The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16^7. E6TD. 1835 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1«, 19W 5 cents
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  • 785 1 m ~M m M 4^ T^" m NO INTERESTS OTHER THAN ECONOMIC IN INDIES Tokio, Dec. 9. -JAPAN would certainly have to fight if the United States went to war with Germany. Japan's foreign policy will henceforth revolve round the three-power pact just as it
    Reuter  -  785 words
  • 187 1 Greeks Take Key Point In North Athens. &ec. 9. teetmtt ot the Greek P 7ootx> W reported in the latest -.munique. It says: SLaghoL rday our troops n various sectors These nghU were plete success -r-spondent on an frontier rettve village of Radokale. point
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 112 1 BRITISH general headquarters. Malaya, declared last night they had no knowledge of the Japanese report about a supposed military alliance between Great Britain and China. They stated they had no knowledge either of the alliance or of negotiations to conclude one. It was reported at
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  • 208 1 BRITISH IN ACTION ON "BROAD FRONT" Cairo, Dec* 9. A, BAG ot 500 Italian prisoners nas'been secured *>y ;he British in operations in the Western Desert. The prisoners were taken in an engagement south of Sidi Barrani. A G.U.Q. communique states that advance
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 54 1 Melbourne, Dec. 9. THE Navy's plans are ready for des- troying enemy raiders in Australian waters, the Australian Navy Minister, Mr. R. M. Hughes, announced in a statement here to-day. He added that the construction of over 50.000 lons of naval vessels was in
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 395 1 London, Dec. 9. REVERTING to its former tactics, the Luftwaffe tried to "blitz" London during last night and the early hours of this morning. Gunfire harassed the steady stream of non-stop raiders, which started with the earliest night alert ever sounded in the
    Reuter  -  395 words
  • 317 1 BATTLE BETWEEN CRUISER ATLANTIC RAIDER REPORTED Montevideo, Dec. AN unidentified wireless message states that a battlo is n taking: place in the south Atlantic between the British cruiser Enterprise and the German raider which fouuht the Carnarvon Castle, the 20,060-ton British armed merchantman, on Friday. Well-informed quarters here have no
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • 35 1 London, Dec. 9. Ki utor learns that the operations in the Western Desert (see coL FOUR) are British operations of some importance, full details of which have not yet been received in London.
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  • 31 1 Hide r -Leopold Meeting Reported New York. Itec. Ul'JI.t.K and Leopold have mart.* personal contac'. declares ttM correspondent of the Columbia Kroadtastinc Torpora i »i? m broadciist from Brus* Is. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 132 1 Nazi Demonstrators And Policemen Clash In Denmark London. l>r CLKIOUS trouble- developed oo Sui day afternoon Mm Kmzi demonstrators and the polic Haderslev. Denmark, according :«> a message from Gothenburg published In the London papers and quoting th Danish news agency. When the Nazis re! used to i<\..e meeting, the
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 84 1 London, Dec. 9. COR the third time in one week and the second night in succession, industrial and military targets in the Dusseldorf area were subjected to a smashing attack by the R.A.F. last night. Announcing the attacks an Air Ministry communique says that the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 161 1 BIGIA TEA H,,^ M FRESHNESS KRAOANtt OF THE ||U IA« GARDENL plßEli M VOUR HOME RAFFLES HOTEL io-mcht DINNER DA NCE 'lnlormai) 8 p.m. to midnight S» BUSTER MAGGIE ft£S Dm Hjh Non-diners WJi EVERY SUNDAY EVEHING —REGIMENTAL BANDCONCERTS <ro«, 8.30 to 10.30 p.m. in the OPEN AIR PALM COURT
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  • 278 2 PRIZE-GIVING AT CHINESE GIRLS' SCHOOL Learn To Find Truth, Says Professor Cullis "T THINK these unhappy wars that 1 are going on and that are causing so much trouble would never have come to pass If only people had cared for and tried to find the truth," said Professor Winifred
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  • 50 2 rE Arabs of Singapore," is the titl? of a talk to be broadcast to-night at 7 10 from the Singapore Station, by Mr. M. A. Alsagoff. This is the eleventh talk in the series of "Presenting Singapore" which is being arranged by the Friends of Singapore,
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  • 60 2 CJOT. FRANK KNIGHT, of the Gordon Highlanders, was charged in the traiTc court yesterday with causing the death of Cheng Hock Chor by a negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide. It was alleged that Sgt. Knight drove a motor-car in a negligent manner in Serangoon Road on
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  • 12 2 CONCESSION TICKETS ON F.M.S. RAILWAYS CONCESSION KM singJr fort are available dur
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  • 14 2 rIE next menmt cM will be held iobJS w date has not yet S
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  • 19 2 DR. WINIFRE-D CTH-LIS will address the Singapore Rotary Club tomorrow on "Industrial Fatieue."
