The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 October 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. U£+9. KS'll). DOS MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1940. S CENTS
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  • 491 1 Rome Alleges Incident On Albanian Frontier "SERIOUS VIEW" IS TAKEN IN ATHENS A ROME allegation of an incident on the Greece- Albanian rt frontier, which led to the "capture" of six Greeks, has caused a tense situation between Greece and Italy. The Greeks emphatically deny that
    Reuter  -  491 words
  • 43 1 London. Oct. 27. -y Ujjr-General OtTicer Comto Lieutenantlast night. n mott qj of rrj ?«nd Col rank ol Majoi -Parry wa.s Unf last year. Cave-Browne. eer m Malaya. :e* m July. LXKKM MH < XMBIER
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  • 17 1 NEW C.-IN-C. APPOINTED FOR INDO-CHINA Vicky, Oct. 27. C iaa been apo ir. Inuo-China, replacing Gen. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 157 1 London. Oct. 27. <t»«Uc .mnoanres that he has rfAaiwd xa Imperial Defence Council •fcich *:M r«f lv nvrr free French teriawt. rwrfcxM.nff from Leop >ldvillt. the lU'rian t onto h» joanrnr? he had m«t Free •men xn4 \fr. tAn s full of ardour MTnlnalk.n for the carae of
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 262 1 Enemy Supply Ship Sunk Off Norway Coast R.A.F.S SUCCESSFUL WEEK-END RAIDS London, Oct. 27. THE electric power station a: 1 Brest was subjected to a successful attack by coastal command aircraft just before daylight yesterday morning. Later other coastal command aircraft carried out a torpedo attack on shipping oft the
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 88 1 Vichy, Oct. 27. A EROPLANES alleged to be acting under the orders of General Delarminat, Free French leader m French Equatorial Africa, bombed the town of Lambarene. m Gabon (French Equatorial Africa), according to a communique issued by the French colonial ministry here. The communique
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 277 1 Washington. Oct. 27. |M[R. CORDELL HULL, United ITI Sta t c s Secretary of State, speaking m Washington last night, warned Americans that the present situation was the gravest for the Americas since the Republic was founded and reaffirmed the United States' determination to
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 78 1 Berln, Oct. 27. rpO-DAY'S German High Command communique states that the Empress of Britain, 42,500 tons, which it describes as a troopship, was attacked 60 miles west of Ireland. Hit by a heavy bomb, it caught fire and the crew had to take to the boats, it
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 186 1 "FALL OF NAZI GERMANY INEVITABLE"— BENES London, Oct. 27. A DEFINITE transformation m all military operations by the spring was prophesied by Dr. Benes, President of the Czechoslovak Republic, broadcasting to his people from London to-night on the eve of the 22nd anniversary of Czechoslovak Independence Day. Dr. Benes declared:
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 421 1 ROOSEVELT SAID TO HAVE WARNED VICHY GOVERNMENT Washington, Oct. 27. DENDING the receipt of details of French collaboration with Germany, no authoritative comment is available m Washington but the news has been received with the keenest disappointment. Political circles are nou anxiously muting to nee whether Laval can carry with
    Reuter  -  421 words
  • 29 1 London, Oct. 27. h«ci. L. HORE-BELISHA, former War I nister, m a statement last night, a:...0 that Parliament be recalled immediately m Tiew of the Hitler-Pet am agreement- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 302 1 Gen. De Gauile On Vichy's "Sacrilege" I nndon. Oct. 21 ;UITLER desires to force upon tha Vichy Government a so-called peace treaty providing for the final I abandonment of certain parts of France and the French empire' and "the handing over of naval and air bases," declares a statement froru
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 35 1 I orjdon. Oct. 27. A NTI- AIRCRAFT guns were In action against enemy aircraft off the roast of Northern Ireland, according to a statement issued m Belfast Public Security- Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 "he FIRST IN FASHION! tti'iir NK \v CREPBS |{KITAIN AND HERICA. 'tt vt BRITANNIA a ROMANCE ■gC ->f Colours rKQTIRMALLS TO. MIGHT DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 pjn. to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION MIMI «t JOSE THEIR LATEST PROGRAMME SUCCESS l)lnn <T «.0«_ Non-diners $1.00 l^gg^S ORCHESTRA directed by DAN HOPKINS
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  • 47 2 "They Drive By Night," was warmly acclaimed by the American critics, and the midnight premiere of the picture which took place at the Alhambra on Saturday, proved that it deserves that praise. The action is quick-moving, the acting competent and the direction good.
