The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,071. BOTH. 1835 FRIDAY. APRIL 26, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 918 1 Reported Surrender Of Germans Near Town 1,000 MEN TRAPPED BY NORWEGIANS JT is learned authoritatively m London that the British and Norwegian forces are slowly closing m on Narvik, reports Reuter. British forces have been drawn up m more or less complete circles around
    Reuter  -  918 words
  • 132 1 HE INVASION LOSSES .don, Apr. '5. irned m than 3.000 washed or cost to lon. I 22. it is. (apply st. a or scuttled. torpedoes and j I others were' md lour cap- j employed m suptappljtaf the German U'.hough not
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 36 1 \t*w York, Apr. 25. S. raid -Tribune's lent, the rID prohibit ships I :rom carrying I ds for Russia VI idlfoftok. interprets this I oy the Govcoirraband St.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 34 1 C^>rk. Apr. 25. ipper of the Mormacsea, Trondheim to-day, ed from port the by the Germansi hold was over Swedish -owned tamebik, a few t *m. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 16 1 1 «>: Information the German •Ed a Polish des- with the British Home' Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 88 1 Allied Concern Over Fresh Invasion London, Apr. 25. IT is quite clear that any fresh 1 act of aggression by Germany anywhere would be a matter of instant concern to Britain and France, Reuter was told to-day by an informed source with reference to a Press report that the Allies
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 125 1 Danish Vessel Disregards Japanese Order Hong Kong, Apr. 25. •THE newspaper Hong Kong Telegraph learns that the Danish steamer Michael Jebsen, while en route to Hong Kong from Shanghai several days ago, was held up by a Japanese destroyer and ordered to proceed to Japan, the destroyer's commander stating that
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 248 1 A REUTER message from Brussels states that the Belgian Cabinet has resigned. London. Apr. 25. Speaking at the British Empire Service League luncheon m commemoration of the landing of the Anzacs m GaUipoli. Mr. Stanley Bruce, Australian High Commissioner, pointed out that m the last war, with a
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 144 1 THE most sweeping security measure yet taken m the Netherlands came into effect on Wednesday. It is a decree placing all publications under military censorship, and it empowers the military authorities to prohibit any publication if they consider it to be against the national
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 164 1 EXTREMISTS SEEKING TO HINDER BRITAIN'S WAR EFFORT Government Watchful THE activities of certain small groups of people, of whom some appeared to be deliberately anxious to hinder Great Britain's war effort, are being: carefully watched, announced Sir John Anderson, Home Secretary and Minister for Home Security, m the House of
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 130 1 London, Apr. 25. AN Air Ministry casualty list published to-day contains 113 names, including an aircraftwoman who died on active service. Among those missing li acting Flight-Lieutenant R. P. A. Harrison, who took part m the R.A.F. EnglandAustralia formation flight m 1937. The woman ls aircraftwoman
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 76 1 AMONG Sweden's latest precautions is the training of youths of 16 and 17 years of age as marksmen for special home defence squads. These squads will also recruit men outside the range of regular military service to defend the civil population against any form of attack,
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 163 1 Feeling Of Imminent Peril In Balkans London, Apr. 25. TPHE Balkan countries are on the alert, writes the Daily Telegraph's Balkans correspondent. A feeling of imminent peril has developed out of the general uneasiness which has prevailed m the past weeks. There are no definite facts to account for this
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 76 1 London, Apr. IT is learn d authoritatively that m the raid on Stavanger eariy yesterday British bombers met Messer:, -hmitts for the Dm time at night, encountering several. It is also stated that a num tew >f enemy pianos on tbe ground lie
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 69 1 London. Apr. 25. A LARGE AI.EA m Dublin was rill I by an explosion early to-day v bomb or a land mine exploded ;n Dublin Castle, near the headquarter.: of the special detective branch Considerable dama.e was done to the Chapel Royal the valuable
    Reuter  -  69 words
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  • 338 2 London. Apr. 25. The following are to-day's closing middle quotations. Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: The above 3re dealers middle price: brokers' margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not included Exchange Telegraph Con. Loan 570 1944-64 108-* +V« Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 110% War
