The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Si ngapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 1ti.279. 1835 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 430 1 Entire Blackshirt Battalion Captured As Key Town Falls OT Athens, Dec. 23. VI is officially announced that the Greeks have captured Chimara, key town on the Adriatic coast road to Valona. An entire battalion of Blackshirts, consisting of 30 officers and 800 men, has
    Reuter  -  430 words
  • 143 1 Swift Progress Detailed London. Dec. 23. ripin air training scheme anada is well ahead of revealed to-day by Col. Canadian Minister for to fei visiting England for with the Government :y authorities. with Reuter. Col- that the air training d for 104 schools and
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 83 1 T: United Suates Navy has developed 00 m.pii. fighter plane— the I I m the world with a radial airr.gine. states the New York '-Tribune. .as confounded experts of the Air Corps, who had pinned their streamlined liquid- cooled les suniiar to the Spitfires, adds
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  • 25 1 Norfolk. Va, Dec. S3. I AL Leahy, newly appointed n Ambassador to the Petaln Governft for Vichy to-day aboard the d States cruiser Tuscalcosa.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 204 1 London. Dec. 23. THHE jud^e*. of the Norwegian supreme court have unanimously resigned as a protest against Naal Commissioner Terboven's interference with their duty. The resignation, the consequences of which may be grave, followed a declaration by Terboven that the court had no riftht to interfere with p
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 41 1 PresMent Roosevelt ha« tentatively arranged to discuss the "©resent emergency (arislnr oat of the Na«i wmroin* orer aid to Britain) by a radio "fireside chat" to the nation »n S«nd»y li aanooneed to-day. The time ">« broadcast will be aaaomiee* «wr.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 75 1 Washington, Dec. 23. 'THE Administration is consider- ing asking Congress for authority to requisition foreign ships interned m the United States and to repeal the Neutrality Act to permit American ships to carry supplies to Britain, reports the New York Herald Tribune from here to-day. According
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 148 1 Tension Between Vichy And Berlin Now Relieved New York, Dec. 23. ''PHE feeling m Vichy is that the increased tension between the Petain Government and Berlin has been relieved, reports the Vichy correspondent of the New York Times. Two points, he says, seem assured. Firstly, that Marshal Petain will not
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 107 1 London, Dec. 23. ACTING Squadron Leader D. R. S. Bader, D.5.0., who was invalided out of the service^ when he lost both legs and subsequently rejoined the R.A.F. and learned with the use of artificial limbs to manipulate the controls, is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 349 1 London, Dec. 23. TTO-DAY'S news from the Western Desert is that the number of Italian prisoners moved out of the br.ttle area is nearly 36,000, while several thousands more are still waiting to be moved. Bardia is still m Italian hands and there
    Reuter  -  349 words
  • 666 1 "MO counter-attack could be launched against the British armoured divisions" says Marshal Graziani, Com-mander-in-Chief of the Italian army m Libya, detailing what he describes as '*the first phase of the operations m the Western Desert" m a long report sent to Mussolini.
    Reuter  -  666 words
  • 199 1 'Missing' Officer Is Heir To Millions London, Dec. 2*. A BRITISH officer who was report- ed "missing, believed dead.' is chief heir to the Furness millioi. He is the Hon. Mr. Christopher Purness, son of Viscount Furness, shipbuilder and industrialist who died m October, leaving an unsettled estate valued at
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 53 1 London. Dec. 23. BOTH Ludwigshaven and Mannheim were bombed last night, according to on Air Ministry communique, and nres and several explosions resulted. Other targets m the Rhineland were also attacked, while the ports of Dunkirk, Flushing and Calais m enemyoccupied territory were bombed One British aircraft
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 42 1 London, Dec. 23. SIR Reginald Hugh Dorm an -Smith, former Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, has been appointed Governor of Burma on the expiry of Sir Archibald Cochrane's tenure of office m May 1941. Reuter.
