The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 23 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,278. ZSTD. 1835 MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1940 5 CENTS
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  • 617 1 WASHINGTON UNMOVED BY NAZI T HREAT U.S. -German Relations Suddenly Worsen PROBLEM OF ENEMY SHIPS IN AMERICA FOR BRITAIN Washington, Dec. 22. DELATIONS between (he United States and Germany to.*k a sudden turn for the worse to-day as a result of two actions by the Nazi regime. The German Government
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  • 270 1 PRESS REACTION TO NAZI THREAT New York, Dec. 22. rCennan warning to the States against the handI to Great Britain of Axis American waters dominates nt pages of the Sunday newsin New York, several suggesthat following the Nazi demand recall of three members
    Reuter  -  270 words
  • 42 1 London, Dec. 22. THE Dutch tanker Pendr3ch^. 10,000 hrn, reported from New York i:\esaay to have radioed that >i been torpedoed by a subhas n arrived f afely at a h port, s at? official Du:ch circles >n. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 116 1 rpHE Washington authorities are endeavouring to find some law enabling enemy ships m the United States to be taken over by the Government. Thereafter, it is believed, they would be handed over to Britain. One law being studied is stated to be the Espionage
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 298 1 T'HE fulminations of the German Foreign Office spokesman against the United States can be regarded as further evidence of Germany's growing realization of her serious position, writes Fergus J. Ferguson, Reuter's chief diplomatic correspondent. There are two plausible explanations of the
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  • 74 1 Japanese Mission To Reich Italy Leaves Tokl>), l.»ec. 2:2. THE first Japanese military mission of its kind since 1013 left Japan en route for Germnny and Italy today. The Dom^i agency says that the mission is headed by Lieut-General Yamashita, director-genenl of military aviation, and is travelling via Siberia. A
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 68 1 London, Dec. 22. AN official announcement regarding the appointment of Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary, &s Ambassador to the United States !s expected shortly, states Gerald Herlihy, Reuters Lobby correspondent. It is expected that Mr. Anthony Eden, Secretary for War. will succeed Lord Halifax as
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 312 1 London, Dec. 22. WHEN Mr. Churchill, the Prime Minister, recently declared that it was not only m Egypt that Britain had officers of the calibre of Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, the Middle East C.-in-C and his commanders, he was undoubtedly referring to Gen.
    Reuter  -  312 words
  • 132 1 Christmas Letters Parcels Record London, Dec. 22. mHAT Hitler's "Blitz" has m no way affected the British people's tradition of sending one another Christmas greetings is shown by the fact that 15,000,000 letters and cards and millions of parcels were handed over to the Post (jiTiee List Wednesday, the lnst
    British Wireless  -  132 words
  • 110 1 London, Dec. 71. R.A.F. bombers started fires at the oil refineries of Porto Marghera, near Venice, last night. Many targets m Germany were also attacked, oil plants m the Ruhr and Rhineland being hit and set ablaze, while large fires were left burning after explosions
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 27 1 London, Dec. 2Z. MR. Churchill, the Prinze Mnis'cr. will broadcast on the Horn 1 and overseas programmes to-morrow ac 8 p.m., G.M.T.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 136 1 Reinforcements Are Reaching Bardia Steadily Cairo, Dec. 22. DEINFORCEMENTS are steadily reaching the British troops In the Bardia area, states to-day's communique from British G.H.Q. The communique adds that a further seven guns have been collected from an enemy frontier post recently occupied. On other fronts the situation remains unchanged.
