The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 October 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,215. ESTD. 1X35 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 355 1 Statement Follows Talks With British And U.S. Envoys P A CT WITH AXIS NOT AIMED AT AMERICA, HE SAYS that the Axis pact with Japan was "for and not against the United States and >uch a powerful nation as the United not be involved m
    Reuter  -  355 words
  • 105 1 Lundon. Oct. 10. to-day over the rican coiflc ana Mr J Hit) m Russian. Governments whether American herlands oderbe House -t the importance rnments mon interests was British Gcxcertain which rtance and uded. Government's export of the barrels of oil to Mr Geoffrey
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 15 1 r Lisbon, Oct. 10. ister, Dr. Salazar, reBritish Ambassador and Rumanian ministers ri-xy evening Reuter
    Reuter  -  15 words
  • 51 1 G Berlin, Oct. 10. EN. WEYGAND, who was recently appointed commander-in-chief of the French troops m Africa, arrived at Algiers yesterday by aeroplane, according to the Petit Lauphlnols. The newspaper adds that he was received by the governor-general, Admiral Abrial, and the mayor of Algiers.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 145 1 London, Oct. 10. T™ ann °uncement of Mr. Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, of the reopening of the Burma road has naturally given much satisfaction to China and reher? a S P a( i P ublic opinion nere and abroad, especially th* ?o;c
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 141 1 ASSAULT ON U.S.S. AUGUSTA SAILOR r^^ Shanghai, Oct. 10. JTiE Japanese have apologized for the "unwarrantable con- duct" of Japanese gendarmes m detaining a sailor of the U.S.S. Augusta on Sept. 28, according to j the American Navy Press release I to-day. The Japanese have also offered
    141 words
  • 59 1 lxmoon, uct. jo. pAPT. H. Balfour. Under-Secretary for 2* Air, revealed m the House of Commons to-day that Polish units are taking part m British bombing raids m Germany. "There are things which the Germans cannot bomb," said Capt. Balfour. "They cannot bomb the snirit which animates the Polish and
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 336 1 London, Oct. 16 rVERY week hundreds of inventions Urn pour into Government departments and some details of the work of investigation of these were given Reuter i this morning. All inventions concerning naval or air matters are dealt -with by the
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 327 1 R.A.F. BOMBERS IN SERIES OF DA YLIGHT RAIDS Civilians In Holland Wave To Pilot DiTOTvr- m London, Oct. 10. ftlw \TI f d f y,ight raids over Germany and mil" __2 IT V? < A V sidin?S at Warendorf, 30 miies east of Munster. were attacked states tho \w SIS
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 138 1 Dutch Urged To Pay Voluntary Income Tax TO GO FOR N.I. DEFENCES N London, Oct. 10 ETHERLANDS subjects throughout the world are expected tc pay voluntary income tax to enable the Netherlands Government established m London to carry on its work m reconstructing and strengthening the defences of the Netherlands
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 177 1 Gen. de Gaulle Arrives In Cameroons LAUDS "MAGNIFICENT EXAMPLE" LftWHm. Oct. 10. QENERAL DE GAUI_I_E, leader of the Free French movem nt has arrived m Duala. the formt r German Colony m the Cameroon^ which recently rallied to the cause of Free France. He arrived there m a gunboat. For
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 82 1 J-,^-.-, Ot t 10 MREASEn British air activitj has caused Berlin theatres and cinemas to open early enough to enable performances to conclude J>v nine at in S ht according to a Berlin dispatch to the Neuc Znercher Zeitung. which adds that the closing
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 4 1 fgfg Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 43 1 Bedford Hill* New York iu-t m f_TCT*P j_,,v" j^ ton., Oct. If. T™**"* Occurred here to-day of the well-known writer. Katherlne Mayo reports Reuter Her "Mother India publtthed In Ml. created one of the greatei rontrcfersies. Sreaiem con-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 SM Mil MATERIAL >!i VOIR NEW DRESS BRITANNIA CREPE .wi Superb Shades CHOTIRMALLS *r "z -^r^^^*^mm^m^mmmmtm m\ mm* ***f* TO MIGHT 1 DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 pjn. to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION MIMI 4k JOSE POPULAR MEXICAN DANCERS ??!L-________ Non-diners $1.00 i^i^SORCHESTRA directed by DAN HOPKINS
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  • 54 2 Berlin, Oct. 10. COMPETENT circles describe rumours that Marshal Graziani, Commander of the Italian forces m Libya- is to be superseded by Field-Marshal von Keitel m command of the Italian forces m Libya as "malicious, ludicrous and grotesque inventions," says the Rome correspondent of the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 567 2 Raiders Flee Before R.A.F. Fighters London, Oct. 10. TPWO formations of German air- craft attempting to reach London this morning were turned back by British lighters, who met them hish above the clouds, not <*yen a single raider reaching the London area although the capital had a brief "alert." The
    Reuter  -  567 words
  • 69 2 "THE general low incidence of small pox m all Eastern ports, the absence of plague for the past 11 weeks and the improved conditions maintained at Calcutta with regard to cholera, are reported m the League of Nations Jiealth bulletin for the jyeek^ ended Oct.
