The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 30 October 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEV/S NO. 16,231. KSII). JX3S WEDNESDAY, OCTOBKK 30, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 642 1 Statement By First Lord Of Admiralty "Military Assistance For Greeks In Widest Sense Of The Term" DEFENDERS STILL HOLDING ITALIANS ALONG FRONTIER DRITISH naval assistance for Greece has already be?nn" declared Mr. A. V. Alexander, First Ix>rd of the Admiralty, m London yesterday. Mr. Alexander's
    Reuter  -  642 words
  • 119 1 FIRST LORD'S ASSURANCE TO GREECE I ondon, Oct. 29. \r>ER. First Lord V announcing iyal assistance begun, said: i :n Greece 1 far as possible. Roy*] Navy zladly ren- j r ked. ruthition" by j n ol the stabist June. Navy had the Mediterrrcent t dded l-irire numbers o( hu\e
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 78 1 I ondon, Oct. 29. ■■K^TS from Athens reaching Gr ttoa In London that there has not been fifth columr :ary objectives 'has been prac I Hffle on the civilian popuSL? c »IJ has been to determination v, her usual aspect/* 'din?- "All trarsfleea are workinmeasures
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 31 1 London, Oct. 29. SIR Charles Portal, the newly-ap-pointed Chief of Air Staff, has i been promoted from Air Marshal to 'acting Air Chief Marshal. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 284 1 Importance Of Cephalonia And Crete In Present Operations I London, Oct. 29. j\HE strategic importance of Crete and Cephalonia is manifest to any student of a map of the Medij terranean theatre of war, writes jßeuter's diplomatic corre^nondent to-day. Crete not only dominates the eastern Mediterranean but controls the southI
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  • 34 1 London, Oct. 29. HITLER has sent a telegram of congratulation to the Turkish Prime Minister, Dr. Tewfik Saydam, on the occasion of the nnnivrrsarv of the Turkish Republic- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 26 1 Belgrade, Oct. 29. WINDOWS of the office of the Italian tourist agency here were broken and a youth alleged to be responsible arrested.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 198 1 Tokio, Oct. 29. IT is authoritatively believed that Japan is not taking immediate action m the Italo-Greek war, although the Cabinet is examining its obligations under the triple pact at its regular meeting to-day. The local press is confident of tn? early conquest of Greece
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 234 1 BRITAIN TURKEY IN CLOSE TOUCH OVER GREEK SITUATION Ix>ndon, Oct. 2«>. rONSULTATIONS are taking place between Great Britain v and Turkey regarding* the Italo-Greek situation m th« normal course of diplomatic relations. There is no information m London as to the attitude of Germany and Russia m regard to this
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 297 1 London. Oct. 29 The French fleet is to be placed at the disposal of the Axis, according to information received by Router from Stockholm. The Stockholm message states: According to reliable information here, it is understood that m the course of recent conversations between Laval and Hitler the
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 202 1 Warships Under Construction Bombed SHATTERING BLOWS BY R.A.F. IN GERMANY London, Oct. 29. I U7ARSHIPS under construction at I Hamburg, Bremen and Kiel were heavily attacked by aircraft of the British bomber command last night. j Extensive damage was caused by high explosive bombs and fires were started by incendiary
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 tto cm offer you dis,in<tive tailoring somethins far from the „,mmon place. Ila ve a «hat with MISS TUN AT CHOTIRMALI/SJ TO NIGHT °INNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION MIMI JOSE hi- HEIR LATEST PROGRAMME SUCCESS nnir «3 M Non-iliners ORCHESTRA directed by DAN HOPKINS
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  • 601 2 INDIAN OVERSEER CHARGED AN allegation that be had forged a certificate of service rt m the F.M.S. Government by altering the figure $7o to $140 with intent to defraud, was brought against an Indian, Krishman Nandan, m the Singapore third court yesterday. Alternatively,
