The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16.072. ESTD. 1833 SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1940. ft CENTS
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  • 627 1 I Fighter Planes Join Bombers In Norway MANY NAZIS SHOT DOWN: NEW ATTACKS ON BASES D.A.F. fighter planes have now joined the bombers m giving the German air force blow for blow m Norway. This fact, disclosed m a Norwegian communique, is confirmed by the
    Reuter  -  627 words
  • 93 1 Longer And Stormier Conferences In Berlin \rii *i( rdam. Apr. 26. MM, Is Berlin reports f\ nferencei m the becoming longer d are attended by ■\t of the news11> lit. le secret the ia t that things -rding to plan „n where a complete surnMeaUj expected. x i t ni'
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 59 1 Rome. Apr. 26A dramatic hour m guarantee i long, peace will numerous cases declared Signor tor the InChamber to-day. I presenting In the prenl, added: that only warlike objectives to atd external what material tended political probj and legitimate i Italj has to maintain
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 26 1 sotia. \pr. Z6. Sofia, M. d by the he left onexpecte to-day. d important m uation m s-mth -eastern Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 26 1 NORWEGIAN REFUGEES CROSS INTO SWEDEN Steekhetea, Apr. 2£. v refugees r into Sweden the son ot v (aarsvold. 1 the refttSj JCS r i hem. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 15 1 London, Apr. 16. has announced I one Distinand two Distmin connection iy at Christian- Reuter
    Reuter  -  15 words
  • 63 1 Loudon, Apr. 2G. THE Foreign Office announces that the King has approved the following appointments: Mr. Robert Howe counsellor m the Foreign Office, to be His Majesty's Minister at Riga (Latvia), Mr. Thomas Preston, Charge d'Aitaires at Kovno (Lithuania) to be Minister at Kovno; Mr. Wilfred Gallienne.
    British Wireless  -  63 words
  • 44 1 THE purchase of four Italian destroyers by Sweden was announced m Stockholm yesterday. The report says that the ships are on their way to Sweden, and a report from Rome indicates that they have already reached Cartagena m Spain- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 46 1 New York, Apr. 26. THE liner He de France, 43,450 tons is being hastily camouflaged here by 200 painters. It is unofficially reported that the liner will sail shortly as a troopship, possibly hntween Australia and the Far East.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 33 1 THE Belgian Cabinet which resigned on Thursday for domestic matters, has now withdrawn its resignation at the request of King Leopold and will remain m office- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 38 1 CLODIUS, the German trade envoy, has arrived m Budapest to discuss economic questions affecting Germany and Hungary. The 35th international fair at Budapest was opened yesterday m the presence of the Regent, Admiral Horthy. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 18 1 London, Apr. 16. MEN of 27 will register under the National Service Armed Forces Act to -"morrow.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • Article, Illustration
    93 1 THE DUKE OF KENT, who, it is officially announced from Buckingham Palace, is leaving the Admiralty to assume appointment as Stan* Officer m training command of the R.A.F. He is temporarily relinquishing the rank of Air Vice- Marshal for that of Group Captain, says Reuter. It is understood
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  • 114 1 Paris, Apr. 26. MCAMPINCHI, the French Minister j of Marine, to-day revealed something cf the gallant part which the French Navy is playing m the Norwegian campaign. He said that French destroyers had ]>cnetrated the Skaggerak and sunk two German patrol ships, a 750-ton German submarine and
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 80 1 London, Apr. 2G. A 5,000-ton Panama steamer sank off Dungeness to-day following a collision with the Dutch steamer Midsland 1,089 tons. The name of the Panama ship is given as Bobby, but it is believed that the original name, which is not available, was recently
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 22 1 A COMMUNIQUE issued m Paris yesterday on Western Front activity says there was artillery action m the region of the Saar.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 171 1 Stockholm, Apr. 2t>. The cv: respondent of the Aftonbladet reports that the Germans have retreated from Roeros to Tynset, 30 miles south of Roeros, m the face of unexpected Norwegian resistance. The correspondent claims to have secured this news from the Norwegian military command. He says the Nazi
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 628 1 A CCORDING to unconfirmed reports received m Stockholm, British warships have entered Trondheim Fjord forcing their way past the guns of Agdenes fort from which the Germans have been dominating the entrance to the Fjord. It is believed that the Germans have a
    Reuter  -  628 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 36 2 picture. HOYS OF THE CHANGI GARRISON SCHOOL doing a spot of '^H^SS before the prize-jfiving by Mrs. L. V. Bond, wife of the General Officer Commanding:, Malaya, on Thursday.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  36 words
  • 313 2 London, Apr. 26. DM following are to-days dosing nnaaie quotations. Shares are ol £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con. Lioan 570 1944-64.... 108% Minding Loan 47*. 1960-90 110.& War Loan 3tt% 99% 1.16 Com. Union Assce (Units) 7 Prudential Assce 'A* 25 a i RoyaL Assce^ .^n.
