The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 October 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.207. ESTD. 1835 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I, 1010. 5 CENTS
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  • 164 1 Agreement With Japan Terminates On Oct. 17 EARLIER LONDON HOPES NOT FULFILLED A London, Oct. I, ssibthtj of the reopening of the Burma road tlu subject of important information gathered by aiuhortitative quarters in Loiidon. It is :ed that one essential aspect of the
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  • 157 1 Soanish Vessel Sunk By Italian Submarine i COINCIDES ITH SUNER VISIT no Saner, the r of the Interior, c lay rollowlng W9ls unnounc- yet another oeen torpedoed Italian submarine. -ton steamer Monte She was torpedoed off Sicily, on Sept. 28. i wen killed. he Spanish trawler Carranza was tor- an
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 114 1 < hung kin*. Oct. I. *THE Japanese lorces in northern Indo-China have reached Caopang. This is the terminus of the new l: op road through the mountains into Indo-China which th? Chinese made las; November after the Japanese had cut the main road by the capture of
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 45 1 London. Oct. 1. THE Stock Exchange was generally steady to-day with selected Kaffirs responding to moderate buying. Japanese bonds were sharply lower, whiie British Governments bonds included to improve after early dullness. Industrials maintained the level. Wall Street was firm. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 23 1 (From Our Own Correspondent London, Oct. v. The Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas, are departing for Malaya on Friday.
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  • 422 1 R.A.F/s Fresh Attacks RAT^rx NeW Y rk 1. AIDING British aircraft forced Berlin residents to remain in i e i. ers for five hours during last night, according to reports from the German capital. The longest raid on Berlin, made last week, also lasted
    Reuter  -  422 words
  • 400 1 London, Oct. 1. 1 DRITISH planes patrolled the sky j u over London during the night I and this, combined with the latticework of searchlights and the heavy barrage, made German night raiders more cautious. While according to unoflicial re- ports bombs were dropped
    Reuter  -  400 words
  • 8 1 SSSH_.2sjW«"a« rss, *«5a
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  • 161 1 rwTrvVc^Tt i London, Oct. J UklTIbH air S#«drons in Egypt are being reinforced both in numbers and (fer£!S3f*jß preparation for the in 'Son adv^ce, it is learnerf ?m It is believed that Marshal Graziani's original plan of attack on Egypt was to advance along the
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  • 84 1 London, o« 1. JJtR. MALCOLM MACDONALD. the Minister of Ileaitn, annouiu-es it has been decided lhat the opportunity for mothers and children to be evacuated to the country shall be extended to six more London boroughs, making the total 14 in all. Mothers and children registered
    British Wireless  -  84 words
  • 231 1 T Straits Times editorial on L* ay on the Ax is-Japan pact "as freely quoted in the BIM news broadcasts last night Jhe announcer dwelt on tomr/n n H- n th u e efforts of Na Prop", of the antics of old-time circus ftST'lr'E th wnicky
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  • 293 1 CIVILIANS' GALLANTRY IN BRITAIN George Cross Medal Awards T»v toadon, Ort. I. pus first list of George Cro ed bv ?h^^ Uon reoenU instituted by the King as recognition of civilian gallantry, especially commemorates th, extraction of he heavy time bomb from beneaS ihe pavement in the vicinity 01 st
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  • 34 1 25 BIG GUNS BETWEEN CALAIS HOULOCNK R London, Oct. 1 EPORTS T* m the Dover area lUte that 25 long-range guns anknown to be moun.ed along tho Frev.-h coast between Calais :tnn B->ulo7n<* Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 41 1 New York. Oct. L T?IE United Suited Ls expected to send 1 «.v- r 100 inki t-) Can -id i aim immedia'ely for training purposes, acording to the Herald Tribwnp's Wa chin gton correspondent. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 437 2 SEVERAL IMPRESSIVE EFFORTS (From Our Own Correspcndent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 1. EXCELLENT gallops by Snowy Owl, Shun, Bay Dragon, Red D«>t, Kal Tere and Mystic Music were the main features of this morning's training for the Selangor Turf Tlub's autumn meeting, which consisted mainly of
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  • 119 2 Fertilisers New Restrictions NEW Orders under the Defence Regulations published in the Colony last nigh; forbid the importation of nitrogenous fertilisers by any person 'either <n his own account or on accoun; of any other person unless authorised In wri:ing. For this purpose, the Director of Agriculture, S.S., Mr. W.
