brickfl?? S w ßoad School, Kuala Lumpur 61 0 1 Sa^ay. starting at Tp m Mr. 8. Dutt 1.C. 8.. the Aj^nt of the Government c*. India, will give away the picture.
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  • 127 10 THE Singapore Amateur Athletic Association's 1941 championships will this year be held on the Singapore Cricket Club padang on July 3, July 4 and July 5. Entries will close with the honorary secretary, B. Connaught Drive, at 8 p.m. on Friday, June 20. No late entries
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  • 320 10 EVAN WONG SEAH WIN S.C.R.C. TITLE Tennis Results Ties EVAN WONG and Seah Eng Chean (—l2) became veterans' doubles handicap champions m the S.C.R.C. spring lawn tennis tournament when they beat Tan Chong Gark and Dr. S. H. Tan 9) m the final, B—6,8 6, 6 3. This was the
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  • 84 10 THE following are week-end's events at the 1 Royal Singapore Yacht Club: To-morrow there will be usual afternoon races for all classes, starting at 5.23 p.m. for the "A" class and 5.25 p.m. for the other classes; on Sunday the following classes will sail
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  • 189 10 Harbour Board Tengah Airmen Draw Two All R.A.F. (Tengah) 2; S.H.B. 2. POINTS were shared yesterday by the Singapore Harbour Board and the R.AJ\ (Tengah), who drew two-all m a second division (a) soccer match. The game was played on the Harbour Board ground. The home team were two goals
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  • 35 10 picture. The Combined Services soccer team which beat the South China Athletic Association by four goals to two m a thrilling same played at Anson Road stadium on Tuesday.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  35 words
  • 392 10 SCORES UNBEATEN 116 AGAINST GUNNERS T IFTING the ball over the ropes for a glorious six m a cricket match at Prince Edward Road yesterday m which he played for the V.M.C.A. against the R.A. (A.-A,), Lall Singh gained the distinction of
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  • 153 10 Straits Times 6; Wearnes 2. MEETING weak opposition, the Straits Times Press had little difficulty m beating Wearnes Sports Club by six goaJs to two m a Business Houses' League soccer match played at Farrer Park yesterday. Wearnes opened the scoring through Peters five minutes after
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  • 31 10 THE S.C.P.A. will meet the Johore State 1 side m a football match at the Singapore Harbour Board ground to-day. There will be no admission charges.
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  • 27 10 THE Royal Navy b?at the R.A.O.C. by four goals to nil m a second division (a) league soccer match played at Gillman Barracks yesterday.
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  • 31 10 THE Oversea Chinese Bank were awarded 1 a walk-over by Bramtoco Sports Club m the Business Houses' league soccer match which was to have been played at Farrer
    31 words
  • 60 10 THE S.C.F.A. Challenge Cup final between! the Chinese Companion Athletic Asso- ciation and the Chinese Sports Association will be played at Jalan Besar stadium on Sunday at 5.15 p.m. Prices for admission will be 25 cents and 10 cents and the proceeds will be divided
    60 words
  • 122 10 I A TSAM frotn the follouing will b idcded to play soccor for the V.M.C A ram* RE. (Malays) :n a 1 a sue matrh oo tte y.M.C.A. ground at p.m. to-nay K. Muuiukumaru. Urn Kaii Teiig, F*. H-r Khoon V. N. PilUjr, V. K. Sabip&U.. J
    122 words
  • 399 10 R.A.F. Reserves Beat S.C.F.A. Three-Two RA.F. Res. 3; SC F s THE Royal Air Fof N. t yesterday when th R ld .**<"«» goal m livi Dy U>« «Z Forthright, determine The Airmen's defence the occasion and. parate efforts, the Chin, al J* flung back and a nnfp^ <**£! by
    399 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 82 10 t/te finest (fon c«m P wf ,4 scs I Nourishing goodness, fine tr creamy flavour and rich golden PHff r ?/>*>*-„ colour.. these are the qualities r ir *"*ierif jou will find m every Pat of ,7 m**S.C.S. Creamery Butter </ MllYT^m Include plenty of fresh bntter DU I I
      82 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 38 10 To-day's Sports Events COCCER: S.A.F.A. league, first division, R.A. (Heav> Re*t.) vs. S.R.C., stadium; Gordons vs. RJM Selerang, second division (a), R.E. (P. 8.) vs. Signals, Puiau Rrani; V.M.C.A. vs. R.L. (Ma!ays), V.M.C.A. Tennis: S.C.R.C. and V.M.C.A. tournaments.
      38 words