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  • 37 1 LMUlon, l>n. 23. *T^HE Kiru: held a privy council at Bucking. ham Palace this morning at which Mr Anthony Eden received his seal of office *a Foreign Secretary and Capt. Manrex >n mm Secretary for War.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 163 1 BIGIA TEA BRINGS THE FRESHNESS AND FRAGRANCE OF THE MALAYAN GARDEN! DIRECT TO YOUR HOME SEA VIEW HOTEL X'MAS EVE: Dec. 24. SPECIAL X'MAS DINNER BALL 8 pm.-2 am. CARNIVAL NOVELTIES. DINNER $5.00 Non-Diners $2.00 including tax. Dance Music by The Band of H.M The Loyals Regt (North Lancashire) by
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  • 380 2 DRIVER FINED $20 REMARKING that he took a rather serious view of the case, Mr. Conrad Oldham, sitting m the Traffic Court yesterday, fined a motorist, S F Sayers, $20 for "driving without due regard to the safety of others." The case was a sequel
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  • 161 2 pOR stealing the swings of a boot-boy for whom he worked. Karam Singh, a 20--year-old youth, was sentenced to three months' rigorous Imprisonment to be followed by a year's police supenision, m the Singapore fifth court yesterday. Court Inspector M. M. Whittles alleged that Karam
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  • 57 2 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec 23. 13LTH1LE swimming m a pond at Kampong Kepayang yesterday, 18-year-old Armithilingam lost his life. A student at Chee Van English School, he was a member of the Eighth Ipoh Boy Scouts Troops. It would appear that he was undergoing a swimming
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  • 82 2 THE Soulh Indian Muslim League. Singapore, announces that Mr. M. A. Jinnah's 65th birthday will be celebrated by a gathering at the Happy World covered stadium at 3 p.m. to-morrow, with Mr. Haji Adam N. Mohamed Ibrahim m the chair. Speeches will be made by Cap:. N.
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  • 17 2 London. D«c. 13. A NOTHER Newfoundland artillery con- tlngect hits arrived at a west coast port.- Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 191 2 THE HARDY FAMILY WISH YOU ALL A MKH/t) aj/^i SPEND X'MAS EVE WITH THEM TO-MCRT* I 315 I AT THE TOWN c; n~ OPENING TO-DAY Sj popular «no2»^ 4 SHOWS DAILY from TO-MORROW THE CAPITOI Come with Andy on a trip round New York's swell Night-clubs. See him gel hi^
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  • 463 3 Accompanied By High Command Chief IMPORTANT TALKS WITH FAR EAST C.-in-C. AUSTRALIA'S Minister for War, Mr. Percy C. Spender, and the Chief of the Australian General Staff, Lieut.Gen. V. A. H. Sturdee, have arrived m Singapore for important and far-reaching: discussions with the Cotnmander-in-Chief, Far
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  • 212 3 Serious An ti-German Riots Reported In Occupied France cF .Rl, US anti-German riots hare been occurring m occupied France for a month, it is now revealed? reports 1.-don correspondent of the Sydney Teleeraoh or one demonstration, m which four People 'were --BB.i^i. there were 123 arrests. P The "war guilt'
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  • 92 3 A London, Dec. 23. FTER four raids by the R.A.F. m less than a *eek, Mannheim's industrial capacity must have suffered enormously, it i* stated m London. Its docks, now heavily damaged. were the largest m the interior of Germany after those of DuisburgRuhrort and
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  • 487 3 Heaviest Nazi Raid On Manchester London, Dee. 23. MANCHESTER had its longest and severest air raid last night. After many hours of blitz, a pall of smoke hung over the city this morning. The raid started shortly alter dusk when enemy raiders, apparently ap- proaching the city from the south,
    Reuter  -  487 words
  • 42 3 QUEEN HELEN BACK IN BUCHAREST Bucharest, Dec. IS. QUEEN Helen, mother of King Michael of Rumania, returned here on Saturday afternoon from abroad. She went to Italy from Bucharest a few days before the Iron Guard massacres m Rumania ;ast month.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 89 3 London. Dec. 23. Ai Ut(.K steel buoy e^aipped for Ifet use of German airmen down m the ihannrl has a^h'-re jn the south-east l-nclanl to-day. \hirh had been moor- 4 off the Frencn -oast, has ac,i.ition for several persons equipped with hunks. Airmen rould
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 98 3 Bangkok, Dec. 23. 4 N revival of fighting on A Indo-China frontier yester--veaied m a Thailand comssued here to-day. -:r.ur.ique states that French pened heavy artillery, anti- -nine-gun and rifle fire on m from Thakek. The 1 over 100 shells but caused is "retaltsftcd promptly
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 67 3 Cbf tfl -'00 and 350 and New Zealand i m the Mediterranean area. Uian hospital ship to; the war began has already Australian por:. is a'so carrying some v^'ralian naval men irom ::.AN. m the Meditorra- men on board are able i there are som
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  • 56 3 \mman < Trans iordania), f>ec. 23 V Abdullah of Transjordan was esented with a personal penant >rary air commodore of the *AF yesterday. The Emir expressed ||M pnie at rejoining the British fight's, and recalled he was the last rincc of the Hasheimld family