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  • 30 2 The Prime Minister, Mr. Winston (h urchill, is here seen inspecting a 12--inch railway gun in the course of an inspection tour of Great Britain's defences.
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  • 586 2 WTERM INJUNCTION WILL CONTINUE (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. i. HECLARING that the injunction against A. G. Macdonald, retired senior officer of the Mines Department, restraining him from disposing of^ any property, shares or bonds in his name or transferring any money
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  • 148 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. I. npHE formation of a Corps of Air Raid Wardens in Selangor was advocated at the Selangor State Council meeting to-day by Mr. K. K. Benjamin. He said that although there was no immediate need for such
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  • 139 2 ADAPTED from a book with the. same title by lan Hay and Stephen KinjrKall in collaboration, "The Middle 'Aatch," which opened at the Pavilion last night, is comedy of a high order In which hilarious situations follow one j anothor in seemingly unending succes- j
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  • 33 2 IN the final of the Rose Bowl competition played At the Garrison Golf Club, Major and Mrs- J. J. O'Dwyer beat Major and Mrs. J. R. Burne, 3 and 2.
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  • 137 2 FILMED entirely in technlcobur in settings which figure so prominent- j lv in Kennelh Rober:s* great novel, M.CM.'s "Northwest Passage" makes a stirring adventure on the screen. It opened at the Capitol yesterday. Thrill-packed from beginning to end. it tells the story of a band
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  • 205 2 New Children 's Orchestra "T INTRODUCE you to an entirely 1 new Children's Orchestra," announced Mr. E. A. Brown a the Children's Ccncert at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday-and the orchestra, despite its newness performed with a praiseworthy absence of seiiconsciousness. Of th» several items it contributed to yesterday's programme,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 96 2 dm? SPEC !4J^|bxuRN SCREENING I fIISS/ A. J. CRONIN'S FAMOUS NOVEL FO7? ONE DAr ONLV 3J5, 5.15 cn</ 9./5 AT THE_ALHAMBRA "IT TAKES A LOT TO I M \kt MK 1 >VE A MAN I IN THE FACE OF AIL I VJ,^^ S93PI ll'l tht KMrtthtrtint M& Aj CnH't 'i
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    • 177 2 The Year's best "Yellcr' Advice to Those about to pet marr;< nn Lki Written by EDDIE CANTON after spending a term at a GIRLS' FINISHING SCHOOL Where he found FORTY LITTLE MOTHERS" Greeted by PACKED HOUSES YESTERDAY The YEARS OUTSTANDING ADVENTURE STORY! FILMED IX GLORIOUS COLOUR! Br^f KENNETH ROBERTS' ~7^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 157 2 More Changes In Radio Times A further change in the arrangements for the relays from the Singapore station of the 8.8.C Dutch and Hindustani broadcasts is necessary, it is announced This week, until and including Saturday night, the Hindustani news bulletin will still be relayed from 9 30 to 9.50
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  • 649 3 U.S. Journalist On What Berlin Officials Foresee DEFEATIST~SPIRIT EVIDENT AMONG GERMAN PEOPLE I T New York, Oct. 1. «s generally taken for granted in Nazi circles that R^ r T y i> will inv de Russia in mi > declares Mr. Kichards Boyor, writing in
    Reuter  -  649 words
  • 207 3 Turns Back 18 Heinkels, Downs Messerschmitt GROUP-CAPTAIN WHO ONLY MEANT TO LOOK ON London, Oct. 1. a GKOUP-captain of the Fighter Command went up in a Hurriesterday evening to watch his at work. When he came a^ain he had made 18 Helnkel turn tail, destroyed one unltt 109 and also
    British Wireless  -  207 words
  • 38 3 Sydney. Oct. 1. 1 he rli^htest intention of any Japanese from itated Mi. Akiyama. the tneral. to-day, adder hand, more JapanI i ratigrata here. ire bring evacuated from the terrible air" Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 61 3 T Washington. Sept. 30 I high Latin American v.!itar\ h<n e arrived on the in- ''nited States Government for the nation "s defences. d States Chief of Staff Gen. the visit would lead to closer r the security of the Western War and Navy
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 53 3 "Telbourne, O?t. 1. IN announcing .hat a number of Australian air forca squadrons were going to Malaya, the Aus rallan Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies. said that the Australian units would noi add to Lhe present strength cf the stations bu; relieve R A.F units
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 55 3 Shanghai, Oct. 1. IN a leader on the international 1 situation as a result of the AxisJapanese pact, the Sino-American newspaper, the China Press, declares that America's entry into the war with eith?r Germany or Japan or both "appears no longer to be a question
