The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 October 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15.221. KSTU. 1833 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 332 1 Governor May Reopen Route Closed Last Year BURMA ROAD OPEN FROM 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT kiM- route to China, which was closed by Govmmr of Hong Kong m January, 1930, tf >eturity, may be reopened following the the Hiirma road, it is stated
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  • 65 1 < RMA ROAD AND DISCUSSED? nston, Oct. 17. Roosevelt and Mr. D Secretary of ma yesterday he Australian on the recent deve--<trm situa- represenvs^d with them Australia." i Mr. Casey it he and the Presiding of interest Hr it >pe«ny auy parti- hen j.-*kcd whether included
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 27 1 Hospital Is Damaged In Raid On Chungking Tlkiaff, Oct. 17. Methodist mission badly damaged raid by three Chungkliif last ill .ft bombed burfc of Chunakinc at Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 22 1 I M London. Oct. 17. I Labour. the Seamen's oka ufter the Allied and foreign I also after the erseai ports. Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 53 1 Tokio, Oct. 17. In anticipation of supplies of railway materials following the re-open-ing of the BuAna route, the Chungking authorities have derided to resume work on the construction of a new railway linking Suchow, m Szechuan I*ovince, with Kunming. In Yunnan Province, according to a Kunming
    Eastern News  -  53 words
  • 28 1 Ottawa. Oct. 17. JT is learned authoritatively that a Canadian ban on the export of lead to Japan is probable Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 93 1 London, Oct. 17. REUTER learns that there is no question of the British Government leaving London. On the contrary, the Government intends to remain m London. \t the si me time, the view had been expressed from the beginning by the Ministry of Home Security
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 299 1 R. A. F. Cause Extensive Fires At Kiel Base LEUNA SYNTHETIC OIL PLANT ALSO BOMBED London, Oct. 17. IYESPITE most unfavourable wea- ther, more successful operations were carried out by R.A.F. bomber forces against German naval bases and docks last night, the Air Ministry announces. Numbers of heavy bombs were
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 53 1 London, Oct. 17. CASUALTIES m H.M. cruiser AJax, victorious m the action against Italian destroyers, were announced today by the Admiralty. Two officers were killed and two wounded. Nine ratings were killed and 18 wounded, including five boys. Royal Marines: A bugler and corporal were killed and two
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 64 1 London, Oct. 17. A GERMAN E-boat which ventured about In the Straits of Dover made a hurried retreat when British guns opened fire on her. British aircraft then circled over her to see whether it had been damaged. ™A few minutes later, another English
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 46 1 Bombay, Oct. 17. MR. Gaadhi's individual civil disobedience campaign was formerly launched thk> morning when a humble member of the Mahatma's seminary named Vinoba, delivered a pacifist speech at thp tiny village of Paunar, near Nagpur. He was arrested. About 300 people were present.
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  • 332 1 London, Oct. 17. AFTER a quieter night, London had two warnings this morning. German dive-bombers were intercepted by British fighters as they endeavoured to reach the capital and other inland objectives. They dropped bombs on residential areas of a south-east coast town. Dogfights
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • 247 1 Fast Motor Torpedo-Boat Manoeuvres In Water Like Spitfire In The Air London, Oct. 17. TREAT Britain now possesses the fastest small warships m the world. They are the very latest of the Royal Navy's extremely secret weapon, namely, motor torpedoboats, writes Reuters
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 341 1 Committee To Report On Conduct Of M.P. MR. BOOTHBY CZECH ASSETS London, Oct. 1? "pHE suspension irom duties of Mi. R. Boothby, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, was announced by Mr Churchill, the' Prime Minister, m the House of Commons to-day. The Prime Minister indicate J that, the
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • 38 1 London, o« t 17. CEVF:KAL German naval experts have ir,w arrived m Bucharest. It is reported that Jews living m the oil districts of Rumania have been t»>t<l I to leave immediately Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 159 1 Soviet-Turkish Pact Rumour Is Denied Istanbul. Oct. HL pOAiPETENT circles m Ankara describe reports that the Soviet and Turkey are negotiating a pact of mutual assistance as being devoid of any foundation. The British Ambassador who travelled to Ankara, where he had an interview with the Foreign Minister yesterday described
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 60 1 I .undo ii. Oct. 17. NEARLY hall a million schoolchildren 489,000— 0r about 56 per cent, of the whole school child population of the London evacuation area, have left the capital. This was revealed by Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, Minister of Health, m the course
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 28 1 4 TO MIGHT "INNER DANCE informal) 8 p.m. to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION MIMI JOSE POPULAR MEXICAN DANCERS N«Kt «.OO Non-diners $t.W> Jl? X KJ ORCHESTRA directed bToAN HOPKINS
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  • 97 2 Law Notice For The Day Befwe The Hon'ble The €%Jef Ja-u<«-in loart No. 1 aU 11 sum.: Summonses m Chambers, etc N Before The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Pe4Um In Court No. 3 at 11 a.m.: 5. 544 39 A. S. Watson and Co., Ltd.. vs. Chop Wing Fook On contd.
