The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 March 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,255. ESTD. 1835. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 5 CENTS
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  • 460 1 25 Killed And Injured In Istanbul Hotel EXPLOSIVES SECRETED IN LuGGAGE WHILE PARTY WAS STILL IN SOFIA Minister Rendel Has Narrow Escape British Minister to Sofia, Mr. George Rendel, Mrrewlj reaped death when a large bomb exPalace hotel in Istanbul ten minutes afurtht arrival of
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  • 195 1 Bulgarian Insult To Allied Ministers London. Mar. 12. J^O comment is available in official quarters in London on the outrage at Istanbul, as details have not yet been received. News has been received, however, says Reuter's diplomatic correspondent, of the humiliating and cynical treatment of the Polish, Belgian and Dutch
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 85 1 Tokio, Mar. 12. 'THAILAND and French Indo-China have assured Japan that they will not enter any undertaking envisaging political, economic, or military cooperation likely to lead to antogonism between Japan and a third power. This assurance, says the Domei agency, is contained in notes
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 73 1 Yugoslavia Denies Ultimatum London, Mar. 12. *¥*HE latest news about the report- ed German pressure on Yugoslavia comes in an authoritative statement which has been issued by the Yugoslav news agency. This says that reports from foreign sources alleging that Ribbentrop. German Foreign Minister, has handed an ultimatum to the
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 151 1 PUSH BY IMPERIAL TROOPS CONTINUES Cairo, Mar. 12. IMPERIAL troops continuing their advance in Italian Somaliland occupied Daghabur, 600 miles north of Mogadishu, on Monday. Italian losses since the British crossing of the Juba river are now estimated at over 31,000. Announcing these latest
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 379 1 Why Singapore's Front Back Doors Are Guarded London, Mar. 12. TTHE Times, in an editorial headed "Defence in the Pacific," says: Staff talks between Australia and New Zealand, the first since the outbreak of war, have begun in Melbourne. These talks are pendant to the work of the Eastern Group
    Reuter  -  379 words
  • 304 1 London, Mar. 12. A SUCCESSFUL R.A.F. attack on the German naval base at Kiel in which the British bomber crews saw flashes of heavy explosions and the glare of a larg*e fire, was carried out last night An Air Ministry communique announcing the
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 136 1 R.A.F. FIGHTERS* NEW VICTORY IN ALBANIA Athens, Mar. 12. R.A.F. fighters shot down five enemy fighters in the central sector of the Albanian front yesterday, most severely damaging several others according to to-day's communique from British headquarters in Greece. The success was obtained when the
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 92 1 "MONEY FOR A PLANE EVERY 3 MONTHS IF I WE" London, Mat. 12. > UR C. Alma Baker, owner of tin ITI mines and rubber estates and resident in Batu Gajah, has givea £30,000 for six fighters and sent an appeal through Lord Beaverbroofc,
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 236 1 Tokio. Mar. IS. Foreign Minister MaUuoka left to-night for Berlin and Rome for taSui with Hitler and Mussolini. Accompanied by a staff el 11, he was Mem off by the Ministers of War, Navy and other Cabin** Ministers, the army < hief of staff, Italian, (.rnnao and Romanian
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 BJCIA TEA IS BEST RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT dinner dance (informal 8 p.m. to midnight iSKKi THE ASTOR DUO KSSfIS dinner $3.00. Non-Diners $1.00 SUNDAY EVENING IN THE PALM~COURT SPORE'S MOST POPULAR SOCIAL RENDEZVOUS NIUTARY BAND CONCERT -8.30 to 10.30 p.m Bart of the MANCHESTER REGIMEMT 5& w»ni ntkuii V&
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  • 268 2 CHINESE RUNS AMOK: ONE KILLED THREE INJURED Man With Chopper Disarmed Taken To Police Station A CHINESE, brandishing a chopper, ran amok in Chinatown yesterday evening, and severely injured four persons, one of whom has since died in hospital while another, a pregnant woman, is believed to be in a
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  • 78 2 London, Mar. 12. EX-KING CAROL of Rumania and Madame Lupescu, who made a dramatic dash across the Portuguese frontier in a high-powered motor car last week, have now changed their residence, states the Lisbon correspondent of the Free Frencih news agency. They have moved to
