The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 December 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 73 1 Fascist Party's Bitter Criticism Of Italian Army London. Dec. 1. rg Wmm M p*r*y accusing the |Ui;an army of incompetence ia U* »--»nduct of the Greek campau» ariordir.K to the Ankara radio. It xj>- :hat Signor Farinacci m MM raucUta has published j i hitut < ritiri*m of the Italian
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 213 1 Greeks Take Pogradec After Hard Fighting London, Dec I. Fl£K< is now going on inia. In the north r Greeks have scored sin^e Koritza Pogradcc after a re the Italians a^ able to get reinforce-; ..-.-st flghting is taking; i lh ni> are *aid to be using: to lead their
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  • 156 1 "SERIOUS ANXIETY' OF MOSLEMS London, Dec. 1. f-HE war aims of Congress are to the B P rth H r PreSSUre the y can on it .n thof .p overn^ent and coerce it 6o that it can coerce us let us *wo.v\p*i^«. /i .iinnan, pfesidenT of the
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 73 1 London, Dec. 1. A DEATH and a wedding within 24 hours m the family of Sir Cecil Slementi. former Governor of the Straits Settlements, are announced to-day. Flying-Officer K. M. Clementi, Sir Cecil's only son, married Miss Susan Pelham, the youngest
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 279 1 Roosevelt's Announcpment T* &*.„<. V* i* yy true, 11 1 1 (J JTiCSSfYICfI AMERICAN AID FOR CHIANG TO CHECK TOKIO DESIGNS PST. R OSEVELT "TJ- the The President stated tliat half of the Slooooo OOfl President Roosevelt's statement which was issued to newspapermen' ,said that
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 95 1 rjt i Chungking, Dec. 1. JE Japanese offensive on the east and west banks of the Han <i« t'JkT k en asti *oUowing the Chinese counter-offen-sive which was launched on Nov. 28, Chinese sources claim. and the e n c ,i apaneSe Hne
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  • 111 1 London, Dec. 1. BRITISH fighter squadrons operating from one fighter command station have shot down 600 enemy aircraft. south-east coast after a battle fought S WS'»S^S^ been continuou°l? operating together since 'thp battle of Dunkirk Reuter London, Dec. 1. ONE HUNDRED Congressmen have been
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 77 1 Taimpico, Dec. 1. r£E German freighters Idwarald and and Rhein, which left here on Friday, have teen seen proceeding along the coast m the direction of Yucatan. It is thought that they may attempt to slip across into Cuban territorial waters. The Idarwald and the
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  • 46 1 London, Dec. 1. A SECOND naval clash took pla/e place last night m the North Sea. Here light forces of the Royal Navy encountered a German E-boat patrol and chased it. The Germans escaped into the darkness, helped by their greater speed.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 234 1 TENSE SITUATION BETWEEN THAILAND INDO-CHINA AN official communique issued m Thailand yesterday stated that French Indo-China troops, supported by warships, attacked Krat, a small town m southern Thailand. The land force was repulsed by local police, while Thai planes forced the warships to turn bade. There is no mention of
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 222 1 THRPt- c i t London, Dei. 1. JHKbfc. successful torpedo attacks have been mad- on en c m v 4 u Pl>lv shipping m the last three days by aircraft of the .xmstal Command, says the Air Ministry
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 222 1 TENSION CONTINUES IN PEIPING Peiping, Dec. 1. r£ Japanese military spokesman here admitted this morning that a Japanese officer was shot yesterday, but refused to give details. Japanese telegraph offices have not allowed messages on the incident to go out. From a number of different sources
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 536 1 Mortal Blow At Reich Will Be Struck Against 'Soft Underside' T-wir London, Dec. 1. TIE Greek successes against Italy have opened up for Britain "a fa of opportunity which, if we turn it to full account, may be immense and even decisive in■nce upon the whole course of the war,"
    Reuter  -  536 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 94 2 RIGBY LEAGUE London, Dec. 1. Y^SSJE™ Rugby ague games l i?aX-::::::::.1 23™? reatherstone 20 York j£ aiifa >; 9 DewsburV*:::::::. iHjinslet 37 Keighley St. Helen's 50 Leigh n Salford 3 Oldham 2 Wafcefield 5 Bradford Northern I Wamngton 20 Broughton 0 Rugby Union Home Rugby Union games
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 1203 2 F.M.S. PETITION PETITIONERS representing various interests m the r F.M.S. have issued a memorandum opposing income tax which it is proposed to send to the Secretary of State for the Colonies through the High Commissioner for the Malay States. The petition reads 1. Your
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 100 2 A DATE TO REMEMBER! I CAPITOL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th at 9.15 P.M. 6ALA PREMIERE m aid of THE WAR FUND Columbia Picture's sauciest comedy hit 'HE STAYED FOR BREAKFAST' co-starring LORETTA YOUNG and MELVYN DOUGLAS Prices: Circle (Reserved) $3.Stalk (Unreserved) $2. $1. r ALL TICKETS FREE of TAX. 12,000 people
