The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 May 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 LATE SINGAPORb EDITION The Singapore Free Press NO. 16,3#7 ESTD. 1833. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1941. S CENTS
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  • 152 1 Hitler s Deputy, Certified Sane, Now War Prisoner FURTHER STATEMENT IS PROMISED BY CHURCHILL niTnAIP London, May 13. J^LUOLfi Hess, Hitlers deputy and Nazi Party leader, who electrified the world by fleeing from Germany by plane and landing near Glasgow, last night conversed treely
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  • 117 1 ■light from broken to the German ISI injured h plane at .aid that i |Q show oiild achieve an 2£*M -ilap.d through rent n H| 4 :roni a disease consulting a :niTht account i*er^na! Hhrli P«r Peace" ■n better man any- rh the Fuehrer
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  • 24 1 DIFFICULTIES FACING SHOPKEEPERS I >:x<Joa. .May 1 i -U iv a special of Tri»de Bmri toki hi bject raj > ensure a i m Reuter
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  • 30 1 T u »a. \la> 13. Mr Churchill. House ol Com- Lord Be aver brook u Minister oi .i duties >mi cabinet, and liairmar. ol the 'e Com- Reuter
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  • 47 1 london, .May IJ. t ".lied by enemy *2?2? nei l Kurth not be Ua ble v rates. Relief WiSS^ on the same terms as nbers o; the arm'^oa icuvc service. v^^V Exchequer. fcjy? ()<jd told the House of the new ar--ou.d be made retrosoecof the wir- Reuter
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  • 715 1 Hess has been removed from the hospital in Glasgow to a place which will be kept secret and no one will be allowed to see him. Authoritative circles added that Hess knew that if he had gone to a neutral country he
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  • 109 1 Berlin, May 13. OITLER has received Adm. Dar--11 lan, states the German news agency. The interview took place in the presence of Ribbentrop, Nazi Foreign Minister, but no information as to the place of the meeting is given. Adm. Darlan had been engaged in a series of
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  • 160 1 London, May 13. IN the House of Commons to-day the Labour member, Mr. J. J. Lawson. raised the question of the German wireless reference to Hess's "mental instability" and asked whether the Premeir had any information on the matter, while another member
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  • 122 1 Loadon, May 13. THE unification of London's lire fighting services, which are at present controllec by more than 1,400 authorities, was announced to-day by Mr. Herbert Morrison the Home Secretary. He said that the Fire Brigade and the Auxiliary Fire Service had emerged with flying
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  • 55 1 Simla. May 13. TNDIA hitherto has accepted responsibility x for accommodating 84,000 European prisoners of war on behalf of the British Government, says a Press communique. Up to date approximately 30.000 prisoners of war have arrived in India, of which over 3,000 are officers. It is learned there are no
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  • 267 1 London, May 13. WHEN the House of Commons met to-day in its new quarters it shed not a whit of its age-long ceremonial. Preceded by the Mace; rescued from the Holocaust of St. Stephen's, the Speaker led the procession to prayers and then mounted his
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  • 473 1 Sydney, May 13. A SUBSTANTIAL improvement in conditions in, particularly in Tohruk, in the last few days is reported in dispatches from Gen. Sir Thomas Blarney, Deputy C.-in-C., Middle East, to Mr. Percy C. Spendev. Australian Minister for the Army. Mr.