    Exchange Telegraph  -  313 words
  • 293 2 THE Government Gazette announces the award of Colonial Police and Fire Brigade Long Service Medal or the Bar thereto to tne following members oi the Straits Settlements Police: Awarded the Medal: Singapore—Sub-Inspec-tor Bahroom bin Mat, Sgt. 747, Tan Ah Moey, Sgt. 1288, Chemat, P.C.
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  • 190 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own OorreepuiKtenti London, Apr. 'ZS. COMMODITY and Exchange marke.s closed as follows with previous Quotation? ld parenthesis:— RUBBER: steady. Spot 10 15'16d 11 1 16d (10 15 16 11 1 16d) May 10 15i16d 11 1 16d 10 15 16 11 1 16d) July 11 1
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  • 97 2 THE Mad Empress," a Vitagraph release which opened at the Alhambra last _ii:-,'ht, gives the story o_ i Emperor Napoleon Ill's attempt to establish an empire m Mexico from '< the point of view of Maxmillian and Charlotta. his puppots. Medea Novara, a new
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  • 32 2 Y'HE SS. PoUee B d en r fix d for v._- a r m f E Farer Park will now tahs 31a?3 at the same time and place on Monday.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 ■^^M-___BHaBBBaB_BB-BBa_----_BB**^"' ««i«»-^ mm Sensational New Star id an unforgettable Picture TO-DAY A TO-MORROW 11 a.m.. 8.15, 6.15 ft 9.15 AtSlAWoftA NiIGHT. SI'ECTAI II lt iV 'S_4 of a Flaminir of RRM lV *fM ,f« Thii ruler of a mighty '••^JRk- J> A^_ttjf -j^ empire had but one fata! :^jpl___M. weakness...
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    • 197 2 Which Is Your LUCKY SHADE of Face Powder *^____ki s t Wf IV cuArwcc Wm- ;m SHADES Hv I PARIS 9 oitf of 10 women use rhe wrong shade mjjfc of face powder 1 The wrong shade of powder H9^R gives you a horrid, LardlPvf^ made-up look makes you appear
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    • 260 2 PHONE 5261 and BOOK EARLY NATURALLY YOU'LL CHOOSE TlhTtaTi [T^H AGAIN THIS WEEK-END! Follow the Crowds to the Popular Theatre and j help The THIN MAN to unravel another m< rrv murder mystery CAPITOL] 3 SHCWS DAILY W S-IS 6.15 9.i s I Its an m.-g.-m. 1940 production 1 MR.
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  • 783 3 BRITISH WITHDRAWAL NOT A REVERSR Initial Difficulties That Confronted The B.E.F. In Norway DFVFi-OPM^v-rc X- London, Apr. 26. h\kLUFMLNTS m Norway remain the main topic of the British Press. The newspapers to-day remind readers that the Norwegian campaign could not have been expected to be an easy task right from
    Reuter  -  783 words
  • 149 3 London, Apr. 26. la now re.*rchant captain I the news of the of Norway, took ol bringing a across the North al escort. :;ad arrived ln a ship Flying Whitby, to lead a rmed by a that German :_voy had asand there was the 37
    British Wireless  -  149 words
  • 33 3 hungking, Apr. 2t>. I Chungking were r lay when Japani the town of re dripped m the ting, but the planjs the city. population has due rats.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 26 3 GERMAN CAR MAGNATE TAKEN PRISONER? I ar m mufacturer. reported lo ha\e been the Brit'sh author>terdav m New removed from an hieh he was travel- Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 52 3 THE Australian short-wave broadcasting service is to include from Sunday a broadcast m Italian on the 25 metre band, lasting from 6 to 6.30 p.m.. G.M-T. The new service will be opened with a short talk by the Prime Minister of Australia Mr R. G.