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 141 1 U.S. Arms Push 'Can't Be Terminated W? filing lou, Dec. ZZ. Mil. \7. S. Knudsen. chairman of National Defence Council. \mm I a statement here to-day say m a I the crisis which caused the rr**H his council was an "irreconcilable one. adding: "It cannot be terminated by any methods
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 320 1 Still Time Don't l>ela} Visit Early CHOTIRMALLS Annual Stock-Taking We offer BELOW COST PRICES FESTIVE SEASON *****1 PROGRAMME ADELPHI HOTEL X'MAS EVE: Dec. 24. SPECIAL X'MAS OINNFR BALL 8 p.m lam CARNIVAL NOVELTIES. DINNER $4.00 Non-Diners acttnitt d free of charse Dinner and Dan~e Music by RELLER'S BAND. NEW YEAR'S
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  • 173 2 FRICTION WITH RED TROOPS IS DENIED Tan Kah Kee's Son Back From China A DENIAL that there had been rk friction between the Central Government of China and Chinese Communist troops was made by Mr. Tan Kok Keng, son of Mr. Tan Kan Kee, who returned to Singapore from Chungking
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  • 161 2 DR. Vasant Ramji Khanolkar, director ci the research laboratories at the Tata Memorial Hospital In Bombay, who has been m America for the past eight months, arrived m Singapore by the President Jackson yesterday on his way back. He will open a new $2,500,000 hospital for
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  • 189 2 JflK*. BETTY SIMPSON, representative and manageress of the Vancouver Branch of the --Ask Mr. Foster" Tourist Travel Service arrived m Singapore by the President Jackson yesterday, on her way to India with the idea of promoting tourist travel there. The '-Ask Mr. Foster" travel service is
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  • 57 2 London, Dec. 22. THE Government has accepted an offer by Dr. J. V. Landor, of Singapore, to lend £1,000 free of interest for the prosecution of the war, says Reuter. Dr. Landor is Physician and Registrar at the Singapore General and lecturer m Dermatology at
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  • 83 2 A SATIRE on domestic life, "You Can't Pool Your Wife," an R.K.O. Radio film which opened at the Alhambra cinema yesterday, provides sparkling comedy. Lucille Ball and James Ellison, who play the title roles of wife and husband, give splendid portrayals. As a young pleasure-loving Englishman
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  • 107 2 MRS. Loke Yew and Mr. Loke Wan Tho have very generously paid $1,000 for six seats for the "Buy A Bomber" premiere of Alexander Korda's "The Thief Of Bagdad" which will be held at the Cathay Cinema next Monday at 9.15 p.m. We
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  • 141 2 CDWARD G. ROBINSON S flair for stirring drama is already well-known. In "Blackmail." the M.G.M. film which opened at the Capitol at the week-end, his acting is dynamic. Highlights of the picture are scenes of Robinson's escape from a chain gang and of attempts to extinguish
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  • 89 2 ••£JOWN Argentine Way." which was given a midnight screening at the Cathay on Saturday, pictures the bright aspects of South American life m grand technicolor. Don Ameche and Betty Grable sing and dance splendidly and the spirit of Argentina is vividly interpreted by Carmen
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  • 84 2 '•UOW one's women mount up." says Mk*°y Rooney alias Andy Hardy m the latest of M.G.M.'s family series "Andy Hardy Meets Debutante," which had a midnight screening at the Capitol on Saturday. Andy again find himself "up to the neck" In trouble with women, especially when
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 278 2 EDWARD a ROBINSON at his Best mi n Dramatic Hit t hrilltn^ capitol 3 am* INTO FLAMING DEATH... WITH WOMAN'S KISS STILL WARM ON HIS LIPS &sfaft ROBINSON |1 "BLACKMAIL J^BBP^r^ X^>/ Directed by H C Potter Produced by John W Coo.idu«, Jr A can of T.N.T. m !iis hand
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  • 670 3 Pilots Swoop Low Bomb Targets At Point-Blank Range OMEN Berlin was covered with snovv^n Friday* night W -the longest night of the year-British bombers «ere over the German capital both early and late I he^mi aC «f ™ll n a r ab J
    Reuter  -  670 words
  • 99 3 Berlin Anxious About Shelter Christmas Stockholm, Dec. 32. B..LSERS are hoping xor a Christfree ircm air raids. The Berlin v h indent of the Stockholm news- Tidingen that Berliners preparing for Christmas with liable items "Deyond those .ire strictly rationed, are anxiousring whether they will be comspend their holiday
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 178 3 Vichy. D«c. Zt. SIGNIFICANT references to the future of md the French empire appear I Le Journal, which says: "The time passes the more becomes the ime ol ttM drcision which, on th» arrow of a heavy Uef cut, enabled us u> keep and