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  • 71 2 THE following have been selected to represent the Sykes Badminton Party against the Useful Lads B.P. In a friendly badminton match consisting of four singles and four doubles to be played at the former's court at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow: A. V. Cordeiro Vcapt.): H. Gomes; M. de
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  • 45 2 Charlotte, Vermont, Oct. 10. THE death has occurred at 75 cf Sir Wilfred Grenfell, surgeon and author, who for almost half a century devoted himself to the welfare of Eskimos and Indians and the fisher folk ot Labrador. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 188 2 (XN the afternoon of Sept. 24, the Malay gardener employed by the Portuguese Mission to look after the compound of St. Joseph's Church m Vi -toria Street, happened to enter the church after his v/ork. Looking up the aisle he saw a man apparently using
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 319 2 James Hilton author of "Goodhye Mr. Chips" Says "Completely Delighttul entertainment." v el- ALH AM BRA I 3.10, 0.10 y.lo p.m. I Alone m it^ class m Fiction, Alone m its heart-wide appeal on the screen! *rmm~ mW\ UM* M. 'm wm mm m m T Tr mM X"'"~~ '"Mm^mWmT
      319 words
    • 176 2 a ***g!!&™*gS V I^S^ A Thrilling JOHN GALSWORTHY Story! n- H Giv.^^.h f l f TWO ROMANTIC ANO GLAMOROUS STARS IN A GREAT PICTURE!... L VIVIEN LAURENCE J_l _P?v -_9 k lal Bl Bl _H_v( fl |X w— >>— 6— **_^K-' __*K ■_£> i _t l_— {sm fIX _i R*^_l_*_k_v.
      176 words
    • 188 2 This will be YOUR MIDNIGHT SHOW! I TO-MORROW NIGHT at the CM* fTAi li f J^\ B General Screenine start-. M r I I W L TUESDAY NEXT 8 a.m. he wa> I.. _^^^^^^^^W S p.m. He hcj'l *i 3* Hi mmmL SOC e ty girls, a lonely professor V\
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 129 2 offl "ACTS. FIGURES. ~f3\m¥ ■mw m"° m BATTLES W*r I§l|- -Singapore, Friday's Mmmmmm*^. ll H Sensational welter wt. _fi P? battles In a nutshell. Principals Marques H i Yeo S lma vs Milling C arr i c vs. If 11 DisUnce— All 10-3 H will minute rcunds. I fll Site—
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  • 235 3 Value Of Burma Road To China Stressed In Chungking Broadcast TOKIO'S PACT AXIS A SERIOUS BLUNDER London, Oct- 10 EARNING that Japan had her eyes on British possessions h<r southward expansion was expressed by Mr H„n Li -*v. a member of the People's Assembly, a
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 7 3 ghgh Reuter
    Reuter  -  7 words
  • 20 3 BUCHAREST DISSOLVES FOREIGN PRESS ASSN. cf propaI 'he Bucharest Pi <jpon- s on nly by En*?! h and JewtaJh Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 53 3 T-HF F~„ i_*2 York 10- Mffc french steamer Fort de w ,~P" anCe 4 79 tons Panted a warship grey but without guns, arrived here to-day with General C.arbo from Martinique, Guadatoque. -J? M**!**?. that the British were not blockading Martinique and dirt not halt
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 199 3 Italian A. -A. Gunners Down Own Planes London, Oct. 10. JJOTH the Italian and German Press and wireless have been making a great deal of fuss about the civilians who were injured recently when anti-aircraft guns fired at aircraft flying over Rome. No R.A.F. machines were over Rome on that
    British Wireless  -  199 words
  • 85 3 "WILL ACCELERATE PRODUCTION*'— WILLKIE Xewhaven Connecticut, Oct. 10. OURS is not and never shall be a policy of inpea-sement." declared Mr Wendell Willkie. Repub'ican candidate for the presidency, 'n a campaign speech here to-day "We will not apr ease the dictators. On the other hand, we will not appease Communists
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 184 3 Heroic Act Of Egyptian Station Master Cairo, Oct. 10. AN Egyptian station master and a British army chaplain were heroes of two adventures m the Western Desert m which trains and bombs played their parts. The coolness and courage of the Egyptian station master at a small railway station m
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 108 3 Tientsin, Oct. 10. TIENTSIN is confronted with a major problem now that Japanese regulations for government transportation and examination of raw materials for light industry are being introduced. At present the situation is still not clarified, but it is generally believed that a
