The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITHM The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.073. FSTU 1835 MONDAY. APRIL 29, 1910. ft CENTS
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  • 407 1 ALLIES LANDING FRESH TROOPS IN NORWAY Important Nazi Push Held In South CURTHER disembarkation of Allied troops has been carried out m Norway, m spite of enemy air action at Aandalsnes and cut communications, states a War Office communique issued m London last night.
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  • 218 1 LONDON AND ACCUSATIONS LEVELLED AT THE R.A.F. that the German propaganda authorities week-end ordered German newspapers to campaign against alleged British bombing M open towns m Norway and Germany, reports vr trom Amsterdam. opinion, states Reuter, is being prepared the (.ernian air force
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  • 62 1 VYashingtoa, Apr. 28. c tea troops are jj oast Texas *g" force s- extensive ext month. to intensive .utoreak of to we A the Amerto a cohesive i *d an.. corps, including i tv and an artillery >ut moomtl main phase of to
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 27 1 hungkiiiß. Apr. 28. rumours of outbreak of tentra Govern- w Communists a lengthy circular by commanders of ded by It Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 22 1 T i hunting. Apr. 28. of a through air Ice between Chungking lallj announced by I Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 20 1 Mot'kholm, Apr. *S. A Bl 3,000 tons a mine near off the Danish Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 158 1 London, Apr. 28. CORTY -SEVEN British seamen who escaped from the Nazis at Narvik arrived at Newcastle today. Thirty-two were from the Newcastle steamer North Cornwall, 4.304 tons, which was captured by the Germans the day before the Arst Narvik battle. Seven were
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 28 1 Marshal of the Royal Air Force. Lord Trent-hard, chats with R.A.F. officers and men m a hangar m France during a recent visit.
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  • 332 1 Sweden Takes Precautions Against Attack CURBING SPY ACTIVITIES Stockholm. Apr. 28. lyiEASURES to curb the activities of foreign spies are among preparations now being taken in Sweden against the possibility of any attack. Many areas are completely forbidden to foreigners, who may only travel by public services. Home Front guards
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • 64 1 Berlin. Apr. 28. "TOE Nygaardsvold Government, through its proclamations and attitude, as well as through its warlike actions taking place according to its wishes, has created a state of war between Norway and the German Reich." These are the opening words of Hitler's official decree
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 22 1 Paris, Apr. 28. ACOMiVIUNIQUE issued m Paris today records patrol and artillery activity at various points of the front. Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 19 1 Berlin. Apr. 28. PIE death has occurred of Dr. Carl Bosch, the noted German scientist. Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 24 1 Washington. Apr. 28. THE War Department yesterday released designs of the American army 's latest tanks* cuna and other weanons fcr rale abroad Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 23 1 Park. Apr. 28. THERE was an air raid warning last night m northern France lasting 20 minutes but no incidents were reported. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 109 1 TRONDHEIM EVENTS OVERSHADOWED Stockholm, Apr. 23 COLONEL Bratt the well-known Swedish military critic, reviewing the military situation m Norway for Reuter's, says that even should Germany, contrary to expectations, break through the Oester Valley via Stoeren to Trondheim, it is hardly likely that connection could be
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 68 1 London, Apr. 28. rr is learned that Anglo-Italian trade relations were discussed at an interview between Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary, and th 3 Italian Ambassador. Signor Bastianini. at the end of last week One of the main objectives was to carry forward the trade talks which
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 42 1 London, Apr. 28. THE Ministry of Labour announces that 312.912 men of the 28-year group registered yesterday for military service. They produced the smallest number of conscientious objectors on record— 3,B3B, or 1.23 per cent. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 157 1 Supreme War Council Plans Measures LONDON MEETING AT WEEK-END London, Apr. 28. IJNANIMITY on a number of w questions arising out of the present phase of the war was reached m a short session of the ninth meeting of the Supreme War Council held m London yesterday, states a communique
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 219 1 Paris, Apr. iMmnl tv reliable sources strong British unit* have occupied the region of Jorkiu, en the railway between Dombaas and Stoeren. towards ahicb a German detachment. apparently consisting of !»Cht troops. i« reported te be pushing acroa* the mountain.- Reuter Pari;.. Apr. 2X. According to a Bechareet
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 133 2 -MQfll tlMfll 20 neople were present *^»at the final ceremonies last night the wedding of Mr. Mohsin bin bin Talib. son of Mrs. Talib and t.he late Mr. Salim bin Mohammed bin Salim bin Talib, and Miss Sultana Reshty. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
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  • 224 2 NEW CRIME AND POLITICAL POLICE BRANCH From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoli, Apr. 27. MR. MERVYN LL. WYNNE, Perak's Chief Police Officer, is shortly leaving for Singapore to take up a new appointment as Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police, S.S Crime and Pcli*i?al>. Mr. Ewald E. 11. Beck, Director of the Criminal
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  • 33 2 and Mrs. Stanley Johnson after their wedding at the Singapore Presbyterian Church on Saturday. He is a chartered accountant of the Singapore Harbour Board; the bride was Miss Sheila McLean Bald.
