The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 30 August 1940

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 1(,,179. ESTD. 1835 FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1910 5 CENTS
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  • 504 1 "Selected Military Targets Attacked" GREAT GLOW IN SKY SEEN FROM CENTRE OF CITY AFTunrru i London, Ail*. 29. no official announcement has hitherto been iv ITiJ 1 S I arned from sources m London that K.A.F bombers "attacked selected military objectives m the Berlin area"
    Reuter  -  504 words
  • 91 1 ON DURING NAZI RAIDS :i. Au#. 29. M -r t na get on ems to be the British factory i m war work m raids. and rcighout the I cling i.^. and other report sentimen: t hose h night raids to carry on aft^r the workers
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 45 1 Ex-Premier Sent To Prison INnfelsy, Aug. 29. H Prime Minister of v F ruary, 1939, was month* 1 rigorous lmv. hen he was charged DC regulation, -'sted early this f from the post hen he announced Inf as "dictator** :ma 'rre^doTi bloc" move- I Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 57 1 oiuui. Au*. 29 .at the tiritisb (,«vrmJ"** ka> .>- i-r-d 6?0 Hurricane fiffhtrrs 1 :nn.»nv 3t Fort !'.uiiir<M, \ug. 29. Ruinini-M troops have l l dr f i frum the Soviet border "*««riaUT denied. that while certain including some civil ink«fl withdrawn follow i '-nt.s. th^ armr and
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 37 1 Alexandria, Augr. 29. ALTHOUGH the Italians have made several bombing raids here. Egyptian civilians who had evacuated the city are now flocking back, impressej by the ineffectiveness of the enemy's efforts. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 94 1 London, Aug. 29. *ym: King and Queen to-day A made a tuo-hcur tour of one of Britain's biggest shipyards m north-west England, where they saw warships on the stocks and others m the basin almost ready to pot to sea. Thousands of shipyard workers
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 98 1 R. A.F. Offensive In Norway Continues London. Au». 29. A COMMUNIQUE issued by the Admiralty to-ciay states that Skua aircraft of the fleet air arm carried out operations over the Norwegian coast yesterday. At one oil depct which had been previously attacked by fleet air arm aircraft, two remaining tanks
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 167 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Aug. 29. O I R JOHN HAY, w h o is still m America, attending to matters arising from the rubber purchase agreement between the IItJt.C. and the United States Rubber Reserve Company, has informed the London Rubber
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  • 36 1 Soldiers Try Out "Tommy Guns 9 The famous American machine-guns commonly known as "Tommy Guns" arc being supplied to members of the British forces and this picture shows British soldiers training with these guns from America.
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  • 311 1 London, Aug. 29. AS the conversations between von Ribbentrop and Count Ciano, the German and Italian Foreign Ministers, and the Hungarian and Rumanian Foreign Ministers began at Vienna this afternoon, announcements were made m the capitals of Rumania and Hungary alleging further rrQfltier incidents, m one
    Reuter  -  311 words
  • 134 1 Rumanian Plane Brought Down By Russians Bucharest, Aug. 29. MGAFENCU, Rumanian Minister m Moscow, is reliably reported to have been received by M. Molotov. Soviet Premier and Foreign Commissar, and given certain assurances concerning SovietRumanian relations. Meanwhile, further incidents are reported to have occurred von the Rumanian-Soviet frontier. A Rumanian
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 426 1 Great Air Activity Over Wales London, Aug. 29. •"THERE was considerable air activ- ity over Wales to-day. In on<* area tho raider.! received such a warm reception from coastal a 1 aircraft batteries that they drop] their bombs m a hurry. Most ct I bcmhs fell hr;: ly. Later 200
    Reuter  -  426 words
  • 73 1 Shanghai, Aug. 2i» ANOTHER gun L>a't> MWMH French iV police and terrorists m the French C ion ocrunvd yest t relay aft' moon. Several gunmen attacked and wounded F< ng Chilichune. secretary-general cf th" IMlri Amicalp Sino-F*i anea;.sc. As they v/f*re escaping th y tooam