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 119 3 Food Position In Britain "As Strong As Ever" London, Oct. 1. "THE food position in this country after the past month's Blitzkrieg remains as strong as ever," the Food Minister, Lord Woolton. told Reuter today. "Despite transport disorganization resulting from the bombing, there has not :o my knowledge and we
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 116 3 London. Oct. 1. THERE are persistent reports ir 1 Cairo that the Italian armistice commission in Syria has presented fresh and far-reaching dmeanda to the French authorities. These demands appear to be directed towards getting Italy and Germanj a firmer grip on Syria. They include the
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 105 3 U*™«,.» Chungking:, Oct. 1. no circumstances whatever will China recognize Japanese leadership in the establishment of the so-called Greater Asia nor will she ever recognize the validity of a "new order." declares an official statement issued nere in connection with the tripartite pact. The statement says
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 131 3 JAPANESE GENDARMES AND FRESH INCIDENT T utl Shanghai, Oct. 1. Hb American navai commander-in-chief in the Far East, Admiral Har;: held a long conversation With American officials here yesterday to decide upon American action over an incident occurring on Saturday when Japanese gendarmes detained and beat up
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 82 3 Batavia, Oct. 1. IN the presence of civil and military authorities, including the Com- mander-in-Chief, the Royal Military Academy at Bandoeng was opened this morning replacing the ancient academy at Breda, in Holland, which was most probably destroyed and, if not. is being used by
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 82 3 London, Oct. 1. ■[MERCANTILE losses through enemy iYX action principally due to submarine activity during the week ended Sept. 22, just announced by the Admiralty, were 27 ships of a total tonnage of 159 000. Of these 19 wer cßritish, aggregating 131,000 tons, three Allied of 13,000 tons,
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 28 3 Tren.on, New Jersey, Oct. 1 DROFESSOR Einstein, who is univer- sally known for his "theory of relativity," has been granted United Sckcs citizenship. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 43 3 1 Chicago, Sept. 30. N the America 'i professional lawn tennis championships singles Donald Buds beat Fred Perry 6—3, 4-6, 6—4 6—3 and in ths doubles Budgo and Perry beat PPI Tilden and Vincent Rirbards 7-5. ft 3 9-7. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 80 3 i .1, Oct. L THE death has occarred ol oir Robert 1 Hadfield the world famous metaiiurgist, who was tho Inventor of mnntranese steel.- Reuter r A Ankara, Oct. 1. HE Turkish Prime Minister,, Dr. Tewiik Saydam, has left on a visit to Hatay, on
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 478 3 Mr. Churchill's Message To Czechs PREMIER RECALLS MUNICH SACRIFICE London, Oct. 1. TN a message to the Czechoslovak people broadcast last night the Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, said: "To-day is the second anniversary of the Munich agreement, a date which the world will always remember for the tragic sacrifice
    British Wireless  -  478 words
  • 46 3 Rome, Oct. 1. TARTARESCU, the former Rumanian Prime Minister, has been arrested, according to an official Bucharest announcement, reported by the Italian news agency which says that a Judicial inquiry is being held into his activities as a statesman ?r\* Ambrr^d^r Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 217 3 Mr. Willkie On "Little Group Of Cynics" Detroit, Oct. I. £UROPE is dominated by the colossal cynicism of Hitler, declared speech to an audience of women here to-day. H i! U *r' he said> is a man w ho does I not hesitate to accomplish his ends by breaking solemn
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 73 3 Lotion. Oct. 1. IT is learned on good*; y in London, that an economic a^i ment was recently reached between th« British Government and the local government of the Cameroons, which declared for General de Gaulle. The agreement v.hlch L> ate from the general understanding
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 109 3 London, Oct. 1. IN the Ogaja province of the eastern provinces of Nigeria live some 40.000 clansmen of the Afikpo tribe. They are all anxious to do something for the King and their Government and recently a deputation waited upon the district commissioner and
    British Wireless  -  109 words
  • 431 3 London, Oct. 1. EVIDENCE is still accumulating about the distress which will be felt In Germany and Italy and enemy-occu-pied countries in winter. In Belgium, coal output has been restricted as there is a shortage ol j electrical power and lubricating oli. There is also
