The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 September 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,189. ESTD. 1835 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1910. 5 CENTS
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  • 391 1 Widespread Raids On Docks, Factories Aerodromes FLEET AIR ARM CONTINUES OFFENSIVE IN NORWAY London, Sept. 10. Rra carried out fresh attacks on military m Germany, including Berlin, and GermanHolland. Belgium and France last night, it is enounced m London. Thy attack on Berlin was pressed
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 180 1 London, Sept. 10. Feuter's diplomatic correspondent lea s from authoritative quarters that Geriran allegations that negotiations between the French authorities m Indo-China and the Japanese Government are ru^uing a smooth course and are not broken off are quite untrue. The Germans seem particularly an :lous to pc;suade the
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 54 1 London, Sept. 10. THE German armament industry m the Rhineland has been so badly hit by the R.A.F. raids that many munition factories there are being moved to Czecho- Slovakia, it is reported by a United Press correspondent who has just completed a tour along
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 227 1 Will Not Be Nazi Secrets For Long London, Sept. 10. F>R their third successive "terror" raid on London last night, the Germans used chiefly a modernized version of the two-engined Dornier 215, a fast lons-distance bomber monoplane, reports Renter's air correspondent. Less than a month ago the German wireless announced
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 101 1 London, Sept. 10. LONG range guns on both sides of the Straits of Dover resumed shellmg early to-day, four hours after ceasing fire last night. The German batteries opened the challenge with three shells v/hich shook the Dover area. Searchlights filled the sky trying to
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 34 1 London, Sept. 10. NEW ZEALAND has raised £50.000 to buy aeroplanes for Britain. Out of this total, £33,600 has been collected through p fund organized by the New Zealand Herald. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 234 1 Cairo, Sept. 10. AN R A F. bomber formation bombed Massawa, m Eritrea, on Sunday, all the bombs falling m the target area, says a communique issued here last night, which adds: 'Two fir were started and damage to buildings was observed. "Aircraft
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 1016 1 Big Fires In Vicinity Of St. Paul's London, Sept. 10. DIRECT hits were scored on two hospitals, one for children and the other a maternity hospital, and business premises m the vicinity of St. Paul's Cathedral, when Nazi raiders last night again unloosed bombs
    Reuter  -  1,016 words
  • 61 1 London. Sept. 10. 'T'HE people will get their sugar butter and bacon as usual said Lord Woolton, Food Minister, adding that damage to food supplies during the week-end raids was m detail annoying, but entirely unimportant. The main damage was to flour, animal feeding stufTs. meat
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 388 1  - Dutch Navy Not Resting On Its Laurels J. H. HUIZINGA By Special to Free Press and the North American Neuspaprr Alliance. A British Port. Auz. 10. IN a blue bay somewnere on tag- land's coast, the wheel of history has come full circle. Dutch and British mcn-o'-war are lying si
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 #hen you have a dress making Problem why ifi> elsewhere Meet Miss. Yun at CHOTIRMALL'S Hin-' Silk Merchants L,e3 ol n TO WIGHT DINNER DANCE (Informal) 8 p.m. to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION FIRST APPEARANCE OF MIMI J° s A»m E MEXICAN DANCERS OF INTERNATIONAL FAME V' 'inner SJ.OO Non-diners $1.00
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 LAST 3 SHOWS I UAAADBA Thonc No -3j5._6.15_&_9.15 ALHAiViSKA 6909 No wonder it's j^ th« happiest role &of career fc^^^Z^^^s your AthAmericsn boy 'mid rko Soi^/i Amoricofi 6^4rties Radio i P»ctnr» A Production. Awocioto producei BARNEY BRISKIN. Directed by HIE C KFNTON. S<'«tn ploy by Wtldon MfHck, r>»o«not story by
