The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 May 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,308. ESTD. 1835. THURBDAY, MAY 15, 1941 5 CENTS
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  • 348 1 Japan Warned Over Trade Discrimination In China BRITISH POLICY TO BE APED ACCORDING iO TOKIO ACTIONS London. May 1 1. raised in the House of Commons Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, ircr to i question about Japan in a tone member welcomed as
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  • 88 1 May 11. |Kjj :id«*at in Was- < ih.U plans for :ir of Bri ish 5^ in th 5 Mates are E« ibeuwd hv the United .irtmen. and the lillin' to rt M hed, the idfnt savs, nitt'J States |ta» and pil»»- *ill he
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  • 60 1 German People Uneasy Over Hess' s Escape Hwir London. May 14. F"W<- opinion in Germany is v1 by Hess's flight -and. and the astonishing it out by tl*ti Government t* former deouty > escapade liave only* inthp uneasiness. the United Press Government officials i admitted this morning for -tume that
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  • 21 1 f'. mdon. May 14. I utof to Turkey. -wh has returned to Bakfevi before td u long confcr'ojiu. the Turkish Reuter
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  • 62 1 Tokio, May 14. FOR the first time since the Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Y. Matsuoka, returned from his European tour, he received the United States and British Ambassadors in separate interviews this morning. The United States Ambassador, Mr. Joseph Grew, called at the Foreign Office at
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  • 123 1 Thai Warning To' Tokio Bangkok, May 14. ■"Til A II. ANDERS' extreme rcsent- ment at *he "shock tactics" propaganda of the To'do radio is reflected in an editorial in the daily Sieng Thai to-day, which warns that if Tokio persists in such propaganda concerning Thailand, it would lead to JapanoThai
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  • 256 1 Iraq Tribe Chiefs Not Behind Rashid Ali Cairo, May 14. DEPORTS from Iraq show that not a single tribal chief is among the persons who have sent telegrams of congratulations to Rashid Ali. rebel Iraqi Premier, in connection with his anti-British movement. The only prominent Iraqi personality who has expressed
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  • 33 1 London, May 14. LORD Moyne, Secretary of State for the Colonies, said to-day that the House of Commons might possibly use the chamber in the House of Lords for the time being. Reuter
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  • 399 1 London, May 14. HTHE German naval base and forti- fled island of Heligoland was raided In daylight yesterday by an R.A.F. bomber squadron. Reporting the raid, an Air Ministry communique states that bombs were dropped on jetties and buildings, causing a number of
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  • 214 1 Vichy, May 1!. TJITLER'S terms to Vichy in return for concessions Made recently were unanimously approved by the Cabinet here this morning, states the Vichy news agency. Marshal Petain presided over the meeting and approval followed a statement by Adm. Darlan, Vichy Vice-Premier, on his negotiations
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  • 281 1 Enemy Pushed Back To Former Posi tion In So Hum Area: British Attack From Tobruk Cairo, May 14. f IMITED offensive operations from Tobruk and the L withdrawal of the enemy to his original position in the Sollum area are announced in a G.H.Q. communique. The communique says: During limited
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  • 92 1 I.ontion, May 14. •yHE Axis forces in Libya are within their own frontier building up a force with the obvious intention of attacking Egypt, authoritative circles in London state. To this extent the situatun in Libya, Ks analogous to that existing before the Italians crossed
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  • 169 1 again beiore the enemy j h- forces can be bronfht into opcrai There are. however, som-^ jm'x rtan differences as compared with last j .Then there was a large It ilian arm\. i fully equipped and of considerable rim 1 and at forward positions in enem\ .territory