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  • 134 2 DAILY r RICES CURRENT Oct. I", II o'clock noon Bayers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. i^ixt loose.. 38 l 8 35% No. IX R.S.S. F. 0.8. m cases Oct -Nov t Sellers option) 38 's 38^ JXF.AQ^RS^^FOB^ m bales Oct. -Nov. Sellers option) 374 37 r\A.Q.
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  • 123 2 A CHINESE named Hong Eng who was alleged to have cheated ano.h?r man. Ten? Ec Chek cf $3 at the Tanjong Pagar wharves on Sept 9 by falsely representing to his "victim"' that he was a collector of the Chinese I Relief Fund, was charged
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    • 184 2 POSITIVELY LAST 3 SHOWS ALHAMBRA wim THIS carefree ;cßtv/ of Htw imusi •oOJiV// Direct d fa y KWIS SEIIER-A WARNER BROS -First Notional Pictur* U'*«A f»o/ by Mowc*t Uo From on Ongmol Sicry by j«fry Wold ond Richord Mocovloy airmail PAT HE GAZETTE OPENING si mi jq np^A tomorrow ALHAMBRA
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    • 240 2 The ONE and ONLY BIG LAUGH-SHOW IN TOWN! Eddie's BEST yet I CAPITOL I 3 IS-^IS-5.15 AT NOON A BACHCLOR! A %i )society girls, a lonely professor 888 Metro Goldwyn Maver Pro<Juction Directed ~~_L,* l y t *!f fl including Ralph Morgan, Bonita Granville i; Diana Lewis. Nydu Westman [fEp-jp
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  • 212 3 Ex-Minister On Speed With Which U.S. Can Rearm PLANES AT THE RATE OF 1,250 MONTHLY SOON New York. Oct. 17. are not unprepared for action and, m rearming, we can do m two years more than Germany did m seven years; declared Mr. Louis Johnson,
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  • 179 3 Eden Studies Middle East Situation I-ondcn, Oct. 17. Kden. Secretary of State for War, who is m r vpt on a visit, has lost no time m getting down to m If, .pot the situation m the Viddle East. He alread) -«*n Kinj: Farouk and several political leaders, confer wHIi
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 136 3 Why Chinese Morale Remains Unbroken Chungking. Oct. IS. FATHER Charles Meeus, a Belgian Catholic missionary, speaking to a group of civil officials here, declared that the Chinese capacity to ignore great disasters and concentrate on mall details was responsible for the j fine morale of the city. "An old woman
    Central News  -  136 words
  • 64 3 GREECE TO PURCHASE WHEAT FROM SOVIET Athens, Oct. 17. AN agreement has been reached between Greece and the Soviet for Greek purchase of 100,000 tons of wheat at $57 per ton. It is understood .hat Greece may later require the purchase of further quantities. Negotiations have also been com- j
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 42 3 Berlin, Oct. 17. CENOE Serrano Suner, who was y Spanish Minister of the Interior, has now been appointed Foreign Minister, according to the official German radio. Senor Saner, who is Gen. Franco's brother-in-law, recently^ visited Berlin and Romc.-I Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 158 3 B. B. C. Popular In Nazi Europe DIFFICULTIES FACING ENEMY IN NORWAY London, Oct. 17. jDRITISH broadcasting grows more I 1 and more popular with inhabitants of German-occupied territory and this popularity has resulted in Nazi attempts at control of "illicit listening becoming more strict. According to The Times' Stockholm
    British Wireless  -  158 words
  • 108 3 London, Oct. 17. T^HE first move has been made to ex- tend the life of the present Parliament. A bill for this purpose apoears in the Parliamentary papsrs, and the motion will be moved by the Prime Minister himself. The present Parliament was elected
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 62 3 Londv>n, Oct. 17. TTHE training of Home Guards is going ahead in the Netherlands Indies, according to Batavia radio. Everyone connected with big plantations was co-operating and within a short time there would be companies of Home Guards for even remote parts of
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 36 3 Vichy, Oct. 17. GENERAL Weygand, Hi^h Commissioner for French Africa, has been authorized to expel from territory under his charge until the end of hostilities any persons deemed dangerous to publi^securi^^s^e^thelilavas agency M Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 57 3 London, Oct. 17. SINCE the war began over 132,000 men have applied to join the Australian air force, according to an announcement in London. The firs: Australian pilots will complete their training under the Empire scheme in November and nearly 20,000 men of the 25,0^0 required for the ground staff