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  • 79 2 HAD a quarrel with the complainant, v'.io is a cowherd; he used a stick to hit me. so I picked up a piece of iron and fought him," pleaded Poll Beng Chuan, a young Chinese, when he claimed trial in the Singapore third court yesterday to a charge
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  • 31 2 TIKE Sultan of Brunei, Ahmad Tajudin I Akharul Khairi Wadin, has arrived in Singapore on a visit. He is accompanied by > his pony and hopes to be here for a fortnight.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 OWTNO TO THE LENGTH OF THE FILM. PATRONS M!E ADVISED TO BE SEATED EARLY TRICES EXCLUSIVE of TAX S2, $1 50 rty. BCTTE CHARLES DAVIS^fIPrIKBOYER TL* Stmr, Y»m Lo»< f *Ai I Wrot, 98ffPM TL P**~* Ymm'U Rtm^mUT KACUEL FIELD \J/ •«A Jeffrey Lyail Barluu-a O'Ncil Vi^^to W~dU, Htuy DmkJl
      179 words
    • 76 2 Drotect your clothes <-^ ri.IT plw.q.y^ HILLS PAVILION Op ENIMG TO-DAY 6.15 9.15 ARTHUR ASKEY mother aS COMEDY r^Sx PREPARE YOURSELF! Y^^^> HANG ON TO YOUR j /^*"v SEATS OR YOU'LL J^^gfff^X LAUGH yourself wWuG#fciH right off iti \/3^&4^^^ ALSO LATEST M e««!y'T. .^"AMMOfFAi. GAUmunT BRITISH and Oucctffd by WALTER
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    • 327 2 MAKE IT A GALA EVENT! TO-Nirur GALA PREMIERE i« aid of THE WAR FUND w "'Wri Under the Distinguished Patronage of H.E. Thi- Governor, Sir AT THE Shenton Thomas, G.C.M.C 0.8.E. and Lady Thomas., Air Chief Marshal, Sir Robert Brooke -Poph am. Commander /k in-Chief, Far East Command. f\ I
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  • 334 3 SI )DDEN "PURGE" OF IViEN RESPECTED BY THE PEOPLE London, Dec. 9. ervicM Greece is rendering to the Allied .noun more eleany than ever in the chanees Italian Hurh Command, says The Times' diploPJ; correspondent. has lon* Iwen clear that the state
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  334 words
  • 172 3 NAZI PAPER'S ADMISSION London, Dec. 9. DEPORTS reaching London show that the repeated attacks by R.A.F. bombers on the same targets in Germany and German-occupied territory night after night are having a great effect on Germany's war output. The German newspaper, Deutsche
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 75 3 London, Dec. 9. JTHE Egyptian Minister of the Interior announced in Cairo to-day that seven people were killed and nine wounded in a riot at an Egyptian internment camp, where a number of local undesirables were confined. The prisoners, it was stated, attacked their
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 113 3 New Delhi, Dec. 9. J^ DEFINITE war production programme has been allotted to India, it is learnt as a result of the recent eastern group conference on war supplies. The British war supplies mission headed by Sir Alexander ftoger is row undertaking a complete survey
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 58 3 Berlin, Dec. 9. M LAVAL, Vichy Vice-Premier, about whom rumours have recently been active, is returning to Paris from Vichy to-morrow, according to a Vichy dispatch to the official German news agency. The reasons tor his journey was nodisclosed but such a journey has generally been connected with
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 52 3 London, Dec. 9. THE loss of one Netherlands sub marine in war operations Is announced by the headquarters of the Royal Netherlands Navy. Every endeavour has been made to inform the next of kin of the crew through the agency of the International Red
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 41 3 Chungking, Dec. 9. THE execution of Gen. Shin Yu-san, former governor of Chahar, for "disobedience to orders" Is officially announced. Gen. Shin's younger brother was executed on a similar charge, according to a Japanese report from shanghai Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 33 3 Tokio, Dec. 9. A DMIRAL Kichisaburo Nomura, newlyA appointed Japanese Ambassador to the United States, will leave for hi* new post on Dec. 28. Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  33 words
  • 39 3 Rome, Dec. 9. GEN. Camilio Grossi has been appointed president of the Italian armistice commission in Syria in succession to Gen. Pietro Plntor, who was killed in an aeroplane crash yesterday, according to the official Italian news agency. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 92 3 London. Dec. 9. lEALISTH view of the war !L ion Ls held by the Tokio BriHin n position has be*n "Ifthened bj the new comiFT^tments with Spain and SST- and the newspaper tells 'Jders that Britain's capacity £?o n t» the war "cannot be TU^'th'e people
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 97 3 Resistance In France OVER 1,100 ARRESTS IN LYONS ALONE London, Dec. 9. the German -controlled Paris radio this morning that a wtee merchant had been lor committing an act of •he German armed there are increasing >e to the Germans ir A broadcast last night from ijons radio admitted that