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    • 167 2 TO-DAY at the CAPITOL sl^> See America's most-guarded 'plai See the thrilling attempts t< I FICTION'S MASTER SLEUTH NOW THE SCREEN'S NEW .X WIZARD OF CLUES! f» I Your most battling i f mystery romance! W$ 13 _k >__^*T A i__A V uiiu lurther put,,, _^_sg___# Attach M ft* Out,
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  • 438 3 Bid To Repeat "Bloody Saturday" In London Areas Is Frustrated London, Sept. 10. r uy (iorman Luftwaffes attempt yesterday to repeat their ttioodj Saturday' m London was effectively frustrated X Allied fighters. 350 enemy bombers and fighters were sent over m :d yesterday
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  • 180 3 London, Sept 10 A FURIOUS fight between British and r\ Allied fighters ana waves oi enemy aircraft which tried to slip through to London from the south-east above the clouds yesterday afternoon to repeat their "Bloody Saturday" is described by Reuter's air wax correspondent. He
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 111 3 London, Sept. 10. THE problem of night bombing is 1 occupying the attention of the authorities. A high R.A.F. authority stated yesterday that both sides were searching tor methods to counter nght-bombing. He added. "I think we shall get the answer before Hitler does. "We have the
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 138 3 London, Sept. 10. UNDER the heading "Assault continues," The Times refers to the German night attacks on London and says it is difficult to preserve a sense of proportion m the midst of the clangour of exploding bombs difficult but essential. What London has been
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 76 3 A London, Sept. 10. N EXTREMELY delicate and tense situation m Syria is indicated by Reuter's Cairo correspondent who, quoting a trustworthy informant just arrived thence, says that the Italian armistice commission is apparently "asking for the earth." The demands include immediate assumption of control of
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 267 3 GERMANS MULTIPLY RECENT LOSSES London, Sept. 10. TTHE Admiralty states that the total mercantile losses due to enemy action during the week ended Sept. 1-2 amounted tc 84,575 tons. This comprised 11 British ships of 560,020 tons, five Allied of 15,038 tons, and
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 458 3 R. A. F. Raids Causing Grave Uneasiness Among People In Germany "DRITISH air raids on military objectives m Germany have created grave uneasiness among the German people," said Mr. Leonard Ingram, broadcasting from the 8.8.C. last night. "The Royal Air Force/ Mr. Ingram said, "is carrying out a systematic destruction
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  • 270 3 London, Sept. 9 FE opinion was expressed m informed air circles to-day that until means of dealing adequately with night bombing have been evolved— a problem occupying the close attention of both British and German experts civilian morale is the most important factor
    British Wireless  -  270 words
  • 49 3 Sydney. Sept. 10. A.j, r of German and internees from Britain has ..hen asked about the Hlcer commanding the s repMed drily: "We have suard are the first M oeen m Australia since t of war and their public have evoked the greatest FSFASF" Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 46 3 r London. Sept 10. on the air raids on Britain, I .erlcan Daily News refers > m London and Chungking. imeful pace m the history of ard a 'ding; "Even Hitler himself r I >rce will not succeed m n -r'-h Fmnlrp The British. are unconquerable."— Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 17 3 md amendments to the list persons notified under the a The Enemy Ordinance were Straits Settlements G
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  • 25 3 New York, Sept. 10. A BRITISH liner containing a number of English children arrived Reuter here early this morning.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 31 3 fTHE Government of Northern Ireland I his hired a ship -of 4.000 tons m which to intern men suspected of Irish Republican Army activities.