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  • 149 2 IMORE emphasis m the jplot jind Jers en Sonja Henie. the ice-queen, Is placed m 20th. Century Fcx's ''Everything Happens at Night. which had a midnight premiere at the Cathay on Saturday. The result is a picture which has flre and action as well as the
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  • 414 2 Unconvincing In Face Of Baltic Coast Military Preparations THE speech of von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, l 'm the Chancellery on Saturday, m which he sought to blame the Allies for the spread of the war to Norway, is regarded m Paris as being of little
    Reuter  -  414 words
  • 167 2 THE White Book containing the alleged documents referred to by von Ribbentrop follows the outline of his speech m rather greater detail. The White Book declares that the documents, alleged to have been seized "when German troops captured the brigade staff of the 148 th
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 602 2 London Press Amazed At Lying Speech T7ON RIBBENTROP'S speech and In- troduction of the latest German White Paper have failed to arouse any excitement m official quarters m Lcndon. The amazing fact that no matter over what country the Germans extend "protective" influence a a.irmber of highly incriminating documents are
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  602 words
  • 62 2 Chungking. Apr. 21. OANNERS and a sacred triped were presented to Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek by members of the South Seas Comfort Mission who are here from many parts of the South Seas, including Malaya, the Philippine Islands, Indo-China. Thailand ano Burma. The Comfort
    Central News  -  62 words
  • 80 2 "THE Pacific," is the title of a talk tv 1 be broadcast from the Singapore Station at 7.30 pm. to-day by Mr. E H. G. Dobby, lecturer m geography at Raffles College. Mr. Dobby will explain the geographica. distribution of Dutch, French, British, American and
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  • 59 2 LAUNDRYMEN STILL ON STRIKE •TOE 2,000 Singapore Chinese laundry- men who went on strike on Saturday were still out yesterday, and it is understood negotiations are proceeding between the men and employers The men, who originally made 22 demands, later withdrew those and presented six new demands which included an
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  • 75 2 MR. T. R. Heppell vas re-elected pre- siderit of the Singapore Harbour Boar -l Employees' CD-operative Thrift and Loan Society at its annual meeting, and Messrs S. Johnson, E M Dickson and E. J. Willis were elected vice-presidents. The nine committer members elected were Messrs. Tan Jiang Siang,
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  • 38 2 THE Posts and Telegraphs DepartA ment announce that the letter mail services, including air mail correspondence, and money order services to Estcnia, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden have now been restored, but correspondent is subject to delay'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 HOOK NOW FOR THE YEARS BIGGEST SCREEN THRILL OPENING TO-DAY 11 A.W, 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. AIMAWiiA s^ais booked Provisionally must he taken up heiore 6.1.^ and 9.15 p.m. respectively otherwise they will be sold. Patrons are kindly requested to be Seated early as the main film starts at 6.^0
      119 words
    • 316 2 POSITIVELY LAST 04^ I The FIRST of the Popular 'THIN Adventures to RUN A PULL Naturally there's a reason IT'S TH; Don't mis* th( CAPITOL 3 shows Ms 6.15 M.G.M.'s Hilarious Mystery with 5 suspicious except "AST A, T ftXX&kluyn '{.VM LIU 1 L i m\ltlm*Wmmmmmll hcrvu -M mmmmmm X———
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  • 1114 3 Allies' Task In Norway Will Not Be Easy, Warns Samuel Hoare "MUST MEET ENEMY WITH ALL OUR RESOURCES" THE war has entered an intense ar.d vital phase," 1 declared Sir Samuel Hoare, Air Minister, m a broadcast talk at the week-end warning: of the
    Reuter  -  1,114 words
  • 74 3 Italy The War In Norway on Scanlt felt gen- oi the clash mi and the rt influence in that cent. hange her uj one n rites th? ot the News ■I here rmed rum>reign and that French assemand that conarmy, rehave left d. *-:21 al- > enter proves take place