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 BIGIA TEA IS BEST RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT DINNER DANCE <in»<>"" al > >» m to mldnisht BUSTER MAGGIE FEATURING "LA CONGA' "•"»<• <:.iio Non-diners SI.W -LUNCH IN THE BALLROOM GRILL 'tcZ (><)l Rijsttafel served from 12.30 *o 230 P"> Cl *<- ORCHESTRAL CONCERT by BAFFLES ORC«toT»* SUNDAY EVENING IN THE
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  • 182 2 Parashots Mount Guard At Palace London, May 14. KING George was present when the men of Britain's Home Guard celebrated the first anniversary of their foundation to-day by mounting guard at Buckingham Palace. A unit drawn from the first County of London battalion of the Rome Guard marched through the
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  • 137 2 King Queen See Bombed Abbey London, May 14. TTHE King and Queen inspected bomb damage at Westminster Abbey today. Standing in the Abbey at practically the same spot where four years aso they were central figures in the pomp and ceremony of the Coronation, they gazed to-day on the piles
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  • 106 2 (Free Press Special Cable) Canberra, May 14. THHE Premier elect of New South Wales, Mr. W. J. McKell said today that muddling incompetence will no longer be tolerated. "This is a ruthless war and we intend to wage it ruthlessly on the home front,"
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  • 165 2 EVIDENCE that he was forced onto the grass verge on the side of the road when the accused overtook him £t high speed, was given by Lieut.Commander F. Spilman, R.N., in the Singapore Traffic Court yesterday in a case in which a Thai, Nai Sawat, was charged* with
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  • 299 2 Gordons Beat Coast Regiment R.A. A FEATURE 01 the cricket match at Chang i yesterday, when the Cior<k>ns beat the Mobile Coast Defence Kegiment by 76 runs, was the fine bowling of It. Col. Maxwell-ninnMe-ton who captured live wickets for 40. Batting first the Gordons scored
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  • 150 2 SELDOM has the J.C.S.A. taken such a beating as the defeat of eleven soa'.s to two which the Post Office inflicted on them in the second division (B) of the S.A.F A. league on the Post Office ground yesterday The Post Office scored five goals
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  • 169 2 SELDOM is James Cagney as amusing as he is in "Strawberry Blonde," a Warner Brothers' comedy which opened at the- Aihambra yesterday. For a change, the baciitjiojud o*. the gay 'Ninettes, when barbers and waiters in the saloon used to burst into song as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 139 2 WE ADVISE ALL CINEMA PATRONS WHO WANT TO HAVE FUN TO SEE "STRAWBERRY BLONDE" Another Roaring Comedy From Your Favourite Theatre I TO-DAY— 3.15-6.15-9.15 p.m.- ALHAMBRA IfV^^fc bM i •'"^iflw AIJW HA^Aj^OUttONHGTOR^ Wa WARNER BRoSSSS^SS^ RAOUI V/AISH ,«-m, k ,i-.»-«.0.«M-.— .»n fc- BY COURTESY OF THE BJIX A SHORT SUBJECT
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    • 180 2 TWO FAMOUS ESCAPES THat^ HAVE THRILLED THE WORLD: HESS' ESCAPE from GERMANY Starring a Uy^ NORMA SHEARER and :?.13— fi.i;, :1K < ROBERT TAYLOR &m CCNRAD VEIDT and NAZIMOVA I sk /;r/;/n .s//oh packed out! I'f. Jk l^i(c<t CINESOUND NEWS with inspiring Bc^^^P^&S pictures of ANZAC DAY IN AUSTRALIA JKx3L
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  • 147 3 French Expert Says Greek Campaign Marked End Of Hitler's Easy Victories London, May 14. MK»*> flight to Britain has only one cause— clear pereotion <>t the peril which threatens all Nazi Germany it< Hitlerite chief— this is the opinion of Maurice n chief of
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  • 520 3 (leu York. May 14. mbich has conn headlines of since the late Monday. Ls ry in all to- .-^papers, after the news broadra ;»r.:/ ex- Loo ion and > ramov, German ex•.h~>rie> advanced is v vktetj supported. mpelled to >eek a 11 ii.
