The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 October 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. Hi;>ZQ. ESTU. 1835 THURSDAY, OCIOBKR 17, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 64 1 JAPAN IN UNPLEAS ANT POSITION London. Git. Hi. iper Gothenburg it just now when the rts words with s of backing up that the am no r I Into hip ol Ameripi so plus Japan 1 c ol politico: b!it ec tae rea i i and th€ elves the p-^'h
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 28 1 ir.i. Oct. Iti. n >rr underline] rstood to distr.". in.' >i— a the Mahatma's .1 open the -war speech tot\ Paunar, seven Dresen Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 40 1 Bombay Experiences Its Worst Storm li>mbay. Oct. 16. within living Bombay in the j rning. At 3 p.m vere still comj many of the Li closed to traffic. lea have been reckage has been ir.d it is feared that Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 43 1 BRITAIN'S FOOD POSITION FOR COMING YEAR GOOD I ondon, Oct. 16. id enough, and lood to place the •.ood position for the L^rd Woolton, the me in London he said, but K)u»h to eat and :-'h vanity to keep 1 he concluded Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 754 1 Damage Not As Heavy As In Recent Mass Attack UTILITY SERVICES FUNCTION AS USUAL AT DAWN London. Oct. 1(>. unofficially estimated thai liondon absorbed about tons of bombs last night m what was one of the worst raids yet experienced. As usual, bombs were
    Reuter  -  754 words
  • 106 1 New York, Oct. 16. LORD Lothian, the British Ambassador, to the United States, left for Lisbon yesterday o bOi Pd 7 1 nk*° Clipper. The departure oi the Amb< .dor. who recently announced that he had cancelled his proposed trip to London on account of
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 38 1 Canberra. Oct. 16. THE first contingent of children evacuated to Australia from Britain arrived safely to-day. Crowds lining 1 the foreshore and on small craft as the liner entered the harbour gave the children a stirring reception Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 157 1 War Now Costs £9,000,000 A Day l.oudou, Oct. 16 S>RTTATN is now spending £9,000,000 daily on war purposes, an Increase since July of .£1,500,000 daily. This fact was revealed by Sir Kings- I ley Wood, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, In a statement given to the House of Commons to-day
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 155 1 MENZIES' BID TO END PRESENT DEADLOCK Canberra, Oct. 16. TTHE Australian Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies, has summoned a conference of party managers to I discuss methods of achieving a stable government. This follows the general elections, which gave the Government a majority of two
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 95 1 pOWERFUL new bombers, which are being produced m great numbers, and an amazing new lung-range fighter are likely to be used m the immediate future for a greatly intensified offensive against Germany," says the Aeronautical correspondent of the London Daily Mail. "The range
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  • 126 1 London, Oct. 16. A MEETING of the Turkish Cabinet Council was held yesterday, and it is believed that Turkey's position In view of the events m the Balkans was discussed. German troop movements m Rumania have brought from the leading Turkish newspaper, Yeni Sabah,
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 448 1 London. Oct. 16. DOYAL Air Force bombers carried out attackN last night on a naval dockyard m northern Germany and communications and oil targets m western and central Germany, as well as tie Channel ports m ferny occupation, j The main
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  448 words
  • 48 1 Peshawar, Oct. 16. WHE wholehearted support of the frontier branch of the Muslim League in all defence measures wst pledged at a meeting of the Peshawarcommittee by Sardar Aurangzeo Khaii. who is a member of the All-India Muslim League working committee and leader of tlieonDosiUorMr^hefrontier assembly I Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 253 1 DIRECT HITS SCORED ON OTHER TARGETS Cairo. Ocl tf TO-DAYS RAF. communique 1 states that the R.A.F. carried*. out a most successful raid on Beng-. hazi. scoring directs hit on tbt main mole, three ships m the harbour, main railway sidings,
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 64 1 London. Oct. 16 MR. Anthony Eden Secretary of State for War, has arrived m Egypt. It is understood that he is to tiave a conversation there with Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander m i Chiet ol the armies m the Middle East. He will also
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 3T ON HA TEA I w 9 jfl i 1 ■^P^^^BB I L^l h^h u^ TO MIGHT DINNER DANCE 8 p.m to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION MIMI JOSE POPULAR MEXICAN DANCERS l(|r »"> .<;.00 Non-diners $l.o<> I!^H.KS ORCHESTRA directed by DAN HOPKINS
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  • 1453 2 Finding Of Inquiry Into Ipoh Air Crash (From Our Own, Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 10. THAT he could not hold any one criminally liable except Tfhe pilot, Capt. G. A. Bentinck. Pprik Flvine Club, was the finding of Mr. J. P. Kiaauipn, when he Sfered
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  • 67 2 CPLENDID Hollywood treatment of a story about stewardesses on commercial air lines provides fine entertainment m Warner Brothers' "Flight Angels," which opened at the Alhambra last night. The film, which is packed with thril!v action and laughs, gives an Interesting slde- liklh Into the
