The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 August 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,162. ESTD. 1835 SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1940. 5 cents
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  • 350 1 R .A.F.'s SUCCESS IN BIGGEST AIR BATTLE OVER LIBYA Outnumbered, British Down 1 5 Italian Planes HITS SCORED ON ENEMY i BARRACKS AT HARGEISA Cairo, Aug. 9. AN R.A.F. communique issued here to-day announces the n "biggest aerial battle over Libya." Fifteen Italian fighters were destroyed m the battle, m
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 31 1 I rk \UK. 9 1 cached the urU ud hUI pass i .nuary. m Itn that deliam Knudsen. the National n m a nation- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 26 1 I •mdoii. Au«. 9. N M.P. for d to the Production a uild 16 Hurrito replace the yesterday's air Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 33 1 I ondon, Au?. 9. m ands of engineon *ar proLlled upon by the industrial r at emd to obtain ...led men who -sfer to imi >rk. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 120 1 nirfton. Aug. 9. inning that some British si Peking. perpurpuse, unofficial circles i withdrawal from 4 somewhat unfair *rtei m American marines m main- P«ce and order m the Inter•freal Settlement h h joints ,»u: that Kritish interests P»*<Mil»i'.r m thr >-ttlement. From the ««|Mi4 jjeneral policy. Washington
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 23 1 IVrlin. Au£. y. ,n.T states that from Rome 39 i and ;.i)0 injured m m 1 munitions factory at •uildinz was com- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 14 1 milon. Aug. 9announces that p Mi biith to a and that both are Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 17 1 'uptinn of com■•ritai Denmark lission h:v. left :-,-ton to discuss American food its a CopenStHaal agency. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 162 1 Italians Cannot Dominate Suez Canal London, Aug. 9. WITH reference to German and Italian claims on the effect of the Italian advance into British Somaliland, Reuter's correspondent says that authoritative circles m London point out that, even if the Italians succeeded m occupying the whole of the protectorate, it would
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 132 1 Shanghai, Aug. 9. THE withdrawal of British troops from Shanghai and North China, announced by the War Office m London to-day, did not come as a surprise to the British community here, who generally anticipated it and fully appreciate the circumstances ot the withdrawal. The Japanese
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 56 1 Arrrested Japanese Deported Tokio, Aug. 9. ONE of the three Japanese nationals arrested by the British authorities m Rangoon last Friday has been deported to Japan, says the Domei (Japanese) agency, which quotes a despatch to Tokio from the Japanese Consul m Rangoon and adds that he was put on
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 58 1 London. Aug. 9. SEVEN people are believed to have been killed and 12 injured when part of the extension of a large factory fell m a north-west England town to-day. After the accident the building was surrounded by the factory's own members' of the Home
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 22 1 mHE Bremen v/ireless states that an 1 agreement has been signed at Bucharest for the export of Rumanian wheat to Germany.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 559 1 60 Nazi Planes Shot Down In Thursday' s Battles London. Aug. 9. TIE Air Ministry announces that full reports of yesterday's actions over the Channel show that 60 enemy aircraft were destroyed and many others damaged. As already Announced. 16 of our fighters were lost but three more pilots are
    Reuter  -  559 words
  • 256 1 Indo-China Situation Said To Be Growing More More Tense Shanghai, Aug. 9. THE situation m Indo-China is hourly becoming Mite tense. Increased activity by Japanese naval units and troopships m South China waters gives rise to the belief that Japanese forces are geared ready for a possible move southwards. It
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 40 1 Jerusalem, Aug. i. rr is officially announced that owing to the magnificent response for recruits from Palestine and the TransJordan, the Royal Air Force is suspending local enlistments. Recruiting for army service units continues. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 38 1 Canberra, Ati£. 'J. MR. R. G. MENZIES, the Australian Prime Minister, announced to-day that Australia is attending the conference of British Empire countries m the East at New Delhi m October. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 89 1 HIGH COMMISSIONER INSPECTS MEN London, Aug. M. MR Vincent Masses', High Cummissioner for Canada, to-day inspected the first Royal Canadian Air Force fighter squadron to reach Britain The squadron has hitherto been on coastal duties off Newfoundland and eastern Canada. It has now come t* j
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 78 1 Offensive Delay Upsetting Nazi Morale London, Aug. 9. TTHE Eclaireur de Nice's Berne correspondent reports that the delay m the German offensive is upsetting German morale and the prospect of continued British bombing is causing anxiety inside Germany. The correspondent says that it will apparently be the first lime that
