The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 November 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.240. EMU 1X35 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1013. 5 CENTS
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  • 461 1 GERMANS IN GREECE TURKEY LEAVING Importance Attached To Latest Moves SUNER AND CIANO AT BERCHTESGADEN Basle, Nov. 18. IT is reported from Berlin that arrangements have been 1 completed for the repatriation of the entire German colony of 8,000 from Greece. The steo is considered especially significant despite a Wilhelmstrasse
    Reuter  -  461 words
  • 245 1 R.A-F.'s New Blows In Naziland London. Nov. 18. d out heavily irgeti m Germany rritoriea last night. C S?a''v announced. acks were directed neries at Gelsenmrn only one of bombed in- ivuhr, rail and ns m western Ger- at Lorient m German- ing these the British r da*br?ak to-day deA-d
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 74 1 London, Nov. 18. DURING a brief alert m the London area to-day a single enemy plane dropped five bombs. Three of them fell on allotments and the other two damaged some houses. Another report says that a German bomber approached an East Anglian town.
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 57 1 Vichy, Nov. 18. PART of the famous Promenade des Anglais at Nice collapsed when a tornado struck the town, transforming mountain streams into torrents. The main line of the coast railway was also cut. Wild weather has caused damage at Marseilles and other points along both the
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 18 1 London, Nov. 13. THE death has occurred of the Sculptor, Mr. Eric Gill, aged 58. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 37 1 El Poso (Texas), v v 18 MR. JOSHUA COSDEN, the American oil producer multi-millionaire who began a remarkable career aj a poorly paid clerk, died to-day of a heart attack on board a train, aged 59.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 104 1 Tokio, Nov. 18. •"THE Foreign Office spokesman ad--1 mits official advice of "rumours" of an impending Anglo-American defence pact with Thailand, which is viewed with concern here, because •rumours are sometimes true." The Press is playing up reports of the pact, warning
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 78 1 SUCCESSFUL CLASH ON KENYA BORDER Nairobi, Nov. I*. SOUTH AFRICAN armoured cars have arrived m Kenya and have already been m action. This is revealed m a detailed account cf a patrol encounter near Linoi. on the Kenya-Italian Somaliland frontier, last month. Four cars
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 45 1 London. Nov. 18. LORD LOTHIAN. British Ambassador to the United States, who is m Lisbon on his way back to Washington, had a conference to-day with the Portuguese Prime Minister. He was accompanied by the British Minister to Portugal.— Reuter.
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  • 278 1 London, Nov. 18. TTHE creation of the new Army Co-operation Command of the R.A.F., announced yesterday, forer'ladows energetic attention to two most pressing problems of aerial co-operation with the British army, writes Reuter's air correspondent First, close study will be given to aerial artillery
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  • 314 1 Belgrade, Nov. 18. CIX HUNDRED Italian troops with 130 tanks crossed the and surrendered to the Yugoslav authorities on Sunday night, according to a report from Ujevdjelija. Meanwhile, m the opinion of military expert* m London, definite news of the capture
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 64 1 London, Nov. 18. THE British forces m Greece with units of the RA.F. squadrons are under the command of Air Commodore J. H. Dalbiac, who is one of the youngest air officers. Born m 1894. he has seen service In India, Egypt, Transjordan and
    British Wireless  -  64 words
  • 87 1 Rome. Nov. If. TO-DAY'S Rcme communique claim* that a British cruiser of the. Leancier type was toroedoed by Italian aircraft at Alexandria. Concerning the British bombardment of Mogadiscu. m I alian Somaliland. the communique asserts that a cru ser which attempted to bombard harbour was hit and withdrew
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 397 1 LouJon, Not. IS. "1 think the cne person nao regretted Munich more anyone else was Hitler M declared Sir Nevile Hendersor former British Ambassador m Bt i speak in* at Ipswich to-day. •♦He thought he had missed hi opportunity and. if I may say ao. 1 think
    Reuter  -  397 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 175 2 A very successful variety entertain- ment was staged by the Singapore Urban Co-operative Union Ltd. m aid of The War Fund at the Victoria Theatre yesterday evening. The arrangement of the items on the well-balanced programme reflects credit en the concert committee. Highlight of the concert
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  • 104 2 TPHE annual general meeting of the Singapore Filipino Association was held at la, Kirk Terrace, on Sunday morning when office-bearers were elected. After the meeting a tiliin party was held at the Empress Hotel to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Philippine Commonwealth. The following
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  • 30 2 The South Indian Chamber of Commerce at its last monthly meeting recorded its regret at the death of Mr. R. B. Krishnan, and expressed its condolence to the bereaved family.