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 97 3 Air Support For British Army FAR CHIEFS AND CALL :QP separate force adsw, Oct 17. r the GovTrenchard rl he raised upport rital and opi- d in certain could best be separate air .sposal of the sidered to be or tne Kale air full-scale air i .s fully appre>d the
    British Wireless  -  97 words
  • 33 3 FORMER PRESIDENT OF CATALONIA EXECUTED I New \ork, Oct. 17. Prt-N.dent n executed In I to a Barce:he German In -he New •mi one of the :efence of Bar~e- ii captured apitolattd Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 193 3 Midgets From Wo rld's Fair Among 16,000,000 Registering In U.S. London, Oct. 17. I CIXTEEN million men registered j yesterday in the United States for military service under the New Conscription Act. Rich and poor of all classes, together with cowboys, Indians and Negroes, marched to the registration offices all
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 81 3 Situation In IndoChina Unchanged Tokio, Oct. 17. HPHE suuatizm m French Indo-Ch;na is unchanged, the spokesman of die Fore gn Office. Mr. Y. Suma, stated ac a Press conference to-day. No new incident involving Japanese forces which entered Indo-China m accordance with the Franco-Japanese military agreement m September has been
    Eastern News  -  81 words
  • 131 3 Four Ships For Evacuation From Far East FIRST VESSEL IS DUE IN SHANGHAI ON OCT. 30 Shanghai. Oct. 17. THE first American evacuee ship to reach the Far East will be the Matson liner Monterey which is due to dock here on Oct. 30, according to local shipping circles. The
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 59 3 MUST LEARN GREEK TURKISH LANGUAGES A SIGNIFICANT pointer to Germany's ambitions is contained in the Berlin newspaper, Nationale Zeitung, which declares that the Germans are zealously learning foreign lanpun?es in the hope of getting good jobs. Soldiers and civilians are learning the African languages, and staffs of big German firms
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 30 3 New York, Oct. M IT is reported that Brita.n has acj quired Norway's largest liner Oslo Fjord and also the liner Bergens Fjorl. both of wWcl^are^nowir^Npw^Yjjk h arbour .-I Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 42 3 Philadelphia, Oct. 17. /^•OL. F. Knox, Secretary of the Navy, claimed in a speech that a new turbine development ins ailcd in United Slates warships gave them an advantage oyer olh"r navies in cniisin^^ranrc^SDeed r rOnomy.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 391 3 U.S. Story Of Nazi Invasion Bid That Ended In "Failure Terrific Carnage" A GERMAN attempt to land troops on the south-east coast of England, which resulted in "failure and terrific carnage." is described in a report published by the New York Sun. write* the £vdney Daily Telegraph. The New Vu^
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  • 115 3 20-Hour CrossChannel Duel IN connection with the accompanying story it is interesting to note that on Aug. 25, 55 German planes were shot down. Thirteen British planes weTe lost. thr«e pilots being saved. British and German lon^-iange guns were engaged m a 20-hour rross-Channel duel which ended m the early
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  • 212 3 JOINT COMMUNIQUE ON OPENING TALKS Batavia, Oct. IT THE Netherlands Indies and Japan- ese delegations to the economic taJks have issued a Joint communique, as follows:—"The delegations met at Selabintanah, near Sukaboemi. from Monday until Wednesday 'During several meetings and personal talks, general Japanese
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 230 3 London. Oct. 17 rpHE air raid sirens had scarcely A finished wailing the all clear and the steei-helmeted soldiers manning A.-A. defences at a big British shipyard had hardly relaxed beside their batteries one day recently when a bcttle of champagne broke on the lean
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  • 122 3 I New York, Oct 17. •"FHE Germans tried by physical violence to wrest Vatican corresipondence from the hands of Cardinal Lienart, Bishop of Lille, declares Mr 'Edrar Mowrer in a despatch from Washington to the New York Post He says: "His Nazis are trying to suppress
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 72 3 Evacuation From German Cities 1 London, Oct 17 TIE Gt:xu.ans have admitted the effectiveness of the R A F raids The German radio last night warned isteners to tune in to > In the extreme east or aofUl o Germany, oecause certain jtati n xould not operate after darl:. The
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 have if oh tried y CANADIAN SOLE FILLETS' J ne&l us!, v. ..ui:uiian Sole Th yj have an exceptionally :r ami are economical, too. here'l not him* to throvv away. i 8 Fill l I E I