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 88 3 "TWELVE United States re-built de- stroyers will be supplied to Mexico shortly for naval training purposes, according to the Herald-Tribune's Mexico correspondent, states the New York correspondent of the Sunday Sun. Sydney. Plans for sending the destroyers to Mexico had been delayed until Senor
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  • 467 3 Washington. Dec. 23. Q NIfIENT officials here exress deep satisfaction at the •on of Lord Halifax as British icr to the United States. earliest reactions to Mr. Eden's ment to the Foreign Office are rable, :ax's widely known txans- erity and
    Reuter  -  467 words
  • 62 3 London. Dec. 23. I ORD Halifax will take up his L appointment as British Ambassador In Washington early m the nevr year, writes Reuter's diplomatic correspondent. It is understood that Lady Halifax will accompany him to the United States. The new Foreign
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 72 3 Tokio, Dec. 23. IN a bid to prevent Gen. Chiang Kai-shek from receiving supplies through South China ports, the Japanese commander-in -chief m Chinese waters has announced the extension of the Japanese blockade to all ports along the south-western shores of Kwangtung province, according to the Domei
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 235 3 Berne, Dec. ZZ. COREIGN planes are stated to have flown over Switzerland last night and dropped two bombs near Zurich, causing some damage and several injuries to people. This is confirmed m an official Swiss army communioue whicn states: "Swiss air space was violated several times
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 95 3 rpHR Minister of Transport has paid a tribute to the courage of modern women who have kept the wheels 01 traffic running m spite of air raid.s He said that both conductors and drivers had shown a high sense of duty and realised their responsibility
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 160 3 RED PALM OIL This oil contains considerable quantities of Vitamin -A and is specially prepared for use a* cooking oil and as a medici »c. It is excellent fat preventing m flu en *a. courhs and cold* 5O cts* per Bottle Obtainable from MEDICAL HAM LTD. BATTEBY ROAD. GRAND I
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  • 612 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1940. Ca bine t Cha nges IT is difficult to say whether the appointment of Lord Halifax as the new British Ambassador m Washington is of greater public interest than the return to the Foreign Office of Mr. Anthony Eden 'Both appointments may
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  • 922 4 SEA POWER, Well Used, Can Win This War THAT Britain, a maritime nation with a £reat tradition of naval warfare behind her, should formulate her wartime strategy on the basis of the fleet rather than on huge land armies to engage Continental expeditions is the contention of T124, author of
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  • 101 4 British men enemy action i ended Dec. 15-16 average for the While the Gem: sunk 82.450 tons the British Ac:: the losses were fiv< a large gran toni addition, two Ml 10.646 tons wt r« I Authoritative di the country tl to jump to
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  • 290 4 rFHE Nazi conception of race, the idea of a Herrenvolk m jackboots, is going to prove the undoing of the German attempt to dominate their neighbours m Europe, writes The Tablet, the English Catholic weekly. The same doctrines, and famous phrases of Hitler about
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 297 4 \o make a proper GIMLET but the LIME |%#%^PV^ JUICE must t>e ll|l\k\ By Special appointment Established .^^J^'l^S i 872; NEWEST DESI6NS IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rinas Clio Watches. inKvrporntea tm Ctfinn/ SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG, K. P. M. LINE Regular to Java, Bali, Sumatra, Borneo and all other
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    • 121 4 First m Malaya NUMONT FUL-VUE riie refinement and symmetry of Numont Pul-vue styling is evident at a glance. Here ts truly nandsome eye wear Each of ;ne features nclow is an added reason for selecting Numont Ful-vue for your own glasses. 1. Endpieces not attached to lenses. Numont Pul-vue construction
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  • 1544 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By |B< >UT 250 parents turned up A King's School m Paterid 00 Saturday afterfor the end of tern: It was a good unity for them to see nbined results of their gs' work for the past I
    Free Press  -  1,544 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 We cordially extend to all our Customers j and out of S/ n gap or oai best w i s K c s tor A Merry Christmas A Prosperous .•c iaKe this opportunity of reminding you that Ur 2^ Jthk JLj JBi wiU end to da V Tor the convenience
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    • 32 5 PER LARGE TUBE Slit does not act like a gum, Molding the nau by artificial means, but, by assisting the hail to assume natural waves Sola Everywhere Sole Agents GRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD.