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 73 3 New York. Dec. 9. p elt who is touring States defences in the rdftj visited St. Lucia. baa acquired an air an under the "des for bases" deal. *Js understood that the President I the day inspecting the ■J»d latr he conferred with ials aboard
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 29 3 OSLO MUNICIPALITY DISMISSALS CUtpvv London. Dec. 9. J^« numbers of the Oslo Muni■oncil have been dismissed Pv>3ts under a decree Lssued r Terboven. German gover••ttto a^' acccrdin Mos- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 37 3 MR Kunmaiaro Honda, ex-Japanese Ambassador to Germany, has been appointed \mbassador to the Nanking regime In succession to Gen. Nobuyukl Abe. who has resigned, according to Wang CWnf-wel's Central Preae Serrice.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 464 3 Cheaper Emp ire Travel After The War: Labour Leader's Plan T shorn, London, Dec 9. 1 oe a solemn resolve by the •Jm I Dominion Governments 1 oeace comes they will no sJto 7s th e to be a closed I tt yt its people, but will power to cheapen
    British Wireless  -  464 words
  • 213 3 CHUNGKING STOPS ALL PASSENGER TRAFFIC Chungking, Dec. 9. THE Chinese Government has ordered the closing of the French IndoChina frontier to all passenger traffic, both foreign and Chinese, according to an official announcement circulated to the foreign consular body. The reason given is the inability
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 168 3 Bangkok, Dec. 9. AN assurance that the Thai plan to regain lost territory from French Indo-China would be realized "as soon as possible*' was given by the Prime Minister, M. Luang B. Songgram, in a speech at the special session of the Diet, according to
    Eastern News  -  168 words
  • 76 3 Vichy, Dec. 9. QEN. HENRI DENTZ has been appointed French High Commissioner in Syria, according to an official announcement. Ttxe post also carries the title of commander in -chief of the French forces in the Levant. The Havas agency states that Gen, Dentz was formerly head
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 145 3 PILOT LOSSES IN RATIO OF 65 TO ONE London, I3ec. 9. THE Luftwaffe lost three aircraft for every British machine and pilots at the rate of 65 to one during air activity over Britain during the week ending midnight Dec. 7. In
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 31 3 Cairo, Dec. 9. THE Egyptian Government has strongly protested against the Italian bombing of Alexandria and has demanded immediate indemnity, according to the newspaper El Ahram Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 35 3 London, Dec. 9. 4 MESSAGE from New York states that l\. 25 fully-equipped ambulances have been presented to the Greek Government by the British -American ambulance corps, and will be shipped to Greece shortly. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 278 3 Leaden, Dec. 9. Tbe following art to-days closing middle quotations. Shares are of Cl denomination unless otnennse stated: Con i_an 3* im-64.... 107% Funding imn 4% 1880-6f 113% War Loan *****6 —3116 Com Union Assce (UnlU) £6% Prudential Assce "A".. 20% Royal usee £7% Orea i West-m Rly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 DOGS DOGS DOGS "CASTRIQUE" is the World's Wonder Remedy for Worms Poor Condition Unhealthy Coat Loss of Energy etc. Medical Hall Ltd. OPENING TO-DAY PATUAV Where 3.15-6.15-9.15. UAlnAl «ZZ« BOX OFFICE PHONE 3400 The year's most unusual story Told in a way new to motion pictures yet warm and glowing
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  • 614 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940. Council Meeting fTHREE features of yesterdays meeting of the Legislative Council deserve comment. First there was Sir Shenton Thomas who made a very inspiring speech in reply to the unofficial members who welcomed him back to the Colony. His description of the
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  • 923 4 By Col. Frederick Palmer (AMERICAN MILITARY EXPERT) New York. DEAD one word between the lines and in certain admissions of the conflicting British and German air communiques and you will have the best approach to an answer of the question of whether Britain will
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  • 435 4 Aircraft Tank Superiority Vital For Offensive LESSONS OF THE WAR Noted Writer Is Optimistic WISDOM after events is the prerogative of certain war historians, but not all. Capt. Liddle Hart, late military correspondent of The Times was for years a voice crying in the wilderness. His supporters, however, hold him
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 \o make a proper G l M LET UiJ||LUJ in LhHBAhHH K&vi but the MME V> JUICE mmtU If U^t^ By Special appointment Established \GM*& r €£k 1572: J^^^^^^s NEWEST DESI6NS IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches r incorporated tn Cevum) SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. K. P. M.