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 36 3 OVER 20 GERMANS who died when a U-boat was destroyed by British warships off the Scottish coast, have been buried with naval honours at a Scottish west coast cemetery.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 30 3 London, Apr. 26. THE Ministry cf Economic Warfare states that Britain and France have concluded similar agreements with Switzerland concerned with various trade matters arising out of wartime conditions. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 77 3 Tsingtao, Apr. 26. T^HE biggest fire for many years In the yard of the China Import and Export Lumber Company, a British concern, caused damage estimated a 1 over $1,000,000 (Chinese currency). The fire started early on Wednesday m a lumber mill, and spread
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 60 3 Shanghai, Apr. 26. ALL third power shipping services between Shanghai and the lower Yangtze por.s will be completely suspended as a result of interference by Japanese naval units, says a Chinese report. Shipping between Shanghai and these ports Is maintained by Japanese firms*, -apparently
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 255 3 London, Apr. 26. AN inquiry into the recent industrial j dispute m the copper belt ta Northern Rhodesia will be conducted by Sir John Forster, deputy umpire m i the United Kingdom under the Un employment Insurance Act as chairman, stated the Secretary
    British wireless  -  255 words
  • 46 3 SQUADRONS ARE ALWAYS IN READINESS for any eventuality m Fr ;nre and to keep the crews up to pitch and to accustom them to defensive and offensive methods, secret exercises are arranged. This picture shows "bombs" being dropped on a flying field.
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  • 58 3 "Fight To Victory" Norwegian C.-in-C. THE commander-in-chief of the Norwegian army hai issued a strikng order to his tro^pr. "The time for withdrawing is past," he says, and he calls to all Norwegians to stand fast and fight on to victory. He adds: "Allied troops are now m northern, central
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 233 3 Narvik Shelled Again, Says Nazi Statement Berlin, Apr. 26. A GERMAN High Command com-**-munique states that British naval forces again shelled the port of Narvik on Thursday. Reinforcements of German troops and material have reached Trondheim. Some planes were damaged by splinters during a British air raid on an aerodrome
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 101 3 AN Admiralty communique gives the names of eight officers, 147 ratings and two canteen hands missing from H.M.S. Hunter, which was sunk m the first battle of Narvik on Apr. 10. The communique adds that there la a faint possibility that a very small number
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 52 3 Shanghai, Apr. 26. EXTENSIVE planting of cotton m Central China has been made compulsory for Chinese farmers by the Japanese-operated Central China Cotton Industry Improvement Association, says the Chinese Press. Experimental stations to aid the production of cotton m these areas are being established m several
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 35 3 London, Apr. 26. THE Anglo-French Trade Union Ccn- gresses have concluded a two-day meeting m London at which, Reuter understands, representatives completely agreed on trade union policy affecting both countries. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 152 3 Activities Of 'Certain Groups' In Britain London. \pr ?J. SATISFACTION Is expressed m th« Prers with the s.atem^nt of S r John Andersen, Home Secretary ani Minister c: llojne Security, m tbe House of Commons en the activity of smnll groups m Britain which might imp d the naticn.l war
    British Wireless  -  152 words
  • 68 3 A MESSAGE from Rome denies the report published on Wednesday that the Italian steamer Italo Baloo. 5.256 tons itniek a mine off the south-east coast of England, last Saturday. It was stated that she also machine-gunned by a German aircraft and that some members
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 39 3 London. Apr. ALL political prisoners m Rumania are to be released to-day. recording to agency messages from Bucharest. l£ing Carol has issued an lieimtf In pursuance of his policy of reconciling all elements m the country. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 mAr party tomorrov V"^ /^^^^^^^W^_____Hl just K^" /fIU v? my mind what v) yon madam. May 1 <b«ra f f aroi an Ansbtants are always at your service. Call upon n_,r advic# any question dealinf with tab* fare. We salt* PHONE 5376 (5 LINES) Adit of Singapore Cold Storage Co.,
