The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 December 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. ib.'SO. -STU 1835 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1940 5 CENTS
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  • 938 1 Rome, Dec. 24. pIK solace we derive from the riches of Christmas 'greetings is greater becau-e of the sad times m which PC live/ said the Pope m a broadcast to-day from the Vatican Palace after receiving Christmas greetings from
    Reuter  -  938 words
  • 125 1 Roosevelt's Christmas Message New York, Dec. 24. MOST human beings want "a peaceful chance to better the world m a voluntary way and not m a way imposed by conquest," President Roosevelt declared m his annual Christmas greetings to the people of the United States. The President further declared: "We
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 94 1 ACTION EARLY IN THE NEW YEAR— SMUTS London, Dee. 34. GEN. SMUTS, Prime Minister ol South Africa, has sent a message to South African troops m which he says: "It has been a great year m human history and thank God the tide
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 245 1 New York, Dec. 24. MARSHAL PETAIN has countered the German demands with an ultimatum of his own, namely with a threat to resign, according to a Berne dispatch to the New York Times. The dispatch adds that credence is given m Berne to reports
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 71 1 Bangkok. Dec. 24. FRENCH nationals will not for the present be permitted to leave Thailand, according to the local newspapers. This decision Is reported to be a sequel to the detention of the Thai Consul m Saigon, capital of French Indo-China. despite his
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 28 1 London, Dec. 24. T'HE King and Queen will spend Christmas quietly m the country with Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. The usual Yuletide festivities at Sandringham hare been cancelled.
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  • 42 1 London, Dec. 24. ACCORDING to a message to the newspapers from Budapest, navigation between the upper and lower Danube is no longer possible and the river has been closed for the winter probably to March 1. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 96 1 Tokio, Dec. 24. AN exchange agreement linkinj the guilder to the yen has been signed by the Yokohama Specie Bank and the Java Bank. Announcing this to-day, the Japanese Information Board says: •"The guilder has nitherta been linked only to sterling and the dollar, thus making
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 109 1 P.L Defences At Highest Pitch In History London, Dec. 24. A BROADCAST from the United States to-day quotes reports from Manila saying that the defences of the Philippine Islands have been brought to the highest pitch m modern history. In the last three weeks 12 large submarines have arrived there,
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 82 1 Boston, Dee. 24. AN earthquake shock Jarred New England yesterday for the second time m five days. Slight tremors were felt throughout Connecticut, but reports indicate that the shocks were less severe than those felt last Friday. The New York metropolitan area also experienced a
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 82 1 rS defensive attitude of German leaden was apparent In a Christmas message to German children broadcast by Dr. Goebbets He said that everyone must bear sacrifices of war at home and nothing could be done about them. Fathers at the front might rest assured that
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 428 1 6,000-Ton Ship Sunk, Another Blows Up DAMAGING RAID CARRIED OUT ON TRIPOLI London, Dec. 24. NAVAL aircraft attacked the harbour of Tripoli, m North Africa, on the night of Dec. 20. The attack was very successful, states an Admiralty communique issued m London. A
    Reuter  -  428 words
