The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINfiARORE {EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,?61. RSTI>. 1H35 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940 6 CENTS
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  • 565 1 Enemy Retreating On 60-Mile Front SUCCESSFUL R.A.F. RAID ON VITAL ROAD •riii? iui Athens, Dec. 2. IHh Italians are now retreating on a 60-mile front ri£ht across Albania from the sea to the shores of Lake Okhrida, according to the spokesman of the Greek Propaganda
    Reuter  -  565 words
  • 159 1 INCIDENTS SAID ■EXAGGERATED" London. Dec. mOQfi Ibt situation on the A „d-French Indo-China negotiations axe and it is held in garters in London no reason why a tk» may not be Renter's diplomatic repuru detlin. with mm to be somewhat Vrepocti that although .es are giving
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 22 1 I oiiilon. l>ec. 2. commendation of Government. Lord Gowrie conk| Governor-General a further year from Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 38 1 London, Dec. 2. R :tinf a large surthat a strong su> oeen built, according .ciio to-day. will take an acvai construction,' ha added that in the Soviet navy rful flprt In the Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 36 1 Washington, Dec. 2. MEMBERS of the Senate Banking Committee and the House of Representatives Coinage Committee to-day unanimously approved the transaction whereby the United States advances $100,000,000 to China.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 68 1 London, Dec. 2. NO confirmation is obtainable in London of the New York report that Britain is shortly sending a finance mission to the United States to ascertain the extent of British holdings there. Nothing is known in political circles of any mission being
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 60 1 Toronto, Dec. 8. TTHE R.A.F. Is to have a new t>po of American "flash bomb" for use in night photography of enemy territory. Dr. Walter (lark, the camera research expert from Rochester, New York, revealed in :in address here to-day that the United States air
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 120 1 Britain Planning Big Shipbuilding Programme In United States New York, Dec. 2. TTHE groundwork for a merchant shipbuilding programme in the United States which may rival the "bridge of boats" built by the United States shipping board in the last war is now being laid by representatives of the British
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 118 1 British Ships Attacked Off Ireland New York. Dec. 2. RADIO messages stating that three British steamers— the Lady Glanely, Goodleigh and an unidentified vessel with the call letters G.K.I.F.— were being attacked by a submarine were picked up by the Mackay Radio early to-day. The Lady Glanely and the unidentified
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 69 1 London, Dec. 2. TMPORTS of all fruit, except oranges, are to be stopped, Lord Wool ton, the Minister of Food, speaking at Manchester, announced to-day. He said that in view of the demand for ships he could no longer afford to give things to people
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 221 1 London, Dec. 2. AFTER last night's vicious attack on Southampton, areas of the town are in ruins and thousands are homeless, says a special Reuter representative. Hundreds of workers arrived at their places of employment to-day only to find them in complete ruins. Some areas
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 166 1 "ITALIAN FORCES IN NEAR EAST DOOMED TO SURRENDER" Cairo. Dec. 2. THE belief that Mie Italian forces in the Near East 1 are doomed to surrender whether they tight on or "peacefully and resignedly give themselves up" is expressed by the newspaper Al Balagh, which is amomr the most responsible
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 68 1 Cairo, Dec. 2. A BRITISH patrol in the Kassala sector, in the Sudan, successfully ambushed a party of the enemy on the night of Nov. 20, capturing one Italian officer and nine other ranks, according to a British communique. East of Gallabat. parties of the enemy
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 131 1 Cairo, Dec. 2. EXIT permits for about 3.000 Greek subjects of military age in Syria are being withheld on representations of the Italian armistice commission, it is reported here. This, together with other reports from Beirut, indicates the embarrassment caused to the French
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 32 1 Washington, Dec. 2. INDICATIONS suggest that President Roosevelt may leave to-day on a 15--day tour of the Caribbean to inspect defences in the vicinity of Puerto Rico. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 173 1 Serious Disturbances In Norway BOMB THROWN AT TRAITOR QUISLING Stockholm, Dec. 2 CERIOUS disturbances are reported to have occurred m Norway following an attempt on the life of Quisling, the head of Germany's puppet government, according to reports reaching Stockholm. As Quisling: was leaving a public meeting at Fredrikstad, he