    Exchange Telegraph  -  338 words
  • 192 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES .Ftolj Oui i/wu Correspondent) London, Apr. 25. COMMODITY and Exchange marke.s closed as follows with previous Quotations id parenthesis: I.l'rber: steady. Soot 10 15 16d 11 1!l6d(l0 1516 11 1 16d) May 10 15 16d 11 1 16d .10 15 16 11 116d> July 111 16dll 3 16d
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  • 169 2 From Our Own Correspondent. Johore Bahru, Apr. 25. THE TOTAL AREA planted with pad) last year amounted to 7,950 acres of wet padi and 690 acres of dry padi against 6,080 and 180 acres, respectively, during the previous year. The total estimated yield increased from 773,000
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  • 77 2 London, Apr. 25. IN celebration of Mr. Lloyd George's 50th anniversary as a member ot Parliament, the Liberal Party entertained him at a private dinner at the House of Commons last night. Mr. Lloyd George was accompanied by his son and daughter, both
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 32 2 London, Apr. 25. T*HI Postmaster-General announces the restoration of letter mail services—including air mails— and money order services to Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania but corrcsDOndenoe Is subject to delay. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  32 words
  • 222 2 A.A.M. And Insurance Rebate (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 25 THAT approximately one-third of the number of private car owners m this country were members of the Automobile Association of Malaya, was stated by Mr. J. L. Ross yesterday, when he presided at the general meeting of the
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  • 166 2 Air Ministry Denies Nazi Allegation TTHE Air Ministry has denied an allegation made m aGer m a n High Command communique that the R.A.F. attacked undefended places with no military objectives. The allegation was contained m a communique about the extensive raid carried out by R.A.F. planes on Tuesday when
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 94 2 ALLEN JONES. Mary Martin and Susanna Foster co-star m an entertaining musical film, "The Great Victor Herbert.'* which opened at the Cathay last night. The melodies of Victor Herbert need no recommendation; they are sung with great elTect by Allen Jones and Mary Martin. Lavish
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  • 106 2 •From Our Own Correspondent; Ipoh, Apr. 25. FIE REMAINS of the late Mr. Chua Cheng Bok, the Kuala Lumpur millionaire, were cremated at the Sam Poh Tong Cave temple m Kampar Road this evening. Born at Malacca, where he w r as also educated,
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  • 105 2 nEUTER reports the death m London of Sir Alexander Ransford Slater, who preceded Sir Shenton Thomas as Governor of the Gold Coast. After he had been district judge m Ceylon he visited Malaya m 1908 on special service. Going to the Gold Coast six years later, her
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  • 49 2 TTHE FINAL of the novices' dancing com- petttion at the Happy World last nig ht resulted ln a tie between Mr AI Joharl and Mls-> Mary Fung, and Mr. Hartley and Miss Juliet Ang. Third prise was awarded to Mr Ho Kong Kee and Miss Ruby Chan.
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    • 285 2 AGAIN THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN H^i___--_-_P Follow the Crowds to the Popular Theatre ail(| help The THIN MAN to unravel another rrv murder mystery capitol] 'J™**!*** MR. MRS. 4 THIN MAN" mmnmt NICK, Jnr.— Their new rddition— and "AST A" I: -^_S_^__t ___f __M___tt ___f I 4IVI Goodrich and
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  • 529 3 GERMAN NAVY NO LONGER CONTROLS BALTIC Balance Of Power Shifts In Favour Of Sweden BRITISH PRESS LAUDS R.A.F. EXPLOITS a i?ti?» 4 London, Apr. 25. n i V r e crucial months and as a result of the battles of the fjords, the naval balance of power m the Haltic
    Reuter  -  529 words
  • 258 3 KING'S MESSAGE TO N.Z. 1 yesterday was com- ted m London. Austra.r.d and the Middle •ributes were paid to the c Australian and New r c e es who landed at US a?o. official ceremony at li ndon this year, but •noire, as well prices, and our
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 107 3 New York, Apr. 23. TTIIE Minneapolis Journal says that after the last war, Norway, Sweden and Denmark came to the rescue by taking thousands of German children m their homes .m I feeding them bountifully and lodging them. Some months before the war broke out m
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 92 3 Tokio, Apr. 4.>. THE Foreign Office is not yet m a position to reply to the representations of Mr. Joseph Grew. U.S. Ambassador to Japan, because h.» matter must be referred to the Japanese authorities on the spot." declared the Japanese Foreign Office spokesman at a Press