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  • 81 1 Virhy. >l«v 13. A r pfil i Palestine nort of Haifa ha, been a scene of great activity V since the end of operations i« Greece. Many s»hi**s fuH oi war material, including tanks, hav urrired from Britain, says a Beirut dispatch to the Vichy
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  • 91 1 R.A.F. Bomb Mannheim London. >lav !:i. British iKMntocfff reramed t-he ati:. oa the RhirieU.rxu night, M an Air Ministry comm unique Issued toda.v. The main tight oi the atti/Ct was aga'nst the Indostriml cer.trr 9f Mannheim, where many large ficp were started ond COnitdtrtWt dam was clone. At Cologne
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  • 71 1 Ickio. Mm 13. JAPANESE foroei to-aay occupied th* Chinese itliMUligld of Tuugfeng, hi south Shansi it is officially announce J here to-day, thus "tightening th* cordon round an army consisting of approximately CO.OOO men." Further south, it is staled, in th»» province of Kwaiigtung, other Japan*
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  • 21 1 London. Ma.. 13. •"pHE Ministry oi Food has arranged for food to be delivered to ftre watchers Ji business premises. Reuter
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  • 261 2 "THIS Thing Called Love" is this thing j called laughter in abundance as the lr.iße number of people who Attended the gala premiere at the Pavilion Theatre last j night for the special War Fund show learnt to their great delight. The War Fund has
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  • 117 2 WITH a itai -studded cast which includes Robert Taylor, Nonna Shearer, Conrad Veidt and Nazimova, "Escape," an M.G.M. production, thrilled large crowds at Its opening at the Capitol Theatre yesterday. Together for the first time, Robert Taylor and Norma Shearer team up well in the
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  • 112 2 CIRCUS life from the inside is the theme of "Chad Hanna," the 20th Century Fox romance that opened at the Cathay yesterday. Although Dorothy Lamour does not get her man he goes to Linda Darnell she is the life of the picture. Dorothy plays the
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  • 55 2 f\R. VICTOR PURCELL'S patriotic poem, "The Birth of Malaya," which he recited over the wireless about a week ago, is now available to the public in the form of an illustrated booklet. The booklet is strikingly designed and the marginal illustrations, in colour, are a perfect complement
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  • 159 2 117HILE a large number of Chinese almost blocked the entrance to the Southern Hotel last night, where the Chinese military mission, headed by Gen. Shang Chen, was being entertained to dinner, the 200 men and women who were attending the dinner listened to a
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  • 26 2 •|*HE Turkish Grand National Assembly 1 voted £13,500,000 of supplementary credits for national defence yesterday according to an Ankara dispatch. Reuter
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  • 6 2 Mr. Harold S^ Dunn, Far Eastern
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 287 2 AT THE AIR-CONDITIONED TA m w p^ ~*&Bfo*Jk TO-DAY PAVILION TU-DAY jflf^^ 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 BOX office phone 6903 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 M R «X i^^^B^^^^H CO-STARR'"^ w I fttftfc. fl^^H 5u PP orrec/ fcv BlJwiE IN RAIS}^ EI GL<SIA^ICKSON. LEE J. COBB, ALLYN JOSLYN 4 A DISTINGUISHED AUDIENCeTat'yESTERDAY-S WAR
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    • 155 2 ANOTHER M.G.ML TRIUMPH! ETHEL VANCE'S GREAT NOVEL BBCOMB IB SCREEN'S MOST Memorable Entertainment A million people couldn't stop reading the book! And the picture TO-DAY! is even more exerting! The dangerous hours of the Countess —^fcl* I the lover... the actress f^ V ic the General come to life tl3
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  • 106 3 "More Than Offsetting Balkan Blitzkrieg' 9 .'NATIONS FLIRTING WITH REICH WILL RECOIL" New York, May l:J. iluight announcement in London that Rudolf Hess, Fuehrer of Germany, party leader of the j Socialists and third man in the Nazi heirarchy, n from Germany and
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  • 113 3 Singapore Key To Defence Of The Pacific Free Press Special Cable) Washington, May 13. MR. R. G. MENZIES, Australian Prime Minister, at a lunch given by the National Press Club, was asked the Australian attitude towards maintenance of the status quo in the Pacific. He replied that he regarded Singapore
