The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 August 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,163. ESTD. 1835 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 14, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 226 1 U.S. Story Of Shelling Of British Coast MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSIONS IN VARIOUS PARTS REPORTS of shelling: of the British coast from France were prominent on the front pages of American newspapers last night, reports Reuter from New York. Although there is no confirmation in
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 625 1 aii a n Cabinet the Chief of the I were burned to disaster which took from Canberra 46 > Minister j Minister lor j ugh Singapore on Jla ft] er the con- Ministers in j Vi^e-Presi-Council: and .11 White <64». teneit] Staff. Lhwalte, a
    Reuter  -  625 words
  • 32 1 Franco-Japanese Understanding Shanghai, Aug. 13. A CCORDING to Chinese reports. of which thfre is no official confirmation, a Franco-Japanese understanding has been reached concerning Indo-Cbina and a pact of amity concluded. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 125 1 Superior Fuel Of British Plane Tells New York, Aug. 13. SUPERIOR fuel and lubricating oil d are assigned by the New York Times cis the principal causes of the superior.t i of the individual British plane over ins German in performance. The newspaper says that the best aviation petrol Germany
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 41 1 Honff Kong, Aug. 13. 'T'HE South China Morning Post War 1 Fund has reached over $1,250,000 of which a further instalment of $20,000 was cabled to London to-day, bringing the total of remittances to over Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 58 1 London, Aug. 13. FAVOURABLE news of recent air activity was responsible for a marked rnprovement in market sentiment on the Stock Exchange to-day, with a conconsequent up movement of prices in -11 sections under the lead of gilt-edged and industrials. More buying was reported in
    Reuter  -  58 words
    • 71 1 Canberra, Aug. 13. EYEWITNESS accounts of the Australian air disaster indicate that th« disaster was caused by the machine's stalling (losing flying speed) at a low height and spinning into the ground It is learned officially that radio messages were received from the plane during its last flight. They indicated
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 160 1 London, Aug. 13. In the House of Lords to-day. Lord Davies asked whether it was the intention of the Government to recognize Haile Selassie as the lawful ruler of Ethiopia and whether it was proposed to give him all aid within oar power to overthrow the aggressor and reoccupy the
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 45 1 Bombay, Aug. 13. A cheque for £75,000 towards the creation of an Indian air squadron and a draft fat £11,000 for the Royal Air Force were handed to the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow, to-day by Sir Homi Mody, chairman of the Bombay war gifts committee.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
  • 200 1 British Repulse Italian Attacks In Somaliland Cairo, Aug. IS. np- O -D A Y S communique issued here states: "Somaliland reports have now been received of a general attack on our positions covering the Jugangan Pass on Sunday. Despite intensive support by low-flying aircraft, the attacks were broken up and
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 145 1 Moscow, Aug. 13. STALIN'S decision to abolish the offices of political commissars in the Red Army is regarded as one of the most inipoitant developments in the campaign to increase the efficiency of the Soviet forces. Hitherto, these commissars enjoyed the same rank as military
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 92 1 London, Aug. 13. A COLLISION between two British steamers In the South Atlantic during the week-end is officially reported from Cape Town to-day. The ships were the 18,713-ton Ceramic and the 5.083-ton freighter, Tes Ibank. Both suffered some damage, and are proceeding to harbour. Within