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    • 126 5 MALAYAN PEWTER P- 1 FOR GIFTS L- tddj. When Christmas shopping, call to see our bin display. MAYNARDS Battery Rd. LIPTON'S means TEA i m every Language! I P Whatever language they speak, people who h appreciate the best know that Lipton's means Tea and the best of Tea. H
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  • 256 6 London s 6 Bravest Women ASKED by Ralph Ingersoll, editor of "P.M." the New York daily news-magazine, to name London's six bravest women, the London correspondent of that paper cabled. THE QUEEN (whose calm sharing of danger has been an inspiration to the nation). MRS. SCANLON, wife of the American
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  • 54 6 T*HE Daily Herald's Lisbon (Portugal) correspondent says that many Canadians and Australians werp ui}= r.ble to icaYc r.^ia oeiore mt vierrnans Amon? British women rounded up throughout occupied France, he says., 600 were from Paris dstrict. j They were sent to concentration comps and allowed only
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  • 251 6 Old Sea Dog's Utter Contempt For Blitzkrieg AT the age of 85, Capt. J. M. Caul- feild, retired British naval! officer, now m ,Sydn?y, defied the bombs of Nazi raiders over London. "If the Germans wanted to get me they could get me m bed," he said. "I wasn't going
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  • 69 6 A 20-year-old Yorkshire laundress was married recently to a man whose mother is a distant relative of the Queen. The bride was Miss Jean Crawford and the bridegroom Captain Patrick Drummond Scott, 27. The couple met at a dance a fortnight before. Captain Scott's brother officers
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  • 48 6 Units of the Royal Indian Army Service Corps now m England are a waiting shipment of horses, originally ordered by France, which are being delivered to Britain. Picture shows an Indian soldier winding the pugaree of his headdress m a camp somewhere m England."
