The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 LATE SINGAPORE EDITION The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,070. l.S'lli. 1835 THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1910. 5 CENTS
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  • 828 1 Rapid Allied Advance In Trondheim Region NORWEGIANS CHECK GERMAN PUSH THE first trial of strength between the Allied and Norwegian troops and the Germans m the Trondheim region is expected to take place north of Stenkjer, probably at Snasa. near Grong, according to reports
    Reuter  -  828 words
  • 246 1 R.A.F. Bomb Aerodrome On Sylt Island DAMAGING RAIDS ON NAZI BASES London. Apr. 23. TA.r Force lasti ed out several raids bases m Norway, land of Sylt. >? operations have ■i, but the preliay; an Air Ministry it they were otlensive u^r lx~ses available m the invasion s 'h a
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 146 1 London, Apr. 24. IN the House of Commons to-day. Mr. R. A. Butler, Foreign Under-Secre-tary. said that m response to proposals for a resumption of Anglo-Soviet trade negotiations recently put forward by M Malsky, Soviet Ambassador m London, the British Government had indicated that
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 219 1 More Neutrals Will Join Allies, Greenwood MR. ARTHUR GREENWOOD, ITI deputy leader of the Labour Party, declared m a speech m London yesterday that the Labour movement stood 100 per cent, behind any effort necessary for the successful prosecution of the war. Hitler made his first capital blunder when he
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 221 1 London, Apr. 24. Further reports of the R.A.F. raids yesterday state that Fornebu (Norway) aerodrome was also heavily bombed. One aircraft detailed to attack Fornebu did not reach its objective as it sighted two enemy ships stealing north near the head of Oslo Fjord. The plane dropped two
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 129 1 Film Cameramen For Fleet Units COMMONS STATEMENT MORE photographs showing the work of the Royal v Navy will be released soon. It was announced m the House of Commons yesterday that arrangements have been made for a number of newsreel cameramen to be attached to units of the Fleet. Already
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 203 1 London, Apr. 24. JLJR. CHAMBERLAIN, the Prim* Minister, announced m the House of Commons to-day that Sir Walter Monckton has been appointed deputy director-general of the Ministry of Information. Sir Walter Monckton will also be additional deputy Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. The changes take
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 102 1 Shanghai, Arr. 24. "THE people of the Philippines are concerned over the status quo of the Netherlands Indies inasmuch as America is concerned over any seizure by force." declared Mr. F. fr.yre. United States High Commissioner to the Philippines, arriving here en route to
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 59 1 London. Apr. 24. THREE men were killed. 19 were injured and many others slightly hurt as a result of an explosion m the Imperial Chemical Industries' works at Billingham. An official statement by the firm says the damage to plant and machinery is slight
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 40 1 Stockholm. Apr. 24. FIVE German minesweepers were asked by ships of Sweden's neutrality patrol to leave Swedish territorial waters off Stromstad, m the Skagerrak. to-day. The ships, which were former Norwegian whalers, immediately complied.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 29 1 'THE trial of Udham Singh, who is charged with the murder of Sir Michael O'Dwyer last month, was postponed at the Old Baii*v vpstprdav until the next session.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 104 1 London, Apr. 14. IT is authoritatively learned that the Bri.ish Empire now has 2,000.000 men under arms exclusive of Royal Navy marines, the mercantile marine. Royal Air Force, police and civil defence services, workers m war industry and all other public services. The armies m
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 INSIST ON BIGIA TEA jjo Colour Bar j fi The R.A.F. kl there was no the Royal Air the House of night. reports Hal four, ParUasecretary of Stat* President of the cl Mated that British ,n Kuropean descent ,r^it Kritain were considered .hi »ita for service m the yW irvtral
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  • 190 2 NATIONALITY NO BARRIER TO CHARITY A TRIBUTE to Malayan Chinese was paid by Capt. N. M. Hashim, chairman of the Muslim committee of the China Relief Fund, speaking at the charity performance by the Dawnlight Association at the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. The Chinese, he said, were natur- i
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  • 55 2 TTf. pore Chinatown "an ..uthnjin rcount" of what is China, a Singapore Chinese hotel m New Bridge Road has arranged lor talks to be through a i< nd :<»m the hotel by a i n.. c is it recent arrival trim .ipifd an Canton will -p» ;tk daily
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  • 49 2 I^R R. NAGARATNAM. Office Assis- taut, Negri S€mbi!;!i Secretariat, has been appointed a Collector of Stamp Duties m Serenii>?n. MISS LILWATI. the Indian dancer, on a visit to Singapore during a holiday tour of the East. She is to dance at Raffles Hotel to-morrow and Saturday.
