The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.264. ESTD. 1835 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 5 cents
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  • 136 1 London. Dec. 5. been made, and is tan solving the progfct raiders, but the of some complexity be dealt with gradupi ifc onnatioii to^ the na to-day Mr. C. R. L. r> v Seal, stated that m And undue pessiv to be avoided in
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 844 1 Troops Roads Bombed, Warship Hit, 10 Enemy Planes Said Shot Down GREEK FORCES CAPTURE NEW STRATEGIC HEIGHTS k Athens, Dec. 5. J^Pi important British air victory is announced at British headquarters here. In a fierce battle over the enemy lines yesterday British fighters, without
    Reuter  -  844 words
  • 152 1 SEW WATERWAY U. S. DEFENCE Detroit, Itec. 5. *£&IDfc>- intends to approve a treaty a Canada :or the completion at the seaway and power proThe President made this anthe Great Lakes ind Pow<*r conference to-day. roMi Waterway Treaty was ringtQß la July, 1932. with ie. eloping the St. Lawrence •eear.
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 26 1 CMomreux, iiec. 5. the Swiss newspaper l-ausannc, containing a account of last battle In the M»diterra:i3een banned from entrv Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 187 1 London, Dec. 5. "pHE lact that Eire depends on Britain for all the main factors in her economic existence and that financially her interest clearly lies in a British victory is stressed by the periodical Banker, which generally reflects the view of London
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 126 1 Canberra, Dec. 5. A CRISIS in the House of Re- nresentatives over the Commonwealth budget was averted to-day when the Labour party decided to accept a compromise submitted by the Government. The decision followed a two-weet dispute in which Labour threatened to defeat the Government on
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 36 1 New York, Dec. 5. rE British steamer Marylyn. 4,555 tons, and a Greek freighter described as the San Gabriel have been torpedoed and sunk on South American voyages, according to the New York Maritime Register.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 617 1 London, Dec. 5. PARLIAMENTARY attention to-day was focussed on Britain's war aims. Normally the occasion— the debate on the speech from the Throne— would have been of first class importance and provided party keynotes— especially the Opposition— for the whole of the forthcoming session.
    Reuter  -  617 words
  • 458 1 New York, Dec. 5. DRITAIN'S financial position was "never stronger," declared Sir Frederick Phillips, third secretary of the British Treasury, when he arrived here by Clipper last night en route to Washington to confer with Mr. Henry Morgenthau, United States
    Reuter  -  458 words
  • 44 1 New York. Dec. i. T«E award i>! oooudl for the v^oMJliN alUl/CCi Oil lufaua/ 111 wTI6 IiOUMC the United States by the Ministry oJ Shipping, Ls expected within the next few days, according to the Tournal ot Commerce- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 43 1 London. Dec. 5. ENEMY nelitero and lighter-bombers whicb crossed the south-east coast this morning at a great height *fre turned back by RAP. nghters. Over one south-east coast, town, five Messerschmltts came under tntensr antiaircraft fire and one anoearad to have been Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 I BARGAINS now being: i |a ilear the 0M remains of -oil's stock! PON 1 DELAY VISIT I lALE I -HOTIRM ALL'S RAFFLES HOTEL l£°j!i!» DINNER DANCE 8 p.m. to midnight NEW CABARET ATTRACTION B USTER MAGGIE SfSS, .Jfoiwr $3.00 Non-diners $1-00 Y j^ SUNDAY EVENING SOCIAL RENDEZVOUS MILITARY BAND
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  • 321 2 Rent Ordinance Amendments Suggested T*HE Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association is addressing Government a request that the Rent (Restriction) Ordinance be amended to permit a landlord to apply direct to Court for an order for the recovery of possession of premises reasonably required by him for occupation for business purposes by
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  • 82 2 PERTAIN parts of Metropolitan Prance not Included in the area occupied by Germany in accordance with the terms of the Franco-German armistice convention of i&st June will be treated as enemy territory for the purpose of trading under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939 and the Defence (Trading
