The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 August 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,160. ESTD. 183;» THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940 s cents
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  • 782 1 'Biggish' Enemy Force On Libyan Border DIFFICULTIES OF ADVANCE INTO SOMALILAND THERE is no foundation for the report that Egyptian territory has been invaded by Italian forces, Reuter reports from Alexandria. It is, however, believed that aiLjtaliaiL attack from Libya is imminent. American reports putting
    Reuter  -  782 words
  • 80 1 Reported Chinese Warning To French Shanghai, Aug. 7. a that the Chinese have :h e French authorities take military meaJH»nWfl are permitted I Press reports that (h *L t"»'P* are moving towards f^Tntirr of Indo-China and that 2l,££ preparations are bein< ;:er reporU that the
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 32 1 London, Aug. 7. Saval institute is to be Netherlands Indies ia opened for the first ideti lor service for the N'r.y. mj is to be founded Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 28 1 Mandalay, Ail*. 7 r\ Prime Minister of urma February last year, on a charge under i < has been re,ie has been fix^d Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 42 1 London, Aug. 7. 1 1 mk of Commons tomat ion on the present attitude of the Belrvnt. Mr. R. A. Butler, secretary, told the rd Halifax. Foreign Seckng certain informamtime he preferred not ailed < iled reply.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 40 1 P Berlin. Aug 7. of the League of re involved m a oemi Grenoble when I embark for the to establish the econoU section of the nceton. Three were r d and 20 slightly.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 81 1 Haifa, Aug. 7. ENEMY raiders dropped bombs here this morning. They caused some damage and a few casualties. Anti-aircraft defences drove the raiders off. A Rome communique states that during the air raid on Haifa oil reservoirs were set on fire and harbour equipment hit. In East Africa
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 59 1 London, Aug. 7. rpHE Ministry of Home Security an- nounces that during the night enemy aircraft dropped incendiary bombs on two districts m Scotland. More leaflets giving Hitler's recent Reichstag speech and a small number of bombs also fell In the Bristol Channel area.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 155 1 Rome, Au*. 7. •THE vigilance of the Royal Navy is believed here to have caused Rome to decide to launch at once a combined offensive from Abyssinia and Libya. The Italians realize the difficulty of maintaining their military establishments In these areas and are determined
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 507 1 Britain Ready For Every Possible Method Of Attack, Says First Lord Malaya For New Delhi Talks On Supply Of War Needs JT is reported m London that the Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow, has invited representatives from Malaya, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, East Africa and South Africa to take part
    Reuter  -  507 words
  • 44 1 London, Aug. 7. ACCORDING to a broadcast from Moscow, the Russian fleet has begun what is described as largescale manoeuvres m the Pacific. The announcer said that submarines, light and heavy units, and aircraft were taking part Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 60 1 London, Aug. A GERMAN airman who is thought to have landed by parachute and been at large for about 11 days was captured m the Bristol area to-day. He may have baled out after his machine was hit. It is understood that he surrendered
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 71 1 Istanbul, \u 7. IT is reported that a foreign archaeologist and former professor at the Historical Institute of Ankara and several other persons have been arrtvted and charged with espionage. The names of the arrested persons have so far not been disclosed but the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 203 1 STATEMENT IN COMMONS London, Aug. 7. A N T SWERING a RdH of question.- m the House of Commons about, Anglo-Soviet trad?* negotiations Mr R. A. Butler, Foreign Under-Secretary. s?.id that Lord Halilax, Foreign Secretary, recently sent instructions l»> Sir Stafford Cripps, the British Ambassador, to