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  • 315 3 Was Hess On Death List Of Gestapo? HITLER'S GRAVE DILEMMA London, May 10. DUDOLF HESS, third man of the Reich, a man of incalculable influence and popularity in Germany, has not only provided the most sensational story of the war but has set the whole world guessing. Newspaper comment here
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  • 75 3 I.oi>d<>n. May IS. QERMAN air activity over Britain last night was on a very small scale, states the Air Ministry communique. A few bombs were dropped at places in scuth-west England. East Anglia and elsewhere. Little damage was done and the total casualties was
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  • 44 3 London, Ma*. I*. AT the recent State's elections, the Premier of New South Wales. Mr. Alexander Malr. tendered the resignation of his Cabinet to the Governor, Lord Wakefleld. His successor will p/obably take the oath this week-end. Reuter
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  • 187 3 4 the any Of Rudolf ui the Reich :ial Social. a parachute ieap v me in a Sires the world m drama of the tic broken p] mghman, i await thinking he I i trass" who ■,v;ier"i laniiiy, j Of tea
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  • 116 3 "iTtiH City. .May U. Q tii; Atlantic U .nrrea&ing air hr l t t'd SUite; is the tid*.' said the .dr>r. L^rd Halifax. Min-Crntral War Rev.f im« ia«M tliit th« .wiut s»rea«rtl» »nd air power ba<*4 en the t power of >our coun"*J
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  • 61 3 Berlin, May 13. R4ARTIN Bormann, who has been ITI chief of staff of Rudoh since !£>33. has been appointed by HitW as to Hess. Hitler's special decree making this appointment adds that Bormann will r.ot assume the title 01 "Hitler's deputv" as that title has
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  • 85 3 T Kansas City, May 13. HE Bniish Ambassador to the United Stales. Lord Haliiax. re:orred to the Hess episode in the course of his speech to the MidCentral War Resources Board last nisht. "Perhaps Hess saw the writing on the wall." Lord Haliiax observed, "or
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  • 70 3 New York. May 13. TTHE United States Maritime Coni- mission has requested intercoastal steamship operators to contriI bute 50 of their 100 large coastal vessels for transport of material to the Red Sea under the Lease and Lend Act. The vessels will
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  • 79 3 lOßdoit, May 15. rtF Germans seem to have been badly shaken by the latest RAF. raids on Hamburg. A German broadcast to Latin America complains bitterly that almost 100 persons were killed In the centre of Hamburg. Tike commentator seems to think that in
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  • 69 3 i Ronv. May 15. THE German Major -Gen. ron Prlttwlt2 und G*ffron w*s killed during the recent fighting in North Africa. This is revealed in an announcement by the official Italian news agency notifying the posthumous award of a gold medal for valour to Gen.
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  • 23 3 r><^ special Cable T Sydney. Maj 12. rnment rus reduced improved the facilities v to the Australian mum*.
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  • 28 3 I I Special (3^, A r COR D hi *y*°*J. M»y 15. .cut* la the Au»tx»- for a nav in New
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  • 250 3 Pretoria, May 13. •yHE Prime Minister of South Africa, Gen. Jan Smuts, spoke of the "vital Importance of participation of the United States in a world organization after the war' when he broadcast last night on a '•vision of the
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  • 302 3 United States Will Not Mediate In China PEACE TALKS ONLY ON NINE-POWER TREATYBASIS (mm PRESS SPECIAL CABLE) Washington, May 13. A NUMBER of newspapers paint a picture of Japan seeking a peace treaty with China so as to release her forces engaged there ami as being upset by reports that
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  • 106 3 Chungking, May 13. WHAT appears to be the biggest Japanese drive since the Hankow battle is now in full swing with large Japanese forces engaged in simultaneous offensives in south Shansi, north Honan, north Hupeh and Kwangtung. according to Chinese despatches. Particular attention is
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  • 43 3 (Free Press Special Cable) Sydney, May IS. nOLLOWING an inquiry by the Aust- rallan Jockey Club, stipendiary stewards into the fall of the race horse Dollar in the Sydney Cup, H. Badger, leading Melbourne rider, was suspended for two months.