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 49 1 A MESS AGE from Rangoon states that four people were killed and 21 injured when the express train from Mandalay was derailed about 120 miles from Rangoon about midnight on Monday. Some plates are alleged i.o have been removed from the line. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 149 1 EIRE NO EASY PREY TO AGGRESSION —DE VALERA New York, Au*. 13. HTHE danger of Eire falling an easy prey to aggression like some oth^r countries was vigorously discounted by Mr. de Valera. Prime Minister of Eire, In an interview given the Dublin correspondent of the Christian Sciene Moni or
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 705 1 11 Enemy Planes Shot Down F London. Aug. 13. is officially announced that ten German bombers and one fighter were destroyed to-day in terrific air battles stretching from the south-east to the south-west coasts. Three R.A.F. fighters are missing. According to
    Reuter  -  705 words
  • 46 1 Moscow, Aug F. .Announced that the extension to Aug. 6. 1941. of the trade agreement between the Soviet and the United States has now b^en ratified by the council of Peoples Commissars and thp Pi sident of the United States Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 k HINT! .tnESS OF YOUR ENDS ON THE r 3-.TNESS OF u»£ f c :AL VISIT CHOTIRMALLS DRESS-MAKING £NT— 4M3. NI6N SHEET I^^'^^^ j^^^ jjm^B&~ lt^^^ "Tfc t^^Jf BfeFv^ft v^l ■fl^^l ll^9 l^^9 I -^si jp^H J U^b TONIGHT DINNER DANCE 'Informal) 8 p.m. to midnight Dinner 53.00 No BALLROOM
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  • 65 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Aug. 13. "IT will always be my aim to serve Malaya," Mr. E. Jago, Deputy Agent at Malaya House, told me. He will leave Malaya House on Monday to join the Government sponsored United Kingdom Commercial Corporation, whose activities include the
    65 words
  • 315 2 London, Aug. 13. The following are to-day's closing middle quotations. Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con Loan s% 19-4-6..... 99' 8 Funding Loan i% 1960-90 ***** -f *4 War Loan 3«_% 100 +7|i6 Com Union Assce (Unite) 6 Prudential Assce A' 18 Royal Assce
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  • 161 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES <From Ou** Own Correspondent) London, Aug. 13. POMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows v.itb previous quotations tn paranthesis RUBBER: Firmer. Spot 13-sd 13V»d d3 1 16d 13 3 16d) Sept. 13'kd 13Ud (13d 13^d) Oct.-Dec. 13d 13Hd (12 -"d 12 15 16d) Jan. -Mar. I2*\d 12* 2
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  • 151 2 "■TtHE Housekeeper's Daughter/' now A at. t ie Cathay, is a Hal Roach tonic for these days. It is one long laugh, provided by the most unusual reporters, cameramen and gangsters, plus the most glamorous housekeeper's daughter the screen has yet conceived. As the cause
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  • 55 2  -  Chan Joo Kim THE following have been selected to play soccer for the Y.M.C.A. against the R.A.F. H.Q. and Kallang on Friday on the Anson Road ground T. Morrison, V. N. Pillay, M. Swyny R. Gill, G. L. Day, E. Hutchinson, s' Orton, K. Goldsmith. A. Excyama J
    55 words
  • 348 2 UNSAFE FOR MAN TO HAVE RIDDEN BICYCLE THAT it was extremely unsafe for an elderly man with such impaired \ision to ride a bicycle at night along a pitch dark read, was the opinion of a doctor at an inquiry in the Singapore coroner's court yesterday. The (kctor, Dr. B.
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  • 147 2 GOING right under the rooftops of New York, "Saturday's Children," a Warner Bros, picture which opened at the Alhambra yesterday, provides a brilliant cross-section of city life— and particularly of young people who marry on little more than $20 a week John Garfield as the hasty
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 224 2 "A fine drama, suitably spiced with an Essence of Comedy' —STRAITS TIMES. I ar; vs alhambra The Popular Star of "DUST BE MY DESTINY" in another Grand Comedy-Drama JOHN GARFIELD ANNE SHIRLEY in MAXWELL ANDERSON'S Prize-winning Hit 'SATURDAY'S CHILDREN' urn i CLAUDE RAIINS ft ROSCOE KARNS Packed With Human Interest
