The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 September 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 537 1 Aerodrome Railway Stations Bombed EXTENSIVE FIRES AT HAMBURG BREMEN Ri l- ii. London, Sent. 12. nt'hr iT aRa V n t? a u dC a blg raid 0n Berli night. Salvoes of high explosive and incendiary Son? Tnl T S l£S Bnd Anha,ter stations.
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  • 76 1 g Closer —Kobayashi Sept. \l. tit European be and whatfate of Europe convinced c-onomic end twecn Japan' ...,1s Indies shall it become deeoer .1 Mr. Ichizo envoy ment to the on hi^ arrival N lier- familiar r :he paj: 300 BataTia was had many ec3rarsea v.i.n v
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 42 1 I ondon. Sept. 12. da together have investment Of production pla: ed the Canams and Suop'y I aye a produc--000.000 value an- Mml SOppUeS. irch&ses m Canada to il ed s^ od .d scurfs. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  42 words
  • 33 1 I o-ij-m. I D a aidren I their cM'dren j ur which, lea are 1 ay- i leave their i emergency I ;nd shelter London and all SFSF" Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 18 1 London sepi. li. Jj KE rANABE, one of .aed under the oeen reMr. Satan) Maki- *-:>.; fMaij days. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 41 1 London. Sept. 12. '•:> >nJ ..ireraft to-day sunk ippl? ship off Dunkirk, hit seriousK damaged a third -P /.—Reuter j. London. Sept. 12. a-.eotei th- rtYrr oT the the Netherlands of 40 Spitfire* br p-ovided from funds tlllMll.-«dl Indies.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 63 1 London, Sept. 12. IT is authoritatively learned m London that Italian troops are moving towards the Egyptian frontier from the neighbourhood of Fort Capuzzo, m Libya. No Italian troops have yet crossed the frontier, it is reported. So far as is known m London, there are
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  63 words
  • 76 1 London, Sept. 12. THE Czechoslovak bomber squadron recently formed m this country has made its first raid ever enemy territory. It took part m a successful attack on a railway goods yards at Brussels, and when they arrived over the targe' the crews found they were m
    British Wireless  -  76 words
  • 25 1 London. Sept. 12. MR. Neville Chamberlain, who recently returned to his duties after his illness, was received m audience at Buckingham Palace to-day —British ,Vireless.
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  • 186 1 WILL DO ALL TO KEEP WAR FROM U.S.- ROOSEVELT Washington, Sept. 12. hate war more than ever and I am supremely determined to do all I can to keep war away from these shores for all time." declared President Roosevelt, addressing the Trade Union convention here to-day. "I stand upon
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 65 1 Some members of the Home Guard are receiving: training privately "Somewhere m England," m how to combat the infiltration tactics used by the enemy so successfully m France. The'r instructors have all had experience either m the Spanish Civil War or m the Great War. Picture
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  • 588 1 ENEMY LOSES QUARTER OF ATTACKING FORCE London, Sept. 12. OSSES inflicted on the German raiders yesterday afternoon, planes, represented nearly a quarter of the machines involved, declares the Air Ministry news service, which states that so fiercely did Spitfires and Hurricanes attack the enemy
    Reuter  -  588 words
  • 147 1 Reported SinoJapanese Clash At Indo-China Border Town London, S»p(. 12 WHILE there is still no definite news of the Franco- Japan talks m French Indo-China, it is reported that French acceptance of the Tokio demands fer military facilities m the colony canno be long delayed. According t3 a message :r
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  • 119 1 London, Sept. 1 I. CASUALTIES In the Italian raid I U Tel-Aviv on Monday totalled 228. whom 104, including 96 Jews. I Aiabs and one Auscralian, were killed and the remainder seriously wounded. The raid has done nothlnf 0 lower the exceptionally morale of the
    British Wireless  -  119 words
  • 84 1 L ->ndon. Sept 12. MR. Herbert HoniHHi, Minister of Supply. a* L er a tour of the raided i areas of London this morninr. said he j believed that the gallan:ry ol A R P w icken would be the subject of awa He said
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 60 1 London, Sept. 12. ALTHOUGH no casualty list J\ yet been issued, it is known I the deathcoll m yesterday's bonn and shelling of the Dover area was remarkably slight Not mere than t dozen neople are believed to have been killed, although rescue