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  • 488 2 WOMAN TELLS OF INTRUDER'S VISIT WEEPING bitterly, a 22-year-old Cantonese woman related in the Singapore Coroner's court yesterday how she was awakened in her room early one morning by a "slim, tall man dressed in black" who forced her, at the point of a knife, to deliver him some keys.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 BOOKING AND ATTENDANCE ADVISABLE" STRAITS TIMES. A6 T fts ih fL^&ffif Sk SHOWS I LHAMPKA 3.15, 6.15 9.15 I AS THE FILM MEASURES OVER 13,000 ft. long, patrons are advised to be seated early. PRICES: $2, $1. 50 cts. EXCLUSIVE OF TAX The screen's most brilliant stars Together in their
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    • 258 2 ANOTHER HIT IN M.G.M. S JT?^^ OUTSTANDINC^iciURES: E Op" TWO GREAT STARS~ TOGETHER CAPITOL] ZE£* i^T^.lS The Girl who won the World's Award as Beaut > BEAUTY— The Man who won TWO ACADEMY \v\ MBFR hSi YEARS BEST ACTOR! Rl>S as Latest METROTONE NEWS-of-thc-Day inoludin, inv As FRENCH INDOCHINA By
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    • 333 3 "Communism" Clause In Pack With Nanking O tf OF RUSSIAN AID TO CHIANG WILL CONTINUE London, Dec. 5. rf l'« I0il has Japan that it continues ani/e <^n. Chiang Kai-shek's administration as na ...v eminent of China, and not that of Wtt-wti w ho has been proclaimed by Japan on
      Reuter  -  333 words
    • 67 3 Shanghai, Dec. 5. £LOSE on the heels of America's recent $100,000,000 loan to China, the British Government is reported to be considering a £6,000,000 credit to China, according to Chinese Press dispatches. Previously Great Britain had granted a £3,000,000 loan. Another Chinese Press
      Reuter  -  67 words
  • 118 3 Government Raid Shelters "UNDER URGENT EXAMINATION" MATTERS concerned with the dispersal of population and air raid shelters were under urgent expert examination, it is stated in a letter from the Secretary of Defence, Malaya, to the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association. The letter, according to a report by the association, was
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  • 131 3 London, Dec. 5. BRITISH fighter aircraft are now being equipped with the cannon. The change-over has been going on lor some time, and a number of German raiders accounted for recently have been shot down by fighters with this new and formidable armament. The advantages that
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 150 3 Shanghai. Dec. 5. THROUGH the intervention of the Consular body, the Japanese have relaxed somewhat the restrictions in the blockaded area In the Japanesecontrolled sector of the International Settlement as regards foreigners, but the Chinese are still finding difficulty in entering or leaving the district.
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 513 3 London, Dec. 5. \UHAT is regarded in London as significant evidence that the Germans are not so satisfied with the effects of the night raids on British provincial cities as their propaganda suggests is the fury with which
    British Wireless  -  513 words
  • 41 3 Ex-King Carlo's Life In Danger? I on don. Dec. 5. suction that ex-Kins life m.i> be in some Jf» n> eyed in reports gj* the >Q^i>b (r »y* ■Kjk'SMS be evidence that Ambers "f th Rumanian "VK* enlt > lcft RumanU Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 68 3 V* York, Dec. 5. L united' State* and the Soviet agreed that the United JriUU at Vladivostok. 1123 -hail be reopened, •o th. Washington corllat of the New York Heraldj quotes diplomatic ETfcEn that :hii U the nrst conceskwit to T he U::.:d States
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 55 3 .uiberra. l>ec. 5. eminent is asrol of all Australian rding to a state;\iqe. Minister of once, to-c .e tne accuinui irgo a! Australian I expeditiously. In accordance i as and the 1 the use to I for hir- dc order of is. jitloned In j
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 36 3 Batavia, Dec. 5. I«HE Netherlands Indies Spitfire lund offered Mr. Churchill to-day its tenth birthday Spitfire. In less than three months the Netherlands Indies Spitfire fund has completed two sauadrons.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 27 3 Belgrade. Dec. 3. RUMANIA'S dailv oil production has fallen from 1.700 to 1,300 wagons, accnrHn?r to a d sDatch from Buchar--1 pst Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 467 3 ;i<i-m, Dec. 5. sued by the Air [Jhlr -ervice on air Gcnranj says that there I the R.A.F.'S P of liming rather than bombs is the I d<xs it cause damage will hurt Germany most, is evidence that it injures
    British Wireless  -  467 words
  • 187 3 R. A. F. ON TOP IN SECOND PHASE OF THE WAR Lond<m, Dec. 4. THE Polish Minister of Information, *%> tM there have been two cUflerseised the Atlantic tited to preported by nir raidr jn the largest m^ndov* losses. 'Since then Hitler has tried to cover up his failure with
    British Wireless  -  187 words