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 49 1 London, Autj. M. LEAFLETS dropped by a. German plane In .south-east England sold as souvenirs have realized £26, which has been sent to the British Red Cross Society. Two which were auctioned at a local Rotary Club lunch realiseo shillings.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  49 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 m QUALITY AND ECONOMY DRINK BIGIA TEA TO. DAY lift lime Orchestral Concer 12.30 to 2 p.m. SPECIAL DINNER DANCE (formal) from .'> P-m. EXTENSION TO 1 A. M. ■BOOK YOUR TABLE— Non-d|nere_J|LO« rd WJSITAFEL RAFFLES ORCHESTRA to r:u ».m. Directed by Dan Hopkins
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  • 218 2 HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM A WARNING to pupils of the City High School about the activities of fifth columnists was given by Capt. N. M. Hashim, the Malay Legislative Councillor, when he spoke at the annual prize-giving of the school yesterday. "In
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  • 93 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Aug. 9. MALAYANS decorated by the T1 King at this week's investiture at Buckingham Palace are FI.-LieiT.. R. V. Jeff (DF.C. and Bar), and Squadron-Ldr. Ernest Dease (M.8.E.). Squadron-Ldr. Dease was a planter m the Nilai district of Negri Sembilan
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  • 304 2 IN a speech to the students of the V.M.C.A. School of Commerce at their annual nrizegiving yesterday, Mr t J. T. Rea said that there were several things the students could do to help Malaya at; the present time. •They could offer themselves as
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  • 188 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES <Prom Ou' Own Corresoondont > London, Aug. 9. rOMMODITY ana Exchange marKeu dated as follows \rttn previous Quotations id paran thesis:— RUBBER: Steady. Spot 13d 13^ 1 13 d 13',d) Sept I 2 1516 d 13U6d <12 15 16d 13 1 16d> Oct-Dec 12 11,16 d 12 13
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  • 53 2 OOYS of St. Andrews School, Singapore *f have started an orchestra and Mr. Wee' Kheng Hon? and his son, Mr. Wee Hian Chai nave made a donation of $300 towards the cost of purchasing some of the Instruments The orchestra has been formed by the boys on
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  • 21 2 Y EA ,L^.? W CHUA a «*-ye»r-old mar- 929 with Sim h T"^ a ba "krupt m |sS3» £SH~
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  • 307 2 gEVEN applications for exemption from continuous training with the Straits Settlements Voli-/# and the St. John Field Ambulance were heard yest«rlay by the Local Tribunal consisting of Messrs. J. C^ Cobbett. P. A. B. McKerron &nd R. K. Prentis. The Tribunal granted exemption m three cases
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  • 309 2 London, Aug. 9. The following are to-day's closing middle quotations. Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con Loan 5% 1944-64 99 1 Funding Loan i% 19S0-9O lio\ Wai Loan 3tt% 99 9id i 16 com Uniorj Assce (Units) 6 Prudential Assce A* is —It' Assce
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 267 2 FOUR SHOWS TOD^ 11 A.M. 3.15— <v 5 i* X CAPITOL Po ~sTtTvWv W%n IVL LAST o^ hearts m her first picture ft;mK^^^^k a new musical Triumph Imß^ "^ji GLORIA JEAN i» Jm MY WAY* L. nT'y SPECIAL! LATEST METROTONE \i DAY including THE French Battleship Dl destroyed by the
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  • 292 3 forces Being Put To More Useful Service Elsewhere IMPROVING STRATEGIC POSITION IN FAR EAST London, Aug. 9. Mfcc announced to-day that British troops en t stationed m Shanghai and North China are ithdrawn far service elsewhere. authoritatively that Great Britain has Government
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  292 words
  • 103 3 Protocol Rights Reserved Tokio, Aug. 9. A GOVERNMENT spokesman announcing that Britain had notified Japan of the withdrawal of the garrison of troops from Shanghai and North China, said that the British now stated that the British Government reserves all rights under the Pekin Protocol of 1909 until the protocol
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 107 3 EVENTS CHECKED KNOWN FACTS 1 onion. Aiu. grossly P ".Kide m rela- German subolTered by mured mem- which was •s 1.3 s&nU .•ruis<> In April. I alleged sinlch -hips were U-boat com- torx)edo is :r.t d to have I .:.J Clianne] ing In Eng -Or off
    British Wireless  -  107 words
  • 26 3 I rest ot the Ol tlK' :r.?osod Americas A] rpoae tstOm. "Coa* i be shown In receivoa wben Vs ma tits British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  26 words
  • 19 3 ROOSEVELT CAN CALL UP NATIONAL GUARD P .KIT has been The national :or military "O.oou *oldi^rs t compulsory Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 161 3 London, Aus. 9. T»HE Swedish newspaper Gothandel 1 of Gothenburg writes: "As a result Df the Third Reich's war machine, -very single country now m German 3ccupa r :on is threatened with want, whcr? before existed m many cases a surplus cf their own needs.