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 67 1 GINGHAM TOOT A L S (crease-resisting) fabric In captivating checked designs. VISIT CHOTIRMALL'S SEAVIEW HOTEL IMMI SPECIAL DINNER DANCE DINNER $3.00 SO ADMISSION (HARGB SATURDAY EXTENSION TO 1 A.M. ADELPHI GRILL Whether you require light refreshments or an elaborate meal, the ADELPHI GRILL Is renowned for its sx-dlent food and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 239 2 i m w ii tmmmmmmmmmrnmßß^nmmwmmmmm THE BEST COMEDY SHOV7 CI TOWN! I and 9.13 p.m. ALli /\iVll>l\x\ The Popular Stars of "The AWFUL TRUTH" together again for the laugh of your life! k QtSm^^ u^__ K4^_n__^^^^c-' ■*?nm^iStfvFißvim W^r Bb Im l__ lr 7*ss :?^3ljfSH DUNNE GRANT MY FAVORITE WIFE
      239 words
    • 1046 2 Tj," c picture that glows with the rame directorial finish as •"*^.T —_m ■>.», At the cool, f OPENS TO-DAY! CAPITOL You'll enjoy it as much as you 3-*5 6 **s 9%1 did "Goodbye Mr. Chips."— Box Office Ph<w JTWO MORE GREAT STARS GET THAT "iUBITSO^^ Garbo Got It m
      1,046 words
    • 152 2 ii ii BBmmßf^l ***"^^BMM»_»_______--__________________mm__mmmm» f^^T^TTV^ymSmmmmMMMTMMBW^ S__v. 7a___H___&&S_ i :ov>** °'l______|V*^__r Ali I \_«M LUrnM» FURIOUS FUN with tj^i|Hnr7Tl fl li BRITAIN 3No 1 CCMEDiAN jf^/f f snappy music: (II AND THE TH&flli Jjjj \Q ROARING SUCCESSION i -^w_w_»-»»-M_>a> l »wj>. .«__-«_-j-B_-_«--*-m___wm___-«-«->--w-w'>--*->- B^"■^ l— MILLIONS HAVE T.KAD Ik! TERRIBLE TRUTH this
      152 words

  • 598 3 INVASION NOW "EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS" AIR MARSHAL ON R.A.F. RAIDS ON BERLIN Britain Calmly Awaits Hitler's Decision To Make Gambler's Throw M?? T^° f S feel L that we would like this matter rWm.n aY tO the test and we are w »i«nff for the A?r v uTT i° L make
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  • 393 3 nR RVINC ON WITH E INTERFERENCE ion. Sept. 12. tn the German Lt clear that ikdow 9 of and business life .at ion of its popuI for as a result of of intensive rirmdenbiatt says London's ;.o* threaten has to face. s, the newspaper, have
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 21 3 i Wellington. Sepl 12. fl W km children, tanned arrived here to-day after «V9«ti They are mostly es and friend',. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 33 3 Washinghon, Sept. 12. jyiANY unconformable reports are lfl current here that a further extension of United States embargoes on the export of war Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 207 3 A.- A. Batteries In London Strongly Reinforced London. Sept. 12. A deep impression has been caused in London by the effect of the intt-atrermft barrage in last nights raids. Responsible military authorities io-day admitted that anti-aircraft fire last n:gh; WM in the form of a barrage based en new methods
    Reuter; Biritish Wireless  -  207 words
  • 110 3 London, Sept. 12. RUSSIAN comment on the possibility of a German invasion of England is contained m an article m the Red Fleet, official organ of the Soviet Navy. After pointing out that British air power is steadily increasing, the newspaper states that unless the
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 46 3 Ottawa. Sept 12. MR. W. L. Mackenzie King, the Canadian Prime Minister, has cabled Mr. Winston Churchill expressing the loyal support of the Canadian people and their pride m standing shoulder to shoulder with Britain m a dire emergency. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 37 3 New York, Sept. 12. THE National Broadcasting Company quotes a Rome broadcast for the statement that General Franco is shortly Siting Berlin at the invitation of the German Govern ment. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 73 3 THe folio; ing message has been sent by the King to General Pershing, Commander of the American force m France m the Great War: "I send you my warmest congratulations on your 80th birthday, together with the best wishes of the people of this country,
    British Wireless  -  73 words
  • 33 3 AMONG gifts for the purchase of alrcrati A for the R.A.F. acknowledged by Lord Beaverbrook, Minister for Aircraft Production, is one of £100 from Conrad Veldt, the well-known Or:~--i tQm actor British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  33 words
  • 273 3 V 1 UMIfIUU, LMill MLSE1 commander of the free GenV naval forces under v*u ra| de Gaulle did his best trench war secrets from Nazi hands. "arc* of the weaken- of hl» Government he from Bordeaux to •niz* "systematic sabot- ion." I first business to
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  • 35 3 This picture, taken at a heavy anti-aircraft battery "somewhere" m southern England, shows the gun crew dasn to take up their stations on the alarm of hostile aircraft being given.