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    • 59 3 RED PALM OIL This oil contains tonsidrrable quantities of Vitamin-A and I* specially prepared for use as a cooking oil and as a medicine. It is excellent for preventing inflaenta. coughs and colds. SO cts. pop Bottle Obtainable from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 2. BATTERY ROAD. Sop CATHAY'S Special An no
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  • 628 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1940. The Colony Year THE importance of the budget estimates and the discussion of Malaya's effort tended to overshadow other aspects of the Budget Day speech of the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. S. W. Jones. None can deny, however, that quite outside
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  • 1144 4 A Letter From England (By Our Own Correspo Ivondon, Sept. 18, A FTER a fortnight's intensive hltt7krieg\ starting with the bombing of London docks, people m some parts of England are asking how our food supplies are? I expect some of you are wondering
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 29 4 9 rfc pro ved, lioan in th i 'have been remit The nrst ren i !was made as > available, sev< remainder w:c
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 350 4 I I agree.. \au find I ROSES Lime. Juice I satisfies all tastes! o^xl^B inferior insecticides I B ere not as good as I m Hit it wr« d«o*h to ins*<ta be<au«« it m a comS' binafon of potent killing ogenlt which cannot b« I cve*4Wd FHt hew undergone ths
      350 words
    • 56 4 .J W< hate vkl<- S^P^l lX rxn $>c of 4dit lengths, Wain ShieUa In Silk 'il&msm ill »nd Wool also r*-«K f f|| SHARKSKIN l|| 3 In Various Colomrs. jg t»*J^* you have not tried our tailoring WE SOLICIT YOU A TRIAL ORDER MIEN CHONG Spores most up-to-date Tailor 34
      56 words

  • 2040 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT A Woman's Diary BY House club, as was >d on this page a tfo, is preparing to i nt piv- mi.yes— a flat m Amber Mansions— t expbea sometime next month, and I ne cluh j» then renting a law m
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 5 famous for 30 years Lear and -d blackheads. ta ■ace of pure ;th one have it pre- Crfcme This rrum luable ttifio" the man 1 1 rent c for a ful re- fc| t all Chemists and --tested and Proved Recipe for a Flawless Complexion
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  • 356 5 FARMHANDS DISARM AND HOLD NAZI B OMBER CREW London, Oct. 3. "TWO farmhands disarmed and held four German airmen whose bomb;er was shot down near Hertford toiday. A Midlands town had its first air raid of the war when a factory and a large elementary school were hit. A.R.P. squads
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  • 104 5 I'm: playini I Chopin's music bM been prohibited m Germany, because Chopin was a na ive i l Poland Oii British c ntmentator says "Th< Naz. rul?rs apparently dread the days n it migh be appropriate to Chopin's Funeral March m Berlin Chopin was bjrn
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  • 79 5 London u< t 17. A TOTAL o; Offer £15,250.000 was subscribed in the week ending on Tuesday for war oonds and loan? free of interest. These figures were disclosed by Sir Robert Kindersley. speaking at London j when he stated that the War paign
    British Wireless  -  79 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 1 Saloi Madame Sheila and bexpensivc Dr ss Morning, i and Evening Sun Suits and Suits, Etc urt. Hill Si. hont 7139 r -AY AND DISAPPOINTMENT P I < f our DRYCLEANING J <>ur tIM v -hip NANYANG DRYCLEANERS Rd S pore. Tel. 2952 Pi Kd folirr Station. [ItndmUl ShiMd
      50 words
    • 73 5 POISE J *G& CHARM <^^ >^\i ELEGANCE Can only be achieved when you are confident of looking your best. Regular ~S visits to the Elizabeth Arden Salon will J ensure this. There are special treat- W ments for defeating sallowness, for m brightening and clearing the com- C C9' plexion,
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  • 536 6 Duchess Of Kent Is BusilyEngaged Doing War Work London. rVERY day, her public engagements permitting, that eleL gant figure, the Duchess of Kent, is seen stepping out across country from Coppins to the Red Cross depot nearby. The Duchess, like all her friends, is
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  • 41 6 Stockholm. A SOU-WESTER recently drove a new batch of British barrage balloons to Sweden. Planes shot down some and others became anchored, but not before electric lines were damaged. In several places, train services were interrupted.