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  • 59 2 'THE following were the winners of slow-foxtrot competition last night, on the third night of the Singapore novices' dance competition held at the Happy World:— l, Mr. Al Johari and Miss Mary Funp, 2. Mr. Hartley and Miss Juliet An^; 3, Mr. George Lum and Miss Annie Ho.
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  • 50 2 A MALAY clerk of the Medical and Healt.h Services office received se\ere injuries to his right lej? m an accident outside Fullerton Building shortly after 4 pm. yesterday. It is believed that he fell oil a trolley bus and his leg rrot undernea'lj the vehicle. He was taken to hospital
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  • 728 2 F.M.S. JUDGE DECIDES AGAINST JAPANESE (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 21. THAT "an infidel is excluded from, and cannot succeed 1 to, the estate of a Mohammedan", was the opinion expressed by Mr. Justice Cordon-Smith yesterday m a judgment of considerable interest to
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  • 337 2 The above are dealers middle price; brokers' margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not Included.— Exchange Telegraph London, Apr. 24. The following are to-day's closing middle quotations Shares are ol £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con. Loan 5% 1944-64.... 108 Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 110-^ +?i War
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  • 182 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES 4 From Oui ijwd Corre>puiid*eot) London, Apr. 24. COMMODITY and Exchange marker closed as follows with previous auotatlona tv parenthesis:— RUBBER: Steady. Spot *****6 d 111 16d <lld lUvdt May 10 15 I6d 11 l I6d (lid 11 1 I6d) vl 7 ***** d ll'id (lid ll»,d) Oc
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  • 157 2 'pHE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,483 rd auction yesterday when there was catalogued 1 557 298 lb, 695.22 tons; offered 1,433,711 lb, 640.05 tons; sold 874,420 lb, 390.37 ton?. SPOT London n$ New York 191; cen t.s.' PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 1 1 wf JI A1 ALH AM BRA ss^jr" Sw4f tf^k W3 i JHrjl mJs X^i JB. Qj \I^O AIR-MAIL "PATHE GAZETTE" The GRAM) NATIONAL GERMANY INVADES SCANDINAVIA THEIR MAJESTIES AT ALDERSHOT empire had but one fatal weakness... she was also "v/*"^^j«Bl a woman m love: B; A THE MAD
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    • 261 2 AGAIN THE BKST SHOW IN TOWN; A\ "The Hiffh Standard set hy th( |ir this brilliant series is mainhii Uf J say it is even lir proved upon— in k AN()T|fpi, THIN MAN.. For Lautrh* nnd K this picture is .tops." _"S. FREE PRESS" (yv,\vri\^ I CAPITOL 3 S I
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  • 758 3 Reaction To Chancellor's Second War Budget "TERRIFIC PRICE LIKELY TO GO HIGHER' 9 gRITAIN'S enormous war budget shows the grim determination of the Government and nation to fight a long-term war. This is the opinion expressed to Reuter m Washington following the revelations of
    Reuter  -  758 words
  • 97 3 1 .nJ«»ii. Apr. 24. i turn. Wi Archi- wn naval 1 Urn Signincn adven.ure m mid r:^ken m 4-' use of air superior nations tpa he siys. >v ral opinion Germany r biufT. .i Inacs: '"In parti- i r >:i\inre Italy. -steti
    British Wireless  -  97 words
  • 68 3 I nd >n. Apr. 24. D:i Amjas- ddre&sing the Internationa] said that leader- nitably falls to if her vast area ten more, hex cukure I development facile op.imism." r-- redemption of the vithtn jl practicable from the domination \vi:h a programme .ad mastery areas."
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 22 3 CHUNGKING'S AWARD FOR S.M.C CHAIRMAN Hi i;:^hai. Apr. 24. ted public service .jTour of the dislin. out-goir.s Municipal Council. ate lor MeritorlGovernment.