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  • 216 2 VISITING his friend's house just before dawn, a Chinese duck reaFer noticed an "image" standing m the doorway. He called out to the "image," and, receiving no reply, went nearer to discover that it was his friend hanging dead from a team. This
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  • 169 2 HPHE story of how a 23-year-old Jewish 1 youth, Joseph Henry Ellison, m order to attend the races at Bukit Timah on Saturday, pawned an electric table fan valued at $45, belonging to his brother, was tojd m the Singapore third court yesterday.
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  • 175 2 pOR posing as a detective and attempting to obtain a free ride on a trolley bus by saying that he had a Traction Company pass. Yap Jong Lee was fined $10. or one week's rigorous imprisonment, by the third magistrate, Mr. S. H. Cheah, yesterday.
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  • 129 2 MR. ALEXANDER McLEOD was married to Mips Ruth Scott, the daughter of Mrs. J. Scott and the late Mr. J. Scott, of Melbourne, Australia, at the Presbyterian Church yesterday. Mr. McLeod. an engineer of Sungei Kinta Dred<ring, Ltd., Perak. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George
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  • 79 2 -\iR. J,. G. Rappoport, the. Singapore third magistrate, is undergoing one month's continuous training with the Volunteer Air Force, andy his place -was taken yesterday by Mr* S. H. Cheah, the Deputy: Registrar. It is understood that Mr. Cheah will sit as third magistrate for only
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  • 54 2 a CLASS for the making of chUdren's clothing will commence on Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Y.W.C.A.. Raffles Quay. On Nov. 20 a class for dress-making, cutting and fitting will commence at 9 a.m. The numbers m the class must necessarily be limited and Intending students are
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  • 37 2 Mr. Charlie Chan Soo Tuan of Lorong 36, Geylang, wishes us to stat* that he is not the person referred to as Charlie Chan who was convicted on a gambling charge m the police court on Saturday.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 272 2 ANOTHER GRAND LAUGH SHOW FROM THE PRODUCERS OF "MY FAVOURITE WIFE" ONLY IT'S ..UNNIER THIS* TIME! TO-DAY A 6 GjAk^g>fi>A box-office 3.15 6.15 9.15 P.M. HLnAWDKA 'Phone 6909 What a combination for lauerhp and Romance! Their Honeymoon Started Their Romance! BT -'IF JE I f 4ffiß HKiul Bi #v >jF
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    • 244 2 A NEW SHOW THE WHOLE FAMILY Wli it, 1 F^l CAPIfoT A Stirring, Inspiring Dramatic Story 7 The Boys of To-day who will a Nations Defenders To-rnorro^' B^^JBIBI^BLBA^EBBBBaBMjH I ■v w *->' -3 i itommy KELLY* Bobby JORDAN^^^^" Dovid HOLT Jackie SEARL --^^^N^ j A COLUMBIA PICTURE "^^< v >
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  • 432 3 ADVANCE CONTINUES DESPITE DESPERATE ENEMY BOMBINGS London, Nov. 18. ,v a desperate effort to prevent their withdrawal from Iturnine in*" a K ener retr< at Italians have thrown ,'c numbers of warplanes into the struggle on the front, writes Maurice Lovell. Reuter's special
    Reuter  -  432 words
  • 64 3 Zurich, Nov. 18. ALTOGETHER 120,000 French- speaking inhabitants of Lorraine will be affected by Germany's "plan for exchange of population/ says a message from a Berlin correspondent, asserting that by the middle of last week 16,000 persons had been expelled. Germany, he adds, intends to populate
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 154 3 WEAPONS LEFT AT DUNKIRK ARE NOW REGARDED AS OBSOLETE London, Nov. 18. THE best part of British artillery equipment was lost five months ago m the Dunkirk evacuation. I must have seen evidences of rapid re-equipment of British Royal Artillery and the calibre of
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 190 3 London. Nov. 18. F ion to for n the Army n Command of the b generally welcomed by flic times emphasizes that there Question of immobilizing the Ljjjpr and bomber squadrons while y B EF remains m this counftgl it can probably be taken
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  190 words
  • 118 3 1 •id on Nov IS. m by air raiders on re comparatively mild. I ien dropped near the d there were a few scatother parts of the (Mnt: v A;r Ministry commutrat damage was practically r h uses. far received, adds the '.Msttiunique. indicate that
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 52 3 New York. Nov. 18. •ywo Douglas bombers, the first of an order for at least 70 to be shipped to Britain, have arrived m New York city. They are stated by the New York Times to be superior to any planes yet sent to