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 66 1 Soda. \ll;;. Z. npHE visit of M. Cadeni, Rumanian Ambassador m Belgrade, us spe-.-i.iL envoy to discuss the Dobrudja question with the Bulgarian authorities hi suited m .some progress, according I > well-informed circles hero. M. Cau ra has now gone to Bucharest to re^or. An invitation
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 75 1 Santinikelan. Bengal. .%ujj. 7. SIR RABINDRANATH TAGOHK. 30-year-old Indian po**t. has received the decree of Doctor of Id I of Oxford University at a .spccKii vocation of Oxiord University ImM here. This is bplicve«i bo be the ins*. time a special convocation h held outside Oxfcrd. Sir
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 32 1 London, Aug. 7 THE King ii id another investiture at Buckingham Palace to-day, at which he conferred more than 300 decorations on Army men. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  32 words
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  • 369 2 MAJORITY IN FAVOUR ON TWO CONDITIONS ANALYSIS of the voting on a referendum regarding a war tax on incomes taken among members of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association shows that a very large majority supported the tax— subject to its being, firstly, pan-Malayan, and secondly,
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  • 209 2 VIGIL m the Night" is A. J. Cronin's attempt to do for the nursing profession what he tried .to do for doctors m "The Citadel." The book has lost nothing m its translation to the screen. The film, which opened at the Alhambra yesterday,
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  • 209 2 nie follow quotation, b.iart-.- a nnies-s otherui.e The above s~f (MM brokers margins bron^raxf a r ..J are not Included Exchange Telegraph ooa loud 0% im m Funding Loan 4 t IK -jO i:: Wax Loan 34% Coin bmoD Aisct i Units t ruaeutiaj A**ce A Uoyai
    Exchange Telegraph  -  209 words
  • 73 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES fomioom v as toJlous paranthesis:— Spot UM o.t-r:- r Jan-Mar Nf-u- V..; k H9.70 Bl COPBA K.M.S SiXJt: I S.raJLs S U H- U *'r COTTON 7.74 d 7.74. PrPPEK: Whire llunl White Mum- I I.amponp i 1 an.p.inp Ml TIN: Steady. Spot lL'6fi Forward: ii" New \<
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 189 2 "GLORIA JEAN'S Rendering of "Little Grey Home m the West" is one of the finest ever heard on the screen" Straits Times. Ever since her first Picture Everybody's been asking for her! DON'T MISS THIS! TO-DAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 AT THE CAPITOL THAT WINSOME LITTLE SINGING STAR WHO STOLE YOUR HEARTS IN
      189 words
    • 18 2 The Fifth Column Walls Have Ears STOP PRESS So 'Talk About Tiffer Instead" Advt. of TIGER !Si' BEER
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    • 138 2 CLASSIFIER MKlffigg TKNDKKs SIX(;AIU)U X MUNKIPAUn Tenders. Tenders are now tofM i following materials or se'l.. parUculars see Mm Room Supply oi Standard Hi->h d Copper lubes for Water rw of Closing 4 Dm V:/^ Supply of Galvd. Wtom i^, for period 1/10 4 Of Closing 4 Erertion of
      138 words

  • 191 3 Existence Of Dangerous Fifth Column Element Is Revealed In Report London, Aug. 7. oFK.MAN and Italian espionage agents masquerading as U diplomat^ and business representatives have swarmed n t«, the I 'nited States and Latin America since the war is revealed m a
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 662 3 tendon. Aug 7. x has directed its 13 formation to streng- >m^, of war. declared Mr. xl Minister without ,t_.ting the discussion on .-nation in the House of n -It was clear in very of trie new Government that j.iun and crowing burden restI do not think, howoutlook
    British Wireless  -  662 words
  • 163 3 London, Aug. 7. COMMENTING on the report of Mr. John Cudahy, American Ambassador m Belgium, on the food situation there, the Daily Express says: "Mr. Cudahy is an honest observer but we must consider carefully his hopes that means will be foynd