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 [Miss. YUN IVING VAST EXPERIENCE LADiES DRESSMAKING L LL ATTEND TO YOUR ;jIREMENTS. at CHOTIRMALL'S itD SC S!LK MERCHANTS w* m TO-MIGHT I DINNER DANCE 'Informal) 8 p.m. to midniffht Dinner 53.00 Mo BALLROOM ADMISSION CHARGE *> lrlhdßlLL— ATTRACTION lal »>i^h from the MIMI JOSE $1.50. Mexican i>anccts___
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    • 5 1 (Romania's Unhappy Position Pa?e THREE)
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  • 76 2 AN appeal by a Hainanese, Fuan Ah Pock, against a conviction and sentence of six months' rigorous impiisonrnent ior theft was dismissed by the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell, m the High Court yesterday. The appellant was a cook In the employ of
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  • 108 2 PAYMENT of a final dividend of 7i/ 2 per cent., making 10 per cent, for the year, was recommended, and the recommendation was adopted, at the annual meeting of the Nyalas Rubber Estates Ltd., held m the offices of the secretaries, Evatt
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  • 31 2 T»HE United Chinese Library is stag- ing a concert m aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 37 2 •TITHE Tamil community of Singapore Is X holding a tea party at the Adelphi Hotel next Thursday at 5 p.m. m honour of Mr. O. Ramasamy Nadar on his appointment as Justice of the Peace for Singapore.
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  • 102 2 <From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 29 A great effort Is being made by Perak Chinese m a campaign to raise funds m aid of The War Fund. In addition to a charity show to be held this Sunday at the Jubilee Park when
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 709 2 ENJOY f^gj' BETTER FOOD 4L IB? > CALL AT MONICO RESTAURANT Delicious European Chinese Meals SERVED UP TO 2 A.M. YOU HAVE A DATE TO-DAY at THE VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL DANCt In Aid Of War Charities FROM 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. Tickets— Gentlemen $2/--(On Sale Ladies and at Door
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    • 207 2 WELCOMED BACK BY ENTHUSIASTir ru, The BRIGHTEST BEST STACK \tt.m SEEN IN SINGAPORE FOR CAPITOL I"*"-! TQ-NSGHT 2 PERFORMANCES TO-MORROW at (1 s The World-famous Master of \\,/ar<j r CU A y A n M n la and his full Company of American Girls and < him 'MYSTERIES"' PEKjjjC' New
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 70 2 Law Notice For The Day Before The Hon'ble The Kg. Chief Justice m Court No. 1 at 11 a.m. Summonses m Chambers, etc. Before The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Manning m Court No. 2 at 11 a-m. 1 Judgment Debtor Summons; Bankruptcy; at 2.15 p.m.— Probates. Before The Registrar at 10.45
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  • 490 3 Isolation Of Abyssinia Now Threatened DIR ECT HITS ON SHIPPING IN ITALIAN HARBOUR t Cai Aug. 29. link between Libya and Abyssinia is hreattiuHi by the R.A.F. This is indicated by the latest communique reporting: reconnaissance flights over 'rem > I K-iffra area of the
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  490 words
  • 292 3 Conscription Bill Passed By U. S. Senate r^^ Washington, Aug. 29. r«E Senate yesterday passed the Conscription Bill by 58 votes to 31 and the measure now goes before the House of Representatives for a debate next week. The Senate by 68 votes to 18 inserted an amendment empowering the
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • 596 3 Chad Example May Spread To Other French Colonies rr-Tjip j Cairo, Aug. 29. [Hb decision of Chad territory, to fight on with Britain has created a deep impression m the Middle East. It is felt that the attitude behind the courageous example may spread to other French colonies once they
    British Wireless  -  596 words
  • 123 3 Japanese Allege Shanghai Municipal Elections Unfair Shanghai, Aug. 29. •THE Municipal Council has decided to appoint a committee to study whether any changes are desirable m the conduct of the Municipal elections, it was announced yesterday. It is believed that this action follows moves by the Japanese to obtain some
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 111 3 London, Aug. 29. THE Ministry of Economic Warfare has issued a warning that goods loaded into German. Italian or French vessels, or vessels controlled by the German, Italian or French Government, or any Government m any territory occupied or controlled by the enemy ar? suspect.