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  • 213 3 Cairo. May 13. Acku«wl«d g iHj F.gypt'<i offer of mediation, the RashW AU administration, while thanking Egjpt for the offer. states it is availing itself of the Turkwh offer. wiiKh was received first. Renter. londoj, May 1--He«i in in bed in hospital amd, save for tiredness, U comfortable
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  • 79 3 The Earl of Sttffolk and Berkshire was killed by a tomb »n Monday night toCeiher with his secretary and IWe other people. The Earl, who had a colourful career, succeeded to the title at the are of 11 years. Since them he had been a Guards officer, apprentice is the
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  • 122 3 Washington, May 13. AMERICA must choose now, de- clared the Navy Secretary. Col. Frank Knox, addressing the American Society of Military Engineers night. "America has thi\?e courses." he said. "One is to face the aggressor with force, the second is to become isolated from
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  • 76 3 New York, May 13. pOVERNMENT agents found $100,000 worth of narcotics in the laundry aboard the United States lrcighter City ol New York which arrived on May 3 from African ports. The authorities suspect the activity of a large smuggling organization and believe the
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  • 91 3 Shanghai, May 12. THE Contral Biiii^h War rxinti, which ;s distinct from the Voluntary War Contribution Fund, remitted yesterday £3,500 to the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Distress Fur.d and £1.000 to King George's Fund for Sailor The total contributions here since the inception of the
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  • 103 3 Australia To Appoint Minister To China Sydney, May U THE Minister lor External Affait.s, Sir Frederick Stewart, announced to-day, that Australia will appoint a Minister to China and would welcome the appointment of a Chinese Minister to Australia Sir Frederick Stewart declared that this step was taken "as I lurihe:
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  • 97 3 ROOSEVELT CANCELS MOMENTOUS SPEECH Washington. May I!. PRESIDENT K:oseveit has cancelled his Wedne. day's speech to the PanAmerican conference Be will give a fireside chat to the American people en May 27. The reason Mr. Ro<s<vei» cancelled the soeech to tho unknown, but it u beiieved no: t> be
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  • 105 3 < .iro. May 13. A-' Overseas Helleni' national conuni has bcrn ouic allv rr-m.'d in BfefPl ■ACM in India and wich the central government of Crete. Similar committees will ba formed ver>- blioiUy in North and Sow. America, South Africa and Australia, wh i^
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  • 27 3 Kunming, Mat 12. I*lll2 B.icuh consulate was hit and dam* in a heavy Japanoe raid yest«rd«v b\»». there were no casualties Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 POLAROID DAY GLASSES >ee how this neu scientiflc lijn control stops reflected glare and protects your eyes as n« othrr sun glass can protect them. They girt y©« the riew witho. the glarr Medical Hall Ltd 3. Battery Road CATHAY I to-day PHONE 3400 3.15-5.15-9.15 GLAMOROUS DOROTHY LAMOUR as the
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  • 794 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1941. Rudolf Hess nUDOLF HESS, Deputy Fuehrer of the Third Reich and Hitler's most trusted and devoted disciple for 18 years, has certainly provided the world with one of the greatest sensations of the war. Writers and commentators in many countries' are already
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  • 1128 4  - A Practical Plan Of American Aid To Britain Wendell Willkie THE British Commonwealth of Nations and the United States can out-produce all the boasted ingenuity and capacity of Hitler. I have faith that they will do so. K I did not believe this, I would Ibe desperate indeed, but my
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  • 1678 5  - Gymkhana Paper Chase On Horse-Back In Aid Of War Fund MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By the next I re will be B inised in aid H H» G. J. arrange a admission made for I should be I atch, for and spoon be the of course, which may ed
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  • 73 5 Glands Made Young Vigour Renewed wife Operation or suff.-r ■i health in which iv- i simple home by an -s and :e. It rves, and n blood, and ad ft el new 4« hours. fi mds an<i rnory and izinj»ly. KUrA an.l vipoui iranteed. it by thousands available at all
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  • 811 5  -  CLIO BY DOOKIXG was so brisk on Monday morning for the Diggers' Revue" that by 9 a.m. all the $3 were gone to the queue of patrons waiting for the doors to open. This seems unfair to outstation patrons who cannot go in person, but must trust to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 2 5 Wo o-Od
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    • 108 5 MUTAIN^S FINEST FftUITS| m^^ CANNED BY •MTAJNt LEADING FRUIT I l^^mi^^fm^ MV&i W§®T rHE WIDi aAMai >^*S[o|^. j yjjj&k W *j DAMSONS fTC With a stock of Chivero Canned rnato trj V^^flEP^QaHlfc&v •our larder you are able co enjo? tout wim&S^SmiSaZcW Oivourite variedea at any time of the ycax. \^^^^Bmt»*-
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  • 891 6 Rigorous Re- survey Of Every Phase Of Production Is Urged A RIGOROUS re-examination of every phase of Australia's defence and industrial organization to see where time can be saved, production increased and efficiency gained is urged by responsible and well-informed leaders of Australia's defence system, says the Defence correspondent of
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  • 548 6 THE Australian Minister for x Munitions, Senator Mcßride, announcing recently that output had begun of anti-tank suns made entirely within Australia, said that this represented "an engineering record." The Australian guns are being produced under the control of the Director of Ordnance
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  • 27 6 H.M.S. King Georse V, Britain's newest battleship bar one—II.M.S. Prince of Wales -s the newest-at sea eleavine the waves -somewhere m the Atlantic."
