The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 b The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,262. £STl>. 1835 WEDNESDAY, I)ECE\IBKK 1, 19iO. 6 CENTS
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  • 427 1 Italians In Retreat Toward Key City VITAL ROAD NOW UNDER FIRE London, Dec. 3. Greeks are continuing: their advance in Albania 'de<pii i y v snowstorms, which are no more successful in t*m up ihan the Italians have been so far. lini's legions
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  • 34 1 Monasiir (Yugoslavia), Dec 3. The I'.alian army is again retreating after making a stand north of Pogradec on tb# shores of Lake Okhrida. west a Italian eouaterattack has been smashed with great Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 108 1 London, Dec. 3. ASKED in the House of Commons today to give an assurance that no "definite or implied act cf union will be entered into or irrevocably committed between Great Britain and the United States" without the Crovernment first giving an opportunity
    British Wireless  -  108 words
  • 99 1 Cairo, Dec. 3. EGYPT has protested to Italy 1 against the Italian air raids on Egypt's populated areas. In making this s alement the Prime Minister, Sirry Pasha, intimated that Egypt would now consider the question of these raids in th~ light of international law. Since
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 33 1 II London, Dec. J. "*cn who has just returned FVonc- reported that French *fc» \l/ Vnc 1 tOttrn the x *^< P*t up a placard Cm ;r>tf **od»- "JVoife* to the Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 136 1 Anglo-Spanish Pact Purely Technical London, Dec. 3. T*HE Anglo-Spanish agreement signed in Madrid yesterday is stated in authoritative quarters in London to be purely a" technical agreement similar to those already negotiated with Portugal and various other countries, notably in South America, writes Reuter's diplomatic correspondent. It is understood that
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 114 1 Baltimore, Dec. 3. T*HE disclosure that American pilots are making regular mass deliveries of American bombers to Britain was made by one of the pilots concerned here to-day. He averred that deliveries were being made without molestation by flying: over the north Atlantic. Regular deliveries
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 133 1 London, Dec. 3. A TELL-TALE slip was made by the German High Command today when it issued a communique claiming to have sunk a British auxiliary cruiser, the Caledonia, of 17,046 tons. It is true that the Caledonia has been sunk—but the sinking happened
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 49 1 At The Singapore Naval Base These special pictures taken at the Singapore Naval Base just released, show (top) the entrance rates to the dockyard and (below) the Navy Office, the headquarters of the C.-in-C, China Station, and the Rear- Admiral, Malaya. (Story and other pictures are in Pace SEVEN).
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  • 124 1 London, Dec. ?>. THE RA.F. has once more scored successes against German shipping and submarines. The German U-boat base at Lorient in the Bay of Biscay was attacked last night for a second thne by planes of the Bomber Command. At the same tune,
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 167 1 SkiO Of A.-A. Gunners In Britain Rising London. Dec. 3. DRITISH anti-aircraft guns have hitherto brought down well over 300 enemy aircraft by day and 100 by night. In addition, it is pointed out in authoritative circles, many aircraft have been damaged, and damage even to non-vital spots must be
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 252 1 POPULAR AGITATION !N NORWAY REPORTS that Germany may remove Quisling and his pariy from pcuer in Norway are reaching London. Tfce recent visit ot GoebbeLs. Propaganda Minister, to Norway caused nervousness among Quislins's supporters, according to a telegram received in Norwegian quarters in London. Goebbcls' ostensible
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 49 1 London, Dec. 3. IT WA6 announced in the House of •I Commons this afternoon that American firms have received orders to construct 60 cargo ships lor Britain. It was added that serviceable vessel* continue to be purchased through the Maritime Commission Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
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  • 78 2 jygRS. Derta Castiglione, aged 30, who appeared in the Singapore fourth court last week on a charge under the Defence Regulations was discharged in the court yesterday. Mrs. Castiglione was alleged in the charge to have attempted to take letters out of the Colony without having