      53 words
    • 188 3 SCHICK REPEATING RAZOR BLADES NOW AVAILABLE from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. Battery Road ®ITUAU Whera TODAY 1 1 n H V £«nrbody 3.15 MAt AYA'S CINEMA DE LUXI Go« 3 a_ ff I— wcmb— i— 1 m mmm mmmmmm mmmmmm mt-mmrmmM m I MORNING SHOWS TODAY TO-MORROW 11 o'clock. XmmmmmmmLmmmmmmm
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  • 646 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1940. Noway Situation IT cannot now be long before the British and French authorities are m a position to make a detailed statement of the Allies' part m the Norwegian campaign during the past fortnight or three weeks. It is, indeed, remarkable that
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 850 4  -  Frank H. Hedges By Tokio. AMERICA and other foreign Powers play a prominent part m the debates of the Imperial Japanese Diet, for the, Foreign Office and its policies] constitute the favourite target of attack m Japan by M.P.s,! Press and public alike. The
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  • 638 4  -  Colonel Frederick Palmer By London, Apr. 16. MOW that the British troops m Norway, it is time to take stock of the military problem facing the Allies and Herr Hitler. The results will hardly be as swift and sensational as m the British naval operations of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 j I agree.. You find I ROSES Lime Juice I satisfies all tastes!' V ______________B^~r Ar\ x\\ B^2K__uh^Lhh^BsA2BbKihlH By Special appointment Established JjJ? 1872: NEWEST DESIGNS IN DIAMOND JEWELLERY Necklaces Bracelets Brooches Rings Clip Watches. [*iccrporat>J IH CylonJ SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. «ri--_fth___. _d._______ _-_-_k_ _^4^i__fl_____Bhh-. _<_Bb_________L-__---Byy___i____V!wi m __fc I i
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    • 9 4 Jewellery.. Jades.. 18. BATTERY ROAD. FIRST FLOOR PHONE 7143
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  • 744 5 Also Stabbed Two Men And Himself ALLEGED TO HAVE HELD KNIFE IN EACH HAND ;tl ion that a man, brandishing a knife m each, tri.d to murder his wife and another man, hurt to a third man. and made attempts to take life
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  • 56 5 MR TAN X.AH KEES BROADCAST A Govern- Rl _el Fund Mr Tan Kah Kee. -ea^ Comfort ladcast speech International i Chun Sti Kah Kee. ira messai "has i ressed mpat to our C payi bines* Chui I ally I L_ I the ik I out
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  • 95 5 -nation a piece j build a clubhouse j by Mrs. Lim Boon at the annual. Association at v.- Lee Choon Guan day. dsted for the social gapore and the uplift of and it was should have a clubto further its activities. Keng and Mrs Tay rary
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  • 71 5 Commissioners "Blitz-Meeting" THE Singapore Municipal Com- missioners held a "blitz-meeting" yesterday. During the 19 minutes that they were m session they Heard the president, Mr. L. Kayman, pay a tribute to Mr. A. Dobson, who retired from the Commission, and listened to explanations regarding three decisions taken by committees. No
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  • 259 5 Unusual Action Before Rents Board AN application which was described i by counsel, Mr. P. H. Battishill, as of a rather unusual nature, was brought against an Indian, J. N. Pereira, before the Rent Assessment Board yesterday. The application was brought by the Indian Motor Works, tenants of the land
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  • 78 5 AL4NGE has been made In thej Chinese news bulletins In thej Kuala Lumpur broadcasting pro- 1 grammes. The Cantonese period (music and news'* from this station is now given irorn 7.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. every night, as previously, but there are Hokkiei. and
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  • 50 5 MR. G. L. Howe, chairman of the "I Rent Assessment Board, leaves Singapore this morning on Home leave with his wife. Mr. Howe is being relieved by Mr. L. Forbes, Commissioner of Lands, S.S.. j who assumed duties as chairman of the Rent Assessment Board yesterday.