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  • 113 3 London. Apr. 24. DANISH and Norwegian residents m East Africa have communicated to the Governor of Kenya a resolution declaring that they place themselves completely at the disposal of the British Government and 'beg: to have the honour of serving His Majesty m all and
    British Wireless  -  113 words
  • 73 3 Chungking. Apr. 24. THE Japanese air force resumed 1 activity In Szechuan province on Monday fcr the first time since December, but Chungking was not bcmbed although the population of the capital was huddled In dugouts fcr eight hcurs, expecting an attack, which did not
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 75 3 DANES living m Great Britain will not be treated as enemy aliens. This announcement by the Home Office was warmly welcomed m the House of Commons yesterday. Many Danes, it was stated, are anxious to assist the Allies m their struggle against the aggressive
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 66 3 Shnghai, Apr. 24. NORWEGIAN ships which have been entering British ports on orders ot their own government will soon be sailing on regular schedules under their own flag, it is expected here. According to the Norwegian consulgeneral, Norwegian ships will be given certain rules which
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 55 3 Canberra, Apr. 24. A DRASTIC regulation has been issued enabling the Government to suppress subversive newspapers and literature. Permits must from now onwards b 3 obtained beiore the publications are allowed to circulate. The regulations embody a "dragnet" clause under which censorship of the most severe
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 61 3 British Warships Await Prey From Java Ports London. Apr. 24. A CCORDING to a Sydney broad- cast. British warships arc lying m wait for the 14 German merchantmen which have taken refuge m Java ports. Reports that the vessels have already put to sea have been proved wrong, but it
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 292 3 BESIDES their daring raids on enemy air bases m Norway and Denmark, machines of the Royal Air Force coastal command have flown mere than 30.000 miles over Norway on reconnaissance, photographing and surveying fjords and enemy coastal positions. In addition, the
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • 59 3 Augmenting Britain 's Merchant Fleet SHIPYARDS THROUGHOUT Great Britain are now busily at work rebuilding the merchant fleet one of the most important sections of the National war effort. This photograph, taken at a shipbuilder's yard m Co. Durham, gives a general view of the finishing touches being put to
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  • 138 3 London, Apr. 24. ANEW form of Nazi propaganda m South Africa is revealed m a pamphlet sent to Cape Town citizens from The Hague and professing to emanate from the "Union fcr Advancement of Homeopathy." The pages of the pamphlet are not cut so that m
    British Wireless  -  138 words
  • 97 3 Tokio, Apr. 24. T*HE British Ambassador, Sir Robert Craigie. called on the Foreign ViceMinister, Mr. Masayuki Tani. mm chjr morning, according to a statement issued by the spokesman of the Foreign Office. The British Ambassador Informed the Foreign Vice-Minister, the statement says, that it has
    Eastern News  -  97 words
  • 102 3 London, Apr. 24. OVER the Western Fron\ British and German lighter pianos yesterday lought an indecisive action A patrol of Hurricanes came It to contact with a larger iormation of Mossersc*hmid s 110. One Messerschmidt is believed to have b*nn shot down, and one lTunicane
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 108 3 London, Apr 24. THE third of three pilots associated with Mr. Neville Chamberlain s polit cal flights to Germany daring the Czech crisis has been k'll^d. He is Captain D. S. King who. with two of his crew, was founa dead near Loch Lomond
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 38 3 Natehri, Mississippi. Apr. *M. THE death roll m a fire m a Ktgft dance hall last night, which was first reocrted to be 100, is now said to be 200.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 27 3 #^k i i^b g*nfc iy 'V jj EVAPORATED MILK FROM NEW ZEALAND EStE SIFGIGI^Gd r «OHE 5376 o FIVE Li«£s t. o/ Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd.
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    • 123 3 SCHICK REPEATING RAZOR BLADES NOW AVAILABLE from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. Battery Road. €jATUAU Everybody 3.15 $.15 9.15 IB 111 W W 2c:: tuuYASciNEHADsiux* BOX OFFICE 'PHONE 3400 OPENING TO-PAY! SEE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ON PACT 8 TO-im i Hear Susanna Foster, Paramount* New Singing Star. The 1-1-year-old Child with the
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  • 653 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, APRIL .25, 1940. Budget Views (MALAYAN interest m the United Kingdom budget presented by Sir John Simon on Tuesday is greater than it would usually be owing to the recent war taxation discussion m this country. The mammoth estimate of war expenditure during the coming
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  • 655 4 What The War News Means By Gen. Sir Charles Gwynn THE German invasion of Norway and Denmark has acted like bellows on a smouldering: fire. It is too early, as I write, to judge how far the flames will spread. One thing is certain.