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 66 3 London. Aug. 9. THE Minister of Agriculture. Mr. li. a. HucLon. who has just completed a tour of the agricultural areas of England and Wales, stated m House of Commons that he was very Impressed by the progress already made with the food production campaign.
    British Wireless  -  66 words
  • 115 3 German Control Of Vital Patents In U.S. New York, Aug. 9. A special Federal Grand Jury has been empannelled to receive testimony from Government experts m ten vital fields that are alleged to have suffered from monopolistic control exercised partly by German arms and industrial organizations. This announcement was made
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 102 3 AT the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry m the Singapore third court yesterday into allegations of murder against a 30-year-old Sikh, Fauja Singh, the magistrate committed him to the Assizes. It was p.lleged at a previous hearing, that after creating a general disturbance outside the Sikh
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  • 96 3 A PROPOSAL to provide public tennis courts m Katong Park has been disapproved by a committee of the Singapore Municipality. This decision will come up for consideration at the meeting of Commissioners at the end of this month. The committee agreed by a majority
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  • 75 3 BECAUSE the import duty on table voters, which is at present m force, is considered unsatisfactory and the excise duty, for which provision exists m the War Duties Ordinal I s, has never been imposed because it VOUld be costly and difficult to collect, ft Bill has
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  • 43 3 London, Aug. 9. THE Stock Exchange undertone was brighter to-day on news of yesterday's war activity m the Channel but business was not large. Gilt-edged securities were steady and industrials showed both small gains and losses. Wall Street was steady.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 493 3 I D propaganda, oeting reports, and from Belgium. *he American turmoil, writes nt of the ti really news is bad KOtaf out with a m« groat black Allied defeats. In small type *t Dispatch from has been a it as mis- ricaa GovernM the
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  • 629 3 BRITISH PROPOSAL GETS MIXED RECEPTION Bombay, Aug. 9. THE Press reception of the Viceroy's statement on the British Government's decision to allow an Indian body to frame the future constitution of India after the war follows unusual lines. There is evidence that the leaders are
    Reuter  -  629 words
  • 30 3 In a Gazette notification the Chief Police Officer, Singapore, prohibits any assembly or procession m public roads, public places or resorts on the island unless a permit has been obtained.
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  • 46 3 Chungking, Aug. 9. MANY Japanese aircraft m three flights bombed Chungking heavily and extensively this afternoon. Parts of the city on the south bank of the Yangtze river, where foreign embassies, legations and consulates are situated, were among the places bombed.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 259 3 Rumanian Prime Minister On Nations Aims Berlin. Aug. 0. ACCORDING to a Bucharest dispatch to the official German news agency, the Rumanian Prime Minister, M. Gigurtu, m a broadcast last night, emphasized thai, m Salzburg and Rome he was told only that there a desire that Rumania should coma
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 50 3 BRITISH ENVOY GOING TO CHUNGKING SOON Tokia, Aug. 9. T'HE Yomlurl Shinibun reports that the 1 British Ambassador, Sir Archibald Ciark-Kerr, who returned to Shanghai on Tuesday, will again visit Chungking shortly, to exchange views with Mr. Nelson T. Johnscn, Untteed States Ambassador, who 1^ dow m Cbung'iir Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  50 words
  • 54 3 London, Aug. 9. \TR. C. R. Attlee, Mr. Lloyd-George, Mr. L. S. Amery, Lord Snell, Mr. P. J. NoelBaker, Mr. Tom Williams and about 40 other MP.s of all parties have paid tribute to Mr. Jab'^insky. president of th" world Zionist organization, who died suddenly m l America a few
    British Wireless  -  54 words
  • 195 3 London, Aug. 9. AFTER nearly three months of splendid response to his appeal lor 'work at war speed," Mr. Herbert Morrison, Minister of Supply, has sent another message to men and women, working for the Ministry of Supply urging them to "keep