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  • 15 3 Rome, Sept 10. MASONIC lodges are banned throughout Holland, says a message from Amsterdam Reuter
    Reuter  -  15 words
  • 91 3 New York, Sept. 10. GERMANY has made a formal demand to the Vichy Government fcr Z8 per cent, of food end raw materials m unoccupied France and for any su:h products thai France may be able to import m future, it is revealed m reiiable diplomatic
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 95 3 Berlin. Sept. 10. EX-KING CAROL'S name Is to be crazed from all Rumanian army associations, according to a newsagency report from Bucharest, which ac'ds that ten generals and one admiral have been retired. In the interest of economy the Rumanian legations at Mexico City, Rio
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 60 3 NEWSPAPER offices m Fleet Street post watchers on their roofs to raise the alarm whenever German planes fly dargerou^lv low over the buildings, according to Mr. William Forest, a well-known war correspondent, m a broadcast from london last night. Tn three hours of last
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  • 63 3 London, Sept. 10. THE names of eight officers and 427 oth°r rinks anp-nr m a War Office casualty W< which includes a total of 117 killed and 2^ wounded. LJeut-CoHmel G. H. Bull, of the Grenadier Guards has died of his wounds anc T.ieut -Colonel D. S. Frazer,
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 25 3 Washington, Sept. 10. THE second series of conference of the United States-Canada Joint defence board, beginning here to-day, Is expected to last two days.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 76 3 "117 are c l uitc preP 3l f° r these attacks W which will probably become worse." declared the B.BC. news announcer last night, when he referred to the German air raids. "We must remember that we have waited a year for these raids," he
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 91 3 London, Sept 10. MR. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, made a tour of the London area to-day, to see for himself the damage done by enemy an raids Crowds of city workers took the opportunity of expressing their feelings. One man m a huge crowd who
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 40 3 Lisbon, Sept. 10. JAPANESE ships jcund for Britain have received orders to put into Lisbon The Hakone Maru, Hakosaki Maru. and the Durban Maru are already m the Tagus and others are expected Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 45 3 Forest Hill, New York, Sept. 10: DONALD McNeill won the American tennis championship tc-day, beating the holder. Bobb Riggs, 4—6, 6—B, 6—3, 6—3, 7—5. Alice M?rble won the women's championship for the third successve year, beating Helen Jacobs 6—2. 6—3.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 53 3 London, Sept. It. AN Air Ministry casualty list issued to-day contains the names of 332 officers and men. Among those previously reported missing 27 are now prisoners. Of the new names 11 have been killed m action, 67 are missing. 72 killed and 53 wounded or Injured on
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 102 3 SHANGHAI JOURNAL'S TRIBUTE TO PREMIER Shanghai. Sept. IU. IN an editcrial entitled "Convincing Mr. Churchill." the American Shanghai Evening Post declares that hn aixurances of Ultimate British victory are bringing a feeling of relief m W/shinrrtcn. So completely is the American public "sold" on the irrnkncss and
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 79 3 London, Sept. K. THE Daily Telegraph, m the course of en editorial to-day, states "Th* King yesterday was visiting bombed homes, the flames of which Bream were still fighting while rescue partial worked on debris and men, wom^n and crr'dren their household goods. "From a stage Hitler shrieks
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 36 3 Tokio, Sept It. ON his arrival m Batavia. Mr. Ko-n fpecial Japanese envoy to the Netherlands Indies, will issue a statement rlariivinT Japan's fundamental attitude toward* the projected conference m Batavia. Eastern News.
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  • 30 3 Berlin, Sept. 9. IN addition to air attacks on London, the German air force fMteffev earned out raids on "military oblectiv^s" m Canterbury, according to the German news ar*en?y.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 RED PALM OIL This oil con lairs considerable quantises of Vitamin-A and specially preptrcd for use as a cooking oil and as a mrdirine. It is excellent for preventing influenza, roughs and colds. 50 cts. per Eerie Oh'.ui.iaHe frori MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. BATTLRY ROAD. OPENING j^^tSL R833 jßfc, Itg
      136 words

  • 90 5 Building Warships At Brisbane Brisbane. Sept. 7. untie M»od that the con- a floating dock for I k*V ll! waters and <n-<*- t \p< s °f naval vessels are *A*d txttMi^ne ship-building m **w lx h the Federal GovernP** nade for Brisbane. 00 now being built at I Itrisbale. will
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  • 111 5 U.S. Wonder Planes For Air Force ...erican aircraft delivered m quantare at R.A.F. both machines are .t recently paid mined the Brewster single- a Douglas light .own as Buffalo and tally developed N...v as a deckbut will be employed land fighter, nald-wing monoshort, deep fuselage, which retracts and partly into
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  • 1198 5  -  A. J. Harrop By Dr. Author Of "England And New Zealand" MEW Zealand is the most distant of the Dominions, yet m some ways it is the closest to the Mother Country. The area of the two island groups is approximately the same— but
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  • 23 5 A R.A.F. picture of a bombing raid on Abbeville aerodrome. Notice the bombs bursting on the landing ground.