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  • 157 2 •""|*MJfc.y Drive By Night," now being shown 1 &t the Alhambra, is a striking drama of a woman's misguided infatuation for a iriend of her husband who, however, does not reciprocate her love. Thinking that it is her husband who is m the way, she
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  • 136 2 UNDOUBTEDLY one of the best amateur shows seen m Singapore was stag.d at Woodsville last night by the senior boys of St. Andrew's School who were ably assisted by past and present membrrs of Raffles Girls' School. The play produced R. B. Sheridan's well-known comedy
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  • 240 2 IT was an unforgettable experience to listen to Dodo Conrad sing last nipht at the Victoria Memorial Hall. No words can describe either the magnificence of his bass-baritone voice, or convey his extraordinary hntrionic powers, which vested each song with a vivid, vital atmosphere hi which, for
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  • 236 2 WE are a completely enslaved nation, thanks to capitalism. adult suffrage, and the party system m Parliament; and if these are all we have to offer as a new world,' the sooner we have them knocked out of us, by Hitler or any one
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  • 175 2 KNOWN as the "oily man" some years ago when he was alleged to have committed a series of thefts by night, a iall Malay, Haran bin Hamid, appealed to the High Court before the acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice a'Rerkett Terrell, yesterday, against a police court
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  • 76 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipob, Oct. 29. AFTER evading the police for over 15 months, Ng Kok Kwee, a former employee of the Overseas Chinese Bank, who is alleged to have misappropriated about $29,000 of the bank's money m July last year, gave himself
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  • 101 2 THE following newly added non-fic--1 tion and fiction works will be 1 ready for issue on Friday at the Raffles Library Vital Speech, Harold J. Ripper; Lion^ on Trust, Clelend Scott; Exit Prussia Edgar Stern-Rubarth Report on America, Robert Waithman; More Thoughts and Talks, Sir
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  • 34 2 Dacca, Bengal, Oct. 29. CHANDRA BOSE at present detained under the Defence of India rules, will, it is declared be elected unopposed to-day m the by-election for the Central Legislative Assembly.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 4 STARS IN THE YEAR'S most unusual picture! "»J«to» i ft, j -^X^^££h& TO-DAY 4 SHOWS 11 a.a., 3.15, 6.15 9.15 AT THE ALHAMBRA T .i^rh iiin -t ;i-i entertainment that will thrill you all the way ANN Mlll^^H^Vfl HUMPHREY H^FnInLUH Gale PAGE Alan HALE Roscoe KARNS Directed by RAOUL
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    • 312 2 TO-DAY 4 HOLID/^lJ> 11 >«. 315 AT THE CAPITOL &jj. 6 15 NEW UNIVERSAL EXCITING JI T NT, I, F. \!»VK\7T> H^^fTMarT and Beast H V \>^ I SH f£f> d together on \J*E nt < I I /*W aya 6« stirred < II Oitected by HAROtDSCHUSTER A NEW UNIVERSAL
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  • 346 3 French Fleet May Go To Axis, Say Swiss Circles Zurich, Oct. 29. \xi- attempt to gam control of the French fleet is T till" a consideration which must be taken into account, !a n* to well-informed political circles here. say that Laval now Vichy
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 100 3 Washington, Oct. 29. THE United States has asked France for official information concerning: any change m the status of the French fleet or French colonies, according to informed quarters m Washington. It is learned authoritatively that the State Department approached France with questions about the nayy
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  • 225 3 Roosevelt Flays His Republican Opponents "RECORD FOR TIMIDITY AND WEAKNESS" .»«»«<._* New York Oct. 29. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, speaking to a democratic rally at Madison Square to-day, devoted most of his speech to domestic politics, violently attacking his Republican opponents for their alleged equivocal attitude as regards helping Britain and falsifications"