  • 180 3 London, Dec. 5. EARLIER reports of the comparative i inactivity of Nazi raiders last night are confirmed by an Air Ministry communique, which states that in the early hours of last night enemy aircraft flew towards London and the Midlands and dropped high explosive and
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 282 3 London, Dec 5. REPORTS up to 5 p m. show 13 enemy aircraft were destroyed over Britain to-day. One British fighter was lost but the pilot is safe. R.A.F. bombers last night made a sustained attack on various objectives in the Dusseldorf area, where fires and explosions resulted
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 55 3 Bombay, Dec. 5. ABROrHER and sister are now detained under the Defence of India Act. Mrs. Pandit, sister of Pandit Nehru and first woman Minister in India, having been arrested. In Orissa Biswanath Das, forme; premier, is also among those arrested 'following Mr. Gandhi's ramDaten
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 117 3 London, Dec. 5. A TRIBUTE to the "extraordinary valour of the Greeks, which has given the Allied cause its first major land victory" was paid by Mr. Herbert Morrison. Minister for Home Security, who added: "The example Greece gives us is a timely reminder that
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 25 3 London, Dec. 5. <I*RE Government of Eire has agreed to receive a greater number of evacuees from England.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE Take care of your Teeth by using a HALEX TOOTHBRUSH New shipment just arrived All models in stock at MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD. A thundering jf% M "i" II M spectacle of Lf !||ps Ever y bo < J y TO DAY 3.15
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  • 642 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940. Commander-in-Chief TT emphasises the important role 1 which Singapore must play in world affairs that this city should have been chosen by the Imperial Government as the headquarters for the new C-in-C, Far East. The choice of Singapore as the centre of
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  • 634 4 By A Special Correspp^ A WARNING that Britain's dollar and gold reserves are not inexhaustible was given by Lord Lothian, British Ambassador in Washington, when he returned from a visit to London a few days ago. This has started a lively debate all over
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  • 666 4 How Fi rst V.C.s Of The War Were Won A MONG the first five Victoria Crosses in this war, the first went to the Navy. There were two each for the Royal Air Force and Army. Capt. Ervine- Andrews of the East Lancashire Regiment is the only survivor. Capt. Harold
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 214 4 AUSOPP f S||g| i Q^jm3QElEaE3E] CHIY ERS Oi*«r« Jellies B*' The most popular jellies /or over half a century j The rich fruity tlavoun* »o ciiaract eristic of -~a! r »7*\ J/tfn L Chivers* Jellies have won for them a world t I f^^^*^7i wide popularity. W'Tiat could be nicer
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    • 28 4 0 The Correct Detailt and the Smart Appearance are plainly indicated in every Garment tailored by MIEN CHONG S'pore's most up-to-date Tailor 14 Coleman Si. t] Phone 4516
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1592 5  - Dutch Children's Day With St. Nicholas MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By YESTERDAY was a big day for the Dutch children in Singapore for it was St. Nicholas' day, and the saint, furthermore, paid I them a visit. It was rumoured that he would arrive by boat at Clifford Pier
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 195 5 Beautiful Grandmothers hlhis simple easy may tohok fresh and young ■IB Cl olive oil. both pre/ed are blended t ingredients in .y-- it or twenty years I >k.ilon non-creasy. It qui k!v nourishes and banishes wrinkles i bier Makes the iun?, feel good and gwom hair. English ltd t ir
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    • 133 5 for gala occasions (jp Before every important social x'v' function pay a visit to the Elizabeth Arden Salon for a W treatment completed with a f A special party make-up. tSf' V MAYNARD'S Battery Road. BATTERY RDAD jt AJL PMONE'- 40B? American Collection of dresses just received. Open 8 30
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  • 800 6 Sharp Increase In U.S. Voters Willing To Risk War With Axis IX recent weeks, as the American people have faced new' challenges to their safety in the Pacific as well as in the Atlantic, nation-wide surveys show that there has not only been a sharp increase in
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  • 38 6 /CONSUMPTION of do* flesh will be legal after January in Germany linger a new decree. Horse flesh is now available in some restaurants in Germany. Meat coupons are not needed to buy it.