  • 294 1 London, Dec. 24. I AN appeal for a spirit of co-opera-tion m bringing to an end the deadlock m India, which they are convinced is due partly to misunderstanding, is contained m a letter to the people of India "from friends m the British
    British Wireless  -  294 words
  • 396 1 R.A.F. Resume Pounding Of Invasion Bases London, Dec. 4. THE R.A.F., as if to emphasize Mr Winston Churchill's warning that Britain may yet be invaded, hare resumed raiding Hitler's invasion bases since the Prime Minister spoke last Thursday, writes Reuter's air correspondent Evidently the RAJ 1 are taking no chance
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 PLEASE NOTE SHOPPING HOURS i»N X'MAS day we arc open till 1 P.M. ON BOXING DAY~we (LOSE for whole day. CHOTIRMALL'S RAFFLES HOTEL WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS A HAPPY XMAS TO-NIGHT Orchestral Concert 12.30 to 2 p.m. SPECIAL XMAS TIFFIN $2.00 12.30 to 2.30 p.m. SPECIAL XMAS DINNER DANCE (informal)
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    • 87 1 Greeting you. AND WISHING YOU A HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A BRIGHT NEW YEAR CHOTIRMALL'S SEAVIEW j| HOTEL BALL- KOOM PERFECTIT AIRCONOmONED BY SEABREEZE* TO-DAY LUNCHEON: Special X'Mas Luncheon served m the Bail-Room. $2. Concert from 12.45— 2.30 p.m. By Keller's Rand. DINNER-DANCE: Special X'Mas Dinner Dance B—l2 Midnignt. Dinner $4.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 181 2 WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS A MERRY X'MAS Gala Christmas Programme tor young and old .-OPENING TO-DAY 4 SHOWS-. I fi 1 i**\'5°' P .m. ALHAMBRA I WALT DISNEY'S ALL TECHNICOLOUR SHORT FEATURE PROGRAMME MICKEY and •iy^/ /k MINNIE MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, r^\f(^\ PLUTO, Etc, Also An entertaining V —^^Xift^ N
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  • 522 3 ITALIAN AIR FORC E IS DEALT CRUSHING BLOW 170 Planes Lost In Libya Alone Compared With 14 R.A.F. Machines GRAZIANI'S LAME EXCUSE jTAI/TS air force to been dealt a^ea™' bh£ hv the I .mashing raids of R.A.F bombers on bases m Libya and successful aenal combats of R.A.F B e
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  • 119 3 SCHEME OF CHINESE IN MALAYA AND BURMA Chungking, Dec. 24. pHINESE residents m Burma and Malaya are planning to raise sufficient funds to buy 200 trucks— loo by the Ma 1 ay an Chinese and another 100 by the Chinese m Burma— to help meet the
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 68 3 Zurich, Bee. 24. 'THE suggestion that representatives of the German and Italian Governments will meet shortly is made by the Rome correspondent of the Basler Nachrichten. The purpose of the meeting would be to discuss the joint attitude to be adopted toward the "unneutral policy" of
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 109 3 MAY BAR TRADE WITH EAST Tokio, Dec. 24. "THE possibility of a large-scale closure of Far Eastern markets to American imports m retaliation for the American restriction on Japanese imports into America as a "measure short of war" against Japan, is hinted m the Japan Times,
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 565 3 Churchill's "Last Appeal To Reason Clearly Heard In Italy London, Dec- 24. THE -message to Italy" of Mr. 1 Winston Churchill, broadcast m boih the English and Italian versions, was clearly heard m Italy, rroorts Reuter from Rome. The Fascists have decided to answer Mr Churchill's broadcast and Rome announces
    Reuter  -  565 words
  • 193 3 Athens, Dec. 24. THE dismay and uncertainty caused m Libya by the British offensive is described m the newspaper Yradyni by a Greek who escaped from Benghazi a few days ago. The inhabitants of Tobruk and Derna were fleeing south as refugees, he says, and the
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 69 3 Tokio, Dee. 24. JLfR KENKICHI YOSHIZAWA, former Japanese Foreign Minister and chief Japanese delegate to the Batavia negotiations, who was originally scheduled to arrive at Batavia to-day, will not arrive until Dec. 28. according to a semi-official Japanese report from Batavia. Mr. Yoshlzawa was due