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  • 125 2 THE action m Paramount* "Television Spy. which opened at the* Cathay yesterday is rather slow at first, but livens up considerably as the film progresses, making the proauction an entertaining spy drama The film, which depicts a young scientist endeavouring to Improve the range oi hte
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  • 59 2 A GIFT oi SI 00(1 r\ by the smdhi Mr r c-iation was announcer! .< th sident, Mr Ml reception riven North-Hunt. M.I General of Statist:* Malayan delegate Group Conferen New Delhi shorth "I have hr< n ciation to take tl announce the of
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  • 272 2 THE Singapore Hockey Asso- ciation has arranged four games to be played m aid of The War Fund on the Singapore Cricket Club padang during the current season. The whole of the net proceeds of the games will be donated to the Fund.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 197 2 FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO ONLY LAUGH -SHOW IN WMrl B UL daily Eddie's a Father Nov, with a waadkrfnl Forty Little Mothers and it all happ Daybrcalv and Midnight I Cottuyn- nJ Ij/ 1 1\ j ti_*^#^ Ralph MORGAN Diana LEWIS Nydia WHIMAN Latest Metrotone NEWS-of-the-DAY By CLIPPI AIR-EXPRESS and
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  • 79 3 Registration For Service Begins m America ROy OA ON "OUR THIS DAY" \ru \orfc Oct. 15 UL ratthe country to- icriptton, d 36 y r exn 11 QUt^Uons, 1 1 d. re pre- Rooseupon us :rom ar. these od deed ran '-morrow i^eace. rms in- Others m•- Prrs>
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 18 3 I irk Ocl 15. •lion d R I at we ORf were Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 12 3 Many 'Varsities Hit In raid 10. I I the vc the Reuter
    Reuter  -  12 words
  • 18 3 AMERIACANS IN FREE CHINA MAY STAY it. 10. hay? uaThe yjngklng m to heir mare nan Pro- Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 36 3 i >i: U: i. 11 J of Canada, ..d Pri: :he United :ied that they I sevclt. pn dent Lord Twe»*ds- -Gener; I States T in return RooseveH tc Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 25 3 < iiru. Oct Ib. 1 .ed to be to communles an E^yptptian people to hand over s v Dieeons resemblms Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 181 3 Thought He Could Break British Civilians' Morale TOO LATE NOW TO UNDO MAJOR MISTAKE London, Oct. 16. chose the wrong: method of attack m the air war against Britain, declares the Washington columnist of the journal New York American. "Over-confident after the conquests accomplished by
    British wireless  -  181 words
  • 67 3 London, Oct. 10. a mnmnr of ruiinnf t suggested m the House of Commons te-day that Rumania should be included m the Allied blockade, miic«* it is under German control. Mr. K. A. Batter, Vnder-Secretarv for Foreign Affairs, m his reply, agreed that Rumania WM under
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 206 3 MR. NORTH-HUNT ON DELHI TALKS •HTHERK La no secret about the pur- pose ol the Eastern Group Conierc I be held soon at New Delhi," II North-Hunt. M.C.8., Lstrar-General of Statistics and Legation to I Conference, at a reception given m his honour a M
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  • 96 3 London. Oct. I B\ZIL. Argentine. Ul Chile and Mexico already have tblished national committees acting m close co-operation with the free French stated Mr. R A. Butler For-- i: U::der-Seeretary. replying to a question m the Hcuse of Commons today He added that committee had also been
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 35 3 London, Oct. Hi. TOBACCO free United Kingdom 1 duty can now be sent to members ie British forces anywhere abroad except India and Burma > under an n of the arrangement annced by the Treasury.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 30 3 Vichy. Oct. K. FiiOM to-ciay and lor the duration of the armistice the manufacture, import and export of war materials are forbidden m France, states th 2 Havas agency.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 197 3 NAZI BOMBING CANNOT CRIPPLE INDUSTRY London, Oct. 16. MAKING a broadcast speech from Britain to a "Lancashire Carries j Or/ party being held m New York and attended by United States Government officials and leading textile buyers, Sir Percy Ashley, the chairman of the British Cotton
    British Wireless  -  197 words
  • 84 3 London. Oct. IG. THE Canadian Air Minister, said night that Canada and the United doubling their output of aircraft to allow Britain to concentrate •n other types of production needed ior defence. He said that Canada had entered so completely into the Empire air trainscheme that
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 55 3 London. Oct. 16. NUMEROUS British soldiers who had been hiding m Belgium recently re been arrested, according to the German radio. The announcer added that Belgian people have been ordered to report th Q presence of British solidiers still at large to the German mili-
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 67 3 London. Oct. 16. THE Belgian Congo has given further proof of its solidarity with Great Britain. The official Congo radio service announces that the Government of the Belgian Congo has presented to the British military command jn Kenya a fully equipped ambulance unit and
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 29 3 Land -ii. Oct. Hi. THE death has occurred of the Rev Pat McCcrmick, vicar cf St M-r-Itin m the Fields. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 24 3 The King is here seen inspecting: a group nf Royal Engineers during a visit to a bombed area m London.