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  • 116 2 ANEW feature in the programmes of fcfct Singapore Broadcasting Station, whicn will begin at 7.25 p.m. to-day is "Pencil Please!," a variation of variety. Inspector Hornleigh will provide a mystery to solve each week; a puzzle corner will offer mild exercise for the brain (and
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  • 120 2 pACKED houses yesterday greeted the Alhambra's general release of Warrcr Bros.' powerful drama "All This and Heaven Just over 13.000 feet in length, the film is an excellent interpretation of Rachel Field n novel All the dignity, humour and l trajrdv so
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  • 107 2 lON HALL, hero of "Hurricane," returns the screen the American pioneer Kit c&rson in the film of the same name *L£ e C*** I**1 released by United Artiste. Replete with the glorious setting of the Nevada desert, fierce Indians in surprise fcttecks. and lovely Lynn
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  • 72 2 T^HB grand old Aklwych comedy team, Ralph I^ynn, Tom Walls and Robertson nare made their re-appearance on a Singapore screen yesterday when the Pavilion Theatre began screening "Cuckoo In The Nest." a re- issue of an old Gainsborough success. Side-splitting fun is provided by
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  • 66 2 •pWO charges of murder were explained to a 25-year-old Tamil, Krishnasamy, in the recond court yesterday. The first charge was that he murdered a Tamil woman named Mutama in a house in Lorong H, off Telok Kurau Road, at 8 a.m. on Monday, and the second that, at
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  • 30 2 mHE Ceylon Sports Club beat the Post 1 Office by two goals to nil In a hockey match played on the Post Office ground yesterday.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 212 2 From A Migrhty 800k A Magnificent Film! Se*> It to-iay Cherish Its Memory, For A Thousand To-morrows! ft fclA(Lsa«>£ 3 SNOWS LHAWPKA 3.15,6.15 9.15 AS THE FILM MEASURES OVER 13,000 ft. long, patrons advised to be seated early. PRICES: tt, $L A 50 cts. EXCLUSIVE OF TAX W >• Tte
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    • 164 2 OPENING TO-DAY CAPITOL Box Office Phcne 5261. TWO GREAT STARS TOGETHER... SPENCER Back from his recent "NORTHWEST PASSAGE With GLAMOROUS HEDY, 'The Lady of the 7V 0o ,V ■KsSVI 1' m MEET HIS/ W ■mlbJ^v^ii w I^-' I fleets: »i^fc mM ft I s a Laaq-in-hnnine, used A w an
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    • 132 2 Yet M G M s Parade ot Genuine^ Outstanding Attractions The Picture 12,000 people paid to sec during its first 2 Davs screening at the State Theatre, Sydney! 6ALA PREMIERE in mo or THE WAR FL'WP CAPITOL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th at 9.IS FA Under Distinguished Patronage Prices: (Reserved CIRCLE s.j).
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  • 108 3 ROME EMBARRASSED BY ITALIAN FAILURE The Axis To-day 30,000 Meetings In Reich To Bolster Up German Morale aar lowi It is added that the Italians are suffering from severe shortage of fats, meat and aven oils. News received from the German frontier by the Istanbul correspondent of the Free French
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 77 3 London, Dec. 3. m j though Britain r ne wars mczt critical a Helsinki newstf been able to her bland with her own rein help, with time. e on an ever more offensive ran be understood rs that 40 per cent. y industry
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 58 3 London, Dec. 3. v :uirposes the British P \a departing from its practice of sending Ijjirtant Cabinet decisions to all ns Secretary. Lord JJL,^ i :hit such comUi not being made to pL assurance was made In reply to i iggestiOQ that "there jana: ..nd
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 44 3 Rome, Dec. 3. j i expressed a hope that ierent sowers will ooserve midnight in countries jfcjm cews i-jency. u authorized celecramary Christmas eve i'ternoon of Dec. 24 is enforced. The Mass must b^ concluded before the blackout time. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 121 3 NAZIS BOMB TOWNS BLAME THE R.A.F. London. Dec. 3. MHO OP. ANO K the programme organised v >>ices of the Dutch Ocvorn■nt and r daily in the B B C has exposed the dastardly of bombing defencel*^ villages in the i:<pe »f irish fellng among the IrMftanto who are naturally
    British Wireless  -  121 words
  • 73 3 STRICT WATCH OX GOLD SHIPMENTS A v I., Dc.v. 3. 1 allegation t!n: »h» recent neavy fr. m PorMi^a* to I States mijht include bulby German/ in occupied s was implied oy a nuestion in r, c mmons to-day I Daltun. Minister xor Eco- r\ however, stated that J^tch
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 56 3 New York, Dec. 3. fJ[R Martin Dies, chairman of IVI the Congress Committee on UnAmerican Activities, said that sabotage on "a most important experimental plane" at a factory included the removal of bolts from brakes, tampering with the petrol gauges, and fixing a piece of