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  • 89 6 PRESIDENT Roosevelt said recently that America had gone soft with years o: easy living. He has now asked a former Olympic athlete to devise a plan for mass civilian physical training to "toughen up" America. John B. Kelly, Democratic Leader of Philadelphia and Olympic sculling champion in
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  • 594 6 WRITING in the Statesman, ff Calcutta, Azaj Warqneh C. Martin, ex-Minister of Ethiopia in London, recalls how, before the advent of the Italians, many thousands of Indians were settled and profitably employed in Abyssinia. "I think," he writes. "I am right in saying
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  • 45 6 Someivhere on the southioest coast of Britain tne Koyai Aruuery arc standing by ready in every way. Men are living in dug-outs ready to ao into action at a moments notice. Picture shows a gunner having a shave in his dug-out.
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  • 365 6 HOW the German raider which sank the British ship Saxby six months ago often sailed under the Dutch flag, changed her name three times while the Saxby's men were prisoners on board her, and had a telescopic funnel which could be raised or lowered at
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  • 59 6 Dover Children In Peril, Will Not Leave n Dover ref use u liv them aithousi, '^iu t constant d,n R or lro > f from German Klm rr>m *Hfc, Thiv is one ot th#> ems arising from the £2 tacks on Britain. de?|LJ^>> l Paper. res th *D^ v Seventy:.
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  • 191 6 Nearly Penniless Britons Have Luxury Trip Britons, mosth n fnni K X (ravelled across Russi^ meals of caviare, fh 2 ducks, geese, turkey, ham J cheese, and white bread delicacy in Russia The trans-Siberian i their meals. The Britons were rt-luj;cts trom tw 1 Baltic State of Estonia They travelled
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 247 6 UchUUf Your eyes are the most delicate, the most sensitive, the most easily harmed of all your features. And yet you probably never do anything at all to help them or protect them from the thousand and one dangers to which they are exposed. Then suddenly the time comes when
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    • 91 6 L-^ai M MM^_ M^^^^— mviv Till dip w 1 W3 QRCHf^ I SATURDAY I _^^^^^^^k 7th DECEMBER We have pleasure in announcing the opening on S;»(unl^ December, of the First Department Store in Orcluiiii K<» Ever increasing support of satisfied customers makes this exfMM 0 possible, and we are marking
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  • 718 7 CONTONESE GANGSTERS CAN MUSTER 50 FIREARMS Most Dangerous Element Of Local Underworld POLICE REVIEW OF CRIME hS? Sth and ?an s mo «t dangerous memapproximatelyL S erworld f Singaporean muster are nS af2n fire rn l s amongst them "which they ?3iw Mr n "^"declares the Inspector-General of copy of
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  • 122 7 APPEAL JUDGE INCREASES PUNISHMENT j >;id accused, Hashim llia, was the movin collecting a gang to the complainants. In view lal activities and his two his sentence is n.x months* rigorous and a fine of $100. or rigorous imprisonudgmen t dellTerC art yesterday by the Justice, Mr. Jn^ :ing
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  • 52 7 t-d to Chiarur Soon Haat i a charge of robbery of i t) him in the Singapore which was described xI C Boyle as being connected case and was stated to have in Robinson Road on Monday. MM postponed until Dec. 10. the HmrnTirf for 24 hours
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  • 29 7 r: Administering the Govern appointed Mr. P. O. Alpin I v.y Controller of Restricted r the Straits Settlements and Mr. to be an Assistant Controller.