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  • 108 3 Hess Writing Account Of Desertion I ondon, May 14. rted in the early :.oon newspapers to I time writing :ret place to from Glasgow r.iy description rer London." 1 be fit to taJ in a :ev. <n account Nazi hierarchy disclosed. Mr. Ivone >e in excellent 3.8.C. news inch is,
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  • 62 3 London. May 14. A WRITER in the Deutsche AUpemeine Zeitung, commenting on Germany's ability to continue the war. says that she is already usin? u*> her reserves. -We must see to it that they arc replaced and enlarged.' he savs. •Everything must be done not
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  • 35 3 Bonibay, May 14. THE latest batch of Italian prisoners to arrive in India comprise 450 officers taken on the Tritrean war 'The prisoners include two generals and one admiral.- Reuter
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  • 67 3 Kyoto, May 14. A LTHOUGH the Japanese- Soviet pact evoked adverse political repercussions in Chungking, the Japanese should refrain from indulging in excessive optimism, said Dr. Kumataro Honda, Japanese ambassador to the Nanking Government, to the Press. Dr. Honda implied he did no. think
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  • 407 3 London, May I J. MR. GEORGE Rendel, recently British Minister at Sofia, told the Press here to-day there was good reason to believe that the bombs which were found in his luggage at Istanbu# i were of German origin. There were three bombs altogether,
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  • 42 3 Hartford (Connecticut), May 14. IT is reported that the majority of 5,600 workers at Colt's patent firearms manufacturing company are on strike for a collective bargaining agreement. One of America's biggest armament factories is thus idle.— Reuter
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  • 55 3 London, May 14. MR. E. If. B. Ingram, diplomatic adviser to the Ministry of Economic Warfare since 1939. has been killed while performing fire-watching duties. Mr. Ingram, who was 51 years old. entered the Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service in 1919. He had served in
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  • 54 3 London, May 14. GEN. de Gaulle's (Free French leader) representative in the Far East, M. Charles Baron, arrived in Hong Kong today. He will have a series of talks with British officials and Gen. de Gaulle's supporters, hoi a dispatch to the
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  • 29 3 Gibraltar, May 14. ''pHE new Governor of Gibraltar, Gen Lord Gort. assumed command today and took the oath of aJlegiance at Government House.— Reuter
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  • 237 3 London. May 14. It is thought unlikely that the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, will see Hess, who is being treated as a wounded prisoner of war. says Reuters' Lobby t orrespondent. Mr. I Kirk p: rick. Foreign Office official who has been seeing Hess, has not yet returned
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  • 138 3 London, May 14. THE progress of research in combating the night bombing menace was mentioned by the Home Secretary and Minister for Home Security. Mr. Herbert Morrison, in a speech In London to-day. On the subject of night fighters, Mr. Morrison declared: "There have been
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  • 57 3 Buenos Aires, May 1!. REPORTS received in Vichy that the Uruguayan Government had returned Italian and Danish vessels previously seized have proved incorrect. The Uruguayan Government is not returning these ships but has merely permitted the crews to continue living on the ships under the
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  • 424 3 Awards To Crews Which Fought U-boat And Aircraft Attacks London. May 14. XHE gallantry of the crews of 1 merchantships which repulsed U-boat and air attacks and in many cases brought their vessels safely; into port after hazardous voyages is recognized in the list of awards published in the London
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  • 239 3 Americans Must Be Ready To Fight— Mrs. Roosevelt "AXIS MUST BE CRUSHED QUICKL V—MENZIES New York, May 14. A MERICANS must make themselves H worthy to offer the world an example that "democracy has vitality and strength, and above all that the people who believe in democracy have the courage
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  • 55 3 Shanghai, May 11. AN appeal to Britons throughout China aged between 20 and 30, married and unmarried, to join up wi.h the fighting forces has b?en issued by the Brit'sh Ambassador, Sir Archibald Clark Kerr. who has ask~d all British firms to
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  • 85 3 London May 14. AN Air Ministry communique Issued this morning reads: "There was but little enemy activity over this country during the night. A few bombs were dropped on the coast. These caused only slight damage and the number of casualties is very small."