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  • 275 6 I TNDER Britain's industrial mobilization scheme. 11l cotton spinning mills will beU come key output centres, while 61 others will be closed down. One cottcn firm is closing three of ■ts 12 factories. Four small firms will curry on in one factory. In Northampton, six companies
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  • 339 6 Queensland's First Floating Dock Launched THE first Australian-made floating dock was launched from a Queensland shipyard recently, accompanied by wild cheering from the workmen who liad completed the task to schedule. Deputy-Leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labour Party, Mr. F. M. Forde. launched the dock without ceremony, says the Sydney
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  • 169 6 T^HE story of how an Australian patro! A rescued a Hurricane pilot who '•rashed in No Man's Land in front of f he A^ied lines in Greece, is told in the Sydney Daily Telegraph. A German patrol was chasing the pilot. The Australian patrol
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  • 74 6 •T^HE American Chemical Society re- ports the discovery of a new principle in medical treatment, in which large amounts of artificiallymade body fluids are used to neutralize poisons, by injecting into the veins a combination of five chemicals to reinforce the body's normal resistance. The treatment is
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  • 344 6 Presence Of "Diggers" In Britain Had Definite Psychological Value MAJOR-GENERAL H. D. Wyi. v the Middle East by hospital B military authorities had appredat, I of the A.I.F. in England, says the I wink -."^B 0! Fi I A.r I tunit. I I peri I "This was indicated by the
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  • 37 6 M A I July l i£M impc: m oper:< I In, I will a] I £1.01 55S Luxu 1 I non M been I •2? I cover I plianc mod Ac;. V 1 sterlin July l
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  • 19 6 QUEEN'S BROTHER IN HOME GUARD Thf i amoi ihe I 3 -w« Th- I "Home 'M the o!ri out
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 263 6 Sheve wtth a Valet K Is simple, quick anc efficient For with a "Valet" there is nothing to take to pieces, nothing to unscrew. Stroppi and cleaning are a matter of seconds, anc blade gives a perfect shave for weeks I I Thepopvksr VALET'99 Set, as illustrated abort, co I
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  • 738 7 Role In presenting Truth Schoolchildren" To Malaya have an important role to play Ike truth about the war so that it ,m<mkl by all pupils, and— more important preparing \<>" th for the post-war years, declared Hol-ate. principal of Raffles Institution, when rt<l
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  • 135 7 I ne* Bishop, the lev John Leonard Dean of Hong Kong, arrived ■Ppore yesterday— but not to I Australia to take who are there, with him before he >:* in, possibly, the aths to take up >er Rev j l. Wibon *ill be
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  • 60 7 •ree unlawin Commu- the Northk Malayan ChinWa Lo alias H :rd court I in the manageI an Communist I h:m;hepleadI -irse of being I oJ the NorihI v *?e o? lir laimed trial on IL^y^ cbm^ lng a member of I Cultural FedeI JMtJ to
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  • 429 7 Dutch Consular Official Witnessed Nazi Terror Tactics A STRONG denunciation of the terroristic methods used by the Luftwaffe in destroying human lives, and a suggestion that the Royal Air Force should adopt firmer methods and reduce the Germans to a state of utter helplessness with bombings of Berlin, were made
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  • 42 7 TOURING THE DEFENCES OF MALAYA at present is a large Chinese military mission from Chungking. The mission was met by members of the Malaya Command when their ship arrived. Centre is the leader of mission, Gen. Shang Chen.