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 36 3 ACCORDING to Japanese reports, the Chungking district was bombed yesterday morning for the first time this year. The Japanese say that three airfields were bombed, and that all their planes returned safely without aircraft guns- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 119 3 TWO slorles illustrate the mdiv!-- dual herci.m and mi iative cf the Norwegians m the defev z of their country. One tells of thr_vj bus drivers who drove their vehicles full of German soldiers over a precipice. They lost their lives, but 180 Germans died with
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 32 3 London, Apr. 25 THE War Office announces that the official description of the British Expeditionary Force m Norway is now the North-Western Expeditionary Force." Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 171 3 Japanese Admit Kaif eng Clash Peiping, Apr. 25. THE Japanese military spokesman here admitted yesterday that Chinese trcops had managed to penetrate into Kaiieng, capital of Honan, on Tuesday, but he claimed that the Chinese were routed after fierce street fighting. He slated that 3,000 Chinese attack ed Kaifeng on
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 479 3 ANGLO-SPANIS H RELATIONS DEBATED IN COMMONS London, Apr. 25. MOVING the approval ox a clearing office oraer which he said would confirm the recent trade and payment agreement between the British and Spanish governments signed on Mar. 18, the Secretary for Overseas Trade, Mr. G. H. Shakespeare, said that after
    British Wireless  -  479 words
  • 424 3 DEPORTS from several European sources confirm the concentration of German troops along the Baltic coast. Transports have been waiting at the ports of Memel, Danzig, Konigsberg and Stettin, and some reports have it that some of them have put to sea during the last few
    Reuter  -  424 words
  • 34 3 London, Apr. 25. THE KING and Queen watched the Toronto Scottish regiment march away this morning at the end of guard duties at Buckingham Palare. when they were relieved by Grehadier guards. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  34 words
  • 89 3 PROPOSED REOPENING POSTPONED London, Apr. 25. A POSTPONEMENT ot the proposed reopening of the trans-Atlantic air services tor 1940 was announced yesterday when the Under-Secretary lor Air, Capt H. H. Balfour, stated m the House of Commons that recent developments had necessitated the diversion of aircralt intended
    British Wireless  -  89 words
  • 72 3 London, Apr. 25. IN the House or Commons to-day Mr. AR. h. Cross, Minister of Economic Warfare, m rerly to a question said that no negotiations for a new war trade agreement with Japan had taken place. There had been exchanges of views m
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 69 3 London, \pr. 2.V THE first contingent of Newfoundland artillery to arrive m England were welcomed at a north-west port by Mr. Anthony Eden, the Dominions Secretary, to-day. The Newioundlanders were accompanied by further oonttngents cf Canadians. The Newfound'.anders are all volunteers and will serve with
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 50 3 (From Our Own Correspond nt> London, Apr. f!5. EIGHT bone discs, Coa.s islands money, have been received by Vw 8.8.C. from Mr J. S. Clunies Ross, uncrowned "King of the Cocos Island... a covering letter explaining that th y are payment for a year's subscription the Corporation's oversejs programme sheets.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 f^^ „_Jfrf ^_^____m_. r^-'-: .^3__P^r ■t^^J&^^'^V^^^ ■■"*•>; vS*^^* __j£_____l' /I t___Bw_B_L vt_i^ r t--m*~-*****^^ mmmmmm M-V^Sftv -'^S^SSS l^-mmwwm*** 9^! MILf v _V No waste because there's #r nothing to throw away m9 mw+* mw^ -a meal m a minute I _m<~^^^ because they are ready A m to serve. See
      94 words
    • 135 3 SCHICK REPEATING RAZOR BLADES NOW AVAILABLE from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. Battery Road IlnH V Jes 315 6.15 9.15 kAUYAS CINEMA DE UJXI BOX OFFICE f PHONE 3400 Screened to packed houses yesterday! Paramount^ musical comedy of the year. Set to the tunes of Victor Herbert's Glorious Songs Melodies. 23
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  • 623 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY. APRIL 26, 1940. France's Effort ALTHOUGH people throughout the British Empire are full of admiration for the gallant part which France is playing as our ally m this war, the general public unfortunately knows very little regarding the actual sacrifices which the French are making
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 78 4 •From Our Own jobor. H»hru Xl MUSLIMS, numt* from Johore Malacca attended a Besar to-day on the anniversary of the ri< a Sultan Abubakar, fail Sultan. Sultan Abu 1895. but the remain* Johore and Interred Mausoleum at the Jalan mosque. The least was prece* fl