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    • 243 2 THE BIGGEST STAGE ATTRACTION TO V^J? MALAYA SINCE THE MARCUS SHOW. At (he A -<"VIMT^ OPENING TO-NIGHT CAPITOL —Box Office Phon c y^ 2 Performances Nightly at f ,15 ano y.ou ffo^rk jMte The World-famous Master of Wizardry- Wm "*mA CHANG U A Girls and inril.'in- Entertj Introducin.'T the famous
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  • 608 3 |S| 0 American Appeal To Britain To Lift Blockade BOW SUMNER WELLES RECEIVED STATEMENT New York, Aug. 13. T^Y Mate Department, says the New York Times' linirton correspondent, has no intention of appealing to lift the blockade sufficiently to facilitate feeding of the peoples of
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  608 words
  • 85 3 Tokio Foreign Troops In China ATokio, Aug. 13. Domei dispatch from Shanghai states that a conference between the Japanese and the commanders of foreign troops in Shanghai has been raffed "to discuss the aftermath of the withdrawal of the British troow." The Domei agency adds: "Incidentally, the Japanese authorities contend
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 346 3 R.A.F's6O-a-day Fighters Ready For Nazis' Worst London, Aug. 13. REUTER'S air correspondent says that the R.A.F. recognizes that the new and more determined wave of air attacks on Britain which began on Thursday has yet to reach the Blitzkrieg force of which Germany U capable. The total number of Nazi
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 477 3 London, Aug. 13. IT is understood that in all between 500 and 600 German planes were engaged during yesterday's air battles. It is authoritatively stated that the Germans lost 62 machines, of which 55 were shot down by
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  477 words
  • 146 3 London, Aug. 13. REPLYING to a ques.ion in the House of Commons to-day regarding the sending of refugees and internees abroad, Mr. C. R. Attlee, Lord Privy Seal, said that in view of the new strategic situation arising from the occupation by Germany of
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 53 3 London, Aug. 13. r\NE British officer and one Indian V soldier were killed in an engagement with hostile tribes on :be northwestern frontier, it is officially stated Fourteen other Indian soldiers were wounded, and one is missing. The enemy lost five killed and
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 124 3 London, Aug. 13. rE idea of putting slogans on packing cases to tell the world the truth cf German blockade claims is being taken up with enthusiasm by British export firms. A Bradford firm started stencilling the Union Jack on their packing cases with the
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 49 3 INVITATIONS to the Empire Confer--1 ence on war supplies, to be held at New Delhi in October, have already been accepted by the Governments of Malaya, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Burma, Hong Kong. Ceylon and British territories in East Africa, states a message from London.
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  • 332 3 "IT is reported that the Italians may try to advance along the coastal track from Zeila to Berbera. If they attempt this I imagine o«r Navy will have some good shooting," said Major C. L. Seed in a talk broadcast on the war in Somaliland from
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  • 127 3 London, Aug. 13. THE following: authoritative comment on German claims of successes on sea and in the air is made in London: "It is pointed out in London that the German High Command, in reporting the air battles on Thursday, Sunday and Monday has admitted
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 174 3 Balloons On Con voys Hamper Dive-Bombers London, Aug. 13. AN R.A.F. fighter pilot, in the course n of a broadcast account on Monday evening of the three big air battles which have taken place within the last five days, in all of which h e had participated, said his squadron
    British Wireless  -  174 words
  • 102 3 Nazi Lie About Shipping Losses Is Exposed /JERMANY claimed to have £>uiik during the week ending Aug 5 232,743 tons of merchant shipping but the Admiralty, after i hecJring figures of British and neutral losses, stated to-day that these losses only amounted to < 0.124 tons. The losses consisted of