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 71 3 Honj Kongr, Augr. 29. HONG KONG'S centenary falls In January 1941 but appropriate celebrations which were planned for the occasion have now been postponed until the end of the war, owing, according to an official announcement, to the need to devote every resource to the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 75 3 Secretary cf \1 speech here ion for ■peatedly conN Its ;nd tob Germany and iial^en to their riae* The Oerh dictatorship I S ates with deH^ocjevelt. reducing workers < eielt In puttinn H:: !er believed be crushed. v d m free.d religion. «.i.ition:il effort.
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 89 3 V ..e Ger- let, a Nazi war 9 ■dftataran 9 MM to* 9 riurin* a single 9 r. i of Britisii :-.e story, "the > out at sea when 9 user Auckland Star. H i sighted and i S luditlanal British H next two
    British Wireless  -  89 words
  • 66 3 Dhamaraj K.Os Boon Mah In undent) lpoh, Aug. *9. c tabular fights dm al thf Juailee David DhamaraJ champion of fcj." d out N"ai Boon r m the eighth of :e-round con- 31b. and Nai Boca v. well m the early rounds it-ad on pomta when In v;- TV ■■-s
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  • 17 3 I London. Aug. 23. 1 who recently took P of th« Bahamas. it Na-sau iart night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 105 3 THE large audience at the Capitol last night to see Chang uas a tribute to the wizardry of that great Chinese magician. "The Legend of the Princess San Li Tay" 1 provided a fitting finis to an excellent proexamine, highlights of which v:exe Chang's sensational
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  • 46 3 New York, Au*. 29. THE Dies Committee which investi- gates un-American activities, has subpoenaed all books and re 'ores of the German Trans-Ocean News Service, much of whose correspondence found at the offices ended with the rds "Hell Hitler." Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 264 3 Rumania's Unhappy Position In Vienna Talks aa, tag. 29. ence at Vienna Italian and Ger--5H on the one Hungarian and Mini£-ers en !Ma m London as, Went that them in carry'tions dictated. m the Dannbian the CaQa at I througa ere to r en themai to alleviate r stUli-ea knj
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  • 157 3 London, Aug. 29. THE splendid generosity of the American people expressed m contributions to the Allied cause by way of medical stores, ambulances and aid m other ways has been deeply appreciated m Britain. These gifts, which itill continue, are most gratefully received and
    British Wireless  -  157 words
  • 76 3 London, Aug. 29. PNGAGEMENTS with hostile tribes- men are report-ed to-day from the North-west Frontier, In which 50 tribesmen are believed to have been killed and many others wounded. Capt. A. J. Stevens of the Bombay Grenndiers was killed by a long-range volley when
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  • 137 3 Attitude Of Australian Labour Party Sydney, Aug. 29. I ABOUR stands inflexible m support of the British cause declared Mr. John Curtin, Labour party leader, m his Federal elections policy speech at Perth to-day. He declared: "We must win the war. We must maintain the people's democratic rights free." He
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 173 3 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES tProm Oir Own Correspondent* London, Aug. 29. £OMMODITY and Exchange markets clos-a as follows with previous Quotations is paranthesis:— RUBBER: Steady. s POt l2Hd 12* H d (12' 4 d 12\d) Sept- 12V*d 12% d <m*d 12 S,dj Oct-Dec 12 5 16d12T16d (12' 4 d 12 %d) Jan-Mar
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  • 329 3 Up to the time of g.Ang to press yesterday s closing prices had not been received. Loadan, U g. 29. The following are to-aays closing middle quotations. Shares are of £i denomination unless otherwise stated Con. Loan 5% 1944-64.. 99 5 16 Funding ixjen 4% 1960-W 112^
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  • 134 3 LontXon, Aujj. ?M. THE distinguished America journalist, Mr. H. R. Knickerbccker, has refuted another Nazi falsehood. A Berlin report alleged that he had cabled to the American Press that he had walked for two hours m London and its suburbs amid ruins and debris. He
    British Wireless  -  134 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 SI TEKH.I Ol I lIAIK RKMOVE IT WITH A "BALDWIN" HAIR REMOVING GLOVE safe clean convenient. 30cts. PER (.LOVE. 51. 25 PER SET O! SIX Obtainable irom MEDICAL HALL LTD 3. BATTERY ROAD ITU All TO-DAY I I 111 l TT Everybody £-15 6-15 KAtAYA S CWHA DE UfX| Qoes