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  • 236 3 London. Oct. 16 "/\UR mission is to strengthen and confirm the good relations which have been for so long happily established between the free countries :>: South America and the British Empire." declared Lcrd Willingdon to Reuter before his departure to
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  • 70 3 Russia A Friendly Power Roosevelt Washington. Oct. l»i. PRESIDENT Roosevelt specifically mentioned Russia as one of the friendly powers to whom would be made available surplus war materials after American re i have been met. The materials may be requisitioned from those ordered m the United i States by certain
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 45 3 Berlin. Oct. lti. FIVE thousand Spanish Repot refugees are leaving France Mexico under the recent be tween the French and crnments. according to I Vichy dispatch to the official nexs ascr. The first transport will Kranc 1 to-morrow. Peuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 102 3 Arms Through Burma Road From To-morrow Shan? IN the uncertainty 01 ion as the date of of the Burma Ro, pin? and business quart i hai and Hong Kong are a the resumption of traffic oj. on Oct. 18 tarisi raffi- I Shanghai. I and F: is expect' laid for
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 54 3 London, <»d ih SOME uou ol :he aliens li m Br/ iin have been released as a nit ol revision of the cases on pr ciples laid m a recen: Paper. In all 14,400 Germans. Austnans and Italians n :.ll m internmen; camps m
    British Wireless  -  54 words
  • 22 3 Linden, Sev. lei i. l». A *A the Camd mi The company :d m man lor w: Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 228 3 RED PALP/i OIL This o»i »ntains ronsiderable Huar'iM imin- and is spe< i.i:i\ r use as a < I (I r»s a mcdi It fs i prevf-n'ins influenza co^rhs and ti 50 cts. pep Bottle Ol)tiir.3H MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. BATTBtI KOAD. Positively Last Three Shows TO-DAY! 3.15 5.15 9.15
      228 words

  • 1925 4 Free Press Feature By MARY HEATHCOTT Singapore Amateur Actors TWO characteristics of the Kp.';!ish are supposed to be their love of gardening and their love of cloths, Both are well illustrated m Singapore. .1 !v every r hia dm too, any nninber of
    1,925 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 25 4 S.P.C.K. SHOP Urns BA>ah Koad. Sin-aporr. has the largest i I BIBLES m ya. SlOO on. /Ay j Kill t AD^ with ri.IT "!^v_» KILLS/
      25 words
    • 121 4 DODA CONRAD RECITAL SUBSCRIPTION LISTS CLOSING SOON j Apply at: j LITTLES ROBINSORS. STEAITS TIMES 1 ANNUAL for 1940 Bi^er and bettor than over— r Times Annual for 1040 is now of pi non. A lavishly tliusi which includes mai schons and full colours. An ideal Christmas your friends Overseas.
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  • 43 5 V'hitley bomber's Merlin engines before take off -2,000 h. p. at the finger at %!5&!£!" r 4*& in§ hot ~oravhs 3/ RAF. war activities is to be seen at the R.A.F. Exhibition of War Photographs m London
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  • 326 5 ol the British Empire to finance heavy purchase* I nited States has not yei been strained, states the City Bank of New York m a review of wartime The bank states that only a com- paratively small part of the Empire's
    326 words
  • 87 5 -,'S of .sympathy Con. tie French :.:in^ overt m iod pite gi official :.;v corresYork Herald.ntcd Vive d.^ rre! ht ription, b .od. Hmment to led during I occupation, and m ?ed. the pc •rded by 50,000 of an hot drjvn at strewing igton assured the
    87 words
  • 72 5 HONG KONG QUITORDER WAS SURPRISE the and I risj Kon- were the s\'" saya Sir X.( Council I m Sydney with a :.Vh trip. LUc Of the e vacua- Ad children. 1 he said. h decision was mac: wis premature anci admit that I have the responsibility military authorities." i
    72 words
  • 46 5 "BRITISH air-raid deaths m three months were 4,000, hit American traffic deaths m the same period were 10,000," the New York Daily News points o;it m a leading article. "Hitler's plan to knock-out Britain from the air will take years/ it adds.