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 164 3 Dissolution Of Iron Guard Police Rome, Dec. 3. niSSOLUTION of the Iron Guard police, a purge of membership of the organization, and a ban on the wearing of green uniform except "while engaged on service of the state" are three points in a decree containing drastic measures to curb activities
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 125 3 London, Dec. 3. MR. WALTER LIPPMAN. the well-known American columnist, writing in the New Vo.k Herald-Tribune to-day, pays a tribute to Britain. He said that the Americans owed a great debt to Britain for giving hope back to the men who lost faith in themselves. In
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 39 3 Toronto, Dec. 3. lOU Salica, in his first defence of the world bantamweight championship, beat Small Montana, of the Philippines on a technical knockout in the third round after Montana had been floored nine times.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 100 3 London, Dec. 3. DRITISH shipping losses for th^ week ended midnight on Nov. 24-25 were above the weekly average since the war began They totalled 19 ships. representing 75,560 tons. During the same period three Allied ships totalling 12,415 tons were also lost. The Admiralty announcement of
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 98 3 New York. Dec. 3. "A vast number of Americans are going to J\ breathe more easily," declares the New York Herald, in commenting on the resignation of Mr. Joseph Kennedy, adding: "As Ambassador, his career has been unfortunate because nobody has ever known exactly
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 70 3 Vichy, Dec 3. DIRECT negotiations between Hungary and Rumania on questions arising from the cession of northern Transylvania will be resumed immediately, states a Havas agency dispatch from Budapest. A joint Italo-German commission has been established at the request of the Rumanian Government in order to settle
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 47 3 Tokio, Dec. 3. MODIFICATION of the foreign ex***change control law is among emergency measures to improve export trade, approved by the cabinet to-day. Others are extension of state compensation for losses incurred bv exporters and !nrn»ftsi» fn state marine insurance.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 490 3 T London, Dec. 3. an R.a F. bomber refeared killed, have; Hi way back to a ba^e in journey which will *i chapter in the hisUry! •apes by men of the n had raided an Albanian aTr°, T nT to clouds, its bombs at a
    British Wireless  -  490 words
  • 152 3 r^^ Chungking. Dec. 3. JnE recently announced United States loan to China may shortly be followed by an announcement of further credits to the Chinese Government from another friendly power, it is authoritatively learned here to-day. While no further details are yet available,
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 377 3 London, Dec. 3. THE West England town which was subjected to a vicious attack last night is now officially stated to !>e Bristol. It had been subjected to a savage and indiscriminate bombing attack last week. When last night's bombing took place, the German
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  • 245 3 London, Dec. 3. SIR Robert Vansittart, chief diplomatic adviser to the Foreign Office, in a broadcast described the hatred of Britain which he encountered while at school in Germany at the end of the last century. He added: "There has never been any true German departure
    British wireless  -  245 words
  • 248 3 London, Dec. 3. rIE case of Miss Fredalinde Wagner, 21 -year-old grand -daughter of Richard Wagner, was raised in the House vt Commons duiing a discussion on the internment of aliens, by Mr. Beverley Baxter, who said he had been responsible for bringing to Britain "this lovable, argumentative
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 184 3 London, Dee. 3. flow three B.A.F. pUnes went out and only one returned in one of the most successful and daring bombing raids of the war in Albania is revealed by the Air Ministry news service. When the Italians were fighting backward and rushing troops into the line In a
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  • 44 3 Madras, Dec. 3. A FORMER premier of Madras, Rajagopalachariar, was arrested to-day undsr the Defence of India Act. He was tal-iing part in the campaign to discourage war effort in India and was sentenced to a year's simple imprisonment.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 32 3 ORINCESS JULIANA cf the Nether-' lands, who is now in Canada, is to! be the guest of President and Mrs. Roosevelt from Dec. 1& fur two days, it was announced in Washington.