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 410 2 At The Cinemas »tihE audience at each of the matinee and i 1 night shows at the Cathay yesterday stood in tribute for two minutes at the end of the film, "World in Flames," which has for its theme how Britain is pitting her
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  • 84 2 *T*M Nobody's Sweetheart Now," Univer--l sal's musical comedy based on the song of the same name, is a delightfully refreshing production full of humour and gaiety. The picture which opened at the Capitol yesterday features tough Dennis OTCeeie in I the leading role, ably supported
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  • 60 2 THE following is the programme of the Presbyterian Service Club for the nest few days: To-day games; to-morrow: dance; Mar. 17: games; Mar. 18: variety entertainment: Mar. 19: dance; Mar. 20: whist drive. The Club will be closed on Mar. 21 as the hall will be
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  • 102 2 THE majority of the leading cinema exhibitors from all over Malaya met at a dinner at the Cathay roof garden yesterday to discuss the formation of a Cinema Exhibitors' Association. Those present, who included exhibitors even from distant Trengganu, agreed with the chairman. Mr. G.
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  • 18 2 The new schedu l of maximum retail prices for foodstuffs in Malacca is published in last night's Gazette.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 The BRIGHTEST SHOW in TOWN! TO-DAY AT 3.15, A A fift A lk^?fil© A 6.1S 9.1S p.m. fa HAMPKA RKO R.ADIO PICTURES dfSHSW. LIT f 1 IfY IT njkt Froh from her success in -DANCE, GIRL, DANCE' in another Musical-Comedy, made 1»*W~ from Georpe Abbott's sensa- S^^^^B^^ljr|^^w| tional Hroadnay Musical
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    • 166 2 LAST 2 PERFORMANCE? rO-D>iy...5.75 an</ g./ 5 0^ v OWING TO THE WAR FUND screpk OF "HIRED WIFE" at «>rs. M 3.i5 |cAPiToiT[7r c B^ A TUNEFUL Base] on pPlfflß SWEETHEART n 5 fH^i^PH NOW!' Dennis O'ICEEFE j^^^ Sonc HitConstance MOORE Helen PARRISH wTM of Cuddle Lewis HOWARD MJk s
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  • 236 3 Asahi Shimbun Urges Calm And Mature Deliberation By Foreign Minister Toldo, Mar I 9 q uneasiness over tne journey <*f Ur Yosuke DMatsoda, Foreign Minister, to Europe is evident in nmeafei of tne influential newspaoer. Asahi Shimbun A, rumours indicate an impending aggravation of the
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 65 3 hungking. Mar. 12. x visions under arms, J 37 are stationed in Mnnchukuo. six in r*nd Formosa, aecordman of the Chinee if J-ipan makes a she may bo in to rli visions. in added that the .'t Canton, in Hainan tailed TOO planes. */runa fleet
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 104 3 (\»p«t»wn. M»r. 12. Tst South Afrl, C72.W0.000 Mr. Hofroerr. Minister of L^t i#i tn*? House .50. 000.000 in 1940-1 -> per cent. wiU come :.mainder from loan. that the trade position and Imports for 1940 ai .^hest figure ou rebcir.c principally due to imported
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 71 3 lon Jon. Mat. 12. r. for Jamaica based was announced by aj for Colonies. Mr. George Commons to-day. ~y .stages there will be a "Mi and reorganization of the local la r he meantime official I aave Council will Colonial Secretary. Trea--G;neraL will be filled by
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 22 3 FRENCH AMBASSADOR TO CHINA MAY RE CHANGED MTekio. 12. Ambas**dor to 1 appointed Anib?u<r BoTi< -..on. according to a Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  22 words
  • 295 3 LIOW a 32-year-old Shanghai saijor, 11 Tan Cheng Poh. alias Shul Wan Pan. who had been unemployed and was suffering from illness for two months, was f^und with wfiir.ds on his head and neck in a bath room, was described in the coroner's court yesterday, by Yit
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  • 93 3 London, Mar. 11. IN tne course of his speech introducing the Mr Estimates, Sir Archibald Sinclair illustrated the superiority of the R.A.F. over Ha* ltalian air force by the account of a battle over Kismayu which took place on *Sf&n R-A.F. Gladiators, he said
    British wireless  -  93 words
  • 86 3 New York, Mar. 12. TfJKRS *rc signs that the Antoaeacu Cabinet U unsatisfactory to Berlin and may be replaced soon, according to a Beltrade dispatch to the New 'York Herald- Tribune The difficulty for the Germans is that they have discredited *1 parties and there
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 151 3 Buckingham Palace Again Bombed London, Mar. 12. BUCKINGHAM PALACE, it is reveal- ed, was again bombed in a recent raid. Three bombs fell near the Palace. One destroyed the lodge at the north gate of the Palace, 'which is close to the garden gate at the foot of Constitution Hill.