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  • 146 3 London, May 14. THE famous public school at Westminster is the latest of London's historic buildings where severe bomb damage has been revealed. The dormitory in which an historic Latin pley takes place every Decemb r has bct-r gutted. This dormitr^ry, which dates back 200
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  • 36 3 Vichy, May 14. THE Norwegian Minister in Mc.^cow. who is n3 longer reccgniz?d by the Soviet Government, has left for Stockholm, according to a Moscow disDatch quoted by the Lycns radio Reuter
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  • 297 3 London, May 14. "T^HE freedom-loving and peace--1 loving peoples of this earth are coming to realize this is not Britain's fight alone." declared the United States Ambassador. Mr. J. G. Winant. addressing the Engl >h Speaking Union at a luncheon in
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  • 69 3 Tokio, May 14. JAPANESE despatches claim that Gen. Kung Ping-lan, commander of the Chinese 34th division was taken prise ner by the Japanese army together with his staff officers during the heavy fighting new proceeding in southern Shansi The Japanese forces, according to the same
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  • 15 3 Karachi. May 14. SIXTY British evacuees, women and children, from Iraq have arrived here Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 POLAROID DAY GLASSES See how this new scientific light control stops reflected glare and protects your eyes as no other sun glass can protect them. They give you the view without the glare. Medical Hall Ltd. 3. Battery Road DOROTHY LAMOUR Malaya's Queen Of The Atop s^ Screen More Alluring
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  • 718 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1941 The Selangor Strikes TTHE F.M.3. Government ls assured of the fullest public support for the measures which it is takirg to deal with disorder and disturbances which have developed in certain districts in Selangor following a period of considerable unrest among estate
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  • 905 4 Mystery Of Rudolf Hess's Flight To Britain By A Special Corresponded TT is far too early yet to at definite conclusions on the cause of the amazing flight of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's Deputy since 1933, to Scotland. It looks on the face of It as if it were the outcome
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 48 4 Al ARTHIM thr >\k beam from projectors received by Hr: Other iter: Sectors storm I boa i nd i>l them bur... the rat*- I I I Among otht' liveries from th< lurlher 144 Africa. In the last value of their compared u the year befon
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  • 35 4 yHE Chinese K" the fol)> v. ,'•♦<- exchange >»f dill China and Austr; ment and Austra rlded to veensi: to each other soon send s» Canberra. «hll« will appoint Chungking Reuter
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  • 29 4 »T*HE C an:. in< I *ho ho^-a over 5.0 hoardin* over 1 fentenmd to who hoard hoard* n prteonrm-nt H<*rd^« be finexl ?!.0«».- Reuter
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 31 4 Bluey dc Cur ley (:POCKYS BEEM AT HE MU<T KES v Ht gg, C6 V^tBUN AOAIK ff J CUMfcUid OVER A BLAM»CV ufJ&tt S P\CKtT ftWtE Oft 6OMCTMIM6 .'f^y >s^K^ «OMBI
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  • 2049 5  - Singapore's Anzac Club Will Be Opened Next Week MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By ctab to SingaI a s mentioned |i some time ied next week. -a i]] be the ial Hall on the I h. where it is v a sitting H r uiffevent I D n aid H
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  • 51 5 Tuentv-one-vear-old Marsha Hunt is never happier than playing a heroine *0 vears older than herself. Anything which departs from the sweet ineenue type of role pleases this young actress. Under contract o M C-M the young actress hopes to build up her reputation as "Hollywood's Youngest Character
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  • 111 5 yHE following r> the latest flst of contributions to the Malaya Patriotic I collected through the Estate Asiatic Stall Association: Elmina Estate $20; Jasin (Malacca! Rubber Estates $4; Sungei Te"al Estate $13 Kampong Kuantan Estate $13 71; Arcadu Estate $15- Jasin Lalang Estate $37.57 Changkah
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 107 5 7 you were unable to go to the first night of I "SEE YOURSELF" Do»»j delay booking your reservations for I May 17th and 24th I WIB TIMKS. A Mr, gooJ mmmj* entertammenl first rate items one of the gayest and I I .tv „o,,ular ill, the big audience sho.c