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 102 1 London. i>ec. 2. MEWS oi successful attacks yesterdav by aircraft of the Coastal Command is contained in an Air Ministi r communique issued this afternoon. During the morning aircraft attacked naval docks and the submarim base at Lorient. The power station, jetty and dry docks
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 Htfßi B NO BETTW TEA ITIAN BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA RAFFLES HOTEL^ io-micht DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to midnight Di naer 53 00. NO BALLROOM ADMISSION CHARGE XMAS NEW YEAk'S EVE FESTIVITIES nPECIAL DINNER 6c DANCE (formal) M h^Z Crackers, Novelties, Balloons etc. Binn Carol Community Singing at
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  • 225 2 SEVEN new American luxury liners which are to replace vessels now engaged in the American President Line's round-the-world service will call at Singapore in the near future in the course of their maiden voyages. The first of the new vessels, the President Jackson, which
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  • 108 2 Before The Hon'ble The A». Chief Justice in Court No. 1 at 10.30 a.ra: Magistrates' Appeals— W. S. Jones vs. Rex. Latlf b. Ahmad Sc 2 Ors. vs. Rex. Rex vs. J. W. Lhn. Before The Honile Mr. Justice Pedlow hi Court No. 3 ftt
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  • 92 2 A REVISED system for the flow of traffic rk to Collyer Quay and adjacent streets, following the opening of the extension- to the car park at Clifford Pier, is considered necessary by the Traffic Advisory Committee. Recommendations have been made by the committee to
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  • 23 2 Mr. T. P. S. Sundaram, accountant of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, has been appointed assistant secretary of the Institute.
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  • 149 2 Pilot Charged With Causing Death (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 2. GA BENTINCK, the pilot of the ill- fated plane VR-RAG, belonging to th* Perak Flying Ciub which crashed at^the Ipoh aerodrome on the evening of Aug. 20, appeared on a summons before Mr
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  • 188 2 TiHE Indian Daily Mail, published by Ivlr. G. Sarangapany, editor of the Tamil Murasu, Singapore, is the latest addition to the ranlis of the Englishlanguage newspapers in Singapore. This new journal, consisting of four pafc'es and priced at two cents a copy, taKes the place
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  • 151 2 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 2. T*HERE was a sequel to a fatal car 1 crash in Batu Road on Oct. 13, in which a European was killed, when A E. Carey Foster, appeared to-day before Mr. G. L. Howe, in the first
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  • 80 2 ANOTHER chartered flight has been organized by the K.N.1.L.M., originating in Batavia. to connect with the PanAmerican Airways clipper leaving Manila for San Francisco. The plane is scheduled to leave Batavia on Dec. 9, flying via Tarakan. Passengers and freight will be carried. On the return journey
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  • 60 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 2. MYSTERY surrounds the death of a middle-aged Javanese whose body r #as found in a well near his house at Temoh on Sunday morning. The dead man had a gaping wound in the neck. Police believed he was killed in
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  • 56 2 A 21- YEAR-OLD Tamil, Palani, claimed trial in the third court yesterday to a charge of criminal breach of trust of $35 in cash that was given to him on Nov. 15 at MacPhcrson Road. The case was postponed a week for mention
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  • 62 2 TOE Ladies* Aid Society of the Tamil 1 Methodist Church, Singapore, has paid $768.50 to the Malaya Patriotic Fund. This is naif of the gross proceeds of the concert which was held a few weeks ago in the Victoria Theatre. The Society is grateful to all the firms and individuals
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  • 63 2 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 2. rIE late train for Tronoh on Sunday night was held up at Pengkalan Lahat for nearly half an hour as a result of an accident at the level crossing. A lorry, heavily laden with timber, crashed into the level crossing gates, causing considerable
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  • 67 2 Caught in the act of unfastening an electric bulb from the ceiling over the flve-foot-way of a house in Selegie Road on Sunday morning Rajoo, an 18-year-old Tamil, was fined $50, In default six weeks' rigorous imprisonment, by the third magistrate, Mr. Cheah Soon Hock, yesterday. Court Inspector D. R.