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  • 23 3 lon. \pr I I 00,--t for tl outstanding 35,000.000 ra Id /.lore The marIt s i quire- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 18 3 Malta, Apr. 21 MS Dobbie, rbo has the troops air to-day vernor Gen. is ill. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 73 3 Famous Opera Singer Dies In Italy ■"THE death has occurred of Madame Tetrazzini, the famous cpera singer, m a nursing home m Milan. She was 68. Madame Tetrazzini was born m Florence and educated at the Liceo T.«rsicale, Florence, under Signor Cecherini. She made her first appearance at the Teatro
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 107 3 London, Apr. 28. THE Canadian Defence Minister yesterday visited the first squadron of Royal Canadian Air Force recruits trained m Canada arrive m England. He said that from what he had seen the squadron's training was great justification of the Empire scheme. Mr. Norman Rogers described
    British Wireless  -  107 words
  • 333 3 London, Apr. 28. 'THE German propaganda machine, I after the Nazi fleet's failure m the Norwegian campaign, has been at pains to minimize the importance of sea power as compared with air power and. m order to emphasise German superiority m the latter sphere,
    British Wireless  -  333 words
  • 65 3 Shanghai, Apr. 28. THE Japanese describe as absolutely groundless persistent reports m Shanghai that Wang Ching-wei, head of the Nanking puppet regime, has been assassinated m Ranking. Semi-official Japanese reports state that Wang Ching-wei looked very well when he attended a dinner m Nanking last night
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 763 3 SEVERAL accounts of air fighting m Norway, taken, from the cold, I harsh words" of daily reports, were related by Sir Samuel Hoare m thej, course of his broadcast talk. i j These episodes, he said, show the I task that the new war over
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  • 82 3 Washington, Apr. 28. SENATOR Key Pittman, chairman 01 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said yesterday that the Allies were estimated to have sufficient financial reserves to last two years without credit and he did not believe that the war would continue as long as that.
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 V fll flfl -A_ d___PP_Si_l_______________________r -^5i r !V^l^^n_^»_T mm v. •'"'V W 'fl ____^^^v fl a M_aß_Mr^_^v7 J I /vro<7K ORCHARD RD f m BRANCH j 2% Apr. -Ik May C| »f ntnmmtt w empire nowct '•Ml jj 5 i>IES .4(fW o/ Singapore Cod Storag- Co. Ltd
      47 words
    • 230 3 RED PALM OIL for cooking RICH IN VITAMIN A as recently recommended ia RADIO HEALTH TALK MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD. S^AVIIAU here TODAY CJLII HIHt Everybody 3-15 6-15 TJ|P^ M*iw« tH4 Dt IUXI Goes 9-15 Positively LAST THREE SHOWS TODAY! ALLAN JONES and MARY MARTIN IN THE GREAT
      230 words

  • 645 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1940. Two Speeches THE speeches during the weekend of Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Air Minister, and von Ribbentrop, the German Foreign Minister, form an interesting contrast. The one was a clear statement of aims and intentions of a Power fighting i_or a
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  • 1146 4  -  HECTOR BYWATER BY London, Apr. I<>. IT may still be premature for the Allied war leaders to say, apropos of Germany's Scandinavian adventure, that "the Lord hath delivered them into our hands," but it can be affirmed with some assurance that Herr Hitler,
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 247 4  -  Joan Littlefield By THE GOVERNMENT is 1 i k c 1 y to make a much wider use of artists m the near future. Already it employs about 100. mostly on camouflage work, posters, etc.. though a few are engaged on making pictorial records of the war. There
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 833 4 mmWWW I 1 dm. j* Mi 100Z JJ M\ iH f M>vviM_^__aH_B__a._M__H_.______aa^ßßaßaHiv._M___^ Became Beautiful m a week WRINKLES "ONE SOFT SMOOTH SKIN LOVELY COMPLEXION .mmmmmmmmmmmmmm-. [lm m^j__ jMfr rUITLJ— 1 ill I I <B_______r imMmmwJmmmyfOK. 1 _P!<fl,_ H\ [SHfiße yl__^al 888 __K_l %M awßyy BTjI mmrnT t jj_^J_!BW_W»3F 4A *>
      833 words
    • 21 4 BUY! COMFORTABLE LEATHER SHOES. EMBROIDERED SANDALS Latest Pattern,. Attractive Colour Combinations From B.H.T. DOULATRAM CO., 48-50, High Street, Tel. 7846. SINGAPORE.
