The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 September 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press NO. 16,188. ESTD. IMS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1040 5 CENTS
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  • 1276 1 Damage Casualties Not As Heavy As On Saturday LONDON MUSEUM AND THREE HOSPITALS HIT London, Sept. 9. >n\ last ni^ht was once again the main objective m unceasing German raids hut once again met the blind savagery of the assault with j^jr ratal and resolve.
    Reuter  -  1,276 words
  • 23 1 Primess Elizabeth with her pet horse at the country residence where the Princesses are staying during the war.
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  • 59 1 London, Sept. 9. THE Air Ministry announces that a large force of R.A.F. bombers made a concentrated attack on Hamburg for more than three hours last night, dropping: salvo after salvo of heavy bombs and hundreds of incendiary bombs. Meanwhile, vivid flashes caused by a violent
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 94 1 Belgrade. Sept. 9. SHOUTING "Why do Germans eat Yugoslav food and we starve?", hundreds of workers of all classes have participated m a demonstration at Threshnavatz, a northern suburb of Zagreb, m Croatia. Windows of butchers', grocers' and bakers' shops wers demolished, and the contents strewn about
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 194 1 London, Sept. 9. UNDETERRED by a storm of antiaircraft shells, the flare of searchli»ht concentrations, patches of tnicic cloud and much ground haze, heavy R. A.F. bombers cruised over the rreat dock area of Hamburg for over three hours »nd methodically pin-pointinf their targets, released salvo after wlvo
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 23 1 London, Sept. 9. The International Robhrr Regulation Committee to-day revised to 90 per cent the quota for Aurust to December In- elusive.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 31 1 Hyde Park, Sept. 9. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT to-day signed the $5,251,000,000 bill carrying funds for the two-ocean navy and for equipment for an army of 2,000,000 men.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 74 1 London, Sept. 9. NEWS has reached London of a new wave of arrests of Czechs m Bohemia and Moravia. During the last few days 150 hav e been arrested m Prague and 500 m the provinces, according to Czechoslovak circles m London. The majority
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 561 1 Sensational Story Of Nazi Fifth Column In Japan Shanghai, Sept. 9. THE American Shanghai Evening Post of Aug. 30 gives 1 prominence to a sensational article on a Nazi fifth column m Jaoan of 10,000 strong headed hy the Ambassador, Ott, who, it is stated, is really governing Japan. The
    Reuter  -  561 words
  • 44 1 London, Sept. 9. ALL of Rumania's political trials m the last eight years are to be reopened and the activities of judges who presided over them are to be investigated. This has been r r i h* Gen. Antonescu, Rumania's new Prime Minister Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 114 1 Berliners Told To Go To Bed Earlier Basle, Sept. 9. •pHE people of Berlin have been officially advised to go to bed earlier and set their alarm clocks for midnight every night so that they can get dressed and reach their shelters m good time, says the Berlin correspondent of
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 45 1 All "Wonderfully Brave" King London, Sept. 9. THE King made a three-hour tour of areas m the East End, which suffered most from the bombing raids. "Everyone has been wonderiully brave," he said. The King was given a wonderful re- ception by the people— Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 41 1 Pondicherry, Sept. 9. FE French Indian colony of Pondicherry has rallied to the cause of General de Gaulle and denounced the Vichy Government, according to the G o v e r nor, M. Louis Be'ivin.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 116 1 London, Sept.. 9. •THE French lndo-China authorities, according to reports mchlßg o'luial ouartcrs m London, have not accepted ilie Japanese dem?.nris for thr v age of troops through Indo-t'hina territory. Ther* vas a frontier violation by a few Japanese iroops hut tins act was solved without