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 /°WN KITCHENS^ e HOAE 537S FIVE LIKES Advt of Singapore Cold Smra^ Co ftrt
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    • 46 3 "AGNESIA" t'RAGKWI HAIR DRESSING A valuable Dressing and lonle far the Hair. Is strongly stimuia ng and a sur« cure and prevenUtive of Dandruff The minute its applied you feel cooling, exhilarating effect Yfuit Like It PKICE:— SI.2S and $2.00 MEDICAL HALL LIMITED. Chemists and Druggists
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  • 727 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1940. Malaya's A.R.P. MR. S. W. Jones referred in a recent j Federal Council speech to civil defence schemes which "can only at- tain the stage of activity when the need for defensive action arises"; one form of civil defence to which this
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  • 1020 4  - Men Who Fly Over Reich Vincent Sheean By London, Sept. 15. WAS one of a dozen Americans who visited one of the stations in the British bombing command the other night to watch the departure and return of a raid over 1 Germany. This is the firot time such observa-
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  • 447 4  - Revolution Of Destruction Britannicus By THERE are still some p though very few of in the British EMpire--are taken in by Nazi gfa about the New Order Europe, the Hem (i; and so forth. it hr.^ .Nl Ib, d i toehn quo to persnadi that he and h'j gang Lhin
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  • 151 4 Lord March wood Press Censorship <Fr<>m Our Own Currv London, Auc LORD MARCH WOOD, who lived and popularly in Malaya M George Penny, and at one time eluded amongst his many a< I writing of sports wWlfnUrkWi for press, is showing himself a I British newspapers d*ir. period through wMeb
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 >oYou Like Old Thinqs? jr^^H| Then You Will Like EVS&SJkMr LIQUEUR EAdBIAW BRANDY CLUB. 4O YEARS 6O YEARS OLD CALDBECK'S V)o/3'GwD k^^^^^ B^^^ BK^ B^ B^B^B^BmM^K B^B^p^pm^^M^B^B^a^^h^B^p^n^^n^B^n^n^n^n^^nn^nnann^nMnjnK^MW^n^Bj^tfHnMnßH j. DIFFERENT q n;w product by ih^ proprietors of stqt£ PATERSON SIMONS CO., LTD. Incorporated In England) LINE I \NC.\SMRE SHIPPING CO. ITD.,
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    • 6 4 j%jj§Bg A jjE JB j& ii
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  • 1329 5  -  Mary Heathcott Woman's Diary Bv TE M\\ ear A Smile girls re out in full force yeslay morning in the brilliant ne. They were selling Wear A Smile badges the hundreds in aid of the 'Buy a Bomber" Fund orga- hv Mrs. C.
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  • 57 5 London, Sept. 16. TTHE body of Sir Harold Carpenter. 1 well-known metallurgist, was found yesterday in a stream near Swansea. Sir Harold Carpenter was Professor of Metallurgy at the Lmperial College of Science and Technology, and chairman of the Research Board of the Department of
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  • Article, Illustration
    119 5 m£ pL? it v c a "il S the v 7t S u HeaVy R** 1 11 R A dance at Blakang Mati on Monday nieht inrludcd f r f?' Mrs F Smith Mrs. Y. Thompson, Miss A. Hunsley, Miss T. Willis LAC F M Blv he. LAC B alter
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  • 208 5 MORALE OF ALIENS Council To Keep Them Cheerful A COUNCIL has been formed in Britain to look after the morale of aliens. The chairman is the Earl of I Lytton. The fanc&mfl of this bcdy, which is called the Advisory Council on Aliens, are: To suggest measures for maintaining the
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  • 577 5 SENSATIONALISM The Press plays an important part in the preserving of harmony that is so essential in j such a polyglot country as Malaya. Hence the remarks in a Sunday paper anent fifth column activities are to be deplored. This danger does exist in this country but
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  • 171 5 London. A NEW British tank now in use represents a triumph of experiments extending over years. It combines speed with the maximum amount of armor and carries armament capable of piercing the protective shields of any vehicle the enemy has yec puc in th? field. It is
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  • 503 5 £16,000 A YEAR FROM GARBAGE Borough Where Dust Has A Price Idling! «m. ISLINGTON hr.s a prrud rrv rd n the 1 solv n<* of wes.o Th~ du'thns of Islington, when war broke out. were vielding o rhe municipality an annual nccm? of £3 000. Tb-*flf that figure hftf rtRS
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 GORDON'S LTD. Room 32-5 Kelly Walsh Building C A 7 ttj 1 of LADIES SHOES for One week only commencing Thursday Oct. 3rd. 1940 GREAT BARGAINS Cash Only Shoes cannot be ■*»< on approval, returned or exchanged.