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    • 188 2 It's Speeding on to becT^ The Year's Biggest Spy Hit! COME AND HEAR THE SURPRISE U\> THy THE TOWN'S TALKING ABOUT! (JUST ft ()Rr INTERVAL) For Convenience sake SECURE YOUR TICKETS EARLY and avoid to QUEUE up at the BOX OFFK >:. capitol] I *bJ,Vy*^ Hop aboard., and get the
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  • 142 3 26,000 Ib. Of Bombs On Brindisi London. Dec. 1. TTHE Air Ministry news service gives accounts of the continued air operations m the Middle East during Thursday night and the early hours of Friday morning, when attacks were made on BrindLsi. where over 26,000 pounds of high were dropped on
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  • 474 3 Successful Raid In Spite Of Misty Weather TR AIL OF FIRES LEFT AT GREAT INLAND PORT Louden, Dec. 1. >hipbuiWu\R yards at Bremen and riverside „*> at CchgM were attacked m force last night tficraft of the bomber command. The target at n
    Reuter; British Wireless News  -  474 words
  • 61 3 Tokio, Dec. 1. jViR Kenkichi Yoshizawa, former IT Foreign Minister m the Mukai Cabinet, has been named to replace Mr. I. Kobayashi as chi«f Japanese delegate to the Netherlands Indies talks. The negotiations are alleged to be continuing uninterrupted but fears among the authorities
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 16 3 ENEMY FLED TO FRENCH COAST jdfjkdsfjdkjfkdjfkd Reuter dsfkakfdskfjkdjfkdjkfd British Wireless
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  16 words
  • 425 3 Tokio, Dec. L A COMBINATION of international pressure to force Chungking to discontinue hostilities is apparently the chief result anticipated from Japan's formal recognition of the Nanking regime. Mr. Yakichiro Suma. the Foreign Office spokesman, replying to questions regarding the treaty, admitted
    Reuter  -  425 words
  • 99 3 Londou, Dec. 1. /"•ONSIDERABLii. damage to shop houses and other buildings and a number of fire, *ome of which were serious, resulted irom German air raids on one south coast town during last night, according to an Air Mm- istry communique. A number of
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 123 3 Berlin, Dec. 1. RESPORT6 en the French population of Lorraine were necessary "m order to clarify once and for all the position of Germany's future western frontier, so that war will never again be waged on its account," declared Buerckel, Reich Commissioner for the Saar,
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 322 3 London. Dec. 1. SOME time ago 70 or 80 incendiary bombs fell on the London Zoo "My, It was a wonderful sight it only wanted a bit of music to make it seem like fairyland," was the keeper's report to
    British Wireless  -  322 words
  • 214 3 100 Dead In Train Bombing Nanking. Dec. 1. rfHE death-toll m the Soochow train bombing on Friday is reported to be about 100 with more than 200 others injured. Officials here are very reticent and until late yesterday there was a strict censorship on news concerning the affair. The victims
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 107 3 Belgrade, Dec. 1. ■■pHE 22nd anniversary of the union of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes into the kingdom of Yugoslavia is being Celft^t& t^.»tocd n Yi*»v vx*c vi OCfence and national consciousness has never been stronger throughout the country. In this connection it is. claimed that
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 114 3 Berlin, Dec. 1. I>ITTER attacks on the Swiss Press are launched to-day by several G?rman newspapers. The Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung complains that nobody m Switzerland makes any move to correct the "incorrect"' reporting of the bombing of Coventry, while at the same time the
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 300 3 Impracticable Suggestion By I.L.P. Lonioii, Dec. 1. *"FHE Independent Labour Party m the House of Commons a ?mall, dissident section of the Labour representation m Parliament, which has not accepted the Labour Pariy whip for several years and which consists of Mr. James Maxton and his two followers has tabled
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 114 3 1 ondon. Dec. 1. TWO hundred and twenty -nine enemy aircraft were destroyed over Britain and British waters and over German and German -occupied territory and German waters by the R.A.F. and ground defenres (luring November. This lnrlud*s 2t Italian airrraft. During the month S3 British fighters were
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 80 3 Tokio, Dm. i. The Japanese Press has a casts*** note m comments on the treaty MfM yesterday at Nanking reeofniiiaf tin Wang re^me. Althoorh Press comments are full of enthusiasm for treatf. they emphasise that serious diAcvlties stfH block Japan's path. No conunent has yet been niadf a* ProaMemt Ro—