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 65 3 ALTHOUGH enemy aircraft crossed the south coast of England List night "in fair numbers," very little damage was done, states an Air Ministry communique. Some raiders penetrated as far as tha Midlands and north-west counties and bombs were dropped ineffectively at various potato in these
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 260 3 London Press Confident Of Final Defeat Of U-hoats London, Mar. 12. 1 a papers generalprominence to, .ing articles on, the Archibald Sinclair. Air the House of Commons emphasizing the satisl British to German air J that this result has from the first, though 1 the last 3tage of the Battle
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 317 3 Imperial Forces Arrive Safely In Middle East London, Mar. 12. IT is officially announced that con- tingents of an Australian Imperial force and New Zealand expeditionary force which left England for duty in another theatre of war arrived safely in the Middle East :ome time ago. On the departure of
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • 456 3 Washington, Mar. 12. ■TOE Administration's decision to 1 ask Congress for a $7.000.000 r OOO appropriation for aid to Britain all in cash instead of part in contractual authority Is based on the theory that such action will show the world that the
    Reuter  -  456 words
  • 64 3 Washington, Mar. 12 TWO hundred amphibian tank, are included in United States defence orders. Capable «>f carrying 36 fully equipped men, these tanks will be used mainly for landing purposes. They are also stated ti be capable of a land speed of 23 milts an
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 127 3 3,000 MORE PRISONERS ON FIFTH DA Y OF NEW PUSH Athens, Mar. 12. THE fifth day of the Greek offensive on the central Albanian A front closed on Tuesday with the Greeks having taken 3,000 prisoners, to add to the last authoritative estimate of
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 127 3 Wellington. Har. 12 TPHE rapid expansion of New Zealand Jl forces to resist evpry possible nttark was stressed by Sir Cyril Newnll, new Governpr-general, opening the Dominion Parliament to-day. Every possible step, he said, was bclnrr tnken to meet any emergency and. uith increasing
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 42 3 Tokio, Mar. 12. A CONFERENCE between the Government and the High Command took place at the official residence of the Prime Minister Prince Konoye. at 9.40 a.m. yesterday to discuss outstanding domestic and international problems. Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  42 words
  • 218 3 Vichy Food Situation And British Blockade London, Mar. 12. "TflE Times diplomatic correspondent, discussing the Vichy convoy threat, says it initially appears that Vichy, backed by the Germans, faced Britain with a choice be'ween two evils. F2ther French vessels are allowed to pass freely through the Straits of Gibraltar, which
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 42 3 Bangkok. Mar. 12. THAILAND uill establish on Apr. 1 a 1 Department of Indo-Chinese Affairs for the administration of territories recovered as a result of the terms of the mediation a HUM merit concluded in Tolcio. Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  42 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 BICKiEPEGS ■fl biscuit bones for teething babies. They are so designed the action of gnawing, mould* the soft tiny jaws Into a beautiful shape and makes ample room for perfectly even teeth. All babies love them *nd they are nutritious. Besin at 4 months Medical Hall Ltd. 3, Battery Road.
