The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITH)* The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,270. 2STD. 1835 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1940. 5 CENTS
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    Reuter  -  577 words
  • 58 1 Bangkok. Dec. 12. 'THE French to-day concentrated artillery fire on Nakhonpanom and Mukdaharn and 11 people are reported to have been killed at the latter town, according to a communique issued by Thai G.H.Q.. which adds that a frontier police patrol was fired on by a trespassing
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 337 1 WA VELL 'S "BRILLIANT STROKE" London, Dec. 12. A TELEGRAM congratulating Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, Middle East Commander-in-Chief, on his "brilliant stroke" has been sent by the Secretary of State for War, Mr. Anthony Eden, and the Chief of Imperial General Staff, Gen. Sir John Dill. The telegram says: "On
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 80 1 London, Dec. 12. FUR enemy aircraft were destroyed over Britain to-day, according :o latest official information. Meanwhile, bombers of the R.A.F. continued their nightly raids on enemy territory yesterday. According to an Air Ministry communiqu3 these included visits to invasion ports and a number
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 541 1 CAUSE FOUND TO BE BLOOD POISONING Washington, Dec. 12. THE district of Columbia coroner announces that Lord Lothian. British Ambassador to the pn» tc States, died at 3 a.m. local time to-day at the British Embassy in Washington. The British Embassy announces that
    Reuter  -  541 words
  • 674 1 Cairo, Dec. 12. THE R.A.F. and the Royal Navy are giving the fullest A support possible to the British advance westward following the capture yesterday of Sidi Barrani. The R.A.F. retains mastery of the air and if operating with practically no losses. Hour after hour
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  • 136 2 A SUGGESTION that improvement should be made to the road at the 14th mile from Johore Bahru, in order to lessen the danger oX a bad corner, was offered by a member at the half-yearly general meeting of the Johoie Planters' Association at Rengam yesterday.
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  • 86 2 A TAMIL, V. Ratnam, who wanted to hang A himself because he was in debt, was bound over for six months on a surety of $50 in the Singapore third court yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to attempting to commit suicide in Bukit
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  • 58 2 A CHARGE of being members of the Singapore Chinese Workers' Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association, an unlawful society, at China Street on Dec. 11 was explained to Lo A Siau, 23, and Ong Pek Chian, 35, in the third court yesterday. The case was postponed a week for
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  • 114 2 A JAPANESE and nis wife, Hisashi and Fumiko Yoshioka, were each fined $25, or three weeks' rigorous imprisonment, in the third court yesterday for failing to notify the Registrar of Aliens of their change of residence They pleaded guilty. Court Inspector Peter Ball stated they changed their residence
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  • 55 2 the suggestion of Mr. W. R. Webber, proposed amendments to the rules of the Johore Planters' Association, which held its half-yearly meeting at Rengam yesterday, were referred to section committees for consideration before adoption. Mr. Webber said that extraordinary general meeting could be called after a set of
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  • 232 2 "Sporting" Resolutions Approved By Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 12. "IT must be apparent to all of us— Britons and Asiatics— 1 that the winning of this war is vital to our future, and every effort we can make towards that end
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  • 73 2 AN application by a landlord to raise the rent of three houses in Tessensohn Road from $29 to $33 each per month "because of the high cost of living/' was refused by the Rent Assessment Board yesterday. Mr. Murray M. Jark, the President of the Board,
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  • 225 2 •nPHE Germans want a blonde Aryan race as rulers of the world, but they forget that their leader is a little on the 'dark side.' This is one of the quips made by an American foreign correspondent In 20th Century-Fox's intriguing political drama "The
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  • 138 2 F> USING the question of trespass by timber licensees into private property, a member at the half-yearly general meeting of the Johore Planters' Association at Rengam yesterday asked whether a reply he had received from the secretaries that the obligation was on the owner of the private
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  • 48 2 THIS month's social of the Indian Association, Singapore, will be on Sunday, Dec. 22, at the Clerical Union Hall. Tea will be served at 5 p.m. Mr. R. Muthiah will speak on "Fairs, Pilgrimages and Festivals." Music will be provided by the Musical and Dramatic Section.