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 57 3 Dublin. Dec. 24. MILITARY authorities have placed barriers across many roads throughout Eire, together with armed guards who have orders to ftre on persons who disregard their order to halt. An official announcement urges motorists to exercise great care as the barriers, which are semi -permanent, may m many cases
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 232 3 Cairo, Dec. 24. «U/E can well close 1940 m a spirit of confidence for the luture and pride for the past and present," says Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, Comman-der-in-Chief of the British forces m the Middle East, m a Christmas greeting to the troops m Egypt through
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 94 3 fIVIE Governor and Lady Thomas and party 1 attended last night's premiere of the British musical comedy, "Laugh It Off" which opened at the Pavilion The action is rather slow at the beg-innlrt? but livens up to provide a spectacular climax. Depicting the united strength of
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  • 132 3 BAN ON USE OF WANG REGIME'S BANKNOTES Shanghai. Dec. 24. THE Chinese Press fives prominence to an order from the Ministry of Finance at Chungking forbiddin? people to use banknotes other than hose printed or authorized by th« Chungking Government Those violating thLs order will
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 118 3 Tofcio, Dec 24. ITHE nature of the budget bill for the nevf fiscal year, totalling over 6.660,000,000 yen, which is to be submitted to the forthconung Diet session, was explained yesterday to members of the House of Reprcaentjuiv<"« of Mr. Isao Kawad*. Finance Minister, at a
    Eastern News  -  118 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 219 3 MEDICAL HALL LTD. take this opportunity to wish their customers A MERRY XMAS X CATH A V $^"*>«ftw^# > i^™ r i'H(»\r wt V Where Everybody Goes :3 S uj^ 4 Shows To day M I \f?^^< >/A^ XMAS 10 6.15. 9.15 4 l V^ 4L/ OrA> PATRO]SS -MO»N«O SHOW-
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  • 1683 4 Some Pretty Fancy Dress Costumes At Club Party Free Press Feature By MARY HEATHCOTT A FANCY dress party frequently gives you several new v lines on your friends. You learn either (a) what they think they're like or (b) what they think they'd like to be like. Dorothy X plum
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 107 4 1 a^ Ht^/i^w I Wit Jl llt**^^^^^^^— Mfc^Jaßtt I 1 f ii 1 f•* tS m. AHH^^fe I m A .1 .^r -Hot (it( £ju£ss! «»kinc by Gas eliminates all guess-work. Up-to-date Ga& Cookers give scientific oven-hea; control; make every dish a success; cook a whole meal without attention; reduce
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    • 135 4 RALEIGH THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE THE SPORTS LIGHT ROADSTER A HANDSOME and well equipped Lighi KcKidster admirably suited to all-roumi MB, FINISHED IN BLACK, GREEN OR BLUE SOLE AGENTS ROBINSONS RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE woßms JJjw»paraaite«. m addJUoa Co oaomnc ravenoua appeute. jL/fi Jftdifestlon, leanpeas. and a starnc coat, can so weaken
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  • 529 5 |HE Australian Mimster for the Navy (Mr. Hughes) I declared recently that merchant shipbuilding was as vital Vustraha as to Britain and the Minister for Customs (Mr. lirri>on) said the Cabinet was examining shipbuilding as i long-ranj;e problem. Hughes
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  • 67 5 PROFESSIONAL boxing has been banned m Osaka Pre ec e th n the ground that it is c jnder the new amusement enterpi^.se regulations which have been enforced r Dec. 20. 4a c Simultaneously, professional tenn-s oaseball players have been classea under the same category.