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  • 201 7 Death Sentence At Assizes INDIAN TO HANG FOR MURDER REMARKING that he concurred with the jury's verdict, Mr. Justice Worley passed sentence of death at the Singapore Assizes yesterday on Syed Fateh Ali Shah, a young Indian who fatally stabbed a compatriot, Khani Zaman, in a Kathi's house in Radin
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  • 97 7 A CANTONESE. Lee Ah Hong, who last week pleaded guilty to a charge of distilling intoxicating liquor in a hut in Silat Road, war. fined $900, or nine months* rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. K. Byrne, the fourth magistrate, yesterday. According to Mr. H. G. D. Lewin,
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  • 47 7 DAIL was opposed in the third court yesterday when a case in which Ngo Khi Sim pleaded guilty to being a member of the "Malayan Communist Pf.rty." an unlawful society, was postponed to next Tuesday. A request for 24 hours' police custody was allowed.
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  • 148 7 AN interview with a 'Chinese military expert" whose name is not mentioned is published by a Singapore Chinese newspaper which quotes him as saying: that China has no lack of manpower. When the Sino-japanese war began in 1937, China had an army of 1,960,000 men,
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  • 231 7 IT is a particularly mean type of offence .o prey en prostitutes and I ask your honour to take a serious view of this case, said Court Inspector Cowie in the Sin^pore thnu court yesterday. He made this remark alter 20 -year -old Goh
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  • 408 7 THE value of the Malayan rice crop during 1940 1 increased more than $6 per planted acre over the value for the 1939 season, according to the Malayan Agricultural Journal, an official publication. Based on the declared trade values of rice imports, the value
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  • 114 7 AS a party of police reached the fivefoot way of a house in Eu Tong Sen Street which they intended raiding a n?an came out of the house Seeing the police, he immediately threw away a box he was holding in his hands. The box
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  • 266 7 Road Patrols Continue (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 13. MOBILE police and military pat- rols continue to make many arrests in the strike area of Selangor's Coast District. The situation in Klang District may be described now as calmer, but agitators have succeeded in extending
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  • 23 7 THE American President Line's ihlrc new luxury liner, President Hayes, arrived in Singapore yesterday on her maiden voyage round the world.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 166 7 MwM y& fhi receiver of imrnrns. w sensitivity opens up for you the RA world of broadcasting B> J%, AJf R %J *7 means i>| the visual tuning indicator you ran see when 7 -VALVE TAR I F MfinP! each transmission is in perfect i vftkib indie. muuLL lune not
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 411 8 P. O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED CN ENGLAND) P <k O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS* The b€6t possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested
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    • 292 8 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia* FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Month!, s.illo(. b, u MARELLA (7^75 «oos> and S««KP« {6 .0m mm}. B«tb RMb .r. atted with C3.W«-de-l«xe *l»*«« »»d doaMe Mrtb c»Hm. »wlmml«« tt»tb«. S4offl« RMnrtw l»t claw Sificapor* Bristol* ao<l »r<^f
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    • 344 8 MANSFIELD CO, /hJ BLUE FUNNEL LIM I Frequent Sailings to United Kingdoi I guaranteed, all cargo bookings subj*c» I War Clauses. WESTERN Al >| Ka I THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT T H fwc I Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth I by first class passenger shiM Single fare $192 (a
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  • 42 9 Malay troops wait by the roadside before embussirng and moving up to reinforce other troops during the largescale exercises held in Johore. The soldier on the extreme left has a tommy gun slung over his shoulder.