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  • 1641 4 Our London Letter By Our Own Correspondent London, Apr. 16. "I FEEL at home m England because it is a country at war. Look at your soldiers going by; look at your sandbag; that is familiar." It was a Finnish woman M.P. speaking. She
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 lo make a proper GIMLET mmm w^ m m m mmm^ m m\r^Tw^ m M 5 m I*4 Iw M 1 filC2£ftftA but the li m c nAfr JUICE mus/ oe Ify^t F^J __F*^__. ~fl _____L_^ LjmJ mmtTlAm\ ymmoftSmj l l— mmrnT ml 1 \\^Mm^mlAmm\\mm\w w^^^ JBZ _^l_________^__. *wa^^^^^^^^^ i
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    • 25 4 w I HslPfHK^ Wj The Well-dressed man m Spore goes to MIEN CHONG FOR HIS TAILORING. LATEST STYLES LOW PRICES. 34, COLEMAN ST 'Phone 4816.
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  • 66 5 :t l 1 .unipur. Apr. ..*>. AVNE. a visitor to 1 Sin by Ihe 10 to Penang goon, reportnation. High loss of five his clothing valued at travelled second- bags on the rack d his large traveiteeping berth. -v and other valu".l.^O p.m. When he the
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  • 23 5 IA Ken is included In n BBl" overseas programme this titled "Review of the h Army." beginning at 7.50 p.m.
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  • 170 5 provide Children With Maps, Says Officer SUGGESTS LISTENING TO BROADCASTS DAILY .t u.KSTION that parents should help to interest rhildren m the European war hy encouraging tht m l« ,i>Un to H( news on the r adio at least :i s. trtf made
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  • 124 5 From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 25. 117 HEN a British coastal steamer TT arrived at Port Swettenham on Tuesday, two Chinese were seen to leave the boat hurriedly. Seeing that they behaved suspiciously, a Customs out-door officer took them to the senior
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  • 224 5 Chinese Enjoy Benefits Of Wartime Trade Chungking, Ap.\ 24. THE European w r ar has advantages and disadvantages as far as the Overseas Chinese are concerned, said Mr. Chen Shu-jen. Chairman of the Overseas Affairs Commission, m a speech delivered here. For instance. Mr. Chen pointed out, the Chinese m
    Central News  -  224 words
  • 152 5 Goods Found To Be German When Cleared STORE MANAGER FINED IN KLANG (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 25. AI7. J. WRIGHT, manager of the TT Kuala Lumpur branch of Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd., department stores, was lined $25 by the Klang magistrate, Inche Suleiman, on a charge
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  • 141 5 A VERDICT of death by misadventure was returned by the acting Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. MacQuarrie, yesterday, at an inquiry into the death of a Chinese cyclist, Chwee Thian, who died from injuries received as the result of a collision with an omnibus at the junction
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  • 75 5 TEO WOON TIONG, a 22-year-old Hokkien was charged before Mr. H. Watson m the Singapore third court yesterday with having m his possession forged currency notes (three $!0 Straits Settlements notes>. which knowing to be forged or counterfeit, he intended to use as genuine. The charge was
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  • 155 5 PLEADING guilty to a charge of fermenting intoxicating liquor, a woman, Haw Soo, was yesterday fined $400, or four months' rigorous imprisonment, m the Singapore fourth court. On a second charge, of being m possession of dutiable liquor, she was fined $35, or three months' rigorous
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  • 145 5 New Building For Garrison School THAT they had been greatly handicapped by building operations during the past year, was stated by Mrs. F. E. Edwards, Queen Army Schoolmistress of the int ants' section of the Changi Garrison School yesterday. lira Edwards referred to th-. new boo! building, an extension adjacent
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  • 264 5 CHILDREN oi the Changi Garrison School have a holiday to-day. This Is due to Mrs. Bond, wife of the General Officer Commanding. Malaya, who presented Ihe prizes at the school yest.rday. Mrs. Bond, who was presented with a bouquet by one of the youngest pupils
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  • 128 5 From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Apr. 25. A SCHOOLBOY was the complainant m a case m the police court yesterday m which a police constable, Mohamed Yusoff, was summoned for allegedly voluntarily causing hurt. It was stated that the constable had assaulted the boy and dragged him
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  • 45 5 From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Apr. 25. rE funeral of Mr. J. M. Solomon, retired Indian interpreter of the Supreme Court, Kedah, who died yesterday morning, took nlace at Western Road cemetery. lAc Hej. Fred David, of the Tamil Mc-hudis. Church, officiated at the graTertde.