    Eastern News  -  67 words
  • 229 5 Air Boom When War Won "\^lltN the war is won. Aus- tralia will be among the first-class air Powers of the world." says the Australian Director-General of Civil Aviation (Mr. Corbett) m his annual report. Apart from a huge increase m pilots, ground engineers, and war aircraft, Australia will hav^
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  • 178 5 PILOTS of Coastal Command units who patrol the North Sea sometimes receive permission to seek out and bomb military targets, after completing their primary task of reconnaissance. Warships, supply ships and aerodromes are the favourite objects of attack, and it is rare for an aircraft with
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  • 117 5 STINKER a middle-aged, digninea spaniel, is one of the oldest in--1 habitants of a Coastal Command station m the eastern counties He was rtiere m the days of peace, and h as seen the station become a busy operational W OccSional bombs m the vicinity have only
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  • 176 5 AUSTRALIA'S Navy, which is being rapidly strengthened at a cost of millions, says the Sydney Sunday Telegraph, today consists of rQTlhprra The 10.000-ton cruisers Cagberra flagship- and Australia, the ™W-ton rulers Perth. Sydney, and Hobart. the older cruiser Adelaide 0.100 tons'.^ nve destroyers, two
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  • 794 5 An Airwoman "THE envelope had Air Ministry m the bottom left hand corner. My posting I tore it open with eager fingers. Would it be the Orkneys or the Isle of Wi^ht It was neither merely in somewhere m England, writes an Aircraftwoman.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 nrC C^*w* *fc^^^^T^v*' I*JBBB^B r m .wut m m k a^ /tAi'sfffcask j^B BfI£WEOANO«OTTLEOBY^^^^^^^^^* LArAI(BRfWf lESITO v >^^^X DISTRIBUTE BT fRASER &NEAVE I™ »I^\
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  • 619 6 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1940. Wa rtime Ch ristmas "/CHRISTMAS Under Fire has been very appropriately chosen as the title for the programme which the 8.8.C. will broadcast to the Empire to-night leading up to the speech by the King. In the Home Country, to which our
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  • 958 6 "Keep On Hitting:" Far East C.-in-C. On R.A.F.'s Task REFORE he came to Malaya as Commander-in -Chief, Far East, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham spoke on factors m air superiority at a luncheon given m his honour by the Rotary Club of London. He expressed his entire agreement with
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  • 65 6 THE fourteenth Japanese ser 1 murdered In the Japanese m Shanghai m recent week>Miyazaki, of the Japanese consula. He was "brutally murdered identified Chinese last Frid Nantao, a distort ad* cession, according to the Japan* 1 Fifteen slashes were and on He was picked up
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  • 540 6  -  Rose Patterson By AS Gen. Charles de Gaulle's move- ment grows, French citizens m Britain m all walks of life will soon be able to contribute their peculiar gifts and experiences to it. Naturally it was the fighting services that had first chance of standing
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 ||#ALLSOPPS B^B^BHBi I i .> ABA bW^B^Bb ilm itfcg c at I W^^^^^^H JbV ■bkbbbbb! bbbb liSsbb^bLbl i i ljgiS^y\ A BLENDED Y~2^\ CIGARETTE «imto cvC A NEW PRODUCT BY THE MOWUETO»S OF Hlade m tonqland, K. P. M. LINE Regular sailings to Java. Bali. Sumatra, Borneo and ail other
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    • 10 6 Kill r&jjl with •v^^V/ 01 HF TJ/V^^ FLIT 9±>*_avs KILLS
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  • 364 7 Plan For Aiding A.R.P. Training Rejected T has bi^n decided that Singapore will not undergo inlin-ive practice. i«:riuu 01 The sufrgestion to hold such a practice for a w of time is regarded by the authorities as unfavourable the Secretary for Defence,. Mr.
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  • 133 7 Ar\"LR hWftDg P^id v^ts to most oX the •roops garrisoned m Singapore, the Salvation Army carol singing party broadcast f hour Christmas Carol service Irom fjpew station last night. Beginning on Dec 18. the party visited Glllman Barracks and the Pearls Hill GaoL On Thursday
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  • 107 7 I -ING AIRCRAFTMAN Charles KendallVuracctt, of the RAF., was married to Retina Victoria Woelz, the daughter of UN Mrs. William Woclz. of Singapore. Singapore Registry yesterday. My. Sarracott is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kendall-Narracott. of Stowmarket. Ik, England. Hrn bride, who was given away by her
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  • 48 7 A CASE m which a Chinese is charged with robbing one Chun Mun of jewellery rth $571 with the use of a pistol In a back anr off Towner Roud on Oct. 17, was men:n the third court yesterday and post••■td to Jan. 4 an; 6 for hearing.