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 148 3 Did Nazi Ships Meet British Squadron? Mexico City, Nov. 18. WHETHER the four German steamers which attempted to sail from TamDico at intervals during Friday night and Saturday morning really encountered a British naval patrol or were scared by American patrol ships is a matter of much speculation here. Three
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 196 3 New York, Nov. 18. THE Press m America continues to express horrified indignation at the Nazis' wanton attack on Coventry. In the view of the Sn. Ixmis Glob:? Democrat, the niLhless act takes place alongoiie the murderous siege of \\arsaw and the inhuman machinegunning of
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  • 21 3 Moscow, Nov. 18. GERMANY has reopened her Consulates m Leningrad, Vladivostok and Batum, according to the Tass News Agency. Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  21 words
  • 536 3 Mussolini Admits "Privations Of War" Will Become Serious Rome, Not. 18. JHERE were 72 Italian dead, 1000 or so wounded and 650 f basing during the first few days < flfthting on the Epirus front." deci *red Mussolini, who m a speech to-day admitted that ha personally "*H*rrue<r the drafting
    Reuter  -  536 words
  • 106 3 Rome, Nov. 18. MUSSOLINI, m his speech to Fascist party members m the Palazzo Venezia to-day, made a reference to C^reece m a mixture of excuses and promises. In an attempt to reassure his people of the progress of the Greek campaign he said that
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 113 3 SPECIAL SHELL FIRE WARNING FOR DOVER London, Nov. 18. GUNS taken from the Maginot Line after the collapse of France are stated to be included among the 24 long-distance guns which the Germans are known to have set up on the French cliffs between
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 79 3 Hong Kong, Nov. 18. ONE hundred and seventy-six British evacuees from Estonia, men, women and children have arrived m Hong Kong from Vladivostok en route to Australia. The party left Tallinn on Oct. 26 and arrived m Vladivostok after ten days, where they
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 78 3 Basle. Nov. 18. DIBBENTROP, the Nazi Foreign Minister, has left Berlin to meet Senor Suner, the Spanish Foreign Minister, says the Berlin correspondent of the Basler Nachrichten He adds that the meeting is likely to take place at Salzburg, when the talks initiated by Hitler and Gen.
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 65 3 Basle. Nor. 18. THE anxiety of the Turkish Government to secure direct Information regarding the scope and results of M Molotov's recent talks with Hitler and Ribbentrop are mentioned m a Budapest dispatch to the Ba&ler Nachrichten The newspaper says that well-informed Balkan circles believe
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 46 3 Toklo, Nov. 18. COR the first time In the history of the Japanese Nary. 28 new Lieutenant-Com-manders have been created by the promotion of officers risen from ratings. They enlisted during the Russo-Japanese war In 1904 as seamen, fifth class. Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  46 words
  • 62 3 London, Nov. 18. A MONG recent money gifts for the purchase IX of aircraft is one of £84,000 through the Belfast Telegraph from the people of Northern Ireland. Two gifts of ten shillings each have also been received, one coming from children of an orphan
    British Wireless  -  62 words
  • 37 3 Alexandria, Nov it ENEMY planes visited the Alexandria area on Saturday night, and seven casualties were caused, some of them fatal. An official communique states that some material damage was also caused- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 28 3 Sydney, Nov. 18. CIR John O. Latham, the first Australian Minister to Japan left here on Saturday for his new post.- Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  28 words
  • 170 3 "Britain Is Well On Way To Winning War" Rio De Janeiro, Nov. 18. DRITAIN and her Allies are de- finitely on their way to winning the war, declared Lord Willingdon. when he arrived here yesterday aboard the Avil Star heading the special British economic mission to the South American countries,
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 123 3 (From Our Own Correspcndent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 18. 'pHE death occurred last night at his residence m Kuala Lumpur of Mr. Wong Pak Choy, prominent miner m Selangor. He had bean to Port Dickson for the week-end and returned last night, when he
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  • 98 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Koala Lumpur, Nov 18. AS a result of a motor accident at Ampang Road last night, near the 33i milestone, three Europeans, C. C. Cavil. A. Grey 2nd B I. T. Smith, were admitted to Bungsar Hospital. They are all miners.