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  • 616 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1940. Americans 9 Visit A FAMOUS British soldier once observed that the future of Western civilization would one day be fought out at Singapore. With the war m Europe raging m all its intensity, that rather grim prophecy shows no sign of coming
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 4 iCopyngM m All Countries.) NEW PUPILS AT D? GOBBELV ACADEMY
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  • 1376 4 In Britain To day Our London Letter London, July 19. DRITAIN is now an armed i camp. You will have been I told this m various broadcasts lately and m a number of stories which have reached you by cable. What does it mean? Most of you will just add
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  • 37 4 AN MX M tain with fill made by Pri The prince has received sentence m tl; under totalitarian "Speaking as whatever difl BritLsh democn "Religious fr«« plic medan countries Influence."- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 22 4 $1,000,000 DAMAGE lN TIENTSINFIRE THE Ian: situauri in scrapers in gutted by a The IHMP One vatrhn I penned in th« Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 "Dori+ i|ou jusf love ROSES?" "Yes, but best m g£Ps*& a GIMLET^' Ci llfftM CALDBECKS I m m mm M fi I M M QuatvUj I j FAST PASSENGER SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO SAN FRANCISCO. VIA MANILA HONG KONG Balls Spore Arrive 8, r. s CITY OF LOS ANGELES Sept. 10
      264 words
    • 60 4 Let Mien Chong look after your clothes. You are assured of full confidence m the correctness of the cut, the quality of the materials and the value for money. Just Received -glffP^[^ WAIN SHIELL'S IB^-'S^F In Silk and Wool I Ft Also AMERICA %'JS SHARKSKIN |i f« I In various
      60 words

  • 2150 5 r -sea has greatly 1 m recent years, the work itself I all always I or war, but I as well. I :it has been I provided for I and comparatively I >uch M the I Vincent Square I Children^ 1 HosI Surrey have I and
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  • 189 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT xcvn ent to European kinds Tamban is the nearest local equivalent to the sardine It has a very delicate flavour Sabelah is one of the coarser local fiat fish, and very like halibut Lidah is the nearest local waters can produce to Dover sole, but
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 124 5 Entrust all your CL E A NING ful handling careful attention of lEW INTERNATIONAL CO. Dyers who give 'action. mvince you. St Singapore. PHONE 6341 SALON MME. SHEILA A BEAI'TIFUL DKESSES FOR I KRNOON AND COTTON U6IUMM FROM v,.00. Court, Hill St. PHONE 7139. EXPECTANT AND M Rsi\ (l MOTHERS
      124 words
    • 132 5 Coarse Pores Don't be discouraged about coarse pores. At night after cleansing and I toning your skin, apply Elizabeth Arden's Pore Cream where the pores are enlarged. This will make the pores \_Y contract to their normal size, and your skin will be smoother, and finer m A^C) S' texture
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  • 1173 6 BOARD TO BE SET UP Washington. ALL groups, including even isolationists and critics of the Administration, welcome the decision of the United States and Canada to pool their resources for the defence of North America. The decision was announced hy the President (Mr. Roosevelt) and the Canadian
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  • 69 6 London. A spokesman for the German Foreign Office stated recently that the total blockade of England would not be applied to Eire, for which special beneficial arrangements would be made. Germany, he asserted, was awaiting suggestions Irom Eire which may supply daily information concerning its
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  • 58 6 London. 'I do not wish to criticize England,' said Marshal Petain m an interview at Vichy recently. "I cannot accuse her, as any nation must fight fo r itself. I feel that France was left alone to flght out the war too soon,
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  • 37 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 28. MISS CHU TSUK LIN, daughter of Mr. Chu Kik Moon, J.P., of Seremban has left for Singapore en route to Hong Kong to join the University there.
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 6 Mr R Paranjothee Pillay and his bride Miss Ranjeetha Mary Animal, after their wedding at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Ophir Road, Singapore, Mr. Pillay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rethinasamy Pillay of Singapore, and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.