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  • 50 2 (From Oar Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 2. TWO Chinese women were killed and four others injured in a huge landslide on a Chinese -owned tin mine near Kampar on Friday. The women were trapped in falling earth and buried alive, while others managed- to escape,
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  • 13 2 lINITED STATB- U ending Augu,: Brttoln exported w year- Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 294 2 BOOK NOW FOR TO-DAY'S GALA EVENT! TO-DAY at 3.15, A| UAMDDA BOX-OFFICE 6.15 9.15 p.m. MLnHmDRH thone 6909 THE SCREEN'S "IOST BRILLIANT STARS.., TOGETHER IN THEIR GREATEST TRIUMPH! i Warner Bros, present HHHHVRI VJ? t^HBB O. i m# ip^ A \^a JM flKf m m# m HB '■'^^^T ■i <»
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    • 182 2 WE APOLOQizr TO ALL OUR PATRONS WHO WEB E R 1 1 ADMISSION DURING THE WEEK-EK We are extending the Season of "NIGHT t^ TO MUNICH" FOR ONE MORE* DM benefit of any who have as yet not obtain admission CAPITOLI [°™y i LAST DAY r 3.15 6.15 9.15 Hop
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  • 375 3 INEFFICIENT ITALIAN PLANNING FULLY EXPLOITED rymy London, Dec. 2. HK complete reversal of positions in the Italo-Greek war was stressed as the most remarkable fact in the hrst months fighting by an authoritative military commentator in London to-day. Starting with the Italian" offensive
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 284 3 London, Dec. 2. in editorial headed Defeat*" takes a rablt view of the outThe Greek vic.m in the pan. continues to Quaranta must be used for supply. ,n>bably been rendered the tnemj to rely on rd a u ue he can exr adstead
    British Wireless  -  284 words
  • 152 3 T.iooma. Dec. 2. t N 'ipte«M>o which shook most of the etty damaged the Columbian powder t «T »t Irrdenckson. near here, to»T*» e> thr second explosion within *»7* at Tiroma. On Friday a in the powder factory ownet! I Ihipont Company was destroyed •>body wv injured. On
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 52 3 Hong iv<m-:. l)e» 2. CHINA'S most essential and uigent wartime needs are expected fully to be met by the discovery of rich oil wells in western Kansu, in north-west China. These wells are expected to yield 80,000.000 gallons yearly for at least a
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 174 3 Great Chinese Victory In Hupeh Chungking, Dec. 2. A CHINESE victory in Hupeh province, north-west of Hankow, was announced by Gen. Chiang Kai-shek in a speech here to-day, reports Reuter. The Japanese launched a big offensive on a wide front in that region last week. United Press states it was
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  • 58 3 Vichy, Dec. 2. GEN Weygand received delegations of Moroccan notables at Rabat yesterday. During the afternoon Gen. Weygand accomDaricd Gen Nogues to Lyautey. where he tart some leading French officers in Morocco, SciadLng Gen. Verge* and Gen. Voirin returning to Rabat In the evening. Gen
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 16 3 Buenos Aires, Dec. 2. F£ British trade mission headed by Lord Willingdon has arrived here. Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 68 3 'PHREE Chinese are missing and two I are in Tan Tock Seng's Hospital as a result of a fishing boat being wrecked oft the Jurong coast of Singapore yesterday evening. The two men now in hospital were found in the sea, and there was no
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  • 37 3 London, Dec. 2. A FURTHER £10,000 has been cabled by the Government of Burma towards the upkeep of an R.A.F. squadron. The total remittances so far received from Burma now stand at £157,000.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 95 3 London, Dec. 2. M LAVAL, the Vichy Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister, who is expected to visit Berlin this week, has now had to postpone his trip, it is reported. The same report adds that Marshal Petain has stopped the visit as he is
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 671 3 "No Change In Japanese Policy Toward N.I." Asserts Tokio Spokesman Tokio, Dec. 2. '"THERE is no change in Japan's policy toward the Netherlands Indies," stated Mr. Sum a, the Foreign Office spokesman, at a Press conference to-day, adding that Mr. Yoshizawa, the newly appointed delegate to the Batavia parleys, would
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  • 121 3 London, Dec. 2. RAIDS during the night were mainly concentrated on southern England. An official communique states that buildings were damaged by high explosive bombs and there were some persons killed and others injured. A full report is not yet available but it is believed
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 130 3 London, Dec. 2. ALTHOUGH the northern countries are at present out of ths war new*, there are reports that Sweden is taking no chances. During the week-end, realistic rehearsals of air raid precautions were held in Stockholm. The exercises were based on the assumption that Sweden
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 118 3 Moscow, Dec. 2. COMMENTING on Italy's defeats in Albania the Red Star, organ of the Red Army, states that the morale of the Italian troops is not the same as in the first days of the war. The Italians, owing to their air supremacy "have
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 46 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Dec. 2. SIR Victor Sassoon, who is flying to China, arrived yesterday afternoon and immediately proceeded to the races where he was in time to see the Thai Derby run and later waa a guest at the Turf Club's Derby dinner.