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  • 203 5 Fighter Can Escort Bombers To Berlin pLAIMED to be the deadliest fighter yet evolved and capable of escorting British bombers to Eerlin, the Bell Aerocobra fighter plane will soon go into mass production m America. First delivery will be made to the Royal Air Force next month, and 250 wiU
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  • 55 5 "^THE Censor at Bermuda," says the Washington correspondent of the New York Times "confiscated a box of rare books, which the Nnzis had seized m France and intended to convert into foreign exchange? m the United States. 'The Censor saved the U.S. Treasury v h^ task of
    55 words
  • 62 5 about r, 120,000.000 tree th^ war boOdJI 0 i :rc bombthe Nazi I since the war nne! is likely bearing on the of th" war tha^ 1 hi. 4.694 h^ve been destroyed. basod on a strict >unttr-rbecklng and doubtfuSs." i the number ofticialiiubtcdly been desUy damaged
    62 words
  • 464 5 "Italians Not To Be Despised In Colonial Warfare" "THE British force m Egypt has a grim task ahead of it for m colonial warfare the Italians are not to be despised." The military correspondent of The Times, Capt. Cyril Falls, said this m a broadcast. But," he added, 4- Italy
    464 words
  • 1395 5 News Fro m Chungk ing By Our Chinese Correspondent CAR from being: worried by the advent of winter (the season starts on Not. 7 according* to the Chinese calendar) and the Japanese bombing threat to the Burma Road, Chinese land forces appear to have intensified
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 245 5 PRUDENTIAL Monthly Budget Savings Plan Illustration nt the MONTHLY IODGCI SAVINGS PLAN Date of Birth. Ago od m nig Monthly Cash at Age Deposit. Ist Jan. 1910 30 1.750.0 0. 55 £4. 15 0 GCARANTUB (ASH KFTI K.N Amount available m Cash at Age 5L £1,750.0.0. Total of DeiXMttl '25
      245 words

  • 620 6 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1940. Britain Indies AN East m News dispatch yesterrt> day called attention to the "increased (Dutch) reliance upon Britain to maintain the status quo m the South Seas m the face of the Japanese-German-Italian understanding on zones of predominance embodied m the tripartite
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1192 6 Our London Letter j By Our Own Correspondent London, Sept. 10. '•YOU British may take your pleasures sadly, but, by tfum, vgu can take your troubles with a smile/ an American woman said to a friend of mine as they sat m a London park
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 330 6 I S 29BHHII^BlB9HHIHHH^9I^BBS9HBID£S^HHflH9EiHB3Oi«3i aB aRBEB JH»Sfi!3^^«I^^^^PWW SB j m, vQHB^^ j» BBk I I ft^^^^^B 1 FAST PASSENGER SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO SAN FRANCISCO VIA MANILA HONG KONG Sails B'pore Arrive 8. P. s.s. CITY OP NORFOLK Nov. 7 Dec. 1 s.s. CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Dec. 13 Jan. 6 sa
      330 words
    • 44 6 made to order at the following prices Gaberdine khaki Suit $65.00 Barathea khaki Suit 5G5.00 Barathea R.A.F. $65.00 Officer Helmet 515.50 Evening Barathea Cap $1250 Fox Puttees 4.50 A Trinl order will convince you of the superiority of our workmanship? GIAN SINGH (Jg; Singapore
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  • 445 7 Conserving The Country's Man-power Resources ONE EXCEPTION TO RULE uh<> are anxious to join the flgfcting taw A tar the present be allowed to do so :ne<l m a further communique on man-power, which ued la^t night g come r the notice
    445 words
  • 103 7 Soldier Fatally Hurt In MotorCycle Accident the n•. i y ride a no ner's court held by Mr D W Nonnelcy. of an eyothe court ge at about I Road he said, village, were >ts. As they Ol the vil:nai to slow :.d not slow appeared to be the corner
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  • 73 7 MILITARY expenditure In 1941 allowed for m the Straits Settlements Budget includes $4,000,000 for the defence contribution. $2,000,000, the special defence contribution which was voted m 1933, and $1,151,265 to be spent on local forces (S.S.V.F., S.S.R.N.V.R. and S.S. Volunteer Air Force). Esi
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  • 966 7 "THIS VEXED QUESTION 99 I.S the objection to income-tax on the grounds of clanger *of evasion a reflection on the good faith and patriotism of the community which the community is going to stand? This was one of a number of ques- Itiona p.sked by
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  • 126 7 A YOUNG Malay mechanic employed by the Ford Motor Company of I Malaya, Ltd. was sentenced to three j weeks' rigorous imprisonment by the fifth magistrate. Mr. L. C. Goh, vesterd?.y. for the theft of four switcher valued at $16 from the company. F. W. Sale.