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 90 3 E London. Dec. It. I~MY attacks on Liverpool and the 'Tside last night lasted several hours -!y morning the position was already hand, states an Air Ministry and try of Home Security communique. ry and storage yards were set but these and a number of others r«
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 40 3 Sotla. Dec. T\ Bulgarian authorities have opped shipping traffic along the man coast owing to the danger of let floes. Be is also held up m the Danube cw *ng to floating ice.- Reutar
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 33 3 P Washington. Dec. 22. SIDENT R?os?velt has issued a proclanuti :n placing 15 additional including a number of machine under the export licensing re)ns m the int°re»ts of national •ri'e.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 67 3 London, Dec. 22. A NAVIGATIONAL warning that an area J\ m Rumanian territorial waters m the Black Sea opposite the mouth of the Danube has been declared dangerous was broadcast by the Bucharest radio last light. The warning states that vessels bound for Danube ports must inform
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 136 3 HELP TO CIVILIANS AND SOLDIERS London, Dec. 22. WHATEVER may be our Yuletide renections upon some other manifestations m the world, we can celebrate this Christmas m abundant peace and goodwill between the people of the United States and the British Commonwealth of
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 170 3 Berlin, Dec. 22. r\ETAILS of the escape of Marshal Smigly-Rydz, former Polish Commander-in-Chief from the Rumanian castle of Granoslavele, where he was interned following his escape to that country when Poland fell to Germany and the Soviet Union, are given m a Bucharest telegram to the
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 69 3 St. Lucia, Dec. 22. AN extensive area at Vieux Fort, the southern end of HI Lucia, the largest of the British Windward Islands has been selected by the United States military authorities for a large heavy bomber base. This is m addition to
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  • 59 3 Montevideo, Dec. 22. T ORD WILLINGDON, head of the British L trade mission to South America, entertained the Uruguayan Foreign Minister, Dr Guani, to luncheon yesterday. Later Lord Willingdon kicked off at a big football match m the presence of the President of the Republic. In the
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 61 3 London, Dec. 22. HTHE Pope is expected to broadcast at 10.15 a.m., Italian time, on Chrisimas eve, according to the Vatican radio. The service will start at 10 a.m. Italian time, and will include a short message by one cf the Cardinals. Later, the Pope's
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 547 3 Greeks Worry Italians With New Model Quick-Firing Guns London. De«. 32. IK Italians have suffered heavy losses m continuing their retreat on Chimara. AcJm to the Athens radio. In their efforts •:»ld the position and delay the retreat ■owards the sea. said the announcer, the kalians, subjected to Greek fire,
    Reuter  -  547 words
  • 660 3 London, Dec. 22. JTALY has lost at leasu 149 aircraft m the first 12 days of the battle m the Western Desert. R.A.F. losses totalled 13 aircraft. Five British pilots were saved. This outstanding success of the RA.P. against an enemy overwhelmingly
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  • 91 3 Nairobi, Dec. 22. A BOLD escape was made by four South African armoured cars which were ambushed by 600 native troops when reconnoitring Italian Somaliland. The cars came under machine-gun Ore from both sides of the road. A member of the crews said "There were
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 75 3 Ankara, Dec. 2*. TPHE Turkish Govern meat's doci.M 1 to prolong the sta.e of siege prjclaimed a month ago for further thre-3 months as from Friday applies to s.x. districts m European Turkey with Istanbul as headquarters. The main object of the s ate of
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 85 3 IlutUpcst. D«c. U, ORISON sentences were passed y^st/»r \t t m the trial of Wirth. leader of i.» Hungarian Iron Cross (Nazi) party and Z& members of his party acrus«*ri of i>i > against the life of the Regent and the sa>ty of the state.
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 218 3 TREAT YOURSELF TO A NEW SHAVING &XUSH WE HAVE THE LATEST II STOCK ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. Badger Hair. Pure Badger, Best Badger. Sterilized and London Made. Prices from $1.50 to $12.75 MEDICAL HALL LIMITED. 3 BATTERY ROAD. Season Extended owing fo huge success. Last «h9 I^BEIL «ALAWS CIIiEMA Of
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  • 636 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1940. Defence Of Malaya OY far the most important part of Sir Shenton Thomas' broadcast last night was that m which he referred to the decision to place the mainland of the Malay peninsula, as well as Singapore and Penang, m a state