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  • 57 2 TASILY the best directed Chinese film of the year is "The March of People" which was screened at a midnight premiere at the Capitol on Saturday and at a special show yesterday morning. Ten per cent of the proceeds of yester- day's screening will
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  • 399 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) j Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 27. THE opinion that Thailand's independence was unlikely Mo be affected by the movements of Japanese troops m Indo-China, was expressed to the Free Press representative at Kuala Lumpur by Prince Varnavaidykara Voravarn, Governor
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  • 112 2 A FAMILY of Nations," the documentary film which opened at the Alhambra on Saturday, is a moving, sincere record of the major events that have taken place during the last 100 years. Beginning with the ascent of Victoria to the throne, and ending with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 248 2 A PICTURE EVERYONE SHOULD SEE I gS?»T«S ALHAMBRA I OBp^Si^H The Powerful and dramatic t > rr^r^^^^^^l^^H story of the growth of HkZJ2S|P Great Britain from an Fa "jB BfUlipDPviiH empire to a commonwealth hMMJJbQJSh o1 nations is trippingly told KAi Em m this un^ uc m Supported by KKO
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    • 130 2 POSITIVELY LAST DAT This magnificent M. G. M. Picture IS THE TALK of TOWN! Hundreds have come twice to see it CAPITOL 1 3.15 6.15 9.1S Phyllis BottomeV. 2-million Sale Novel becomes the greatest Screen Indictment of NAZI GERMANY ever made! mm %i± A love story of today! A mil-
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  • 466 3 Rumania Seizes For Germans All British Vessels On Danube Sofia, Oct. n. Romanian Government has gained control over all Rfftfeh-o*** 1 and British-chartered vessels m Rumanian atonal waters by a new decree issued by the Government wi iippiratka. The deciee declare* tftat no charter of maritime
    Reuter  -  466 words
  • 65 3 London, Oct. 27. DUNCE Bernhard has sent to Lord Beaverbrook, Minister for Aircraft Production, a cheque for nearly £324,000. representing the Netherlands Indies' gift for the purchase of 18 Lockheed -Hudson bombers. Acknowledging the gift. Lord Beaverbrook says that Dutch pilots and crews will fly
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 87 3 First Signs Of Nazi-Soviet Discord Seen Sofia, Oct. 27. aSMANY* bid to control the G liube highway lies behind Znational conference openißucharest to-morrow to dislower maritime Danube. with her newlyibian interests m the £bT m~u has obtained reprerst tme on the ion. yes frcm the i and > vn only
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 324 3 CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE CAUSED AT SIDI BARRANI London, Oct. 27. ITALIAN concentrations m Egypt near the coast east of Sidi Barrani vere attacked by units of the Mediterranean fleet m co-operation with aircraft of the R.A.F. early on Friday. News of the action was received
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 67 3 Swho for one riMor or aooir.:: MN unable to at- :>.vri by the Singapore .s most enjoyable MB, Mrs. Ida Kmi isd Mme. Haxnaker < 'cello >. I \nd there jre'e reI deserves first menw so*igs, One Tboa The Lard?** "Sen as a •hern, her
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  • 58 3 ■tarty on i here te with th? seasons. tile crop^ and rare and Men" which had y: on Saturrful v;hieh talnment. m Steinb^k's nove l characters which ■>uth bui g-".uir.e. ::c screen by a very ire Bob Sieeie. Lon ftnd Burgess Merev rl
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  • 50 3 Tientsin, Oct. 27. CONIRACTS have been concluded fcr the purchase of 8.000 short tons abeur 350,000 bags> of Australian rolled flour wich the £100.000 which was Ml aside from the silver under the Anglo-Japanese agreement for the relief of suffering m mr+h China. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 191 3 HARDLY ANY TIME LOST IN FACTORIES London, Oct. 27. A DRASTIC reduction In time losi through air raids has already been achieved by the "roof spotter system, according to reports collected from factories all over the country by the Ministry of Supply. Firms employed on
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 125 3 New, Just Order In Europe After The War London, Oct. 27. GREAT BRITAIN and her Allies are determined to produce a just order m Europe and recreate it on the basis of freedom, fre? association and equality," declared Mr. Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour, broadcasting from London last night. He