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    • 119 4 First in Malaya NUMONT FUL-VUE The refinement and symmetry of Numont Pul-vue styling is evident at a glance. Here is truly handsome eyewear. Each of cne features below is an added reason for selecting Numont Pul-vue for your own glasses. 1. Endpieces not attached to lenses. Numont Pul-vue construction eliminates
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    • 13 4 IB BZ llftl t »K\. t^ DEMOCRACY gf fyj /Y* Wk MRFRTY \,mm)>W<
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  • 1842 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By ft pNTMA s time is always a f HK V time tor Magic Circle S« Requests come in sbm all over the magicians to. attend J ehiMren's parties. -Month altogether the Magic "bookings." BCC9 b i 12, next
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  • 195 5 fItHE following is the programme for Dr. Winifred Cullis who has returned to Singapore from her visit tc N.1., Penang and Kuala Lumpur: To-day: 10.30 a.m. Changi. 5.30 p.m. Malayan Patriotic Assoc. at Raffles Girls School. TO-MORROW 9.30 a.m. Visit to Medical College. 1.15 p.m. Rotary
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 zSS^ PER LARGE TUBE $1 a noldmg iht nan MM r>\ assisting tht tian ttmrml wav rtrinrheri Sole Agents GRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD. Mntapotr I'rnans Kuala tump'ii SALON MADAME SHEILA" ju:t received A new Consignment of Afternoon Evening Dresses. Evening Dresses ii Brocade. Silk Chiffon -Velvet. ALL VERY SMART AND of
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    • 188 5 W^\>> CLEANSE h -y 7 WE X NOURISH The basis of all Elizabeth Arden home and salon treat- ments are her essential preparations, Ardena Skin Tonic— Ardena Cleansing Cream— Velva Cream. Use these and your beauty is on a sure foundation. MAYNARD'S Battery Rd. LIPTON'S means TEA j 1 in
      188 words

  • 1545 7 governor s Assurance At Council Meeting DISCUSSIONS WITH FAR EAST C-in-C. AND G.O.C. ifTBAUNG in the Legislative Council yesterday for A in that action will be taken promptly to create the riirht organization for the purposes of providing l n te(ti<n and of perfecting
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 7 picture. The Commander-in-Chief, Far East, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert BrookePopnam, meeting: officers of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Air Force and instructors when he paid a visit to the Singapore Government Flying: Training School on Saturday Free Press
    Free Press  -  38 words
  • 175 7 "Will Be Dealt With Energetically" "IF ever Government receives in--1 formation likely to produce a ca*e for corruption against any officer, it will deal with it as energetically and faithfully as it can." This was the assurance given by the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, at the Legislative
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  • 245 7 First Members Of L.D.C. Enrolled Yesterday "THE first members of the Local De- fence Ccrps were enrolled in Singapore at the Old Supreme Court yesterday. Training is to begin on Dec. 16, when the 100 recruits will parade for the fn.-f time. These members are to be enrolled during this
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  • 249 7 AS TRO N G denial that local teachers who were graduates from Raffles College, were underpaid and faced with inadequate prospects, was made by Dr. W. Linehan, Director of Education, at the Legislative Council yesterday. Dr. Linehan was replying to the plea by
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  • 158 7 IT is probable that a debate on 1 State-controlled war lotteries will take place at the next meeting of the Legislative Council. Mr. G. Wiseman, of Malacca, asked the Governor at yesterday's meeting of the Council to allow a debate to be held at a
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  • 189 7 PROFITEERING IN FURNITURE RENT TO BE ENDED rvESIGNED to put a stop to the practice which some landlords have adopted for evading the Rent Restriction Ordinance by insisting that tenants take over, with the premises, furniture at an excessive rate, a bill amending the Ordinance was taken through all stages