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 ri ,I^l SiflPl Rl H n BBX I af i I j| v^^ \"'"^sisß B^ for ntrTilt*** L| I McClrC sau p*CKtOif^ss i; CUrtP 5 wmUr?Md^h«*coinpietely cq^ s w b \Lu iSi!to^w»r^ thick Drew with bread ra»pttii^ *l* crouft a clnn.n-on or ctov^l as deslr*^ I*i j s3 j f
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  • 703 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940. Japan 's Weaknesses PEW* impartial observers will re- gard the signing of a treaty between Tokio and the Nanking puppet regime of Wang Ching-wei as anything but a very hollow success for the Japanese. Rather does it emphasize the extent of Japan's
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  • 786 4 Yosuke Matsuoka: Pen Portrait By An Australian IT is a typical— and perhaps appropriate— Japanese paradox that the man who has directed Japan's two most historic diplomatic moves (withdrawal from the League of Nations and alliance with the Axis) is probably the least skilful of Japanese diplomats, Sixty-year-old Yosuke Matsuoka
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 115 4 NO "BREAKDOWN" OF EDUCATION London I*' 1 E'IGURES relating 10 I blems raised by cuation were given Parliamentary Secret of Education, who stau-d that -breakdown of etfucal proportion of rhlldn exaggeration The total ol ary school populate-. Wales was abuiii 5.2! 1.500,000 wore m which were, general) disturbed and ceeding
    British Wireless News  -  115 words
  • 36 4 lon W LAVAL. Vu, IVl ter and "f m ported to be again from Paris. It is reportru UM going to discuss a deal bf«J will officially and Change «J Lorraine to Gfrmany m ner s
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  • 269 4 (By A Special Correspondent) TEW people who do not know Kenya can realize what the war here is like. The Kenya front stretches as far as from London to Rome, and it runs through the worst country m the world— the earth's only equatorial desert. Kenya's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 382 4 Iv^ 100 %/j \fif U\l C H L D BECK'S I K. P. M. LINE Regular mailings to Java, Bali, Sumatra, Borneo and all other ports m the Netherlands Indies. ORIENT JAVA AFRICA LINE Regular bi-monthly service via Batavia and Mauritius to South and East African ports. SINGAPORE JAVA AUSTRALIA
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    • 7 4 I IH *B A. M M^wlm. d2?V
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  • 2307 5  - Highland Gathering And Scottish Dance Great Success MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By hundred people— 5 meinher^ of the Scots comZtx m Singapore, with a f Sassenachs thrown m ?ood measure— enjoyed 'jLllve* at Raffles Hotel Saturday when the St. fndreVs Society held a ;S dinner ball for St. v\j
    Free Press  -  2,307 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1206 6 A LTHOUGH the Belgian Army, acting under the orders of their Sovereign and Commander-in-Chief, Leopold 111, Mir rendered on May 28, no armistice was concluded and Belgium signed no separate peace. Legally, and m fact, Belgium is still at war
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  • 114 6 THE most terrified citizen m London i was brought to the microphone by j the 8.8.C. An announcer started to interview the man on his impressions of air raids. Quiveringly and hysterically, the victim exclaimed "It is something terrible: it's unbelievable. What am I to
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 6 Egyptian officers inside a shelter on the Libyan frontier intently studying plans being explained to them by their Egyptian commanding officer. Note large picture of King Farouk m the rear.
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  • 245 6 A FTER landing by parachute from the blazing plane m which he won the Victoria Cross, Flight-Lieut. James Nicholson, 23, burned and wounded, sent this telegram to his wife "Sorry, shot down, darling. Slight injuries. All my love. Nic." Flight-Lieut. Nicholson is the
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  • 353 6 War In Air Heightens Men's Spirits INTENSIFICATION of the air war has heightened the spirit of the Royal Air Force. Some instances The R.A.F. is delighted with the toughness of Wellington bombers. "They can take it." Flying-Officer A. S. Hughes told a Sunday Telegraph correspondent. One Wellington came back after
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  • 106 6 A GRAVE, scandal threatens to rock Auckland's dogdom. It all started when a lorry-lead of barrelled port wine capsized m the street. Even a dog has been known to whine. That is why, a tew minutes later, two very happy, very intoxicated dogs reeled from the scene. Too
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  • 53 6 THE U.S. Navy Department announces that the airfields which will be established by the United States m Jamaica will also be used for British military aircraft. The controlling authorities will have first call on the available accommodation. The department also reveals that the United States has
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  • 22 6 British motor torpedo boats photographed as they moved along at top speed m exercises at sea recently.