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  • 92 6 rpHE fiorrors of a 600-mile bicycle journey along roads jammed with Belgian and French refugees were told 'by the Rev. John Leonard, Sydney priest, who Juis reached Sydney. Father Leonard, a student at the University of Louvain. escaped from that town during the German breakthrough
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  • 82 6 New York, Oct. 16. FROUGHOUT the country to-day. Young America registered at the lfite of over I.OCI.OUU an hour for possible service with the United States first peace-timo draft for the army. Park Avenue millionaires joined Bowery tramps m New York as men
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 72 6 Shanghai. Oct. 17. CRACK units of the Japanese army are now engaged m a series of "mopv'.iv* up" operations m areas' south of the Yangtze River centring on Anking capital oi Anhwei, and m the Fengshul River area, as well as m Shans* Pro- vince, the
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 61 6 Washington, Oct. 17. ROTH President Koosevelt and Mr. Cordell Hull, the Secretary of State, had conversations yesterday with Mr. R. G. Casey, the Australian Minister at Washington, on the Australian reaction to recent developments m the Eastern situation. Mr. Casey later told Press representatives that
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 48 6 A London. MINUTE before the King was due to arrive at a bombed area m the East End recently raiders dropped ani other bomb. Nevertheless. His Majesty arrived punctually, drawing the remark from a Cockney, "Blimey, he didn't disappoint us after all."
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  • 335 6 Italians Cannot Manufacture Synthetic Courage" London. A HIGH R.A.F. officer recently rated the Italian Air Force "25 per cent, good, 50 per cent, mediocre, and 25 per cent, rubbish." He added: "They can't manufacture synthetic courage The Italian machines were not as manoeuvrable as the British and were inferior
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  • 249 6 People Live In Constant Fear Cairo. "TFHIS is supposed to be unoccupied 1 France, but the hand of Germany is everywhere," a woman wrote from unoccupied France. It was sent to a friend m Egypt. The letter says: "We live constantly under the threat of
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  • 167 6 Trains Now Stop 21 Miles From Indo-China Border Chungking, Oct. 17. ■KUNMING, capital of Yunnan Pro- vince. waa again raided by Japanese aircraft yesterday, according to information reaching here, but no details are ye. available. A Chinese Press dispatch from Kunming reports that trains on the
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 426 6 CINGAPORE has long been recognised as a ship building centre, but it is the Chinese who have given the Colony this recognition by using its waterways for the buildingships. Large sea-going junks are built m many local shipyards, whilst small Chinese craft are built
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  • 112 6 No Hint Of Reprisal In The Tokio Press Tokio, Oct. 17. THE American pesple do not desire war bu; no doubt their sentiment favours trie maximum aid shcrt of war for Britain and China m the opinion ol he Miyako. ;he only Tokio dally w
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 55 6 Hon? Kons. Oct. 17. IN anticipation of supplies of railway materials following the re-opening of the Burma route, the Chungking authorities have decided to resume work on the construction of a new rail- way Inking Suchow. In Szechuan Province, with Kunming, m Yunnan Province, according to
    Eastern News  -  55 words
  • 41 6 Srinagar. Oct. 17 JTOLLOWING the death of the mother of the Maharaja of Kashmir yesterd.t v the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow. and Lady Linlithgow ?re rutting short tht-ir visit to Kashmir and returning to Delhi soon.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 194 6 Accommodation Country Limj^ THE Govcrnnv ht Ml r doners who d :n London to gc There is din finding houses or England as Mm large exodus 01 v from London anci Many hotels rial towns, morem. over by the Army i evacuated earlier fi Even
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  • 42 6 IT if uii'jflu'iain Britain h plan liners n< They tie the O. v Norway.^ liner wh l ch recently as 1938 a 1.015 ton It If stated N operated by KorW( srrl under Brit is]. Reuter