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  • 53 7 A 23-YEAR-OLD Cantonese, See Fong, was charged in the Singapore second couit yesterday with causing obstruction to traffic at Malabar Street on Sunday evening. He was stated to have been playing a game called "sepak bola bulu ayam" (picking the shuttlecock). A fine of $1 was imposed when
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  • 984 7 GOVERNOR PROMISES TO ISSUE CIRCULAR TO HEADS SOON HEADS of Government departments in the Straits Settlements will, before the beginning of next year, receive a circular from the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas impressing upon them the necessity for cutting down expenditure in every
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 fains in Back Gone in 3 Hours iffer terrible sharp pains or dull •vn aches in back or sides, you nd of these with ordinary medi aus* you must kill the germs In cher symptoms of Kidney «u«J Itl1u r Idsonlers are Scanty, Fre- and Pamful Passages. Getting up
      124 words
    • 137 7 CATERING PROBLEMS LET US SOLVE THEM 'will cater for any function hv\ or small telephone your petti* and leave the rest to us. We assure > of our best services at all times. 4ft/^^s^wifl£ The Catering Department 4s under ffl '^p^ W direct European supervision. ROBINSON CO.. LTD. TELEPHONIC 5894
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 417 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED W BNOLANDi P. <Sc O. 8. n. CO"8 SAILINGS. The best possible serviced are being maintained by The P. O. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
      417 words
    • 332 8 BOUSTEAD CO.* LTD. (Incorporateu m f* M S TELEPHONE: ttetftlt 5432 Pt«^ti-» *«\l Mflyfttiflmr^ (Incnr-porated in Kngiana* Regular service from the Orient to Van#*owvor by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS n DUCHESS or MONT n steamers to the United Kingdom.— All
      332 words
    • 430 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD? BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings ro Jniteo Kingdom Oate«^ ar guaranteed, all cargo cookings subject tc ft War Clauses W K STRRM A li STRALU THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT r^E ONOIPCti Regular Services to >e mantle Perth) l9 Ja by first class oass^n^er «*hips. Single fare
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  • 1665 9  -  Nomad In The Garrison -By MANY millions of people must have read the recent thrilling story of the successful efforts of Lieut. Davies, R.E., and his gallant bomb disposal squad who worked ceaselessly to remove a time bomb from the vicinity of St. Paul's
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 952 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SITUATIONS VACANT. "^APOf GENERAL CLERICAL N i N ICIPA LITY SERVICE Tenders. mSUL 8 1 rt can <ndates to un \Z K^^^ s the atoo?c service In 1941 „e now invited for the "rJLi** 11 made a^d the successful W** or servlcea. For a PPUcante are being informed.
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    • 60 9 COMMERICAL SUBJECTS ENROL NOW Enrolments are now being made for the commencement of classes, during December for the 1940/41 year of training, in the following subjects All London Chamber of Commerce 1941 examination subjects. School Certificate Examination, December. 1941. AH Pitman Commercial Certificate Subjects. Particulars of classes and fees may
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    • 94 9 f>he 1941 V FIVIIIG STRIipD This latest addition to the Standard Motor Co.'s range has all the. qualities of the TwrvDoor Eight, with the added advantage of a Four-Door body specially designed to give the maximum amount of room for passengers and luggage. The car is a genuine four-seater and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 274 9 Garrison Diary J'o-dav: All-ranks dance (Loyatr* Wives Club), Gillman Barracks. Whist drives at RJL (Changi) Married Families flub. Nee Soon and I'crt Canning Sergeants* Messe*. To-morrow: Whist drives at RF. and R.A. (Changi) and Alexandra Depot (9.1 M Sergeants' Messes. Tombola. RAF. (No. I Area) Mess. Thursday: Military whist driue,
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  • 469 10 Fine Display Of Football At Anson Road Stadium JACKSON SCORES ALL WINNERS' GOALS Fraser Neave 3; Cold Storage 1. BEATING the Cold Storage by three goals to one, Fraser and Neave won the Dalvey Cup at the Anson Road stadium yesterday. Presented by Mr.