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  • 1502 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature Bv 5 oi Kings School had considered was during the recent Every time at, they left their marched into the school grounds, morning, the four times, so they work at all surprising that they ;>out exercises ik Design the
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  • 168 5 Death And Injury War Insurance In Australia A FEDERAL departmental committee has reported to Cabinet on a compulsoryscheme of insurance against injury or death occurring in Australia from enemy action or warlike operations. Later the committee will prtpar report on a similar insurance a against damage to property Thi. still
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 Cl 1 D ft^^ ADO I^«*
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    • 128 5 SHERIEVS Jenic attl CfinJiitiOH flJewAez* The oasis oi good beaitu in All doo is port, oooi biood. Wtaep do«-s t»ooo comes impure, bis system becomes slu#r:s^ He geu li i l# *;j ll **i'El llt *T*?S Hl« roat loses bloom All wise owners tad hr^dars tfws their doc* revulav weekly
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  • 18 6 The King inspecting Australian troops during a recent visit to the Eastern Command.
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  • 405 6 Britain's High Commissioners In Dominions Outcome Of Statute Of Westminster DOLITICAL, journalistic, and public reaction to the ap- parent decision of the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, to choose as British High Commissioners in the Dominions men who hold, or have held, Cabinet rank, is wholly favourable. What surprises the majority
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  • 947 6  - Reflections On First "Black-Out" Exercise Clio Kuala Lumpur Chatter By KUALA LUMPUR held its first defence exercises on Monday when the alarm was given soon after 9 a.m. Curiously enough the sirens (we do not yet copy England to the extent of calling them "sireens" to rhyme with tureens), which
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  • 628 6 Australian Coalminers Pledge Full Production During Acute Situation THE acting Australian Prime Minister, Mr. A. W. Fadden, publicly declared his appreciation of the undertaking by which "the general and northern presidents of the Miners' Federation, Messrs. C. Nelson and J. Kellock, had guaranteed full coal production in Australia while the
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  • 96 6 DOBERT HEAL, 9, spent a whole night locked in a trunk in the gymnasium at Queen's College, Adelaide. He climbed into the trunk at 7 o'clock, and the lid fell and locked on him. His cries for help were not heard until 8 o'clock the
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  • 121 6 piFTY-THOUSAND conscientious ob- jectors arc now registered in Britain. The n?e groups producing the greatest number of objectors were those of 21 and 22, each with 2.1 per cent, of the population. After that there is a gradual drop in the percentages, until the thirties are
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  • 51 6 Mr. Winston. Churchill Prime Minister, is seen hupectina th mechqjiized squadron attached to the H?me Guard at th Parade in London Australian-born Sir ArthUr Longmorc. Air Officer Cov East, addressing members of an R.A.AF. squadr* The tuny, tnatang nuuus nun ine Austrmimn offia the Eastern Command
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  • 66 6 "THE Australian Supply Mm. (Senator Mcßride> publicly denied that Australian manufacturers had contracted to gopply machine tools to Japan. He was replying to London reports that contracts had been accepted by Australian manufacturers Australia had purchased certain machine tools from Japan, and this transacts
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  • 31 6 ACCORDING Noun: C a led on: bilion o Japan Four Japan* The head N Mining Ca said that st made it He WU Governnu-n 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 22 6 r The 1941 cLtlilu nTHnnflnn «•<»» m S/iJffl rfforfV r^S/Jtf Delivery from stock. XtW^ WS'* l^UffU, Order nowto«oiddisappoint™enL Mgr Shipment has just arrived.