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  • 180 3 London, Oct. 29. r\N£ enemy bouioor was destroyed during the night, it Is officially announced. Enemy activity was spread over a number of districts but last night's attacks were again mainly directed against the London area and i he Midlands. The attacks, says the Air
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 454 3 GREEK COURAGE AROUSES ENTHUSIASM IN U.S. London, Oct. 29. PREEK courage m resisting Axis domination when larger and more powerfully armed states surrendered without a single blow is a feature of London Press comments on the latest Axis move. There is unanimous agreement that
    Reuter  -  454 words
  • 48 3 NAZI RADIO STATIONS "WAR CIRCUMSTANCES' ron don, Oct. 29. A SURPRISING announcement came from the Berlin radio to-day. Because of new war circumstances all German broadcasting stations except Breslau will m future close down at 8.15 every night. No explanation is off*™** of the "new war circumstances."- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 86 3 New Delhi, Oct. 29. IT is understood that the Eastern Group Conference on war supplies is to be the scene of at least informal discussions on broad questions of trade and industry outside the scope of the confer* cnce proper. Several delegations are anxious
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 100 3 London, Oct. 29. ALTHOUGH the Greek Navy is small compared with that of her enemy, it would be a useful addition to the Allied naval forces m the Mediterranean. Its two most modern units are two destroyers built m Britain and
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 85 3 Sofia, Oct. 29. REPORTS continue to arrive here from Bucharest concerning Axis activities. Six thousand German troops arrived In Rumania during the week-end and it is believed that they are moving towards Moldavia. Italian engineers have arrived m preparation for the construction of a
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 43 3 Berlin, Oct. 29. THE Italian Ambassador, Signer Brazzi, I continues at his post m Athens whiie M. Politis, the Greek Ambassador to Italy, is still m Rome, according to I the official German news agency. i Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 233 3 lIITLER is on his way home after his two talks m Florence with Mussolini Nothing yet is disclosed of the subject of the talks and the official German news agency says that the Fuehrer's meeting was part of a series that began at Brenner and continued
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  • 83 3 Cairo, Oct. 29. MR. Anthony Eden, the British War Minister, has visited units of the Imperial and Allied forces m many parts of Egypt since his return from Palestine. He spent some days m the Western Desert and later visit? 1 Alexandria, where he
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 133 3 Big Concentration Of U-boats In The Atlantic EXTRA PRECAUTIONS OVERCOME MENACE London, Oct. 29. A BIG concentration of U-boats m certain area m the Atlantic scored a five-day success against the Brilis.i mercantile marine. This is an au: hortative explanation of the loss of <2 ships, totalling 146,528 tons, of
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 222 3 Why Nazi Bombs Are Called "Molotov s Breadbaskets" YOU read almost e\ery day of Nazi bombers dropping "Mclotov's breadbaskets" on English towns. But do you know why these German bombs have a Russian name? The Finns named tbose multin!* flre bombs "Molotov's breadbaskets"* when they were first usod i:: the
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  • 73 3 Lisbon, Oct. Z9. 'pHE 17,000-tons Greek liner Neuhell* arrived here to-day ahead of schedule, the captain having speeded up m View of the Italo-Greek war. It is understood that the liner l£ remaining indefinitely, and the crew, having risked for repatriation, a Portupues* crew
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 21 3 r pHE death has occurred of Sir Henrf Maxwell-Lyte, the eminent historian, aged 82. reports Reuter from London.