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 126 3 London, Oct. 10. WHILE the British unemployment figure has reached its lowest total since the present insurance scheme was introduced, the rates of unemployment assistance allowances are being increased for the second time since the start of the war *>y *he draft regulations just placed
    British Wireless  -  126 words
  • 510 3 T* l »ndon, Oci. io. iblic opinion m b scarcely at nu imitation > pow?rs m coJapan has been -rest. doubt m Lonors of this rather •.id not have long how toinents of AmeriUon of the Istence of the way of and BntLsh cheseaatag aid
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  510 words
  • 31 3 these guns mounted on the island of Iceland, manned by British and Canadian troops, are ready to speak if the Germans attempt any landing on the island.
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  • 55 3 T Cairo, Oct. 10. HERE is amusement mingled with disgust among Egyptians at repeated Berlin and Rome allegations that "evacuation is proceeding swiftly under British orders." Not only has there been no evacuation from Cairo but those few who left Alexandria m the early stages of
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 150 3 London, Oct. 10. "^RAFFIC through the Suez Canal which came almost to a standstill after Italy's entry into the war, is now considerably increased/ writes the Daily Telegraph. "Suez, which has now become Crypt's main port, is buzzing with activity. Despite the increasing accommodation provided at
    British  -  150 words
  • 129 3 Germans In U.S. Reluctant To Return Home New York, Oct. IC. QERMAN consulages have been ordered to round up skilled craftsmen of German citizenship or extraction and offer transportation unqualified wages and guarantees of employment m order to lure them back to Germany, according to the New York Daily News,
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 134 3 New York, Oct. 10. "{OBSTRUCTIONIST activities among x w seamen that have all the qualities of expert fifth column planning" have been overcome and the merchant fleets of Norway and Holland are operating to schedule with a speed unequalled m wartime, according to
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 103 3 London, Oct. 10. MOVES for the formation of a 1T national ministry were carried a j stage further to-day by a meeting bei tween Mr. R. G. Menzies, the Australian Prime Minister, and Sir Earle Page former Country Party leader, m an attempt to heal
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 133 3 Ekt--wx- London. Oct. 10. NEMY aircraft dropped bombs on St. Paul's Cathedral during a r^vent attack on London, states an Air Ministry communique. The roof was pierced at the east end of the Cathedral ano the high altar destroyed. The main fabric of the Cathedral
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 106 3 A MTf New York, Oct. 10. N Italian admiral is to be permitted to pass through the British Control to Italy. He is Admiral Cantus, Italian commissioner at the World's Fair Together with ten members of his stafT, he has been granted a sate
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 31 3 Un* tt Rangoon, Oct. 10. BA U, a member ot the House of Representatives and a former minister, has been arrested under the de- fence regulations. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 17 3 R Sofia. Oct. 10. ETORTS that German officers are "training" Bulgarian troops are officially denied here. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 210 3 TRUBY KING SYSTEM OS INFANT FEEDING. Humanise fresh cow's milk by using KARILAC SUGARS and KARIOL EMULSION. FREE SERVICE: Babiea weighed weekly on accurate beam scale. MEDICAL HALL LTD. Chemists. GRAND OPENING TO-DAY _pj 4 m|| t f F Where 3.15- 6.15 -9.1S I A I I-I A V Morning
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  • 633 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1940. Advance Into Egypt THE advancer into ISgypt can scarcely be said to be making rapid progress. In fact, when account is taken of the absence of any real resistance to date by British land forces, the results must be considered definitely disappointing.