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  • 566 6 Russians Confiscated £200,000 From Evacuating Britons LJUNDREDS of pounds m notes smuggled m the peak of his cap and the lid of a cabin trunk by an Australian provided money for the evacuation of 174 British subjects from Baltic States to Australia. The story was told when the last group
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  • 141 6 Britain Gives Help To Spanish Govt rV T MI s of more British help to Spain were released m London recently. British authorities have made provision for the shipment to Spain of 6.000 tons of manganese ore and jute from India. The British Government has bought the entire Spanish crop
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 176 6 COMMERICAL SUBJECTS ENROL NOW Enrolments are now oeing made lor the commencement ot classes, during December for the 1940/41 year of training, m the following subjects All London Chamber of Commerce 1341 examination subjects. London Matriculation June 1941 and January 1942. School Certificate Examination, December. 1941. All Pitman Commercial Certificate
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    • 153 6 m. ft '■■■A k y s 'ft i y V^^» WHAT BETTER PRESENT? Every gift of a War Savings Certificate is a lstl reminder of the goodwill and friendship of the K j vei towards the recipient. Every dollar invested m the purchase of War Saving* Certificates helps Britain m
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  • 222 7 When Approaching A *T" Junction viMlity of motor-car drivers to the left as much as posapproaching a T Junction a- as stressed by the Judge raffle Court yesterday, during of a charge of negligent td that the defendant, n Pestel. was negligent m .rned into Beach
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  • 60 7 r a charge of frequenting a Sorangoon Road for the .h icmakinp. to which he had at a previous hearing. All bin was fined $150. or ten weeks' ris :.ment, m the third court stated that when the police arthrcw away an envelope which, was recovered and found
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  • 78 7 n. M. BHOPALAN. a 30-year-old Malayalee, claimed trial m the third court yesterday to a charge under the Defence Regulations. The charge alleged that he broke his agreement with his employers. Messrs. Topham, Jones and Railton. on Dec. 20 at :he Naval Base, knowing that by
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  • 122 7 SIR > hen ton Thomas's appeal to lend money free of interest for the prosecution of the war is already bearing fruit. The Financial Secretary, Singapore, yesterday received a cheque for $100,000 from Wearne Bros, and another cheque for S:>0,000 from Mr. T. J. B. Wearne,
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  • 397 7 GOVERNMENT AS MALAYA'S ONLY RICE IMPORTER Contracts Cover All Of Next Year's Needs 'rice sL n.J re at Mala y a should <*tain aH the shoXre of I" 1 194^ and that there h °»M be no the SemLrft T™ f ch f S has occurred thi year, and JavfT?
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  • 87 7 "FIIE King will broadcast a mes»- age to the Empire m this year's special Christmas Broadcast from the 8.8.C. to-morrow. The title of the feature is "Christmas Under Fire." It will take the form of flashes from the British Empire and Allied fighting forces on the
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  • 251 7 GOVERNOR TELLS THE L.D.C. i "1 CONSIDER that the duty of this I 1 Corps is to do anything it may be called upon to do anything," said the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, addressing the Singapore Local Defence Corps at their first I parade which
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  • 252 7 MOTORING TRAGEDY ATTEMPTING to avoid a dog which was crossing the path of his car, a Johore trader, Ng Ah Chok, driving his family home along the Mandai Road on Dec. 15, swerved his vehicle to the left. The car mounted a yrass verge,
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 picture. One of Hollywood's most promising 1 juvenile actresses, 13-year-old Sybil Jason right with her elder sister Anita, who have arrived m Singapore by the President Jackson on their way to South Africa to rejoin their parents Free Press
    Free Press  -  42 words
  • 117 7 rNOWN m most parts of Europe and m Great Britain as an artist of great skill, Mr. Liv Hai-siu is m Singapore, after a series of exhibitions m the Netherlands Indies. An exhibition of his work is being arranged m Singapore m aid of the China
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  • 81 7 »|TEN strokes of the heavy rotan and one 1 month's rigorous imprisonment was the sentence imposed on a snatch -thief, Wong Kee San, who pleaded guilty m the third court yesterday to the theft of a gold locket from a Chinese woman m Trass Street at 9.30 a.m. To
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  • 12 7 Senor Manuel Cuadros-Cerda, a Chilean diplomat, has arrived In Singapore from Tokio.