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  • 51 3 Alleged to have stolen a wrist watch belonging to E. T. de Vries from a house m Orchard Road on Saturday, Foo Hee Dong, a 35-year-old Hainanese. claimed trial when charged m the Singapore fifth court yesterday. Bail of $50 was offered when the case was postponed a week for
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  • 121 3 THREE FAVOURABLE NEW DEVELOPMENTS Chungking, Nor. 18. TTHE appointment of a British comI mander-in-chief for the Far East, the Scviet denial of an agreement with Japan, and the speech of Col. PranK Knox. U.S. Secretary of Navy, promising greater assistance to China ara hailed by the
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 279 3 A BRANCH of the Ys Men's Mo\ement for "fellowship, culture and service." has been organized m Singapore by Mr. William Yinson Jez, Director EmeriVis for the China Region of the International Association of V's Men's Clubs, with headquarters m the United States and ramifications m
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  • 197 3 OTATING that Teo Tiam Hock, an English •5 speaking Chinese, had brought the charge against him because he had taken Teo's "woman" away from him. Supat bin Rajaman, a M*»lay syce, was acquitted by Mr. C. H. Whitton m the traffic court yesi teiday on a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 CURE THAT COLD WITH NEMAKOL NASAL COMPOUND $•.75 per bottle, from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, Battery Road T 3°sH D ois Y CATHAY 3 SHOWS Where Everybody Goes 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 NX OFFICE 9 PMIE 3400 Eighth wonderful day and Singapore at ill flock a to see this magnificent film!
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  • 677 4 DENEWED attempts by the Axu Powers to drag Spain into the war would appear to be connected with efforts to cover the dismal failure of the Italian attack on Greece and distract attention from the smashing blows which Britain is striking against
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1467 4 Great Naval FlyingBoats Keep Watch Over Indies By The Free Press Special Correspondent ISourabaya, Nov. 16. ATTLESHIPS for the Indies" was for many years the plea of those who were interested m the defence of the N.I. But the Netherlands Government, forced to listen to the political advocates of an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 fJ. 100% I li^il AUSOPPS *Yr)o*o__>vo ___________w________a t I——1 By Special appointment Established ,@jT_ff^%) 1 872 J C^s> 2^*^_^ i ___r_7_.^^3 k i?»_i NEWEST DESIGNS IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches _P»r^?__ _r J SaN __^__a I P_W^_w B______________________| _M I aSS— ________S_fl 'incorporated tn Ceylon j
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    • 64 4 Be Careful m wearing unground Sunglasses, which may cause your eyes to be defective. Go to Nan sin and see u__ modern frames fitted with Genuine Chance tnghsh Crookes* 1 1 or B 2 Dark gl asS eJ for Safe and Comfortable Vision \t $5.<W ocr pair Nan Sin Optica]
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  • 2202 5 frown States Case kg? iost Shinozaki P.P. ON PRINCIPLES -TI3H JUSTICE lid be difficult for the jury to deny that the was prejudicial to the u« British hirpire and that from its very .•rrnution he i stained would be of conto a foreign
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  • 25 5 Some of the food that will keep IJstt men goin«f lor three months on board a British warship coming aboard.
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  • 157 5 N.I. SCHEME A SUCCESS T*HE Netherlands Indies experiment to train amateur aviators as second air-gunners with the Military Air Force has proved to be a great success, it is stated m Netherlands Indies aviation circles. This experiment has induced the military authorities to take two
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  • 163 5 T*HE sequel to a police raid which took place simultaneously on several houses suspected of being brothels carried out, it was stated, not directly because the houses w T ere centres of vice but because they were brothels run by. and under the protection of,
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  • 49 5 TTHE Singapore Indian Com- muiiiti?s" (Part I) is the title <»f the talk tj be broadcast from the Singapore Station to-night by Mrs. E. V. Davies. This is the eighth talk m the series "Presenting Singapore which is being arranged by the Friends of Singapore.