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  • 108 5 Chungking, Apr. 24. THE South Seas Comfort Mission, which includes Malayan Chinese, visited the various universities here and also the International Broadcasting Station, the War Area Political and Party Affairs Commission and the International Department of the Central Publicity Board. This morning the National Comfort Commission
    Central News  -  108 words
  • 40 5 Messrs. Mrithangi Maharaj, Bebhooti Singh, R. Retnam, A. Letchmanan, Suppiah and K. Lokanathan will take part m a musical entertainment at the Indian Youth League, Singapore, on Sunday at 4 p.m. to the accompaniment of harmonium, fiddle, mrithangam and bulbulthara.
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  • 42 5 From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Apr. 25. A sum of $755 was collected at the sale of work held on Mar. 14 at the perak Patriotic Fund Wool Depot, Ipoh. m aid of the Wool and Materials i Fund It is stated.
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  • 304 5 TWO very well-known Mohammedan families m Singapore were united yesterday by the marriage of Mr. Mohsin bin Salim bin Talib son of the late Mr. Salim bin Mohammed bin Salim bin Talib and of Mrs. Talib, to Miss Sultana Reshty, second daughter of Mr. and
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  • 166 5 CIR PATRICK BLACKWELL, senior puisne jud*c of v Bombay, sat on the bench m the Singapore Supreme Court yesterday with Sir Percy McElwaine. the Chief Justice. Sir Patrick, who is 6 ft.-2 m height, has been m India for nearly 14 years. He is
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  • 116 5 Bag Snatching In Stamford Rd. CHARGED with snatching a hand ;ag from a woman. Tan Ah Teck, m Stamford Road at 9 p.m. on Wednesday a young Cantonese, Tan Ah Kow, pleaded guilty m the Singaoore third court yesterday before Mr. H. Watson. Court Inspector D. R. Cowie that the
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  • 80 5 MR. D. G. OSBORNE- JON BS will broadcast from the Singapore station at 7.30 this evening m the serh^ •'The War From Various Viewpoints." In this talk, the title of which will be "British Freedom." Mr. Osborne-Jones will discuss the British Constitution. He will show how
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  • 181 5 TLHE lOllowinK office-bearers ot the Singapore Peranakan Association have been elected for the first half of the curienr year: President: Tuan T. A. Ohaai Fasha Mustapha Kussain; vice-presidents, Tuan Hj. Abu Bakar bin Hassan and Inche' Mohd. Ah bin Hashim; hon. .it. secretaries, Inche' Mahmood bin Hj.
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  • 41 5 MR. PAULUS DAVIES. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Davies, was married to Miss Sidonia Jansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jansen, at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. An uncle of the bride, Mr. A. Jansen, gave her away.