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  • 384 3 SULTAN ON SELANGOR'S OBLIGATIONS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 3. "THERE was not the slightest doubt that Great Britain and her allies would achieve final victory in the present war, said the Sultan of Selangor speaking at the State Council's budget meeting to-day. The Sultan pointed out that
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  • 73 3 (From Our Own Correspondent* Prnang. Dec. S. pROFESSOR, Winifred Cullis made her first public appearance at a tea party by Mrs. H. H. Abdoolcader, prc:iclent of the Indo-Ccyloncse section ol the Malaya Patriotic Fund, yesterday. lh« party wai at the residence of Mrs. Abdoclcader, where about
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  • 36 3 New York. Dec. S. MACKaY RADIO Intercepted a nussage from the British cargo ship W. Hendnc (4,360 tons), saying she had been torpedoed Her position vai given »t 24A miles west of Ireland.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 THAT COLD Cure it with Cinnamon Quinine 50cts. MIXTURE 7a rts. MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. BATTERY ROAD. A thundering O ATU AV spectacle of \m mjk I||AA everybody Adventure Go 3.15-6.15-9.15 Edward Small, producer of 'Count of Monte Cristo* and Tha Man in the Iron Mask', presents "If IT m
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  • 717 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940. Do We Understand A WELL-KNOWN Australian cor- respondent, in a despatch from London published a week or so ago, made the point that when the British Government lets it be known that the Dominions can help the Empire war effort by reducing
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  • 588 4 Why British Pilots And Aircraft Keep Their Lead DAY by day, the air war over Britain provides proof that British aeroplanes are superior in design and construction to those of Germany. Indeed, the proof is so conclusive as to make Britain's pre-war claims appear far too modest. In numbers only
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  • 755 4  -  Britannicus By IWO nation, no empire, no alliance, has really won a great war uni less it has been able to win the subsequent peace. That is the .sternest lesson of the last world jwar, wliich it would be folly not to apply to the present.
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  • 57 4 NEV. sun -carriers )T have enabled tf+gFr^ Regiment of tic Royal Artillery to stream-imr power. It can no* T d *U 50 miles an hour is comPpreviously. noilttoos-, Batteries cai: load from the carrier. barrage in sewn H sent use by ci d nt iinip
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1935 5  - Dutch Carol Singers Are Getting Christmas Invitations MARY HEATHCOTT Fuse Press Feature By r^imraP" 1 Dutch Choir> fH E called the Dutch vr <. has already renumber of invitresponse to as t:ir ,l. sent out to -ses a short available between 1 1 p.m. on Dec. for visits to homes
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  • 54 5 Mme. Tania Zarutsky with her picture "Coconuts" which she is offering to the higest bidder in aid of the War Fund. Mme. Zarutsky s exhibition of paintings was opened this week at the Y.W.CA Raffles Quay Afcs of the work on view has been done in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 /o PAOTZLCT yco>X C&E/?/Y/ZJ<Z /S #&9£ 2* CC*MA&** S*rtf££LT- ROMANTICISM, COLOURS, I FASHIONS! And Romanticism requi^s perfect j;rooming. Komantk co.ours demand a perfect skin, well-eared-for hands, and hair that does justice to *l lines of smarth fashioned hats. Style-conscious v.e WC| nt have a prepared to he*p you idntre
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    • 64 5 For your Christmas Shopping You cannot do better than 1 visit to where you will lind an excellent assortment of reliable &oods all prices marked in plain figures. Your orders will receive every care and attention with oblifcinft and corteous service- —ROBINSON'S is undoubtedly the store lor you- ZARUTSKY'S ART
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  • 1293 6 Vivid Story Of How 27 Men Escaped Capture By Raider (From Our Own Correspondent) LIOW their ship was sunk ar to escape being taken prise was vividly told by Second Offic Brisbane on arrival at an Aust who were rescued by an Ausl The rest
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  • 45 6 London. TTHIRSTY after his day's work, the well-known Rugby forward, Alex Phillips, attempted to bite the cap off a bcttle. The liquid blew out with such force that he swallowed the cap He was rushed to hospital t^ h aVa if
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  • 175 6 R.A.F. Training Plan Is Ahead Of Schedule THE Empire training plan for the R.A.F. is far ahead of schedule. Schools are opening, aerodromes and buildings are being completed well ahead of time. "The plan will prove a magnificent contribution to the war effort," said Air Marchal A. W. Bishop, V.C..