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  • 66 7 A PERSON may b3 required to furnish, or produce, to Government any information or article in his possession if such pro. duction is expedient "in the interests of pubii? safety, the defence of the Realm or the efficient prose cu ion of the war," states
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  • 386 7 Chinese Gifts To London Raid Victims FINE RESPONSE TO APPEAL IT is most gratifying to learn that, in response to the China Relief und's appeal on behalf of the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Relief Fund, spontaneous contributions almost amounting to a deluge have been flowing into the Fund's office." states
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  • 103 7 ■"pHE total donations to the Air Raid Relic! Account of the Malaya Patriotic Fund up to last Saturday amounted to $43,462.98. The latest subscriptions are Mrs. T. C. Hards $100; Sympathiser $100; Miss M. M. Pickup (Kuala Lumpur) $100; B. P. Bridge $300; French Officers
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  • 77 7 u TTHE Women Go To It" is the title of a talk to be given from the Singapore broadcasting station tonight by Gertrude Hinch at 7.10. Mrs. Hinch was in England at the outbreak of war. For nearly a year she worked at the headquarters
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  • 110 7 LISTENERS in Malaya whj have been accustomed to tuning-in to the early morning news relays may be interested in the following report from an up-country listener. The A. B.C. Station of Australia rebroadcasts the news from London at 6.05 a.m. Malayan time on every day except
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  • 83 7 THE Ulk entitled "Every Dollar Helps' recently given from the Singapore station by Dr. T. H. Silcock, Professor of Economics at Raffles College, has now been printed as a leaflet and copies can be obtained without charge from the Department of Information and Publicity, Union
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  • 338 7 Conviction Of Cafe Licensee AN appeal by the Crown, repre'M seated by Mr. E. N. Griffithj Jones, to enhance a sentence im- posed en the licensee of the Monico Cafe who had been convicted in the lower courts for an offence under j the Liquors
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  • 321 7 THE importance and extent of war work done in the workshops and docks of the Singapore Harbour Board are disclosed in the Boards of hostilities, the dockyard and electrical departments were called upon to carry out the defensive equipment o: merchant vessels and the
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  • 187 7 EFFECTIVENESS OF NAVY'S PROTECTION SHOWN THE effectiveness of the British Navy in keeping* the sea lanes of the world open in spite of the German submarine and surface raider menace is strikingly demonstrated by the fact that the trade handled Singapore wharves for the
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  • 165 7 STATING that he WM at W to tnc Colony and did not know thai be had to report lost property to the police t-tation, Teflg Low K:a:i, a ricksha puller, was firied $15. or to a fortnight*! imprisonment. In the Bfa third court yestcn ay
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  • 153 7 <From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, l)c<. 5. I J. CAIT, until recently European manager of the Ipoh branch of John Little and Co., Limit- 'd, appear d in the first magistrate's court this morning en a charge of criminal breach of trusi in
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  • 89 7 jWf HS K vv <iiu- Depot] Director ration), Mr. D. Walker and mi I were preinl at ihc- Gu.n Big Sen:- I Cecil Street, yesterday moraine t handwork and drawing exhibition annual nrizf <iistribution. Before th<- distribution they were variety concert b7 the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 118 7 '^ft I Bm P^ > A a^V a^^^^^^^^^^a^^a^aM Easily the most wonderful display of Toys ever shown in Malaya SHOP EARLY =ROBINSON CO., LTD^J K. P. M. LINE Regular sailings to Java, Bali, Sumatra, Borneo and all other ports in the Netherlands Indies. ORIENT JAVA AFRICA LINE Regular bi-monthly service
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 429 8 P.&O. and BRITISH f INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) I P. «c O. 8. N. CO'S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to rheir usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the f'nitcd Kingdom. Passenger? are
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    • 369 8 BOUSTEAD CO. ITS. (inccH-porateo id h m S > ifcLfcPHONh: tYeUtJ 243J5. ra-«a«e Rdian pacbi ic fli§yj|j|PfiHCT 'Incorporateo m e*^eJi*»"OJ Regular service from the Orient to Vrncouver by I GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS DUCHESS "or MONT steamers j to the
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    • 406 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LIHEL Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom Oate^ guaranteed, all cargo >oc kings subject to Conf e ro° 0< War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTUAL| A THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE Al r^E Cheapest Fa Regular Services to mantle I Perth, V a Jav< by first class oass^nger ship
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  • 242 9 Other Arrangements From Jan. 1, Says Controller pURTHER steps in the control of rice into Malaya have been taken, with the announcement that no more licences to import the commodity from Burma, Java and IndoChina will be issued during December. Other control
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  • 163 9 WITHOUT calling upon Mr. Roland Braddell, counsel for the respondents, the judges sitting in the Court of Civil Appeal yesterday dismissed an appeal by a married woman who claimed to be a beneficiary of the 51.0C0.000 estate of the late Wee Slang Tat. In the
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  • 161 9 TPHE Court of Civil Appeal, compris- ing Mr. Justice Poyser, Mr. Justice Manning and Mr. Justice GordcnSmith, yesterday increased an award for damages to $5,000 for injuries received in a street accident. The appeal was against part of the judgment of the acting Chief Jusiie<\ Mr.