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  • 63 2 London, Dec. 12. jT is reported from Bucharest via Berlin that the Rumanian Government has disbanded the association of foreign press correspondents in Bucharest. The reason given unofficially for this step is that the association has existed without legal permission and consists of foreign
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    • 73 2 SEND THE KIDDIES AND HELP A WORTHY CAUSE I TO-MORROW MORNING 11 O'CLOCK at The CAPITOL I SHARP Special "MILK GIFT" Matinee in aid of the Children of the Unemployed Xmas Treat UNIVERSAL'S COMEDY SUCCESS "LITTLE ACCIDENT" Featuring HUGH HERBERT BABY SANDY (Kindly supplied free of charge by Messrs. UNIVERSAI
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    • 143 2 HE STAYED FOR HREAKFAST lm! v,^** 1111 > (Hi i PROBABLY STAY TO SEE IT AGAIN < T7~~^ \',\l^, PAPITOL 'l TCOAY \3\m I 3.15-b.15-9.15 f 8 Columbia's Fast, Frenchy Funfest that drew g| to the STATE Theatre, Sydney, durin.- its Ul The "AWFUL TRUTH" jMfW'MMnpß^ was she had TOO
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  • 151 3 Total Blackout Is Suspended In Turkey FIRM STAND OF BULGARIA AND YUGOSLAVIA Istanbul, Dec 12. tfSSBNING of tension in the Balkans is given in rt political circles as the reason for the Turkish Govern.ent's decision to suspend the total blackout imposed rect-ntlv- Turkey's firm
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 64 3 London, Dec. \l THF British Government no lonsjer revogniie the Munich frontiers of Ciecho- Slovakia, declares l>r. Benes, President of the Cifvh«*lov*k Republic, to-day. Hls .statement was made at thf first formal meeting of the islovak state council, held in London. l>r. Benes intimated that
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 239 3 FIRST BLOW STRUCK IN GROWING AIR WAR London, Dec. 1 T| A.F. i.ruck the first blow in sger air war now developing waen on Saturday evening, in prepa- the advance of the British forces, it carried out a big raid on the lepot of the Italian
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  • 112 3 Berlin. Dee. 12. CKi: on shipping form the theme of s German High Command communl armed reconnaissance flights G^nnan air force is stated to have rtiwwgni a ship towed by a ~*ar the Kentish coast. It Is also that a 1.500-ton merchant ship ink
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  • 301 3 CAMPAIGN TO ENTICE LABOUR TO GERMANY London, Dec. 11. A CCORDING to information reaching London, the Norwegians are I the latest victims of the campaign to lure workers to Germany. In support of the campaign the Dagens Nyheter reported on Nov. 28 that Norwegian workers who
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  • 55 3 Shanghai, Dec. 12. THE Chungking Foreign Ministry has protested to Vice-Adm. Jean Decoux Governor-General of Indo-China. upon receipt of reports that he had issued instructions to the French customs authorities to dispose of detained Chinese goods in Jn d C *"na by public auction, says
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  • 73 3 Chungking, Dec. 12. TRAFFIC over the north-western highway between China and Soviet Russia has greatly increased daring recent weeks, almost doubling the traffic two months ago, according to the Ta Kung Pao, quoting a Chinese communications report. The Sino-Soviet air traffic board was originally scheduled to
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 275 3 Gen. de Gaulle's Blows Against The Enemy FREE FRENCH PART IN SIDI BARRANI BATTLE London, Dec. 12. THE part taken by the Free French forces in the Egyptian offensive in co-operation with the British forces is described in a communique from Gen. de Gaulle's headquarters, which states that advanced units
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  275 words
  • 114 3 London, Dec. 12. *T*HE Admiralty announced to-day "The Royai Netherlands navy destroyer van Kinepspergen yesterday intercepted the German steamship Rhein (6,031 tons) in West Indies waters. The crew of the Rhine set the ship on fire and attempted to scuttle her, but this was frustrated
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  114 words
  • 151 3 London, Dec. 12. EVASION of the blockade by vessels carrying cargoes from North Africa ports to Marseilles, which has been report' ed by French sailors arriving in England, was mentioned in the House of Commons to-day by Sir Robert Gower, who drew the attention
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 201 3 REINFORCEMENTS TOLD FIGHTING IS IN GREECE Athens, Dec. 12. DEPORTS of growing confusion behind the Italian lines, received mainly from Italian prisoners, are increasing. It appears that the failure of the Italians to stabilize any concentrated series of positions is due to disputes
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  • 330 3 London, Dec. 12. WHILE the Italians are reeling under the heavy blows in the Western Desert their forces in Albania continue to suffer sharp reverses. The Greeks have advanced abou f two miles along the coastal road and are now near
    Reuter  -  330 words
  • 144 3 London, Dec. 12. ATTACKS which were mainly concentrated on a town in the Midlands during last night's raids are described by the Air Ministry "as on a fairly heavy scale." Elsewhere, says the communique, activity was less, though a certain amount of damage was done.