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  • 33 3 London, l*©c. 2. npSE Netherlands Indies his provided another two Spitfires in addition to the seven machines which they presented as a birthday rift to Mr. Winston Churchill Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 GRAND OPENING TO-DAY 3 Shows 3.15-6.15-9.15 W I^l H A IMAGIIIE the excitement when SEE the actual deeds of the MARVEL at a never-before-photo-V-/.r\ J. 1. LxJL JL KIT CARSON leads a stout- famous hero who facwl death graphed west that Producer A hearted band against savages and for the
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    • 132 3 RED PALM OIL This oil contains considerable quantities of Vitamin -A and it specially prepared for use as a cooking oil and as a medicine. It is excellent for preventing influenza, coughs and colds. SO eta. per Bottle Obtainable from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE DEATH. STANLEY—
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  • 615 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940. Oral English JHE quality of spoken English among a section of Singapore i clerks came in for a certain amount of discussion recently as a result of some plain speaking by a Singapore businessman, in the light of which comments by Malayan
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  • 494 4  - How Much Should The Public Be Told In War Time Britannicus By H/HAT news of the war has a democratic public the right to know? When the loss of the Lancastria was announced, and details of her sinking released, five weeks after it happened, there was some grumbling in the
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 41 4 MOST POWERFUL AERO ENGINE THE the world. c:< power, is in j: the newly i Wright A l orso:;. N -a This enffii i power DM I its type. Four Rich i < Douglas miles and eaftbk I I bombs and I
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  • 637 4  - An American 's Tribute To The Fire-Fighters Of London Vincent Sheean By INURING a big raid, I spent some three hours with the London Fire Brigade and their auxiliary flre fighters on duty. An important fire, employing a hundred pumps and some 500 men, made a thrilling though terrible spectacle
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 321 4 1 4# ALLSOPPS By Special appointment Established $^fW(^ 1572: J^K •S3* V»sf NEWEST DESIGNS (N DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches f/nrorporofed m CeyUmj SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. Hit Back At Hitler With Your War Savings Certificates EVERY DOLLAR SAVED FROM INCOME OR SALARY IN MALAYA CAN BECOME PART
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    • 61 4 Be Careful in wearing unground Sunglasses, which may cause your eyes to be defective. Go to Nan Sin and see tne modern frames fitted with Genuine Chance English Crookes' B or B 2 Dark glasses for Safe and Comfortable Vision. At %6M oer pair. Nan Sin Optical House 325, North
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  • 400 7 $5,400 Recovered After Exciting Chase ONE MAN ARRESTED AND ANOTHER ESCAPES |fO Qim*9* ma^ daring attempt in a crowded nik ip- -treet at noon yesterday to escape with cMitamei in a bag: which they had snatched from isfcier as he went in a ricksha to
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  • 148 7 Tamil Women Found Hacked To Death MAN WALKS INTO POLICE STATION CHORTLY after a 40-year-old Tamil woman and her 17-year-old daughter were found hacked to death in their he me in Lorong H, Telok Kurau Road, yesterday morning, a young Tamil, his clothing blood-stained and his hands bleeding, walked into
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  • 417 7 Special Radio Appeal To Cantonese Section j A NOTHER appeal to the Chinese— I" this time addressed to the Can--1 lonese community— was made in a radio address last night by Mr. Ching Kee Sun. lie announced that on Saturday the Ciiii:a Relief Fund Committee
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  • 47 7 THE Singapore Eurasian community' is the title of the talk to be broadcast by Mr. G. E. N. Oehlers from the Singapore Station at 7.10 to-night. This is the tenth talk in the series "Presenting Singapore" which is being -rranged by the Friends of Singapore.