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 103 3 BRITISH SHIPPING BEING WELL MAINTAINED T Panama, Aug. 13. HE latest issue of the official publication "Panama Canal Record" shows that British shipping using the Canal has maintained surprisingly well throughout the period of the war. During the fiscal year June 30, a total of I.OTj
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 52 3 Nannint, Aug. 13. OERIOUS flooding caused by heavy downpours has been experienced in south-western Kwangsi Province since July 19. The Yu river overflowed, submerging part of the Yamchow-Nanning nighway and other highways. Yamchow and the area outside the walled town of Nanninf were also submerged.—
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  • 58 3 London, Aug. 13. THE death haj occurred in Londcn, reports Reuter. of Dr. Karl Richard Hanitsch, Director of the Raffles Mu.-eum and Library, Singapore from 1895 to 1919. He was au?pd 80 year*. He Is the author of "Malayan Blattidae.' "Guide to the Raffles Museum" and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 Shave in Comfort with a SCHICK DRY SHAVER STOCKED BY MEDICAL HALL LTD. TODAY 3.15 Uittll Everybody 6.15 9.15 Goes UNITED ARTISTS PRESET JOAN BENNETT J^ ADOLPHE MENJOU COMEDY at its best, Hilarious and Exciting Box Office 'Phone 3400 NEXT CHANGE f SAFARI jungle journey of a woman's^l |k heart
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  • 673 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, AUG. 14, 1940. War In The Air IT is once again the turn of the Royal Air Force to earn the admiration and gratitude of the British and allied peoples. What a fine show they are putting up against the German raiders and in night
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  • 832 4  -  HAROLD J. LASKI A Character Sketch Bv MR. CHURCHILL, with the approval of the whole nation, has called Mr. Herbert Morrison to an immense task. I miss my guess if it will not find him fully equal to the claims it will make upon
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  • 710 4 IT is the citizen's duty in lime of rear unless he has been entrusted Kith some definite and dangerous task —to protect his body from injury: for\ an injured body is an inconvenience to the rest of the community. It is his duty also, says The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 Do You Like^TfcinqsM^SJl Then You Will Like eveuiiif liqueur EAdHAW BRANDY CLUB. 40 YEARS 60 YEARS OLD CALDBECK'S and the THEREFORES Ships which carry our tin i rubber Home must 'first come out to the East. THEREFORE Ample Outward Cargo is essential for their economical running American Dollars *r* valuable
      219 words
    • 65 4 BUY ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS from GIAN SINGH'S It is here that you can really practise economy. We have always in stock 4 Bigger and Wider Range of:- Fabrics Silks Ladies Pyjamas, Hosiery Hand Bags Tapestries Leather Suit and Attache Cases, Cotton Blankets* Carpets *Twisted Straw Mats Men's Shirts Ties Hats
      65 words

  • 788 5 SCHOOLBOY "TRAITOR TO COLONY ENEMY OF CHINA" Directed Communist Central Committee PROPAGANDA RESULTED IN LOCAL TROUBLES >mi have proved yourself to be a traitor olony in which you have been Hying and of China/' declared Mr. Conrad Oldham, criminal ihtrid judge, yesterday addressing |i Tiau. IT year-old Hokkien schoolboy. 1
    788 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 5 Member; of the Chans t'omprny which u'.ll slage "A TrH to Hades' at the Capitol Theatre tJ-night gr^up themselves for the Free Press tam?raman. Sitting, left to right: Mrs. A. Claire, Joanna Claire, May Wong, Pat-.cia Pachesa, Eileen C.chrane, Beth Claire. Behind: Jean Schoil, Pat Marland, Chang, and Nella Ah,
    54 words
  • 223 5 PltMB Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Auk. 13. THE temporary' appointment of a nun-Malay as Assistant Collector of Land Revenue at Teluk Anson raised a discussion at today's meeting of the Perak State Council. The Tengku Mentri said that as these administrative posts were held by
    223 words
  • 18 5 riiHE IrtMl H-t of contributions to the I Mtiani Patriotic Fund f*******" ■it.