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    • 53 5 VWien you >^^) are travelling... \iid ii you are "in the know" you ask for /"C "Viyella". Extra lovely \£fj designs are just arriving. tt\" i V^ Choose a "Vivella in the new est tones for your tra\«l wardrobe. l^jtj[x3J_Pw i THIRTY-SIX FASHION o^| FABRIC Obtainable from all first class
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  • 691 6 Anzacs Bravery In Classic 300-Mile Deathless Retreat QTORIES of the deathless 300-mile retreat the New Zealanders' battle of Thermopylae rivalling the classic stand of Ihe ancient G reeks there of the defence of the bridge across the Corinth Canal of the courage of Australian nurses of secret hurried evacuation in
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  • 131 6 AFTER having lain in mortuary parlours for almost ten years, the body of Mrs. Christina Wilhelmina Florentic Winn who died at Griffith on Aug. 13, 1931, has had a proper burial, sc-.ys the Sydney Sun. Originally Griffith's undertaker. J. Trennery, was instructed to embalm the body for
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  • 84 6 <*IT is Hitler's deepest conviction tha* militarism is the fulfilment of. the Divine Will." The German Minister for Education (Dr. Bernhardt Rust) said this in a radio talk to the Hitler Youth recently. 44 It is the will of the Creator that the earth should be a battlefield,"
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  • 36 6 Mr. Winston Churchi!!, Britain's Wtjt Prime Minister, is here seen on >»oard a British destroyer. Despite his many other duties, the Premier finds the time frequently to visit units of the fleet.
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  • 99 6 IN the first 18 monrhs of the war 6,687,000 tons of shipping were lost, the U.S. Department of Commerce reports. Losses from September, 1939, to March, 1941, were: British, Allied, and Neutral: 5,400,000 tons. German: 802,000. Italian: 485.000. The department added the rate
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  • 108 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, May 12. |JNDER the auspices of the committee of the China Distress and Relief Fund. Klang, a variety show will be held at the Klang Amusement Park, on June 7 and 8 in aid of the China Relief Fund.
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  • 331 6 "Arms Muddle" Charge In Australia Refuted BREN GUNS EXPLOSIVES ALL the important compon- ents of the Bren gun. with the exception of the tripod, were still being produced at the Small Arms Factory, Lithgow. declared the Australian Minister for Munitions (Senator Mcßride), recently. He was replying says the Sydney Daily
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  • 24 6 A section of H.M.S. King George V, showing a battery of 11-inch guns. ready for instant action.
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  • 888 6 IT is probable that the conviction that white people can colo- nize the tropics without detriment to their health and wellbeing arose out of pride in the achievements of the pioneers, who, in the face of almost incredible hardships, did explore and colonize
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  • 283 6 "Diplomatic F ogs" Hide Nazi Moves THE diplomat!, f 1 Hitlers sp, pressure MV; V'ns.v^ Turkey l lr it* behind a deli *N German f OR 0 r^^ counter-rumour, saw th n don correspond,,.. v U n ney Morning Herald vd It is imposs bl the gravity o! tl I
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  • 62 6 1 < i,. NUj THE Tok..; B 1 second 47 year-o'd Brit I tion by the Osal the court oi ani mili ;<iy \ionage Meunwhik "Anti-Espion i Japan, papers cai randa bv n a plan of act. Ini rm?ttoo p. t r vthe O ka
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 5 6 mmtmmm^m^^^^^^^m 11 An tu 2
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    • 84 6 BALI NIGHT.... Wednesday, 4th June POLLOCK. The Balinese Queen of temple dancers will render special numbers. A Hawaiian Orchestra will play for you to dance, and. in addition, there will be numerous side shows which are novel and entei taining. Sensational Bali Decorations. EVERY CENT taken will l>< contributed TO
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  • 1814 7 n ra Victor Purcell Called For Evidence On Broadcasts i;l\ OMAR BAKVGEEH and Syed Abdullah vhnl u i Vahaya, allegedly associate editors of the "ii.dramaut, were acquitted yesterday by Mr. Conrad !L accwd district jud^e, on a charge of havingdefamatory article in the Saut Hadramaut
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  • 26 7 An Australian fighter pilot has a chat with his ground mechanic, who is wearing an Italian soldier's tunk, in the Western Desert.