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 156 3 Large numbers of Black Shirt troops retreating from their half-way house to Sollum were heavily machine-gunned and thrown into utter confusion, states an HA F, communique issued in Cairo. A large quantity of mechanized transport was successfully bombed in the same area. Several tons of bombs were dropped
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  • 53 3 Lisbon, Dec. 12. A BOUT 600 British women were assembled in Paris on Dec. 6 and entrained for a camp at Besssancon, in France, u cording to a traveller who has just arrived from Paris. One woman of 84 was stated to have been
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 80 3 London, Dec. 12. of the first victory for British fighters equipped with cannon was released to-day. A 21 -year-old R.A.F. pilot told how he dived to the attack of two Messerschmitt fighters in a recent batde, missed one with his cannon but hit the
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 141 3 Blockade In Shanghai May Be Lifted Shanghai, Dec. 12. /^FFICIALS here yesterday er* pressed the belief that the blockade enforced by the Japanese gendarmes in the Japanese sector of extra-western district of the International Settlement will likely to conclude by Saturday. It is stated that the Japanese autherities in the
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 97 3 Hankow, Dec. IZ. flared up again on Tuesday morning when only four days after the shooting of Hseh Dau« tse, political adviser to the Hupeh government, another attempted assassination of a prominent Chinese businessman took place. Yang Hwei-ning, former head of tba social affairs bureau of
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 53 3 Shanghai. Dec If. V DLANS for widening Uie road ao4 strengthening the bridges of the Burma highway have been mapped out by th# Ministry of Communications to facilitate ttim shipment of war supplies to China, states thm China press. These plans will be Immediately put
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 RED PALM OIL This oil contains considerable quantities of \lUmln-A and is specially prepared for use as a cooking oil and as a medicine. It is excellent for preventing influenza, coughs and colds. 50 cts. per Bottle Obtainable from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. BATTERY ROAD. toTday PATUAV Where I 3.15
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  • 606 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1940. Nanking And Berlin DEPORTS that Germany does not intend to recognize Japan's new puppet regime in Nanking, although expected by many observers of Far Eastern affairs, nevertheless should prove a severe blow to Tokio's hopes lor a "New Order in Greater East
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  • 1272 4 From Our Own Correspond^] London, Nov. 5. THE events of the past few days, while they have surprised no one in London, have made many of us try to take stock of things, and to visualise what their effect will be on the war
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  • 518 4 GERMAN SOLDIERS ARE WAR WEARY rpHE following are extracts from an article in The Times Irani a correspondent who, after five years' residence in France, left Paris in June, finding his way to Brussels remained there for two months: The scene is everywhere dominated by men and women in German
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  • 49 4 THE feasibility States through Brittsli Co return for the States waribtpi considered by commission of th« Alaska hiffhwa Officiate decline on a prop-xci ma ment In Wa.«hir. be opened tor f^ official *>a!d f suggestions for "acthe" ir Brit: the United W Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 34 4 ffXHK Cj> in a danw Colombia, at U. fully *1»P! called BriU&h > j nounrcr on ti- The annour jr damapt'd bH her «pe«! to North t* Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 311 4 I I agree. You find I ROSES Lime Juice I satisfies all tastes! you should refuse I t^H I v r inferior )m insecticides H and demand H F!H it iwre diotti fo int«cii b«cau»« it h v combination of potent killing agents I L which cannot b« excellod. Ftit
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    • 69 4 You Always Feel Best when you look best* We hare «id« Pllr ran f c of mi i »*S ■u% lengths, Wain &g ff. ShieU'a In Sill jj 1 V and Wool alsc 111 AMERICA! i I SHARKSKIN In Various Colours «ij» Ton will look your best in clothes tailored
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  • 1318 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By Free Press Feature 6,000 garments of all |VI —bandages, pyja5, hospital supplies <*iU home by the St. John (i Red Cross Working was first formed at I of the war by Lady :norrow the working 4 a display in May;n
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 F/tOTE.CT yOo>/Z Y£C£SS/T/ SALON MADAME SHEILA Just received a new consignment of x>n and Evening Dresses in Brocade, Silk and Chiffon Velvet. I VI KY SMART AND OF THE i. GOME i:\RLY AND lAM YOIR PICK. PRICES VERY REASONAB'-E 9 Eu COURT, KILL STREET, PHONE 7139. CtlMSttWlfllS comes bul once