    British Wireless  -  195 words
  • 104 3 Bermuda, Aug. 9. •"THE Duke and Duchess of Windsor weft I smiling and looked very fit when they came ashore yesterday. The visit was de«cribed as private »nd informal The Governor, Major-Gen. D. B?mar3. and the Commander of the West Indln Squadron. Admiral Sir Charles
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 94 3 Tokio. Aug. JAPANSE residents m China are stoadilf Increasing according to figures piven out ny the Foreign Office. The Japanese colony Ir North. Central and South China totalled' *52.156 on July 1, showing an incrmsc of 58.572 over that on April 1. Japanese residents number
    Eastern News  -  94 words
  • 35 3 Bucharest. Aug. 9. THE antl-Jeirtsh campaign Is being int( nsifled. Twelve journalists from leading r^wspapers. incl'j^ine the editor of a v no^m Liberal journal, hay** b°^n "fcr spr^adin? tendentious n--u^ Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 30 3 tt reecntlf Oernuny la renaming ci \m and Ktre?ls In occi 1 luvrmburß. I.uxemburcs principal s': Avenue of IJbevty. is to be X Hitter Btr Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 40 3 w York. An*. 9 THE Bttlish flyin?b a: Clare took < fT yesterday on its return flight to i Encl.ind via Hontretl icd x: land Her remark.. bl fij premising a r. aeifloe betwi Bri.ain and t>v Un: rd Rates.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 118 3 Shave m Comfort with a SCHICK DRY SHAVER STOCKED BY MEDICAL HALL LTD. Where TO-DAY Vil A U MORNfNG SHOW m WL U 8 II V Ever>'bony at 11 a. in. T&&M 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 lUim'S OM^HA D€ lUM Goc^ p aramounl Singapore has never laughed r; jCtAt ij-j* J
      118 words

  • 652 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1940. Changkol For Victory IT was a g o o d idea of the De- partment of Information to issue a handy little booklet about the cultivation of vegetables m gardens and compounds of Singapore bungalows. Malayans should take very seriously the advice
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  • 718 4 Letter To The Editor To the Editor of the Free Press CIR— On Wednesday night I heard Mr. Herbert Morrison broadcast a call to the Empire to increase its war effort. Ha gave a brief but vivid picture cf the way the men and women
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  • 299 4 Will Nazis Cross The Sea? By A \av,i Correspond^ Hitlers ",> I begun, and p, I its continued I be found m I an autho-.ur. ritßt| I THE tochnlctl I A invasion L I Germans haw- had j I of the work I pedition to I they have tear* I
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  • 565 4 rpHE Cyprus Post has a message for all those who doubt the spirit of common allegiance to the Empire. "The British Empire has, m fact, been made by itself, and by the efforts of its own peoples and net. as the Nazis are inclined to think
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 m 1/%/% 7 1 /3Afo£ 808 M^Jki'tiS L 1 4< ffi ALLSOPP'S >?2 J t 188 Cv Sn*>r f nooointment established (jjj^\ f $fo 1872. S§? •stsf* CEffESI CECiCflo IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY Uecklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches cj:;ga?ore ipoh penang. *^By*Hy^« H^^ ■'w- T^sy*pB«^*' r^^^C^jg V PAST PASSKNGER SKRVICE.
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    • 18 4 Ttf£ JAi>£ TABS Closing down sale SALE No w On 18, BATTERY ROAD, FIRST FLOOR PHONE 7143 SINGAPORE
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  • 2412 5 Defence Allegation Made Against Soh Hun Swee In Loveday Case SUGGESTION that he had "pocketed" all the money Ahi had collected from Chinese contractors was denied <nh Hun S\ve*\ a principal witness, during his crossapunaiion yesterday at the continuation of the trial by
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  • 38 5 me RAF. mc.cur ritual service doe, important work for the p:D.s. ■tradings are taken every hour from the instruments m this "beehive/ part of a nubile unit working m a field.
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  • 156 5 Big Transmitter To Serve Far East I y announced yesterla proposed to erect transmitter m t only to serve Malaya ire the disseminaand views over the Far East. act that m this Imperial Govern- tertsted," it is stated. t>oth capital and :rom funds m •n."