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  • 347 5 Escorted From Sumatra For Her Trial $5,000 JEWELLERY THEFT ALLEGATION arrested on an escraoii warrant m tht Netherlai Indies for an offence allegi remitted m Singapore Kn July. Chinese rnaidservan.. Sim Chi;; S; alias Lte Ah Yang, stood trial the Singapore district court yesterday on a charge of stealing* 55.231'
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 49 5 Phew! What Heat! How .*n you enjoy LUNCH onkss u have it m a Cool— ifelightful Atmosphere THE _JR-COI.DITIOI.ED CAPITOL RESTAURANT the only 2 places m s, "«aix»re where this Benefit '*n be *ninv»__ U BELLE FRANCE HE riNEST WINES AR E STOCKED BY H BOLTER Co, WCHESTER HOUSE
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    • 168 5 Law Notice For The Day Before tbe Honourable the Chief Justlro m Court No. 1 at 11 a.m. Bankruptcy. Before the Hon'ble Mr. Jumh a'Berkett Terrell m Court No. 4 at 11 am.: Summonses m Chambers, etc. Before Mr. Justice Pedlow at U a.m lc Chambers: S/c. 207 m O's.
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  • 234 6 Mails close at the General Fost Office as follows: TO-_>AY Aden surface noon Ceylon surface noon Egypt surface noon j Great Britain and Europe generally suriace noon India (Western) surface noon Java suriace 11.30 a.m. 1 Sarawak: Sarikei surface 2 p.m. ?,:bu surface 2 p.m. oumatra:
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  • 136 6 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Apr. 25, 1910: 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 352 35. No. IX RSS FOB. m cases Apr.-May (Sellers option) 36 36 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. F. 0.8. m bales Apr.-May (Sellers option) 35 35 X FAQ R.S.S.
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  • 761 6 JUDGMENT DELIVERED IN MOTORING SUIT fMVING judgment m a company director's civil action damages for injuries received and a counter-claim for the cost of repairs to the defendant's motor-car, the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, yesterday morning found that both parties were negligent and
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  • 180 6 r rilE following newly added non-fiction and fiction works will be ready for Issue r.t Raffles Library to-moiTow. Modern German Literature. 1833-1938, Illustrated, Jethro Bithell; The Last Year of War and After. Leonardo Blake; The Emperor Charles V., Illustrated, Karl Brandi; John Pym. 1583-1643, Illustrated. S. Beed Brett;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 681 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPAUTY TendersTenders are now invited for the following materials or serrlcea. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room Supply of Galvanised W. I. Tubes for period July 1, 1940. to June 30, 1941 Date ot Closing. 4 pm.. May 30. IG4O Supply of bO tons of Pig
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    • 573 6 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd. (near Swimming Club) Board-Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens Tennis. Phone: 5758. i EAST ANGLIA a ojuj.l risk singatok* t mlns. to town hign level garages, daily or monthly rates, large grounds, excellent culatna tennis, single and double rooms PHONE «S9S
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    • 51 6 SHIPPING NOTICE M win m STRAITS/PACIFIC CONFERENCE FREIGHT TARIFF NO. 7 Absorption Of Terminal Charges On Overland Cargo It is notified for information that, with immediate effect. Carriers will absorb handling charges and 50 per cent of State Tolls or Wharfage on Trans-Continental import cargo at Pacific Coast port of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 405 7 p.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) p ds O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. .> best possible services are being maintained P. Sc 0. S. N. Company to their usual I d eaO except ports m Japan. eogers are requested to register thefr lents, but under present circumstances perforce
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    • 386 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated ln F_MJ3.) TELEPHONE: Freight 5433. Passage 5411 pjfolAN PACIHC Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— BanflF. Trans-Atlantic i by "EMPRESS" "DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— AH under one management. tot detailed
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    • 517 7 nra.a. r- I MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo booking-. subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) vis Java by
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  • 1164 8 EUROPEANS HAVE MAKINGS OF GOOD CRICKET TEAM Clarke Cup Game Next Big Event In Singapore EACH SIDE HAS WON FOUR TIMES IN SERIES CINGAPORE has not enjoyed much serious cricket since State match against Selangor, which was played during the Easter holidays but, with the Whitsun holidays fast approaching, all
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  • 101 8 YESTERDAY'S Heme soccer mr.tches resulted aa follows SOUTH G \rsenal 2. Tottenham 4. Chelsea 2. Millwall 1. Southampton 1. Portsmouth 0, SOUTH D Reading 1. Southend 1. NORTH WESTERN Blackpool 7, Rochdale 2. SCOTTISH WESTERN Ayr 2. Hamilton 2. Dumbarton 2. Rangers 3, Motherwell tj Clyde 1.