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  • 927 9 News From China Chungking Urges Malayan Chinese To Train Now To Be Helpful In Any Crisis THINESE in Malaya have urged to undergo some form of training that will make them useful to the country in the event of an emergency. Through the Chinese Consulates in Malaya, a communique on
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  • 99 9 A WARNING that part of the eastern entrance to Keppel Harbour may be closed to all traffic at any time and without further warning and that any vessel approaching the boom when the gate is closed will be treated as hostile has been issued by the Master
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  • 59 9 BAIL of $1,700 was offered Boh Leong, Hooi who pleaded guilty in the third court yesterday to a charge of assisting in the carrying on of a chap-jee-kee lottery at New Market Road on the night of May 12. The case was adjourned to May 20 and
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  • 448 9 ORDERS ACQUITTAL OF PUBLIC SERVANTS *T AM not at all pleased with the 1 way in which you have given your evidence. I think you are liable to banishment," said Mr. J. L. McFall, Singapore district judge, addressing three Chinese witnesses for the prosecution in his
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  • 37 9 Mr. N G. Nalr, B A.. 8.1. WM iV-< a talk on "Samkhya and Pantaxnali's Philoi sophy"' at the Ramakrishna Mission Hall. j Norrls Road, Singapore on Saturday at 7 p m j All interested are invited.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 215 9 s(!! EOjDVERTISEMEHTSi >-~r^CCRRESCE passed away 11, 1941. at his KNPERS Tn« \POKE M ;M(!IV\MTV r»ndcr<. I ited for the services For pal Tenders .or:ne for the! to June 30. 1942. i: noon. June 10, High Pressure Closing. 4 „-uonoi one block quarters etc. for A.nnoruan Street. Date of Closing. •41.
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    • 264 9 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. All peiaons having claimi against 'he estates of the undermentioned are to forward same to the Commanding i Officer R.A.F. Station. Sembawang, on I or before 12 noon Wednesday. May 21. i Flight-Lieutenant A. R. Stevenson 1 Flying O*ncer A. H. Brewin F.ying Officer G. D. Robinion
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 255 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails close at the General Post Office as TO-DAY air 10.30 a.m. Mecian a ralia air 4 p.m. New ieaiand 'ZZZZ J S5S :::J!r ffi Mails from Indo-China (air) ceneral deuvery 1.40 p.m. to-day. b Mails Irom Java and Sumatra (air» eeneral delivery 3.30 p.m. to-day
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  • 1029 10 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS IN PENANG Second Day Of Spring Meet DELOW is given the full card of events in Penang to-day, the second day of the Penang Turf Club's Spring meeting. The double totes will be on races four and five and seven and eight. The big sweep will be
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  • 95 10 gCR.C. criclte.. leans fOC W9tk-m* «J Saturdav at 2 p.m. -c S.CR.C vs. Rt>yal Navv Eu Cheov Chye. Or 3 Sweo Keiig. P. j I. Tan R 3. Tan. Alex Tun. Func, Guan j <Xye. In Hoi, Win. Fong Kim Wall. K. T. Oo 3*ee Lim S van?
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  • 57 10 T'AS 3epu> Lines O.C. womea'j S rt&t vnpetition. played en May 5 at.J G. rebuked in a win fcr Mrs. A. J. Marshall xith a score of 47— 1l H TIM follow ir.{ can's tMTC returned: Jtrs. A. J. M*!: 47— 14- Jr. Mrr.. A. D.
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  • 76 10 TAE following will repres3nt the Playfair B.P. 'B" team vs. the Fairwlnd B.P. "B" team at the Playfri- cjurt on Saturday at 2.30 pm Singles: Chan Swee Cheong. Lim Boi n Seng. Lim Lian Seng, Chua Cner Yong and Lim Kim Chwee. Doubles: Tay Bak Hong
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  • 22 10 LJ. Irving Jones beat R. J. Fennie in the final 01 the Telegraph Cup at Keppel 001l Club.