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  • 199 5 A YOUNG English-speaking Chinese A clerk employed by Mr. Chong Thutt Pitt a local advocate and solicitor, fared allegations of criminal breach y Tw?s y alleged that the clerk Tan 14 Of this y^. executod tureen Tan The document *as uw> Umltedi and it Ban Khian
    199 words
  • 284 5 THAILAND FRENCH INDO CHINA No Impairment Of Amicable Relations IN spite of the tense situation in French Indo-China, ronsequent on reports of Japanese demands for bases, there is no impairment of normal relations between Thailand and French Indo-China, declared Mr Frederick R. Dolbeare, Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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  • 142 5 A FILM showing some of the activities of the Indian troops now in Malaya will be screened at the Capitol cinema next week. The film, which was made by Fishers Ltd., is to be shown in India and elsewhere so that people may see how the
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  • 149 5 JUDGMENT ior 53.500 wi li interest and c^sts against a bank was given in favn;- of a landed proprietor. Wee Cheung Theng, in the Singapore High Court yesterday, by Mr. Justice Manning. Wee, who had been a customer of the Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd.,
    149 words
  • 293 5 Why He Wanted To Eject Tenant AN application for ejection of Mrs. IgnatZ M. Willis, of Orchard Road, which was brought before the Singapore Rent Assessment Board yesterday by Mr. Moses Sayers, of Amber Mansions, was dismissed by Mr. Murray M. Jack, the chairman. Mr. Sayers'
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  • 246 5 PUT MONEY TO OWN USE AT NAVAL BASE HEARING sentence of two months' rigorous imprisonim t passed on him on two charges of criminal breach of trust, Paul Carson, an 18-year-old Eurasian youth, collapsed in the dock of the Singapore third yesterdav. Carson, who
    246 words
  • 89 5 <Frc:. Our O»v:- >ondcnt lpah. Auk. 13. IT IS most desirabi. and charitable foundations should. I have a orporate existence rather than depend lor their life on t lie well-being ol Individuals" said Lt.-Co! ,Ce'il Pae wh°n movUlg that the treasurer of St. Aridrew's Prcsbytprian Church, Pera:: «Inr'orponitedi Bill. li)40.
    89 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 164 5 1° Jre8 sES ty® j IN THE SNAPPIEST. MOST Mil ENTRANCING STYLES FOR THE If/I MORNING Imi I \vv V AFTERNOON Jf EVENING jim f W\\ Prices From 51 2.50 to 569.00 J^Jc. COME EARLY. "^V^Jfe^/^^ RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE. Jshp® What did the Engineer sayI h when the Bridge T/n
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 107 5 Law Notice For The Day List of cases for to-day: Before The Hon'ble The Ag. Chief Justice in Court No. 1 at 10.30 a.m.: Mag. Appeal— Lee Boon Choon vs. Rex. At 2.15 p.m.— Mag. Appeal— D. A. Rushton vs. Rex. Before the Hon. Mr. Justice Pedlow in Court No.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 384 6 P, &O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) p. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
      384 words
    • 443 6 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated id *ms> TELEPHONE: Freifht 5433— Passage 543 L LLOYDS AGENTS:- tllutYa ■OOZING AGENTS FOR FEDERATED MALAY STATES RULvVW*. ROYAI STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM WH^^^^^iu >^^v2 Oo vis CsjqsUb ro Nortti America*— Europe. Past Uiroug^ trains direst Br^lilflli n!!^Pfs§£P L*fce Louise. Banfl Connect Canadian > acinc trans
      443 words
    • 413 6 MANSFIELD CO., LTD BLUE FUNNEL LIN* Frequent Sailings to United Kingdon guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject War Clauses. WKSIKRN A liS I|<\ x THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHLA^ Regular Services to "re mantis (Perth by first class oassen^f r ship* Single fare $192 £28 Frequent connection by sea
      413 words

  • 51 7 WANTED.— Lady Supervisor for the Selr.ngor Club, Fraser's Hill as from Sept. 1, 1940. Experience of catering, accounts, stock taking and General Management essential. Salary, free board and accommodation. Applications with copies of testimonials must reach the Secretary, Selangor Club, Kuala Lumpur on or before Monday, Aug. 26,