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  • 38 6 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Aug. 28. Mr. A. Neelapillay of the Negri Sembllan Secretariat Is an inmate of the Seremban General Hospital following a motor accident m which he sustained injuries to his leg.
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  • 71 6 U.S. PILOTS FOR R.A.F. Man > APPI^ K ejected QN an V pilot every weeft for the ILC R.A.F. for i An addr. week with American bui is credited hours of ty\ Since U aerial w,r» £j l j* mem centr, hi lf en applicants, hrn llan a m^»m roptedhcauMMhr
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  • 18 6 Forty 01 flour have be< of thousai.d> oi Chine> China, who i sequence oi floods c S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 169 6 Brou» Ey<* Blue Eyes Grey Eyes? Every day your eyes are invaded by invisible germs of every kind. They become covered with just such a film of dust and smoke and soot as your face and hands. And they are jar more sensitive No wonder people's eyes betray their age
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  • 952 7 U.S. PRESSMEN TO VISIT TROOPS AND BASES HEREE Australia's Great Defence Scheme Impressed Them INDIES WELL PREPARED TO MEET AGGRESSOR f^LL is well with the defences of Australia and the Netherlands Indies, and no fear need be felt by anybody— except the a^ressor— should a crisis occur m the Far
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  • 164 7 BIG PRODUCTION' SPEED-UP fthe American speedraft production for nbed by Mr. J. the Sydney Morning arrival m Singapore yesi the party cf Am?rican America early this xl all the mij«>r airh, the Inked States. t Id a Free Press re\A' \r
    164 words
  • 88 7 H erestea m A dI her vital imfl it of any developM East, declared Mr. fl r > of the H Service, recent- P. In France, who rday with other I H Brtca think that there happening m H that the building S 0
    88 words
  • 69 7 I airport struck fl rt. aviation editor '.eruld-Tribune .-y:iH ■c: :apore yesfl the other American m the best laid out world fl he La Guardia fl oj *h is the bigfl d." he told a Free bout Australia's hat he was amazed H uhich he dei
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  • 31 7 STEELWORKERS GOING TO BENGAL Ij Americans steelworkers steelworkers m India -:apore from the United en route to Calcutta, Bengal Steel Corporation, r.cians and millin Ohio and Indiana dia for three years.
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  • 324 7 Character Of British Will Bring Victory XHE longer the war las^s th 3 betier it will be for Britain, is the opinion or Mr. Harold Callender, foreign correspondent cf the New York Times, who is convinced that Germany will never conquer Britain. Mr. Callendar, who is one of the group
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  • 75 7 •"THERE is good entertainment m Univcrsal's musical comedy, "La Conga Nights" which opened at the Capitol Theatre yesterday. Featuring Hugh Herbert at his "dizziest," the plot gives an attractive dancer, Armida, plenty of scope to display her grace and rhythm m her interpretation of
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  • 1026 7 AN expression of the gratitude of the British peoples for "the friendship which the people of America are displaying m such abundant measure" was given by the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. S. W. Jones, speakinglast night. Ke was proposing the toast
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  • 202 7 Misadventure Verdict UEARING his last inquiry as acting Singapore Coron.r, 11 yesterday, before retirement, Mr. Walter MacQuarrie returned a finding of "death by misadventure/ m a case m which two Chinese lost their lives when a junk struck a mine off Singapore on the
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  • 96 7 MADAME C. S. De Had wan Pragiowski, wife of the Polish scientist and j inventor of the new Psycbophonic System and founder of the Radwan Institute of Psychology, will describe: from the Singapore Station to-night j at 7.35 p.m. how she and h2r husband
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  • 71 7 MEWG has been received m Singa--111 pore of the death at the Ramakrishna Mission Hospital, Rangoon, on Aug. 5, of Mr. C. A. Sreedhar, a membar of the Indian Youth League. Singapore. Mr. Sreedhar left Singapore m April this year on a bicycle tour
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  • 48 7 MR. CJEOF t: C. BURNHAM. represrn..ti\e With the Douglas Aircraft Co U.S.A.. arrived l Singapore yesterday from the Un I -t\ States. He is on his way to Java to s wim the assembly of two lcrge Do. plancj for tiie X.L.M.