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  116 words
  • 63 1 UM ON DON has cause to be deeply grateful L* to you. When the call came you wer« ready and steady," says a message from Mr. Charles Latham, leader of the L.CC, payinf ja tribute to the courage and value zt th«» services rendered by
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 43 1 Berne, Sept. 9. EX-KING Curol ot Rumr.r.ia arrival at L.-ano ye^tprdav evening and la staying at a local hotel. Carol is not to stay long In Fviizprland bef-Xt 1 *avin? lor LisVn. tut his plans are not yet fixed. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 170 2 Something New (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 9. VLT OMEN will be among those to take part m a fencing display arranged by Mr. H. L. Barnett m aid of the F.M.S. War Fund on Thursday at the Town Hall. Good support for
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  • 227 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 9. IN common with the rest of the Empire, Kuala Lumpur observed yesterday ais v nay of special prayers. At St. Mary's Church, the Rev. J. G. Hall recalled that the Sunday before the epic withdrawal from Dunkirk
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  • 118 2 AN appeal by tour Indians, Armu- gam. Tara Singh. Sinnapoo and Arjan Singh, against the decision of tne criminal district courc judge, who sentenced the lour men to nine months' rigorous Imprisonment each frr rioting v-as dismissed by the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice aHeckett
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  • 67 2 INDIES JOURNALIST ON WAY TO AMERICA A journalist, who is going to iry his luck m America, arrived m Singapore from Sumatra yesterday with his wile. He is Mr. M. Raster a former advertis.n? manager for the Borneo-Sumatra Trading Co. Mr. Kcstcr, who is leaving shortly fcr th- Uni:ed
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  • 121 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) J Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 9. VAN HOBOKEN, local manager of Lin-deteves-Stokvis. appeared before Mr W J. Thorogood. the first magistrate, to-day en two summonses alleging r.enlipfr.t drivir.- v^.d one summons for allegedly driving without a licence. In respect 01 the first two charges
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  • 50 2 Ct™™ ew York, Sept. 9. ITIES m Northern Italy are beginning to take the R.A.F. raids seriously, according to the Rom e correspondent of the Colombia Broadcasting System, In Turin. Adequate shelters are being provided and a body of 10,000 auxiliary nremen is being formed.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 318 2 Yesterday's closing prices were not to hand at the time of printing. London, Sept. 7. The following are to-day's closing middle quotations. Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated me aDove are dealers middle Drfce brokers margins brokerage and stamn duty are not included.-Exchange Telegraph. Con.
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  • 119 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES T e 2XV££S,S? cet were Mt to taad <Froon Ou»- oun t-om-suondenn RUBBER: Steady S^t IUJS SHJfS < 12 3j16d 12 5H6d) gg^o "••m&i Vitals ga 3 Jan-Mar I2d 12Hd (11 15 16d 12 I'l6d) dSS cIT (openlng it.» S! COPRA: P. M.S. Spot: £1% COTTON? RottenS<imi 2t
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 OPENING A I U A MRP A 3.15, 6.15 TODAY fmß-HlrtlVlDlxM 9.1S PM. RKO RADIO'S MUSICAI^COMEDY HIT! Romance-It's th< .Aj*jj£m& K^ main topic of the trop- U J A iV ics whan the sport V/ «iffM> the »eaports meets .Sfi> J P^^W the rose o< Rosarito. llra^^- MARW SHELTON M
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    • 155 2 THE SUPER-DETECTIVE OF ALL TIME IN THE MOST l{ M T" ***n OF HIS CAREER! See Actual Scenes m the closely guarded 'Plane factories of t See the sensational attempts to cripple the vital defence works TO-DAY AT THE CAPITOL.. 3.15-6 15 vH '^^^■fl I* I I /I ml^l^m^* to^^^^
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  • 25 3 Churchill Visits Southern Command I\ CHURCHILL, the Prime Minister, recently hmeetet uuthcrn Command. He is here seen being greeted by I u-ut. -General Brooke, Comm^nder-in-Chief.