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  • 849 5 Start Has Been Made At Naval Base TRAINING ESTABLISHMENT HAS MANY RECRUITS I n»m A Special Correspondent) will one day have a Royal Malay Navy. Of tfus i> looking well into the future, but I have beginnings from which this force will one day Ii.M.S.
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  • 104 5 rE band of the Straits Settlements Police wil) perform under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch, at Farrer Park to-day at 5.30 p.m.; March, 'Kismet." J. D. Markey; Overture, "Caliph of Bagdad." Boieldieu; Selection, "Gulliver's Travels," arr. by W. J. Duthoit; Serenade, Slavonic Serenade,'' Charles Shadwell; One-Step.
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  • 87 5 Chungking, Apr. 26. FOR remaining m the air for four hours and 44 minutes over Chungking. M. Louis Desan, a Belgian glider flier and hon. director of the Slno-Freneh-Belgian-Swiss Cultural Association, has set a new endurance record for Asia. Flying for the Chinese Aeronautical Commission.
    Central News  -  87 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 5 FARING THE SAME TROPICAL lit as Rritish sailors, these Malay ratings are training at the Singapore Naval Rase for service with the Royal Navy m Malayan waters. They are among the first to be accepted. MALAY DEMONSTRATES the Rule of the Koad at Sea on a
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  • 460 5 PUBLIC PARK ROAD TO IMPROVE UGLY QUARTER PANGS of Municipal labourers are now employed on v three major works which will change the face of Tank Road laying out King George V Jubilee Park on the slopes of Fort Canning Hill, driving m thick
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  • 169 5 Norwegian Red Cross Fund In Singapore APPEAL MADE BY CONSUL THE Norwegian community m Singapore has opened a fund for the benefit of the Norwegian Red Cross Society, which has a much wider scope than that m other countries. It includes control and maintenance of public lifesaving equipment. In a
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  • 31 5 AKIGHT m aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund at the Great World on Pattuday proved to be a great success. Special prizes were given for dan:.e compel it ions.
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  • 27 5 The Ncderland Line Royal Dutch Mail .<;hip Johan van Oldenbarnevelt berths alongside the S.H.B. whnrves at 7 a.m. to-day, and will sail for Europe at 10 am
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  • 90 5 DV her recent recital of "Shakes- peare s Women" at the Victoria Theatre, at which she held the stage alone for more than two hours. Marie Ney, the well-known British actress, has raised $2,185.'.0 for charity. The proceeds are to be shared equally by the
    90 words
  • 187 5 Cantonese Poor Have New T.B. Ward A SEPARATE ward for tuberculosis was declared open yesterday at the Kwong Wai Sin Free Hospital m Serangoon Road by Mr. Li Yen, the Chinese Consul. The hospital, which has been In existence lor more than 30 years, is free tor poor Cantonese throughout
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  • 225 5 •From Our Own Correspondent' Muar, Apr. J7. TAN Chip Kiow. who described him- self as a tapping contractor of Eng Hock Heng Estate, Pagoh, appeared belore Mr. S. A. Bakar. the first magistrate, to answer a summons charge of having sold rice, sugar and other provisions without
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  • 84 5 A PICNIC ior more than 80 persons, arranged bj r the Chinese women's committee of the Y.W.C.A., was held at Kota Tinggi on Saturday, with the permission of the Tungku Mahkota, Johore. Among those present were Mrs. Leong Kun Fat and family, Mrs. Loh Poon Lip and children,
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  • 535 5 Big Singapore Ship's Fire Extinguished FLAMES FOUGHT FOR 24 HOURS QNE ol the biggest ship's fires m v Singapore m recent time*., which broke out m the cargo of a 6.000-ton British vessel lying alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves on Saturday afternoon, has been quelled by the Board's fne
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  • 42 5 From Our Own < indent i t'enang, Apr. 2H. AN Indian woman met with a violent death at the hospital attendants* quarters last night. She was illegedl) attacked with a knife. A man, stater, to be her husband, has been arrested
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 Phew! What Heat! M»u ran y„u enjoj UJHCH irsv vnu have it j n v oc iHI.-htful Mmosphere? W AIB-COWPITIOWED CAPITOL RESTAURANT ihe only 2 places m "> here this Benefit be en.ioyed. aMMka a«B«-ai..MJ.M____________________>___r ffITCL WATER Goot, Kidney Stones, ,ri 'iv Liver Congestion H BOLTER Co, 23 WINCHESTER HOUSE
      52 words
    • 27 5 C^^^-^l mm\\WmW W^WW X: fflflßJgk- i^ mlm^LAA4s^i^Am)2M mIW >'"* Zr.Vm\\\\\ _______M_^ti_r k\ KEEP YOUR VOICE CLEAR WITH DIAMINTS Obtainable Eve ry w here SOLE AGEXTS: ROBINSON CO., L.TD.