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    • 142 5 nJ v MALAYAN fj i#^{J'jt' PEWTER llafflP" for GIFTS J^^^^Ef jL Th<s Christmas give Malayan S3l^HRjB Em! Q U(t Among the wide choice o! ■I^^J^.> «^w^'- handmade articles, there is someWfter? Xmas shopping, call to see cur big display. MAYNARD'S Battery Rd. BATTERY ROAD JLijL PMDNE- 4DS? Your dress for
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  • 615 6 United States Plan To Supply China With Army Planes IT is stated authoritatively that the United States plans to make an extensive allowance of obsolescent planes to China to enable her to carry on a vigorous resistance in the air against Japan, says a Washington message to the Sydney Morning
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  • 248 6 Why Hitler Will Not Intervene In Greek Conflict TURKISH political circles are now fairly confident that Hitler has no intention of intervening in the Greek conflict, hut London diplomatic circles feel that an impressive German move is overdue, and that, if it does not happen, it will be an important
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  • 170 6 Prison Escapee Disguised In Minister's Garb A MAN who escaped from Pentridge Jail recently is now believed to be wearing a minister's clothes, says a Melbourne message. Police believe he is the man who broke into the Church of England vicarage at Seymour. The vicar (the Rev. L. E. F.
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  • 36 6 Top picture shows British reinforcements just arrived in the Western Desert area, where a big battle is now developing. Picture on left shows Army cooks at work in typical desert country.
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  • 459 6 CORCE of circumstances is compelling Japan to try a 1 policy of appeasement towards Moscow and Washington simultaneously/' states Hugh Byas in a message from Tokio to the New York Times. Denying German statements that Soviet aid to China will cease, Turkish
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  • 249 6 Germans Have Lost Over 5,000 Planes THE Air Ministry estimates losses of planes from the outbreak of war to the end of November (15 months) as follows: Germany, 5,131; Britain, 1,700; Italy, 365; Greece, 11. During November 48 British aircraft were lost over enemy or occupied territory and enemy waters.
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  • 151 6 'Air Battles Decisive As Waterloo' DO not beUev, Kr.u,,, this war unl,*, shf careless or mercnf (d0,,, ""*> «>ner,l J. ha|) v thief f th, s lrm> said mcntlv r P s General Chancy h. the United States f r m he ha, been an B server ot the Bar
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  • 108 6 Then road this:You arc not out m tags i fever has subsided Tin wrakrw leaves behind exposes you to relapsr or fresh infection You must rebuild your worn-out body immediately quickly. The way to do this to find aim that soothes the enfeebled and provides all the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 Broion^y es Blue Ey c Grey Eyes? Every day your eyes are invaded by invisible germs *of < every kind. They become covered with Just such a film of dust and smoke and soot as your foce and hands.! And they are far more sensitive No wonder people's eyes betray
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    • 126 6 If:'- g I WE WILL EXCEED LAST 1 li/ 1 ll ll li Ij 1 k^ I V V li k^ 9 Book a table now accommodation is limited for our m Jli X^4 lAf I SPECIAL XMAS DINNERS cS^ DANCES. V^V| Dec. ?l-?r>-?(i extension until 2 a.m. 24th and
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  • 242 7 ASSOCIATION'S BIG PROGRAMME SING at the annual meeting European Association of rday. the president. Battishill, expressed the the incoming committee Me energetically the quesiir raid precautions in corruption. > eeta, he said, the assobeen in active correspond*h? Government. some tax was *oncerned. the members or the
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  • 89 7 RURAL BOARD FACES LEGAL QUESTION VJLT iAT powers, if any, have the Rural Board, for carrying out a iMßins scheme? was a question raised at the i Board meeting yesterday when a estion by Dr. W. L. Blakemore, ral Health Officer, for a housing in Paya
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  • 63 7 MN found in possession of 100 ■*i $5 Straits currency notes and quantity of forged 10-cent and coins amounting to about $500, were explained to two Chinese, Han For.u, and Han Hong Pong, In the t°rday. alleged to have been in possesnotes and coins in Tan Jong
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  • 90 7 fftwo INDIANS and five Chinese were 1 charged in the Singapore criminal district court yesterday with abducting woman to East Coast Road on Nov. 21 with intent to cause her to be secretly and wrongfully Co ThTaccused. Gurusamy, Vaithinadan. Tan Kiln Ch-ong. Ong Poe Ki, Kwan
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  • 10 7 brSns S began in June, will end on Dec. 31
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  • 624 7 Java Newspapers Want Staff Conversations jHi .intir.ent of Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert ['ophain as Commander-in-Chief of the British the bar East, with headquarters in Singapore civen great prominence in the newspapers of ha l t? to dlscussl °n of the wider strateirv its of Malaysia.