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  • 522 7 Many Applications For Additional Ration SPECIAL EXPERIMENTAL BUS SERVICES iiiUVKISTS in Singapore are already running stiort of Although rationing has scarcely been in operation fortn.cht, applications for more petrol have begun the office of the Rationing Officer in fairly large nus companies and taxi
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  • 164 7 FALSE ITEM OF "GOODS' RECEIPTS ISSUED ihe notice of j Her, that retail rice ging more than the e for rice which redit This is conitrong action will yone caught over..\iinum retail price legally be chargDOt the price at be sold to the public. ish for
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  • 25 7 :N.IL.M's recent I mpetition at the t was Miss Daisy j Slew Mai' who has j rip to Batavia by j
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  • 176 7 MALAVARIATH, described as a Malayalee overseer employed by the Public Works Department, Singapore was charged with accepting illegal gratifications and abetting the receipt of such a gratification, in the Singapore third court yesterday. The first charge against Malavariath was that in June, 1939, he
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  • 39 7 iiriraft t^V^V"* 1 mcc ani of > hc R -*l- Greece *ait lor their aircratt to return from a raid on Italian positions in Albania. Then they get busy to prepare for the next job.
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  • 750 7 Alleged Endeavour To Get $7,000 For Opening Cabaret THE allegation that Lim John Chye, a Chinese youth, had^ tried to blackmail a certain European into giving him $7,000 so that he could open a cabaret in Singapore was made by Court Inspector Charles Such at
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  • 31 7 MEMBERS of the Singapore Local Defence Corps are advised that no parade will be held to-morrow. The next parade will be on Monday at 5.30 pjn. as usual.
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  • 236 7 HOW the initiative displayed by Lim Chew Chan, who said he was the chief cashier of the General Electric Company, resulted in the capture of two bicycle snatch thieves, was described Id the Singapore third court yesterday Two youths. Boon Kwang
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  • 675 7 FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS AND CAMERAMEN HERE THE political situation in the Far East has tocusscd lately so much attention on Singapore that more foreign newspaper correspondents, radio men and newsreel cameramen are concentrated here than ever before. Most of these men are here to
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  • 159 7 ACCUSED COMMITTED TO THE ASSIZES THE preliminary inquiry into a doufcle i murder and an attempted murder j alleged to have taken place in an tap house on the slope of a hill off Tnng Bahru in the early hcurs of Jan 25. was concluded
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  • 94 7 JORTY deaths from luoercuiosw 'respiratory types) were reported luring the week ended Mar S ordmg to statistics released b> the rtunicipaJ HeaJth Officer Thil >resents an increase of 12 ovei »re\ious week. Nine cases of diphtheria and fou. deaths were reported during the week, but these
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  • 112 7 JAPANESE, I Furuue, a aw ian i ge r °1 a rubber estate, was fined $900 ed puilty to a rharpe of MM** 0 ft compatriot by negligent drr „,„<.-, dnvir.p tfteoxx was endor Court Inspector A H Pre» Lh &t Purune w a^
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  • 61 7 Ei.f:;neerinc' u> the title of a talx Lo be broadcast from the SinpatK^r eU,tion to-night at 7 o'clock by Mr T Clark structural engineer. The talk dpscribev ;i,i a mm stKNIU l)e taken by e\-«ry houstholder to protect himself, his famUy and his r EPainirt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 17 7 1^' X Vitamins A (or vigorous eood health Eat 1 ttBGD. ■•imin-rich wheat CRISPBREAD FREAN Co., Ltd.
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    • 30 7 YELLOW TAXI SERVICE 'THE Yellow taxi service has resumed T its normal service to the public after the slight curtailment necessitated by the defence exercises during the past lew day*.