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 4 Low m the Evening Standard (London)
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  • 1754 4 Along The BurmaChina Highway By A Special Correspondent WOW that the Burma-China road is coming into full service again as the life line of Free China, the principal connecting link with the outside world, this route between Chungking and Kunming into British Burma is no longer the back door into
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 405 4 Yr) Ouotji/VJ "Dorit t|Ou jusf love ROSES?" J^^s2_^_k_. %<&& 7 »2IfS "Yes, but best m mfcm a C,MLET! \^mmmWi CALDBECKS M M _l_M_J-W------------Cr-zj: m u§+&mUTm\m\m\M r Wm Ww *A-_t^BK -_^_t^— _^^B f m\. mrnKmrntrnW. K-M-l-fl-^: V* Ji _^_^_l 'W \%W^ J_fc_^_^ vtlßl^^''^i_mT _BPf < I t] t, i \E ■^^^rT^'-
      405 words
    • 65 4 Choose the tailor who has given complete satisfaction to his clients for over 20 years. Choose rtf bay *t nidc W%^tKL i* If ran re of salt v^aLHt. lengths. Wain Mjjjmm¥k&& Shiell's In Slllr Wm ''■■]§§r and Wool also (,W m WmW < .mer i c a mtlm f y
      65 words

  • 174 5 Singapore Chinese In A mateur Dramatic Show Chinese currency) were realized by the two eh -itv h h- Ut the Palace Theatre on Wednesday and last nij>at TheTJESrtol i2!Z?lm" 1C oi lnin Amateur ura.-auc A gcu m a a Tuck Onn. Leon? Wai Him, Ho See Koon. Ng Sing Phang
    174 words
  • 1185 5 CVEin morning, willing of the Poppy Day mrr-itu to the Victoria Hail to help make th* wreaths] for November 11. have to be pre- d*e were a py Day comd meeting. Mrs. R. 1..the the hon. organiser for Mil »ppy Day appe;:]
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  • 1956 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT By tv of the morning were the small boys of the two lowest forms who gave spirited perlormances of elves m the ra n and Red Indians. Mark Holiday made a particularly fine brave. I hear, and afterwards danced a Highland Flying with grace and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 186 5 How I Got Rid of Wrinkles made myselF look 10 years younger l fe a.^K' Am\t^ ■> I 111 timMmmW'- 1 *^m mmr mmmm- i? Read this amazing letter from Miss C ■■id to mv -m 0 into my m nror 1! 1° a *>out 6 weeks the result was
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  • 28 6 Chinese .rneks -nri-f mmm the rmmV m-itm on the Burma *o.d A section of the Burma-China Eoad with trucks passing on thei, way to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 191 6 -j_aaa^4l§-& El^w^_ _kb_r^ mw' Bi-ou» lEv<>B _B_B&L_tf_Pl^^^_i jr _rf_B^ a vfa a ■_■?!_> Blue Eyes "mm: ■■>.~rrmmummtS&- „wi** Grey Eyes? Every day your eyes are invaded by invisible germs of every kind. They become covered with just such a tilm of dust and smoke and soot as your face and
      191 words
    • 86 6 yt^* mm m '^^mmmmmi m m M AIAYA PATRIOTIC FUND "The Lord Mayor's Air Raid Victims Fund" Send Your Donation through The Malaya Patriotic Fund. j Honorary Treasurers. The Chartered Bank. Sin*jap<>" a I _f A^m Mr Am m MMf mw Mw AW Am M J JMV_rAm/IF m V _ft
      86 words

  • 434 7 Japan Still Forcing Worthless Money On Occupied China EFFORTS TO MAKE CHINESE FOOT BILL FOR WAR m;\.\ b. still flooding the occupied areas of China ,tn worthless paper money m an effort to mtrnV Mmm foot the hill for long and costly hostilities which .-annul bring to a successful conclusion
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  • 207 7 Whipping For European Seaman DISMISSAL OF APPEAL P ac could not interiv |h what was purely a findhe acting Chief Justice Beckett Terrell, dismissed I ...tries Howarth, a Eurothe High Court yesed m the lower month's rigorous imDriIcea oi ;he heavy aiting Valentine Woolley, Ame vessel, at the mber last
    207 words
  • 74 7 HIGHLANDER GETS MARRIED P li-'al of the Argyll rland Highlanders, *as Myra Walt, the the late Mr. I M. Walt and 'apore. at the Presbynurch yesterday is the son of Mr. ond «>f Crieff. Perthshire. Band officiated at the Miss Dryburgh wa 3 at Jrtdj van i wh^e wedding bridesmaid.