    156 words
  • 67 5 eminent Gazette conNaval Police Regulations rhA f U u conditions of the orar.d discipline of the force. wf 11^- 10 1 of Acttng Sub-LJeut«nant Donnelly, Straits Settlements wvl*L Volunteer Reserve, m the rani: **»-u««ttant, has been approved. •lanicipal Commissioners among their number fe'iCl,* McXe "ow to be a
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  • 325 5 A DESCRIPTION of how a young soldier of the Manchester Regiment watched a coconut tree being cut down, and neglecting shouts of warning, continued to gaze at it as it fell, with the result that he was killed, was given m the coroner's
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  • 90 5 fFHh. reports of the committees appointed by the Governments of the Straits Settlements and the F.M.S. to consider war loan proposals are ready for printing and will be published at an early date. These reports make recommendations for war loans and for the methods of servicing: these
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  • 214 5 ARTHUR DAR3YSHIRE, described as a European police constable m the Naval Base Police Force, was yesterday acquitted by Mr. J. G. Rappoport, Singapore third magistrate, on two charges alleging that he neglec ed his riutv by absenting himself from his post ond on a third charge, of
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  • 599 5 From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 9. INVOLVED m four accidents on one 1 evening— after none of which did he stop S. W. Coleman, a European of Kuala Lumpur and formerly of Singapore, was fined $1,000 by Mr. W. J. Thorofeood. first
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  • 900 5 DECLARES HE WAS DRUNK rONVICTED on a charge of insubordination by refuan] to obey an order by a superior officer to go on faty, Stanley Gordon Pearse, 27-year-oU European polic constable of the Naval Base Police Force, was finer! S2. r >.
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  • 219 5 Children Give Evidence About Policeman "TWO children, an 11-year-old 1 Chinese girl and her nght-year-old brother, were chief witnesses m a case m the Singapore fifth court yesterday m which Dullah Singh, an additional police constable attached to the Naval Base was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to the boy.
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  • 124 5 ALLEGED to have impersonated t member of the Food Control Office, Yong Loke Kheng a young Englishspeaking Chinese, was c nviccd and fined $30, or one month s rigorous Imprisonment, by the fifth magistrate, Mr. Oon Khye Khiang yesterday. At the previous hearing it wns alleged by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 396 6 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register
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    • 321 6 I BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m F-M.Sj TELEPHONE: Freight 5433. funci SUI ftNADIAN PACIMC Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES- Across Canada through th# Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" •'DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom. All under one management. For detailed
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    • 452 6 MANSFIELD CO., LTD BLUE FUNNEL LIHe I Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. o a tes guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to r War Clauses. r WKS I KRN AUS THAI ia THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST I Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) *i» j I by first
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  • 60 7 ACOMMITEE has been appointed to investigate the possibilities of manufacturing; locally articles which have hitherto been imported from Great Britain and elsewhere, particularly articles required f»r the defence f rcrs of Malaya. The committee is preparing its report, and it is known that a number of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 384 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TKNDKRS 7|v;apork MVMCIP ALITY Tenders. re now invitee for the or services. For Municipal Tenders indaid Huh Piessure Water Dept. Date 4^ p.m Aug. 12. 1940. ought Iron Tubes i 10 40 to 30 9/4). Date 4 pm Sept 18. 1940. trlcal Transformers.! Date oJ Closing. 4 40.
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    • 577 7 BOARD RESIDENCE NAPIER HOUSE 7. Napici Koad Tele. 7406 Overlooiang Garrison GoU ffiSid 1 1 t bathroo^ with old and hot water m.s to every sing c and double suite Encritsh One"£carff aIS "™> YORK LODGE t>«. LLOVI) ROAU, SINGAPORE SUPERIOR RESIDENTIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Well Famished Rooms and Exceptional Cuisine. DaUy
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 28 7 Law Notice For The Day Before the Registrar. At 10 a.m. Taxation m 5. 14/40. At 10.30 am. Taxation m 0.5.68 39 At 11.30 a.m. Taxation m 5.591/39.
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  • 117 8 SI .LfclTl >SS lor to-day's races m Pmung are given below: KVr. PRESS Race 1 King's Ghambi:. trfen Blaie. Race Par Out. Happy B«y Race 3. Torn Over. Drift On. Rice 4. Westenra. Constant Ltfht. Race 5. Lucky Princr. Miss Zipo. Race t. yun C'r?me de Men.