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  • 759 4 These Are The Places R.A.F. Bombs Night After Night THE R.A.F. have now carried out some 2,000 bombing raids on Germany and Germanoccupied territory, covering over 200 localities. The chief objectives have been oil depots and refineries, armament works, aircraft works and aerodromes, docks and naval bases, goods yards and
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  • 706 4 JT is now nearly nine centuries since Maebeth's enemies mounted boughs of Birnham Wood m their helmets to conceal their numbers and marched up to Glamis Castle to end the reign of that regicide. That lesson was long lost on European strategy, however, as armies developed the close-order style
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 69 4 "Dorit i|ou just love ROSES?" u Yes f but best m IKsMi a GIMLET^" KtigM CALDBECKS I By Special appointment I Established r^f^^^^^ /572; I 4 w mW 4^^ I NEWEST DESIGNS IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY I Necklaces Bracelets Brooches II Rings Clip Watches SINGAPORE IPOH PEMAHa Urantb llWWr^HW&L^^mQs plum P^
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    • 42 4 Last Days of GI A N SINGH'S GRAND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CASH SALE Latest Arrivals Chinese lied Sheets m varied colours of the Best Quality. Also Pillow Cases of different sixes. All guaranteed Fast Colours will be included m the Sale. BUY TO-DAY
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  • 1704 5  - Success Of First Christmas Dance For Services MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By THERk was no doubt about 5 iccesa of the first of L. W. Geddes' Christmas B for the Services, at the Memorial Hall on [V _-or any doubt about fact that everyone enjoyed There m ust have
    Free Press  -  1,704 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 129 5 CATHAY BEAUTY SALON special Offer for DECEMBER JANUARY Experienced European Operators Permanent Wave Complete S5. S6 $7 Sfempoo Set 51.75 vttinc 1-25 Hair Cut .65 Rinse -30 Manicure -"5 Face Massage 3.00 of ALL takings on all Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays to be paid to the Malaya Patriotic Fund. M^ke Your
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  • 347 6 'Lone Wolf Of R.A.F. Is Missing THE "Lone Wolf" of his squad- ron, Pilot-Officer William Henry Mniington, D.F.C., of South Australia, has been posted missing, having failed at last to return from one of his daring private excursions into enemy country. A brother officer said m tribute: "He was a
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  • 1199 6  - Kuala L umpur Chatter CLIO Hats Off To British Manufacturers BY |£UALA LUMPUR is getting ready for Christmas. There is nothing wartime about our shops which have just as brilliant displays of toys and presents as m former peaceful years. Indeed, one big European store reports that the goods received
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  • 286 6 Soviet The New Order In Asia Plan "ANY new relationship between -^Russia and Japan may have far-n?aching consequences m our quarter of the world/ says the Sydney Daily Telegraph. The Minister for External Affairs (Sir Frederick Stewart) said this m the House of Representatives recently. He was reviewing the international
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  • 361 6 WINTER has hit Palestine f with a vengeance and the heavy downpours of rain have created biff problems m the Australians* camps. The troops have had to become engineers m order to cope with flooding and U is no easy matter to make the camps
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 This heals PILES Stops Pain, Itching, Bleeding Your piles may be so swollen and canes such agony and terror to replace them, that you hate given «p hope of a curs except by operation. Be persuaded to try Dr. Van Vleck's Absorptive Pile Plasma. It will soothe the pain Instantly.
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    • 292 6 Announcement' MALAYAN MOTORISTS FIGHTER FUND (o o) The Automobile Association of Ma lav a invite* all Motorola throughout Malaya, whether members or not, to help win the War by contributing to thr cost of a Fighter Plane. A metal Car Badge is on sale at all A.A.M. Offices and at
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  • 1201 7 Governor Outlines Policy Of Rapid Action For Civilians' Protection THE mainland of Malaya— in addition to Singapore and fWI/J^T 1 n^ w Wngr placed a state of defence, h^LJ i Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, when »roadcastin X fron, Singapore last night for
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  • 214 7 CHINESE EFFORT FOR BRITISH RAID VICTIMS Malayan Collection About $250,000 ■It ol special effor;. ChtnfMM throughout Lord Mayor's Air Raid will benefit by a sum at $250,000. In Singapore .00 has been collected, shortly be handed to the j rhinese Affairs, Mr. A. tan. for remittance to the dayor of
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  • 46 7 Malacca. l>ec. possibility of r:ik*ha-» beini; j tn certain dw—toi liimidpal Com- last October In favour of ..ces In vie Nev mi. or. being tabled and i t>3 ir Commis&iciiers m V':aic >3>. 15 to be *t MMtl »rc^ ime being.