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  • 39 7 JAPANESE— N.I. TALKS CONTINUE Batavia. Oct. 16. n:. I between Che r N Derlands Indies dele- --*y. delegation!, total; b«\id of the van Mook. cr.ief I uhf^ delegation, athas been issued it is undestood :1 subjects relatued Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  39 words
  • 29 7 neral meeting of Bora ian Women's be held at the home of Ren it 34. St. Michael's 7, Oct. 19 at 4.30 p.m. follow the meeting.
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  • 455 7 HTHE United States is not included m j the list of neutral countries to which Christmas cards, newspapers, newspaper cuttings and books must not be sent by individual residents of Malaya, says a Department cf Information communique. The countries m this ll^t include China,
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  • 97 7 PREPARATIONS for the reception of Gen. Wu Te-chen, China's Minister for Overseas Affairs, who is expected m Singapore are baing made by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. It has been decided to give a lea party m his honour, and Chinese clubs and associati3ns
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  • 106 7 A DECREE nisi L o be mad? absolute m th-ee months was granted to MW. Kathleen Pennefather, n teleI phone ops-rater, by Mr. Justice Manning m the High Court yesterday. Mrs. Pennefather petitioned for divorce from her husband, Cecil Penne- father, on ihe grounds of desertion
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  • 218 7 f7OR slapping his mother-in-law, an Indian was bound ever to he of good b?haviour for six months by the i.hird magistrate, Mr. J. G. Rnppo- port, yesterday. He was Seobalak Pra. c ad. and he wa charged with voluntarily causing hurt to his mother-in-law, Malayammal. by Flapping her
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  • 121 7 THE Commanding Officer of an R.A.F. station where there are a number of Polish airmen pays this tribute to them: "The Polish airmen have our respect and admiration. Their strength is rooted m deep religious feeling and a patriotism which is derived from each
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  • 47 7 TAN KAH-KEE FUKIEN RECLAMATION PLAN Foorhow, Oct. 15. MR. TAN KAH-KEE, Singapore Chinese industrialist, who arrived here on Oct. 6, declared to-day that he plans to invest $200 000 m the Fukien wasteI land reclamation project. Mr. Tan is a native of Fukien Province.- Chinese Central News
    Chinese Central News  -  47 words
  • 516 7 UNCONTESTEO PETITION HR. CHARLES JOSEPH PAGLAR, who i Ay medical adviser to the Sultan of Johore, v nd?rn >n a divorce petition brought by his wife, Marie Kathlt ci P m the Hi.^h Court yesterday, before Mr. Justic njr. Mr?. Paglar, who made
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 26 7 H arty DINNER you f enjoyment Rest of the Evening ITLARITY of Air-Conditioned j CAPITOL RESTAURANT You Can More Economically M An\ Other Place m Town.
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    • 97 7 SATINBASE I NAIL POL6SH (Containing WAX) HELPS PROTECT NAILS FUOM SPLITTING GREATLY INCREASES POLISH WEAR APPLIES EASILY DRIES QUICKLY RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE 330 PEEK FREAN'S Gift Parcels to the Troops. BBBf'*»' > 'TEflßjflß L/ rat mimi PARCEL No. 3. m England $7.15 Overseas $7.50 PARCEL No. 3A. (as above without
      97 words

  • 1146 8 Malayan Sharebrokers Assn. Singapore IfEDNESDAY, OCT 16. 1040: 4 P.M. Bu>rre Arrpat lui 4 3s 3s Cd Amal t 5s 5s 6d Austral Malay <£i 33s 6d 35s 5a 3) 193 20s tl 95 BW 16s yd Si 1.47 1.51 9e 9s Cd L"» 21s II Used .lb 19 .45
    1,146 words
  • 277 8 L IFE IN CHANNEL ISLANDS NOW Attempts Made To Germanize People M/HAT is it like for a British com- munity to live under Nazi rule? A little evidence is seeping through from the Channel Islands, the only fragment of the British Empire to ever come, even tomporarily, under German control.
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  • 193 8 Civil Servants Are Allowed To Join London. RELEASED from prison. 42-year-old Major Francis Szalasi is expected to become leader of a united Hungarian Nazi party. Thp Hungarian Nozis will be united after a merger of the Nationalist Socialist Hungarian Party and the Arrow Cross movement.