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  • 288 7 IMPRESSIONS OF IPOH CHINESE <From Our OvJLi Correspondent) P_.^ Ipoh, Oct. 10. EOPLE m Bigland are v. ry calm and confident of ultimate victory and as far as I can gather, they are well prepared for a long drawn-out war Almost everyone m one form
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  • 63 7 RADIO TALK ON "OIL ITS BY-PRODUTS" aL and Its By-Products," Is the subject of an interesting talk to be given to-night by Mr. T. F. Garside. of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, from the Singapore station at 7.10 p.m. A further falk m this subject will be given on Oct. 25,
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  • 158 7 Vegetables On View At Museum 'GROW YOUR OWN FOOD' CAMPAIGN WITH the opening of a "Grow Your ¥f Own Food" exhibition at Raffles Museum, visitors who go to the museum to see stuffed birds and snakes and the ancient instruments of man, may now inspect more than 30 varieties of
    158 words
  • 252 7 UOUSEWIVES m Malaya are won- deling whether they should collect emoty tins and other forms of scrap metal that are at present thrown away m the home. On the face of it this does seem a waste of meta! which mirht
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  • 30 7 TALK ON "MEDICINE SUPERSTITION" A TALK on "Medicine and Super- stit:Dn" will be given by Dr. T. Markandu at the Ramakrishna Mission at 9. Norris Road at 7 p.m. to-day.
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  • 93 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) D-,„„ Bangkok, Oct. 10. EMONSTRATIONS of unity, offers of men, money, transport vehicles and rivercraft are beins received daily hy the Thai Government. The Thai air force has opened enlistment for training 500 pnots. A census of French citizens m
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  • 173 7 Can Also Be Cashed During First Year ISOME members of the public are under the impression that war savings certificates cannot be re- deemed during the first year I Accordingly they are hesitating to buy savings certificates, not because they expect to redeem certificates m .he first
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  • 213 7 "pHIEF sub-contractor to all the building work, exceDt the ferroconcrete part, of the Cathay Flats, this man has failed to pay some of his employees for several months," said the Deputy Controller of Chinese Labour Mr. A. W. Hay, prosecuting m the fifth court
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  • 37 7 The next Rmm of the Federal Council "Budget meeting* will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Nov 19 and j 21. commencing at 10 a.m. There **ill be a ecr?monial upenm-.
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  • 41 7 CURCjeon-captain Bumitra Dr K. Kamchad, ol the Tha and Dr. M C Abhakara. of the Thai Army, arrived m Si' irom Japan They declined to oi their to Japan, but rem:!; that they wr. retiming n. nd.
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  • 40 7 Mr. Lim Tian Sen m mercial Union [td Singapore, wn* say that he is not the person of ne nam-. who involved m a p.oiiminarv inquiry a charge i being m possession of counterfeit tes neld m tl -<» court n
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  • 254 7 gINGAPORE, being situated m the heart of the coral reefs and the East Indies, where a big variety of fish of great beauty abound, can have an aquarium of unsurpassable attraction which would not only be superior to the aquariums In most
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 7 Mr. Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister a during his visit to a naval establish SS? recent,^ WUlThim mSS Louis Mountbatten (Capt.).