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  • 751 3 Nazi Oil Refineries Invasion Ports Are Given Fresh Pounding: London, Oct. 2S. QIX oil refineries and oil plants m Germany were attacked by the R.A T. last night, says the Air Ministry! Two were at Hamburg and others at Ostermoor, Hanover, Gelsenkirchen and Magdeburg. Otticr targets included docks at Wiihelmshaven
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 1 <**"< "/> jm N «w Zealand's Choicest Butter with its nourishing goodness and abundance of vitamins, builds health, strength and energy, j^. C S. 13SA ptto n c 5376 FIVE 11*11 **vt 0/ Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
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    • 37 3 TRUBY KING SYSTEM o£ INFANT FEEDING. Humanise fre^h cow's milk by using KARILAC SUGARS and KARIOL EMULSION. FREE SERVICE Babies weighed weekly on accurate beam scale. MEDICAL HALL LTO. Chemists. See CATHAY'S Special Announcement on Page 10
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  • 706 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1940. After Greece THE Italian attack on Greece has opened up immense possibilities for the future development of the war m the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East and has, of course, prompted a mass of speculation regarding the immediate future. So far
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  • 1113 4  - U. S. Aids Indies With Planes Politics ROY A. GUNNISON BY THE United States is already defending the Netherlands Indies, m more ways than one, against the invasion that has been feared since early m May, when Holland fell to Germany. To be sure, there has been no physical invasion
    N.A.N.A.; Free Press  -  1,113 words
  • 353 4 "HE ONLY WANTED TO BE LIKED": Published m The Times (London). ADOLF HITLER, as he stated m his last speech m Berlin's Sportpalast, has been worrying because people who live outside the range of German guns don't like htm. "We want to construct a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 Do You Like Old Thinas7^S^H[| -2^^^^ f y JmJs^SSr .^■B Then You Will Like EW^URIAf LIQUEUR EaSHAW brandy CLUB, 40 YEARS &6O YEARS OLD j CALDBECK'S j $§glS%k A Blended Sgj^gjjgF DIFFERENI a ntw womict w m mowinais of swtt txmtss PATERSON SIMONS CO., LTD. (Incorporated Id FJagtand CASTLE LINE
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    • 1 4 BKmmS22h§»
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 232 5 The Army of Greece is barely one hundred years old, but m the test f hat 'L faces to d ay it will be fcund that the Greeks are among the bravest and hardest fighters m the world. The Greeks are a nation
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 2005 6  - Poppy Day Fun d Need Greater Than Ever Mary Heathcott A Woman s Diary By £VERY year the three Services m Singapore make a very big effort over Poppy Day, and Ihe collections made at all the barracks, camps and stations do much to swell the total. 44 This year
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  • 470 6 little laugh, but she re-stated her conviction with added emphasis. After a vote of thanks, she spoke a few words m French, and I wished she had spoken m French all the time. She left almost immediately for America <and she will be a splendid ambassador
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1819 7 further Police Evidence In Secrets' Case EXPERT WITNESSES ON J DEFENCE MATTERS „.K 1 rrMkacc as to whether certain information j |i haw been *iven to Mamoru Shinozaki was m of valur to an enemy or foreign power, was Defeace Security Otficer, Malaya, and an
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  • 29 7 New Zealand troops now m Britain marching past Mr. Winston Churcuill, the Premier. Thr battalion mascot is seen m the picture as he too marches past.
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  • 582 7 Radio Talk By Johore Editor 4i THE <o-called Singapore Malays of to-day are really immigrants from practically all the islands of the Malay Archipelago. We have the Javanese, the Boyanese, the Minangkabaus, the Banjarese and many others who speak differently from one another m their
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  • 92 7 A KANGAROO was recently flown from Australia to the Netherlands Indies. It was presented to Capt. G. van Messel. commodore of the Royal Netherlands Indies Airways, at Cloncurry. Capt. van Messel put the kangaroo m a special compartment or the Douglas air liner and