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  • 710 7 Absence Of Member On Delegation To Delhi SHOP HOURS LEGISLATION WELCOMED BY CHAMBER iftAMMOUS opposition to the introduction of an income tht Colony \>as expressed by members at general meeting of the Singapore Indian ,t Commerce yesterday. the Eastern Group Conference at New
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  • 236 7 $2,400 Damages For Former Constable INVALID AFTER ACCIDENT Chinese ex-police A who has been lying :red spine rded 400 m the r I r.v aciing nn, Tco :Ol\towards 3tal August d down t Europe^". Is a mall vi ib* tnjur> U> his urn paralyzed, and it stated that he is
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  • 45 7 BRUNEI MURDER APPEAL TO BE HEARD HFRE -d b.-en con vie* rd miKdering a c-m--:ippeal before :he High Cour; i i ling Chief •t Terrell. C. H. Koh. i and warrant to Chong Sam, transBr u: -apjre fcr order accord^igly tuu :he appeal be .udges.
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  • 62 7 A TELEGRAM has been revived from Lord Lloyd, the SejreUiry of State for the Colonies, expressing the deep gratitude with vhich His Majesty's Government has accepted the generals of $30,000 made from the proceeds tho sneeia! war taxation m Brunei. The Hi*h Coirmissioner. Mr. S. W. Jones,
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  • 50 7 I Canioneae, Cheong Yon L*P Teng Sam, claimed Singapore third court yes*l« that they put Chan I P>l.ce arrest m an it ruon was alleged to have the evening of Sept. 21 at Soirh Bridge Road. c *d claimed trial and N i l for
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  • 187 7 T*HE Singapore Rural Board approved 1 yesterday at a meeting of the Board, the widening of Changi Road from Tampenis junction to the 14 y 2 milestone, the modification of boundiary between the Municipality and Rural Board at Jalan L&pang, and amendments to the Singapore
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  • 39 7 Areglaer of debts due to persona resident m the Straits Settlements I by enemy subjects is to b? established. Details are given m a net Ice published j m page 9 to-day
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  • 177 7 LED by Mr. H. North-Hunt, Re-gistrar-General of Statistics. MaI ya's delegation to the Eastern Group Conference on war supplies w.ll leave for New Delhi by air to-morrcw morning. The delegation's other two members are Mr. W. A. Fell and Mr. Tay Loan
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  • 234 7 Covering Of Drains By Barbed Wire Defences Increasing Malaria CINGAPORE'S barbed wire defences at Pasir Panjang are indirectly increasing the incidence of malaria m that area, and Dr. D. W. G. Faris, acting Chief Health Officer, will b^ taking the matter up with the military authorities. The covering of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 7 British destroyers recently sent three Italian submarines to the bottom of the Mediterranean, but when they returned to port, they brought with them all the members of the crews it was possible to rescue. Here arc seen sorre of the Italian submarine prisoners waiting to be taken ashore m a
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  • 95 7 THE 1940 Straits Times Annual vtill he published on Wednesday next. Oct. 23. All previous editions of thr Annual have been sold out almost immediately after publication. We advise those who require copies to reserve them without further deiay. The cost is $1.50 per copy for local
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  • 75 7 THAI CABINET VICHY REPLY FYom Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Oct. 17 GREAT interest i* centred here on the meeting of the Thai Cabinet to consider the Vichy Govrrn men t's reply m regard to the Thai demands on Indo-China. Thailand \b not interested, it is stated here, m the re-
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  • 385 7 Boustead s Director Cros6-Examined WILLIAM THOMAS CROSLSY. a direct o_ cf Boustead and Co.. Ltd.. and joirl manager of their shipping department, was put through a lengthy cross-examination by counsel for the defence m the third coi 1 3 erterday. at the continuation of the preliminary
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  • 313 7 Matter Discussed By Board CTATING that the lark of supervision of Sinffaivires v rural slaughter houses had led to the >ale if diseased pork and to other abuses detrimental to public health, Mr. J. M. Jansen sugr^e^ted at the meeting of the
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  • 39 7 M! 3. E. N. C. WOOLLERTON v ill be broadcasting the second o* Uk "Oil"' from the Singapore sation to-mght at 7.10 p.m. llerton will deti] vttta h parti; Interej-t at the pr«<*nt time--anc it* relation to war."