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  • 454 6 MEAT Beef steak fcati 4 9 Beef stew or curry do 35 Fillet Steak lb. 65 Mutton, Australian do 38 Java Goat Flesh do 54 Pork, lean katl 48 Pork, lean and fat (1st. quality) do 38 POULTRY Capons (locally reared) kati 60 Ducks each 45 Fowls
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  • 305 6 THE piogramme of drills up to and for week ending. May 3 is as follows To-day (Monday*, 5.15 p.m., Headquarters. S.R.A. (V). Gunnery Instruction; Fort Selingsing. S.F.CR.E. (V), Manning Fort; 5.30 p.m.. Headquarters, S.F. Sig. Coy. v>. Signal Training; 5.15 p.m., S.V.F.A., First Aid; 5.30 p.m.. S.R.E. (v).
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  • 82 6 (From Our Own Correspondent I Penang, Apr. 26. AT a committee meeting of the Penang and Kedah Branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya it was alleged by a member that owing to preference of place being given to lorries on the Butterworth Ferry, much inconvenience was cruised
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  • 133 6 DAILY PRICES CCRRENT AP^ 27. 1940 12 Odook Noon Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose.. 35 7 36 l No. IX R.S.S. F. 0.8. m cases Apr.-May (Sailers option j 36L. 37 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. F. 0.8. m bales Apr.-May (Sellers option) 351..
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 711 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS BOARD RESIDENCE. Singapore I SEA FRONT MUNICIPAUTY M mamMM KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd. Tenders. (near Swimming Club) Board- Residence at moderate rates Tenders arc now Invited for the j Large Gardens— Tennis. following materials or services. For Phone: 5758. particulars see Municipal Tenders Room: Supply or
      711 words
    • 509 6 _______________H_K_^___________________________________. I H I V Jrv v* J _^_^l-^L__^vT__yJ%^ *^Fv W To?* mm\ mw* 9 a m^ Z. m a .a^^\ FAST PASSENGER SBRVIC& SINGAPORE TO SAN FRANCISCO. VIA MANILA A Ho\<, K <,\ (j Sails Spore A B.S. CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO May 7 sjs. CITY OF LOS ANGELES
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 732 6 Post Office Mail List Mails close at the General Post Office as follows:— TO-DAY China surface 9 a.m. China (South-West; surface 9 a.m. Christmas Island surface 11 a.m. Horn? Kon* surface 9 a.m. £££32 c i a.m. ja^a surface 1 p.m. Sumatra: Medan surface 9 am. TO-MORROW Aden 5 pm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 384 7 p.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained P. ft 0. S. M. Company to their usual call except ports m Japan. ngers are requested to register their nents, but under present circumstances are perforce restricted. Return
      384 words
    • 469 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated id PM.S) TELEPHONE: Fteifht 54 3"-- Passage 543 L LLOYDS AGENTS:--•OORING AGENTS FOR FEDERATED MALAY STATES RMIHWS ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM WW mm\y\\\y^ m^ _9_fr_Z{s*^ SEE CANADA ___y________^_____________M_i strjdm vta Cana^* r North America— B^KSIMUITf TTflVl'y Europe Fast, through trains direct mKL^r^mwlOmf^ i from mp
      469 words
    • 516 7 i_______— MANSFIELD CO., LTOT BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo booking! subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTKRN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) via Java by first class
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 8 pr'ture. "li s Funic* Lee, m her, reversing m the garage test m the M >t »r Gymkhana held yesterday. Free Press
    Free Press  -  25 words
  • 271 8 Amusement At Local Motor Gymkhana SINGAPORE motoring enthusiasts -vere treated to what can be described as "loads of fun at the ground adjacent to the Keppel Golf fUub yesterday, when the local branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya held another successful gymkhana. There were many good entries m the