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  • 374 3 New York, Sept. 9. UJ the American morning newspapers feature the iin£ raids on I^ondon with banner headlines. stories] from special correspondents contain such "hell on earth" and "almost incredible horrors." cables say that the British
    Reuter  -  374 words
  • 345 3 Decision Rests On Present Air Struggle 'FUEHRER HOPING TO WEAR DOWN BRITISH SPIRIT' irr London, Sept. 9. j>l can be said, generally speaking, that the raids over London are a .diversion from Germany's main purpose, this is to force R.A.F. fighters away from the coast
    Reuter  -  345 words
  • 214 3 Skill Daring Of Polish Pilots London, Sept. 8. T pilots own accounts of a daylight air attacks a reveal the dashing part rv the Polish Squadron. t timing between three ;adrons was said to be for the smashing of a formation over London, three squadrons a Polish of Hurricanes had
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  • 122 3 London, Sept. 9. AN air expert estimates that since the start of the intensive air warfare against Britain, Germany has lost m air raids more than 4.000 airmen. Official statistics show that from June 17 to Sept. 6. 1,688 enemy aircraft of all types have
    British Wireless  -  122 words
  • 33 3 Rangoon, Sept. 9. U Saw, leader of the Patriotic Party and former political prisoner, has formed a new Ministry, retaining the portfolio of Minister of Forests. The new Ministry represents a Coalition. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 72 3 -r, London, Sept. 9 Malta have again provid Once more Italian raiders hen wer some casualties, ft > damage was done to miliirrud out on the eve of day. Several bombs fell m v fighting took place on .::g the great si^P h wrecked
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 28 3 T London, Sept. 9. s been handed h C j nmtsskmer as the went or the proceeds of the J rusal m newspaper, I n-hter aircraft.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  28 words
  • 171 3 London, Sept. 9. pOMMENTING on the air raids, The Times says that the enemy's air offensive must be judged at all times by answers to three questions. The first is whether he has impaired the strength of the R.A.F. The answer to this question is emphatically
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 266 3 WILL BOMB ONLY MILITARY TARGETS London, Sept. 9. IT is s t a t c d m London that the general policy of the Air Ministry is still to attack military objectives and, as far as possible, not bomb indiscriminately civilian populations. By
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  • 161 3 It can, however, be said quite confidently that all anti-aircraft batteries In and around London were en the a' rt and fully awai.e to find tivir targets, but owing to a combination of circumstances favouring the raiders the targets were not so many. Similarly, British fighter
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 50 3 FRENCH SOMALILAND CONTRABAND CONTROL London, Sept. 9. THE British contraband control has been extended to French Somaliland. In flew of recent developments the British Government, it Is stated has decided to treat French Somaliland m the same manner for purposes of contraband control as a country under enemy control.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 103 3 London, Sept. *>. A TYPICAL instame of the x\ courage with which the German air raids were faced comes from an institute containing 1,400 inmates ranging m age from 60 to 100. Window frames were broken m and about 15 seriously injured and taken to hospital.
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 218 3 Nazi Raids Will Be Countered By Heavy Blows STRONGER ATTACKS ON BRITAIN TO COME «THE German air offensive will mount to greater fury. It will be met with even more stubborn resistance, and will be countered by far heavier blows," declared Mr. Oliver Stuart, the 8.8.C. air observer, m a
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  • 109 3 Montreux, Sept 9. FURTHER details of the havoc wrought by the R.A.F. ov:r Berlin earlier on Saturday morning are liven by the Berlin correspondent of La Suisse, who says that the raid was the bluest B?rlin has ye f suffered. Fires were started m several
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 101 3 NAZIS REPROVE POLICE CHIEF FROM OFFICE London, Sept. 9. IT is reported from Amsterdam that the Police Chief has been removed from office by the German Commissioner for Holland. He was charged with taking inadequate measures to prevent a street. clash on Saturday. It is reported
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 107 3 London. Sept 9. gECAUSE of repeated attach being maJa on them by Ocrnian aircraft, even when they put to sea to save German airmen from drowning. RAF. launches now carry light armament lor defensive purposes. Recently, an R.A.F. launch was sent during an air battle
    British Wireless  -  107 words
  • 63 3 London, s«;>t 9. A FORMATION of Italian bomtefl last ni?ht raided the Alexandra area In an attempt to damage Brlfsh ships there. Air raid alarms were sounded tad anti-airnraft defences went into a A few bombs weri drooped outside th city, causing no material