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  • 147 8 Moscow. MOSCOW Radio, m a broadcast to Germany, severely criticized the "Vichy Government o! unoccupied France. 'The Vichy Government is so unpopular that it hns decreed that Ministers, high Government officials, and' be dismissed sumoarily ii suspected of being dissatisfied with the new order, of spreading;
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  • 133 8 Russia 's Part In War Fund New York. "OUSSIA is absolutely necessary lor any settlement of the war," said Mr. H. G. Wells, the author, when he reached New York from England. "Russia wants peace. She do?s not want to spend her resources on warfare/ 1 he .-aid. He criticized
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  • 85 8 Madrid, Oct. 6. IGNACE Padercvviki, Polish pianist, x was released to-day by officials who had detained him for seven days. His detention was caused by "an unfortunate misunderstanding," the •officials said. Paderewski will go to Lisoon. where he will take ship to America. (Paderewski m 1919 became
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  • 276 8 Uluea l "c rrencn Government Ire-selling to Amprican manufacturers the 90 planes now aboard the aircraftcarrier Beam at the French West Indian teland cf Martinique The Vichy French) Government's Ambassador to the United States <M Henry Haye> said this m a recent interview.
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  • 628 8 All Establishments Finished According To Schedule Canberra. THIRTY-SEVEN establishments for the Empire Air Train- ing Scheme have been undertaken m the past two months. Seven have been completed, 10 are nearing completion, nine are incomplete, and estimates have been prepared for 11 other
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  • 71 8 London "BECAUSE there is no petrol, motor cars are. not seen m Paris, and the vublic has to use cither the underground railway or bicycles. An American Associated Prcsj representative says this descrioino the Paris of to-day. "Food is severely rationed fn
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  • 206 8 Special Committee To Deal With Air Raid Damage London. A SPECIAL committee is to bo set up m Berlin to settle compensation for air raid d :e. This action announced recently, proves the effectiveness of British raids on Berlin. New nir raid regulations will be introduced m Berlin socn. Moravia
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  • 110 8 EGYPT KEY TO THE FUTURE Easier Objectiv I Than Bri; n "EGYPT, rath i 1-1 now I future," that it i already dec objective t! r I tain '"If thil B cornerstcno ol should be I I paper continues. "That defence I reinforced, but superior numeric and "We have tmj
    110 words
  • 64 8 Australia Produces Two Trainers A Day AUSTRALIA] tary tr I all ioc^l 1 wa« now fiU Minister said recently. A great C m ike aircraft try, h« HU Production ol do v trainers day In the rirodi'ftt Mould be near future. r w::i n clem this reai ):as tion r»nd
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 90 8 Tirescription f andarar tr«a j9»o >iv (vtn^worm. Dhobiw 9 i. S*!r Rheum, Prickly Heal. X, r i.« s ojjapor© Foot. Itch I*: fclruptiona arJ R*ah<«. oaa fe^ 'f» D. Praatription Ju«t a fa* LT r of>a of th.'a mi/iploui lotioaaai C* MM k**a uuuo' reUef. Irritatiaft g- *n<3 pa>i% .toea
      90 words
    • 71 8 jss SEE THE Nlw~~ you owe it to yourself, before you lave* U, ennlne euetaUf the new OLVDCATOR& i Look at th^ name The.c new KBLVDTATORB I by KFLVINATOR m their 27 mn highest quality matorinls. vuth *!l Service and Long Liie E\!i;^ x,o. ri. c., YtAR GT ARANTKE. J^j
      71 words

  • 134 9 WAR PICTURES FROM EGYPT NEAR EAST ►maUrs o\er Uie desert on the* w»j to attack the enewv R.A.F. armonrrtl car sections <Io inv&Jfiahie w«rk escoritn^ convoys and m perodrwme Ue/eive«, *»tH-n :*4*ri battery wireless operator m his pit m the desert. A convoy of troopships arrived from England recently carrying
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 93 9 3^ )Kovk(m^ Xoov^ \ii^ kt til |V OAS WATER HEATER m B The "Ascot single- point Water m m Heater iv€s a constant supply B %r__ JB of not water instantaneously F^S^B anytime during the day or ■2Sk s**^ night. Is ideal for the Surgery Hairdresser, Laboratory. KJt\dMxs& chen sink.