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    • 40 7 SERVICE TAILORING vpjO acquainted *ith all items of service tailoring and we can |Sp tailoring undertaken. We have V- '■iWf^Bm^m u details of Naval. Milit:irv t€afe Bnd A r rorc recjuirenn anil our t>e^t ser\'ices artMMmS^^t SMSCIAJ otor\lio $m^~ SINGAPORE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 410 8 P. O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED £N ENGLAND) P <Sc O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS. The best possible services are beiftg maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested
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    • 300 8 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly sailings by SJ. MARELLA (7.375 tons) and m.v. MERKCR (6,000 tons). Both vessels are fitted with Cabia-de-luxe single and double berth cabins, swimming baths luxurious public rooms. Single Return. Ist. class Singapore
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    • 251 8 MANSFIELD CoTuT BLUE FUNNEL LlNg Frequent Sailings to Unite c Kingdom. Dates guaranteed, ail cargo bookings subject r War Clauses. v^ nf «r tllo| WESTERN AUSTRAL I THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth by first class passenger ships Single fare $192 (A £28 Frequent
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  • 1257 9 NEWS FROM CHINA By Our Chinese Correspondent MR. Aw Boca H»w, Chines m industrialist and philanthropist from Singapore, expressed fuD confidence in China's final victory in a speech broadcast for overseas Chinese recently. Comparing conditions is China and Japan, Mr. Awj said
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  • 165 9 Labourer Struck By Failing Tree Dies WHILE airttnr in felling a tree 1c Bartley Road on Mar. 2, Khng Moil Hrnt a 30-year-old labourer, «u struck, by the tree as he could not run clew off the falling tree in time. This was the evidence of Tan Kim Pang, a
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  • 223 9 SINGAPOREAN ON HIS RECENT TGJR SP&&KING to the- Rotary CUsb yesterday, Mr. R. A. H&ines. who had recently been on a tour of North and South America, said thai America wouM do everything possible to keep out ol the war, but he thought she might be
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  • 108 9 DAILY PKIGCS CTB.RI M Mar. U. 12 •Vteoa mm Tone at Market Steadier Latest Cable Londor. Spa Short 13 Wd. per ID. Nev York Spot Sheet U.S. ct». 2l\ pm i!b. Borer* Seller* I Mo. XX R-S-S Spat loose- M M No IX R.S.S F.0.8
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  • 41 9 The Hon'bk The Chief Justice Court of Appeal, Ipofc. TY.e Hon Trie Mr Justice Pedlov st Materc* Assizes. Before The Dy. ILtfuXrta (Mr L» At 10 ajn. 6. l§l 37 Taxation. At 1030 ajn— SlPn»'33— Tftmtton.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 889 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST A«traha TO AT J*** -v 4 p.m. mm mmSSk r p.m. dr 9 a b* «bm» iron Bonstm («w, m^^. 1 40 p.m. to-day. ««i Otllvtij jT»"£^S£* mn telvwy LOCAL DEFENCE CORP& i DATES Or PARADES. iJ^S^J? S 11 Local n^S^ J^^J^ adri»d that no Parmda
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    • 93 9 Where else will you turn to 'Ret the other? That means Goodyear, of course! finest, safest tyres your money can buy. And now Goodyear justifies that if not to the manufacturer who year confidence with the development of aitcr year builds more tyres than any this amazing new tyre T^vlwinSillltW^jssw»"^^^^^
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  • 318 10 Barnes Plays Confident Innings Of 35 BOWLEY AND BOLLEMAN SHARE BOWLING HONOURS DASBING their opponents' total with four wickets in hand, and going: on to score 112, the Royal Australian Air Force made a successful debut against a civilian cricket side yesterday, when they easily
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  • 261 10 I niteers 1; Sime Darby poi'R goals wers shar?d by the lim i*d Engineers and Sime Darby Sports Club in a Business Houses' League match played on the J.C.S.A. ground yesterday. The Uniteer> started the game in whirlwind fashion, opening the scoring within live
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  • 163 10 London, Mar. I*. TH- football fixtures :or Saturday. IB i -p-SM ONO KOI ND (SOUTH) Cardiff fi Reading NORTH Griresby vs. Sarns.ey LeecL? v>> Middicsbrougn THIRD ROUND— SOUTH Leicester vs. Mansfield Queen's Park Rangers vs. Chelsea Westham vs Arsenal NORTH Everton vs Manchester City Preston vs. Tranmere
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 147 10 'THE Garrison Golf Club beat the epOJ LUies Golf club by 33 points ™?u P l;t 2 m a women's inter-club match at Sepoy Line.. The scores Garrison players mentioned first wereQ^f; R H. H Stewart (3) vs. m'^s S. Lucas (1); Mrs. H. W.
