The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 January 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 ute JiMWfeIEP" The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.283 2STD. 1835 MONDAY, JANUARY 1941. 5 CENTS
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    Reuter  -  721 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 1 Cicii. Sir Archibald Wavell. (nn-mander-in-Chief m the Middle p. East.
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  • 124 1 >iiro. Jan. o. Qg ol the Nazi urged by Mr. Percy War Minis from Cairo last tv expressed pride BQGCQSfI at .it British people irorHL no matter what the tribulations must pass, would i vi the victory which vould be ours Australia I v fully.
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 80 1 1 oudon. Jan. 5. s aitton has been I mincil of Defence of the xbti,h«*d hf C.en. de r.aulle at m rrrnch FqnatoHal Allies. •n. •infill has itilormeJ Atillf that it will W happy U •tU him ami with the Defence all t|urstioo.H involving its coltHHi mih Krpnrh
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 335 1 Vital Rail Link With Italy New German Demand To Petain London, Jan. 5. A REPORT that the Germans have demanded from the Vichy Govrrnment the control of the Mont Cenis route to Italy has aroused considerable interest m London. Reuters diplomatic correspondent learns. One high French authority remarked: "Control of
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 173 1 Athens, Jan. 5. 17IOLENT local Italian counter- attacks m coastal and central sectors of the Albanian battle front have been the chief feature of the fighting m the past 48 hours. These attacks, however, are more a measure of the Italians' plight than an attempt
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 402 1 NAVY POURS 300 TONS OF SHELLS INTO FORTRESS Alexandria, lan. rHE Koyal Navy's biggest bombardment of th^ war m the Mediterranean accompanied the land attack on Bardia on Friday, writes Massy Anderson, Reuters special correspondent with the Mediterranean Fleet. From a battleship I watched the battle fleet luirlini» at least
    Reuter  -  402 words
  • 236 1 Bomb Hits On Nazi Destroyer Supply Ships London. Jan. 5. ORES I one 01 the chiei G«rr: "invasion" ports on the Flench coast was attacked repeatedly m daylight and dusk yesterday despite bad weather and visibility conditions. A destroyer m the harbour three tunes by one Blenheim and the bomb
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 27 1 Vichy, Jan. S. ADM. Leahy, new United States Ambassador to Vichy, arrived at Perthus, m the eas^rn Pyrenees, en route from Spa'.n yesterday evening Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 34 1 London, Jan. 5 CEVENTY thousand ItaUau won: ra m Germany were the subject ol ail Italo-Germaii conference held m Berlin, states the Rome wireless, giving further details.- Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 344 2 BUT THE NAME REMAINS London, Jan. 5. ALTHOUGH called the "All-Canadian" Squadron of the n R.A.F., the title is no lonsrer correct. When formed towards the end of 1939, all the pilots came from that Dominion, but now although Canadians are still m trie majority,
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  • Midnight Shows
    • 121 2 rbe \he only woman among a gang of fugitives escaping from a penal colony is the experience enacted splendidly by Joan Crawford m the M.G.M. film "Strange Cargo," v.hich was shown at midnight at the Capitol on Saturday. It is far and away the best
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    • 92 2 rpHOSE m search of simple, human enter I tainment. that should be unpretentious yet rich m all the elements which make human nature a "wondrous thing," will thoroughly enjoy "Tugboat Annie Sails Again." which had a midnight showing at the Alhambra on Saturday. Marjorie Ram
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    • 101 2 THRILIS IN "FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT" rIRILLS galore are provided m United Artists' "Foreign Correspondent." whicn was given a midnight screening at the Cathay on Saturday. United Artists have made great play on thu murder of a well-known man, and by doinrj so have provided an intensely powerful drama, which never lacks
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    • 45 2 MEMBERS of the crew of a ship now at Singapore gave a very successful concert at the Airmen's Club In Kallang last night. There was a large and enthusiastic audience, which included Wing-Commander George and Squadron-Leader and Mrs. N. C Rutter.