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  • 83 6 LUNCH m a bush camp at Junee, the centre of the newsprint industry forest work m the Derwent valley of New Zealand, brought together two winners of the Victoria Cross the other day. One was Mr. W. Dunstan, manager of the Herald and Weekly Times,
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  • 62 6 Numbers of Australians who. until a few months ago, could not read a note of music are being drafted into A.I.F. 1 v,. nuwes. oi Ad e laide, who is m control of one regimental band, said recently that cf 17 brass players m his band. 14
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  • 213 6 WHK.". the history lhit that Air Chief M, > won the air Haiti* tt^" 1 The Air Marsha. seconded ior specia United Stale., wh^ t ports on the nuking <>- L dvLV Of which will be sent Br Sir Hugh CaswcM Tr am r
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  • 108 6 DOELOF HELNS. aged I, who hfc arrived In Sydney by lmer t rom Kobe 'Japan speaks three languages fluently for his age. Roelol. who travelled oftfe mother. Mrs. L. Hem a hinder born m Japar A reporter who inter.; v. -found :ha: tie h <d a eouai
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 454 7 Replacing Cod-Liver Oil As Vitamin Source FIRST BIG SALE TO INDIA -rtSnCATIONS arc being ma «je locally which may k O l permanent value to Malaya's palm and coconut j industries-sever* hit by the war on account of l^s of their principal
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  • 286 7 Raid Shelters Believed Under Discussion T"HE Free Press understands that the enlargement of air raid precaution services m Singapore, including the provision of raid shelters, is now actively under discussion by the Government. This reported action recalls the recent public criticism, coming from sources ranging Irom Unofficial members ol the
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  • 137 7 BELIEVED to have been murdered, a 31--year-old Chinese shop assistant, Mah Neng Seng, of Kallang Road, was found dead yesterday afternoon with nine staD wounds m his body m a karr.pon£ half a mile off the Paya Lebar Road. Singapore police who visited the
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  • 43 7 ATAIX Australian, Pat Moore, arrived m Singapore yesterday by plane from Batavia. Mr. Moore is Wearnes' Air Services' ne-w pilot, and has had several years' flying experience m Australia. He will now be engaged on Malaya's internal air service.
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  • 36 7 npilE Band of the Straits Settlements Police v. ill perform under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch at Tclok Aver at 6 p.m. tomorrow and at Katcng Park at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday.
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  • 100 7 EARLY DECISION ON BREWERY EXPECTED ALTHOUGH several tenders have been received for the purchase of thp A.B.C. Brewery m Alexandra Road, the fate of the brewery is still undecided. The Free Press understands that a decision may be taken by Government "fairly soon." The $1,000,000 brewery passed into th? hands
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  • 57 7 ALOW incidence of smallpox and cholera m Eastern ports is reported m the League of Nations healtn bulletin for the week ending Nov. 23. All ports also continue to be free of human plague for well over four months In Hong Kong and Shanghai deaths
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  • 44 7 TTHE Executive Engineer, Came- ron Highlands, states that Cameron Highlands Main Road and Boh Road are now open to traffic, but travelling by night is still inadvisable. The temporary dislocation of traffic was caused by numerous landslips following heavj rains.
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  • 267 7 Department's Eight Years Of Experience IRRIGATION engineers m Malaya are thankful to have had the eight years m which the Drainage and Irrigation Department has been m existence, to improve their experience and technique to promote new irrigation schemes on an ever-widening scale so as to make
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  • 223 7 AFTER the recent severe raids on Coventry, Salvation Army mobile canteens were the first to rec»ch the bombed areas, and five canteens supplied rescus workers and homeless people throughout the emergency. This news has just reached Singapore. In London, and other larse areas, a
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  • 463 7 MALAYA, through the Patriotic Fund, has included substantial sums for St. Dunstan's m its many allocations to war charities. St. Dunstan's cares for blinded soldiers, sailors and airmen of the British Empire. How it has itself suffered from indiscriminate German air bombing,
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  • 24 7 The motor-car section of the Johore mobile unit which began patrolling roads m south Johore yesterday, uses this smart car.