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  • 59 7 (From a San Francisco newspaper after the well-known English rhyme). London Bridge is falling down, London Bridge is falling down London Bridge is falling down My dear lady." Be it said to your renown That you wore your gayest gown, Your bravest smile and stayed m town
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  • 283 7 QVER a thousand of Malaya's v poorest people will be able to celebrate a happy Christmas when they receive gifts and money from the Salvation Army Christmas Cheer Fund this week. Many families dependant en the Silver Jubilee Fund will receive a cash grant to
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  • 192 7 Bamboo Stick Some Glue CAUGHT m the act of "fishing" a $5 note out of a shopkeeper's till by means of a bamboo stick to one end of which a little gum had been smeared, 40-year-old Musa bin Haji Noordin was sentenced to 15 strokes of the heavy rotan and
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  • 314 7 Confidence In Victory "/^•OD rest ye merry, gentlemen. sang the carollers last night at Government House to Sir Shenton Thomas and his party, at the garrisons, at clubs, and m homes, as they helped Singapore to welcome the second Christmas m this war. They sang with confidence
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  • 26 7 MR. T. T. SHEN. Chungking's charge d'affaires m Rome, has arrived m Singapore. It is believed that he is returning to Chungking to report.
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  • 39 7 MONEY raised for war purposes by the sale of Malayan War Savings Certificates is nearing the $2,000,000 mark. The latest total reported is $1,879,515, which shows an increase of about $300,000 m the last fortnight.
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  • 271 7 TEN COUPLES WILL GO TO THE ALTAR pHRISTMAS week, always a popular time for weddings, is more m favour than m many previous years, for as far as can be asce~tained now, ten couples will be married m Singapore within the next seven days six of
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  • 83 7 $5,000 Said To Be Involved PHARGED with an offence alleged to have taken place eight years ago— in June, 1932 a 57-year-old Tay Boon Guan claimed trial m the Singapore third court yesterday. Tay is alleged to have committed criminal breach of trust, m that year, of
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  • 40 7 IS IT REALLY FATHER CHRISTMAS This boy receiving his present at the R.A.M.C. children's party, held at the military hospital m Singapore, is taking a good look at the bearded face of Santa Claus. Free Press picture.
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  • 334 7 LAND urgently needed for military purposes was the subject of an application before the Rent Assessment Board yesterday. The Command Land Agent, through Major C. G. Burt, applied for permission to eject seven squatters from War Department land m Singapore. Major Burt said he
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  • 355 7 Failure To Return Oil Drums I TNNECESSARY use of steel and loss of foreign exihangv are being caused m Malaya hy failure to return oil drums to the oil companies. An official communiqui released yes-' terday states that the number of returnable
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  • 54 7 fTHIiEE months' rigorous imprisonment was the sentence imposed by the third magis- c J n -r G RaPPoport. yesterday on S3?* 1 2? Who *>***<* *unty to the theft of three pairs of trousers and a coat belonging to J W. Russell, from a motor-car m
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  • 56 7 THE Governor has received a tele pram from the Lord Mayor of London conveying his sincere thanks and appreciation for Malaya's further c-ontribi'lion to the Air Raid Relief Fund. This was a contribution of €1.611 sent on Dec. 5, making a tot? I of HlM]}
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  • 156 7 Rent Board Refuses Landlord's Plea "iyE do not like to feel that our hana, are tied by the assessing author ties; we are willing to be guided o-. them but we must have a free hand said Mr. Murray M. Jack, president of the Rent Assessment
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 25 7 'MINDA MORA' .TROPICAL QUEEN She's the most ravishing Beauty you've ever seen Cone and meet her at The CAPITOL at MIDNIGHT on NEW YEAR'S EVE
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    • 48 7 the oily p£a F£CT DI6£ST(fE PEPPERMINT A SWEET WITH AN APPEALING FLAVOUR OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE TO ALL OUR PATRONS PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE »c 32! is!) Sou 911 a fcisfjt Mmp Xmasf nnb jumper $rosperitp tn tfje JJeto gear UltilTfflllUlYS Kuala Lumpur Ipoh SINGAPORE Penang Taipeng
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  • 108 8 The King watching with interest an Australian soldier assembling a Vickers gun while blindfolded. In Palestine. Yeomanry Cavalry is playing; a great part m the maintenance of public security. Right* A motor torpedo boat bridge showing Lewis gun* manned. What happens
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  • 19 8 Indian troops on the- look-oat lor enemy aircraft during rnwn-*i;,»^_^— m-^^^^^^^^
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 215 8 1 I YORK. BOSTON VIA MANILA. HONG KONG PANAMA (ANAL Sa 11 Spore Arrive Si\ Arrive N Y BJI. PRESIDENT VAN BURKI Dec. Jl Jan 28 FW) 17 sj. ZOELLA LTKES Jan. 20 Prtj 16 \Ur T 5.6. RUEBIN TIPTON Peb 10 Max t MUr M PASSENGER ft FREIGHT SERVICE
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  • 420 9 Threats To Rich As Italy Takes A Beating pU 1A N .^.papers are attacking the well-to-do classes n jtaU hecause of their defeatist attitude tow ar is once more vile face as an enemy rland." is an epithet ed at these people and La given that they will d pitilessly."