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  • 184 7 Municipal Rulings Being Contravened POSTERS are being displayed by rnrrm!L^ l n a p o r e Municipal SteS nn nC t rS tO dfaW P Ublic attention to some frequentlyVen6d Munici P*l regulations rnhf i mg si^s, SEXgSSffi and build g o^eratio^fn m g! n 8
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  • 180 7 pAS&iNG sentence of three months' rigor ouj> imprisonment on the first three of hve ycung Hainanese who had been found guilty of gang robbery, Mr. Justice Pedlow i ssizes yesterday said that he had aken into consideration the fact that they ii astray by tiie
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  • 132 7 ripHE Rent Assessment Board yesterday A adjourned an application by Leong Man Pan to raise the rent of a three-storey house from $55 to $115. Leong said he wished to convert the house into self-contained flats, charging $35 for the ground and first floor
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  • 72 7 CO successful was the Singapore Rural Board's vegetable show, organized for its employees, at the Police Depot on Tuesday, that another show on a larger scale is to be h«ld next year probibly in Jane. This was announced at the Rural Board meeting yesterday by
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  • 316 7 CS.C. To Move In Next February ALREADY becoming a familiar sight in Amber Road, the new $40,000 premises for the Chinese Swimming Club will be completed next month, and it is proposed to move into occupation in February. Hopes of opening the new clubhouse in time
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  • 68 7 PIE Lighter Sid2 of Britain at War" is the title of a talk to be given by Mr. Thomas Kit,ching from the Singapore broadcas ing station tonight at 7.10. Mr. Kitching, who is Chie: Surveyor. Singapore, was in England from April to September this year
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  • 378 7 {SINGAPORE'S passive defence services are to have a new special unit composed of members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Government has decided that steps should now be taken to enrol members of the Brigade into an ambulance and first aid unit
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  • 50 7 This is one of the rare pictures taken of the captain's bridge on board a battleship while at sea with the Mediterranean Fleet. Italians fear this ship and her officers and crew perhaps more than any other unit opposing them, yet her name cannot be published.
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  • 122 7 Mission Returning To Timor THREE members of the Portuguese Geographical Mission which returned to Portugal after a two-year study of the economical and geographical features of Portuguese Timor, passed through Singapore yesterday on their way back to Timor for further investigations. While in Lisbon, the group, which comprised
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 402 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) 9 P. «c O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. 3 The best possible services are being maintained by The P. O. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usuaJ ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are
      402 words
    • 354 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated Is PUS.) rCLBraONKi ftetgfct M32. Passat* **l g~|ADIAH PACIIIC BBS (Incorporated in fingiana> Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by I GIANT EMPRESSES-A cross Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS DUCHESS "or MONT n steamers to the United Kingdom.— All
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    • 427 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to Unitea Kingdom. Dates ar guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to c^ War Clauses. om «'«nc« WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT TOE CHEAPEST Regular Services to "remantle Perth 8 Ja by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 I A
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  • 24 9 Mr T- H. Pearse. Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kuala Kangsar. returned from seven rmrths' leave in South Africa yesterday with his wife and family.