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  • 251 7 Waste Paper To Be Made Into Strawboard jniSCUSSIONS are now proceeding between the Controller of Salvage Collection and Disposal and the Chinese paper mill in Changi, Singapore, on the disposal of a large quantity of waste paper received since "Salvage Week." The paper will be converted into strawboard by the
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  • 65 7 •yHE International Headquarters of 1 the Salvation Army in Queen Victoria Street, London, v. T as totally destroyed during the recent heavy raids on the city. The National Headquarters for Great Britain, situated in the same street, was also destroyed, states a cable from Gen. George
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  • 179 7 French Cadets Exploits FLY NAZI PLANE TO BRITAIN XHE story of a remarkable exploit by two young Free French cadets who stole an aircraft from a German aviation camp in occupied France and flew it to England, is told in a cable received by Free French circles in Singapore. Coming
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  • 116 7 AT the 30th annual general meeting of the Ceylon Tamils' Association. Singapore, at the Victoria Memorial Hall to-day the following resolution will be considered rmengst other items on the agenda: "The members of the Ceylon Tamils' Association in meeting assembled do hereby extend their sympathy
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  • 42 7 '"THE President of the Dutch National Council of Ministers, Mr. Gerbrandy, will be the speaker in the 8.8.C.'s "Questions of the Hour" broadcast to-nteht at 6.35. Mr. Gerbrandy will have as his subject "The Netherlands and the War."
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  • 483 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 14. iFTER a period of temporary inactiA vity yesterday, the strike situation in Selangor has worsened to-day. It is now learned that agitators from me Klang District have worked their way from one estate to another
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  • 898 7 TRIPLE FATALITY DURING DAYLIGHT A.R.P. TEST "U/E find that the three Municipal Tamil labourers met their deaths by misadventure, with negligence, not amounting to criminal negligence, on the part of Arifan bin Arif, the driver of the R.A.F. motor-van, the nature of the negligence
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  • 344 7 Appeal For Books, Games Piano T^HE Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation is to establish a Services Club on the ground floor of its building in Orchard Road for the free use of men of the Forces. Although this will involve a complete re-arrangement of the Associations
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  • 83 7 THE Band of the (Jordan Highlanders will give a concert at People's Park next Wednesday at 5.30 p.m. The conductor will be Bandmaster R. G. Ashton, and the programme, is: March, "Calling All Worton*" Coates; Overture, "Momiiig. Noon and Night," Suppe; Russian Impression, "Black Eyes,"
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 98 7 H•M V This receiver of immense RA f% S sensitivity opens up for >ou th« d^k m9 m w world of broadcasting By .ajtM^i means of the visual tun in r 7- VALVE TABLE MODEL indicator >«u can see when vrYt transmission is in perfect I^-v /*v mne not only
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 417 8 P. O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES {INCORPORATED Of ENGLAND) P O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. The beat possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
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    • 311 8 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly saUiocs by SA MARELLA (7.375 torn) and m.v. VfERKTR (6,000 tons). Both vessels are fitted with CaWa-de-laxe single and doable berth cabins, swlmminf baths, luxurious public rooms. Sinfl© Return. Ist elass Sinrapore/Brisbane
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    • 325 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to F reman tie (Perth) via Java by first class oassenger ships. Single fare $192
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 394 8 Broadcasting TO-DAY BM&S;*Sf m■• SINGAPORE l&l-T; ,^*fe ZHPI 9.(9 me/, MM m commcn^Tn u tl i t > IZHR M7J «B.S» at.. Arabic muLc J? l^*' m,,* Scan Hi m«/t r4I.M a.l g. 55 m i,,.,,,!, 3 ""< N, V| 10 a.m. 3a waiian— Malay songst 10 *0 Hindustani Relayed