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  • 57 7 BAIL of $100 was ourrea vo a xium.*^", Kirn Chee, when he was charged m the i Singapore third court yesterday witii using criminal force on a woman m Upper Se™"" goon Road with intent to outrage ncr modesty. n^ Poh claiiard trinl and tt*e
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  • 171 7 AT th«j shortest meeting it had i A hold fur a long time, the Johorcl Council of State approved yesterday the draft estimates for 1941 subject j to amendments recommended by the Select Committee On the motion of the acting financial Commissioner. Mr. A. Sleep, a
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  • 181 7 •From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 28. MR. H. T. B. Kyves. A.SP., Kuala Kangsar son of Mr. and Mrs Vivian Ryvei of England, was married last Saturday at St. Mary's Church Kuala Lumpur to Miss Eileen Corbett daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 121 7 CLAIM AND COUNTER CLAIM IN COURT AN OLD MAN, v.ho was stated to nave been a personal friend of the plaintiff's deceased father, is the defendant m a civil suit which is being heard m the High Court before Mr. Justice Manning. The plaintiff, W. L. S. Basapa, is claiming
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  • 52 7 DEEPAVALI DICTATORS HINDUS lii Singapore and other parts of Malaya cxc celebrating to-day Deepavall or the "Festival of Lamps." A parallel Is drawn between this festival and the present tyranny of Hitler m a talk entitled "DeepavaU and Dictators" to be given by P. Valuppilai from the Singapore station to-night
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  • 1098 7 INSPECTORS' EVIDENCE BEFORE F.M.S. MINES INQUIRY (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 29. QUESTIONS regarding his relations with a certain firm Vof mining and consulting engineers m Perah were asked of I. L. Patterson, Inspector of Mines. F.M.S., when he
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  • 207 7 Krom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, O?t 88 THE latest list, issued by the Chartered Bank, show that local conj tributions to the Malaya. Patriolu .Fund now 10UI 5372.043.23. Thtf includes sum of $3,000 from the Klanp district, and $600 from Lhe per'orniances str.^ed m aid
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 27 7 I "BE WISE "P'TDUZE ECOMOMIZE" I M>d TO I CAPITOL I RESTAURANT I ill' nvulM vo<4 lh^ l C M <IV||% >" 'AL. ,nd bestH K>WN [^aUhe CAPITOL
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    • 80 7 s__*-^ 6ENE R A L DRAPERY ANB F X O to SOFT FURNISHING SECTIONS Clearance of^pill oddments :.»nd NO V EMBIK discontinued designs regardless of i i* r\ qa v. cost. Here is a fine opportunity to Ist 1U atn replenish your dra |>cry materials at ridiculously low prices. Casements,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 394 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. H. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained ov The P. O. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of eali m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register
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    • 456 8 'dr^O' AND ENJOY SCfNIC CANADA I Speed across tne Pacific oj luxurious Empna* liners, then Victoria stop over -If you wish and Vancouver m Canada s Evergreen playground Fast through AIR CONDITIONED trains from ships side at Vancouver take you through the Majestic Canadian Rockies Lake Louise, Banff 600 miles
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    • 423 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom Oates are guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Coni ere War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA I THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST farf Regular Services to re mantle Perth via j ava by first class passenger ships. Single fare
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  • 125 9 C. OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION DAILY PRICES CURRENT Oct. 2S. 12 o'clock noon Bayers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 38^ 38^ No. DC R.S.S. P. 0.8. to cases Oct. -Nov. < Skiers °»**?> 33"^ 39Vi GF.A.Q. R.S.S. P.OB, m bales Oct. -Nov. (Sellers option^ 38^ 38 s; P.A.Q. R.S.S.