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  • 210 5 A DEMAND for a purge of the higher officers of the A.T.S. (Auxiliary Territorial Service) is contained m the report of the Select Commission on national expendiThe report recommends that the reorganization of the corps should be preceded by confidential reports on its
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  • 191 5 Gunners Send Up 'Hardware For Raiders London. Aug. 27. pOING up. Hardware sixth floor Anti-aircraft gunners at Dover said this as tiiey loosed a barrage at enemy raiders yesterday. High -flying raiders two hours before sunset broke Dover's day-long cam We heard the whining roar of our hghters going up
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  • 505 5 Preparing To Welcome" Hitler scheme, but the Seddon (Liberal- Government passed the Act of 1898 giving pensions without contribution. Industrial conciliation and arbitration, votes for women, and oOier progressive measures were also passed. "Apart from minor controversies about the withdrawal of Impenal troops from the country and the reluctance of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 y^sjji_\i_w_»^^is^_v wrmw K 'm\mW^Mk c r££ itt r m^m\mmmmmmmmm\
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    • 30 5 JEAN ARTHUR JAMES STEWART EDWARD. ARNOLD, LIONEL BA RRYMORE. MISCHA I— l Pv i'^___W'^M -----_-i---i-----_--bl--B--HHM^4(^^4-i-----l Llr4^\\__i_Btt!Mg—^^ __I^\ *l «t^___fl Py-Rtti 111] ilii FILM KINDLY LENT FREE BY COLUMBIA PICTt RES
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 28 6 i^R^R^^^^^l^^R^R^n^^^^T W,^!""TR^RaTRri^^3 E 'I' IH *l \\MK\\ JUKfl A H. I R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^R^t^^^L^^^lV^I^Ra^^R^^^^^H^^^Ra i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^QV RRa X A/ X///y^^k XXs/X S S/,^1 Ra^//X/yyTRRJ R//>V////^i'>B RB^y' ss. ss S/S/ssSsx/s Vy'jRa /^SS////S/X//s/sS^l
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  • 429 7 Effect Of U.S. Export Restrictions VITAL CONFERENCE WITH DUTCH AMERICANS ijIKRH \N rtptrta state that executives who have been fi m it Manila and Hatavia are confronted with (m. 0 f the gravest lmoortance to the future of iv !r New Zealand and all
    429 words
  • 169 7 Li DONATE TO FUND tOM COMPENSATION Ed m the .rd court yesterday mpensatkn of to him by a I .Id so to tic Pond Geoffrey Hunt and riaji Mohd. a d.tiice hostess vender Street. J. G Rappote, ol criminal $10 belonging to tbc night of July lUon.
    169 words
  • 75 7 I be employed is to be to 12. Effect will be ruling after the war. the Chinese Adwai agreed that the ace for girls who can be d domesti* servants u-S. lUc Servants OraiIjyment of female nder the age of ted. wme later date to
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  • 168 7 CLIMBING the mast of a tougkang I ater > during a storm to secure the sails which had blown loose. Ang Low Siak, a 54-rear-old Hokhien. tat hLs hold and bed to the bottom of the beat. 23 feet belom-. The incident occurred at
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  • 198 7 400 Planes In Syria Not For Axis Use COUR hundred modern French war- planes stationed m Syria will not be allowed to fall into German cr Italian hands, says the Beirut (Lebanon) newspaper. Liberie. Order will be maintained m Syria at all costs, adds the paper. More details cf the
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  • 131 7 Anzacs Are As Tough As In Last War TT'lLb] Anzacs of to-day are as rug- ged and tough as their predecessors m the last war, and there is a far better understanding of the issues this time, said Mr. S. H. Edwards of the British Overseas Airways Corporation m Karachi,
    131 words
  • 52 7 THE Straits Settlements Police Band will play the following programme under the direction of Mr. J. Hitch at Parrer Park at 5.30 p.m. to-morrow: March, "Suvla Bay," Heinicke; Overture. "Caliph of Bagdad," Boieldieu; Selection. "The New Moon." Romberg; Valse, "Embers," L-?.«trange; Pox-trot. "The World's Greatest Sweetheart is You," Denniker; Selection.