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  • 176 9 Pro-Fascist Internees Old School fkLD Etonian and A.D.C. to Lord Forster when he was Governor-General of Australia, Captain Pitt-Rivers has sent a telegram of greetings from the camp where he is interned to Eton School on its 500 th anniversary. Signatories with him were his fellow pro- Fascist internees, Captain
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  • 34 9 Contrasting sharply with its grim exterior, the interior of a pill-box is made extremely comfortable for the men. Picture shows a crew relaxing inside a pill-box during an "off-duty" period
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  • 563 9 QNE of the closest censorships m Europe, clamped down on Eire newspapers, is responsible for the remarkable lack of interest by the Irish m a war being fought almost on their doorstep. Englishmen reading Eire newspapers are astonished by the
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  • 130 9 Machine War Breeds Rheumatism T>HE high incidence of rheu- mat ism among: soldiers is probably due to the intensive development of mechanized warfare, involving work m cramped conditions with frequent changes of temperature, says the annual report of the Empire Rheumatism Council. The Council, of which the Duke of Gloucester
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  • 238 9 TWENTY -FOUR Indian officers of the R.A.F., all experienced civil pilots, had tea with the King and Queen recently before they went to an R.A.F. training school to learn to fly service aircraft. The Indians were conducted by tne first Indian
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  • 147 9 A MAN who is so wealthy that he forgot two bank accounts worth nearly £30.000. has been fined £20.000. He is Mr. Coll MacDougall, a retired sugar-planter, more than 70 years old. He had failed to offer for sale to
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  • 305 9 Best Way To Hit Back At Enemy DESTRUCTION of enemy planes m the air, rather than at their bases, is the task that faces the defenders of Britain, writes th editor of The Aeroplane. In an impressive analysis of German air tactics, the editor expresses the oninion that the Germans
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  • 84 9 TEN head of *cattle became drun£ on opium at Ditnoliy, Australia, recently. Residents were str.rtled to ti*r cattle staggering along the n street. The cattle had been drinking railway station dam. Poi:py plants from the Soldiers Memorial Preserve had been thr into the dam. The cottle
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 201 9 HFHFH I The long and I I the short of it I I Wtechcvcr way joo Jook at it, doggy welfare there's aoLhiag I Spew's are doing a food job of beaet. Now take a doafs-eye (or a I *ork. Take yow owa point of bird't-eye-^ee bdow) new of it.