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  • 364 9 CITTING in the dock with bowed head at the Singapore Assizes ?h StC^2 y< recmin^y uninterefted fn 1* e k^^I 1106 that was bei *g adduced by the prosecution, an elderlv Chinese, Chee Ewe Bee, was on trial on two charges of murder He is alleged to have
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  • 129 9 DAILY PRICES CURRENT May 14, 12 o'clock noon T.n'est Cable: London Spot Sheet l4M»a. *New York Spot Sheet U.S. cts. 24* per Buvers Sellers No. EX R.S.S. Spot loose 41^ 41% .».-> DC HAS r O B in cases May -June I Sellers option) 41
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  • 243 9 SUB-OVERSEER ACQUITTED ON THREE CHARGES DEMARKING that J. L. Appadorai, a sub-overseer of the Public Works Department, should have the benefit of the doubt, Mr. W. D. Carew, the third magistrate, yesterday acquitted him of three charges and alternate charges of corruptedly accepting various sums of money as an inducement
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  • 211 9 90,000 Bags Of Rice From Perak Mills STATISTICS FOR 1940 /\VER 90.000 bags ot rICC were pro- duced from the three Government rice mills in Perak during 1910, states the Malayan Agricultural Journal, an official publication. The two mills situated at K:ian purchased a tctal 18,262 tons of padi from
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  • 158 9 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce 1 Rubber Association held its 1.538th auction yesterday when there was catalogued 1.893.753 lbs. 845.42 tons; offered 1,717.940 i lbs, 766.94 tons; sold 1,377.996 lbs. 615.18 tons. SPOT London 14 '£d. New York 24^ cts.. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per
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  • 562 9 WIDE EFFECT OF TROOPS' ARRIVAL IN SINGAPORE THE arrival in Singapore of air and land forces from 3 the British Isles, as announced by Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, Far Eastern Commander-in-Chief, will be something for all Asia to talk about, wrote the New
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  • 220 9 To Fight Incendiaries SO GREAT was the demand for siind last week-end, when the first free i distribution by the Air Raid Precautions Department in Singapore was made to householders for possible use j against fire bombs, that an additional four loads will be made
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  • 203 9 JUDGE'S REMARK TO CHINESE MOTORIST "VOU have avoided a n sentence without tho option of a tat by a hairsbreadih." declared the Singapore traffio magistrate and district judge. Mr. C. H. Whitton. yesterday when he nned Lee Choon Nam, a motorist, $250 with the
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  • 238 9 JU|R Hnty rnuicis Bohand was married to ITI Miss Eiieen Alice Mary Witcholl, the daughtr-r of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wttchell of Hor>g Kong, at St. Andrew's Cached pI y«.--terday. Mr. Bollard, the sen of Mrs. Boliand of Bitterne, Hampshire, and the late Captain L.
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  • 86 9 PARIMAL Cnander, a 21 -year-old English-soeaking Indian, pleaded guilty in th» Singapore third court yesterday to a charge that on May 10 he .committed theft of a cheque valued at $300 belonging to on« S Bala in a i house in Seningoon Road. It was
    86 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 174 9 M passed away 5?- ffNDBBS v, .ram ftttten. d for the rt 3*SJ3 r.oon. June 10, Hi*h Pressure „r Closing. 4 SCAN. Secretary. jfaopening I QfUSR MMIIIC HOUSE b! k«i. IS.CA.) rooms Moderate jlttTi <ourt. Ht GUEST HOUSE >nir!'iv; notice IBAIIS/NEW YORK (INFERENCE BHT TARIFF NO. 15 \>nice To Shippers
      174 words
    • 110 9 LAW NOTICE FOR THE HAY The Hon'ble The Chief Justice and The Hon'ble The Ag. Judge of Appeal Court of Appeal Kuala Lumpur. Before The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Manning in Court No. 2. At 11 a.m. DC. Appeal 7 40 W. N. Rice anor vs. Lakha Singh. Before The Hon'ble
      110 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 145 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails cloie at the General Past Office sls '"Hows: TO-DAY -a*ia air 4 p.m. l air 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Zealand a ir 4pm Palembang ai r 9 am TO-MORKOYV Medan ai r n am AKUiVALS Mails from Great Britain &c. (surface) tencrr.l delivery 8.15 a.m.