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  • 86 6 FIFTEEN prominent Americans have issued a statement to the Press upholding the British blockade of Europe. The statement says it is their "reluctant but considered judgment" that the United States should not attempt to feed the conquered peoples of Europe this winter, "unless the
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  • 75 6 T*HE Governor of New York, acting under the authority of a law enacted during the last War, recently conferred on the Attorney-General unlimited powers to investigate "fifth column" intrigues and other subversive activities in the State. The law authorizes the establishment of a State secret
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  • 52 6 rVICTATORS always begin by abolish- ing freedom of learning, declared President Roosevelt when he inaugurated a school building at Hyde Park New York State, recently. "Tyranny hates and (fears nothing more than the free exchange of ideas and free play of minds which comes from education,"
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  • 181 6 JJITLER and Mussolini were the subjects of the English prose which had to be translated into Latin by students at the Intermediate Examination in Sydney recently. ciiSfi ex miner who wrote the prose ni^L^H 1 Mussoli *i under the name of Ventidius (windbag)
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  • 49 6 Army motor cyclists patrol the famous Sussex Dovms on the lookout for attempted parachute landings. This calls for nerve and skill on the part of the cyclists in the handling of their machines over some of the extremely precipitous slopes of the downs.
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  • 672 6 Calculated Indiscretion Expected To Cause Bitter Fight In U.S. Congress I ORD Lothian's M calculated indiscretion in appealing for k American credits for Britain before consulting President Roosevelt is expected to open a fight in Congress as bitter as that over the Treaty of Versailles 21 years ago. U.S. Government
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  • 51 6 DR. Hasso von Wedel, historian for the German air force, flew over London in a Messerscnmitt during a raid to get first-hand material on the blitzkrieg. His machine was shot down and now. in a prison camp, he has lots of time to write a factual
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  • 47 6 WRECKAGE o: ihc II Polestro. the tor; ay a British labmarine was d< Rome. ha>; been .oun.d 00 the isianc of Lopud. in the Adr. Documents shov tl escorting troopships to Palestro. one of was a 1.000- ton wsd BtM tor minelaying.
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  • 287 6 Ran Blockade With Famous 'Potato Jones' MAI who ran tfa k si?. w fir* I ax? I Western AuSa I Rftin-ri Nan I furo, 1 I 'S<> you want a ink I sa,d. Tmta,,,/,;"/*,;! The pav\ tin r a n»m -T about it?' "wnih Food For* I nours sai
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 202 6 Gland Discovery Restores Youth n 24 Hours Sufferers from loss of vigour, nervous as, weak body, impure blood, failing emory, and who are old and worn-out ;ore their time will be delighted to learn a new gland discovery by an American *ctor. .'his new discovery makes it possible to ckly
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    • 83 6 What did the t **^T^ aK. Surveyor say— ft as he surveyed My the bar? I \i k ~tkeref Q w ''/•■X'ffik:-. W0 ™^^^m^^^^^^^ a y&M&'&.-f mm m g -Good"— yes, Johnnie Walkei Ij| J is blended from all the finest I U^j&tf whiskies of Scotland. "Old" \^S^^ each of
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  • 681 7 Mew Facts About The Great Dockyard r- ROOF STRUCTURES FOR VITAL, PLACES N |o\<. the mt**& buildings at the Singapore naval the Vvcv Press understands, is the headquarter* k uhirli \\»u<v< tho ommander-in-Chief of the China Siun. ih< Kiar- Admiral Malaya and their
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  • 61 7 Anchor and cnbles at the Singapore naval base, with <\ crane, uharf and .ship in the background. umnhif ~r.n .J._. iyfcjMi at the Sin^:.j, vuj base. 11»e Moating dock is seen beyond. Adjoining some of the naval l»^se dockyard workshops is hero x^ti armour platinr ready for
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  • 217 7 Clerk Invents paper-Saving Machine .:eh may save local A BBces many dollars' n adding machines igned by a Singapore t 29»-yea.r-c:d Mr. uljp k Iho has applied for for nis device. ..dding machines, this ii^ed paper to form a new roll with mnstd side uppermost. The roll be detached *n<\
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  • 69 7 A*AaMNG intended to save senders 3f Christmas cards and calendars from ~«««»£ur*m is published In pace MHOS "aw permissible for individuals to Cbrtstnus cards from Malaya to «.ii countries— except the United States. L-tmas *rds and calendars can only t to these countries through book»Wnr
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  • 27 7 *«lON uckets will be available on p M.S. Railways durin* the and New Year holidays. Tbe i will be an ordinary single fare for Journey.