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  • 224 7 pONVICTED on a charge of tempting to take out of Colony, 1.600 Japanese yen without first obtaining the permission of the Financial Secretary, Yoshizo Fukuyama, a Japanese, was fined $200, or, m default, sentenced to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment, m the Singapore third court yesterday. In?
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 AjP^^l BjwmMmmm ■——Mil H T W wlpfifHHlTWillllfc i l iiJ^Ti i 1 1
      13 words
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 406 8 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. 6* O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
      406 words
    • 350 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m F.MJ3.) TELEPHONE: Freight 5433 Passat* Sttt MCINC Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" "DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management. For detailed information apply
      350 words
    • 434 8 mansfieldTcoTltT BLUE FUNNEL LINE, Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. j ate guaranteed, all cargo booking* subject to rv War Clauses. WESTKRN A liS rKA| |A THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEap ESt Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth by first class passenger ahip* Single fare $192 £^8) Frequent connection
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 242 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS xrsnERS T^i.APOKE M MOPALITY Tenders. invited for the or services. For Municipal Tenders tng Plant for Mac- Date of Closins. [2n OH Oct. 16. 1940. to 5,000 Galvd. ring IMI Date; Nov. 5, 1940. iting Oils and I 41. -Deposit $50 L I noon. Oct. 10., I Chlorine
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    • 427 9 PUBLIC NOTICES SI NGEI BAG AN RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED < Incorporated m the SJS.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th~t the 2*s:** binary General Me^t ng of this Company will be held at the Registered Oflfice. Amber Bulldfn? 5 J n&rZL I1?i' at 12 noon at which thei D rectors will
      427 words
    • 141 9 m Mm /-*l *j O I ts so deadliy to /FUt is sure death to insects J v^cOs. because it is a combination >^fz^VSV^S^ of potent killing agentt Jr >L y?y '^jry^B which canno* be excelled Mtßß^S^^^U^f J^^ Ffit has undergone the most wF^v^^L exhaustive tests and is of ■K^^V'^C
      141 words
    • 311 9 K. P. M. LINE Regular sailings to Java, Bali, Sumatra. Borneo and all other ports m the Netherlands Indies. ORIENT JAVA AFRICA LINE Regular bi-monthly service via Batavia and Mauritius to Sooth and East African ports. SINGAPORE JAVA AUSTKA! 1A LINE Regular monthly service to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 439 9 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST *s*foiw K CiOSe at the General Pot o®°* Newfoundland air 4 p.m. Philippine Islands air 4 p.m. TO-DAY 4 Sarawak surface 1.30 p.m. AiMtraii. Mlri surface 1.30 p.m. Amov alr 5 P- 111 Sarikel surface 1.30 p.m. CtLnt surface 9 a.m. Sibu surface 1.30 pjn. rhViaJr
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  • 31 10 picture. A Chinese player gels ths better of 7.\i^!i m Wednesday's league f »tha» match i\t the J.C.S.A. m h the Chinese bfat Moravia I've -three. Free Press
    Free Press  -  31 words
  • 105 10 T'HZ Pcrak Tur: Ciub'^ September e-tra .on:U ra°?ting will be; :d on Thursday, Sept. 23 and SaturSept 28. Entrico will close at 3 p.m. on Thursday. Sept. 19. H m daa :our and penies m > Ura are being c-citeretf for at the m eting.