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  • 37 7 MUNICIPA L MEETING Movers will N he year on nsider the appomir- rye the committee jJbUet Fond b place ucco Graharr White. the committee and the Man ill come up for meetiDg. and the ho^alth <;: Nomnb-r ac-
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  • 379 7 SYBIL JASON TALKS ABOUT HER AMBITION FILM star by profession earning < U.S. $500 a week but still i schooling— is 13-year-old Sybil Jason, who has co-starred m many pictures with Shirley Temple and is m Singapore to-day. With no advance publicity, although she is one
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  • 1092 7 HIS personal impression or the spirit of England during German raids on Britain were recounted by Sir Shenton Thomas, the Governor, last night m his first broadcast from the Singapore station since returning irorn leave. Sir Shenton said he was particularly glad to address Malayans
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  • 42 7 Picture. Some of the members «f the Dwtch Choir who began their^carol smfcinß tour of Singapore last %veck. Here they are seen at the Y.W.C.A. Hostel, Fort Canning. On the rifht is their leader, Mr. Van Hten.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  42 words
  • 293 7 "Rule Britannia" At Singapore A TRIBUTE to British sea-power which If keeping open the port ol Singapore for ships under many fiaas, the strains of "Rule Britannia" blared from loudspeakers on the n*»w American luxury liner President Jackson as she slipped through the rain-swept harbour and
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  • 23 7 THIRTY -I WO of the 8i pr^scnrrcrs which the Pn J -t J&skson, the new American, l,i- c■: now erdty c>n her embarked
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  • 400 7 NEW DOLLAR NOTES HAVE ARRIVED Date Of Issue To Be Decided PIE new all -Mala> an issue of currency note** ha* arrived m Singapore. but is beinc kept m •(old storage at the Trea*ury until a decision is made on the date for plat ins them m circulation. The new
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  • 81 7 From Our Ovn Oor FUE.ASIAN and Cauiolic lepers at B srttlrtncnt m rulau Jorej: k v.ere givi:, OMgtaMM ire:.* h| party of momb r •>! the Eurasian Association of Penanc and Ppran? Cuthrlic ActionLstß who visited theu ramp this afternoon and uistribuirri eifts O;i prrivr! a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 Arrange Your Party NOW! *Wk Your Tjr*le tarlv tht \ir-ronditicnwi CAPITOL RESTAURANT X^MAS EVE OIHHEr. 53.00 virnu Hur> l>'o*uvre Wrio Hear lurtle Soup •:»*d >4lmon. HoUandab>c Sauce (.riHei i'oarnfdos Uossini itoAM stuffed Turkej- and Ham Upara*u> Mayonnaise Sauce Miner Pies »U» I'addin- Brandy Samo Peach Meiba Fane) Dessert. CalOpening night
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    • 64 7 You've still got two more days to visit ROBINSON'S TOYLAND OPEN TILL 6.00 P.M. TO-DAY 416 KERB STEAMSHIP COMPANY INC. dneorvoimtea m VSJtJ STATES AFRICA ST INDIES SERVICE Regular sailings to Boston. New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and New Orleans via Panama Canal. Fo* <pace j lease apply to: HADDEN COMPANY
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 422 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IS ENGLAND) 1 P. O. S. N. CO S SAILINGS. The best possible services axe being maintained by The P. O. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. i Passengers are
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    • 379 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. UncQ4poratea m f.M.S. XtXtFUONE: Irci^ni 3433. Passage j431. wxrmprtss I TO NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE AND ENJOY I v_^ CANADIAN PACIFIC LUXURY I rSrftif ''d* Record-breakin« trans-Pacific speed, J W then thc tri P crips across Ctna l a > jj^ \n air conditioned trains. See Banff, M-r^a'*.
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    • 443 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Oate«= guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject t o r not War Clauses. Oftf eren Cc WESTERN AUSTRAL| A THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPER Regular Services to "re mantle I Perth i by first class oassenger shi
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  • 1185 9 Chinese Launch AntiGambling Campaign By Our Chinese Correspondent A CAMPAIGN to discourage Rambling has been started m Perak, and it is desirable that Chinese m other parts of Malaya should follow suit. The Perak Chinese Rubber Merchants' Association has set an example by launching a campaign to burn mahjong sets.
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  • 245 9 JAPAN'S surprise at the American reaction to the Triangle Pact is well described by the New York correspondent of the Observer. "Already" ne writes, "the vigorous counter-offensive which the United States has launched against Japan Ls held to have checked the Japanese m the new
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 500 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 'domestic occurrence iiNGAGEMENT WEE.— The engagement is anjetween Mr. On^ Wee Lee, ma of Mr. and Mrs. Ong Siew d Miss Wee Chye Eng. eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Wee Kah ol Singapore. Penang *£f T < please copy. DEATH V: Chen Hul M^i, mother ion Su Lan.