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  • 31 7 Mr. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, recently made an extensive tour of the Southern Command. He is here seen inspecting defences on the south coast of Britain.
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  • 95 7 THE F.M.S. War Loan of $20 000,000 closed yesterday, and the fiplony Loan of $25,000,000 may close to-day if a lajst r reat effort is made by the public. 12 is understood that the Colony pasj?d the F.M.S. total about two days ago. Working on
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  • 385 7 AMAZING ADVENTURE OF NAVIGATOR AHJDSON of the Coastal Command has returned to its base with its nose completely shot off after one of itne most amazing flights of the war. The Hudson was damaged making a dive-bombing attack cr. two destroyers near Denmark, states a rei
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  • 57 7 !f|THE marriage will take place at noon today of Miss Lim Boon Hai, daughter of i the late Mr. and Mrs. Lim Loh, of Singa- pore, and Mr. Tan Chin Chong, eldest no of Mr. and Mrs. Tan Teck Hong, of Rani goon. The ceremony will be performed at •the
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  • 593 7 Malaya May Be In "Thick Of Things XHE statement that Malaya might at any time "find itself m the > thick of things" was made by Lord Lloyd, Secretary of State for the Colonies, m an address recently to a number of Colonial Service cadets, some of whom have already
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  • 227 7 SHIPS BEING BOUGHT FOR SERVICE TO AMERICA -Plans for forming a Tl„\i merchant marine were discussed .^ume month 1 ago." said Phra NararaJ Chamnong tc a Free Press reporter yesterday, "but it has not yet been decided how man\ merchant -hips will constitute fleet." The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 SM.ON MME. SHEILA D A IiF.AITIFIL N CF EVENING. Hrn \N!> MORNLM. VI M) PLAY SI ITS. DRESSES AND &T C M 1 9 FROM $5.00. Fl Ctwt HiJl Street, 7139.
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    • 180 7 ySSpHBT HANDKERCHIEFS FOR MEK Kf -^l^^^^KRB Guaranteed fast colours soft finish X^^^t^/^y^^^^S^m ready for use m a delightful p^-j|^| jjj^/yWKJSH? -P range of coloured miniature checks m jjf :.d overchecks with striped borders Jm m (trey, blue maroon and m^ mmm »»»»mmmmmmmmWmmmmWKm Plain white centres With neat- Jg coloured striped
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 39 7 Law Notice For The Day Before The Hon Mr Mr. Justice red lev Ie Court No. at 11 a.m. Assizes Rex vs. Scow Oh Before the Registrar at 14.34 am 0.5.47 40 Certify; at ajn IM 40 —Taxation.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 433 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES ♦INCORPORAITD IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained ny The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register
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    • 403 8 f I j^SSE^S AND ENJOY SCiNIC CAMDA a^B BU** .___T^E(a_l ____B______S?t^.— 1 >mj^^^r f^^^^r Speed across the Pacific by luxurious Empress liners, then Victoria stop over if you wish and Vancouver m Canada's Evergreen playground Fast through AIR CONDITIONED trains from ship's side at Vancouver take you through the Majestic
      403 words
    • 425 8 MANSFIELD «(f7LTir BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom Oaic guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject t 0 War Clauses. WKS TKRM AIS I X \i h THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAP ES7 Regular Services to fVemantle (Perth) by first class passenger bh; P n Single fare $192
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  • 1065 9 "We Have Protection Of British Navy, Army And Air Force" WHY MALAYA IS SECURE A T RONG a Ppeal to Chinese of all classes to save up their money and lend all they could, whether m small or large sums was made by