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 229 3 London, Aug. 7. HPHE contingent of Southern Rhodesia A airman which has arrived m Britain has received the following messages from the Secretaries for Air and the Dominion^ The Air Secretary. Sir Archibald Sinclair, said: "On behalf of the R.A.F., I offer you a
    British Wireless  -  229 words
  • 57 3 BRITAIN AUSTRALIA IN CLOSE TOUCH < inberra. Aug. 7. MR. John Mc£.ven. Commonwealth Minister for External Affairs, gave an assurance m the House of Representatives to-day that Australia's views were considered by Britain when they affected decisions of Imperial and Pacific policy from time to time. Britain was constantly consulting
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 36 3 Canberra, Aug. 7. MR. R. G. MENZIES, the Australian Prime Minister, announced to-day that the Labour party had rejected his offer of five or six seats m the new National Government.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 126 3 'THE Germans have promised that they would not hamper Dutch ec n^mic development as far as compatible with German war economic but everything is being dene to adjust Dutch economic life to the Nazi war needs. Transport is difficult as the Germans themselves admit. It
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 56 3 London, Aug. 7. -if IS morning some of the Lon- don newspapers published an effective reply to the German claims that their bombing had closed the port of London. This claim is utter nonsense. Pictures are published which show the docks filled with ships unloading
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 667 3 London, Aug. 7. V* 1 ROWING disillusionment in tfae^ vl countries immediately concerned m Hitler's plans for reorganising the Balkans is reflected m despatches from newspaper correspondents m these and other neutral countries. The Times m a leading article, says: "Hitler's ostentatious undertaking to
    British Wireless  -  667 words
  • 98 3 U.S. Admiration For British Coolness New York, au£. 7. ADMIRATION for the British people's coolness while awaiting invasion is expressed by the New York Times, which says: "The waiting islanders arc not terrorized. They bear the suspense so jauntily that the British Government has deemed it necessary to warn the
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 139 3 Evacuation Of Children: Statement Soon London, Aug. 6. MR. Geoffrey Shakespeare, under- Secretary for the Dominions, said that the Government had deliberately come to the conclusion that they ought not, m the existing circumstances, to take responsibility for sending children overseas unless they go m escorted ships. In their view,
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 202 3 London, Aug. 7. FURTHER details of magnificent gift of 40,000 pounds worth of cattle by the Argentine meat trade to troops oi the Empire have now reached London. After the fall of France, when the position of Britain became more difficult, cattle owners of
    British Wireless  -  202 words
  • 59 3 Bucharest, Aug. 7. A NOTE replying to the British protest made at the end of July at the anti-British action of the Government has been under consideration and, It Is believed, will be accommodating. The question of mobilization of British shipping on the Danube is
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 57 3 London, Aug. 7. rr is officially announced that casualties m the trawler Marsona were one officer killed, one officer and ten ratings missing, presumed killed, and six ratings wounded. The casualties m the trawler Finisterre were one officer wounded, one rating killed, and eight ratings wounded. The loss
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 38 3 London, Auff. 7. fU[R Harcourt Johnstone f Liberal', Secretary to the Department ol Overseas Trade, was returned unopposed at the by-election at West Middlesborough m place of Mr. Kingsley Griffith, who has been appointed County Court ;vA%r Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 IVom R.A.f Bomber Command Ltations m England aircraf: leave almost nightly to attack enemy communications, marshalling yards and trocp concentrations. This picture shows a Whitley bomber crew putting on their flying kit preparatory to going out on one of these telling raids.