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  • 307 5 Obscene Photos Found In Local Store $200 FINE FOR PROPRIETOR ,r pHERE is no doubt that many of these obscene pictures get into the hands of school boys and corrupt their minds," said Court Inspector A. J. A. Blake m the Singapore fifth court yesterday. Pie asked the magistrate. Mr.
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  • 102 5 THE St. Andrew's Cathedral Fair held I yesterday at the residence of the Yen. Archdeacon Graham White proved a great success. Hundreds attended, and the side shews which included a shooting gallery, skittles, darts. 'Aunt Sally.'' and "squaring the coin" were extremely well natrcnised. Children were not left
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  • 34 5 At a meeting of the Committee o. ithe Singapore Ratepayers' Association i the president, Mr. Tay Lian Tecs. stated that the special sub-committee I was still collecting information on the question of income tax
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  • 44 5 THE resignation of his commission 1 m the Straits Settlements^Volunteer Force Reserve of Officers by Ueutenant-Colonel A. Gordon Lee has been accepted. He has been grant^the privilege of retaining his ran* with permission to wear the prescribed uniform a! his '-oros
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  • 594 5 "ENOUGH DIR TY LINEN HAS BEEN WASHED IN COURT" ENOUGH dirty linen has been j! washed m court, and I have decided to deal with the accused under the section which allows me to dismiss the charge after the offender has been duly cautioned and admonished," said Mr. H. Watson
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  • 153 5 ARMY CLERK TO BE TRIED AT THE ASSIZES DIAL SINGH, a sepoy-clerk attached to an Indian Army unit stationed m Singapore, was yesterday committed to the Assizes by the Singapore fifth magistrate. Mr. L. C. Goh, at the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry into an allegation of murder against him.
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  • 405 5 "NOT REAPING HARVEST OF PROFITS NOW" (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 2." "PEOPLE unconnected with mining appear to think that miners are reaping a harvest of profits m view of the high quota releases.' said Mr. H. S. Ix*e, presiding at the annual
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  • 40 5 THE main buildings at Farrer Park are to be altered at a cost of 58,500 to provide additional Hub house accommodation. One of the new club houses *iJI be allotted to the Passive Defence Services Club.
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  • 115 5 Municipality "Presents" To Employees A REGULATION is to be int roc iced into the Municipal by-law... prohibiting employees and their wives and families from accepting •valuable presents or entertainments of any descriptic: The dralt of the regulati n was to lave come before the meeting ol the Oommissicnerg relay, bu-
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  • 169 5 A MAM A _^;d vent to matter undt considei Mr M I. 1-: M C n a ers' meeting yi sU rday Mr. Rayman, referrin resignation from th I on his retirement from th I recalled that Mr. Dob- a w. ..trd to the Commission
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 Phew! What Heat! 1 m»u mjoj MNCII have it m a t ool !»Jihtful Atmosphere? T JIE AIR^CONDmONED 9 j. pit or RESTAURANT n "< the only places m *Ca*VV where this Benefit ,an N enjoyed.
      35 words
    • 69 5 A The National ICE CUBE J? CRUSHER Jy Handy, Jy popularly Jv( priced Crusher, ~^s. xV jP' durably built jfi?N xV jM/ for '[Long Life" Jy^ Crushes Grinds— mmm^^SS^ -____h Breaks all sizes Ice cubes B j info small uniform pieces. Jk dflL \^v Perfect with Cold Cuts— a]^^B Fruits
      69 words

  • 678 6 Two Records Broken At Jalan Besar FfO records were broken m the i 'th annual inter-school sports for Chinese schools, which began at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. There was a large attendance. The sports will conclude to-day. Announcements m English by Mr. Teng Ling Siang helped
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  • 249 6 CHARLES LAUGHTON In 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which has its second midnight showing at the Alhambra to-day, was yesterday shown te a number of cinema exhibitors and representatives of the Press. It is a remarkable production with a perfectly-chosen cast. The audience is held spellbound
    249 words
  • 1813 6 British Constitution Is Its Guarantee PARLIAMENT SUPREME BROADCASTING on the British Constitution from the Singapore station last night, m a talk entitled "British Freedom," Mr. I). G. Osborne-Jones said: "Great Britain is engaged m a life and death struggle to-day to preserve those
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  • 95 6 Chartered Bank Beat Throny crofts 3-1 Chartered hank 3 ri I(iri FN soccer fixture, ra to be of much interest tl Bank defeated Thornyrr goals to one m a Bileague match en the yesterday. The Brink players m r. throughout, but wet 1 front of gcal. Had th as they
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  • 79 6 INDL\N Associaii a cri t D-day and to-m ri To-day, against Bt. Hi at 2 p m. at Bale.- tier R. S. Sithamparam ■iamy, Bhatri H. C Band); Chandy G. Kennedy. D. X B. Menon. Dr. A. X 6 and K. Nak.dha. Rrserv-o: R. S Na Roman.