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  • 309 3 Tokio, Sept. 12. OTRESSING the importance of Japanese-Soviet relations, Japanese newspapers pin high hopes on the personality, and ability of Lieut.-Gen. Yoshitsugu Tatekawa, who has been nominated as Ambassador to Moscow. The Nichi-Nichi Shimbun, a leading Japanese daily says that the selection of
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  • 84 3 Budapest, Sept. 12. HUNGARIAN troops tc-day reached the capital of Cluj while continuing their occupation of the ceded portion of Transylvania. A Rumanian delegation is leaving Bucharest for Budapest to-morrow to discuss questions arising out of the cession of part of Transylvania. An official communique Issued
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 98 3 NEW FRONTIER BETWEEN BULGARIA RUMANIA Berlin, Sept. 11. rE txt of the Rumano-Bulgarian agreement on Southern Dobrudja, according to a Sofia dispatch to the German news agency, shows the new frontier between Bulgaria and Rumania running from tbe Danube immediately north of Silistrla, to a point on the Black Sea
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 144 3 London. Sept. 12. "TIME fights inexorably against Hitler," declares The Times m an editorial to-day on the Nazi raids. The newspaper adds that the season is far advanced and the approach of autumn and winter makes it vital either to launch this great force (prepared for the
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 92 3 Tokio. Sept. 12. THE Ministry of Jommerce and Industry has decided to prolong for another yea the Ministerial decree, which pegs commodi* prices at levels of Sept. 18 las*, year. It ex pires en Oct. 20. Raw food which was hitherto been exempted from
    Eastern News  -  92 words
  • 34 3 Lcud>n, Sep:. 12. rIE Lurd Mayor'c Hid VtOMS and St. John's fund now totals £3,115,000, imons the latest gifts being '£200 from the Valparaiso British wc men's league.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 95 3 l.ondcn, Sept. IS. ITALY'S need for c:al is shewn m a statement iu>ued to-day by the Czechoslovak Foreign O'n-e m L den. I„ reveals that German army ofUctali m Slovakia ordered the s.ate railways of the protectorate ;o pu. several hundred trucks St their disposal
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 93 3 Washington, Sep 4 12. THE joint conference committee of th? Senate and Hcu.-o of Representatives has aporcved th? com promised version of the conscription bill making 1G.5C0000 men between tIM ages 21 and 35 to immed.ate call for a year of military training. The
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 25 3 London, Sept. 12. 'T'HE Georgetown Committee of Brl- tish Guiana has sent a further £2.000 towards the cost of new plants Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 202 3 RED PALM OIL This oil contains considerable quantities of Vitamin-A and is specially prepared for use as a cooking oil and as a medicine. It is excellent for preventing influenza, coughs and colds. 50 cts. per Bottle Obtainable from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD. TODAY _/PlfeVll_fllß Where 3.15 flJtjM
      202 words

  • 651 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1940. Indo-China Enigma have been so many conflicting reports regarding Indo-China m recent days that it is well-nigh impossible tc- shift thenr into a connected story and to forecast the likely trend of events during the coming weeks. The most that can be