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  • 172 3 Hyde Park, New York, Aug. 6. AFTER lunching here to-day with four Latin American statesmen who had attended the Pan-American Conference at Havana, President Roosevelt said that unquestionably Pan-American unity was more of an accomplished fact than ever before. Reviewing the results of the conference, the
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 63 3 Ottawa. All*. 7. MR. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister cf Canada, revealed tti the House of Commons yesterday that an exchange of diplomatic representatives between Canada and som-> South American countries was under consideration. He mentioned particularly BratfJ and Argentina as "a good guess"
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 45 3 London, Aug 7. LORD Caldecote, Secretary of State for the Dominions, was present at the service of intercession for victory m London yesterday evening. The Chaplain-General to the Forces and Mr. Ernest Brown. Secretary for Scotland, were also present.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  45 words
  • 43 3 M London. Auf. 7. R. Neville Chamberlain. Lord President of the Council, who was operated upon recently, hopes to leave the nursing home next Monday or Tuesday. He Is likely to taJre a short holiday before resuming his duties British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  43 words
  • 24 3 r PHE death has occurred of Sir Hugo de Bathe, second husband of the late Lily Langtry, the celebrated actress, reports Reurer from London
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  • 301 3 London, Aug. 7. P* XPERT opinion here Is greatlT interested m the continuous repetition of German High Command claims to have sunk a huge tonnage of British merchant shipping There is no doubt that for many reasons German airmen and submarine comm&ndm are likely to claim
    British Wireless  -  301 words
  • 118 3 London, \u 7. •"FHE publication at some later date of Lord Gort's disDatc!ies on th? operations of the British Expeditionary Force m France and Belgium is undT consideration, but the War Secretary. Mr. Anthony Ed<m, told the House ol Commons yesteiday that it
    British Wireless  -  118 words
  • 110 3 "THE visit to the United Spates of Wo I 1 Coward and Gracie Fields provided opportunities for a number of questions In th* House of Commons. It was made quite clear that Mr. Coward was not acting In any official capacity and that remarks he
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 58 3 Moscow, Aug. 7. DEFORE a crowded session of thi Supreme Soviet yesterday, Estonia appealed lor incorporation In the US. SR. The appeal was made by M Lauretskls.secretary cf the Estonian Crmmunlst Party, and was similar m t:ne to the appeals mad^ and accepted by Lithuania
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 Shave m Comfort with a SCHICK DRY SHAVER STOCKED BY MEDICAL HALL LTD. ®l Til All Where T0 DAY I I II H V J.IS MAUYA'S OHCMA DE UlXf Goes 5 9.15 DOROTHY h AMOUR and 808 HOPE w the year's biggest comedy Cwmmm' C =h Tl ROAD TO SINGAPORE
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  • 632 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940. New Delhi Conference TTHE conference which, as an- ncunced last night, is to be held at New Delhi m October to extend the present arrangements for co-ordinating war production and supply m the countries east of Suez will be of great importance
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1495 4 By A Special Correspondent "A SHREWD coTiqueror will always enforce his exactions on the conquered only by stages, as far as that is possible. Then he may expect tTiat a people who have lost all strength of character— ichich is always the ccse with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1582 5 Drama In Officer's Flat Told In Loveday Case BRIGADIER'S EVIDENCE ;l i r< imt if how an Army officer, offered a bribe of A'siltM, enabled his superior officers to listen m to a between himself and the man who had
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  • 28 5 In the crew room of an R.A.F. Fighter Squadron, pilots arc pass n- time while awaiting news of the approach of enemy aircraft.