    79 words
  • 45 6 THE following have m m a S.C.C town game for the Merchant. on Sunday, May 5. at 11 I N. c. Brown, am i Dant, H. F. Fould... A K. C Johnson-Hill, R. h C. Simmons. G X G Wl.eeier arid J H.
    45 words
  • 35 6 T'HE following have for the Malaya Signal C t! S.C.C at p m. Q. Clayton, w. Pule er T. Holden, A. Farei,; I Phillips. Lt. L. F R> Twicdy <C-ipt.», Lt A V.
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  • 61 6 THE m* n hiy mixed petition of th Dai Club lor April. play« < suited m a w.n Capt; m Murphy wit! o7i 2 'ihe following wen I Cap.. T. K. Murphy 1 wart 76--8i 2 67'- Ms More and Mrs. EIL Wing Comdr. and Mm.
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  • 54 6 THE following will re; lim Improvement clv soccer match to-m< r: en the Fraser and ground: M. N. !v_aidecn Pitehay. K. M. O-- V X V. O Syed. K. S. M Mohamed. S. K. Mohai Maideen. S. 8. Ibrah him. Hotel S M K. M. Hameed, V X
    54 words
  • 60 6 TpIES m the Sing« j billiards champi CMAMPIONSH Tuesday: J A. Det _.rave. Wednesday: C Coleman. Thursday: H (J: Friday. A. D Robins* n HAMM. \i' Tuesday: M S. B H M Vennik (scr i Wednesday: Lt J B is. B. Scott I Thursdax B. Bl I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1036 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS I BOARD RESIDENCE SINGAPORE CITA rDAftIT MUNICIPAUTY »«iA r KU« A K.Vro.M. (iRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd Tenders. (near Swimming Club) mm tv_ 0 Board- Residence at moderate rates Tenders arc vow invited for tne following materials or services. For Large Gardens— Tennis. particulars see Municipal Tenders Phone:
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 85 6 LAW NOTICE FOR THE DAY Before the Registrar at 10 am. Passing Accounts m O.S. 153/1931. The Borneo Co., Ltd. as agents for the Pahang Consolidated Co. Ltd.. state cabled advice has been received :>f the declaration of an interim dividend en the preference shares of SK p*r ctnt. less
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 392 7 p.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES .INCORPORATED TS ENGLAND) p. tic O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The nest possible services are being maintained p, i O. S. N. Company to their usual call except ports m Japan. p n pars are requested to register theft but under present circumstances c perforce
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    • 437 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m F.M.8.) .TELEPHONE: Fr elfin 5433. Parnate SUI B^IAN PACIFIC I UM iruiiiir-frr aui_jj. Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS' 'DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under
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    • 500 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTB. j BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States d America. Oates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookingsubject to Conference War Clauses. WKSTKRN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to "re mantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger
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  • 569 8 Tennis Results And Further Ties RESULTS of matches played yesterday m the tennis tournaments at the Singaoore Cricket Club, the Straits Chinese Recreation Club and the V.M.C.A. are given below. There were no ties played at the At The S.C.C. ONLY ONE TIE played m the SCC. tennis tournament
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  • 45 8 TH_ following have been selected to play for the Geylang Corinthians against the Cable and Wireless Sports Club to-morrow at the Gypsy Club sround at 5 p.m.:— Arshad: Hock Chiang. Said: Yee Sin. Hoi Sens, Kirn Hin; Jaffar, Mahmood, S. Ahmad, Osman, Hussein.