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  • 104 10 FOLLOWING arc selections for to-day: STRAITS TIMES Race I—Monaveen,1 Monaveen, Rye Seamu.-. Race 3 Golden Broni^, Tin Po?ket Race 3 Sir Patrick, Merry Widow Race 4 Rosalie, Codellus Race s—Baffler,5 Baffler, Beau Mari Race 6 (hilt em. Irish Jig: Race 7 Clifton Lad. Benedict Race B—Turnover,8 Turnover,
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  • 558 10 S.B.A. Championship Tournament IIfEEK-end ties in the Singapore Badminton Association's junior championship tournament at the Clerical Union. SATURDAY AT 2.15 TM. Single*: Cheong Hock Whatt (Eclipse) vs. Ponnampulam (J.C.S.A. t, Foo Yuen Chew IS.AS.U.I v.s. Wee Ghim Tee Marigold). Chou Siu King (United Family B.P. vs.
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  • 167 10 FOLLOWING is ihe draw and start- ing times for the Royal Singapore Golf Club vs. Island Golf Club women's match to be played at Bukit Timah on Friday (R.8.0.C. names mentioned firsts First nine: 4 p.m. Mrs. R. L. Nunn (16> vs Ifn J
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  • 52 10 SC.C. team vs. S.C.F.A. in Division I of the S.A.F.A. to-day at the S.C.C.: Capt. E. A. de L. Young; it Roberts J. H Abbott; R. J. Forbes. C. C. Webster," F. K. Hutchlnson; H. Kichelshetai, C. Milton, J. W. PrweoU, J. C. Willoughhy and A.
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  • 104 10 rIE following have been invited to play In the annual soccer match between Old Boys and Present Boys of Raffles Institution on Friday at R.I. ground: Muthucumaru, G Valberg. Yuen Quan Chong. Ho Ah Hong, Choo Seng Quee. Harith b. Omar, Madon Haji Abdul Rashl-J. Mat Noor.
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  • 674 10 Dons' Determination Proves Unavailing Loyals 4 Gordons 0. \DAPTING themselves better to the ground conditions at the Anson Road stadium yesterday, the Loyals beat the Gordon Highlanders by four goals to nil in the first division of the S.A.F.A. league. Conditions did not permit
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  • 243 10 i TADS BEAT Ac-Ac GUNNERS 3-1 r > Manchester:* 3; R.A. (A.A.) 1 IN spit« of a slippery ground and I heavy ball, the Manchester^ gave a splendid display to beat the R.A. (A.A.) by three ?oals to one in division I of the S.A.F.A. league
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  • 32 10 Playing at the Jc S A gnmnd x esterday. the R.A.O.C. beac ;he Publishers by live gtals t3 two in the .second division ?> of the B.A F A l^asue
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  • 30 10 Four goals were shared between th»? i-irport Sports Club and the S.CJ'.A. ill the second divlsioi: <b» of the S.A.F.A. league at the Singapoie Harbour Board ground yesterday
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  • 7 10 To-Day's Sports Diary and V.\|, v lt
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  • 95 10 Revised Dates P Finals At S.Cf Mixe, dll Mrs J Mrs C;». S'.okes a:-<i p n ttivj Major R Ai thf vroix la At 'l he Si u CkßMpiaadiip Kee Po i A" Mii|>lp% n*u<t vs. P. rO-MO£EO'.\ IIH "B** uo'julr, i NgIUP Wan L:.» < Mi»ed
    95 words
  • 46 10 THE Ju Tur: Timah on v clav July The oi Ihbmk. dftsac eurh I furlot'.q of 6 tartonc a. n be optioo I'.irhn Bir? e Pi di". isio!i -u^e will b.A tt\ hOIMI I 1 ni> tor hmi i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 73 10 B^k wS^^fl B9m^^. jd *$Qr^ SSZ^^tVBsB^B^B^I B^k 3u B^Bu '*>^9^ f^ K JjapKj^ gL gal nil I V^3BJS*'jfeS«B^S T fl% _A _B _^^^B I ''■r^CTWB3ff. JS*^' P%VT**M I I fSSH^M .^.yAl B^B^B*y r i/™ BSa2^3 I #■> i aC 9«# i 1 r-^3 I process I i» produces tne^ n^,
      73 words