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 72 3 Forest Hill, New York, Sept. H. IN the American tennis chainpi'.n.s. scmi-fln?!s Alice M: rb!e, the holder, I beat Valeric £octt of Great Britain I 6 3, C— 3 and Helen Jacobs beat Mary Haidwiek of Great Britain 2—6, C 1, 6—4. M n's: Pobert
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 61 3 Bermuda, Sept. P. REAR-ADMIRAL UREENSLADE I the Fn't< d B1 I and o her United States officials concluded th'ir visit here yesterday. d;:nni irhicfa they conferred with the Island authotitiei on the defence teased by Fir Rear-Admiral Qteentlade said the vMft had been luecessful and
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 113 3 RED PAIP/J OIL This oil ontains considerable quantities cf Yitamin-A and is specially prepared for use as a cookinp oil and as a mrdi"i-ir. It is exce'lrnt for prev*ntinc influenza, coughs and colds. 5O cts. per Bottle Obtainable from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD. OPENING wh <wa k-i\niv«» m
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  • 707 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 10,1940. Rice Registration IF the scheme which comes ml 1 force next week for the compi sory registration of rice purchase] m Singapore proves a success, it wi be a tribute to the commensense the public as well as to the efficier organization of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 4 "hide and seek fl^^
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  • 1075 4 Our London L etter Britain Still Finds Time For A Summer Holiday From Our Own Corresponded London, Aug. 6. YOU can't kill a holiday by saying that it doesn't exist. I Like a birthday, it comes f round just the same. So much j is already evident about the i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 330 4 ALLSDPP 54 p?^ j y tjsfi j By Special appointment |j Established f^^TH^ l 872: I! *zzf vj^r NEWEST DESIGN IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY > Necklaces Bracelets Brooches j Rings Clip Watches I {incorporated m Ccylcn; SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. FAST PASSENGER SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO SAN FRANCISCO. VIA MANILA BONG KONG Sails
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    • 61 4 Be Careful m wearing unground Sunglasses, which may cause your eyes to h* defective. Go to Nan mii and see thy ..todern frames fitted with Genuine Chance English Crookes' B or B 2 Dark glasses for Safe and Comfortable Vision At 55.00 per pair. Nan Sin Optical House 3?5. North
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  • 2863 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT Free Press Feature By FK K ire all kinds of ways getting married accord- taste, circumstances or L tit* m Europe, but U)U come East you find •m- several varieties there < iri I was present at a ny new to me but old
    Free Press  -  2,863 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 127 5 STRANGE m powder TEST ASTOUNDS 10.000 WOMEN WOOF i hat you^l^^^ ok younger and lovelier! i^ SE Makefhis •lit which TFST i- skilfully tMik- TODAY Ghroa a new to the skin. Makes a km with youthAnd makes the powder long. This amazing .'•I Mousse of Cream i only m the
      127 words
    • 108 5 SINGAPORE'S LEADIN6 HW SALON Ask your friends they will assure you of MAXINE'S ability to work wonders with your hair. for MAXINE'S are now recognised as the leading hairdressing Salon The British Beauty Salon For an appointment Phone 2868 Ask for John (formerly of Andn-s of Hong Kong) or Tamara
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 345 6 NOW OPEN "Hitler has now sprawled over Europe. Our offensive springs are being slowly compressed and we must resolutely and methodically prepare ourselves for the campaigns of 1941 and 1942 Even if the Nazi legions stood triumphant on the Black Sea, or even on the Caspian, even if Hitler was
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  • 411 7 'An Old Malayan Jungle Trick"— Bamboo Stakes ET MUNITIONS WORKS eve*a c ess ie A: i< aw ds of stakes a een placed m and near ikes covering acres, point itists. Mr. -I. Perdval, cho Sydney Morning Herald, Malayan ju trick." \r: ins to
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  • 20 7 Attempt By Two Soldiers To teal Taxi Plei Ol <.ui!;> 1 1 Singh went to police stal was admitted i
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  • 51 7 The marriage will take place on Sunday at the Penang Buddhist Association of Dr. Tan Boon Beng. the eldest sen of Mr and Mrs. Tan Heck Aun, and Miss Lim Siew Bee, the third daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Lim Chwee Lecng and niece of Dr. and Mrs. Lim Han
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  • 42 7 The success which Australian warships have achieved m the Mediterranean is due largely to the quality of the training of the crew. The picture shows some of the crew of anti-ainraft w<:if»nns on an A«i».ra lian de>trover.