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  • 239 7 How Pool Selling Has I Benefited Public DY a policy of selling stocks from the Rice Pool against the purchases made by Government, the Food Controller has been able to keep the price ol Thai rice at a low level, in spite of the
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  • 157 7 AN official telegram from Lord Lloyd, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, just received in Malaya, states: "To help in the urgently needed relief at Coventry arrangements were made for mobile canteen to be put into immediate service in the city as a gift from
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  • 34 7 Mrs. Tan Soo Bin, who went to Australia three months ago on holiday, returned from Sydney yesterday. Her daughter Mary whom she took to Australia with her, is still in Sydney continuing her education.
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  • 61 7 \m of several forged $10 rse, Um Chin Seng alias r.ced to two years' ot bv Mr. Jusur; Pedlow The jury's verdict when the accused was D« K.apor Road in Septem>traits ci'rrency not3S >ocet and ftve necrs were *-s. rused said that a
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  • 277 7 Malayan Delegates To New Delhi Talks Return A LL I can fay new is that we shall ■"have to get down to it." was the cniy s.atemem made by Mr H. Nor.h-Hunt, Malaya's chief delegate 'to the Eastern group conference recently concluded
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  • 90 7 MR. Robert B. Streepcr, American consul at Penane who has been on leave In the United States for the past three months. arrivex* in Singapore during the or. his return to Penang. Mrs. Streeper i will be returning in the middle of Decemhei.
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  • 46 7 T&IF Registrar of Vehicles. Major W. Rose. i has been appointed Petrol Rationing Officer in addition, and is also to carry out the functions of the Competent Authority for Land Transport, Singapore, under th* Defence Regulations. This decision has b*en confirmed by che Singapore Municipal Commissioners.
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  • 482 7 WE Indians who live In Malaya feel proud that we are not behind other nationalities in providing means to win the war," declare 30 prominent Singapore Indians who are signatories to a dfCOJur entitled A Call To Indians." •"The war is still going
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  • 1092 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. HETAILS of gifts of money alleged to have been made to A. H. M. Cretch, Inspector of Mines, Perak, were given to the Commission of Inquiry investigating the conduct of officers of the Mines
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 68 7 S? v(f al£se Your KIDNEYS r^» Feci Yo«i^— Look Yot»« r woman more than ■<h had kidney action. from Getting up L iz.n^r "8 Passages. Nerv«s, MM, Backash*. Leg Eyes. Swollen Ankles. E^rgy, etc., because r bl.x>d fail to <! polsor.n. now creeping Iu 24 hours Cystex Ktrenrthens kidneys lev.
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    • 127 7 B^^*n ACHIEVED in ■3s £i\S Sli IN CLEANLINESS Skin care isn'; a matter o; hap,.y dabblings with a miscellany of pots and tubes, for beauty is next to skin cleanliness ana first your skin must be cleansed and toned and smoothed and sx>thed First, to cleanse your skin way beneath
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 416 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND > P. «c O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom 5J* Passengers are
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    • 325 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated to S rELUPBONE: VtttKht Mtt. F**mu Hit HHman Mcim rincorporated in Bngiana.Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS DUCHESS m or MONT steamers to the United Kingdom. All under one management.
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    • 409 8 MANSFIELD CoTltT BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to Unitea Kingdom Oat guaranteed, all cargo coking? subject V ot War Clauses. Conf *'en c < W RSI KR N A UBTR AU A THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTfc 41 r^fc CHEAP-' Regular Services r O ~e mantle I Perth i i>v first
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  • 969 9 In The Garrison -By Nomad J-JIGHLAND dances were, of j course, a very popular feature at St. Andrew's Ball given by members of the Sergeants' Mess of the Gordon Highlanders at Selerang on Saturday, and the officers and mess members added a touch of colour