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1236 4  -  Virginia Cowles By Belfast, Aug. 10. THE drive from Dublin to j Belfast is only 80 miles, but the transition is as complete as though you were travelling between two widely divided nations. You leave Dublin and Us bright lights to find yourself m
    1,236 words
  • 308 4 Civilian Role In Wartime T" K,hr;; "'»..n <"> People m I r^h.s and dv! when :ir r homes I lew vader ar use whi. v. can H H timent PCint and tl I ciples maj j I Th. II man or eh I I whatever < j naii before I
    308 words
  • 56 4 Til A I I ed ov. r opinion •'Diar.o -And t). m whirh th< tinental I "The M cd On this I write "The si conf / Ex mind Hitlei armies when of our this an.'Canadians gan and 1 North Africa. A re, and Ind :)d.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 266 4 \o snake a proper GIMLET 4!MIH__B9sA 1 M*M 1 1" 1 1 mmMMWM but the LIME I%M^fV* JUICE m KUiti F^M \V±% \W m m\ W~ j! 1 ~^B -A^C *v^ B^_i TSmS 1^ f»f^ y ff-r^ftftt pW^aji V ~-___^^^*^-_ZfS.T IJ, MM^JSmX -BK-PjUJ kl^-v3B-v^B It _fIV fc ,v/'Ml^> rmv \.T
      266 words
    • 61 4 _0 We have a vdde SJyjfjjyfß range of suit ■R^^SR **fc\ lengths. Wain j«f£?' _m *ft Shiell's In Silk v^^Sff&f and Wool also OF* Js L* AMERICA! II If f I SHARKSKIN HIJ m Various C'olOTJr-?. ft M& 1/otz have not tried our tailoring— WE SOLICIT YOU A TRIAL ORDER
      61 words

  • 2884 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT BY jlood Transfusion VolunteersLondon Wartime Fashions— A jjalc ca Conference— Schoolchildren In Shakespeare Transfusion Scram jdad to say, is poor start, having: «9fM response hlete circulated and stores, the and m the local and last but not set '•> the Officer vern-ment.
    2,884 words
  • 75 5 blem m gastritis and disturbances is how to :omach and still nourish body out of the question liquid foods irritate the and cause pains and re is a food, however. othes the inflamed Horlicks. Doctors reull cases of severe digesbecause it is so easily d so
    75 words
  • 108 5 In this picture are some of the delegates who attended the recenl YW C A All Malayan conference m Malacca Front row Mis*. I Knight, Mrs. Price, Mrs. H. B. Amstutz Mrs. R. E. Hoittum Mil I I Jordan, Mrs. Syer, Miss Wong Tet Yin.
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  • 178 5 I HEAR that Professor Winifred Cullis, eminent lecturer of London 1 University, will be visiting Malaya tn a few months time to tell British women here how their sisters at home are helping to win the war. Professor Cullis. who is the University's 65-year-old
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 t disappointment of our DRY CLEANING your trial order of the superiority orkmanship »WANG DRYCLEANERS dRd.S pore. Tel 2952 "PP*; 4 'd Rd.. Police Station. SALON MME. SHEILA HVED A BEAUTIFUL OF EVENING, AFT N AND MORNING VLSO PLAYSUITS. DRESSES AND COS! I ME S FROM $5.00. art Hill Street,
      53 words
    • 26 5 3_f£~ P<UUT<R For j > <^__ M Mk* mmmmmY^mMmm*"*} See the large selection at Tfl hm3 »*g-3 -M^ 'Xja_sSWßß^WpßlßK3|^^^yM^^^Bßi^BLifc 9 BATTERY ROAD. BATTERY RDAD I±l PHDNE: 4D85 GOTF7VS
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  • 66 6 London. ORITAIN'S balloon barrage is proving its w^rth by preventing German dive-bombing, says tl c aviation correspondent Of "The Times." A combination of balloons and gunfire has never yet broken down, and the frequent attempts of German fighters tc shoot dewn the balloons proves the
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  • 37 6 Washington. THE United States Secret Service has 1 asked President Roosevelt not to ravel by air. President Roosevelt plans to keep Mthin half day's land travel of tne White House.