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  • 1000 4 When Whitehall Wears White Coats pOR nearly 100 years the British Government ha* man,, a laboratory to protect the British public. Th< ISO men who work there are at the service of all the Government d* partments, and test foodstuffs for purity and rnrfgrfru products for flaws. In this article,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 104 4 if iiJ if IM Mr The whole meal cooks iiself-with b^k&a* MUNICIPAL GAS DEPAKTIVIEN'i buamp Cifli OR CALL A1 THE SHOWROOMS rnurac aiui municipal bldu.coieman street. :v s. I Good teeth m unhealthy gums are like houses with bad foundations troublesome while there and not there very long. Gibbs "S.
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    • 7 4 fr«sw filthy Ilv '^^5 CH rLITojJgJLVJi: KILLS/
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  • 332 5 Stripped Gold Ring Off Another Lad's Finger F [CE STORY OF ARREST IN OPIUM DEN uit the police described a* an opium -old Cantonese hoy, Pock (Juan Yin, sentences of four months' m the Singapore district court I another boy of a rin^
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 5 ;r. xaetaki: satoh
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  • 158 5 A 13- YEAR-OLD girl described to the Singapore traffic magistrate. Mr. C. H. Whitton. how her I landmother was run over by a ny while they were shopping. Ong Tian Pen. a middle-aged man. was charged with causing the death oi Ten Yin. the
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  • 119 5 TiE Noordam, a practically new 10,000-ton Dutch motor vessel which 'has arrived m Singapore from New i York via Belawan, is the second ship jto be placed on the New York-Java run by the Holland-America Line, which stopped operating on this route about eight years ago.
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  • 68 5 Accused of robbing a Tamil woman and a man of cash and property worth $61 on Apr. 23, lour Tamils, Muthu, 21. Bala Sundaram. 27, Veerapan, 24. and Krishna Samy, 2f>, appeared before Mr. Conrad Oldham m the Singapore second court yesterday. The charge was explained to
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  • 37 5 DR. E. KOHAMA, ship's doctor of the Haruna Maru, suffered a heart attack when the vessel arrived here from Japan yesterday. He will, it is understood, be lent bark to Japan to recuperate. m
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  • 185 5 MALAY ON BREACH OF TRUST CHARGES CLLAIMAN PIN AHMAD, a 40- Malay, yesterday claimed trial m the Singapore third court, on five charges of breach of trust, involving $1,400. The money was alleged to be cash securities of people to whom he is said to have
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  • 57 5 MR. C. SARAVANANAR. 8 Tamil scholar from Jaffna, Ceylon, will give a talk at the Ramakrishna Mission, Norris Road, this evening at 7 o'clock on "Tamilnad and the Tamils." To-morrow evening at the same time and place Mr. Saravananar will speak on "Sree Ramakrishna: The Light ot India."
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  • 31 5 Mr. Cecil George Sergeant, export manager of the Blythe Colour Works, Crefwell, Stoke-cn-Trent, arrived In Singapore yesterday on his way to Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In ccnection with < xport trade
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  • 178 5 Japanese Trade Mission On Way To Italy EX-FOREIGN MINISTER AMONG MEMBERS A JAPANESE Goodwill Mission with the object of fostering closer economical ties between Japan and Italy arrived m Singapore yesterday by the Haruna Mam en route to Italy. Th 3 mission is led by Mr. Naetake Satch, fcrmer Japanese
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  • 210 5 THE Deputy Public Prosecutor agrei s 1 with the contention put forward by the defending counsel and has Instructed me to ask leave to reduce the charge to one of dishonestly retaining stolen property," said Inspector A. J. Blake to Mr. L. C. Goh; the
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  • 56 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) I poll, Apr. 24. A FULL-GROWN tigress was shot by a party of Chinese hunters near the Bota forest reserve m Tronoh on Sunday. Weighing nearly two piculs, the beast measured eight feet irom i end to tail. The carcase v.-as brought to Ipoh
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  • 33 5 1 A former reporter on the San Fran- Cisco Chronicle and the Daily Press, t Hong Kong, Miss A. W. Hafer arrived m Singapore by the Haruna Maru yesterday on a vacation cruise.