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 30 3 Rome, Oct. 27. A member of the Iron Guard, M. Radu A Ghenes, has been appointed Rumanian Minister to Spain, according to a Bucharest telegram.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 604 3 Heavy Damage In Concentrated R.A.F. Rai d On Kiel London, Oct. 27. T details of Friday night's ic *s by me R AF menti on Vttttei m which they I and which assisted *Men and defenders but, «B handicaps, the operated from the Baltic to I coast of France and
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  604 words
  • 52 3 TJkio, Oct. 27. HPHE prompt acceptance by Stalin of Lieut-General Tatekawa. as the new Japanese Ambassador, does not guarantee a satisfactory offer of Soriet rapprochement with Japan, the newspaper Asahi warns. "Welcomes often indicate a desire to make a sucker of another." the newspaper
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 299 3 Shanghai, Oct. 27. COMMENTING on the increased diplomatic activity affecting the Far East and rumours of peace moves, especially the bruited return of Dr. Oskar von Trautmann, ormer German Ambassador to China, to Chungking, well-inform-ed Chinese circles here stress that there
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 205 3 London, Oct. 27. GERMAN air raids over Britain last night covered a wide area, though the main attacks were again directed against London and the Midlands, says the Air Ministry's account of the night's events, adding: "The attacks began soon after nightfall and, though lessened m intensity,
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 30 3 Lisbon, Oct. 27. ■"I^HREE American officers arrived here by Clipper from the United States yesterday, en route to London to study air war conditions. They rf»««m» thH~ intirner tomorrow Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 78 3 Washington, Oct. 27. PRESIDENT Roosevelt has declared that the United States fleet is a deterrent to those nations who would plant the heel of dictatorship across this hemisphere m a letter sent to Colonel Frank Knox. Secretary, for the Navy, on the eve of
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 271 3 Eastern Group Will Continue Co-operation After The War London, Oct. 27. COMMENTING on the opening of the New Delhi conference, The Times states that all the countries represented, from India and Australia, with their great resources m men and material, to the smaller ana less developed territories m Erst Africa
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 117 3 Cairo, Oct. 27. "•T*HE existence of the Free French movement has assured France of the right to speak when the monstrous regime of Hitler and Mussolini are ended," said Mr. Anthony Eden. British War Minister, speaking at a reception given m his honour
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 THAT COLD Cure it with Cinnamon Quinine 50cts. MIXTFRE 75ct«. MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, Battery Road SPECIAL RETURN SCREENING FOR TWO DAYS ONLY In Response to All ILII H II V Numerouc raff* jnt" A HAIAVA'S (IM(MA 01 LUXE Request*! 3-15 6.15 9.15 H WHERE EVERYBOOY GOES Jp SfCXfT Of
      130 words

  • 703 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1940. Petain Hitler DRITISK disappointment with the policy of Marshal Petain and his colleagues increases with every fresh eiiort on their part appease the Germans. The. latest development, the Vichy Government's promise to "collaborate" with Hitler, puts France, or the men who claim
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  • 1009 4 BY A NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT QOME commentators on the trend of the U.S. Presidential campaign allege that Mr. Wendell Willkie, the Republican choice, is losing ground m his fight with Roosevelt. However this may be, he is a man who has upset calculations
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  • 334 4 WHAT GERMANY TRIED TO ACHIEVE— FAILED IN SPITE OF the prodigal expenditure of German machines and pilots, the Nazi High Command, after many weeks of intensive bombing of Britain, still finds its objective unattained. The German air offensive, which bepan on Aug. 8 and has cost the Germans over 2,225
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 302 4 Wv Oik 77 L'jn^ If fyP^ 1 Ki| l^Cfl LD B E CK^5 K. P. M< LIN E UenuLr HUttßfs lo Ball. Sumatra. Borneo and all other port* mi the Netherlands Indies. ORIENT JAVA AFRICA LINE Regular bi-monthly --^ice via Batavia and Mauritius to Sooth and East African ports. SINGAPORF
      302 words
    • 103 4 This heals PILES Stops Pain, Itching, Bleeding Your piles may be so swollen and cause such agony and terror to replace them, that you have given ap hope of a curt except by operation. Be persuaded to try Dr. Van Vleck's Absorptive Pile Plasma. It will soothe the pain instantly.