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  • 345 7 MILLIONS of cigarettes and cigars went up m smoke 1 and thousands of bottles of beer, whisky, brandy and other liquors were drunk from the end of' last year to the end of July this year to provide the Imperial Government with $1,453,890.54 to continue
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  • 161 7 •TWO Java sparrows, 'exhibits" m a case m the Singapore third court yesterday, hopped forlornly from branch to branch 01" tree after they were released from their case <;n the order of Mr. I. G. Rappoport. the third magistrate. Their owner, a middle-ased Chinese, had
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  • 561 7 "•THERE is an urgent need m a congested and highly frequented locality like Lavender Street for a bar where the liquor is controlled by the authorities," said Mr. V. J. Mendis when he appeared yesterday before the Board of Licensing Justices to
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  • 422 7 SYDNEY'S GREAT VICTORY Adelaide, Sept. J. THE Minister for :hc Nnvy. Mr. Cameron. that stirring icooontfl of th^ m warships m recent oven actions mp.'V- ir detr t! Royal Australian Navy was i •od self m an important theatre of war. H.M.AS weeks, luccessfoliy h-
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  • 84 7 Madame Chiang Still Likely To Visit Malaya WHS i :g Ka: of the Genera and I i> r« mud r.ut that, sin a i cauliun^rv inea.^un p!ans of her tr^\tl- i■ i i t.e ri.tuUrd m adv.m Madu. X I Govex f X ldl\g. N abou* I me Cfc:.. Mission
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 71 7 "THANKS TO YOUR TRAINING I WAS ABLE TO GET A GOOD POST" dm vas made by a a widow wiihout funds. ad studied at Pitr -arlier she secured aba ba ample for you love, let them learr. Shorthand or take a Com- On completion tor- n mn a good position
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    • 85 7 'm. "RENSTAY" '■t^?^ Mackintosh y 9Smt^\ A Miiari Ntr\ icc.tbk- c«».i f special proofed K^yptian I t ffi '*"*y^ l *3^ yarn, self lineii check, sir --JJ? breasted, R:i^lan rilffVM^ I- ft convertible collar, l»elted. In *«p\; t I plain huff I j 1 $16.50 i^ 1 ►I h Sires
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 435 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'INCOKPOKATED Vh E^IULAND) P. 6* O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
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    • 304 8 (Incorporated m F.M.S.J TELEPHONE: Freight 5435. Pftnafff SUI iHtDIAN PACIVIC Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPKKSSES- -Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies Lake Louise Banff. Trans- Atlantic by "EMPRESS" "DUCHESS" or "MONT" «te*nner3 to the United Kingdom.— -All under one management. tor detailed information apply to
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    • 424 8 BLUE FUNNEL LIHe Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject War Clauses. nf^ WESIKRN AUSIIUn THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) by first class oassenger bhip* Jay Single fare $192 > f^ B Frequent connection by sea. rail anc ADELAIDE MELBOURNE
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  • 414 9 ALL CLASSES REPRESENTED A t LTbT that aU the chMrm I"™* evacuated fa enSlv Si?'" j° Allstra l ia belons to wealthy homes SenSoriL 101 l Minil !< the l "They are representative of all classes la Britain," he said. "A glance through the
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  • 101 9 GIFT IN MEMORY OF HUSBAND JliE £3,500 motorboat "Ding-wall II." which was presented to Government by Mrs. Tan Soo- Bin m memory of her husband, the late Mr. Tan Soo Bin. was formally handed over to th^ 'Royal Air Force at Collyer Quay yesUrday morning. The
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  • 236 9 'T'H'VT a collia?n between a Singa- pcre Traction company omnibus and a mo«or-lorry m Yeo Chu Kang road on Aug. 29. was due to an error of jadgmen. on the part of the drivers of both vehicles, was the opinion of •Mr. W. G. Ponor,
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  • 228 9 WHEN were made by the police t^at Seah Jin Quee, a 23--year-old Hokkien, vo.d a revolver whilr attempting to extort money from a hawker under the threat ol assault by secret society men, Mr. L. C. Goh, the Singapore fifth magistrate, declined to take the plea
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  • 95 9 FIREWOOD CHARCOAL PRICES MAXIMUM prices for firewood and charccal have been fixed by th" Food Controller for some long time past m Singapore and Penang: but prices have unfortunately risen very considerably since the outbreak ol war owing to a variety of causes, states a communique from the Food Controller.
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  • 205 9 ALLEGED to have stolen two gold anklets worth SI SO from his sister-in-law, Mijan bin Siran. a 25-year-old Javanese pleaded puiliy m the Singapore fifth court yesterday. The prosecution, conducted by Court Inspector A. J. Blake, alleged that on the morning of Sept. 7 Mijan's sister-in-law.
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  • 28 9 "THE Rev. R. L. Archer will speak on "Fur--1 lough Impressions of the United States" to Rotary Club of Singapore at to-morrow's luncheon meeting at the Adelphl Hotel.