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  • 147 5 THE case against Soh Hun Swa I 29-year-old English-speaking Hokkien. charged under the Prevention of Corruption Ordinance, was adjourned another fortnight for mention In the Singapore third court yesterday. Mr. T. W. Ong. counsel for Soh Hun Swee, mentioned that one of his client's bailors was leaving for
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  • 645 5 DEFORE the founding of the Chinese Republic. Chinese wives had no rights of divorce against their husbands; neither marital infidelity nor wife-beating were grounds for divorce, raid Mr. Richard jC. H. Lim, a Singapore lawyer, speaking on the revolutionary changes m the
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  • 45 5 Chungking, Apr. 1.1. THE South Seas Comfort Mission, which includes Malayan Chinese, is leaving Chungking for the ir<<nt within two or three days. The delegates visited a detention village of Japanese war rarisoners and inserted war trophies.- Central News
    Central News  -  45 words
  • 427 5 FRAUDULENT POSSESSION OF KEYS ALLEGED *JF you lose the key to your drawer a Chinee bltwijfc »fl| make you a new one m an hour with the help of a piece of wire," stated Inspector C. \V. Roberts m the third magistrate's court yesterday. This
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  • 59 5 A NEWS bulletin m Thai h;is added to the programme, < i the Penan? Wireless SocieU* station. This was inaugurated >esterda> and win be givca ever> day except Sundays, from 8 to 8.15 p.m. The Penan? station is well received m Bangkok and most parts of
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  • 239 5 EVIDENCE ol an alk. an haviJdar (servant) of an Indian Army unit stationed m Singapore, was given yesterday at the resumed preliminary Inquiry In the Singapore ritth court into an allegation of murder against DiaJ Singh, a sepoy-clerk. The chare, is connected with
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  • 73 5 i T hDICT o A ith ■>■• tnisa -A pirc «Bi returned bf the Singapore coroner, Mr. w M. Q yesterday at an inquiry into the (i« of a Chinese- labourer, En% Jm 81^: It vai stated tli it the man fell to the iflsone ground at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 Phew! What Heat! i; m h it m .t i Ml THE AiR COHOITIONEp JMPITOL j "RESTAURANT i»i. .!\K I X*\m > m lhi» Benefit How I (>ot rid of MIDDLE-AOED' SHlfj although I'm £> 1 over 50/ A want to know v. hat I ->- MfmM look celebrated ray
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  • 230 6 Fr~m Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Apr. 23. A N appeal to the estate Asiatic staffs m Negri Sembilan to contribute to the Malaya Patriotic Fund and thus help the war effort was made at the annual general meeting of the Negn 1 Sembilan Estate Asiatic
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  • 186 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Apr. REVIEWING the activities of the Strait* Chinese British Association at its annual general meeting yesterday, Dr. L:m Chwee Leong, the president, stated that members took keen interest m A.R.P. and first aid work and also contributed generously towards the
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  • 94 6 Before the Honourable the Chief Justice m Court No. 1 at 11 a.m. Judgment liv 5.264 39—Harry Elphick vs. Leslie Henry Round. Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Pedlow i m Court No. 3 at 11 a.m: Bkcy. 404/39—Chop Kirn Seng vs. Teow i Mm Cheer
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  • 150 6 1)\II.\ PRICES CURRENT Apr. 24, 1910: 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. IX RSS. Spot loose 35 ;l R 35 3 No. IX RSS. F. 0.8. ill cases Apr.-May (Sellers option) 33 1 4 36 V* G.F.A.Q. RSS. F. 0.8. m babs Apr.-May
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 568 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDKKS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are now invited for the following materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room Bupply of Galvanised VV. L Tubes for period July 1. 1940. to June 20, 1941 D-ite oi Closing. 4 p.m.. May 30. 1940 Bupply of t>o tons of
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    • 445 6 HERE'S SOMETHING THAT'S BETTER THAN COD LIVER OIL! Tasteless, flesh-forming tablets for thin people All who are too thin and weigh far too little for their p?ace of mind, knew that if only they could take enough Cod Liver Oil. they might begin to put on a pound or two
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    • 190 6 SITUATIONS VACANT A capable fitter with experience on i Motor Vehicle repairs is required to undertake minor repairs and adjusti ments to a number of Motor Vehicles j consisting chiefly of Morris Trucks and iNorton Motor Cycles. Applicants must possess some knowI ledge of the electrical equipment of I vehicles
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 150 6 Post Office Mail List Mails close at the General Post Office as follows:— TO-DAY Australia (Eastern, Southern and Western) surface 10 a.m. i Bunr.a surface 5 p.m. i ceylcn surface 9 a.m. China surface 9 a.m. i China (South-Weot) surface 9 a.m. t Hong Koni surface 9 a.m. Java air
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 325 7 p.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. 6c O. S. N. GO'S SAILINGS. best possible services are being maintained .v 0. S. N\ Company to their usual 9 ports m Japan. are requested to register thei* under present circumstances fore restricted. tvmHabte for six months to Hong Kong
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    • 437 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m FJkLS.j iLI LJUONE: Freight 5433. Passafe 5131 flluiAK PACIFIC Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS 9 'DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management. For
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    • 293 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States 01 America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookingsubject to Conference War Clauses WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ship*.