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  • 849 5  -  Mary Heathcott A Woman's Diary By riirrr nIM many people ■fcSinsr a*a» odd scraps of uer, chocolate wrap- l!ul I S the like, when they j^tin, fin and lend foil t to the Girl Guides collecting effort of I m Malaya with It home.
    849 words
  • 1950 5  -  SHEILA H GRAHAM By yvjw Moll vug. nl. Aus. 25. it all the way out to to pose m her Ccr urov slacks and suede cloth rhe cutffl is useful on he cost has four cc worn also with I back-to-school I ■ear-old Linda... sre n,
    1,950 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 50 6 (Left) This Australian sergeant has made a haul packing material for his palliasse. (Above) A halt m the desert for a midday snack. Diggers do some digging during the development of their camp. Unloading Bren carriers at a new camp m the desert.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 68 6 Life's good fun xf^« you're Health)'Never disregard that feeling of tiredne>< coated tongue, clouded eyes and blemished will tell you that constipation is underm your health. Take Castophene immediate v relieves constipation gently and harmlessly I your doctor himself will tell you that there no finer laxative. It's pleasant to
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  • 672 7 September Returns Show A Rise Of 50 Per Cent. BI GG£R IMPORTS FROM U.K: LESS GOODS FROM JAPAN ifiLAYA'S -tiadilv -increasing trade Is reflated m the M latest import and export figures issued by the Department statktH I sports show a very healthy growth,
    672 words
  • 155 7 CHARGE AGAINST AN INDIAN \<n !alse cvii Ml district judgf «hen making them was brought Chowia. at a rd court on su.d that m .heating against f da >' book- th Co U an address m •v-.-"- of prielor of that IVJ re Vr^
    155 words
  • 462 7 IN spite of her beiaj^ engaged m hostilities with China at present. Japan's financial position could enable her to prosecute a war with another country, but not for long. This opinion was expressed to a Free Press representative by Mr. IlaUeitt Abend, one
    462 words
  • 102 7 EXPERIENCED steward? arc now b^ln? empolyed by the K.N.I L.M. air line In their service from Batavia to Australia Formerly mechanics used to take the role of stewards m addition to their duties, but on eccount of the increasing trade relations between Australia and the
    102 words
  • 1320 7 INTELLIGENT APPLICA TION OF KNOWLEDGE NEEDED Mr. Goodale 's Talk To Teachers On Defects Of Local Students ''U/HAT the business man requires from hi* staff, that 11 is from the product of your work, the former schoolboy, can be summed up m one word intelligence," eaid Mr. A. V. Goodale,
    1,320 words
  • 651 7 Prince At K.L. Rotary Dinner (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 27. "THAILAND'S friendship with the British Empire and Malaya is not on'y firmly set with trarh'ti- n and time, but it is deep-rooted m a common understanding and mutual goodwill," declared Prince Varavaidya
    651 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 48 7 "BE WISE WITOUZE ECONOMIZE" ONE VISIT TO 1 f roiidiliun -i! CAPITOL RESTAURANT I lllvln >o,» thai it is the »OW M, ,nd best- ttNDOVWS m "►UN k «h., regularly CAPITOL this ij^T lil Humorous Skils of native life. HAND MMim Subject,: Ken v En wiopes $1.00 Singapore.