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  • 325 7 PILFERING FROM CARS CENTENCE of six weeks' rigorous imprisonment was •^passed on lun lam Seng, a 24-year-old Hokkien refugee from China, who admitted m the Singapore fifth court yesterday that he stole, among other things, military papers of a confidential nature from
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  • 129 7 CIX of the seven Municipal Comn due to retire at the end of thY have been renominated by their iwpKtfc associations Their names have tx« submitted to Government for apj r «>^ Thcv are Mr. B. Lowick iStrai s Settlements Singapore >, Associatim I x P. D. Thompson and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 CAPITOL RESTAURANT TO-NIGHT X WAS EVE DIMMER $3.00 Mfnu Hors D'oeuvre Varies Clear Turtle Soup Hutted Salmon, lloUandaise Sauce drilled Tournedus Kossini K..jL>t Stuffed Turkey and Ham Ird \>paragus Mayonnaise Sauce Mince Pies V MAS t'uddin*. Brandy Sauce Peach Melba r'aney Dessert, Cafe Opening night of xMi* HARDY MEETS di:hi
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    • 132 7 You've still got one more day to visit ROBINSON'S TOYLAND j OPEN TILL 6.00 P.M. TODAY j 418 I mmm^^m m bmm ■^■bmm^ «^HMaa«^m m M^ 1 h e 1941 jEurmc snuipo I This latest addition to the Standard Motor Co.'s range has all the qualities of the Two-Door Eight,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 407 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED OJ ENGLAND) P «c O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. The oest possible services are being maintained by The P O. 3. N. Coy. from the Straits to their asuai ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. 1 Passenger? are requested
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    • 332 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m f*MS) rELCPHONE: freight MS2 »»aasa'» i4ll SAAOIAJI PACIfIC WB^BTSbBCT (Tncomorateci m Gngland) Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— A croea Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic bj EMPRESS n m DUCHESS n or MONT steamers to the United
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    • 409 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD BLUE FUNNEL LINE. frequent Sailings to Unitec Kingdom Qat e guaranteed, all cargo ooklngs subject tc War Clauses. r —»m* WES I KRN AUSTR a L| a THE SHORT ESI SEA ROUTE AT rv| t C M£APe^i Regular Services to >c mantle I Perth i i 9
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  • 1600 9  -  Nomad In The Garrison -By THE Malaya Signal Company concert party gave their initial performance at the R.A. (Blakan Mati) Sergeants' Mess on Saturday and were extremely well received. They presented their show m the form of a scena and the action took place
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  • 542 9 Malayan O.C.T. U. Passes Out Its First Officers AMONG signs of Singapore's growing military importance is a ceremony which took place on a sunlit parade ground last Saturday —the passing out ceremony of Malaya's first officer cadets m this war. The 33 cadets on parade, wearing the khaki uniforms of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 663 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BOARD RESIDENCE SEMTOSA SENESTA 41, STEVEMS ROAD A lew mlnuttg- from Tmglin club. ?Iti OUb l c Bimonthly. PrSS? YORK LODGE 64, LLOYD ROAD, SINGAPORE. SUPERIOR RESIDENTIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Well Furnished Rooms and Exceptional Cuisine. Daily or Monthly. Tbone 3353. EDUCATIONAL RAFFLES INSTITUTION EVENING CLASSES 1941 If the number
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    • 78 9 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS will pubtish as usual on Christmas Day December 25 There will be no ISSUE on Boxing Day, Dec. 26 Publication will be resumed on Dec. 27 SHIPPING NOTICE' STRAITS— NEGAPATAM— MADRAS FREIGHT RATES Shippers are advissd that, effective immediately, all rates of freight from Straits shown
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    • 169 9 I Order delicious Magnolia I I Ice Cream for your next I I "Social". ..order it this I 1 convenient and money I I saving way I BHB Organisers of social functions will find orderir.g BHH their ice cream by the gallon both economical ami convenient. For instance, one gallon
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 121 9 Garrison Diary To-day: Novelty evening and games tournament, R.E. (Changi) Sergeants' Mess. Concert, Alexandra Depot Mess. Social, Locals' Sergeants' Mess. Children's Chris Unas Party, Gordon Illgii landers. Whist drives at R.A. (Changi Married Families' Club and Fort Canning Sergeants' Mess). Thursday: Christmas dances, Man eh esters' Sergeants' Mess and R.A
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  • 793 10 RECREATION CLUB BEAT TECHNICAL SCHOOL Sheik Mansur's Brilliant Display For Visitors WINNERS' ATTACK PROVES TOO GOOD S.R.C 4; Technical School, X.L 1. WHEN the Technical School, Kuala Lumpur, met the Singapore Recreation Club m a game of hockey on the padanir yesterday, spectators saw the Selangor State cent ref or
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  • 102 10 THHE Singapore team m the National Rifle Association's 303 full rangle postal match scored 1062 points at the Seletar range on Sunday. The conditions of the match were one sighting shot and ten shots to count at 300 yards, 500 yards and 600 yards.