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 647 9 |EP AD ML M(IPALITY Tenders. "low^tnTtted for the JStfruto or services. For pi* Municipal Tenders i QGO Single Pho*e A. C. T^ 1 na»^ I closing. 4 Dm. Jan. Sftt. «;^ndard High Pressure WP^'rTis Date ot Closing. ■gjj-i 4 p,n. Jan. 6. IJ4L Oval GalvanUed pail BlanX Covers. Date :2noon.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 133 9 Garrison Diary To-day; Combined Services* hockey trial Thomson Rd. (5.0), Whist drives at R.A. (Changi) Married Families' Club, Manchesters', I.oyals' and Fort Canning Sergeants' Messes. Partner whist drive, Nee Soon Gunners* Mess. To-morrow Whist drives at Alexandra Depot, RJ£. and R.A. (Chan pi) Sergeants' Messes. Tombola, R.A.F. (No. 1 Area)
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  • 68 10 THE following is the Medical College team to meet Raffles College in the annual rugger match at Bukit Timah to-day. Ong Swee Law; Indra Jit San. Ong Hock Eang. Wee Swee Chow, Kuldip Singh: E. N. Woodhouse, Ling Bing Ee; Cheah Soong Ching, Ong Eng Khuan,
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  • 100 10 BEFORE he retires from the tarf, Ajax will be given the chance of making history, writes a correspondent in the Sunday Sun (Sydney). Mr. A. W. Thompson, one of his par; -owners, stated at Rosehill that Ajax would be trained specially for the Futurity Stakes
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  • 617 10 Boxing In Aid Of War Fund On Dec. 20 WITH the R.A.A.F. sports fund show still fresh in the minds of the public, the Singapore Amnteur Boxing Association and Club are preparing to stage a much bflfftl ami. if possible, brighter programme for I>ec. ?0. This time the «how will
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  • 120 10 O*?L1 PRICES CURRENT M-i-. 2. 12 o'clock noon Bayers Setter* No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose.. 38V4 38% No. IX R.S.S F.0.8. In cases December 38 38% G.P.A.Q. R.S.S. P.0.8. In bales December 38 38 v F.A.Q. R.S.S. P.0.8. in bales December 37% 37% C Blanket
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  • 801 10 COMBINED COLLEGES BEAT INDIAN ARMY Winners Score Four Goals In Second Half Rally LOSERS COLLAPSE AFTER A GOOD START Combined Colleges 6; Indian Army ..2. STAGING an overwhelming rally in the second half, in which they scored four goals in quick succession, the Combined Colleges overran an Indian Army team
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  • 196 10 S.C.I. 4; Nederlands 1. ¥>OTH sides played fast hockey on I* the padang yesterday when trie iSC.C. beat the Nederlands hockey team by four goals to one. Hdleatt scored three goals for the 'c'ub and Wildey one, while Nooy scor'ed the visitors' only goal. Although
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  • 25 10 THE Keppel championship, which was played on Saturday and Sunday, resulted in a win for B. la Cloche with a score of 79+86=165.
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  • 309 10 S.R.C. t; Khalsa DLAYING on their own ground yestmiav. a v.. > M 1 hockey side beat the Khalsa Assoeiatior i, v q to two. A feature of the game was the good of Campbell, who stopped many stinging drive Khalsa put
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  • 43 10 •T*HE foUowinc will repre*.. Indian AtsocUUoo a agamsi the S R C ground to-morrow S V Ferrer. J J i« y c Bewoor. B. S Singh. Pi. B Karan. U Rx Lt Rhandir s: Ibr3him Ess;* Umpire V.
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  • 45 10 SINGAPORE COLTS" HOCKEY TEAM Singapor c the Junior Civil S i rvice A.v Tessensohn Roac 5 p ra to-morrw J Crcw.hpr; N Armi^OßC i J Jayakoody, M P" Capt E Jayak d\ K Arm^tr J TraUi, G OHara M I"l Res?rv?> M Kor- I Gray.
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  • 232 10 MEMBERS of the State Cricket As- sociation are not satisfied that grade umpires are interpreting the new l.b.w. rule correctly, writes a correspondent in the Sydney Daily Telegraph. At a recent meeting of the association, Mr. P. C. Harrison (Gordon) asked the chairman
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 10 Pte. Roberts, Scotland, picks up the ball almost „n th forward m Friday's annual rugg?r match on the -t\ which the R«st beat Scotland by nine point, t Free Press
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 97 10 POST OFFICE MAR LIST Mails cicfc-e a: nu C' Pest Oak.' as •oil-TO-DAY Ainca < South > suriac: 3 a.m. America v South i surface D a.m. Qeyton «urf?"e 9 a.m. Ind^-Chinu air 9.0 ?.m. TO-MORROW Java ak 10.3: a.m. Sarawak surface 9 a.m. Sarikei surface 9a.m. Sibu surface 9a.m.
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    • 27 10 TO-DAY'S SPORTS EVENTS RUGGER: Inter-Collet^ matcli, Bukit Timah, St. Andrew's Old Boys vs. Fort Canning, Woodsvilie. Hockey: Post Office Club vs. Ceylon Sports Club, Tost Office ground.
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