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  • 325 5 P.C. Encounters Communist Group In Dark JTVESCRI3ED as one of the leaders m U the tyre reoairers" section of the '■Singapore (Red) General Labour Union, Ng Ah Che>on. a Henghwa tyre pnd tube repairer, was sentenced to :,ix months' rigorous Imprisonment and recommended for banishment bj Mr. J. G. Rappoport,
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  • 224 5 A GROUP of 13 Americans who left Haifa "of their own accord," ofter the bombing of the port by Italian bombers nearly a fortn'ght ago, arrived m Singapore by a special chartered plane yesterday. The group consists of oilmen md their wives
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  • 731 5 A YOUNG English-speaking youth named Yong Loke Kheng, employed as a canvasser for Bee and Company, Singapore, claimed trial m the fifth court yesterday to a charge of impersonating a member of the Food Supply Office at Bukit Panjang Road on July 11. Goh Koon,
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  • 473 5 COLLECTED RENTS FOR HIS OWN USE DEMARKING that he was tailing into comic I ihc a ->fd had a good character and had been serving the Colony by unc. going training as a Volunteer, Mr. Conrad Olchum tenteaced Chan Khek Beng, former assistant bailiff of the Sinrrpore
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  • 66 5 A tt-YEAft-OLD MAL/.y. Ha« Sulcrc. vhi chMgcd hi the Sii r.poro Bftta court jcerterday with theft of a b rycl*» vii'uid ;.t 163 belonging to P. A. Rfhmin at IWok P'aiipah Road on Ju!y 16. An a.BSitW rhartre of dlKhonr^Uy retainii IHUUCIIf vas al
    66 words
  • 53 5 Under <• v i -e? of thr t. nl f lie, Mr. a. X Isaac, lay d .'om Ifalaya t'. the Methodist CRn tl O m Amcrirp. v ill c r \y. »-r a 1 ture m Lm.Drcssftcm of Urn Tour' :.t Short vri-\ at 6.30 p.n. to-G«i> The BlttllUg
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 97 5 METROTEX AN IDEAL SHIRT FOR r^%\ BUSINESS WEAR Fine White Cotton Repp V|y Mnde Coat Style For Comfort A Scrni Stiff New Polo Collar, ytf d Ix)nj* Sleeves, Single Cuffs. 1 To Button, One Pocket Sr.uirt In Appearance And V Satisfaction In Wear. .y W Jr MADE IN ENGLAND SOttf
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 402 6 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. 6c O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained •jj The P. 0. S. N. Coy. from the Straits to :heir usual ports of call m China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to
      402 words
    • 318 6 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporatec m F-M.S) TELEPHONE: Freltht SUS. Fmmi* Ml Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Kockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" 'DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom,— All under one management. for detailed information apply to
      318 words
    • 426 6 MANSFIELD CO., LTD BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates ar a c not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conferen War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST far e Regular Services to Fro mantle (Perth) j avB by first class passenger ahips. Single
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  • 246 7 Watching London Stock Exchange Barometer i From A Singapore Correspondent) PHU'S the most sensitive of all indicators of public cc is to he found m the quotations for Gov- bonds on the London Stock Exchange. Recent movements m these prices, reflecting Ukj do a sensational series
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  • 122 7 DULY PRICES CTRRFNT Au*. 7. 12 o'clcck noon Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 37 37 Ha IX RSS FOB. m ca^es August 37% 38 Q F.AO RSS FOB. In beta Amort 36 s 36 5 s PAQ RS fOB m br.les
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  • 10 7 of dry rubbo- md Labuan js i gtmtemsiul Rubber. Malcya.
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  • 21 7 Mr. Lim Chong Pang with his wife end children rre leaving Singapore for Cam?ron Highlands next Saturday on a tvo-week holiday.
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  • 27 7 Many Scottish regiments arc among: the troops stationed m the desert m Egypt. Scottish troops are here seen camouflaging a gun position.
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  • 44 7 A LEAFLET h?s be n publi h?d to give details Df the prnergen.-y blood transfusion reivies m Singaof r?. Copies of ths le?.fl 't rnbe cb ained wih v ehsrgs *>n application to the Department of In f orm?.»ion, Fullert^n BuiMinz.