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  • 21 7 WnxiAM SPENCER JONES, chargeman 01 drivers employed at the Naval Base. STsio Jrooe month's rigorous imprison-
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  • 47 7 A 45-vear-old cmnese, <-««" Swee. admi.ted in the third court yesterday, that he was the P«»onwant€d Batu Pahat on a issuedon a charge of criminal breach of trust of $15 000 as a servant of the Standard Vacuum Oil Company. The case was transferred to Batu
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  • 357 7 European Convicted For Defaming Partner In Former Cafe Business TV WING to the fact that you have v been in custody for over a month, that you fell ill and spent part of the time in hospital, a term of imprisonment would be too harsh on a man of your
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  • 66 7 QUEK QUEE HOE, a 22-year-old Hokkien, had a charge of robbing Chua Chee Yu, Shanghai Chinese cashier of Shaw Bros., Ltd., Malayan film producers, distributors and exhibitors, of $5,400 in cash, in Robinson Road at noon on Monday, explained to him in the third court yesterday. The
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  • 535 7 "|N all rny 11 years of experience In driving a motor-car, I have i never been paralysed by the speed of a car; this time I was paralysed; I tried to shout, but I could not," said W. C. F. J. Damme, Dutch
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 17 7 CAPITOL RESTAURANT IY SPECIAL REQUEST we serve KUSTAFFEI TIFFIN °JJrjjay 6th Pec. M ake your Reservation NOW!
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    • 158 7 RSFSrWWHBBBSSB pb THIS TEAR ROBINSON'S TOYLAND 18 A THRILL! DRING THE KIDDIES TO SEE TNE MANY TABLEANX AND WORKING MODELS. Rn«;HSQN'S JH^Q^^H Keep a BBIIHMIH Bottle Handy jja Constipation it the root of many ilk. Bad head--0 aches, dizziness, pains in the back, blemishes, bad breath *nd other ailments ane
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 415 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED CN ENGLAND) 9. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. O. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register
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    • 393 8 ->«■ AND ENJOY SCENIC CANADA Speea across me Pacific oy luxurious Umprvt. liners, then Victoria stop over If you wish and Vancouver in Canada's Evergreen Dlayground Fast through AIR CONDITIONED trains trom ships side at Vancouver take you through the Majestic Canadian Rockies Lake Louise, Banff 600 miles ot travel
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    • 412 8 MANSFIELD CO., LT? BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings ro United Kingdom. Oates guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to r/' n War Clauses. nf erenr« WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE Cheapest Regular Services to *re mantle I Perth! via by first class passenger ships Single fare $192 A
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  • 1926 9 Mr. G.E.N. Oehlers On Community's Progress "VyiTH a war of appalling magnitude raging in Europe and the Near East, Eurasians, as irT the last war, have not hesitated to volunteer their services both in ithe active and in the civil defence forces,"
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  • 305 9 PATIENTS of St. Andrew's Ifissic Hospital, crippled children in S;. i Andrews Orthopaedic Hospiial and some 400 of the poorest of Singaporeislum children are to be given 'Christmas treat at these two hospitals Ithis year. In order to make the irea; possible, Dr. P.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 323 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS T KM)ERS ML \iriPALITY Tenders. for the r Municipal Tenders 1000 BtofH P&ase A. C. peres, 230 Volts, 5C t closing. 4 pjn. Jan. dard High Pressure Date of Closing. to 4 pin-- Jan- 5 Oval Galvanised rk Covers. Date Dec. 17. 1940. tiaed Wrought Iron I Feb.