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  • 77 9 SOME memories of Singapore m the lnst v-cr will be recalled by the Senior Chinese Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council. Dr. Lim Han Hoe, m a broadcast irom the Singapore station this evening. Dr. Lira Han Hoe will speak on the Colony War Loan and
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  • 145 9 DI LOT- Officer Robert David Wawn, of Waverley, Sydney, reported missing after a bombing raid on Germany, has been located as the result of a surprising adventure, says the Australian Associated Press. It Is officially stated m Berlin, says the correspondent of the Associated
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  • 128 9 SEVERAL unidenlined ships have been launched for the Imperial Japanese Navy this year, says The Navy (Louden). They include .ho Kashino for KasJno^ which went afloat from the Mitsubisi Yard at Nagasaki on Jan. 2G; the Hashino, also described as the Machino, launched at Nagasaki on
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  • 92 9 ON and after to-morrow, obstructions will be laid at the eastern entrance to Keppei harbour between No. 18 Beacon and the eastern extremity of East Wharf, states a notice to mariners. The only eastern entrances to Keppei Harbour are through Selat Sengkir and between the following
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  • 280 9 WITH the "Moon Cake" festival less than a week away, Singapore Chinese are laying m stocks of moon cakes for the offerings which they will make on Monday night. Since the beginning of the Eighth Moon. Chinese provision shops have taken on
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  • 326 9 Employing Similar Tactics To Wolf Of Last War' THE raider operating, m the Tasman Sea if employing similar tactics to those of the Wolf m the 1914-1^ says Roy Alexander, author of "The Cruise of the Raider Wolf." "Th? raider shelled the
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  • 118 9 THE Singapore Muclim Committee for the Turkish Earthquake Relief Fund have £150 to Ankara. DAILY PRICES CURRENT No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 37"; 38 No IX RSS F. 0.8. m cases September 38"' ZB'l, G.F.A.Q RSS i-\O.B. tn bales September 36 7 37' i P.AQ RS S b
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  • 28 9 A RRANOKMEMTS m Advanced M.. v.WC.a. Singapore on and will b» held m the Thur.sda m. A M for b 11. on cj, ac 9.30 am.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 499 9 CLASSIFIED *DVERTISEMEIITS TENDERS \iNCAPORK MIMCIPALITY fenders. now Invited for the rials or services. For I Municipal Tenders delivery of one Tr«cior Power Station. Date 12 noon. Sept. 16, 1940. x 40 gallon drums of ol British manufac- Closing. 12 noon, I 40. mdted Asbestos Hoof:or Bukit Timah ng Station Filters.
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    • 179 9 endsquiloes amf .vte^fi niqkts i«* R^k .A vB j 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 K. P. M. LINE Regular sailings to Java, Bali, Sumatra, Borneo and II other ports m the Netherlands Indies. ORIENT JAVA AFRICA LINE Regular bi-monthly service via Batavia and Mauritius to South and East
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 237 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails clote at the General Post Office as follows: TO-DAY Aden surfaco 5 p.m. Africa air 5 p.m. Australia air 5 p.m. British Columbia surface 2 p.m. air 5 p.m. Burma surface 2 p.m. air 5 p.m. Canada surface 2 p.m. air 5 p.m. Ccylcn air
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    • 83 9 Law Notice For The Day L:iw notire Brforr The Hunblr the a*. < hirf JuMirf m Court Not. 1 at 10.30 a.m. Mag. Appeal vs. Rex, M. jf Ilrforc The Hjnblf Mr. Jus. i i, urn (n (curt No. 3 at li a.m. —Rex v. B-f»rr Th*' Hcn'bte Mr. JusUor
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  • 104 10 pirt'irp. picture. Irish J ar mns home an eisy winner m the firs', race at Bukii Timah on Silurday. Behind the winner ar2 Lady Warri'Jr and Kissing Cup. on r~..S, who fini-hed reconi and third r^s-ec'.lvcly. I: was I-ish Jig's fir-t victory m this ronntry.—
    Free Press  -  104 words
  • 226 10 States Claim Record From Wooderson London. IT seems that Sydney Wooderson, slim slar of Britten tracks, with ,he streamlined sprint, has lest his title o A :\d champion ever three-quarters of a mile, writes S.anley Hasley m ;he Express. l\ America, where track-spcrt is having a vintage season, Paul Moore.