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  • 274 7 WRITING to the Smth China Mornff ing Post <Hong Kcng), a correspondent states: "Postal facilities give cause f3r thought; the following Instances ire illuminating. "I personally posted a letter, pllowi m? time for censorship, to catch a seamail leaving Singapore for H^ng
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  • 307 7 Tragedy In Municipal Quarry A coolie wording at the Municipal Quarry at the 11th. mile. Mandai Road, described how a fellow worker lest his grip on the rope h? was holding when he had ascended 50 feet up a cliff and fell to
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  • 68 7 ALLEGED to have assisted m the manapement of an unlawful society, "The Students Anti-Enemy 6ackin?-Up Society," at the Serangoon Rr.pd English School en Tuesday Foo Ah Ki?ne. a 26-year-old Hainanese, clrimed trial when he wes charged m the Singapore third court yesterday. Court Insp* ?tor
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  • 399 7 DETAILS OF PROJECT IN AUSTRALIA IT is expected that Australian-made petrol, refiaed from 1 shale oil, will be produced for the first time at Glen Davis, Australia, m a few daw*. Modern oil distillation works are already extracting from 15,000 to 17.000 gallons of
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  • 101 7 pOUR Danish seamen, stated to have been employed m a French vessel, appeared before Mr. J. G. Rappoport, Singapore third magistrate, yesterday on a charge of being vaexants withou' visible means of subsistence The men, Niels- n. 29, C. V. Jarser>--sen, 17, O. Simmonsr.n. 29.
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  • 88 7 THE Go. rn-nent ol India has d<-.-:d< c! to appoint a Trade Commissioner m Australia, announce s the Madras radio. The df.'.'sion is part of .1 drive t* luternative outlets for Indian goods, valued alout thirteen crores of raped annually, whir*h have been excluded frcm
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 175 7 K. P. M. LINE Regular sailings to Java, Bali, Sumatra. Borneo and all other ports m the Netherlands Indies. ORIENT JAVA AFRICA LINE Regular bi-monthly service via Batavia and Mauritius to South and East African ports. SINGAPORE JAVA ALSTRAI IA LINE Regular monthly service to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 151 7 POST OFFICE MAIL LIST Malls clcce at the General Post Office feS folloVS: TO-DAY Australia Eastern, Southern and i^'f^lV, air 5P mBr.^h Columbia surface 11 a.m. Canada surface 1 1 a.m. Cnina:— Amoy, Canton, Chuan Chow. Kiung Chow, Shanghai and Swatow surface 11 a.m. Formosa surface 11 a.m. Kons Kong
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    • 71 7 Law Notice For The Day Before the II m ble The A?, (hirf Ju>. lice m Court So. 1 at 11 a.m. O.S. 39 40— In tiie matter of the I oi Amftdi'nAchi&l "deed Before the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Pedlow m Court No. 3 at 11 a.m. DC. Appeal 140
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  • 290 8 Back In The Ring JiCS DEMPSEY, at 45. has proved that he retains some of his prowess as the "Manassa Mauler" *nd worlds best heavy-weight of 13 years a*o, at least as far as the Texan wrestler Cowboy Luttrell is concerned, writes an
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  • 143 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 7. THE majority of horseu running at Penans rac?s on Saturday were given light work this morning. Among the first out were Miss Zipp. Lucky Prince, Dangerous Lover. Dover and Sweet Collete. Pretty Quiet was also given slow work,
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  • 140 8 THE Royal Singapore Golf Club will meet the Sepoy Lines Golf Club m a women's match at Bukit Tlmah tomorrow afternoon. The draws ond starting times are given below, with the R.S.G.C. players mentioned first. First Nine 3, Mrs. J. W. Muncey (22) vs.
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  • 353 8 (Frcm Our owa Correspondent) Penally, Aug. 7. 'pHE iuilowin^ are the weights for the la^t clay of the Penane: races. Scratching! and the order of mz?n!n3 will Lc released on Friday. ■M en; C'Usi 2— !>ir. I—S1 S Furs.:— Ee'jiM. 9 01 Solar
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  • 222 8 THE draw and starting times for the qualifying round of the Island Club's Colonial Cups competition on Saturday are as follows: FIRST TEE 2.40 p.m.. L. Langdon Williams (7) and F.*R. Martens (12) vs. B. Woodall (9> and F. Jones (8). 2.45 p.m., Dr. H.