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  • 174 5 SUGGESTIONS TO DONORS 'J"HEIR wonderful help and cooperation has been of valuable assistance." writes the officer m charge of the Army Comforts Depot at Reading, referring to the work of "many kind knitting parties m the Far East." There has. been very little cnange m he
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  • 93 5 TWO charges, of keeping a bruuhel m Jalan Besar, and living on the p/ning_i of a prostitute over a period of three months, were brought against a 36-year-olu Chinese woman, Lee Hiam. alias koo Chai, m the third court yesterday. She also faced an alternative charge of hiring
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  • 440 5 For Troops In Malaya IN a broadcast from the Singapore station Lieut.-Col. H. A. Lord. of the Salvation Army, made an appeal for books, magazines, table games, gramophone records and similar things for the men of H.M. Services stationed m Malaya. He said: At
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  • 241 5 Singapore Now Has L. D. C. Commander MAJOR M. LYMBERY yHE Officer Administering the Government has appointed Major M. Lymbery, M.C, an ex-Service man, to be Commander of the I_oeal Defence Corps for the Settlement of Singapore. The appointment of Commander m th^ .southern Settlement has been lon awaited, as
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  • 58 5 20-year-old Malay, Majid bin Darus, claimed trial m the third ccurt yesterday to a charge that he had committed criminal breach of trust m respect of a diamond ring valued at $150 at Serangoon Road m front of the New World on Nov. 9. The case was postponed a week
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  • 222 5 A STATEMj_Nr to the effect that since inquiries into allegations of cheating against four men four Tamils and one Punjabi— had been be^un ten .nore complaints involving a total of $10:000 to $12,000 had been laid against them, was made by the prosecuting
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 ['ins il Sack, ry, overI a strain I Elndd'T Acid- Swollen and H yo_r Z/ittx.'T; t kidneyi'.l quickly r t h i nw>ne__-C-'-tisfy com- Cystex front 11,. V WK<™ JJ t..<l:iy. The ran tee a_i '*h ou tui a S3
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    • 225 5 CUPS AND TROPHIES i?J j alf m _m_ IL %fH| h w «g £*_*f^|^^^&g 5 We have m stock a wide range of 1..P.N.5. or Silver Cups, Shields, Silver Medals and K.P.N-S. I ankards. Special Discounts to Clubs and Institutions ROBINSON 6c CO., LTD. \H7 _____-----------a__--_---------_-__--_----^ 9»P **^v v. tv_JP
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 394 6 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED [N ENGLAND) P. O. 8. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register
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    • 326 6 1 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (lucorporated m PM-3.) TELEPHONE: Freignt MM. Paasace 5«1 __f~__ _a Radian PAcific m_S-?*^?fflf (Incorporatea m -.ngi-m-i/ Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies Lake Louise Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS DUCHESS or MONT steamers to the United Kingdom.—
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    • 427 6 MANSFIELD S^oTltT BLUE FUNNEL Lim' Frequent Sailings to Uniteo Kingdom Oat guaranteed, all cargo _>ook<ngs subject to _> r War Clauses. vant erer VVKSTKRN AUSTR v THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CM£apfRegular Services »to >c mantle I Perth i 7 hh{ by first class oassenger ships JiVa Single fare
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  • 1388 7  - Oleh Oleh Play For War Fund MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By p\o entertainments of interest which are being presented m the near future m aid of The War Fund I a ro t 7 chon 2 night variety show and "Lian Chee Kai Tan," a Chinese comedy. Both will
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 354 7 CLEANER '•p R YCLEANINr, bat you should demand every piece or suit. intrust them ror compute satisfaction to: .11 YANG DRYCLEANERS s o° re Tei 29sz 332 orchard Rd.. Poli<* SUtloß. I"*, .Covefy mmtural '^CURlSforba_flr Beautiful H nr Result from care njriv Top helps nature b\ ntial organoids In time
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    • 250 7 BEAUTY i_j_tt& AND THE CLIMATE jlpßf^ Ycu must be extra kind to your skin m this fßk^f p climate where the sun relaxes your muscles. ii causing sagging contours. Discover for 0 w /m yourself what a course of corrective Eliza- 5 beth Arden Salon Treatments can do to «S_Mfc
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  • 2199 8 DUTY TO THE UNITED KINGDOM STRESSED Menace To Any Part Is "Threat To The Whole" m A THREAT to any part of the Commonwealth is a threat to the whole and the immediate danger is being faced at present m the Mother Country. In
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  • 71 8 THE Bulgarian Minister for the Interior has m troduced a Defence Bill which has three sections. The first section, which is mainly directed against Freemasonry, forbids secret organiztions receiving material or ideological support from abroad. The second disqualifies Jews from holdinz Government or municipal positions, from reserving