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  • 212 8 THE Indian Association defeated the C.V.M.A. by two runs m their cricket fixture played at Balestier yesterday The scores were: C.YM.A. J. R de Souaa c Samy b Sithambaram 0 S. Cruez b Bhatri 6 J C de Souza b Hormasji 16 D. S. Fernandez
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  • 182 8 Fl a cricket match played at Seletar yesterday. Johore Bahru heat the Seletar Airmen by 30 runs The scores were: R.A.F. SELETAB Peters lbw Chailen 13 Moore b Marshall 1 Brett c and b Chalten 29 Powell b Marshall 14 Thumpioa b Chailen 10 Baynham
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  • 646 8 Exciting End To Cricket At Kuala Lumpur (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr, 28. EXCITING cricket to-day on the padang was a feature of the two-day match between the Singapore Cricket Club and the Selangor Club, which ended m a draw three
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  • 30 8 picture. The swimmers get off to an uneven start m the 100 metres free style race m the Singapore swimming championships at the S.S.C. on Saturday Free Fress
    Free Fress  -  30 words
  • 41 8 To-day's Sports Events Soccer: Firjt division, R.A.F. vs. Loyals, Seletar; reserve division, Fortress R.E. vs. S.C.C, S.C.C; second division (b), Indians vs. S.C.F.A. "B", 8.H.L.; Nestanglo vs. Straits Times; Guthries vs. Sime Darby, F N.; Harper Gilfillan vs. Chartered Bank, V.M.C.A.
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  • 379 8 FORT CANNING were yesterday defeated by the Ceylon Sports Club by ten wickets m a two-innings cricket fixture played at Balestier. In their first innings, Fort Canning scored 48 runs. The Ceylonese, m reply, scored 134 runs. S. K. Sundram was the highest
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  • 218 8 JN a came of cricket played on the Railway ground yesterday, the Railway Youngsters beat the Saints Sports Club by two wickets. The scores were: RAILWAY .11 MORS A. D. Ponnampalam b L. Alvis 13, Emerson b L. Alvis 0; W. D. Ponnampalam b
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  • 280 8 Good Bowling Performances By Wills And Bray TWO fine bowling performances by Wills and Bray enabled the R.A.F. (Malaya) to score a good victory by 95 runs over an S.C.C. side m a cricket match on the padang yesterday. Bray took five wickets
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  • 217 8 Manchesters Defeat Singapore Colts L. CPL. PICKLES, who took five wickets for 32 runs and scored 33 runs, was chiefly responsible tor the victory of the Manchester Regiment over the Singapore Colts m a game of cricket played at Tanglin yesterday. The Singapore Colts were defeated by £8 runs. The
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  • 27 8 London Apr 26 THE callover for the Derby at Newbury on June 12 is: 4—l Djebel: s—l Lighthouse II; 10—1 offered on all others Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 61 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Koala Lumpur, Apr 27 |^ALL 6m*h scored his g^, century of the season to-d a when he made 112 for the India^ who totalled 189 runs m a trick* match against the Postal In lon. The Postals replied with 143 {(v
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  • 258 8 Bowlers Fare Better Than Batsmen TTHE S.C R.C. beat the Po. i runs m a cricket match it Hont Lim Green yesterday. It was a "bowlers' day,' S.. f Law taking four wickets for 39 run S.C. R.C. and Rajah and Sulliva t sharing the bowling
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 375 8 K. P. M. MONDAY, APR. OP TEN NOORT— Belawan-Deli. JANSSENS— Batavia. Semarang and Cheribon. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 KAMPAR Bengkalis, Paneh, Berombang and Asahan THEDENS— Muntok and Palembang. MAPI A— Toengkal MAJANG— Prigi Radja, Sapat. Tembilahan. Poeloe-Pallas, Peng I Estate and Rengat. VAN DER LI JN— Belawan-Deli. VAN HEl^SZ— Penang and
      375 words