      93 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 408 10 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES •rN'CORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. CO'3 SAILINGS. ibie services are being maintained by The P A 0. S. Coy. from the Straits to their uauaJ ports of call m China. India, Ceylon and the Unit I Kingdom. Pfcssengen are requested to register their
      408 words
    • 316 10 (Incorporated m F.JM.S.) TELEPHONE: Freiglit 5432. Passace 5431 [*yatr>f<*f£r{rt| (Incorporated m England; Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Ivouise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS M DUCHESS or v MONT steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management For detailed
      316 words
    • 394 10 MANSFIELD CeTt3 BLUE FUNNEL tj^ Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom guaranteed, all cargo bookings subj War Clauses. WESTERN AUS TR j THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT TiE CHE* Regular Services to Kremantfe Perth by first class passenger sh Single fare $192 jA Frequent connection by sea. rali ADELAIDE MELBOURNE SYDNEY
      394 words

  • 549 11 "Aid Britain Movement In America Grows \ew York. THE "Aid Britain 99 movement m U.S.A, is gaining momentum. Thousands more are now advocating material assisumce for England as the surest means of keeping War i'rom the American zone. At Chicago recently, a meeting sponsored by the Committee xo Defend America
    549 words
  • 30 11 C. OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION L\ln NT link noon Havers S Urn 08 381- OB m 38': JB\ »B. id B m >: B m 38' s Ml 11 13 16d.
    30 words
  • 44 11 ed his rhe D. Bi ah me rale. -d "I believe to d very- elp Bn.ain m L( ndon 00 the linl. In this :n pictures for hat he wao w.llrman und lialian r>t hia dislike of dicta-
    44 words
  • 260 11 JIJIR. Herbert Morrison, Minister of Supply, announced recently 'that changes had recently been made m the design and finish of the Bren gun that would, it was believed, eventually increase the output of guns by some 20 per cent, for a given number of hours
    260 words
  • 176 11 STORES v/hich have been held by the Public Works Department m Penang from rive to twenty years and which are valued at $4,466.07 are to be written off on the recommendation of the Board of Survey. The Board reports that the average
    176 words
  • 289 11 Los Angeles. SOME highly encouraging facts about the United States irive to build a huge air force were given recently to reporters by Mr. William Knudsen, chairman of the National Defence Advisory Committee, after inspecting factories m this region. The army, he said, would com]; its 5,500
    289 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 11 With ernerienre of para ?huthts gai'icd while th?y were m Belgium, the Blaik Watch, now stationed on the South Coast, is able to deal wi h any effort made by the enemy to land troops from the air. M n of the B!;ick Watch are here seen advancing over occupied
    56 words
  • 294 11 Publisher's Plain Words To His Countrymen "MANY m Sweden consider the] are pr< iVI cause of peace by appealing to England to sui en because the fight is hopeless. Finally, these pi to believe it is England that m fad prevents the n of
    294 words
  • 73 11 t his Pi iuit the I tes would cd m war :n no n< v v i idm c being sin :.d throughout I ti saftd would oc exposed to da. the r. H? sr.ld thp .m^ I the Far out
    Eastern News  -  73 words
  • 122 11 The „i Rubber yesterday, and there vn 1.381. 8C4 lb C 16.4'; 1b.— 590.97 1.. i, Id [94 tons. London Sp:it n 13 I6u Hn York l»o< 20 eta. m 1 1 1.1 \ii7i Ilibbed Smoked Sheet t, p.. r Lb. •;dard Qiialitv 38 Good Averagi I
    122 words
  • 108 11 IWfore Ihe lion b!e Th«- \r. Chief Ni m Court No. 1 at 11 a.m.: 5.130 40 Too Che: i. I' lore The li M 1u :im !'-dlo« n rt No. 3 at II am.: In lorma Puup ris Div 1139— Utfan vs. (Juanapra^asam muthu.