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  • 88 8 Fis seml-officially stated m Mexico City that Australia is negotiating for the purchase of large oil supplies. An agreement is expected to be signed shortly The terms, which are not revealed, are said to be satisfactory. There is no official confimatlon of this report m Melbourne,
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  • 26 8 A British warship opens fire during a recent bombardmini <>i rh when concentrations of German shipping suffer, d hear J a fr O|,f 0
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  • 572 8 Strength Of Empire Forces Growing Rapidly AVIATION experts, extensively discussing tho reasons for Mr. Churchill's confidence that Britain will attain com mand of the air m 1941, believe that outlook to 1* full justified. They believe that the increasing British output, combined with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS ENROL NOW Enrolments are now being made for the commencement of classes, on the Ist December for the 1940/41 year of training, m the following subjects All London Chamber of Commerce 1941 examination subjects. School Certificate Examination, December, 1941. All Pitman Commercial Certificate Subjects. Particulars of classes and
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    • 68 8 Tfce I? 41 r---iiri ■"■■■ltifl fl Vfl .A am $m am am •Independent front I I EUfIRG STRfIDBRn a I I ft~_&>llll_f UimiLKillU •Flush fitting slidlngroof I I yrf^-/>VJ/)4 ry/l/ff •Easy-clean wheels I I Si/aWI UCrt/C UUJ/U, s yncr omesh gearbox I I *A steel bofsy I I s*J?*-\^y> a.*
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  • 439 9 PREDERICK SMITH, a European pri- son officer, stated m his trial yesterday before Mr. C. H. Whitton on a charge of causing the death of Abdul Karim, an Indian cyclist, at the 11% milestone. Woodlands Road, on Oct. 13, that the cyclist was on the wrong side
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  • 136 9 DAILY PRICKS CURRENT Not. 18, 12 o'eloca noon Buyers Seller* No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 38 3 39 No. IX R.S.S. F. 0.8. m cases Nov. -Dec. (Sellers options 39 39 l GF.AQ. R.S.S. P. 0.8. m bal e s Nov -Dec Sellers option) 38
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  • 1249 9  -  Nomad mam mam _-g I In The i j Garrison j L____ DUGBY football is so popular 1V among Service men m Malaya that it is surprising how many have taken little or no interest m the game before their arrival here. This is
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  • 101 9 PRONATIONS to the Air Raid Read Acrount of the Malaya Patriotic Fund received up to last Friday totalled $32.297 08, as follow*: Donations previously acknowledged $29.4-1; H C. Dolman (Kuar»ian> $50t; I_. N. Cirebby $1C; Mrs. Mary Wa_kin_on $12. The Nurses, General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 221 9 •^cipality j Tenders. 9 for the I*** JSerials or services. For ♦Jo-** B *2r Municipal Tenders pr. oe A. C. T es, 230 Volte, 5C Triers^ Zm 4 p.m. Jan. ,1 tad 801 to Middle- y 12 DO H. Dec. 2, 194 U. card High Pressure a_BP^ Dute of Closing.
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    • 12 9 N«^__n_Bk jj 1 '"*< I_— l m*w _S L r i ______H___^*Z 190
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 105 9 MAIL LIST TO-DAY JJj; a Columbia g PNew Zealand surface 12.30 p.m. S_L________L surface 12.30 p.m Newfoundland air „J~ Philippine islands surf_£ Jj surface 12.30 p.m United States of America.. air ll a.m! TO-MORROW jHtj air 10.30 a.m. J*™ 11 surface 10 a_n. air 11 a m Palembang surface 9
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    • 1 9 ghjg
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  • 669 10 Appreciable Increase In Active Membership ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON NOV. 28 \N appreciable increase m the active membership of the Singapore Cricket Club, which has increased from 97!--to 1,083, is detailed m the report of the club committee _or the year ending
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  • 33 10 picture. .v.. ._n .cole us .iiii.r_.»i. trSUTM— ulg up, being led m by M. Sullivan after the horse had won the three-year-old Free Handicap at Bukit Timah on Saturday.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • 394 10 Argylls Beat Recs 3-2 At Hockey Argylls 3; S.R.C 2. A BRILLIANT last minute goal by Moreton. Argyll left winger, gave the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders victory over an S.R.C. team by the odd goal m five m a r»ockev game on the padang yesterday. It was an exciting and
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  • 60 10 Women 's Annual Hockey Match picture The Rest team that beat The Europeans by one goal to nil m the women's annual Poppy Day hockey match on the padang on Thursday. Left to Right: M. Lccmhruggrn, M. d'Sylva, D. Ngoh, B. Heah, E. Frug.niet, M. da Silva, S. Armstrong, l.