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  • 190 10 THE Marigold Badminton Party celebrated Us eleventh anniversary last writ-end at Tanah Merah. Winners of the various tournaments held during the year and of the sports events and indoor competitions held during the week-end were: 1939 open singles championship for the Koti Teck Fc challenge shield:
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  • 148 10 PROSPEROUS BADMINTON PARTY A.\ Sunday the Prosperooa B.P. pUyv da friendly badminton match agaaut th N. A. A. F.I. >R.A.F Section) b.P. en the horn? ccurt and :he epp asnt by 'oar matches to i Results. Pr-sjcraus B.P. players m?n-l' ticned first, were: Singles: Cniar bin O.hman b-at Cng
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  • 140 10 TTHE following were the results of ties m the badminton tournament i for A.R.P. Wardens of group two.! pest four, of the Singapore Tanjong! Pagar division, played at the Chinese Industrial and Commprrial Continuatta School en Saturday last: K. H. Shah and Yue Yit Yang beat M. Gangadharam
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  • 183 10 OILLY c.iiii, t ne world lighLheary- *ish. champion who will probably g-. a tttts rho* at Joe Louis rhorily, is tipped by tho Brown Bomber's exswhile sparring partner, Mickey McAvoy, fe beat the wcrid heavyweight champion if they should mcc:. writes Charlie
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  • 491 10 Malays Beaten By Only Goal At The Stadium GILLMAN TEAM'S DEFENCE HOLDS LOSERS AT BAY Loyals 1 Malays 0 THE Loyals played fine soccer to beat the Malays by the only goal of the match m a first division fixture at the stadium
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  • 32 10 Sotcer: first division, Chinese vs. Gordons, stadium; Manchesters vs. R.A.F., Tanglin; second division (b) R.A.F. (Kallang) vs. J.C.S A J.C.S.A. S.R.C. Meeting: Annual general meeting of Singapore Recreation Club.
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  • 82 10 A RETURN friendly badminton match, consisting of five singles and two doubles, has been arranged between the New Life Badminton Party and the Henderson Badminton Party. The match will take place at the Spartan Badminton Party's court, River Valley Road, behind the Great World, commencing at
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  • 69 10 THE following players will represent th 3 Jollilads Sporting Association against the Tamil Brotherhood Party m a friendly game of soccer at Farrer Park on Sunday: Tan Peng Hock, Neo Eng Pee (capt.), Tons Ah Kow, Lim Lian Lock, Kee Yew Leng, Tong Ah Boey. Lee Hal Choo,
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  • 52 10 T*HE Serp.ngcon Lads "B" team will meet iru> Gas Department A. P. m a friendly match of seven singles at the former's court at 2.30 p.m. tcir.orrow. The following will represent the S^rangoon Lads G. Ram. Ng Heng Sye, P. S. Kirn, S. L. Seng. Sonny Seah. Kiat
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  • 99 10 CTRAITS Chinese Recreation Club cricket teams tor week-end games are: Against St. Andrew's 0.8.A. at Hong LJm Green at 2 p.m. to-morrow: Ong Swee Law, Eu Cheow Chye, Chua Boon Unn, Swee Lim Suang, Kam Gim Lock, Anthony Lim, Tan Liang Chia, K. T. Ooi.
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  • 61 10 THE following will play cricket for Chrysostcm's II against the Ceylon Sports Club on Sunday at 2 p.m. on the C.S.C. ground J. P. Chrysostom, P. W. Marsh V. N. Pllay, Eu Cheow Chye, Oon Kee Tian, Dr. V. Xavier, Beeston, A. C Wilton, Cheong Thiam
    61 words
  • 82 10 •yiiE Businesa Houses' League com- mittee have decided that the matches postponed for various causes will now be played on the following dates: Jacks Sports Club vs. Thornycrofts postponed from May 17, will be played at Farrer Park on Monday, Sept. 2. .Singapore Cold Storage vs. Chartered Bank,
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  • 22 10 ENTRIES for the V.M.C.A. handicap tenn.s tournament will close by tha last post on Monday. Late entrieswill not, be accepted.
    22 words
  • 50 10 picture. The T.toravia football team, who are at present leaders m second divl i .;i (b) of the S.A.F.A. league, were beaten on Wednesday by the Chinese by five goals to three. The Chinese are third m the table with V.M.C.A. occupying the second berth Free Press
    Free Press  -  50 words
  • 819 10 Personal Performances, Statistics, The Lure Of Fast Scoring TIME was when, write < that most charming of cricket 1 scribes, R. C. Roberi son-Glasgow, m the Sunday Observer, we opened "Wisden" each year, that we would hasten unashamed to find what mention might
    819 words
  • 53 10 captain of the Singapore Cricket Club at the annual no. Key m ing held at the club yesterday. Pay-Master Fortin was elected viee -captain, while P. F. Kinse> was elected secretary. The captain, viee -captain and the hon. secretary will form thecommittee, which will haTe
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  • 16 10 Entries tar the fl I Club's autum. I merit will close I
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      25 words