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    • 360 9 PUBLIC NOTICES. M. V. -HOEGH TRANSPORTER" Ob muru, lions turn the Underwriters. Tenders w inTtted tht Mntfe Screw Motor Vessel HOKGH I TRANSPORTER- a, she Iles t^ mKma m her danced condition >„ Singapore Roads. A large part of the car*o has been removed from tb~ vessel. «J^ eild<rS ould
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    • 38 9 BOARD RESIDENCE, SENTOSA SENESTA 61, A 41, Stevens Rd. A few minutes' from Tunglin Ciuc. English residential establishments of distinction. Pre-war rates.. Generous catering. All Cold Storage supplies. Inexpensive "single" rooms or "double." Inspection any time. Phone 4133.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 187 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails dose at the General Post Offle- a* follows: TO-DAf Great Britain surface 9 am. r ava atr 10.30 am. t^f «urf*« 9 am. 2*"f surface 9 am. lan surface 10 ajn. air 11 am. Palemban* surface 9 ajn. air 10 30 a m. TO-MOKKOH Australia
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  • 845 10 MEDICAL COLLEGE WIN ANNUAL RUGBY Galloway Trophy Regained After Four Years KEENLY CONTESTED GAME AT FUKIT TIMAH Medical College 9; Raffles College „\r; 3 THE use of megaphones, rattles, and the firing of Chinese crackers, all helped to make the annual intercollege rugby match at Bukit Timah yesterday one of
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  • 266 10 Hendren On A "Discovery" SOME tme in the future— l don't see as a prophe; beyond that— we sh'll a?ain have Test cricket. And we may hav* to thank the w?r for a reii discovery,'* fcr I'm fairly confident tha: an up-and-coming England wtcketkerper-batsman has been round by accident, writes
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  • 222 10 To Be Run During Chinese New Year AT a meeting held at the Kinta Indian Association. Ipoh, on Saturday, it was decided to hold the third All-Malayan inter-team- i cross- country- meet during the Chinese New Year holidays. The race will be run under the auspices of the
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  • 254 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 3. WEIGHTS for six races on Dec. 11, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's races in Kuala Lumpur, are as follows Horses, Class 4, Mile and fur. Constant Light 9.00 Tin Poctoet 8.01 Sindanglaja
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  • 282 10 Mt. Battery 5 YJVI.C.A. 1. GREATER speed in attack and defence save the Mountain Battery a five-one victory over the Y.M.C.A. at hockey on the Y.M.C.A. ground yesterday. The Battery team led two-one in the first half, and added three more goals in the
    282 words
  • 68 10 HTHE following have accepted to play hockey for the S.C.C. first team against the Loyals Regiment at the S.C.C. to-day: D. Brennan; R. A. U. Tbdd, F/O. S. M. Maclldowie; Capt. J P. M Hope, W. J. Peel, Major J. R.' Kellett; f{£ W> E Evans T A
    68 words
  • 47 10 Atilio Sabatin.> will light Jack Brander at Lenhhardt S adium on Dec. 19, according: vo Ihe Sydn/y Sun of Nov. 27. it will be Sabatino's first contest in Sydney since his re urn from aififrapore. He signed articles fur the flight to day.
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  • 353 10 FRIENDLY RUGBY AT JUAN BESAR WHAT should prove to be a very attractive rugger match will be played at the Jalan Besar stadium to-day when the Royal Air force, the Blues, will meet the Royal Australian Air Force, the Reds, in a friendly game. The
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  • 111 10 ON Friday, at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, there will be the usual races fcr all classes, starting at 5.23 p m. for "A" class, and 5.25 p.m. for the other classes. On Sunday, the "C" class will sail the second race for the
    111 words
  • 73 10 IN a rather scrappy game of rugger at Woodsville yesterday, the St.. Andrew's Old Boys drew with Fort Canning, three points all, each side scoring an unconverted try. The 5.A.0.8. try was scored a few minutes before the interval by Soo Teng, Kit
    73 words
  • 882 10 F.M.S. Miners' Evidence About "Tea Money" Mines Inquiry (From Our Own Coires.,,,,, AT the sitting of the Commission o?pT' (T S AA F.M.S. Mines Department to-day presenting A. A. Henggeler, read out in which he dealt with evidence given bi (former head of the Mines Department] Commission re^ar-din^ a debit
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 43 10 |r "fcnv« tried 1 I CAHADIAH SOLE 7 FIUETS j M«ke your next f»h dish CAnadimi FilfeU. They liave an exceptional fine flavour and are economical. t<KK because there's nothing to throw a*< PHOIE 53 76 FI«E |IIES C.A. 205A Advt of Smpa*»
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 41 10 TO-DAY'S SPORTS EVENTS RUGGER R.A.F. vs. R.A.A.F., Jalan Besar. Hockey. S.C.R.C. vs. Mountain Battery, S.C.R.C, Indian Association vs. S.R.C., Bales tier: S.R.C. 11. vs. Singapore Hornets, S.R.C. Police vs. R.A.M.C., Depot; Singapore Colts vs. J.C.S.A., Tessensohn Road: S.C.C. vs. I.oyais. S.C.C.
      41 words