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  • 80 7 •THESE are 11 young Dutch petty officers who have arrived m the Netherlands Indies after escaping to England by Dutch warships soon after the German invasion of Holland on May 10. The Dutch naval academy m Holland was destroyed by the Nazis, but these young officers
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  • 326 7 Christmas Treat For 1,500 Poor Children MEAR7.Y 2.000 children and adults will be given a Christmas treat by the Rotary Club on Dec. 20 at the New World amusement park lent specially for the occasion by the proprietors As m previous years, the Salvation Army is organizing the treat. In
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  • 98 7 EVEN with the familiar triangle for its theme "I Take This Woman," M G.M.s film of a clever doctor and a fashion model, which was given a midnight show at the Capitol on Saturday, rises to heights of drama and amusement. It is fast and packed
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  • 63 7 P.CKED with excitement, "Kit Carson,'' an Edward Small production released through United Artists, is gripping entertainment. It had a midnight screening at the Cathay on Saturday. Jon Hp.ll, who plays the title role of a dashing American hero, is excellent and receives able support from a strong cast
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  • 189 7 Wider Scope For L.D.C. Applications BRITONS UP TO 60 MAY JOIN pOVERNMEI/T is widening the <:cope ©{^applications for enrolment m the Ixx*al Delen^e Corps by raising the age limit for British European applicants from 54 to 60 In cases the Commander may v c his discretion. This decision is published
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  • 154 7 ADMIRATION of the cflort by Ch'.nese students fan Hong X to raise money for relief purposes m Britain as well as m China, was expressed by Miss Helen Morton, \ieerhairmnn of the World Student Christian Federation, '.\ho arrived m Bin pore on Saturday. A "s?ooi amount
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  • 70 7 MR. Otoji Saito, former Japanese Consul -General :n the NetherlandsIndies, arrived m Singapore by air yesterday, on his way back to Janan. Mr. Saito will assume his new appointment as director of the nou',\established South Seas Affairs Bunau of the Japanese ForOn Office. Chit
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  • 129 7 SINGAPORE newspaper men expressed full 3 approval of the n*w Cliine&e cuisinr be ing introduced by the Rex Hotel, at a gila party staged by the hotel management oo Friday night. "Acting as official testers for the culinary efforts of the new Chinese chef was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 Piles Quickly Heal *HS \inu_msAFPEAß > Dot gir« to be realrt ***T*y growing leas and less tonZLJ di»*ppe*red nere/ roa again! A physician's rf 7 tnap thi. comfort Uv °l4 h iJ )OOW t ■offerer. kVvw. 1 1^ 3 absorptiv* NM cures piles. •> pollen and Cleed Jfc^yT'Y W Mi
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    • 119 7 t ACHIEVED BY SKIN CLEANLINESS f^ (ft \^Al OF LONDON Skin care isn'i a matter of hap;:y dabblings with a miscellany of pots and tubes, for beauty is next to skin cleanliness and first your skin must be cleansed and toned and smoothed and soothed. First, to cleanse your skin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 419 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. ft O. S. N. CO*B SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. < Passengers are requested
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    • 379 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (incorporated m P.M.6 TELM>!IONE: Ireiffbt M 33 Passa S f Utt. OoEmprtss TO NOtTM AMERICA, KUROPf AND INJOY I CANADIAN PACIFIC IUXUtY I jfa£& Rccord-brcakin* wm*T«&J9**. I 1 #^>X the trip ortripstcrosiCtntdt I t m M i l^ ia air-conditioned trains Sec Banff, I m^jM'^*' Lake Louise,
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    • 400 8 MANSFIELD SCoTuT BLUE FUNNEL LIME Frequent Sailings to Uniteo Kingdom Oate* guaranteed, all cargo cookings subject c art War Clauses. WEST E R N AliS IHA L 1 A THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT fv|£ CHEAP^-i Regular Services to >c mantle Perth; by first class oasstnger shios JavB Single fare
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  • 915 9 Special Commercial Training For Chinese Youths By Our Chinese Correspondent WHAT may well prove the most important step m the annals of Chinese education m Malaya since the turn of the century is being taken by the Tao Nan School m Armenian Street m conjunction with the Hokkien community guild,
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  • 917 9 PRESIDENT'S SPEECH AT JUBILEE MEETING. <k TT may be that the incoming commiUet? will be of A the opinion that some reconsideration of this decision is warranted ir. the not too distant future," said Mr. F. S. Gibson at the 50th annual general meeting of the
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  • 610 9 ;TT is welcome news for the British A public that two further types of American aircraft, both excellent of their kind, are now being delivered i m quantity to tha Royal Air Force, writes Mr. J. M. Spaight, who was Principal Assistant Secretary
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  • 216 9 J^KE following are X MCA. hockey tiams this week Against Police at Thomson Road al 5 lo p.m. to-day. V. N. Pillay; Lee long lim, V. Xa'ler R. T. L. Fleming, G. L. Day, Goh Chtr. Chye; Low Hurk Yang. Gan Kee Tlan, I.