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  • 497 7 Consul Addresses 'Double Tenth* Gathering At Kuala Lumpur (From Our Own Correspondent) It, Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 10. F there was a -New Order" m Asia, China would bi the leader of it and not Japan, said Mr. S. H. Shih, the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 36 7 Hearty DINNER ratea your enjoyment ~*r the Rest of the Evening H*_« tho POPULARITY of 1 Air-Conditioned restaurant m m *9*mmMMMmmMMMMm D VherC You Can N^ More Economically lh: 'n At An> Other Place m Town.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 413 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. «c O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
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    • 343 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m FMS) TELEPHONE: Freight 5432. Passace MM ||pis^ (Incorporated m England* i him I, Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by EMPRESS DUCHESS "or MONT steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under
      343 words
    • 442 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. rr Sailings to United Kingdom. Oates are not guTanteed J!"' cargo bookings subject to Con fere^ War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FAF C Regular Services to Fremantle I Perth via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare
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  • 6 9 fgfg
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  • 61 9 <From Oi:r Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 10. r pHE death occurred last night of A Mrs. Cecilia Pereira at her residence m Burmah Road. She was 79 years old and was the wife of the late Mr. Bernard Paul Pereir*r. Both were well-known Penang residents. She
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  • 1223 9  -  Nomad In The Garrison By COMMANDING the New Zealand Expeditionary Force is a famous soldier who once P manded the Ist Bn. Manter Regiment. Maior-Gen. 2. Freyburg, V.C., D.S.O. O.C. of that unit from to 1930 and commanded parade when the Regiment was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 304 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY j Tenders. re now invited fcr the •rutenals or services For see MuniciDal Tenders l St. James Power durin*; 1941 Date of Oct. 31. 1940. rks at Cnansi .an Ken. ad. <D» 12 no->n, 0?z 12. Da'e of Date o: pm. < 9] cd Concrete
      304 words
    • 208 9 PUBLIC NOTICES UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED, 1 Incorporated m the Straits Settlements NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Books of ihe above Company will be closed from Oct. 18 to Oct. 25. 1940, bo*h days inclusive. By Order of The Board, HAMILTON CAMPBELL. Acting Secretary. CHIROPODY AND CARE OF THE
      208 words
    • 279 9 SILVER JAVA PACIFIC UNE Join l •erriee ot J4VA PACIFIC LINE ANO HUH LINE LTD. I to SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ARGELES HORTH PACIFIC PORTS The rtfht la referred to rar> rontoi and to proceed to port, other than ih.,, mentioned abore to accordance with thr terms «et forth 10 the
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 309 9 Post Office Mail List *^Z*r*T "^"-i dee TO-DAY Aden Africa air 5 p.m. America (South)" SUrface 9 a ra air 5 p.m. Australia sur,ace 9 a.m. British Columbia'/. !p m Burma air 5 p.m. Canada V alr 5P m Amoy. Canton, chuan Chow. Kiung Chow. Shanghai. Swatow Darwin air
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    • 1 9 hjhj
      1 words
    • 110 9 Garrison Diary Friday: Dance, Gordons' Sergts.' Mess (8.30). Tombola, Fort Canning Sergts.' Mess. Tombola, Alexandra Depot Mess (9.15). Saturday: Carnival Dance, Alexandra Depot Mess. Dance, R.A.F. Sergts.' Mess (N0.2) Sunday: Tombola, Loyals' Sergts.' Mess (9.30). Tombola and band concert, R.\ (Changi) Sergts.' Mess. Tombola, R.E. (Changi) Sergts.' Mess. Monday: Whist
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  • 386 10 Entries Will Close On Nov. 5 THE Singapore Turf Club's winter race meetinjf; will be held on Nov. 1«, 10, and 23, and horses m classes one. Uo and three will be catered for. Entries will close at noon on Tuesday. Nov. and official training will
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 10 Ventura Marque? m a new pose. The Mexican and Luis Yeo Bianco top the bill at the New World arena to-night.
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  • 41 10 THE Malays, who were to meet ihe R.A.F. Sele;ar first team m the second rcund of the S A F.A. Challenge Cup competition at the stadium to-day, have conceded the Airmen a walk-over owing to 'Bulan Puasa."