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  • 781 6 What The Malayan Press Is Saying MR. Winston Churchill says that the invasion of Britain will come at any moment. American soufces state that this will take place m October cr November. Reuter's correspondent m Istanbul states that Hitler is contem- platmg a peace move. Whichever surmise is correct, Hitler
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  • 111 6 "o" arrant 1'h wh 'monr a a dmn^ u< '<" oiJitmaai. la* 1 f*uilv ll|Ut liar, /Ms x v i; \u( K.S.M l node a|v i! i (.unner <■ M Ki Ed, i; n 1 'Innk Irefi.rt dinner wt i left
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  • 100 6 London. fySORDERS broke out m Dart- moor prison recently over convicts' tea. Convicts who disliked the grade of tea served to them asked the jail doctor to try it. "Quite good," said the doctor, after sipping the tea. Angry convicts threw the hot tea m his
    100 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 OckUtif AmwHf^ m> X^v^P" m m^^ *^E^M£: :v: >: Wdtetiitfj tet&tffcn Bin i ntfiffll^ Your eyes are the most delicate, the most sensitive, the most easily harmed of all your features. And yet you probably never do anything at all to help them or protect them from the thousand and
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  • 585 7 MALAY NAVY HAS MADE GREAT PROGRESS Sir Percy Noble Pays Tribute On Handing OverToNewC-in-C. JT was announced yesterday that Vice- Admiral Sir Geoffrey V«M- vr T.» A\Pa S0 has ™Keyed Admiral Sir Percy KL "< C.V.0., as Commander-in-Chief of the China Mation. On relinquishing his command, Admiral Sir Percy Noble
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  • 179 7 Bus Conductor Ha d Co unter feit Coins In Pocket i WOULD hkc to point out the I |ci that lies m conduc- the Singapore Traction y possessing counterfeit The;, are In an ideal position :e these coins and thus deal of trouble and cc to the public." p. was
    179 words
  • 169 7 f; ORE Rural Board members lajr d.scussed whe.her they w 'an old, but very wiry" man proprietress of an eatto continue defying their sms and make herself lia:ur.her pr?secu.icns, or be reirtbei licence. ai under which she ran her were described by the GovernOflicer, Dr
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  • 46 7 THE Free Press understands that it is probable that the lists for the Colony's §25,000.000 War Loan will be closed this evening, so that those who are still anxious to purchase bonds should make every effort to do so early to-day.
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  • 205 7 Rural Board Opposes One Proposal WHEN Singapore Rural Board members were told yesterday by their chairman, Mr. L. W. Forbes, that the Singapore Municipality had "tried to pull a fast one on the Board," they decided to "stick to our guns." The cause of this up
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  • 55 7 THE Dutch-Japanese oil discussions were proceeding m Bandoeng last week Mr. Tadaharu Mukai, President of the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. conferring with M. Panthaleon Van Eck, President of the Royal Dutch Oil Corporation, and Mr. Fred Kay, cf the Standard Oil Company of New York
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  • 443 7 pHi: assertion that if a ring of contractors existed m Sin--ipore it was up to the Government, and not the Rural Board alone, to fight it, was made at a meeting of the Singapore Ratal Board yesterday. Cr.cier discussion was the
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  • 52 7 picture. Inspector Salleh bin Haji Omar, of the Johore State Police, who yesterday received from the hands of the Regent of Johore the Royal Humane Society testimonial for saving a Chinese woman from drowning m the Johore River. The ceremony toDk place at the Johore Police Depot.
    Free Press  -  52 words
  • 123 7 TO DO GROUND JOBS AT SINGAPORE (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept. 12. THIRTY-EIGHT Penang Trade School students left for Singapore to-day to take up appointments with the ground staff of the Royal Air Force at Singapore. They comprise 22 Chinese, 11 Eurasians, four Indians
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  • 70 7 GOVERNMENT employees are to receive increased cost cf living allowances for the month of September. The following rates are payable m respect of this month (figures m brackets being the ra:es paid m August) Classes I (a) and II $2.45 rs2.2o\ classes I (b) and
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  • 23 7 New celling prices for Burma and Negapatam parboiled rice, Burma white rice and Rowntree's cocca were published m the Government Gazet.e extraordinary yesterday.