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  • 276 8 ■Fiom Cur Own Correspondent I Kuala I.umpur, Apr. 26. U7EIGHTS for Wednesday, the first day of the Selangor Turf Clubs spring meeting, are: Horses, class 3. div. 1. s'j furlongs. Golden Blaze 9 03 Alicante 8.04 Drator 8.1.! Sliun B.'J4 Hazy Sprin&s 8
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  • 548 8 POLICE OUTPLAY S.R.C. TO WIN FIVE -ONE One-Sided First Division Soccer At Stadium ALPHONSO SAVES LOSERS FROM HEAVIER DEFEAT Police 5; S.R.C L WEAK m all departments, the S.R.C. provided poor opposition against the Police at the Stadium yesterday, and a rather one-sided first division match ended m victory for
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  • 139 8 Good Variety In Week-end's Sport AS far as variety is concerned, this week-end's round of sporting events m Singapore will be h.ud to beat. Biggest attractions this evening are the second annual Singapore swimming championships at the Singapore Swimming Club pool, and the first division soccer match between the Chinese
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  • 196 8 perhaps the most interesting game of the lot, the match between the Singapore Cricket Club and the Selangor Club, will be played at Kuala Lumpur to-day and to-morrow. To-morrow, however, there will be an attractive match on the padang when theS.C.C. meet the R.A.F. (Malaya).
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  • 202 8 THE Malaya Signal Company's second team secured an easy victory yesterday over the R.A.M.C. side, which lost to the R.A.S.C earlier m the week. The R.A.M.C, who batted first, were able to score only 27 runs, Clayton taking five wickets for 15. This
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  • 81 8 IN a women's solf match played at the Island Club yesterday, the Island Club beat the Sepoy Lines Golf Club by 27 points to 10. The results were, Sepoy Lines players mentioned first. Mrs. Strickland <2>, Mrs. J. B. Ross '4>; Mrs. Sharp fl).
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  • 41 8 picture. <t._. l-hbtcaa Unserves beat the ..lai .v keservcs by three goals to one m a siecermateh played at the stadium on Thursday. This p.cture .hows the Matay defence hard-pressed as the Chinese s.ann round the ball. Free Press
    Free Press  -  41 words
  • 249 8 ORIGHT batting by Hopkins and Stephens who knocked up 87 and 86 runs respectively enabled the R.A.F. (Tengah) to beat the V.M.C.A. easily m a cricket match at Anson Road yesterday. The Airmen, batting first, established themselves firmly by totalling 203 runs. In
    249 words
  • 113 8 AT a meeting of the Singapore Baseball Association held yesterday evening at the Japanese Club, the following were elected office-bearers for the year President, Air Vice-Marshall J. T. Babington; vice-presidents. Kenneth S. Paton and K. Toyoda; hon. sec, Paul James; board of control, Dick Joubert
    113 words
  • 315 8 Good Entry For Singapore Event On Sunday Motor Cymkhana IF the good entn Lim Peng Han, tl gapore racing mot« ccmers to local m be _5t n _f e t ceived or thf v which is being held noon at 3 p.m or. the entrance to the X can be
    315 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 141 8 mrC »_.-."_-_l.JUJ_.l_ K^m*\} -Vmm'J..-T.-Xr~r— a m., »H«aW_T_«_W. fTTW ■fir V '> i~ -^W t><-^. ~OX\ V "t&^f -tA 7^^" r ii iiiiHrr^ j' r^ w£o| .mm Ll ¥*y f^ VI THERE nfe^tiv nri UA v L >vi oud CAR THAW r 0 f^Vl m. BETTER BH.r- vki^ r^ v
      141 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 131 8 Week-end Sports Events Soccer: first division. Malays vs. Chinese, stadium; Hongkong and Shanghai Bank vs. Wearnes, Depot. Swimming: Singapore Amateur hampionships, Singapore Swimming Club. 1.15 p.m. Weight-lifting: Novices Weightliftin? Championships, Happy World. 7.30 p.m. Cricket: S.C.C vs. Malaya Signals, Gillman Barracks: S.C.C vs. Khalsa Assn., S.C.C; C.S.C vs. Anglo-Chinese School,
      131 words