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  • 55 9 A TELE-GRAM received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies states tbat the King has decided that no public service shall be held on Armistice Day. The question of holding special services on the Sunday before Armistice Day is under ccr.« deration. Poppies
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  • 96 9 Tmo^-^ London. pßOi'£.zi>OßS Macheboeuf and hc V£ vu r scientific advisers to the Vichy Ministry of Food have warned Marshal Petain. says the. c rresponricnt of The Times on the French frontier, that, unless vitamin A. in the form of cod liver or
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  • 133 9 yHE following have been selected to play hockey for the V.M.C.A. vs. :he Kuala Lumpur R?.i:w?y Institute •n tho An°on P^?.d ground at p m v V. N. Pillay, J. Sanderson. F. Well Don Chin Chye, G. L. Day, S R. ors, Loh Huck Yang. Shields. Lse Kg
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  • 56 9 (Fr^m Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 29. DERAK meets Penang m the first All Blues cup match of the season m Penang or S^tiTrisy. The Prrak teom is: linlMitia; Haniif Ghow^, Rashid Ghows, Ritchie, Lopez; Yee Kum, Suppiah; Cheng Lye, Phaun, Wah Keat, Peng Chong,
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  • 79 9 A COURT martial has "severely reprimanded" Lieut. Carlton Morris Shuffleboiham, 27-year-old Royal Tan* Regiment officer who impersonated the General Officer Commanding at Aldershot and, by telephone, orccrfd Ns rceirr.ent to "stand-to." Shufflebotham pleaded that he had a few more drinko than usual at the mess during guest
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  • 240 9 First Athletic Meeting jHP^ Singapore Traction Company Sporte !>Sw c annual s Porte meeting *as I held on Saturday. The results were: 100 yards: 1, Hashim. 2 A. Karim "iffh Jump; i, Yeo Choon Heng, 2. Said jcSsS" tatltace: I '^^-e11,2.A. Children", Race (up to 3
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  • 82 9 j pOUR Chinese, charged m the Singapore third court yesterday with acting as members of an unlawful society at Ham Kwong School m Kampong Java Road on Monday, were allowed bail of $2,000 each when they claimed trial. The accused were Ng Tat Bin,
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  • 46 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) y«E war Fund m Perak is only $73.35 short of the $500,000 mark. The biggest contribution received over the week-end wm an amount of $117.09 from the medical "fleers and staff of the dfetrict and general hospitals, Talping.
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  • 33 9 S.C.C. straight snooker ties are: To-morrow, E. G. S faun ten vs. A. r> Baker. Friday, A. G. Ells v.s. B. Scott. Monday, Capt. J. B. Whlteing vs. E. H. Coleman.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 392 9 I SSSIFI» WEBTHEMEMTS I TENDERS I ML MCI PA LIT? I Tenders. I cat do* invited for the I rials or services. For I V>inirinal Tender? I RBf 1941. Date of I Y-ni.-ioal Tender I -ait c-ia^ed Ware Pipes. I for 1911. Date of I p.m. Oct 31. 1940 I
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    • 135 9 Law Notice For To-morrow SoHritc^ xm S :4 re Advocate and i 1 11 Magistrates Revision 4114 Before the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Pedlow In Conn No. 3 at 11 a.m. S 3 40 Mchanpd Abubakar vs. Pana Ibrimsah and anor Hin 3 Co 4(V The lObe Tradin^ Ud y s-
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 67 9 Post Office MailJList TO-DAY Medan .V n a.Si Palembang »*r 11 a.m. Palembang a a TO-MORROW Ad€ n Australia V. urfa 1 P.m. Darwin ar P.m. E^ypt ..1... Hf lr *pm. India surface i p>m> RtSS-T. S pThursday KOand L> J r p.m. MAIL ARi IVALS ijcass^s,,^ jsa^ i are
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    • 1573 9 Malayan Sharebrokers Assn. Singapore TUESDAY, OCT 29 1940: 4 P.M. Sungei Tui;anc ,i, 86 LNG Tapah rtlj 1.77% 82 Buyer* sellers T Anson ($1) 1.27 V* 1 .>. Ampat Tin (4s 3s l»<.d 2s 6d Temerloh ($l) .55 #60 Austral Amal (ss) 5s 5s 6d Tralaigar ($2 0 t Austral
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  • 1692 10 STRAIGHT FLIGHT TO WIN AGAIN TO-DAY Edie's Choice Athboy For Maiden Victories SECOND DAY OF PERAK TURF CLUB'S MEET CTRAIGIIT FLIGHT has been taken to complete a at Inoh to-day, the second day of the Perak Turf Club's October-November meeting. Two comparative newcomers. Edie's Choice and Athboy, have been taken
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  • 26 10 HOCKEY: R.A.F. (Malaya) "A" vs. S.C.R.C Hong Urn Green; S.R.C. vs. Sappers and Miners. S.R.C.; K.L. Railway Institute vs. Y.M.CA., Prince Edward Road.