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  • 90 9 *T*HE following wore th« two best cards returned m the Keppel Ool? Club Hou«e Spoon for November: Mr.v A. M. Low 38 f34 37=109; Mrs. E A Elder 39 +43+ 34 116. The following w°re the scores re.urned In the November we men's frurs)me: Mrs. E. A.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 409 9 HILASSIFieP^PWERTISEMENTS I^^ENDERS JJM taco Single Pha. c c A. C. fj m jgj Sn as Safe&utiiL £?^rS.2^ S? YOUR VALUABLES S r^a^Gatvan^ _<*»»-■ *oo ms are your «S Ju WlSta3rOo««* Date Protection. I* is impossible for an indivlfti"jßPl! 1941 dual to P"** for hU valued Date of Closing. possessions the
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    • 51 9 KERR STEAMSHIP COMPANY INC. (Incoroomtea tn V.S.AJ STATES AFRICA E»«f INDIES SERVICE Regular sailings to Boston. New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and New Orleans via Panama Canal. For ip ace o leas* apply to: HADDEN COMPANY LIMITED. Phone Nm 491«/7 incorporate* m B.SJ A«c«u: KERR STEAMSHIP OOU INC. Incorporaito m US
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 145 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails cloce at the General Peat Ofllr* an follows: TO-DAY Aden air 4 pm. Africa air 4 p.m. Australia air 4pm. Australia Lan South > surface 4pm. Burma air 4pm. Ceylon air 4 pm. Darwin surface air 4 p.m. E?ypt air 4pm. Great Britain &c air
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  • 752 10 STATE HOCKEY RESULTS AT KUALA LUMPUR (From Our Chvn Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, De<\ L WHEN Singaporr and Penan? clashed m their hockey encounter on the padang to-day, it was after a break of three years that they were meeting*. On the last occasion, m
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  • 107 10 ironi Our Own Corre^poiKieni) i Lumpur, Dec. 1. PfcRAK came off best m the hockey carnival held here over the week-end when they capped their two -nil victory over Singapore yesterday with a fourtwo victory over Negri Sembilan •n the S.C.K.C. ground this evenNesri were expected
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  • 205 10 Londou. Dec. 1. LFAGUE lootball ;;ames played yesterday resulted: NORTH Bai'ifeucy 1 ShefiielJ United 4 Bradford City l Rotherham United 2 Burnley 4 Bury 3 Ererton 2 New Brighton l Grimsby Town 4 Chesterfield 5 Huddersfield Town 1 Doncaster Rovers 2 Hull City 1 Lincoln City 2 Leeds
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 62 10 rE football match between the Royal Air Force and the Singapore Civilians, which was to have been played at Anson Road stadium yesterday, was postponed, as rain had rendered the ground unfit for play. The same, which has been arranged 'in aid of the Royal Air
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  • 1972 10 ALSATIAN WINS THE BEST EXHIBIT AWARD DROUDLY yapping and barking, 121 dogs were the cynosure i of several hundred eyes, some admiring, some envious, at the Happy World covered stadium yesterday where the annual Singapore Doe Show was held m aid of The
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 111 10 PiTU A V GRAND OPENING TO-MORROW 3 Shows 3.15 -6.15-91 > 1 AIHA I IMA6IME the excitement when $EE gctua| de^ s Qf MARVEL at a never-before-photo- V/AJL J. llil M. KIT CARSON leads a stout- fam;)us hero wh{> faced dMth graphed west that Producer hearted band against savages and
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 465 10 To-days Sports Events Hockey. S.R.C. vs. Khalsa Association, Khalsa; Combined Colleges vs. Indian Army, Medical College ground, Sepoy Lines; Police vs. V.M.C.A., Depot, Thomson Road; S.C.R.C. vs. Mountain Regiment, S.C.R.C; S.R.C. II vs. R.A.F. II (Seletar), Seletar. Weight For First Day At Selangor (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov.
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