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    • 76 2 miE Band of the Straits Settlements Police 1 will Derform under the direction of Mi J. C. Hitch at Katong Park at 530 p m to-morrow March, "The Kind's Guard" j' H. Keite, Overture, "Caliph of Bagdad, Baleldico; Selection, "The Bluemzurka Franz Lehar; Valse, "Estudiantina," <Waldteufel); Suite, "A
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    • 40 2 A MIDDLE-AGED Boyanesj wa* lo'ind lying dead beside a damaged bicycle at the junction of Holland Road and Napier Road yesterday morning. He had a head wound. The full circumslances of the fatality have not been determined.
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    • 40 2 £527,799,283 From Savings Bonds London, Jan. 5. pOR the week ended Friday, 6.767,071 was raised by the sale of Saving: Certificates, Defence Bonds and increased Savings Bank deposits. The total raised from these sources is now X527,--795«*3. -4 British Wireless
      British Wireless  -  40 words
    • 179 2 DIRECT RESULT OF THE WAR SIX seats are vacant m the House Oi Commons, and it is feared ihar other constituencies have also lost members through war hazards. Of the six constituencies without re- presentatives, two lost their members through service m the R.A
      British Wireless  -  179 words
    • 161 2 Salvation Army Work TpHE following has been cabled to Singapore by Lieut.-Col. C. Gauntlett, of the Salvation Army: "The Salvation Army is now serving 2.000.000 men of His Majesty's Services weekly m more than 500 centres. "There are now 200 mobile canteens visiting isolated units or
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    • 75 2 Wt, A ~r, London, Jan. 5. iiAx may be a record number of employees who have worked for a I ?^7^ Century m one industrial undertaking was made known recently when it was announced that the directors of Rolls Hoyse. Limited, famous manufacturers of motor-cars and aero
      British Wireless  -  75 words
    • 56 2 Trin Chunskinj, Jan. 5. HE second section of the Sino-Soviet barter agreement providing for an exchange ot Chinese wool for Soviet machinery and military supplies was signed here last Thursday, accords to the newspaper Ta Kung-pao. The first section, providing for an exchange of tea for Soviet
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 41 2 Btttt™ Louclim, Jan. 5. UIL/T m Glasgow for war service m France, 22 locomotives will be sent to Turkey. They have been bought together with a number of railway waggons by the Turkish Ministry of nnmmunications. British Wireless
      British Wireless  -  41 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 250 2 POSITIVELY LAST 3 PERFORMANCES 3.15. 6.15 AfUAUDDA LAST 9.15 P.M. AJbJtlAlHllliA DAY Warner Bros, present K"-H SHERIDAN HR^fl^H JAMES CAGNEY Wr^ Mmb- <^^ <he greatest picture fl Wji_ thej hav< over had together! 'CITY FOR CONQUEST' uith FRANK CRAVEN, DONALD CRISP, ARTHUR KENNEDY FRANK McHUGH LATEST BRITISH "PATHE GAZETTE" And
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    • 204 2 I>lsr NIGHT OF SPECIAL EXTENDED HOLIDAY SEASON! ——-315 -6.15- 91S wMr \J*m TO-DAY JEANETTE MacDONALD and t ~-JKy %tff Re-united m a new M.-G.-M. Musical -d^Sz/S l^ <-** Masterpiece LgS^l 4^ iss# 'NEW j 2#*Jf MOON' jiff/ From the famous SIGMUND ROMBERG I^^^^ Acclaimed as their BUST SINGING EPIC 6.15
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  • 348 3 Roosevelt's Congress Message Awaited HUGE NEW CORPORATION TO HANDLE AID PLAN? Washington, Jan. 5. NiK placing of national industry on a virtual wartime „r«>duction basis will some officials believe, be called I a icnturr which President Roosevelt is to deliver ■grett to-morrow
    Reuter  -  348 words
  • 72 3 Peiping, Jan. 5. rE Japanese authorities have rejected the American protest against the alleged detention and ill-treatment of American marines which is said to have followed an incident with Japanese gendarmarie on Monday. Announcing this, a statement issued by the Japanese military says that negotiations ended
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 501 3 London. Jan. 5* •JHB statement made by the Berlin newspaper Deutsche AUgemelne Zeitung on Dec. 29 looks almost as if it must have been inspired by the spirit of those notorious "New Year resolutions" with which people of weak will are supposed to lull their