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    • 88 5 Special Offers For Ladies FROM SEPT. 30™ TO OCT. 12 th We are clearing from our Ladies Dept. Oddments in Under-wear, Corsets, Laces, Flouncings, Hosiery, Scarves, Handbags Fancy Trimmings. also LADIES SHOES Oddments and discontinued ranges from $2.50 per pair. Coloured Suede: Navy White, Brown White from $5.00 per pair.
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  • 265 6 Mrs llejdley Cliff who was selling the kadgQi Orchard Road. Free Press picture. Three happy smiles from "Wear A Smile' bidge sellers in Raffles Place, (left to right): Miss Doreen Dande Mrs j c s white and Mrs. G H. Clement. —Free Press picture,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 127 6 STRAITS TIMES ANMUAL for 1940 Bi££er and better than ever the Strait Times Annual for 1940 is now in a of production. A lavishly illustrated I which includes ma: y sections and plates full colours. An ideal Christmas Gift your friends Overseas. Ali previous issues were quickly sold out. ORDER
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  • 458 7 Dato Suggests Military Training For Youths Leaving School OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION PROMISED IN SELANGOR (From Our Own Correspondent) /'M\« IMPTIOY tmm \f KUala Lun Wr. Oct. 1. OVMIJITION tor Malays on lines existing in many Kuropean countries was urged by Dmto Abdul Hamid He said The present
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  • 79 7 <>ur (»un ((•ntsjHindent -hington. Oct. 1 y \U.!C KIN<. h^ introRill authorizing President to m^otiattimniedi.!tcl> for the lease or purv uf British possessions the Pacific or bordering thereon, also to extend loans t rcdits to British Fmpire ountrio. The Bill proviiits tor the
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  • 66 7 Charged wit h assisting in the management of the Chinese National EmanciparS« an^ ard an unlawful societv, Chhi A Hun a 20-year-old Hokkien, claimed :rial in the Singapore third court yesterday He was offered bail of $5 ,000 in four sureUes ind the case was postponed a week
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  • 118 7 have now b?en nee, m In regi.^ ration. :s have now their re. maple bi form. T. .ages < E Lnd Chinese) and whilst ten In EaLjlish, 'Vj to write any otl I langu\;;e. oeen paid by Food Con--tcod. to many jen ral Mandard of book-
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  • 64 7 Hoi Me:, who had been court to three -rtfonment and 15 strokes *-r $2 from a woman. cnc e reduced to eight a Beckett Terrell In the -lay. Tan Cheng Swee and Chv had been sentenced I imprisonment and eight ■ell for abetting the otfi] in their
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  • 101 7 :ay, Ahmad bin Abdul rr. ployed as a delivery boy by the •^pap-r Warta Malaya, pleaded Singapore third court yesterday j rninal breach of trust of pwtor D. R. Cowie sa!J that be- and 2T Ahniad kept several c iron: persons who bought newsor of Warta Malaya. H.