      48 words
    • 187 7 SPECIAL OFFER MEN'S COTTON HOSE jfk M with Fine and Broad Ribbed Legs, /UU j 1 Plain Turn Over Tops. Colour |||l ||jjf PRK E $1.00 IKK PAIR L^SLfIBL COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS Special Soft Finish White Centres with Neat Coloured Striped Narrow Hemstitched Borders m Brown, Blue, Grey, Maroon Green. Size
      187 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 412 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register
      412 words
    • 474 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (incorporated m *Mb» TEI.RPHONE: Freight 543*- Passage MW. SOCKING AGENTS FOR FEDERATED MALAY STAIjBS RAII.HAYB. ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM B^ j^\ oo ?ta Oanwin ro Worm America— bC H^^U Surope Past through traliw dtraet M^BWjAtfl^ii]|2lM|iyw from stilp'3 side at VancooTer to BS&^^Ll BW^^M Canada's Evergreen Playground
      474 words
    • 393 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom Oat©* are guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject n Conf er J* War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST f ARp Regular Services to re mantle Perth via j^ by first class passenger ships Single fare
      393 words

  • 1171 9 Chinese Topics By Our Chinese Correspondent J^ o^. 1 0 1 the arrangements which have been made, the biggest reception yet given by the I Chinese here to a visiting Chungking official awaits Gen Wu Tehchen chairman of the" Overseas Department of
    1,171 words
  • 360 9 Conditions Rapidly Deteriorating New York. HORRORS cf disease and starvation m France are detailed m reports received by the Society of Friends from Quakers who are engaged m mercy work m France. Reports agree that conditions are deteriorating. A continuous stream of refugees is still moving
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  • 440 9 A PPEARING m the second court on Friday on two charges of extortion, to which he claimed trial, a 21--year-old Malay, Mohamed bin Haji Abdul Majid, was immediately taken over to the fifth court, where eight charges of extortion and impersonating an
    Free Press  -  440 words
  • 426 9 Selangor Ruler's $100 For Malay Troops Fund TOTAL REACHES OVER $1,200 "THE value of the Hari Raya Puasa festival this week will be enhanced among Malays serving m the fighting forces by cheques which have been distributed by a Malay newspaper. TLe Malay Troops' Entertainment Fund, opened sometime ago by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 f HNPBBB r* ~[m;apokb gUNICIPAUn Tenders. ut "^rlnTtted tor Fuel far St- Jsunee Powe \,r salt GU*d VVare Tipes for 1941. Date oi gjJYpm. Oct. 31. IMU. 4 Side Tables of Public iri ng 1941. (Tender Fonr E? 23? Deposit $50). DaU yj Hiuau. Oct. 23.1940 nominal size Steel Coupling
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    • 88 9 JAVA-NEW YORK LINE BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE FOR PARTICULARS RE CARGO AND PASSAGE APPtf TO? ROTTERDAM LLOYD NEDERLAND LINE N.V. Ned* Amerlk, St. My* 'incorporate* to n.e.i > "Holland-America Line Agents N.V.I.CH. V. "Rotterdam' Phone- &M1 (Incorporated m N.E.I. > M J 2 Phone: 5071 Shipping Dept I
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 103 9 Post Office Mail List Mails close at the General Post Office as follows: TO-DAY Ade < n air 4 p.m. Africa air 4 p.m. Js™» air 4 p.m. Won air 4 p.m. *feypt air 4 p.m. Great Britain etc. surface 1 p.m. T air 4 p.m. dia air 4 p.m.
      103 words
    • 127 9 C. OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION DAILY MtICES KKKIM Oct. 20. 12 o clock noon Buyers SeUen No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose.. 3%% 39 No. IX R.S.S. P. 0.8. m cases Oct. -Nov. (Sellers ticn 38% 39U G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. F.OB. In bales Oct. -Nov. (Sellers option) 38\, 385' f.A.Q. R.S.S. P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 10 Mitsed Double I [>i<rtare. m« k.*vai Air Force, champions :n lint t»iv^jn c itatue mi««^l tb« do«b»e" mt th« sia«Uam ea S»t»rd»j when they >v*cc k-^t^« th^ LoTate by one coal to nil m the ChaDeiif^ Cw^ flna! Free Press
    Free Press  -  41 words
  • 748 10 R.A.r Hlues 17 Johore 14. THRiLLING nt%*f was witnessed on the Singapore Cricket (lvi) padaiu «»n Sntur^ay when the Royal Air Force Hlues l>eat Johore by the narrow margin of 17 points "oal. thre* tne< and a i^enaHy goal) to 14 (a goal,
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  • 330 10 HOCKEY: S.C.C. II vs. An*k>C'nines* School, S.C.C; SRC. (A) vs. <.orJon> S.K.C.; S.O.K.C. vs. St, Joseph's lnstiiution. S.CJLC. Stumm swung the ball out to Smith and Smith to Pearson, who fell over with two men clinging on to him. James missed the conversion lrom a difhcult angle.