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  • 86 9 "ESCAPE to Paradise," Bobby Breen's latest film for R.K.0.-Radio which opened at the Alhambra Theatre yesterday, contains Plenty of humour. The youthful star sings three songs m English and two m Spanish, and a combination of music and comedy makes the film enjoyable entertainment. Bobby,
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  • 369 9 (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 10. JUST eight days after the F.MS. War Loan cf $20,000,000 was floated, the lists of subscripticns closed to-day. When the majority report of the committee appointed m the F- M J*. to investigate the question
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  • 436 9 PROSPECTIVE settlers m Canada will find much useful information m a r*j f»rt Issued b/ the Department of the Interior at Ottawa entitled "A district In Canada specially suited to settlers with moderate means.' The area ailuded to is south-east Vancouver Island, British Co»umbia. This section
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  • 74 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent* Penan*, Sept. 10. LABOURERS employed by two rubber factories m Penang. went on strike today as a result of their demands for an increase m wages not being approved. They presented five demands, the principal demand being for an increase of ten per
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  • 145 9 "TVI ICK CARTER. Master Detective," the IN MG M film which is being screened at the Capitol, is a racy narrative about spies m an American aeroplane factory. Battles with international agents, seen?* of how spies photograph plans and the ruse adopted for taking the
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  • 112 9 DAILY PRICES CURRENT No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 37\ 38 No IX R.SS P. 0.8. to cases September M% 38\ GF.A.Q R.SS P. 0.8. to bales September 36% 36% P.A.Q R.SB P. 0.8. m »>ales September 36* 36* C* Blanket Crew FOB m
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  • 41 9 In spiie of tiie already intensive training they have hud s.nce the beginning of the war, British troops are carrying on with their exercises daily. These are men of the Royal Scots Fusiliers at bayonet practice.
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  • 226 9 THERE was an immediate cc- maud for economy labels (for use on envelopes) when these were placed on sale at the Government Publications Bureau, General Post Office, Singapore, this week, ihey were quickly sold out. A further supply will be available to-morro" GEORGE FORMBY IN
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  • 157 9 MEYER MANSION LODGER WAS A NUISANCE PERMISSION to take steps I a lodger from a rorm m M syer M sions was given by the Rent mcnt Board yesterday to a Si; *ho application on th the lodger, J van Hoi nuisance. Describing hi Rohrman said that Vm Hoik <;
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 468 9 SSSO ADVERTISEMENTS, rFNI)ERS SINGAPORE Ml NICiPAUTT Tenders. m invited ior tne r lis or services. For Municipal Tenders ..-.cry of one Tractor Power Station. Date noon. Sept. 16, 1940. I 40 gallon drums of British manufacf Closing. 12 noon.j 40. -ated Asbestos RoofBukit Timah Station Filters. 12 noon. Nov. 27.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 111 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mai:- it the I Hows: TO-DAT Chung Kin*. nrfsl Kunming Indo-China surl JfiV Medan surfa< a Faiembarg TOMORROW Ajany surf m Canton J j Chuan Chow ice nm Kiung Chow n p Shanghai surfai 2; Sna'ow but jit Formosa |p Bone Kong surl 2 Jt\va 1
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  • 1605 10 Mediation Artful Sailor To Win Main Events FOURTH DAY OF SINGAPORE GOLD CUP RACES MALLANUIT and The Needles should be the best bets to-day, the fourth day of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cuo) race meeting. Mallanuit has only been entered for this one