    British Wireless  -  501 words
  • 518 3 'Like Gigantic Illuminated Christmas Tree, 'Fires Too Many To Co unt'— Pilots Devastating Raid On Bremen BoT^jn^vr London, Jan. 5. KkMEN. the second biggest port m Germany, was illuminated by a vast sea of flame on Friday night during the third successive night raid by the R.A.F. The attack was
    Reuter  -  518 words
  • 69 3 I.^ndon. Jan. 5. utol uullop poll taken m the I nited States show that 93 per Ihr work ins people are m working three shifts all thr riorft Onl> T p*t cent. hrr question, addressed U workers, was: Would c v»jllm« t.» work longer hours
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 315 3 London, Jan. 5. r kmc the President of Hoard of Trade addressed an public when Lyttelton broadcast m m of this morning. Lyt explained to his i\ wire the functions of iid how British trade war ior liberty mother army and < both
    British Wireless  -  315 words
  • 64 3 Washington, Jan. 5. /COMBINED United Kingdom and Ca- nadian investments m the United States declined by £104,000,000 during the first year of the war, it is estimated by the Department of Commerce. Despite heavy withdrawals It is estimated that foreign investments In the United
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 121 3 New York, Jan. 5. MR Dudley Field Malone, pro minent liberal attorney and an old friend of Mr. de Valera, has sent the following New Year cable to the Irish Premier, says the Los Angeles Times: m "There will be little Irish freedom left if, under
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 125 3 \l/E offer our passionate prayers to God that he may guide and protect the French nation," says the Pope m a telegram to Marshal Petain. His Holyness, who was replying to Marshal Pe tain's New Year message of greetings, added "We are particularly touched by your
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 330 3 Nazi Bombing Of Eire Likely To Have A Boomerang Effect F London, Jan. 5. :om Profiting the Axis the nan bombing of Eire and the "foment of the Italian -nay have a boomerang Britain may directly or eneflt from them, writes *if correspondent. I r Eire revives Mr de Hrim?
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  • 135 3 London, Jan. 5. SPEAKING at Oxford, Lord Samuel referred to the post-war European structure* and said any new oider based on oppression must be rejected and a new order based :>n concepts set up. Hie League of Nations was oui>t fundamentally on the right lines,
    British Wireless  -  135 words
  • 69 3 GIFTS FOR HURRICANES DEFIANTS URGED New i)eJhi, Jan. 5. SO many gifts for Spitfires for the R.A.F. have been received m India that the Government has issued a statement declaring that the British Ministry for Aircraft Production had received an "Embarrassingly large number of contributions" for this type of fighter
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  • 95 3 Ankara, Jan. 5. ALL men over 21 now on active service with the army will be retained for a further year with the colours. A decision to this effect was taken by the Government yesterday following:, it is said, a request by the General Staff, who
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 91 3 Dttotvt^> London, Jan. 5. uring the week ending miaiiigb last night the German Luftwa^e m raids on Britain lost three bomotrs one on Friday night and two daring the day yesterday. The British lost one fighter y^ierday. During the same period eight Lintish bombers failed to
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 39 3 A New V'ork, Jan. 5. FTER an absence of five months the United States Ambassador to' Rome, Mr. William Phillips, left to-day en his way to Italy to resume his post Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 160 3 Tokio, Jan 5. /CHINESE Maritime Customs dues now paid m Central China notes of the Japanese sponsored Huahsing Commercial Banks m Shanghai will be payable m notes of the new Central Reserve Bank of China m Nanking as from tomorrow, it was announced by
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 75 3 Shanghai, Jan. 5. ADM NOMURA, new Japanese Am- bassador to th^ United States arrived here to-day from Nanking. As a precautionary measure the Japanese authorities temporarily restricted traffic m the 'ontrolled areas. It is expected that Aim. Nomura will return to Japan 10-morrow