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 7 -»> -SHvnfS---- ."--a
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  • 571 7 Dissection Too Frequent, Says Chief Kathi (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 1 COMPLAINT against "the too frequent tendency to order post-mortem examinations in cases cf sudden deaths" was voiced by the Chief Kathi of Selangor at to-day's meeting of the Selangor State Council at Klang. He declared that
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  • 435 7 Gian Singh 's Ally's Oppose Application JIJESSRS. Gian Singh and Messrs. M. S. Ally and Co.. well-known Singapore retail stores in Battery Read, may have to vacate their premises if an application by the Eank of China before the *Rent Assessment Board is successful
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  • 140 7 <From Our Own orrcspondent) R Kuala Lumpur, Oct 1 EPLYING to Mr. Khuo 800 Goilf who spoke in the Selar^or State iomh-iI to-day on replacement Plan in,, the British Resiuent. >™,or p.'m/ £(a fOTm ControlJe/of Im&ber, Malaya) said it was too eany to consider schemes based
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  • 197 7 pretending to be another person bv means oi tesiimonials and In that way mducmg u. Bale to give him employment, Qng D ek Slang, a 52-year- Tci Ha.nanese, w*s sentenced to a week's simple imprisonment and fined $50 or a further two weeks 1 rigorous ImprisonSrd Sin
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  • 81 7 [UDGMENT was reserved by Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell in the Singapore High 'Ourt yesterday in an appeal by an amuse- lent park stallholder, Ixmg Ah Kow, who had I een convicted and fined 50 cents for assisting l the management of a dart-throwing
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  • 456 7 Comte F. de CouneuDes, Singapore manamr <k* Banque de rindo-Chine, hy rising chSSSf'deS waa described in the police court yesf Francis Gooc^mp. r In the dock was Comte de Courseulles' 25-year-old Hainanese I "bath-boy," Sin Dek Seng, who admitted stealing a
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  • 214 7 "fT m aim -st my has n > ;;m r a hcuse because 1. 0 bli6y -ng appUcaaona before this I w I r c Havd n J Major F. L Hard,;-' n t Assessmen Bo. ir d Hard n^ had r. ird in respond
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  • 16 7 N bil at the uay, tt 8 tside. Nar i' ith a knil ."-lerday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 123 7 J. A FASTER CLOSER I SHAVE! AC 06 NO BLADES NO SOAP J. NO CUTTING *"fflf N0 SCRAPING If K!"^"" HAMD Because the Rcmh^ton SLiCTRtC CLOS* SHAVI shaving Head— the finest fc /''S) i precision instrument ever \y/. Ss devised for removing hair /^U^^^s^ rom the f ace COMPLKTK UiTil
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 402 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. tfc O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
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    • 410 8 y^— y *<? r *-fe^S AND ENJOY SCENIC CANADA I Speed across the Pacific by luxurious Empress liners, then Victoria stop over If I you wish and Vancouver in Canada's Evergreen I playground I Fast through AIR CONDITIONED trains from I ship's side at Vancouver take you through the Majestic
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    • 437 8 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Kre mantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 [A
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  • 1124 9  -  Nomad In The Garrison By I A SINGAPORE Chinese newspaper recently sent a woman I reporter to Gillnian Barracks I with a view to writing an article on the life of the soldier in Malaya. Curiosity getting the better
    Free Press  -  1,124 words
  • 269 9 Nazis Failed To Follow Up T'HE Yorkshire Post Military Corres- pondent summarizes 14 factors in Britain's favour at the present juncture as follows: The German Army failed In June to follow up the withdrawal of in* British Expeditionary Fjrc2 when there was a chance. We
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  • 149 9 i ryscussiNG the national health of Britain af *er* 12 mcruhs of war, the eminent physician Lord Herder says that it has kept at an unusually high level. We are to-day, he observes, enjoying the frui:s of a decade, not a year, ot better nourishment
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  • 182 9 ."117HEN Mme. Betty Tan was answering an j brought by the Singapore Improvement Trust before the Rent Assessment I Board yesterday to eject her from the room sne rented from them, the Trust alleged that i she was not the rightful tenant as she
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  • 424 9 Malays Make Great Use Of Plants 'From Our Own Correspondent* "rr,«^ w i Kual Lumpur, Oct. I. THE Malay makes use of a larg* number of plants for a variety of purposes," is an observation muOe by Messrs. J. L. Rosed alt and J. N. Milsum who recently conducted a
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  • 80 9 riVE thousand taxis are now in the streets of London, compared with 1 7.800 before the war. They will receive a large extra petrol ration because of their public -spin redness in piving during raids. To meet temporary transport difficulties, London is returning to the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 605 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders, Tenders are now Invited for the following materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Supply o* Manifold Pipes for Underdramage System for Bukit Timah Road Gravity Filters. Date of •losing. 12 noon. Oct. 28, 1940. Supply of Fuel for St. James Power Station
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    • 92 9 PUBLIC NOTICE SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL Wi DEBENTURE STOCK 192G. Interest Due Nov. 1, It) 10. No'.ico is hereby given that the Transfer Register; cf the above Sto?ki uill be prosed from Cct. IP to 31, 1910. both days inclusive. C H. GOLDIE. Municipal Secretary PUBLIC NOTICE OWING to our holidays, our
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 466 9 I Post Office Mail List TO-DAY «^oiows^ e at General Post Office M BUrfaCe 2 P m *>* 5 p.m. t-v" surface l p.m. M( if a n surface Ip.m. «uembang surface 9 a.m., air 10.30 am TO-MORROW Australia (East and South) j aTa surface 5 p.m. Jf* 1 1
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  • 606 10 FURTHER TIES AT S.C.R.C. Y.M.C.A. BISULTS of ties played ystertiay In the I C R.C. op n n invitation tennis tournament at Hong Um Green were. Oprn Ml i MoubirN MU"> M. I. Stokes and John Llm beat Mr,. Evan Wong and Chua Choun Leong 6
    606 words
  • 170 10 SPORTS IN AID OF PATRIOTIC FUND (From Our Own Correspondent > Malacca, Sept. 29. A FULL week'.s programme of sports or- Kanize<i In aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund by the Malacca Settlement Committee ended ves.erday at the Bandar Hillr Park with a soccer match between Seremban and Miar. at
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  • 69 10 THri following have accepted to play hockey for the S.C.C. Ist XI vs. the Police on the Padang today ..Capt. G. If. Searle; Pay Lt. G. C. Fortin, R. A. 0. Todd; J. FletcherCooke, W. J. Peel, Major J. R. Kellett; G. W- S. Waites, Lt. F.