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  • 1611 7 Allegation Made In Loveday Case By Contractor's Son allegation that he paid a sergeant on the site of a contract which his father, Ong Kay Swee, was carrying out, $1,500 to stop "being a nuisance," was made by Ong Kim Teck
    1,611 words
  • 124 7 Tone of Market:—Very steady. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 13 1 lCd. per lb. New York Spot Sheet U.S. cts. 19' t P?r lb. DAILY PRICES CURRENT Aug. 13, 1940: 12 o'clock noon No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 37 14 37'. No. IX
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  • 32 7 AT the next mating of tht pore Fortnightly Club en Au<;. 26 Mrs. R E. Holttum will dome nstratr various ways of cioking local v< trebles, in the lunch rocm.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 310 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS m \l< IPAIJTY Tenders. pi invited for the or services. For ;nicipal Tenders wrought Iron Tubes 10 40 to JO 9/4). Date Sort 16. 1940. .1 Transformers. itc of Closing. 4 P ::c Convenience off ri Deposit $50). Date 12 noon. Aug. 20. 1940. Plant for Maer Date
      310 words
    • 520 7 BOARD RESIDENCE NAPIER HOUSE 7. Napier Road Teie. 7406 Overlooklns Garrison Golf rse Private bathrooms with cold and hot water, m* to every single and double suite English ruWne. Meals served m flat One vacancy. SANDRINGHAM 4, Rochalie Drive has two vacant rooms with verandah and bathrooms attached. M.S.. Good
      520 words
    • 178 7 PUBLIC NOTICE SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting: 1940. SATURDAY, AUG. 31, WEDNESDAY ft, SATURDAY 7. WEDNESDAY 11, AND SATURDAY 14, SEPT. ENTRIES CLOSE at 12 noon TUESDAY, AUG. 20 1940. SWEEPS.-A $5 UNLIMITED SWEEPSTAKE FOR MEMBERS ONLY will be held each Race day. Applications for tickets must be
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    • 362 7 S" ■■■■■■■^■■■ra FAST PASSENGER SKR V K:E. SINGAPORE TO SAN FRANCISCO VIA MAMLA ft HONG KONG Sills &i>o?e Arrive 8 6.S CITY OP SAN FRANCISCO Aug. 26 B< pt. 19 S.s. CITY OP LOS ANGELES S?pt 10 Oct 8 s.s. CITY OP NEWPORT NEWS Oct. 5 Oct 29 s.s. CITY
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 152 7 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Mails close at the General Poa (Mi follows: TO DAY Ceylon :u.-:ace 1 p Java atr 10.30 a.m. Medan surface 11 am. air 11 Palembang surface 9 a.m. air 10.30 TO-MORROH British Columbia surface 1 1 Canada surfat 11 mm Amcy surrate 11 I Canton su.-fac^-
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  • 165 8 Our Own Correspondent > Ipoh, Aug. 13. IN a key mitch in the Ipoh and Districc Football League here to-day, the Ipoh Corinthians, Tor several years th* cnampions of the league, defeated UM Cheng Wan Athletic Association by three goals to one. TIM Corixuhians will thus have
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  • 499 8 RESERVE MATCH AT STADIUM Loyal Res. 5; Malay Res. 1. THE Loyals were far superior to the Malays in a reserve division soccer match at the stadium yesterday. The game, which began slowly, warmed up towards the interval, and had some really energetic, lively play
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  • Article, Illustration
    106 8 London, An*. 13. A CROWD of 7,000 watched a one-day cricket match in aid of the Red Cross Fund yesterday. The f,:u.r realized 380/ The match was between Bradford League, who had eight Connty players and the two West Indies' l'csi match players, Constantine and Martindale, in their
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 438 8 Full Accounts Of Monday's Play DK: O\V are full accounts of>'s tennis matches at Kuala I umpur in aid of the F.M.S. War FunJ and i hina Relief Fund, in vhith the Davis (up players, Pat tiujjic* and Kho Sin Kie. figured. The
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  • 36 8 Sunshine Shadows pietare. A study in sunshine and shadows at the stadium on Monday in the second division (a) football match in which the Tenfah Airmen beat the Publishers by four goals to three-- Free Press
    Free Press  -  36 words
  • 41 8 Frrm Our Own Correspondent) Penans, Aug. 13. T^HE Sing Ta:> football team from Hong Kong beat the Penang State team by four go; Is to three in a match played at Victoria Green t D-day
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  • 26 8 fFHE second division (a) league foot- ball fixture between the R.A.OC and the Naval Police, which was to have been played yesterday, was postponed.