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  • 1537 8 LUCKY PRINCE CONTANGO BEST BETS Three Horses Taken To Complete Doubles FINAL DAY OF PENANG AUGUST MEETING UCKY Prince and Contango should make the best bets m Penang this afternoon, the final day of the Penang Turf Club's August race meeting. A card of nine events forms^the programme, and, generally,
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  • 369 8 Clarke Scores Thrice In Stadium Game S.K.C. 3: Navy 2 'FHREE GOALS scored by Clarke 1 *a\e the S.R.C. a three-two victory over the Royal Navy m a nr>>t division same at the stadium yesterday. The Sailors were three goals down when a tins recovery
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  • 161 8 THE Combined Colleges got off to a good star;; m their cricket match against the S.C.C which began yesterday evc-nin^ at five o'clock. When play concluded fife S.C.C. wL-kets had fallen for 48 runs, of wiikli Cap Cas:or, who wa.s well it by They, c ::':i':ircd
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  • 72 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Aug. 8. CIFTEEN players from Malacca will 1 make the trip to Kuala Lumpur on Saturday when Malacca meets Selangor m the Goho Cup soccer fixture. Malaccas XI will be selected from the following: R, Leon, Low Ah Sa^g. Hardacre,
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  • 551 8 Sappers Hold Airmen To 2-2 Draw R.A.F. 2; Fortress R.E. 2. rE Fortress R.E. yery nearly caused the biggest soccer upset m the S.A.F.A. first division league this season when they played the only unbeaten team of the division, the R.A.F., to a two-all draw at Scletar yesterday. The Sappers
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  • 65 8 *THE Pasir Panjang Ruvers' soccer team to meet the Victorians on tomorrow at Farrer Park will be selected from the following:—G. Webber, Ong Eng Hoe, Cheng Chee Fong, A. Suppramayam, Wong Tong Seng, M. Kassim, Ahmad, Hon J., Tang Soon Chee, L. A. Bakar, Sin Siew Kee,
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  • 44 8 rE following players have been chosen to represent the McKenzie Rovers against the Star Soccerites Football XI In a friendly game of soccer at the Parrer Park to-day. Haahlm, Mahalingam, Karim, Hamid, Abdul Rahim, Kadir, Syed Omar, Ibrahim Tony, Rajoo and All.
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  • 26 8 IN the final of the Keppel Golf Club's Rose Bowl Competition Mrs S R. Burstall beat Mrs. E. A. Elder two and one.
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  • 363 8 BUND-FOLD PERFORMANCE AND REAL FIGHTS A SURPRISE blind-fold boxing conte.M members of the Police depot, who "madhouse gone 'haywire* m their fan provided Singapore amateur boxers and entl many laughs at last night's War Fund show at the Happy World. There were a
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  • 209 8 Davis Cup Play ers At Kuala Lumpur (Fr.mour O, 1 new Malayan Kho Sin Kie was G P. Hughes, the m action on the to-day m exhib: proceeds of the ci between the lOUya and China Relief Fund r: A drizzle which p out the Rame rend. e o^ slippery,
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  • 34 8 (Prom Our Own < ipjh. Am v A CHINESE was buri. a UMkiMK m a Chinese tin Bine B yesterday. It is undersu*xi work when earth abov hln extricated but life wv
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 j*2nBSSSBS£X9 .^^ES^Tf^^K jr s j^ ■'<'''*'"''' vi* vHs^^^^^vWt- -BMb i, vT v homa-mada ™[[iciqvs\ afsvayf fresh I cool meals If you have not tried one of our V /^^H^9^k^ famous S.CJS. Pies you've missed a WtJ* treat. They are really scrumptious >\ f fl^ because only the tenderest meat, iOI&l
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 78 8 Week-end Sports Events TO-DAY Soccer: Chinese vs. Malays, stadium. Cricket: I. A. vs. S.C.C. Balestier: Combined Colleges vs. S.C.C, S.C.C S.C.R.C. vs. M.C.U., S.C.R.C.; 5J.0.8. vs. Manchesters, 5J.0.8.; Combined Schools vs. Teachers' Assn.; P.W.D. vs. C.S.C. P.W.D.; S.CC. vs. St. Andrew's School, Woods viile; T.M.C.A. vs. Raffles, Y.BLCA. Polo: K.O.R.
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