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 61 3 Chungking Jan 5. WHILE no definite decision has been reached, it is understood that the. Chinese Government is contemplating Lhe establishing of consulates m the Near East, Irak, Persia and Arabia to promote trade relations between China and the Near East. There is also a
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 29 3 han~kin;, Jan. 5. THE party of Burmese journalists will leave here on Tuesday for Chengtu. After a weeks stay there, the party will fly to Burma via Lasnlo- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 RED PALM OIL This oil contains considerable quantities of Vitamin -A and b specially prepared for use a« a cooking oil and as a medicine. It Is excellent for swerentlnt m fluent a. coughs and colds SO eta. per Bottle Obtainable from MEDICAL HAIL LTD. 3, BATTER! ROAD. 3 Shows
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  • 665 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY. JANUARY 6. 1941. More A.R.P. Problems r\URING the past week or ten days there have been a large number of newspaper statements regarding A.R.P. policy m Singapore. Many of these must have been inspired by official sources, but so tar the authorities have not issued
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  • 510 4 "MORWAY Defiant Under the 11 Yoke is the title of a Daily Mail article by a young Norwegian airman, Olaf Hansen, who escaped from Oslo m September with two companions m a small sailing boat. They have gone to Canada to complete their training
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  • 614 4 Coasters Carry On: Tribute To The Little Ships THE coasting vessels collect cargoes at the greater ports and distribute them to many smaller ones. In Great Britain, where no part of the country is at any great distance from the sea, a large part of the population can be supplied
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 134 4 London Jan THE w> rk of ck lip ait^r last Sunday n 'ront.n:.' Phe philos roici on the people of th»nnmrt up a\ .-n Amrr. I men ta tor broadcasting from to the United State.He spoke of three proup.s ol |?hom he had met m
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 109 4 London. Jan SOON alter nightfall y*»sterd;i> aircraft began a s<r.. .which lasted through ttM I of the night, states a Mi; Security communique this mom The attack was mainly ■gtnit a west England I m fires were staried, some dam i and a number
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 89 4 Bulgarian Premier Meet Hitler London I TTHE Prune Mmister of Bu Filott. is reported to I Vienna *here he is said to m visit for the sake of his hc> either Munich or Salsbourg, wh will mett either Ribbentrop or il Ankara radio, commenting last lagat, said: "We do no*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 344 4 YT)OIoCaA-0 I M Dorfr ifou jus+ love t ROSES?" ft w^9t r 3*Wi nY "Yes, but best m M&m a GIMLET! 1 it UW¥ caldbecks FREIGHT SERVICE TO NEW YORK, BOSTON VIA MANILA, HONG KONG AND PANAMA CANAL SailS'pore Arrive N.Y. I ZOELJ-A LYKES Jan. 20 Mar 5 ss. RUEBIN
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    • 97 4 You Can Cure PILES Physician's discovery positively reduces and heals piles. Dr. "Van Vleck's Absorptive Pile Plum* is a complete cure for the worst piles. The first application stops pain and irritation almotst instantly. Alarming loflf of blood is arrested. Inflammation soon dies down. The swollen piles surely grow less
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  • 2001 5  - Wonderful New Istana Will Be Private Home Of Johore Ruler MARY HEATHCOIT Free Press Feature By In Her Bridal Gown y Iv built Bukit at Johore m iltan wd the new ira will live stands es of land, and from < ma.eniricent views H Johore can be he Istam deigned
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 I CATHAY I BEAUTY SALON ial Offer for i \MARY f !>trirnced European Operators nent Wave Complete s^. S6 $7 51.75 m? 1.25 11 r .65 .30 75 ■nagt 3.00 I 10* of ALL takings on all I V °nt/ays, Tuesdays Jnesdays to be paid to the Valaya Patriotic Fund.