      145 words

  • 1507 10 Second Day Of Penang Race Meeting H. MARLAND SADDLES TWO WINNING MOUNTS (From Our Chvn Cor respondent) Penang, IVlay 11. AUTHENTIC took punters by surprise in the first race in Penang to-day, when the second day's events in the Penang Turf Club's Spring race
    1,507 words
  • 259 10 The R.A.F. KalJ.ang, beat an R.A. Coast Battery by 30 runs in a cricket match played on the South Padang, Changi, yesterday. Harvey bowled well for 4he Airmen, taking five wickets for only 22 runs. Bentley took six R.A.F. wickets at a
    259 words
  • 66 10 Campbell, playing in his new position as leader of the R.A.F. attack, is seen testing Ferguson, the S.K.C. goalkeeper, in the First Division match played at the Anson Road Stadium on Monday. Campbell netted all four goals fcr his side. They won 4-nil. Ferguson, who was severely
    66 words
  • 647 10 Combined Team Concede Nine Without Replying R.A.F. (Sel.) 9 R.A.F. (T. K.) 0. ALTHOUGH the combined Tengah and Kallang R.A.F. side were trounced to the tune of nine goals to nil by the R.A.F. (Seletar) in a football match at Seletar yesterday, they fought
    647 words
  • 227 10 Y. M C. A. Lower R.A.A.F. Cricket Colours THE Y.M.C.A. gained the distinction of 1 being the first local side to beat the R.A.A.F. at cricket when, in a keen game at Prince Edward Road yesterday, they beat the Airmen by 17 runs. Scores: Y.W.C.A.: Cheong Thiam Siew c Barnes
    227 words
  • 44 10 TOE following will represent the 1 Sicng 800 Association in a series of friendiv billiards matches against the Y.M C.A. at the Y.M.C.A tonight starting at 7.30: Chua Boon Lay Lee Cheng Puan, Lee Cheng Kuan. Koh Hot Khoon, Yeo Sim Lim.
    44 words
  • 25 10 IN the second division fa> of the A S.AF.A. league, the Fortress Signals and the RE. Malaya drew 2—2 at Alexandra yesterday
    25 words
  • 612 10 LOSERS THREW AWAY ai THEIR BEST CHANCES err a fi. S C r DRILLIANT centringr by Ah Yik, on the 1 u wing paved the way for Lai Chuan to v (Or(1 Koals the Chinese netted against the S( C division of the
    612 words
  • 31 10 To-day's Sports Events Surccr: f, r d,v Nl s Gordons, SIM R.F. vs Rvi Athl-tie v second division (a R.A. (BM >, rWjc'Jl Tennis: $< I.MC.A. f>u-iuni Lawn Row N| Services As u
    31 words
  • 16 10 Erhelsheirr, IfUtoi p I Johnson. SCt. A.: v Lim tonne Kooo Be Lian Sin, Lai Cteu
    16 words
  • 152 10 n^u\'Zu in 0 r;f>* tennis M ,,i, a »hen ft* 1" Mrs. Carter and .1. S£*m It 3. Mr Mid K. J. P. ti final to be r TO-MORK<>.\ > lixed doubles. de\cl Mrs. J. P. de C Him. Mrs. Carter ar.d A J h Stokes and
    152 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 99 10 #j k x^^Sa^^^aSßyßßfiiujp Ilfe |ii'nßrin iiMS''''"'' i 'i'*i'fif you can tell by the flavour 't's LAMB of exceptional quality It is the very finest Lamb mmm^ m> ii Australia produces delicioush Al 'S I tender... a real pleasure to carve -m 4 \I fl and a delight to taste. What
      99 words