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  • 162 7 "pVATO Moruuned Ghatdy bin MahftMi An Sin has been a .'usure of the Peaot since 1933. and is also a MurJctpa] Corr.mfe* isicner. He cannot be considered an illiterate person nor is he a person who would cot realize the importance of a deriarau< «id Court
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  • 40 7 I ONDON News Letter" is the L* of a new BBC. feature wt) gan on \Vedne.««lMy nipht This will be a personal omm« j on life m Far Eu i 0 p.m T v r now re;
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 SPORTS SHIRTS Light v t-i^h: Ter r > ■Pf "B^V Towellii!- Pol(» y s n JpK^' Three Button Front. Shor; I^^» I Sleeves. ]'h<- Idetil Sfiirr 11/ fi il 1 f r :IJI S P <)rts Wear Full M\Vy L f//l Cwt and all n^ lh m M^^? bit^ 9
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 420 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. «c O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
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    • 346 8 BOUSTEAD CO., ITS, (Incorporated m FM.S.) TELEPHONE: freight 5432. Passage MM UfAOIAN fACIMC (Incorporated In England* Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS DUCHESS or MONT steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management.
      346 words
    • 431 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I BLUE FUNNEL LINE. I Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Oates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA I THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST F^ E Regular Services to Kre mantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships.
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  • 1213 9  -  Nomad In The Garrison By THE S.A.F.A. will, it is to be hoped, ensure that m future years circumstances do not compel one of the most prominent teams to withdraw from the Cup competition. For some time past there has been a
    1,213 words
  • 223 9 Mails close at the General P jf* Ofl." follows: TO-DAY Aden surface 11 a.m. air 4 p m. Africa air 4pm. Australia air 4 pm. Burma air 4 pm. Oylon air 4pm. China: Amoy, Canton. Chu&n Chow. KJung Cnow and Swatow sunace 4pm. Darwin air 4pm.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 432 9 FIED MMtEBTISEMEIITS ■-^^^ENOEKS MIMHPALITY Tenders. ,*r« are lioVlnvited for the materials or serrices. For Ye Municipal Tenders art Fuel 'or St. James Power during IWI. Date of 12 noon. Oct 31. 1940. lies for 1941. Date of Municipal Tender salt OUzed Ware Pipes, rJc :or 1941. Date of i Oct.
      432 words
    • 777 9 PUBLIC NOTICES Notice Of The 4th Quarterly Session 1940 of the Board of Licensin ff Justices, Singapore, Held l T nder Rule 7 Of The Liquors Licensing Rules, 1937. J 1 qi L arterl y session of the Board Licensing Justices for the Settlement of Singapore v\l\ be he'd m
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    • 5 9 ,^^^^^iSM4ga» y^y 1> g^ 8^^^^^^^^%
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    • 107 9 Garrison Diary Friday: Tombola, Alexandra Depot Mess (9.15) and Fort Canning Sergeants' Mess. Saturday: Carnival dance, R.E. (Changi) Sergeants' Mess. Annual gala dance, R.A.F. (Tengah) Sergeants' Mess. Dance. Manchesters' Sergeants' Mess. Dance, R.A. (Blakan Mati) Sergeants' Mess. Snnday: Tombola at Loyals' Sergeants' Mess (9.30>, lI. A. (Changi) Sergeants' Mess and
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  • 576 10 127 HORSES AND PONIES TO RUN AT IPOH ANE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN entries, comprising 32 horses m class one, 71 horses m class three and 24 ponies m class one, have been entered for the Perak Turf Club's October-November meeting on Oct. 26, Oct.