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  • 1852 9 Consular Press Clerk 's Appeal Dismissed MAMORU SHINOZAKI who failed in his appeal before IVI the Court of Criminal Appeal in Singapore yesterday against conviction for two offences under the Official Secrets Ordinance, was told by the president of the Court, the acting
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  • 85 9 Before the Court of Criminal App«»2 ,t 11 a.m. Rex vs. Wee Kee Lin and anr. Before the Hon'ble Mr. Justice IVdlow in Chambers at 11 a.m. OS. 25 40— Seah Leng Seah -deed*. Before the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Manning in Court No. 2 at
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  • 110 9 MMLI TBICES HKRIM Drr. 12 12 o'clock D«on IVuvrrh sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 38'^ 2B\ No IX R.S.S FOB. Ui December 38 39 GK.A.Q R.S b FOB in bales December 38 1 i- I A Q. R.S S P. OB tn bales
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  • 24 9 An unusual picture of the forward fans of a t-A, tal action. It was taken from the brriee while at exercise..
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  • 458 9 KILLERS INDENTITY NOT ESTABLISHED A CHINESE paid no heed when him mistress tried to dissuade him from going out with her husband; the next morning his dead body, covered with stab wounds, wai found in a Paya Lebar kampong. It was stated at an inquiry
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  • 92 9 GIFT TO PLANTERS' BENEVOLENT FUND A DONATION ol $500 wai> made to fh* Planters' BHHMIMI Fund lr> Johore Planters' Association on the motion of the chairman. Mr. S. Harper Ball, at ifco half-yearly meeung of the Association yesterday Mr. Harper Bull said that the contribution would be made out of
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  • 92 9 A CHAROE that they had murdered onoTan Kah Su bv stranplmp him was explained to four Chinese, Ho Sip Khefc. 30 Tan Tat Keng, 18, Ng Giap Soen. 27. and Tan Chin Ho. 30, in the Singapore third court yesterday. Inspector Mirhael Boyle, of the Special
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  • 45 9 A GIFT of $1,155,600 from the Straits Setlemonts, being the pro- ceeds of war taxation f rr m Aupust to October thte year, is gratorully acknowledged by the British Government in I a t-l?gram received in Singap< r< v.v- terday.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 360 9 tcfflED ADVERTISEMEIITS OCCLRRENCE S^*^ BIHTHS O» neral Hospital, j U4O. to Maryse, ris, 53* Thailand, Ml MCIPAUTI lenders. 9V mvitefl rcr the „,!s or services For Muntrioal Tenders Single PfcJ^e A C. .neres, 220 Volts. 5C losing. 4 on. Jan ...:a Ki-n Pressure j- Date of Closing. Ti om.. Jan.
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    • 13 9 IX)ST LOST. PERSIAN KirTEN gingor coloured. Finder will be rewards. 38, Gilstead Road.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 255 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST vftSttSmfZ? thC General Post °»<* TO-DAY i?"L surface 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Au^alia' .7 $Ur lPm' «g J P-». British Columbia V. I'. I! 4 P n n Ul air 4 p.m £">•*» air noon Ceylon surface 1 p.m. and 4 pm. China: Amoy. Canton,
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  • 260 10 Hockey Notes PERAKS SUCCESS IN STATE GAMES THt: outstanding feature of Malayan hockey at thU stage is the apparent invin cibility of the Perak state hockey team. Beginning their victorious career on the nrs; day of this month with a 2—o win over Singapore at Kuala
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  • 215 10 T^iE S R.C. Skipper, "Pat de Souza is being tried out to-morrow. This must be a tribute to the tremendous improvement in form he has shown of late There is no doubt he will give of his bes:. Last Friday, the Civilians met their
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  • 521 10 Cricket Club Fade Away After Even First Half Fort Canning 15 S.C.C 0. DLAYING good rugby on the padang yesterday, Fort 1 Canning did well to beat an S.C.C. fifteen by 15 points (a try, a penalty, a goal and a dropped goal) to
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  • 29 10 r pHE following were the two best scores x returned in the Keppel Golf Club's women's December nine-hole competition Mrs. S. R. Burstall 43—9=34; Miss D
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  • 43 10 |U[I3S PAT LINN, daughter of Squadronf!v,Jf ader d Mrs< G Unn of Stanmore, Middlesex, who is to marry Mr. R. H Plckard #*w- C ru 2* er Player, at the Cathedrai of the Good Shepherd to-morrow, arrived from Eng'and yesterday.