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  • 354 10 f^HIA KENG TYE won the veterans' I handicap singles title m the S.C.R.C. open invitation tennis tournament. wh?n. m a closely -fought match, he defeated Dr. Ong Siow Hian I 5- ft RESULTS The full results of yesterday's ties were Open doubles: Chin
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  • 513 10 Big Crowd Watches Grand Display Of Aquatics KEEN COMPETITION IN MEN'S EVENTS NOT seen m action for a lons time, the cream of Singapore's Chinese swimmers gave a grand display of aquatics at the new $50,000 Haw-Par Swimming Pool yesterday when Mr. Cheng San
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  • 172 10 THE Red Rose BP. defeated the Stardust BP. on the home court by six games to four on Saturday. The results, Red Rose players first, were Lillian Tan beat Joan Hogan 11 —3. 11 —6; Pereira beat M. Nonis IS—7, IS—10; K. Jalleh and Lillian Tan lost
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  • 46 10 HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. vs. Colts, S.C.R.C.; Singapore Hornets vs. R.A.O.C, Alexandra; S.C.C. 2nd. XI vs. P.W.D., S.C.C: S.R.C. vs. Raffles College, S.R.C: S.R.C. 2nd. XI vs. A.P.C, Paya Lebar. TENNIS: S.C.R.C and YJVI.CA. tournaments. BOXING: Ventura Marquez vs. Luis Yeo Blanco, New World arena.
    46 words
  • 323 10 HNAL DAY OF MEET (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 10. WEIGHTS for Saturday, the final day of the Selangor Turf Club's autumn meeting, are: Horses, class 1, 1% miles Sultana 9.09 Thanks 8.07 Kai Tere 9.03 Sunny Charm 8.07 Depot 9.02 Giggolette 8.03 Snowy Owl
    323 words
  • 96 10 rE following have accepted to play hockey for the Singapore Colts Hockey Club first eleven against the S.C.R.C first eleven at the S.C.R.C. to-day: D. Loveday; G. Scott, E. de Jong; L. Outschoorn, J. Loveday, L. Alvis; R. Frank, A. Watts, M. Armstrong, J. Reutens and
    96 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 10 picture immmmm 7 match on the Chevallier m possession m Wednesday's first tc m nof i 9 Ar Pricket padang m which the Mountain Regiment beat tne Mngapore Club by six goals to one.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  38 words
  • 242 10 Evidence Of The Ever-Growing Keenness For The Art EVIDENCE of the ever-growing keeness for boxing at St. Andrew's School was prominent at the school's ninth annual boxing championships which were held at Woodsville yesterday, when Loyfat House won the boxing shield by a clear margin
    242 words
  • 371 10 Malaya Signals 5; V.M.C.A. 1. WITH a brilliant forward line m which Ross and Twiddy were outstanding, and a strong defence, the Malaya Signals found it a simple matter to defeat the V.M.C.A. m a hockey match played on the V's ground yesterday. Ross,
    371 words
  • 93 10 MANY leading Malayan boxers are to be seen m action at the New World arena to-night. A leader m the lightweight class, Ventura Marquez has to tackle a welterweight m Luis Yeo Blanco. Conceding weight is nothing new to the Mexican, however, and he is confident
    93 words
  • 69 10 THE following members have accepted to nlav rugby for the S.C.C. vs. the 9th. Heavy Batten* R.A.. at the SC.C. to-day: J. J. Bell; T. A. H. Slack. Et A. 1 E. J. P. Burley, W. V. Saussotte; I. M. Scott, A. Cromarty; A. M. Carboy. P Bcurne,
    69 words
  • 312 10 R.A.F. (BLUES) |ET ARMY CRUSAi R$ fFHE second Rugby pan series of matches n the Malayan Ru«b> i of war charities will be 9 the S.C.C. padang to-n.< the Royal Air Force <B!u# tinctive from the Royal Air Force (Reds), will Army Crusaders. Last Saturday
    312 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 81 10 something tells me that I shall soon be called the finest AUSTRALIAN BACON /f 3 he bacon that is mild S jj f/ f cured, full of good flavour J -my****' *L /*?r* W and specially prepared f //r f rt>m selected stock. '^ff^S 1 mtf* J/ We can offer
      81 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 81 10 COMMERCIAL HOUSES' BADMINTON TIES HPHE following ties m the Commercial Houses tournament of the Singapore Badminton Association shall be played at the Clerical Union Hall this week. SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. Mansfield Co., Ltd., vs. Fraser and Neave Ltd. SI NDAY AT 2.15 P.M. Bousteads vs. Ban Teck Hup Co.
      81 words