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  • 78 9 IN connection with the report in the Free Press on Nov. 27 of the ease in which Andrew Kurucz, an American sailor made a statement that he had been beaten outside a cabaret in Anson Road, it has been pointed out to us -hat the date he
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  • 589 9 DECISION ON CINEMA OWNER'S APPLICATION HTMLE r»ent Assessment Board decided yes- terday that it only had power to rebear coming within the ambit ot Section 7 of the Increase of Rent (Restriction) Ordinance and had no power to reconsider any other cases. They
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  • 146 9 ALTHOUGH the main Christmas mails for the United Kingdom are already well on their way, the volume of Christmas letters pnd pr c*\* to ether destinations nearer at hand has begun to increase notice- ably. Members of the public can help in ex- peditine the passage
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  • 471 9 THE list 6f registered monthly sub- scribers to the Malaya Patriotic Fund up to last Saturday showed a total of $2,758.50. The list is: "A. J. B. D." $5; F. B. M. Akkermans $5; N. S. Alexander $30; A. Alcan $50; Rev. A. S. Moore Anderson
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  • 62 9 CEWER work Is now In progress In Tanjong Rhu between Port Road and the Singapore Swimming Club. The work is expected to take four or five weeks to complete, dunr.g v livh time a certain amount of obstruction to traffic cannot be avoided, states a
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  • 48 9 piisoeaent was pns*?d on lim Tian Btu viien he wa« convicted in th a Singapore third co\ut yesterday of a listing in the management of a chap jee kee lottery In Singapore. He was stated to have had a previous conricttal for a similar offence.
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  • 119 9 DAILY nilCEfl CURRENT Pec. 5, It o'clock noon I Future Mouths Quocations I K-3 IX R.S.S. on Registered Tender December 38% 39 Jan.-March 38 38^ April-June 36^ 367a Tone of Market: Steady, latest Cable: London Spot Sheet HT'sd. per lb. New York Spot Sheet U.S.
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  • 348 9 THE Greeks were not fortunate in the I war against Turkey which began in 1921, says the New York Times. But this was not so much the lault of the Greek sold'crs as of the Greek high command and the Greek political
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  • 138 9 DEMANDS FOR TIMBER FROM MIDDLE EAST CUBSTANTIAL orders for coal have u been accepted by the Indian Department of Supply for Hong Kong, Haifa, Egypt, Sudan and the Admiralty. In addition to the vast requirements for Indian defence forces, new demands for all kinds of
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  • 124 9 Almost as serious as me raging fever. Is the serious weakness it leave* behind It is danger point No 2 m your illness. The only way to overcome the weak*' ness Is by feeding up. But the stomach is Just as weak as the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 679 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated in Chin* by Special Charter) Singapore; beg to announce the opening on Dec. 9, 1910. of their SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD OFFICE at 209, South Bridge Hoa.l, Singapore. Chief: MR. LOKE CHAN HING N TELEPHONES: Chiefs Office: 6513 General: 6512 j PARKCANE C. HWANG, MANAGER,
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 10 picture. The Kaflic> College Ku:jby team, who were beaten by the Medical College by nine i»om;> for three in the annual Galloway (up at Bukit Timah on Tuesday. Free Press
    Free Press  -  31 words
  • 679 10 DARK ENCOUNTER HAS GOOD HOME RECORD Pl'R new horses will have their first runs in Malaya during: the Selanjror Turf Club's winter race meeting, which starts to-morrow. They are Scofflaw, Dark Encounter and Annk Rooney, who have been classified in class two,
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  • 957 10 Services Play Brilliantly To Win Four-Two HOCKEY IN AID OF THE WAR FUND Combined Services 4; Singapore Civilians 2. DLAYING first-class hockey, the Combined Services beat r the Singapore Civilians by four goals to two on the S.C.C. padang yesterday. Rear-Admiral T. B. Drew and
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  • 76 10 "TTiE following will represent the Singapore Amaceur Sports Union team in a friendly badminton match agains: the Mayfair Badminton Party "B" team at the Mayfair court 603, Geylang Road, at 3.15 p. m on Sunday: Neo Kim Poh, Gail Poh Yew. Harcld Sean, Yeo Kian Chuan,
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  • 53 10 QWING to a cu- sustained over an eye during sparring. Ah Kow. who was billed to fight Baby Chocolate in the main event in a junior boxing promo.ion at the Happy Wcrld to-night, has been medically advised not to fight, and the whole programme has been postponed
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  • 28 10 ♦THE Royal Singapore Golf Club's women's December medal competition, which was to have been played last Monday, has been postponed to Monday, Dec. 9.