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    • 26 9 HELP C>\ to crack up "f\ Hitler >m@r i leas* <m /j^m ss^r t« toMTS d^m 3U/A ruv- sIX sST' Che«»e» Aon»^ ons '^^Hr v/i >unu
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 407 10 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES i i (INCORPORATED W KNQLAND) P. «t O. S. M. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are
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    • 405 10 AND tNJOY SCiNIC CANADA .^2l^ Tyy^c^j., i^ ii apeea across ttte Paclftc Dj luxurious imprest liners, then Victoria stop over If you wish and Vancouver In Canada's Evergreen playground fast through AIR CONDITIONED trains from ship's side at Vancouver take you through the Majestic Canadian Rockies Lake Louise. Banff 600
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    • 444 10 MANSFIELD CO., LTD BLUE FUNNEL LINE, Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to rJI? aot War Clauses. v Oflf «'"enc f WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST Regular Service* to >c mantle Perth F R by «r»t class oassenger ships Single fare
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  • 9 11 At The Cinema oirrvrx* <_
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  • 42 11 SHIRLEY TEMPLE AT THE CATHAY JNthe 20th Century-Fox picture. -Young tril« *f** J* how thnt Broadway artistes jrtjd to change the old-fashioned waytf ££l** aa ft^niag town, "Young S nX.^ Uvredteat of an enS! The film has plenty of music and song—
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  • 48 11 OVELY Deanna Durbln scored another *-h!t m her latest film, "Spring Parade" which had a midnight showing at the Capitol yesterday The picture seethes with happiness, melody and comedy, enhanced by Deanna's singing and the fine performances of Mlscha Aver Robert Cummings and a good supporting
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  • 55 11 A STIRRING m drama of the day when buccaneers were rampant m the West Indies "Captain Caution." the Hal Roach aim which had a midnight showing at the Cathay yesterdey, is a vivid and colourful production It makes gripping entertainment and there are stellar performances by Victor Mature
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  • 49 11 ANN SHERIDAN and James Cagney are partnered again m an exciting picture "City for Conquest," which was the Alhambra's midnight show for Christmas Eve. They make a grrat team. Ann's dynamic personality and Cagney 's toughness forming a combination that keeps the audience m suspense throughout.
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  • 219 11 Mind Deranged By Lack Of Opium LJIS balance of mind deranged through lack of chandu, Yap leu, a 29-year-old Hokkien lorry labourer, dived headlong from the lorry while it was travelling along Paya Lebar Road on the night of Dec. 12. "This is the first time
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  • 1122 11 News From China By Our Chinese Correspondent DUMOURS that Japanese troop. concentrations m South China were a prelude to either the long-heralded southward push or the drive northward from Canton, were refuted by a Chinese military spokesman at the foreign press conference m
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  • 128 11 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Dec. 24, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 3**4 38Vfc No. IX R.S.S. P. 0.8. to cases (Dec. -Jan. (Sellers option) 38% 38 st G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. P. 0.8 m bales Dec. -Jan. (Sellers option) 38 3*»4 P.A.Q. R.S.B.
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  • 114 11 DEOISTRATION of overseas Chinese at Chinese consulate* throughout Malaya will cease at the end of this month. It began fire years ago. Main object of the registration hat been to make statistics of orerseas Chinese readily arailable. It will also facilitate the tracing of those who
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 397 11 CLASSIFIED AOVERTISEMEITS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPAUTT Tenders. are now tnvtted for the ?J£id« materials or senrteea. Pot »gJ3srt MnnldpsJ Tenders WStoa of 3,000 Single Phase A. C. •BjSrs. 10 Amperes, 230 Volts, SC rcies. Date cf closing. 4 pja. Jan. tonol j oi standard High Pressure opper Ctoslnt. Advanced to 4
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    • 19 11 TO LET AVAILABLE JAN. 2. modern bungalow, Katong, furnished or furniture to be taicen over. Tele: *****, 5—7 p.m.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 131 11 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST i Mails close at the General Part Oflir* as follows: TO-DAY J»*a air i PalembanK air 9 ra FRIDAY Aden s.!r 4p.m. Africa air ,4 p.m. Australia air 4pm Burma air Ceylon air 4p.m. Darwin air 4pm. Egypt air 4p.m. Great Britain etc air 4 p.m.
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  • 81 12 1 hough they were decisively beat«n by the S.R.C. m a hockey match «n the padang on Monday by four goals to one, the hockey team of Technical School. Kuali Lumpur, proved it must be one of the most formidable school hockey sides m Malaya. Hi«
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  • 708 12 Brilliant Threes And Halves In Padang Rugby Game S.C.C 13; R-A.F. (Tengah) 0. CPARKLING threequarter movements by the Club, and •^the brilliance, m particular, of their halves, J. B. Potter and Lieut. G. Macpherson, were the features of a game of
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  • 218 12 A.-A. Gunners Beat Fort At Rugger •"PHE Anti- Aircraft Regiment. Changi. beat Fort Canning by ten points (two roals) to six (two tries) m a very keenly e?n'ested tame of rugger at Changi o n Monday. The match produced many good movements and the rugger was always fast and clean.