    108 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 73 11 ummmnt TIADKKS 7!\7;apoke UNICIPAUTY Tenders. invited for the 1 vices. For < II inirloaJ Tenders! James Po'Aer 1941. Date of i 31, 1940. I 1941. Date o? ■A Tend Date of ich- opt. D.ite 1910 '•■d sub--1941. Ds I^lo. i road 1 n, Ck-t. 2'i. P H I IT. n
      73 words
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 153 11 Post Office Mail List at the General Post Office Down TO- DAY Aden surface 9 a.m. Africa (East surface 9 a.m. Burira surface 9 a.m. surface 9a.m. surface 9 a.m. m >•■• a.m. TO M air p. m. air 4p.m. Australia air 4 p.m. Bunas a^ 4 p.m. Ceylon 4
      153 words

  • 7 12 A Column For The Aussies Adrian Quis*
    7 words
  • 311 12 A Superb Quist Wins 6-3, 6-4 Sydney. <>ct 10. ADRIAN Quisi. Australian champ»«n played superb tennis yesterday U defeat Jack Crawford i;— 3. I l The match wxs I .^emi-lir. Oi ilitan N.n^'i'- championship. Brorawich beat Billy Sidwell 6 l. 6 2 :n the other
    311 words
  • 319 12 Ajax Wins For 36th Time Melbourne. Oct. G. MOW bring 011: your Hiffh Castes *^and Reaulivres!" an enthusiasIftfl backer yelled after Ajax had easily won the Melbonrne Stakes at neniin:*.ton yesterday to score his thirty-sixth win m 44 starts, writes a correspondent m tbe Sunday San. Trainer Frank Musgrave and
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  • 3 12
    3 words
  • 937 12 Abdul Farad Champion Jockey Of Meeting STATISTICS FOR SELANGOR AUTUMN MEETING FOLLOWING up his success at the Singapore Gold Cup race 'meeting, Mr. T. H. Menzies was the leading owner at the recent Selangor autumn professional meeting. Mr Menzies had four wins to
    937 words
  • 82 12 TH! following have accepted to play for Singapore vs. the Army Wanderers m the third of the series of Rugby Union m aid of war charities on the pa dan? on Saturday A. H. B. Alexander: G. B. Potter. P. H. Burgess, W. J. N. Lee,
    82 words
  • 730 12 Decrease In Number Of Entries In Senior Badminton Championships THE events m thp Singapore badminton chanmioiu. ships will start this week-end and most of the competitors have already put the finishing touches to their training. Entries received ior rhe two nott important events, the men's open j singles and open
    730 words
  • 56 12 THE S.A.F.A. C'hall«fn;c (up fixture between the Chines and the Royal Artiller> Heavy Regiment, arranged to be played at the stadium yesterday, Has postponed owinsr to heavy rain. Ihe nmtch will b«» played to-morro.v. Ihe hockey matches between ihe S.C.C. and the S.C.R.C. and the S.R.C.
    56 words
  • 67 12 THE iollowing have accepted to play 1 hockey for the S.C.C. second team Against the A.P.C on the padang tomorrow Lt. J. S. Aveiins; Rev. A S. Giles D. Brennan; P. H. Harrison. R. E. Hutichinson, Lt. M. S. Francis: R. B Black, jLt. R. N. Bruce -Lockhart. F. L.
    67 words
  • 78 12 THE October men's monthly met tl competition, held over the weekend at the Garrison Golf Club, resumed m a win for K. S. X m-ay with a net score of 66. The following were the .best returns: K. S. Murray 80—12=68 Major D. N.
    78 words
  • 31 12 HOCKEY: LoyaLs vs. R.A.F. (Setnbawang). Gillman Barracks: S.R.C. vs. S.C.R.C.. S.R.C. Colts vs. Madras Sappers and Miners. Balestier; C.S.C. vs. Field Ambulance, Balestier. TENNIS: V.M.C.A. and S.C.R.C. tuurnaments.
    31 words
  • 274 12 *r*HE draw and starting times for the qualifying round of the Island Club's competition for the R.A.F. and H.M S. Cornwall Cups on Saturday I afternoon are given below. The course will be closed to non-participants between 2 30 p.m. and 3 15
    274 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 12 The Wei Yang girls' basket-ball team, which beat the Lay Beng boys school team by 33 points to 20 points m a friendly basket-ball match on Sunday at Holland Road.
    30 words
  • 96 12 EIGHTEEN I capped I Turf Club* j cap ra<v 9 i Timah on I three -d« J The ra^e wi 1 trophy to 1 out ol I second I 1 Never I The I H Mrrrury Gold. j Ttoe J Honeypuf- Pork j Lord Tomn If top a it
    96 words
  • 45 12 TO-MORROW Yacht Club ihc other clu.v-. i On Sunday th< nd race lot Cup. start m The A 1 cla J lor the I starting at The B cla ,J race foi 10.10 am Tlie N second I Cup
    45 words
  • 37 12 S.C.R.C. RU GGER TEAM TO MEET S.C.C. 'THE follOl 1 S.CRC Igj padang to- mo: Ong Si I 'iew Choi I Pow. Ch< ow Chye; X Chew Kon^ F Seah Yun Kh I 3 Fam. ;.rd P
    37 words
  • 37 12 intermedisi .sses, held at 'M ng pool Gon Guai. j Yeo Boon K;m < Ghee, Won- K Hsng, Koh B on Yam Km Poh I Yip Lung w e. Seng Ylk < I nd Lo V.
    37 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 47 12 if From 7 a.m. till (>:U> p.m. on Weekdays and 10.30 a.m. on Sundays and Holidays our Jy staff of trained operators is at your service. Ring 5376 (."> li« and ask for telephone* prder h department. I ([omk s/'ptton£? l\ Advt of Singapore* Cold Storage Co- Ltd
      47 words