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  • 288 10 THIRD M.R.U. GAME ON THE PADANG SINGAPORE plmy their second same m the series of M.R.U. fixtures m aid of war charities on the padang to-morrow when they meet the Army Wanderers, who wMI be making their first appear vice. Hie teams are given below.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 10 A clever exhibition of trick-cyclln? was given by Tay Rum Siong on Anniversary Day at the Lay Bens Chinese School, Holland Road This picture shows Rum Siong performing a particularly clever trick.
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  • 143 10 MIXED FOURSOMES AT M UKIT TIMAH THE Royu! Singapore Golf Club's first bi-monthly mixed foursomes competition for October was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday afternoon and i resulted m a win for Miss S. Lucas and J. Mi'Guffin with a net score of 3734.; Fourteen cards were taken out
    143 words
  • 189 10 IN friendly badminton match played on the Sphinx court on Sunday, the Merrid&le B.P. went down to the Sphinx B.P. by six games to four. Results. < Sphinx players mentioned first) Stark*: M»rtin Rozario lo6t to Lim Cheng Kwee, 12—15. 5 15; Julian de Souza beat
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  • 49 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sercmban, Oct. 16. TpHE hockey season has begun m Negri Sembilan, and matches are being played to a schedule arranged by the Negri Sembilan Hockey Association. Inter-State games will be played shortly, and the first trial is expected to take place this month*.
    49 words
  • 325 10 JOHN LIM C.K. PANG IN S.C.R.C. DOUBLES FINAL A GRUELLING strussle which went to three sets,- the last of which was plavpd practically m darknc-~ .s*w John L!m and C. K. Pang beat Low Kee Pow and Pan? Chiip Yong 3, o— 10. 6 3. m the semi-final of thi
    325 words
  • 739 10 S.R.C. In 5-0 Victory Over Chinese SULLIVAN NETS THREE GOALS S.K.C 5 N.v t\ .l (I. THE Singapore Recreation Club overran the Straits Chinese I Recreation Club m a same of hockey played on the padang- yesterday, winning by five goals to nil. The Recs were superior In all departments
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  • 280 10 Singapore's State Hockey Programme GAMES AGAINST SELANGQg PERAK AND PENANG WITH the hockey season m full swing interest is i focussed on the forthcoming War I nnd an( matches. There is much speculation X Ut J Singapore will run two State teams, hut, ufc iJ€ is plenty of material, it
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  • 86 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Oct. 16. npHE Sepang Golf Club will hold a "Golf for a Spitfire" gymkhana on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 26 and Oct. 27 The gymkhana is being organized by the residents of Sepang and Nilai districts. The entire profits
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  • 51 10 TTHE Indian Youth League soccer team will play a friendly game against the East Surreys at Farrer Park to-morrow: The Indian team will be selected from the following: Peter, Suppiah, Sankaran, Rajoo, Ramoo, Mahpuz, Baboo, Veerapan, Bala, Sowry, Marimuthu, Thangavelu, Sankaran, Subramaniam, Louis, Paul and
    51 words
  • 41 10 pCE following w.l Mernlads against ihe Dink,? Hooglandt Sports Club at so Geylang Stadium at h P n Kirn Liang: Eng Chia Yin Yuk. Kirn Chenp Swee, Kian Sam. Q\.> Yap. Charlie Ta> Reserve. Lye Hock refer** Umftm Seng.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 61 10 TO-DAY'S SPORTS EVENTS Soccer: Challenge Cup, Chinese vs. Royal Artillery Heavy Re*imi n o t ckey a: di^:c. vs. Manchester*, SRC; S.CR.C. vs Mountaini Regiment, S.CR.C; S.CC. II XI vs. AFC, S.C.C.; Malaya Signals vs. Medical Collere Union, College Si. Andrew's Old Boys vs Yacht Club, WoodsriUe; S.CC. vs! S
      61 words