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  • 61 8 HpHE following have been selected to -I. play cricket for the YM.CJL. vs Raffles College on the College ground at 2 pjn. on Saturday. J. P. Chrysostom, A. P. Raja X Goldsmith. V. F. Rand. F. W. March S. Hope. V. R. Sabapathy, E. Le Merer, Kwlck Sam
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  • 391 8 CUNLIFFE IN FINE FORM T*HE Manchesters played good football to beat the Malays by three coals to two at the stadium yesterday m the first division of the league, thus avenging a first round defeat when the Malays got the
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  • 26 8 picture. Mrs. R. R. C. Carter and Kho Sin Kie, who became mixed doubles champions at the recent Malayan tennis championships.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  26 words
  • 319 8 Baseball Attraction In Aid Of War Fund On Aug. 18 r.E Singapore All-Stars' team to meet the American Association at baseball on Sunday, Aug. 18, was selected on Tuesday evening. The proceeds of the match, which will be played either at Anson Read
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  • 282 8 Moravia 3; Customs 2. TPHE fine opportunism of their inside left, Ah Nam, who scored all their three goals, gave Moravia victory over the Customs m a second division (b) soccer fixture at the S.H.B. ground yesterday by three goals to two. The victory by
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  • 98 8 •"TO-MORROW, at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, there will be the usual races for all classes, starting at 5.25 p.m. On Sunday the "C" class will sail the second race for a Club Burgee, starting at 9.50 a.m. The "A" class will sail the
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  • 428 8 Annual Athletic Sports At Woodsville GOMES HOUSE LOWERS HURDLES RELAY RECORD SOME good sport was seen on the first day of St. nd School annual athletic meeting at Woodsville YesteM* 1 Twenty-four events, 23 of which were house relay were gone through without a hitch. p One record was broken,
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  • 141 8 Sin Kie Hugh es In Malacca (From Oui Own (urn- I|L I£HO SIN DB Mi Nut? f^lhe Wimbledon Cup players, flared v, xhi J game* at Hie Mal:.,, a lubSS m aid of the U,, afternoon. Both won their s.i i(f!<N m very fwily, although i- h ttl Beng surprised
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  • 103 8 •pHE Ptortmi re. I h Malaya Sic round cf tho Army b. cricket competitor, day. The matrv day. Yesterday's sec: WL&-— Isi Inning Farrant c Fulcher S. M. Air b HoW- Nobrcga b Ingha:.. Capt. Nicholson r b Hold Webb c liighem b R Maber c
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  • 75 8 THE following will represent the Combined Brothers' Schools m their annual soccer fixture against the Christian Brothers' Old Boys' Association at 5.15 p.m. to-day on the S.J.I. ground: D. Baptist (S.PSJ, Lav Hens Fook Captain < S.J.I. >, Sui Hin <S.A.B.S.>, A. Jeltes (BJX>, Hoon Teng (S.PS),
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 Viuon tfAM$ .superb flavour j^, jy-n J thick pa^ry ll Jf u^ the flavour everyone likes his made these fine Hams famous m j f llow .^rd •«tf«* MaUya for over twenty years. j r cJJ haU Keep half a Pineapple Ham (baked i f™ Mn cru»( or boUed) la
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 33 8 To-day's Sports Events SOCCER: first division, K.A. (A.A.) vs. Police, stadium: reserve division. Royal Navy vs. Loyals, Naval Base; S.R.C. vs. Fortress R.E., S.K.C. second division (a), R.A.F. Torpedo vs. Malaya Signals, Seletar.
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    • 60 8 I The Line Up The following is the All -Stars' line-up against the Americans: George (Loyals) Pitcher. Lilley (Loyals) Catcher. Oshima (Nippons) First -base. Buckley (Loyals) Second-base. Takatsu (Nippons) Short-stop. Samejima (Nippons) Third-base. Maddox (Red Sox) Left-field. Nakamura (Nippons) Centrefield. Milne (Red Sox) Right-field. Reserves: Sasawaga, Starkey, James and Nozawa.
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