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  • 334 10 FTHE Royal Singapore Golf Club's September bogey competition was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday and Sunday and resulted m a win for H. M. Alexander m "A" division with j. a score of all square, m a win for W. E. Thomas m "B"
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  • 583 10 MALAYS REGISTER SIXTH WIN OFF REEL Argylls Well Beaten In Senior Division Game FIRST MEETING OF TEAMS Malays 3; Argylls 0. DEGISTERING their sixth consecutive victory by beating the Argylls three nil at the stadium yesterday, the Malays enhanced their chances of retaining the championship m the first division of
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  • 247 10 Racehorses Soon Got Used To Air Raids WNERS. trainers and stud owners have been wondering (says J. H. Park m the Evening Standard) how their race-horses would behave If ever they were m air raids. Dick Carver. English trainer m France to Lord Derby and Lady Graoard, is now ba?k
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  • 76 10 F London. IVE HUNDRED pounds worth of silk breeches, belonging to jockeys are missing. These were 150 pairs, part of the laundry of 60 jockeys, and they were packed m a large canvas bag. ready to ko to London after the Worcester meeting on June 5
    76 words
  • 33 10 THE completed list of weights for to- morrow, the fourth day of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting, at Bukit Timah, is given below:
    33 words
  • 37 10 IN a fast and keenly-contested first division soccer match played at Changi yesterday, the Gordon Highlanders beat the Royal Engineers by three goals to one. Scorers for the Gordons were Duncan, Dobbins and Stewart.
    37 words
  • 417 10 OPENING GAMES YESTERDAY SEVERAL interesting matches were played at the S.C.C. yesterday m the opening rounds of the club's autumn lawn tennis tournament. The results were as follows: Men's singles handicap: C. E. Brooke 15) w.o. D. B. Juneja; J. Macintosh (scr> beat P. L. Young (—l5)
    417 words
  • 84 10 Results In First Round THE following are th e results m the first round of the women's golf championship of Singapore, played at Bukit Timah on Friday. Miss S. Lucas beat Mrs. W. J Holohan one up. v M J S < S-, W \P- Williams
    84 words
  • 37 10 picture. Danger Zone, Woods up, being: led m by Major T. L. Fox afier winning the third race at Buk't Timah on Saturday. Danger Zon? paid $59. (he highest dividend of the afternoon. Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • 203 10 THE draw m the bowls championships at the Singapore Cricket Club is given below. Championship Singles Byes: H. Gray, A. M. Macintosh, E. H. Coleman. T. E. Robson, A. Ferguson. First round: C. Hewetson vs. J. E. Jeans; E. H. R. Bowerman vs. E. G.
    203 words
  • 228 10 Law Tenni What The Pas[ Has Shown nr normal -1 correspoi 1940 Wimbled yesterday. and champions of on either hand < L T.A.. at tl %™*z whicij Wimbledon they would have I Would it hav< year" v i am at any rate nyear. Though it la lv
    228 words
  • 30 10 TOKIO DISTRICT A.R.P. Tokw. vpi ANNUAL full Mvtag In ii'ki < v They were Martod I Friday a: tinue for t«i day? Blark-ou^s uill b. er.Uwcei flrst five days Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  30 words
  • 29 10 THE first division soccer match beA twcen the Loyals and the 9th Heavy Regiment R.A.. which was to •have been played at Cxillman yesterday, was postponed.
    29 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 101 10 •THEROYAL BARERY BAKE 5 FINE BREAD AND CAMS' \s^r\ I? 1 I /I X r 1 mr (j o^° \*4 \^^*^l VJ^ kj IUI -> Entrust the making of J -j» I =^r^^ special Cake to the care i 4 M, r^ ingenuity of our Master i■• '-i V^-^^^S^ Baker.
      101 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 41 10 TO-DAY'S SPORTS EVENTS COCKER: First division, Chinese vs. R.A.F., stadium; Royal Navy vs. Manchester*, Naval Base; second division (B), R.N.W.T. vs. fort Canning, Kr-in.ii; Moravi.i vs. Indian Issn., S.R.C. padan?. Tennis: S.CC. and V.M.C.A. tournaments. Ifedkcy: V.M.C.A. vs. A.A. Uc^t., YMJCJL
      41 words