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  • 614 10 THHE btory of how the generosity of certain Singapore residents made it possible for a small English school to build much-needed class-rooms was told by the Ven. Archdeacon Graham White when he dedicated the new $16,000 block of St. Hilda's Schooi, Katong,
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  • 70 10 nTHK. following will represent the Army Crusaders against the Army Wanderers in a Malayan Rugby Union game at 5 pm. on the padang to-morrow: LBdr. Howard; 2'Lt. Campbell, Gnr. Davies, Capt. Murphy, Spr. Little john: 2>Lt. Webb, 2'IA MacPherson: Sgt. McQuade, Lieut. Smiley, 21 Lt.
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  • 30 10 PENANG SOCCER TEAM TO MEET PERAK •From Oir *T*HE follow a represent Pagainst Prrak Pen the Poppy Day fund, on Saturday Paul; Ander Danker. Bucha Marriappen Guai Mo named N^t-ir
    30 words
  • 43 10 THE badminu.n main, bv'tw, Bpcrtllght B P H :°zrr. and *.b» Flight B P "B have be^n pla>' j rt last .Sundo Flight B P OOOTt b ar.-.i.M to thP sodden court The matrl: I on the Fligiv B p this Sunday
    43 words
  • 141 10 GOOD support is expected for to-day's soccer match at Anson Road stadium between the R A T. and the Singapore Civilians. The game wili start at 5 p.m. The Airmen have yet to beat the Civilians and, although it is a friendly match, the reputation of the
    141 words
  • 49 10 pirttm The Royal Air Force, the Blues, beat the Rova) lustralufi ir i 11 points to three In a rugger match, played in aid of the sivimT'.. 11 unite, at Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday. The picture !!h«L in the loose. Free Press
    Free Press  -  49 words
  • 267 10 AGAINST KEDAH, SELANGOR AND PAHANG f <From Our Own Correspondent' Ipoh, Dec. 5. PBRAK, rresh from their triumphs at Kuala Lumpur last week-end when they beat Singapore by two goals to nil and Negri Sembiian by four goais to two, will play three
    267 words
  • 56 10 Famous Criketer Dies "TIIL death is announced famous cricketer vi K Foster, who (ipta.afd \nthni ACainst thf Australians Hr i one of a famous band «>f broths who played crirkei for \Wrw IM shire, and had ih~ distinction 1926 oi srorinß tw«. sfparate hundreds in a first -rla^ mitrh He
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 96 10 <*ta'iM^*a!Sß^Ew^^Bp I^Bwr* w. ..•■tx. ~—r>H v TMaatLEZUBSX^m •-'if ft,-r; uvrTiT^frr-r:^?^^^^?^ gßJSleiJyirtfi'^aL. i ai ■i/Ji i'-' ■••>--..:.•.:•■.:: :::^t-j' r x*>jUJ3 P^niTlMHTrf 4*t 1 MnMSB iBBWim B*.:SCJ?' I iflßSßlCS^te* *'.'^fli I.M1 .M vr f"-3J c !j- f*i ■i3*Jc^B^s^3Bß?^*'jßi^r«»jWßDttHB f T3w* r iff 44 for economical and nourishing dishes try Cold Storage MUTTON"
      96 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 59 10 To-day's Sports Events SOCCER: Singapore Civilians vs. Koyal Air Force, m aid of the RJ%.F. Benevolent Fund, 5 p.m. at Anson Road stadium. HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. vs. S.C.C., S.C.R.C.; S.R.C. vs. Fort Canning, S.R.C.; Indian Association II vs. S.R.C. 11, Bales tier; Police vs. Indian General Hospital, Depot; Post Office vs.
      59 words