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  • 83 10 JUDGMENT for $250 or the return of a gold chain and a gold necklace was given by Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell in the High Court yesterday in favour of Sarathambal a former mistress of AR. V. Arnunasalam Chcttiar Sarathnmbal had claimed for the return of
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  • 292 10 THHE Aga Khan, for many years owner of one of the biggest, richest, most successful "string" of race- horses on the English Turf, will next season be represented by one horse, writes a Daily Mail reporter. The name 01 this animal is Winterhalter, a 3-year-old
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  • 309 10 WITHOUT blare of publicity, but more effectively i n the privacy of their room, the AJ.C. stewards are countering any attempts to introduce careless riding and its consequent interference into Sydney races, writes A. W. Dexter in the Sunday Sun. One of Sydney's leading
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  • 53 10 ihe t'ustoms and the Indian Association, ttvo tenms in the second dhision (b) of the S.\ F.A. lea:»ui» conipelii •>!«. met in a friendly game ?t Fairer rark on Monday, the Customs winning by seven soals to ni!. This piitori shows t'ic game in pro
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  • 305 10 COLD STORAGE HELD TO 2-2 DRAW Cold Storage 2, G.E.C 2. TONTRARY to expectations, the G.E.C. held the Cold v Storage to a draw in a Business Houses' League match played on Fraser and Neave ground yesterday, each side scoring twice. The Electricians
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  • 203 10 Madras, Mar. 9. TN a speech made to-day. Sir Arthur Hope, the Governor of Madras, reiterated the firm resolve of the British Government to press the war to a victorious conclusion and the utter destruction of the Nazi military machine. India, ho said,
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  • 38 10 Replying to a House of Commons question on Tuesday as to whether the Mexican oil dispute had been settled and diplomatic relations resumed Mr R. A. Butler, the Under Secr-t^- for Foreign Affairs, said, "Net yet." British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  38 words
  • 54 10 1 1 IM Hee Chin beat Robert Ch:a 10— i I" 6—l. in the "A" class singles final In the Y.M.C.A tennis championship yesterday. Ties for to-morrow are: Open sinjrles semi-final: Yadi vs. Kamis. *B" class singles final: Dr Loh P^)n Li P
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  • 30 10 London, Mar. 1!. IT is probabie that the Derby and 1 Oaks races vill be lieid at the Newj bury meeting on June 6 i^id 7. Router.
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  • 182 10 Latest List Of Rac ing Classifications PERAK, COUNSEL aNB CODELLL^ j^|R. Won W Muck Lin (r M jel, MWwm c the recent Seian been sent up troi '5 class two, aciassimauoM p<;nies issued b> ing Association Pcrak. a double a" K Counsel won ed second to P Pour class I
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  • 34 10 THE loliowin Bramtoco S table-tennis rnku I at the Imperial C at 7.30 p.m. to-day. Youns Hai Wah. Ong Cheng Kiat. T.i Diman. Chov<> K Pang i capta Reserves Liat r
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 58 10 SAUSAGES that will make you ask for a second helping -Jr^ v>" I F It's always a treat when S.C-S Cs? L: B&K SAUSAGES are put on the >v/ j^ table. Every Sausage is packed c with goodness and flavour. Delicious, too. are our CHIPOLATA. COCKTAIL and y TOMATO SAUSAGES.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 36 10 To-day's Sports Events Soccer: SA.F.A. league, first division. Chines* vs. Argyllv stadium. R.A.F. vs. Manchester*. Seletar; 8.H.L., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank vs. Brinkmanns, Clerical Union; Fords vs. N. A. A.F.1.. 5.H.8.; Oversea-Chinese Hxrk vs. Guthries, JCSA
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