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  • 431 7 KOBAYASHI IN BATAVIA "THE Netherlands Indies are endowed with fuwliiiflj rich natural resources and extensive and fertile fields. while Japan is a highly industrialized nation exporting manufactured goods. Therefore Japan places a great deal of expectation on the resources of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 183 7 r t* SPECIAL MEN'S DARK 3E£]gj KHAKI COTTON HOSE tf*L*a X 1 rib and broad o 3 rib le^s with plain fine ribbed turn-over-tops, lijrht weight. Strong and durable with reinforced toes and heels. Price $1.00 ,«alr. Sizes: <H 2 10 10» /2 U ins. Made m Enp-land SHIRTS ton
      183 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 426 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. «c O. 5. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained ny The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
      426 words
    • 352 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. id P~M.aj TELEPHONE: Freight 5431 Passage 6411 SftMiU&N P4CISSC I ypflwT WroWßtl fltmi ip < Mcd ut StztkummX a—— i— Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies Lake Louise Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" "DUCHESS" or "MONT" stenmers to
      352 words
    • 435 8 MANSFIELD CoTltT BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequeni Sailings to United Kingdom. Oates guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conf. War Clauses. WKSIKRN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST r A Regular Services to (Perth) *t» Ja by first class passenger ship* Single fare $192 I £^8) Frequent connection by
      435 words

  • 1013 9 36 Recruits Volunteers Apply For Exemption GRANTED IN 29 CASES H rS V^± aPPh Catlon for «»WUm of Depot recruits from Oct S >Z N. fr m ™tinuou S training next month, E Prent* vt» A R McK «Ton and Mr. R. exemptions m 20 on h VI hn? n^
    1,013 words
  • 626 9 Regulations Should Be Reasonably Administered COMMENT AT RURAL BOARD r W m BAT their rules and regulations should be reasonable and reasonably administered was the subject of comment by Mr. Cecil Reuben at a meeting of the Rural Board yesterday. Under discussion was the case of a Malay living m
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 501 9 t rr -;=3 ftDVEHTISEMENTS rENDEga SINGAPORE ijl MCIPALITY Tenders. ,-^if-c are now Invited for tne rials or services. Fori' Municipal Tenders id deliver* of one Tr:.:;or .ver Station. Date 12 neon. Sept. IS, 1940. \sbestc3 Koot- »es lor Bukit Timah Station Filters. 12 noon. Nov. 27. I Mild Stool Wash
      501 words
    • 165 9 SHIPPING NOTICE SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 4% DEBENTURE STOCK 1939. Interest Due Sept. 30, 1940. AND SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 3% DEBENTURE STOCK 1935. Interest Due Oct. 1, 1940. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Registers of the above Stocks will be closed from Sept. 17, to 30, 1940, both days inclusive. C.
      165 words
    • 259 9 TENDERS. "joho¥e~government. j Tenders are invited from approve d i Contractors for the sup ply, delivery to site and laying of Patent Rooflng to the New Government Offices, Johore Bahru, for the Johore Government. A deposit of $100/- is required from each Contractor tendering and will be refunded on receipt
      259 words
    • 490 9 i t jgiP] H__rr.rmrT*'ffTr-W-— --■< lim -mmaii i ->-_> _-B_----g_A-x---S-SJsL!^Lg,^^^^--l^_^^^. y# m m Wmj I f£j FAST PASSENGER SKKVh'K. SINGAPORE TO SAN FRANCISCO \IA MANILA llOMi ROX. Sails S pore A-—.' I f S.S. CIT? OP NEWPORT NEWS Oct. 6 Oct BA. CITY OP NORFOLK Nov. 7 J S.s. CITY
      490 words

  • 87 10 picture. picture. Jockey Flannery hud a great afternoo.i at Bukh Timah on Wednesday when he rode three winners. First Ra. Chiltern and Blaricum. his first successes m this country. In this picture he is sen winning: the firs: race on First Ra, hiildiir; off Clunny
    Free Press  -  87 words
  • 391 10 Seventh Consecutive Win Scored By Gillman Team TAYLOR'S HAT-TRICK Loyals 4; Police AFTER taking a long: time to settle down, the Loyals rt played well to beat the Police by four goals to two at the stadium yesterday m the first division of the
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  • 575 10 Kai Tere Scottish Rifle Will Be Strong Opposition CIXTEEN horses have been handicapped to run m the w Gold Cup race at Bukit Timah to-morrow, the final da\ of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting. The field is very classy, and
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  • 367 10 Tennis Results Further Ties ONLY three ties were played ofl m the S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis tournament yesterday. They resulted: Men's singles handicap: C. E. Brooke l5) beat Lieut. O. B. Juneja (—3), 6_3, 5—7. 6—l. Men's doubles handicap: W. H. Drooglever and S/Ldr. Ramsay-Rae < .3> beat D. E.