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  • 53 6 Australian signallers at work m the Western Desert and (left. ti alia n infantry m close co-operation with tank units. Australian sappers beside a pumping unit thai strds water to <t camps. Left: An Arab group get water from
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  • 170 6 Water For Western Desert 11/ I t X water everywhere, and plenty oi it to drink. m tru- Western Desert. It sounds strange, but it is true, thank- to the skill and inu< miit> oi field engineers of the Australian Imperial Force. "The Arabs never had so much water m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 A NEW YEAR IDEA TO HELP THE BRITISH WAR EFFORT? The SIMPLEST and SPEEDIEST way YOU can help WIN THE WAR is to regular DONATIONS to THE WAR FUND during the Cominfe Year Can You Afford .$1 per month Can You Afford $10 per month? Can You Afford $100 per
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  • 325 7 "Gunpower Of Its Army Equal To That Of BestEquipped Armies" AIR FORCE'S MANY TYPES pIVING fads and figures about the Netherlands contribution VJ to the Allied war efFort, the Netherlands Foreign Mini-tor. Dr. K. V van Kleffens, said of the Netherlands Indian ann> The gunpower of this
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  • 145 7 10,000 ATTEND CHINESE MASS MEETING Relief Fund Appeal j A > -he Chinese m Malaya! Inue their efforts on behair j a Relief Fund was made by: ih Kee at a, .nass mre:ins the Happy World covered stalay afternoon. is arranged by ever j 'ssociaiions and guilds to; r*n bark
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  • 40 7 MOTHER, BROTHER AND SISTER-IN LAW KILLED 1 °w O%n Correspondent) Rmtn v Penan*. Jan. 4. 1 V it «m reported th»t Mr. A. ImmigraUon Officer. Penang. lost i an air raid In England. Now nas also lost hte hmfhw and
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  • 254 7 Chinese Drive To Eradicate Opium Evil LOCAL PLANS THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce m Singapore has agreed ir principle to the request made recently by Chungking that Chinese leaders should assist m the eradication of the opium-smokincr cvi: among their community here. m "It is not as bad as you
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 7 Two 1 ree Press pictures from Johore Bahru yesterday: (Top): the Sultan and Lady Ibrahim receiving the addresses of welcome a. the reception at the Istana Besar. Lower picture The I'uiicku Mahkota. who was Regent of Johore during the absence of the Sultan from the State, speaking
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  • 839 7 Important Vitamin Discovered In Rice Polishings rHE discovery of a new vitamin, called the 'vitality vitamin," which is of great importance to Malaya, where the staple food is rice has been reported m New York. Another member of the vitamin "W implex, this newly discovered vitamin is to be found
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  • 134 7 THE iirst Eurasian to join the Government Flying Training Sch( c! prior to leaving Singapore for advanced training with the Royal Air Force overseas is Mr. Fred Fbert, of the staff of the Singapore Airport. Ebert begins training on Jan. 11. He was born at
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  • 737 7 JOHORE'S GRAND WELCOME ON RULER'S RETURN THE people of Johore were given a message yesterday by their newly returned Sultan when he replied to the addresses of welcome at a reception at the Istana Besar. It was: "We must all unite and work together
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 77 7 Th c DYNOHUB A REVOLUTION fIN CYCLE LIGHTING Absolutely Weatherproof 515.00 COMPLETE WITH LAMP THE PATENT DYNOHUB (12 or 8 volt) i 3 completely revolutionary m design. It provides electric lighting from a dynamo mounted m the front hub It consols of the usual cycle hub with the addition o!
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  • 495 8 tI *VBE shipbuilding industry must become one of the great national industries of Australia/ declared the Minister for the Navy (Mr. W. M. Hughes) at the launching of the corvette H.M.A.S. Lithgow, at Mort's Dock recently. IT. ere Is no other way," he
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 420 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES < INCORPORATED CN ENGLAND) P O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The tM po&>it»ie services are being maintained b\ The P O S. N. Coy. from the Straits to then usual i>ort* ot call m China, India, Ceylon and th^ United Kingdom Passenerer^ arc requested to
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    • 310 8 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated to Australia* FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Monthly sailinc* toj MARSLUt (1^75 tons) and m.t MRRKHR (Mi* Uni) Hot* vessels are title* with Cabta -<!«-»■*« «»Cie and double berth cabins, swimntne oatHs luxorieiM public rooms Stade Ket«rnUt clitse Sincapore/RrtelMtne aod
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    • 419 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. rrequent Sailings to Uniteo Kingdom. Oates are not guaranteed, all cargo ooklng? subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services r o e mantle I Perth *ia Java by first class oassenger ships. Single fare
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  • 393 9 Nazi Idea Of Politeness And Truth tiers not being their strong ™mts™d SSHf? 1 broadc^* Sow SSt S? c v ?2sSi M c^ m ppusf s r n e g -which s U m? y an d polite P P c mignt think im latest Effort biaaurbs! ciearness hcie fivr^
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  • 717 9 Chinese Topics UOKKIENS m Malaya are 11 discussing the allegedly unsatisfactory state of affairs m their native province of Fukien, and it is probable that shortly a joint meeting will be held to make representations to Chungking and to discuss, if not devise, ways and
    Free Press  -  717 words
  • 160 9 follow? Ci >e< at thC General Post OSIC€ s TO-DAY A^n air 4 Afnca ajr 4 Australia air 4 J m *>urma surface noon air 4pm vlcn Ur 4pm China: *Chunßl:ing Kunming via Rangoon surface noon Darwin air 4p m Great Britain etc air 4pm Esyp
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  • 41 9 THE Singapore Muslim Committee for the Chinese Distress Fund reports that $11,190.17 <*as landed over to the Committee of the China Relief Fund on Jan. 2. The account has now been closed and the committed dissolved.