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 72 8 TIILS following have been selected to represent the Elite R.U. against the May B.P. "B" team m friendly badminton match of six singles and three doubles at the Happy World Covered stadium on Sunday ai 10 a.m. R. Ragunathan. Quan Lye Ho, Tan Hiang Chuan, T.m P:h
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  • 28 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Apr. 24. AN inter-state lawn tennis match between Perak and Selangcr will be played m Ipoh on May 25 and 26.
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  • 28 8 TKE R.A.M.C. yesterday defeated the Naval Base Police by six goals to nil m their second division <a> soccer fixture played at the Naval Base.
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  • 116 8 JTHEL draw Jn_ the Singapore Cricket A Club's billiards championship resulted: Championship: J. A. Dean vs. W. H. Palgrave; H. Gray vs. A. F. Hunter; C. G. Fugler vs. E. H. Coleman; A. D. Baker vs. M. S. Robinson. Handicap: W. P. Jones 30)
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  • 414 8 FOUR GOALS IN EIGHT MINUTES AT THE STADIUM Chinese Reserves 3; Malay Reserve 1. PLENTY of thrilU were provided at the stadium yesterday by the Chinese and the Malay Reserves, the much ending m a well-deserved victory for the Chinese by three goals to one. All the se Ting was
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 8 picture. be koona jumps to fist the ball away m Wednesday's first di.iin soccer match at the stadium m wh h the Gordons bea; the Singapore Cricket Club by the odd goal m three- Free Press
    Free Press  -  38 words
  • 382 8 Loyals 3 Royal Navy 1. FIELDING a well-balanced forward line, the Loyals yesterday defeated the Royal Navy by three goals to one m their Reserve division soccer fixture played at Gillman. By their victory, the Loyals have maintained their unbeaten record m this division
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  • 99 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Apr. 23. THE lnter-club lawn tennis matches m the Chang Seng Long Cup competition will begin at Seremban on May 1. There has been a record number of entries this year and as many as eleven teams will compete.
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  • 66 8 Soccer: first division, Police vs. SR.C, stadium; BUL Chartered Bank vs. Thorny croft, S.H.B. ground: G.E.C. vs. Cold Storage. Farrer Park. Tennis; S.C.C, SC.R.C. SR.C. and V.M.C.A. tournament Cricke*: V.M.C.A. Juniors vs. R A.F. Tengah. Prince Edward Road. Golf: Worn n's match, Golf Club vs. Sepoy
    66 words
  • 327 8 f.HLI\E were nc ties played yesterday In 1&S Singapore Cricket Club and i.M.C.A. tournaments. Results at tha {Singapore Recreation Club and the straits Chinese Kecreation Club ar*. given below. AT IH__ SR.C. FOLLOWING a.c i__e reauiu. oi yesterday's ties iv the SR.C. lawn tennis tournament: Singles handicap
    327 words
  • 28 8 TtlE fmal of the Keppel Golf Clubs women's championship was won by Mrs. W. J. Holohan with Mrs. G. E. Kerr runner-up.
    28 words
  • 147 8 Sappers Win Cricket At Chan p. AFTER a long run Malaya Signals cricket for the first m a match agan: R.E. (Changi). The Signals started well, and has 91 rui the loss of three v. m at this stage and was out for only US The
    147 words
  • 74 8 LIFTERS of ti compete m t: we.ght clasi Novices weight I to be held at the il ed stadium to-: No admission will Health and Strength 1 B. P. X Sundaram; Goh Gake Song The Jubilee Health Party: Wee Hong I. Yew; David McCv Singapore Amateur V
    74 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 Aching Wm Wafting Your eyes arc the most sensitive, the of all your features probably never do 3. them or protect the:. and one dangers M exposed. Then .uJo wl.en your eyes reoeland smart and water, t red, the lashes cru M and more serious You can prevent 1 take
      85 words