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  • 53 10 SCORES m the September nine-hole competition at th.* Kcppel Ciolf Club were "A" Division Mrs. W. P. Douglas 37 net; Mrs. E. A. Elder 37 net. Mrs. Douglas won on the first six holes. "B" Division Mrs. R. .1. Fcnnie 35y 2 Mrs. E. OSullivan 37; Mrs.
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  • 184 10 DEFORE a fairly large crowd at the Union Hall on Tuesday night. Brinkmann's badminton team beat the Imperial Club by four games to two m a friendly match of four singles and two doubles. The following were the scores, Brinkmann players mentioned first: Singles:— C. JE.
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  • 93 10 71b TO-DAY, at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, there will be the usual races for all classes, starting at 5.25 p.m. On Sunday, the following classes will san the first race for a Club Beer Mug starting at the usual times "C" class at
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  • 280 10 GOOD pby by Spencer and Stephana helped the R.A.F. Tengah to beat the R.A.F. Kallang by 37 runs m the semi-final of the inter-unlts knock-out cricket competition on Wednesday The Tengah Airmen totalled 123 runs while their opponents from Kallang reached 86 runs as
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  • 224 10 Oi four toali u> nil the 21st Mounu tain Battery beat the V.M.C A. Juniors at hockey en the Y.MCA. ground yrsterday. The winners scored two goals m each half and. though the Juniors displayed a ob■t.nate defence m the la-.t 15 minutes,
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  • 32 10 pic lure. Russian Rose being led in by trainer Orchard after she had won the fifth race at Bukit Timah on Wednesday to pay $240 to 47 backers.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • 119 10 Martindell Beats Cheah 4 2 In Final ERNEST W. MARTINDELL won the Haji Amboo Sooloh Cup at the Royai Johore International Club beating T. E. Cheah by four and two. The results were: First Round:— Lt R. V. S. Wright beat J. W. Moore 5
    119 words
  • 25 10 PLAYING at the Garrison Golf Club last Sunday, Mr. C. F. Jennings holed out m one at the' 130 yards fourth hole.
    25 words
  • 20 10 ENTRIES for the Straits Chinese Recreation Club's open invitation tennis tournament will close at 1 p.m. to-morrow.
    20 words
  • 205 10 MALAYA RUGBY SEASON Interesting c Of C A n hoi am the Malaya r„ sr r th ,n, t si son, th?v haw lor a scries of he played m Si Hy of then. The pun closed grouiif :sion will be issued, and member* i for the m early as
    205 words
  • 17 10 IN the final competition at the Gan 'Club Capt. G. X J. o'L>wyer two
    17 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 409 10 TO-DAY'S SPORTS EVENTS SOCCER: second division (a), Publishers vs. \i.\. (8.M.), padang. TENNIS: S.C.C. and V.M.C A. tournaments. Airmen Defeat Customs R.AF. (Hdqrs.) 3; Customs 0 OPPOSED by ten men the R.A.F. (Hdqrs.) found little difficulty m beating the Cus.oms three-nil m a second division tb> soccer fixture on the
      409 words