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  • 350 10 Selangor Race Weights For To-morrow tbe rIE following are the weights at Kuala Lumpur to-morrow, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's meeting. Horses. Clas* 2. Div. 3. H_*BHh BatU 900 Just My Luck 8.06 Turn Over 9.00 Danger Zone 8.06 Harlowe 8.13 Utrecht 8.04 Where Am I 8.12
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  • 185 10 PLAYING at their own courc on Saturday, the Fligh: Badminton Party beat Henry Waugh Sports Club by four games to me. Results, Flight B P piayers mentioned first, were: Richard Tan lest to Ng Chia Heng 15—10 14—14 (0-3). 15—10: Johnnie Chua beat T A Kamailappan 15—1,
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  • 76 10 THE following have accepted to plaj hockey for the S.C.C. I against the S.R.C. I at the SRC. to-morrow: Dr. B. D. Molesworth: K. A. I?, fodd, PayjLt. G. C. Fortin; Capt. J. P. M. Hope, Capt. L. L. E. Macmillan. Major J. R. Kellett;
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  • 236 10 TTHE Royal Singapore Golf Club's December Medal competition was played at Bukit Tlmah on Saturday and Sunday and resulted In a win for S. A. Beavis in "A" division with a nett score of 73, in a tie in "B" division between P. Wilson
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 10 picture. An Army Crusader finds himself sandwiched between *W "mA""* t whom* Peirce oa the rifht, m Saturday's Malaya Rugby Union fixture on the S.C.C. padai|: m which the Wanderers beat the Crusaders elerwi-nii.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • 392 10 MEANS OF IMPARTING INTEREST TO SEASON Kuala Lumpur. WARTIME Rugby in Selangor is about to receive a belated fillip. At the beginning of the season now in progress it was proposed as a means of imparting interest to a season which had been deprived
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  • 63 10 Singapore 's Sta te Hockey Team THE following is the Singapore team to meet Selangor in a State hockey match at the S.C.C padang on Saturday: Yee Cheok Wah; R. H. Barth. P. F. de Souza; L Naik Bhupalan, Sgt. Cr;>iiin, L. S. Renters (capt.) llav. Manickam N. II Sullivan.
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  • 104 10 Brancker Wins Island Club's Competition P. L. Brancker won the Island Club's Captain 's Prize competition with a score of 38.% on Saturday. Sixtythree cards were taken out and the following were some of the best returned P. L. Brancker 23+15.% =38.%; J. H. G. Cooper 18+18=36;
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  • 117 10 THE loilowing ue> t i. M- minton Party s annual rhunpitQ. ships will be played on Siurday "A" SINGLES Wee Kim Wee vs Chin Than; Swe*; Jcsiah Yap vj R "B" SINGLES L:m Choo Ani: a 1 Ong Kim Seng vs. Ang Tock Hock; Wee
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  • 33 10 T*WO hockey matches, the S.R.C. vs. Hyderabad Regiment, and the Indian Association vs. Indian General Hospital, to have been played yesterday on the Padang and Balestier Plain respectively, were cancelled.
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  • 720 10 Young Girl's Evidence Inquiry Into Triple Trag e^ A DOUBLE inquiry, one into the death* U i rt and a boy who were found battered in a house in Henderson Road, and the circumstances of the death of a dune t who was found
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 TAIKOO SUGAR Better suirar is not to be had not «nih li «g opinion, but in that of hundreds of our ruston most of whom were recommended by other- Taikoo Sugar. Try a sample and we vt p another customer. SOLE AGENTS:— PHONE 5376 FI t U«f Advt of Singapore
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 49 10 To-day's Sports Events rujs "i S.C.C. <B) vi. Gordons. SC.C; SI Andrew's Old Boys vs. Police 11, Woodsville; Loyals II vs. R M C, Gillman Barracks. Hockey: Ceylon Sports Club vs. Mountain Battery, Balesti«T; YM.CA. vs. Khalsa Assn. V M.C.A.; Y.W.CA. vs. European Women, Ceylon Tamil Association ground (Balestier).
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