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  • 77 12 THE following players have been selected to represent the Merry Union 8.P., againsl the Spartan B.P. m a friendly match, consisting of five singles and two doubles, to be played at the Happy World covered stadium, at 7.30 pjn. on Sunday: Richard Tan, Salleh Ahmad. M M.
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  • 59 12 M. Scott, W. J. N. Lee, P. H. Burgess; J. B. Potter, Lieut O. Macphenon; C. F. Colcheater, T Turner, A. M. Carbery, Lieut. Q. B. Henry. Capt. E. A. de L. Young, O. W. S. Waltes. and T C. Hamlyn. R.A.F. (T«n*ah) Rodgen; Brown, Smith, Dawsoo, Morrison; Thomas, Pevah;
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  • 223 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan*, Dec. 24. npOYMAN, Kentucky, Esquire and Dinna Forget were about the four rnrst impressive horses m training here to-day m preparation for Thursday's races. Toyman did a fast gallop dcwn the straight, and will be a chance with
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  • 1270 12 Jack Druce And First Ra Best Bets To-morrow OPENING DAY OF PENANG RACE MEETING THE chances of trainer M. van Breukelen saddling the winners of the three events for class one horses m Penan? to-morrow, the first day of the Penang Turf Club's
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  • 97 12 CELECTIONS, subject to scratch- ings for to-morrow's races m Penang are: Horses, class 1. div. 1. G furtonfs. Bridge Law, Mediation. Horses, class 1, div. t» furlongs. —The Fox, Athhoy. Horses, class 1, 7 furlongs. Jack Druce, Scottish Rirte. Horses, class 3, div. 1, .">'•> furlongs. Straight Flight, Cambalong.
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  • 108 12 rplBS m the Useful Badminton Party's 1 annual championships, to be played on Saturday, are as follows: OPEN DOUBLES Wee Kirn Wee and Sim Thlam Yew vs. Cheo En& Hoe and Teo Seng Lcong; Raymond Frois and Ec Tian Boon vs. P. T. Paul and U. A. Menon;
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  • 57 12 ON Sunday the Mayblassom BP. "B" team will play a return match against the Chinese Sports Association "B" team. The match will take place at the Dardanella 3.P.S court No. 48. Teluk Kurau Road, at 2 p.m. sharp. The following players will represent the Mayblossom B.P. Abdullah Mattai
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  • 282 12 Mt. Raiment 2: CS.C DLAYING a hockey match against the Ceylon Sptiti Qi 1 at Balestier yesterday, the Mountain Regiment won two goals to nil. Akhough one goal was a doubtful shot, the soldiers fully deserved to w.n They had a. much better forward
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  • 154 12 HTHE suggestion that Hungar been stealing Czecho-Si thunder by claiming as her own celebrated violinist, Jan Kube'.ii died last week m Berlin, is made f the Ccnsul-Gencral for Czech kia m Australia. Dr. Adolf S "Despite his well-known pride r. Czech origin and his life-. to
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  • 50 12 A. Claris flicks tlie ball past three defenders pha* of Monday's hockey match on the pa nan? m which th f sri Technical School. K.L. by four foals to one. Nicky Su'.liv ah tf two of the Club's goals, can be sen m the background picture.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 ggg let the Hi le§l Royal Bakery gr^ make your jf CHRISTMAS 11 tS?^ CAKE ;v f^irv^ omtf and d«eorat«d by Europe gg^ NlltO Bakir. SCi!S PHO X E 5376 «FiH£ LI"E* &J J^KS^J -A*»« Q/ Singapore Coid Storage Co M LU
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