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  • 255 10 ASIATICS WIN FIRST GAME (From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 12. THE Selaneor Asiatics, the runners--1 up in the All Blues Cup competition this year, got over their first hurdle in the opening: game In the Selangor Rugby League yesterday when they defeated the Government Servants
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  • 63 10 ILfRS. GARDEN, with a total with lf handicap of 103.05, won the women's December spoon shoot, while Mrs. Hutchings, with a total with handicap of 102.82, was second. Mrs. Garden scored 25 points at 300 yards range, 23 at 200 and 34 at
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  • 252 10 Field Ambulance 3; YM.C.A. "A" 1. gETTCNG a pace which their opponents fcund too fast, the Field Ambulance scored a well-deserved victory by three goals to one over a Y.M.C.A. "A" side in a hockey match at Anson Road yesterday. A slippery ground hampered
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  • 68 10 A REMINDER is given of to-night's boxing at the Happy World covered stadium. The second of promoter G. B. Tan's efforts, the programme promises plenty of lively fighting. Chief interest is, of course, centred around the eight-round main event between Ah Kow and Baby Chocolatetwo hard-hitting local welterweights,
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  • 80 10 ■TOE following have been invited to play soccer for the Chinese Sports Association against the Tamil Brotherhood Party at Farrer Park en Sunday Chow Weng Kai, Leow Soon Keong, Chan Ah Kong, Tang Sunn Leng, Lye Kock Kuen, Leong Fook Loy, Khoo Soo Tuan. Ho Tian Seng,
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  • 37 10 picture. The Singapore Cold Storage football team who were beaten by three goals to one by Fraser and Neave in the annual Dalvey Cup game at Anson Road stadium on Monday Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • 407 10 Padang Clubs' Hockey Teams Meet At Hockey S.R.C. II 2; S.C.C. II i. A GOAL scored in the closing stages and against the run of play enabled the S.R.C. to beat the S.C.C. in a second team hockey fixture on the padang
    407 words
  • 55 10 THE following have been »elect«d to play hockey for the British Army Officers versus the R.A.F Officers at the A.P.C. ground on Sunday. Bully-off at 5 p.m. Major Robinson; Lt. MeUeid Major England; Cap*. Hope. Lt' McMillan. Capt. Trice; Capt. Elsmie. Capt. Duke. Capt. Cole Capt.
    55 words
  • 54 10 TJMiC Allowing have been selected to i A represent the YJVf.CA. at t>asketoall against the Singapore English School at the Bras Basah Road ground at 5.15 p.m. to-morrow: Goh Chin Chye, Yow Wan Sung, Lini Njit Siong, Ng Wee Yean, Benny Fones Low Seng Kee. Loi Pen? Kong,
    54 words
  • 162 10 Selangor R ace Weights final day lt WINTER MEE F RIGHTS ajl i P" r Selar^o. Tur' hoi:^^ la viola Ii Sonny *nni* Rooq, acoohv The utucky imp* s. •er HOR>, no ottc &€ea Contango Hybla I!OR<|. ru Dudabhoy Aerial p Temple Lay Off Newzy Pair King HOKv, a ■MlHl
    162 words
  • 29 10 i yrssUrdar ■Mi From rius 2 t« rla» 3: bqueev Him Sal, Utrecht. July thFrom clau 3 to 1 POMES Fr*m cUks 2 to rUs 1: Rostlif
    29 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 80 10 i.T'^;:TVJ IB I; ::^'-r' ~:4I H I SI gy^ Cold Storage Suggestion ?v£3S5 or Cltrlstmas Dinner g^^gj Cream of Asparagus Soup gS^J^g Fri^d Lemon Sole Fillets J"V v^ Tartar Sauce g^^S X'mas Turkey <fr Sfu/ftnp pj^P*»^Q breamed Cauliflower Enolish ;**v*V~^ Green Peas V-. 8-4>c*S? Steamed New Potatoes riV-iSs Christmas Pudding
      80 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 43 10 To-day's Sport? Events HOC KEY: S.R.C. vs. R.A.F. (Seletar), Seletar: S.R.C. II vs. R.A.F. (Tengah), S.R.C: S.C.C II vs. Post Office, S.C.C; C.S.C vs. Punjab Regiment, Balestier: S.CR.C vs. Y.M.CA., S.CR.C RUGGER: S.C.C. vs. St. Andrew's Old Boys, S.C.C BOXING: Happy World stadium.
      43 words