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 8 picture. s^S2a^i£srwaa.*ss Free Press
    Free Press  -  4 words
  • 221 8 THi: Catholic Young Men's Associan beat the? Coronation XI by 82 rinu in a gUi ot cricket played on St J seph InsiiJiiMon ground rn Sunday .cores w^r Y.MC..V *b Pierrt b Gammri 10 (^ruy b Gammel 5 r> S. Fernandez c Zuzartce
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  • 199 8 TEAMS FOR WOMEN'S GOLF MATCH FOLLOWING are the players, and sU»rtin<3 times for the women's i go!f m^.tch between the Island Club! and Keppel Golf Club over the first; hole* at the Island Club on Tuesday, Au:,. 20 The Keppel players are mentioned first. 3.30. Mrs E. A. Elder <16»
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  • 156 8 QF tlie ten cards taken out, the following eight players qualified for match play in the Haji Amboo Sooloh Cup competition at th? Royal Johore International Club. Dr. B. W. MariindeU 77—10=67; Dr. T. K. Cheah 78—6^72; George Lowe 01—8=73; Major Musa bin Yusop S2
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  • 31 8 I mid >n Aug. 13. TPHE football league announces that 68 clubs are competing in the forthcoming regional competitions, which begin on Aug. 31 and end on Djc. 28.
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  • 30 8 npHE Royal Singapore Golf Club women beat the Sepoy Lines Golf Club women by 34 points to 27 in a match played at Bukit Timah last Friday.
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  • 275 8 AN Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders* soccer side beat ™an S.C.C. team by four goals to three in a friendly football game on the Padang yesterday. The game was evenly contested and play was interesting although the standard of football was not high. Carruthers,
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  • 198 8 DETERMINED to beat Um American Association on Sunday afternoon at Anson Road Stadium, Manager Paul James of the All-Star baseball nine has called two days of intensive practice for his aggregation, this afternoon and to-morrow, at the Japanese Club grounds. He will concentrate on batting
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  • 74 8 <Fr«m Our Own Correspondent i Ipoh, Aug. 12. II was decided to form a Perak Cycling Club at an inaugural general meeting held here. The meeting was well attended by cycling emhusiasts of both sexes. A committee was appointed to draft rales te be submitted for
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  • 63 8 A friendly match of four singles and three doubles will be played between the Gentle B.P. "B" team and the Kampong Jagoh Muslim B.P. at the former's court at 230 pjn on Sunday. The following will represent the Gentle 8.P.: Hassan Awang, M. Shahid. Sari Senawi, Abdul Wahab,
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  • 61 8 HPHE followng have been selected toh play cricket for the YII.CJL versus I the S.C.C on Saturday, at 2 p.m. on the Anson Road ground. J. P. Chrysostom. A. C. Wilton, S. Hope, F. W. Marsh, V. Xavier. K. Gold- smith. A. P. Raja, Kwik Sam York. V
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  • 218 8 AUG UST MEDAL AT BUKIT TIMAH Qualifiers F t "Cliffc-d c.| 3 the B was played !day and Bund in A" div. Lo n C. Ain in a w*n Ici division wiO\ a win tor O i sion with i "A* division Saturday "A" wa: won by R d y
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  • 47 8 A J tht UUMUU the Cheerful 1. d th? following wrr bearers for the year President, David H Sia Lye Choon (re-el rettry, Wee Item aat' 1 secretary Goh Choon surer, Njg-> Bing Khen. auditor, Koh Kim H hon. sports caj) i elected
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  • 17 8 THE Manchester i R-A.F. reserves by tlu-ec in a reserve division lozguf scc^rfliat Seletai
    17 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 70 8 g| M M■ M M M V^ Jfc jfet. Ji KH E%^er:, bird hai bMa c arc-folly j£r selected from the finest English. Auitralian and Continental breeds I/' and represents the best value I ,j j in poultry that can be obtained. 'v Always a fresh supply in stork N^^
      70 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 24 8 To-day's Sports Events Soc-er: first division, S.R.C. vs. Loyal Regiment, stadium; reserve division. S.C.C. vs. Police, S.C.C.; second division <b), J.C.S.A. vs. S.CF..V. J.\S.A.
      24 words