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  • 736 8 'Bulan Stable 's' Eight Winners In Singapore Ra ein g Statistics VAN BREUKELEN AGAIN LEADING TRAINER WHILE M. van BreukeUn once asain comes out on tcp m the trainers' list m the Singapore summer race meeting concluded on Saturday at Buku Timah. the outstanding feature ol Dm :tat:s i-s for
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  • 41 8 Singapo re Swimming Championships pictures. Preliminary heats m the second open Singapore swimming championships were swum off at the Sinjapors Swimming Club on Tuesday. These pictures show the heats m the 200 metres relay for Services only In pro- Free Press
    Free Press  -  41 words
  • 276 8 Guthries 5; Ncstanslo- 3 pUTHRIES scored a well-deserved VI five goals to three victory over Nestanglo m a Business Houses' League soccer fixture on the Harbour Board ground yesterday. Leading three— one at the interval, and playing a far better game than their opponents, Guthries were
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  • 277 8 CLUB cricket teams for week-end games m Singapore are: SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB Saturday. S.CC. vs. Malaya Signals at 2 p.m. at GUlman Barracks: G W. S Waites. T. A. D. Hewan, Capt. E Dynes. F.'Lt. O. P. Longfield, dipt B. K. Castor, J. W. Ewart.
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  • 104 8 THE Singapore lawn tennis championships for this year will be held from Monday, May 20, on the courts of the Singapore Cricket Club and the V.M.C.A. Entries will close on Tuesday, Apr. 30, No entries will be accepted after the closing date. Altogether there will be nine
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  • 79 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Apr. 23. A STATE soccer trial will be held at iDoh on Saturday when a South side will meet a North side. The teams are South: Poh Lee: Chool Yool and! Yium Keat; Marlmuthu, Len? Sie\v j and Shaw; Pitchay,
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  • 670 8 Yesterday's Results In Spring Tennis Tournaments DELVING mainly on a forceful service,- Mrs. W. J. M. ft Warden beat Mrs. RusselUßoberts by 4—6, 6—2, 6—4 m the women's singles final m the Singapore Cricket Club's Spring tennis tournament yesterday. The whole match was a
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  • 495 8 GORDONS WIN AGAIN AFTER FIVE DEFEATS Cricket Club Beaten By Odd Goal At Stadium chan sent a fast shot inches wide or tne goal. Advancing well out on the left, Echelsheim s nt a hard shot. Stark got his hands to the ball but, before he realized what was happening,
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  • 30 8 DLAYING en their cwn ground ye^ter- day, Pulau Brani beat the Blakan Mati Gunners by seven goals to one m the second division <a) of the league.
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  • 168 8 Dynes Shows Form In First Game PIE R AS C. bea; 100 runs m a played at Alexandia E. D. Dynes made ance this year, and his old form, sconcing four wickets. Tanner followed U| the Changi officers bright innings o! 44 a Singapore, Tanner d
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  • 33 8 r!E following have b^ play soccer for tho M Police to-morrov, a^ r> i Police E>epot ground S. Sundram, M Sv J. Moxon. Chua Tock I Ralnh, Mitchell. I Huck Yang.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 304 8 ITU All Where OPENING TO-DAY lIH H TT Everybody 3.15_6.15_9.: 5 iuuya'S cinema MUIXJ/ Goes PARAMOUNTS MUSICAL COMEDY of the YEAR' IjK d&^. *J^M I*s A*£ m tunes n this grand pi< E if<S> JS ;^ll^ M^wCw**^ The Bayaderes" from i:<«e of M I "^Swa* ll m^M tongt oil (overt
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 25 8 TO-DAY'S SPCRTs EVENTS Soccer: reser\? tlivj lays vs. Chin.s', vs. Royal Navy j division (a). Maval RA.M(. Naval r :«nni S( .< Si and WMJCJL tomuM,
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