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  • 23 9 Be/ore The Rerisirar: At 10.45 a.m. Summonses. At 11.00 a.m.— Wage Earners' Administration Orders. At 2.15 p.m. Probates.
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  • 48 9 HPHE Singapore Pire Department's accident ambulmce service attended 305 calls la<-t month, it is reported. The cases are clarified as follows: Motor-car accidents bi motor-lorry accidents 17, motor-bus accidents 4, trolley-bus accidents 10, collapse cases 22. attempted suicide 15, shooting or stabbing 7, other causes 172.
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  • 117 9 DAILY PRICES CURRENT »»n 4. 12 o'clock nooo Buyers Sellers No IX R.S.S. Spot loose. 37^ 37 7 fe No. JX R.S.S. F. 0.8. id cases January 38 38 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. F. 0.8. ID bales January 37% 3774 P.A.Q. R.S.S. P. 0.8. m bales January
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  • 332 9 AN top oi the Shell Building, Mary garet Street, Sydney, dozens of Empire Air Scheme reservists, under the leadership of a "conductor," nightly "sing" the Morse code m the moonlight, silhouetted against city sky signs, writes the aviation correspondent of the Sydney
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  • 391 9 U.S. Writer On The Spirit Of Britain UNITED IN WILL TO VICTORY jTHE Amen an people are well «n--j formed abou t conditions m Br (Newspaper coi respondents are descntjing them iuliv. o n correspondent M-. j A Menchen, returning to Amen i a broadea.s 1 t.tik m which he
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  • 346 9 French 3 To 1 In Favour Of A British Victory 1 SWEDISH newspaper BOTH *l writes frankly about conditions Pram o Journo* n<j throu. h uno.rjpied Fiance, h^. jsrjs, one becrmef qu ck»y convinced thru France is sicwiy surely awakening. Ever one m th un occupied territory is obsessed r>>
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  • 89 9 GUNNER Croucher. oi the Royai Artillery Changi* dived into the sea off Katong Park yesterday evening when he saw a fully clothed Chinese girl struggling m the H. succeeded m bringing her a. honShe was conscious but badly she ken by her experience and was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 545 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS n\!tSTIC OCCURRENCE SIRTHS At the General Hospital. niore on Jan. 3. 1941, to Sheila. E J. H. Corner, a son. .lARDSON.-At Maternity Hosrtjinainore on Jan. 4. 1941, to Kffrf J. Rhys Richardson ;l n Ginn English School, a SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. renders are now mvited for the •o
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    • 147 9 HARI RAYA HAJI availability of F.M.S.R. WEEK-END TICKETS will be extended as under: OUTWARD JOURNEY Tuesday 7th to Sunday nth January, 1941 inclusive. RETURN JOURNEY Thursday 9th to Tues. 14th January, 1941 inclusive. For further particulars enquire STATION MASTER. W^C^^^A ll r imposJB>^ for an i individual to provide for
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  • 54 10 pictur?. \N -iIcXIJAN AIRMEN GEIS rOKEB round the neck as the latter Mm to break away with the ball m the loose m Saturday's Malayan Rughv I'nion match on the Singapore Cricket (iub padang m which the \rinv Wanderers brat the Australians by nine points to
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 651 10 Charity Football Game At Jalan Besar DEFENCES^TRONGER THAN ATTACKING LINES Municipal Services 2 Tiger Team 2. DLAYING on a sodden, slippery ground at Jalan Besar yesterday a Municipal Services side and the newly formed Ti<?er team shared four goals m a keenly contested soccer
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 10 SMITH IN POSSESSION, tries 10 amkm a dash for the line. p play m Saturday's ragfcgr match on rhe S.('.( padang m t |i the Im Wanderers beat ihc K.A.A.F. by nine points to nil. Free Pres* pi.-tur<
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  • 544 10 Malacca Beaten By Six Goals To Nil (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. COR the past fen years, the- Selangor hockey side has uot into its stride only towards the tail end of the reason. This is true this season too, for to-day
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  • 106 10 RESULTS OF RACES AT SWIMMING CLUB T^HE following are results of races hvld at thr- Sin™ m. re Swimming Club yesterday: Novie** Rife (tn? l»readih>: I D R Y»>t n; 2, o j Ifomi: s, l h Chat r Time 15* <ec Jackson- Miller Cup race-."«4) nietr*^ handicap) 1. P.