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  • 76 10 (From Our Own Correspondent* Batu Pahat. IN badminton match between the Chettiars* Association and the Indian Association, both or Batu Pahat, the Chettlars' beat their compatriots by two matches to one. Results (Chettiars' first): M. Meyappan beat Dharan 11—15, 15—10. 15—9; L. Meyappan and M. Ghani beat
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  • 292 10 London, Oct. 27. "^TESTERDAY'S football results were: NORTH Bar us ley 5; Sheffield W'nesday 0. Bradford 0; Newcastle 1. Burnley 2; Oldhani 1. Chester 3; Crewe 3. Doncaster I; Huddersfield 1. Everton 3; Bury 1. Halifax 2; York 1. Hull 5; Bradford City 2. Manchester
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  • 247 10 rpHE Lok Hwa Badminton Par',y oi Kuala Lumpur will be seen m action m Singapore over the week-end when they will be the guests of the Mayflower Badminton Party. A match of three men's singles and four men's doubles will be played. More doubles games
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  • 88 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Vrmng, Oct. 2& A SERIES of talks an "How to Grow Your A Own Food" is to be broadcast from the Penang Wireless Society station next month. The first talk is to be given by Mr. C. W. S.
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  • 36 10 E. A. Stevens and R. C. Joubert beat W. Eldred and H. B. Sym m the play-off of the tie m the Royal Singapore Golf Club's President's prize competition at Buklt Timah yesterday.
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  • 155 10 U.S. Gets More News From Britain Than From Germany London, Oct. 26. RECENT orders restricting the cabling of so-called military news out of Germany has attracted gcod deal of attention abroad. The significance of this tightening of police control of foreign jurnalists still permitted m Nazi-dominated territories of Europ? lends
    British Wireless  -  155 words
  • 706 10 Solitary Goal Decide* Issue In Grand Match AIRMEN'S GREAT EFFORTS JUST FAIL tovak .1: R.A.F. (Seletar) 0. A SOLITARY #>al scored aeainst the R.A.F. (Seletar) just before half-time gave the Loyals the S.A.F.A. ChaUenße Cup m a grand final played at the stadium m Anson Road
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  • 174 10 T HK ioltowing are U»e rcsmlU m 1 brief of Saturday's races at Ipoh, th« ftrst day ef the Perak Tnrf Clnb's October November Ra^^Strai^ht FlM*t $24 and SI K.C.G. $7 Farnley $12 H^ee Ze*la»* $122 a»d $S« f;ele»tial $10 Maid of the Mountain $2S H^^e
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  • 102 10 (From Our Own Correspondent I pot). Oct. 27. THE Perak hockey team to meet Penang at Ipoh on Nov. 2 m their first inter-State engagement of the season is F. R. Toft: Lee Keng Teik, J. D. Lambert: A. Hamid. G. L. Carson. Cyril
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  • 68 10 AT the annual general meeting of the honorary women members and associate members of the Keppcl Golf Club held on Friday, the following were elected to the committee for the following year Captain, Mrs. H. K. Rodgers; hon. secretary, Mrs. A. M. Lo<w; vice-cap-tsin. Mrs.
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  • 339 10 Final Of Commerce Houses' Badminton THE Ccranw. m 1 th Sin «*P re w- s>»on&hips was conclude morning when Choi teat Fraser and Neav j*mes Ij two m the S Ban Teck Hup. M two player* to w.n thr* r tu lucky to get threat
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 71 10 JKrm -At ojc t»l .^RI ■>■' ii ii r bj l .\j s^ t all tastes will be found m our fine selection oi pure and wholesome Cheese. The selection below (including Carton Cheese) will give an idea oi th^ excellent choice we can offer. Cfctdrfar, Kraft. CMTM CHEESE! tT&k
      71 words