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  • 98 10 SELECTIONS for to-day's races at Bukit Timah are:— FREE PRESS Race 1: Woden, Siam. Race 2: Mallanuit, Electra. Rate 3: Artful Sailor, Freedom. Race 4: Greypion, Cornsheaf. Rate 5: Cambalong, Sir Merton. Kate 6: Adeie, Wicklow Bay. Race 7: Mediation, Bridge Law. Race 8: The Needles, Edna
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  • 322 10 Moravia -4; Indian Association 0. ROUGH play on the part of some of the members of the Indian Association side marred the second division (b» S A FA. league soccer fixture between the Association and Moravia on the padang yesterday. Moravia won by four goals
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  • 208 10 A CHINESE woman whose husband was I m a road accident m June last year was awarded damages m the sum of by Mr. Justice Manning m the Singapore High Ccut yesterday. 11 mid that the woman's husband, Tan ti, was riding a evele m
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  • 391 10 Final Day Of Gold Cup Meet WEIGHTS for Saturday, the final day of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting, are given below. THE GOLD CUP Horses Class I—Division1 Division I—l%1 1% Miles Eay Dragon 9.05 Rubber Queen .8.06 Sultana 9 03 Kai Tere 8 03
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  • 114 10 WfHEN h2 K:ng was visiting a super- hear* ar.illery school he heard fn m a Royal Engineer crrl?er hew King George V. helped m the campaign against; the Germans m 1918. King George, inspecting a naval 14--inch gun ne.r Arras, ordered the firing of
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  • 70 10 THE following will represent the S.C.C. In a cricket match on the padang against an Army XI on Sunday, commencing at 11 a.m. H. L. Ward, K. H. Cantrell, A. C. Growder, W. K. Jagger, K. U. JohnsonHill. J. B. H. Leckie, J. G. Rappoport, J. E. Slade,
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  • 260 10 PLAYING at Kranji yesterday, Fort Canning beat the R.N.W.T. by two goals to nil m a second division (b) game ol* the league. should be backed against Mediation and Bridge Law. Race Eight— 6 p.m. Horses Class 3 Div. I—61 6 Furs. 0 4 1 GOLDEN MELODY
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  • 471 10 CHINESE BEATEN IN Faqt GAME AT STADIUM K A r J Chinese HARD and fast soccer was served up at lh n yesterday when the R.A.F. met the hin SU U first division of the league and won thr*. 6 m the Left with
    471 words
  • 31 10 Manchesters Tro unce Royal Navy DLAYINC. at !ht 1 yesterday Ih dU of the ,ea,u, v' trounced the R oy s tune of ehht-,„i. -Jl"* l the fifth eonv*r»!tive w sterin
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  • 152 10 V.M.C.A. |gj noOD, clean on the V M < cry, when the horbined first and srconc Ranks*, H X S R.A, side goal m three. It was noticed thai services of a Europe:. mmM who recently loin.d up the fidg-w f and who. incidr: his elder brother.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 something tells me tk&t I shall soon be called the finest AUSTRALIAN BACON /V bacon /f >v i ared, lull oi good flavour s~ f// md specially prepa' X/* from selected stock. /a*'*** **>/ w e can offer the '?jm fit "Pineapple" Brand mfs> ft fine favoured bacon rILmW VvTest
      63 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 351 10 Yesterday's Tennis Results And Further Ties YESTERDAY'S results m the S.C.C. autumn J. T. Buddie and R. M. Harsley 15) or lawn tennis tournament are: A Greenhill and S. C. Woolmer 15) Mens singles: J. G. Houston (-15) beat Mixed doubles: Mr. and Mrs J H Pedlow W_rS«2JrV+u):»3JW2 lift vs
      351 words
    • 33 10 Today's Sports Events SOCCER: reserve division, R.A.F. vs. Chinese, S.R.C. padang; second division (a), R.A.O.C. vs. R.A.M.C., Alexandra Road. TENNIS: S.C.C. and V.M.C.A. tournaments. RACES: Singapore Gold Cup meeting, 4th day, Bukit Timah.
      33 words