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  • 96 10 North Rugby Team (From Our Own Correspond*: ut> Ipoh, Jan. 4. THE followiuc have been selected 1 by the Malayan Rugby Union to represent the North m the North versus South annual rugby fixture to be played at Kuala Lumpur on Jan. 25: J. F. Keay (Penajig); D. M. Seward
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  • 155 10 THE following are the results of 1 the Taiping Turf Club's unlimited sweeps drawn on the last race on the third and fourth days of the Penang Turf Club's Christmas New Year meeting: Sweep A Drawn on Race 8 run at Penang on Jar. 1. Pool
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  • 157 10 London, Jan. 4. R EL U th l;n SOI f E i ngllsh, a" h SC dt? h football matches played to-day i were:— LONDON CUP—Section "A" A. L Aldersnot l Chelsea 0 S*" 1"01^ 2 Crystal Palace 2 Pulham 4 Queen s P. X
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  • 482 10 THI. following are the results m brief m Penang on Saturday, the final day of the Penang Turf Club's Christmas-New Year meeting: Race I— New Cello $22 and S« Harriford S6 Jacatra SG Race 2— Silverlaw $20 and SS. Sindanglaja $9 Itace 3— K.C.G. $11 and
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  • 115 10 AN exhibition game oi Australian Rules football will be played between two Royal Australian Air t'orce teams at the old Polo ground, Balestler Road, on Friday. Australian Rules football is one of the few codes of football or rugby that can draw a ciowd of over
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  • 53 10 IN exercise of the powers conferred upoc him by the Volunteer Force Training (Pay and Allowances i Rules, the Resident d > Selangor has appointed the following to be the State Investigation Committee for the State of Selang^r: Inche Abdul Malek bin Yusuf, M.C.S. (chairman!. Mr. C. Thurstan.
    53 words
  • 167 10 Total Proceeds To Be Divided Between War Funds THE Singapore Cricket Club's Chinese New War m 1 tournament will be held on the club's courts on Im 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28. Entries close on ffodbarifty, IS and play will commence at
    167 words
  • 59 10 THK following will ,ci,i Singapore Ncuri sea, bilan m a hockej m \t< o i tlu Singapore rirket (lu»i n;' Saturday: We < h«ok Wj'i: A. Rar:h. C*. Scott: I llhupalin. szi i ronin. I Reutens trapt.i. llav. Viinirkatn N. 11. Sulliva.'i. Spr. itaklM llav.
    59 words
  • 30 10 ANNUAL SINGAPORE FOOTBALL MEETING TPHK annual general m?».iit£ .»i the Singapore Amateur Foot ball Association will be held m Anson Road stadium a* f» 3* pn. on Wednesday. Jan I*
    30 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 108 10 V^K <* ■■w*mm m m m. -^P VH j» I I I I /^^l fc vi rvncD i^ll -i w■if c n j^hi For a clean, xieaitn>. ui;a ie!n r. M^^^^^^^^^ H^^Ki ing drink, Whiteways Cyder take.t /^m^ -^Wt w.^^K> a lot of beating. 'mß<'- *^^W" < We can offer
      108 words