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    • 322 9 BOARD RESIDENCE SENTOSA SENESTA > 41, STEVENS ROAD mlnutts- from Ttnglto club. noi Spotlessly cl4n.Vac.St SSte mb D»Uyn>onthly. p^gj PUBLIC NOTICE CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS Our Retail Establishments m. Singapore will open as follows:— CHRISTMAS DAY 25th Drcrmber Wednesday ;,.jo to 10.50 a.m. BOXING I>.\\ -6th Hrrember. Thursday 5.1© to
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    • 378 9 riv£.Ji>2ii HftiCVtCIC 1O J>.iA i'u.i.-....a t..v^ ,\.\w -..w YORK, BOSTON VIA MANHJ\ HONG KONG ft PANAMA r^NAL 3a:iSi>ore "i-nvt 8F Arrive N.Y. sjs. PRESIDENT VAN BUREN Dec 31 Jan 28 17 s.s. ZOELLA LYKES Jan. 20 Fcb 16 Mar 7 IA RUEBIN TTPTON Feb. 10 9 Mar 28 PASS£*GEK FKEIGHI
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 120 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails ciosc at the General P t r > as follows TO-DAY Ari<n ar A »> m. Africa aa- m. Africa South* flam. Burma air 4 pm. Ceylon air m. Epypt air 4 p m Ot. Britain c:< surface nee- 4 pm. India air I m
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  • 485 10 Selangor Club Win Trophy Rugby (From Our Ovn Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 21. T*HE Selanger Club torwardi carried their side to vlcory to-day m their annual rugger encounter 'or the trophy, aivd wrested it back from Singapore, beating them by eight points (a goal and a try> to three
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  • 393 10 State Hockey At Kuala Lumpur •From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 21. SELANGOR avenged the hockey trouncing they received from Negri Sembilan earlier m the season by beating them here m the return match to-day on the Victoria Institution ground by the odd
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  • 527 10 Arokiasamy Scores Thrice, Ghulam Nabi Once INTER-STATE HOCKEY (From Our Owia Correspondent) Malacca, Dec. 21. A LATE start was made m to-day's inter-state hockey match, four Singapore players being delayed owing to a breakdown on the road. Consequently, Singapore took some time to settle down*
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  • 81 10 r pHE following events will take pK rt e at the Singapore Swimming Club on Boxing Day, commencing at 10.30 a.m.: H.M.S. Hermes trophy: For girls nnder nine y?ars, and boys under nine years. Distance, one breadth free siyle. Hill-Salter Cup: Far girls
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  • 491 10 Eclipse Party Spring Big Surprise INTER-CLUB BADMINTON RESULTS PIE biggest surprise yet registered m the inter-club badminton championships of Singapore resulted yesterday afternoon, when the Marigold Badminton Party, who were strongly fancied to win this event, went down to the Eclipse Badminton Party by the wide margin of four games
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  • 925 10 HIN CHIU'S NARROW VICTORY THE men's and women's singles finals m the table tennis championships of Singapore will bean all-Auyust affair this year, for all the August Badminton Party's reoresentatives were successful m the semi-finals decided at the Happy World covered stadium on
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 10 picture. phase of olav m a rn^er match at Tanglin last week m which the Highland Brigade drew with a Royal Artillery fifteen, no points being scored. Free Press
    Free Press  -  31 words
  • 36 10 |*ti "3 hockey match which w*s to have been played at Bn^it Timah yeVerday between RaTVs College and the Technics 1 School of Kuala lumnur was cancelled owing to rain.
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  • 148 10 Home Football Results On Saturday I EAGUE footbal. 14 rosukfd '■"inn Barnsley c Blackburn Hov^* I Bradford Bury Doncaster Rovers* Pvertcn Halifax 7o*n Manchester < Rotherham I'r.;- <- yhetfeld W«i:i-.>' Wrcxham j Bournemouth 2 Charlton Atfaieti i 'Crystal Pa.;., Fulham Luton Town Korthaniptoxi T Norwich City Nottingham For<^ t Portsmouth
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  • 29 10 FIRE CA LIS TTKE Si? 4' raiib y Rochore R«if«*l cub. fire It conta:-. but the Bm wa* h second call MM U R Valley Poad. v!. gas mai::.
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  • 52 10 DOMESTIC TIN QU OT A rIE domcsuperiod cf 194 i \'.n* cent., states a chairman of the < th A Tin "^d T i"-" v R* ment. F.M.S I'. 1 Quce la p Vi e-5 of ui«ir quota* v I their apnli ■-atiors t I 1 cancerned statirj: tti quota
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 31 10 Choose a British Empire Champaguc tor Christmas ••choose Minchinbury -^< Stocked at all Cold I BIS-'j JCT Storage Branches m fig imported by SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co*, tfd. C S 232 A.
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