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  • 373 10 HOCKEY AT HONG LIM GREEN S.C.RC. 3: Fort Canning- 2 RALLYING brilliantly m the second half after being two goals down m the first, the S.C.R.C. scored three *oals to snatch a narrow victory from Fort Canning m a hockey game at
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  • 27 10 |X a rather boisterous game of hockey played on the V.M.C.A. ground yesterday, the V.M.C.A. beat the Field Ambulance by two goals to one.
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  • 60 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Dec. 23. PLAYING on the High Schocl ground yesterday. Raffles Institution hockey team sustained their second successive defeat at Malacca at the hands of the High School, losing by four goals to nil. Tarn Kong Chee scored twice m the first
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  • 118 10 Admiral H. W. Grant, a director of Cable and Wireless, Ltd has been appointed chairman and managing director of the Marconi Company, states a message received m Singapore. The case In which James Hearity, 30-year-old Britisher, is charged with using eriminM force to a European police officer at the Naval
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  • 31 10 UR. J. G. Rappoport. the Singapore third magistrate, who has been undergoing Intensive training for six weeks with the Volunteer Air Force, resumed duties m the third court yesterday
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  • 379 10 Si Furlongs Run Provided For Ponies In Class One 'THE PeraK Turf Club's "Spitfire" 1 meeting, I*4l, will, according to the official pre gramme received yesterday, be held on Jan. 18, Jan. 22 and Jan. 25, and entries will close at 3 p.m. on
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  • 113 10 The Manchester Regiment boxing team, Malaya Command, inter unit champions, photographed with the Middlesex Cup, which they won when they beat the Gordon Highlanders m the finals at Tanglin on rhursday night: Front Row (left to right): Pte. Patten, Ptc. Green, L/c. Bimson, Sgt. Carney, 2/Lt. G.
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  • 394 10 S.C.C 3; Gordons 2. j PLAYING without a goalkeeper did not prove so serious a. handicap to the S.C.C. as it should have been, for playing good hockey on the padang yesterday the Club's second string beat the Gordon Highlanders by three soals
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  • 104 10 MORE facilities for sports will be provided by the Aw brothers for the benefit of the rhtnese community m Singapore. A meeting of Chinrce sports enthusiasts will shortly be called by Mr. Aw Boon Haw to discuss plans for building a bi gymnasium on grounds adjoining
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  • 53 10 THE Island Clubs Women's December Medal competitir n was won by Mrs E. Moloney. The best cards returned were Mrs. Moloney 52 15- o7 Mrs. L. Leijssius 56—18-38 Mrs. M. S. Marshall 50— 10 40 The woman captain's prize competition has been postponed to
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  • 266 10 A LLEOATIONS that a Naina Marican. Km 1^ of a quantity of rattS^l M S^aC on Oct 7- that it™ alued and they cheated |fl component, to th( that the Corn^rciT sted of the i;v. Battery Road opened Overseas Chines^ B.i $500 on Sept 21 :i Two
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  • 214 10 CHARGED ox making: ia^t itafcMi police inspector and giving ladse evidd.In the district traffic ooun were explained to two women, Lim Huan Sea alias Urn Hoc Siah, aged 44, and Mary Che* tMm Chen Gee Chow, aged 21. m mt Singapore i court yesterday. The charges against
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 Choose a British Empire Champagne y^ tor Christmas choose A >^§ Minchinbury A. line, sparkling and /j/M lA dry a Champagne /|J l^fl X equal to the most IBSa^m I^L A famous makes. I |Uj Stocked at all Cold II fcifi ttJ Storage Branches Id m WmM pints and quarts.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 17 10 To-day's Sports Events RUGGER: S.C.C. vs. U.A.F. (Tengah), S.C.C. liookry: Ceylon sporis Club vs. Mountain Battery, Balestier.
      17 words
    • 214 10 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails close at the Genera] Post Ofllce as follows: TO-DAY Aden surface 1 p.m. British Columbia surface noon air noon Burma surface l p.m. Canada surface noon air noon China: Amoy, Canton, Chuan Chow. Kiung Chow, Shanghai and Swatow surface noon Egypt surface 1 p.m. Formosa
      214 words