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  • 209 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Oct. 30. COLOURS defeated Whites by eight points (a goal and a try) to three points (a try) in the first rugger pract.'ce here en Saturday. There was a good turn out of European and Asiatic players. Colours
    209 words
  • 287 10 i Prom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Sept. 30. TH.: P.M.S. War Fund benefitted to the! ••xtent of over SS.OOO when a water j -t meeting was staged at Port Dickson yesterdt».y The venue was the sea wall at Port D'.ckson. and arrangements
    287 words
  • Article, Illustration
    108 10 The East Surrey Regiment The East Surrey Lrgiment makes its competitive soccsr debut in Singapore on Friday. The above is the team which Has leutiir.ff in the senior league in Shanghai when bad weather conditions caused the abandonment of the competition. Back row from left to ntht are KinsolU,
    108 words
  • 558 10 East Surreys Side Beaten By Siong Boo Association In Friendly football "IRONS" PLAY BETTER THAN SCORE SUGGESTS Siong 800 A.A .4; East Surreys 0. TAILING BgM and a bumby ground did not affect the determination of a team drawn from the East Surrey Regiment in a friendly football match against
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  • 487 10 BEAT POLICE IN CUP FOOTBALL Three-Nil Margin Was Flattering To Winners Argylls 3; Police 0. I UCK was against the Police when they met the Argylls at the stadium yesterday and were beaten by three goals to nil in the Cup competition. Tli Argylls' r;oal had many narrow escapes, but
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  • 207 10 AT the City Park, Malacca, last Saturday night, a big badminton match was played in aid of the Malaya Patriotic; Fund, between teams raised by Mr. Ho Liang Tian of Selangor and Mi Pamadasa of Malacca. Several leading players took part and a reicord crowd was
    207 words
  • 161 10 .THE Royal Singapore Golf Club's second bi-monthly mixed foursomes com- (petition for September was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday afternoon and resulted in a win for Mr. and Mrs. II II Peterson with a net score of 34 1 4 The following cards were
    161 words
  • 37 10 SOCCER: Challenge Cup. \r vs. Gordons, Stadium. HOCKEY: S.C.C. vs. Police. S( C.S.C. vs, S.R.C, S.K( M.ila>;. Signals vs. Fort Canning. Tanglin; Anglo-Chinese School Khalsa Assn., Old ham Hall TENNIS: S.C.R.C. and YMi tournaments.
    37 words
  • 367 10 Kallang Airmen Beat Club Side At Rugby R.A.F. Kalian; 8. >< < IJAULTY passing and handlm; t red yesterday's sugger matih on the pad a rig when the R.AJ lang) first team defeated an fifteen by eight points (a a try) to three (a try*. The Club had a faster
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 K: >. iB\^ iff »x*^^^C^^^^Mwpß BBfifftyc' g a r y cooper FAMOUS FIGHTING STAR of "The Real Glory" and "Beau Geste'* IN UNITED ARTISTS' THRILLING STORY PACKED WITH A GRAND ROMANCE and TOPPING WITH LAUGHS. "THE WESTERNER WALTER B^? EN MAN j DORIS OAVENPOS?T Ct In Britain Australians Parade for
      51 words