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  • 222 10 Seletar R.A.F. Beat Old Boys At Rugger n.A.I. (Scletar» 10: OJUt 1 FIELDING a ueak fi«-st tilteen. S.. .m ir*'s s Old Hoys failed to hold the R..VT. (S?lf»tar) to whom they 1»^» by If points (two ?oal» .in'l tw« tries) to three (a Iry) m a ruelliiisr nie«tf game
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  • 278 10 but the Old Boys excelled m the loose and gave their Seetar opponents plenty of trouble and many anxious moments. THE PLAY Settling down immediately after the -whistle, the Old Boys went over m a rush, and confined piay m the R A.F. 25. where
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  • 128 10 SELECTIONS for to-day's races at Ipoh are: rnpir prpqc IPOH CORRESPONDENT FREE PKfc^ Race 2 clarissa The pie*, Ni htRace 1. Funny Lad, Clarissa The shade. Flea. Race 2. Merry' Widow, Golden ArRace 2. High Life, Golden Arrow. row. Race 3. The Emperor, Four Race 3.
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  • 64 10 THE following will represent the R.A.F. (Malaya) "A" team m a hockey match against the S.CH.C. at Hong Lim Green to-day: L.A.C. Clilverd (Seletar) Cpl. Needham <Tengah), Cpl. Nash (Tengah); FLt. Mclldowie (Seletar), F|Lt. Bell (Hq. F.E.), AC. Thomasz (Seletar); AC Murugasin (Seletar), FjO. Evans
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  • 184 10 IN a women's hockey trial held by the Pest en the Gi^ls Spoits Club ground I yesterday, the Whites beat the Colours ;by two goals to nil. Quite a go.xl sttn- dard of hockey was ieen, -\nd there werp occasional flashes of individual brilliance.
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  • 80 10 i OARD and fast rugger was witnessed at Gillman Barracks yesterday when the Royal Australian Air Force beat the Loyals by nine points fthr?e lries> to three fa penalty goal). The game was marked by some very hard tackling by the Asutralians. who were the
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  • 95 10 r T IHEl HE N:\sianglo Sports Club defeated the Bramtcco Spcris Club by live t games to two m a friendly game of i tabia tennis en Monday. Results. Nestanglo players mentioned i flrct, were Goh Teck Phuan bea; Yong Hai Wan j3 0: Thomas Lee beat Lim
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  • 35 10 IN a fast, hardly congested game cf hockey at Balestier yesterday, the Ceylon Sports Club beat theMountain i uattery by two goais to nil. Boih goals were scored by Doraisamy.
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  • 43 10 WOMEN'S GOLF AT BUKIT TIM AH IN the final of the Royal Singapore Golf Club's women's Autumn Cup competition Miss B. Hegarty beat Mrs. R. L. Nunn two and one. The women's monthly medal, Stableford scoring, will be played on Monday, Nov. 4.
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  • 388 10 Civilians Hold Hockey Trial On Padang COLOURS BEAT WHfr TWO-NIL ITES JUDGING from Pst rd •f match on Urn *T?" the Singapore Civile lN to provide excel ent The War Fund muU^ Indian A.myinNov fe P!<nty of material r^LwT?^ terday s (rial to form dln team. Colours o£™J**!*£ won L
    388 words
  • 42 10 A MEETING of Rucbv players will be held m '.he S«£ pore Cricket Club lounge at "> P tt Friday at which there will b* and discussions on a def: :ackle and the ofbMe rul? Players m parJcuiar ar^ lnr.^c attend
    42 words
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    • 192 10 ■JfcS^^ I 0B HOPE t PAULETTE GODDARD B^dr -^^P< «JBr sflm&fZvSi |^X J"^L I^B <■" jjtiiig' :<K -3H B§^§v^ Pi m M $Bi'*& Vi^^^^j^^^^^^^w^*^ 13 ET ILI I Bkl jmßr-^:^^ W^^ N WZjjXßr B if 9 Mr w* v^^r^ 1s fJ 1 fVJ iLI "*^^^ft I < v; jjj^afet- u^A.
      192 words