    Free Press  -  60 words
  • 54 10 picture. i..^ Jicst dividend. $69, at Bukit Timah on Saturday, the first day of th- Smgapt*. Tit. C lbs Winter na meeting, was paid by Safariland m tie third race. Here Safariland is seCM wirnmr. a iwrwr rare rreni Kmc. s Gambit, on the rails, an
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 332 10 Exciting Hockey On Padang S.C.C 1 Malay Regiment 1. TWO goals were shared m an exciting game of hotkey A provided yesterday by the S.C.C. second string and a team from the Malay Regiment. The visitors cpened the scorinj within ten minutes, the
    332 words
  • 88 10 Entries Close On Dec. IS piKJVLS desirinj to compete m the 1 Business Houses' competition next season are invited to forward their applications to the Secretary. Singapore Amateur Football Association Pntrics will close on Dec. 15. If there i re insufficient entries the competition may be suspended.
    88 words
  • 124 10 A DULL and uninteresting game of hockey was witnessed between the Field Ambulanc -A" team and the j "A" team of the Manehest-r Regiment iat Tanglin yesterday. The Tads won by four goals to one. The Manchesters opened the scoring •m th a first few minutes
    124 words
  • 200 10 Garrison Golf Club Competitions THE Garrison Golf Club s bogey competition for November resulted m a win lor C. F. Jennings wi.h a return cf three down. The following were ihe best returns: C. F. Jennings 3 down; Majcr J. J ODwyer 5 down: SLdr. J. H. Barnes 5 down;
    200 words
  • 142 10 'T'HE following are the teams for a women's match between the Royal Singapore Golf Club and Keppel Goli Club to be played over the course of the Keppel Golf Club to-morrow <R_3.G.C. players first). 3.50 p.m., Mrs. J. B. Ross (15) vs. Mrs. A. McKenzie
    142 words
  • 209 10 npHE Royal Singapore Golf Club's f.r c bi-monthly mixed foursomes competition for November was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday afternoon and resulted m a win for Air Commodore E. W. and Miss D. Norton with a net score of 34 3 4 Twenty cards
    209 words
  • 65 10 PLAYING a fine game m goal E. Frugtniet was responsible for keeping the score down m a very one-sided hockey match played on the G.S.C. ground yesterday between the G.S.C. and the Y.W.C.A., the former winning by four goals to nil. M. Leembruggen scored two goals m
    65 words
  • 337 10 'THE completer; I Bukit Timah to- day of the Sin- winter race n Horses, class Hirpo 9.04 Artful Sailor 8.13 JV' The Fox 13 H Double Esso 813 m\ Enquire g i Athboy ij Worses. Harlequin I />lfanella Utrecht Danger Zone I The Neadlai g
    337 words
  • 35 10 CLUBS ?T associations c ii being affiliated or be re the Singapore Amateur P-oHI ciation for 1941 are advised Uj i pplications to the seer Applications will be receiv thar Dec. 15.
    35 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 137 10 > 1«A JF*..* *^HHl_^*W'^ti*t^f?^rir?_f_!l>_P^***l* ~X-_C*^XV J____________i_B*S_^^ _r**^ J-V_iTTi."t -^-_lay_ru._^^.^__;.-^jL (j^J,,_ly^v.i_. :^M_______B_s___fc- -s___ i-ifi ~J* f*—H»«_- P_P' rW:*_| **>**• r r**^~~ _j7nr^ T_Hlr^___ff______r- __E_____9__P> 1 r__" ,___HL /r •>-- ,^^-l------P?^-----_-----r-----l^--£L»-«' y £iA_> *V T^ •i*_____oV'*- -Tmi^^^T^rii" nVT-Lr "^ilff^r?s __tt- Ji 4 *_T^** y y*^^.l---tt___llUJta_fßT '~T_______B__n_r___r_. f^^^ *V Ml Tl3j__j|MT^%r. _.*1 JTT
      137 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous