The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,064. ESTD 1835 THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 78 1 K« ii'». \r\ada. Apr. 17. gtYVTOfI K«3 Pittman. m a h here to-da\ expressed r. that the Germans iven out from Norway He also declared I n;ted States would im- threatened if the war Hitler victory. ssed the conviction that Mate* would not enter
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 318 1 R.A.F. Bomb Aerodrome At Trondheim London, Apr. 17. T. ry announces that Trondheim aero:>d by heavy bombers, seen to break out as 'uck. bombing attack was base nearby. :hat Trondheim d although the airbag at Stavanger yen times durd re than 300 miles Stavanger. It lies a fjord at a
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 622 1 Turkish Expulsion Of Undesirable Foreigners BALKAN CAPITALS FILL UP WITH GERMAN "TOURISTS" DfcPORTS from neutral capitals last night indicate growing uneasiness over recent events and precautionary measures m most countries have extended to a tighter control of foreigners. Germany is evidently making preparations of some kind m
    Reuter  -  622 words
  • 47 1 London, Apr. 17. IMPORTS In March totalled 108,500,- 000, being an increase of £13,000.000 on February and £30,500,000 on March, 1939. Exports and re-exports totalled £45.000,000, being an increase of £5,000,000 on February but a decrease of £1.500.000 on March, 1939.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 39 1 TTHE Admiralty announces the mining of an area around the Clyde. The notice states: "The area between trie lines joining Dunnighn Point to Craiganie Point and Rhuad Point to Bennane head have been mined."— Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 34 1 IN the House of Commons yesterday Capt. Euan Wallace, Minister of Transport, announced a 10 per cent, pddition to all railway charges, including fares, as frow May 1.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 197 1 Hitler Is "Direct Expression Of German People" London, Apr. 17. 4 TI is a mistake to imagine that Hitler is some fantastic nightmare," said Mr. Anthony Eden. Dominions Secretary, m a speech m London to-day. "He is not something distinct from the German nation. He is a direct expression of
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 37 1 Paris, Apr. 17. AFRESH police round-up of Communists resulted m the arrest of 58 men and women m Paris, Rouen, Orleans and Toulon. A large number of printing presses was seized.
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  • 108 1 Rome, Apr. 17. A sharp attack on what is described as Britain's claim to dominate the Mediterranean is made by Sijrnor Gayda, II Duce's "mouthpiece," m Giorna]e d 'ltalia today. He declares that England has always pursued a policy m the Mediterranean aimed at ensuring m the most
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 314 1 ENERGETIC Allied measures are to be taken to prevent the passage of contraband goods across the Pacific to Soviet ports en route to Germany, according to offlvial circles m London. Figures now available indicate clearly the extraordinary increase m the volume of trade
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 416 1 Japan 6t Netherlands Indies T London, Apr. 1 7. HE sudden interest displayed by Japan m the Netherlands Indies if Holland were drawn into the war i< widely noticed by the newspapers m London. The News Chronicle says that the statement of Mr. Arita, Japanese Foreign
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  • 126 1 Tokio, Apr. 17. ACCORDING to the usually wellii informed financial daily, Chugai Shogyo, M Miyokan, Soviet Commissar of Foreign Trade, requested an interview with the Japanese Ambassador m Moscow on Monday and "made certain important representations concerning general adjustment of SovietJapanese relations." The Soviet proposal, the
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 124 1 Small Cut In Rubber Quota Likely London, Apr. 17. THE rubber market is already discussing the outcome of the International Regulation Committee's meeting on May 21. There is a growing belief that a small cut m the quota is the most likely result as exportable allowances exceed the present rate
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 63 1 (From Our Own Correspondent London, Apr. 17. MANY distinguished ex-Malayaji.s. including Sir Frank Swettenham and Sir Laurence Guillemard, attended a reception at the French embassy this afternoon at which Mr. G. E. Cator, Malayan Agent m London, formally presented the Ambassador with a cheque
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  • 37 1 London, Apr. 17. THE Ministry of Economic Warfare announces that m view of the situation m Norway and Denmark 30 ships are detained on orders from the Ministry, Including 14 Norwegian, sevon Danish and six Swedish.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 BiGIA TEA IS BEST f v m W^m^L^mT Ak. mWmWGm\ ,^%r M LJ M*J I*-^ T l^"*4« C^B mU'W^ mT*S m^m*>jtm\ ll' i c( i *V MJ* a^^^W BH R^l ;^^^^H ka^ m A B^h £^l I r^^l l^^^l r^# TO-NIGHT DINNER DANCE (formal) S P.M. TO MIDNIGHT POPULAR CABARET
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  • 238 2 Local Chinese Ready To Help In Defence "I AM iortunate to have made many friends among the Chinese m Malaya, and I am glad to help them m any way I can," wrote Sir Shenton Thomas, the Governor, In a letter to the editor of the Nanyang Slang Pau, the
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  • 93 2 Malls close at the General Post Office as follows: TO-DAY Ceylon surface 9 a.m. Java air 10 a.m. Sumatra Medan air noon Palembang air 10 a.m. TO-MORROW Australia air 5 p.m. Java surface 11.30 a.m., air 5 p.m. Sarawak: Sarikei and Sibu surface 2 p.m. Sumatra:
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  • 86 2 •TWO new churches are to be built m I Singapore for the congregations which at present use St. Peter's Church m St. Andrew's School compound. One of these will be for Indian Christians and the other for Chinese. Next Tuesday there will be a
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  • 318 2 London, Apr. 17. The following are to-day's closing middle quotations. Shares are ol £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con. Loan 5% 1944-64.... 108 1 Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 109 1 War Loan 3^% 99^ Com. Union Assce (Units) 7 Prudential Assce 'A' 25 Royal Assce 1% Great
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  • 177 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES I From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 17. fjOMMODITY and Exchange markets ciosed as toiiowa wltb previous Quotations m Daren thesis:RUBBER: Steady. Spot 1015H6d 11 1 16d flO 15 16d 11 1 16d) May lid 11 l I6d (10 15 I6d n 1 16 d) July lid lmd
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  • 43 2 picture. These 32 girl students are the players m the Methodist Girls' School production -Lady taeUflN si i. hineseplay made famous m London, which will be shown again at the Wesley Church Hall t«. fa| Free Press
    Free Press  -  43 words
  • 142 2 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Apr. 17, 1940: 12 O'clock Noon Tone of Market: Quiet. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 10 15 16d. per lb New York Spot Sheet U.S. rts. 19'j per lb. No IXR.SS. Spot loose.. 35 3 k 36 No! IX R.S.S.
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  • 149 2 TIE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,482 nd. auction yesterday, when there were Catalogued 1.559,299 lbs. -696.12 tons) Offered 1 459,099 lbs. t.651.38 tons) Sold 963,688 lbs. 430.21 tons) Spot London 10 Is;i6d. New York 19U ets. PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per
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  • 156 2 PLANES SOLD TO AUSTRALIAN COMPANY TWO aircrait owned by Wearnes' Air Services have been sold to an Australian company. The new owners oi the planes are Carpenters' Airways, of Sydney. There is no question of cither of these aircraft going: to China. The two aircraft were bought by Wearnes' Air
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  • 123 2 IN wartime, when <w. breath-taking speed actions become crov Almanack can mpply mi quired information al notice. The 1940 euiti n reference work is thei valuable than its predt The events leading the invasion of Poland a sequent outbreak ol fully chronicled, and the bppn enlarged
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 156 2 The Popular Star of 'WE ARE NOT ALONE' Back again m an entire New role I TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. I ALHAMBRA eToa RKO RADIO'S TWO STAR SPFXIAL *l^r *^Hl Jp^ B M*M 'Mil k I PB ■:'<■.■: -'''/j^BiPF -:*:y:'"-:-: x|;^:*:- '':-:->'i >v I ■^■kSPSsObIn with ■HB\ JAZ D^cr^fc,
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    • 31 2 MR. MRS. "THIN MAN" Have n R-A-B-Y Now! T bk I HYRHA lOY Ik MR. THIN MAN JR. n JTHtoZket p-| yh i%| m%| l^i |T|rvl^ I ICOMING TO THE CAPITOL
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    • 154 2 unbelievable! nothing like it before!! AGAIN. ..THE CAPITOL GETS A WINNER! EVERY SHOW PACKED OUT!! CAPITOL More exciting Thrilling than The Original 3.15—6.15—9.15 DAILY "INVISIBLE MAN" 4 SHOWS SATURDAY 11 A.M.— 3.15 6 15 915 SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION— BY UB hi UThe Most Sensational Sporting Event of the LOUIS r..
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  • 83 3 Rumanian Moves Are Explained Bucharest, Apr. 17. 0 .ernments ban on „i wheat and the oil title*] moves, it is the outcome of Ru- >n. rtm to three ■.tion of a milMarch, 1939. secondly, lsc m the spring I at a bad har- ,od destruction of (Korgtl whence twosupplies arc
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 139 3 London, Apr. 17. IN an interview with an Italian journalist Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, Admiral of the Fleet, said that the occupation of Narvik by the British was not merely very important from the military viewpoint but also because it meant the complete cessation of
    British Wireless  -  139 words
  • 112 3 Lundun, Apr. lo\ THE narrov; escape of the British vessel Nyanza. 4,974 tons, from being trapped at Narvik shortly after the Germans had taken possession of the P°rt was revealed when the Nyanza reached a north-east coast port yesterday. The Nyanza dropped anchor m a
    British Wireless  -  112 words
  • 17 3 Hanava, Apt. 17. CUBA declared to-day that Danish and Norwegian steamers would be treated as non-belligerents.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 18 3 THE Lord Mayor's Red Cross and St. John's Fund now stands at (£1.310.000. reports Reuter from Lon- don.
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  • 407 3 NEUTRALS IMPRESSED BY RECENT BRITISH SUCCESS i London, Apr. 17. is being taught the severest lesson of the war and her imminent defeat will have great repercussions m Lurope and Germany, says the Brazilian newspaper, 0 Jornal, ma front page article. The newspaper asserts
    Reuter  -  407 words
  • 88 3 London, Apr. 17. THE King and Queen stood on the balcony of Buckingham Palace this morning and watched French Canadians take over the Palace guard. Large crowds outside the Palace watched the ceremony. Afterwards the old guard and the new guard stood at ease while
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 114 3 London, Apr. 16. THE crew of the Aberdeen trawler Delila, which returned to Aberdeen yesterday, told how a week ago when ;at sea they saw the German trawler Friesland approaching. Unaware if the German vessel was armed or not, the crew of the Delila
    British Wireless  -  114 words
  • 291 3 London, Apr. 17. T"HE similarity ol the technique adopted by Germany towards Norway to that employed m earlier aggressions is noted m The Times, which recalls that von Ribbentrop, Nazi Foreign Minister, preceded the invasion of Poland by diatribes against the Polish Government for rejecting "reasonable terms"
    British Wireless  -  291 words
  • 550 3 'Long War, Says Former Envoy To Germany SIR NEVILE HENDERSON ON MENACE OF HITLER SYSTEM LJITLER'S hatred of the British Empire was emphasized m **a broadcast speech last night by Sir Neviie Henderson, British Ambassador to Germany from 1937 to 1939, who has just published a book of his experiences
    Reuter  -  550 words
  • 105 3 London, Apr. 17. DESCRIBING the bombing and sinking of the destroyer Gurkha, a survivor says that the ship was bombed five times from the air. "Bombs were whizzing around from about two dozen enemy machines," he said. "The bomb which did real damage was a
    British Wireless  -  105 words
  • 124 3 Home. Apr. 17. THE replies of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Hungary to the Rumanian proposals for policing of the Danube have reached Bucharest and are clearly favourable, states a Bucharest message to the Italian Stefani agency. It is stated one of the principal points of the new
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 Indian troops at anti-aircraft practice m Singapore. This picture is taken from the British Movietone news film of Singapore defences, photographed last month by Eric Mayeil. and now being screened at the Cathay and Capitol.
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  • 151 3 THE Admiralty announces that the submarine Thistle, which has bm operating m the North Sea. is now considerably overdue and must be presumed lost. The Thistle was a ship of just over 1,000 tons with a normal complement of 53. At the beginning of the war.
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 fi B shS a-lmeuft fresh I cool mcais I >-H one ol our I /^|^^y He* you've missed a v !r^^^'Bk really scrumptious N\ W tne tenderest meat. -|zi W*% ame ar e used to make n. f^ >3 Pies can be made <^jj|| H^ .'H 53 7 6 FIVE
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    • 201 3 "NAVIGAN" TRAVEL AIR AND SEA SICKNESS REMEDY A ROCHE PRODUCT. MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, BATTERY ROAD. ®ITHOM toJ-ay MAUYA'S CJNEMA 01 lUXI Goes THE HAPPIEST JSHOW of the YEAR! *y+t&rCC~ LONDON FILMS present an ALEXANDER KORDA |Bfl|aMj|M|f production^ Th< V/m Jp vjl, oi«Cf£O er xhq^^oh w{iwi>' Th€ Full of Congenial
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  • 657 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1940. N.I. And The War MESSAGES from Amsterdam suggest that the Dutch are not at all pleased at the way m which Japan and America are discussing the position of the Netherlands Indies m the event of an invasion of Holland by Germany.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 703 4  - THE BLOCK ADE PERTINAX Some Problems Of THIS article b\ "Pertinax" is of tht hifhi. A since it sums up for the first time m an auth manner the latest decisions of the CaMMfa and London to tighten up the blockade M and to infuse a new activity into the
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  • 704 4 India 's Second Line Of Defence: Territorials Stand Guard THE Territorial, m peace, is a spare-time soldier. Like most other countries, India does not burden her peacetime resources by maintaining a professional army large enough to defend her m war. The Territorials volunteer for training, and thereby prepare themselves to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 BkMl Bk f2!^3w-jir: > jr> ,9 kii v m V MUNICIPAL GAS DEPARTMENT duaiic CIOI or ca l at tiie Show Rooms rnUnC 31 U I Municipal Building Coleman Street. W.p.S. 11A Any soreness, bleeding or gponginess of the gums means that they are unhealthy. You are urged to use
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    • 4 4 ANTS.o^ sp<w7 yourAMLJfood PfSJSrf'
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  • 712 5 MOTIVE FOR SHOOTING OF SOLDIERS STILL A MYSTERY Sepoy Killed Havildar, Then Took Own Life HAD FRIENDLY GAME OF CARDS TOGETHER gEPOY (Private) Matu Ram, 26-year-old member of the Hyderabad Regiment, murdered his guard commander, Havildar (Sergeant) Ramji Lai, by shooting him dead at Woodlands on the night of Apr.
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  • 47 5 lay m Java, but c nothing to say." British Minister was "r.e 0/ the I per by jrestei Included Iftttar Coast Artillery, and Captain the Adju'prt- of the Philippines. D route to B.itavia k returning to Mi 1 Ippine i; inv|\|| KOSBY
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  • 44 5 MR. KAO LING PAI TO RETURN SHORTLY Mi he aporc. who a visit. on Satur- ive here d ol the month, an Consulate t d a Free Mr KdO. it is How that of the which rrived m Chungking. xpecto d nek m 1
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  • 241 5 Arrest Of Reds Ended S.H.B. Strike POLICE OFFICER TELLS COURT "IT has come to the notice of the Court 1 that the activities of the 'General Labour Union' are far-reaching. As the sentences of two months' "rigorous imprisonment on other members of this society seemed to have had no effect,
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  • 151 5 MO Kwang Yip, a 38-year-old Hakka, alleged by the police to have been concerned m an attempted armed robbery m St. Andrew's Road on Mar. 23. m which the victim was to have been a detective, has died as a result of wounds which he
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  • 186 5 rpHE Bishop of Malacca, the Rt. Rev. 1 Adrian Devals, has brought to Malaya a famous Order of nuns, the Good Shepherd Order, to establish homes for women m his diocese. Five Irish sisters have come from Ceylon and have settled m a bungalow
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  • 50 5 HTHE following have been elected office-bearers of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, Singapore, for 1940: Chairman. Mr. R. Jumabhoy; deputy chairman, Mr. W. Hassaram; hon. treasurer, Mr. Abbasbhoy; hon. secretary. Mr. Bensllal B. Shah; committee members, Messrs Shivalal, J. Chhotalal, Jiwraj Gopaljl, N.K. Shah. Mohamed Hushain. KM. Yahyabhai.
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  • 153 5 HALF an hour after the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas had left by air on Home leave yesterday morning, the Oath of Allegiance and Oath as Officer Administering: the Government were administered to Mr S. W. Jones, the Colonial Secretary, at Government House.
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  • 262 5 TPWO interesting points of law were mentioned before Mr. L. C. Goh m the Singapore Filth Court yesterday, m connection with a charge of theft against a Chinese, Lim Heng Cheng. Manohar Lai. an officer attached to the Punjab Regiment, giving evidence said that on
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  • 332 5 I BROUGHT the bag to Singapore for a friend In Hong Kong. I knew nothing about what was inside. It was locked and I did not have a key," said Koh Chin Guan, a Teochew cabin steward m a British ship, when he was
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  • 270 5 U.S. Philippines Official Backs Roosevelt "I FEEL that the United States must never get a chance to elect a president who is not familiar with foreign and domestic affairs," declared Mr. J. Weldon Jones, financial adviser to the United States High Commissioner to the Philippines, to a Free Press reporter
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  • 134 5 FIGHT, Fight, Fight, and light to the last "All of us should know that when we are defeated we will become cattle. "If we are seeking better pay, freedom, and our future happiness, we must unite and we shall become stronger daily." These extracts from speeches
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  • 243 5 TRAFFIC LIGHTS CAUSE DELAY THE suggestion tint small fire H 1 should be built at varioui gti paints In Singapore to minimise delay m answering fire calls is made by Mr A. Newberry, Superintendent ol tr.e Singapore Fire Departs I m his nual report
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  • 247 5 I WAS nuiurulh b,. I nut iOSS DO 1)12 car' said Lesli Henry Round b. the Chi* f Justice, Sir Percy IftcEl In the Hifh Court rest r nnd giving t-vidc -iw In i civil action m I Which Harry Etphick, managing tor of William Jacks
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  • 91 5 DURING t!i run which [ell In Singapore yesterday afternoon a miniature cyclone wvpi through the garden of Mr W. H. Mwcgregor". I m Gallop Road and uprooted .some half-dozen big trees ranging m height fiom 50 to 90 feet, and a dozen smaller ones. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 117 5 t .irred to you that •i\ i delicious Dinner at the \m CONDITIONED CAPITOL RESTAURANT \m le» ted courses furnished Loiaige "u'>dued Lighting ensures •»ur .ih^olute comfort. •T your next Dinner Party Phone 4906. New Air-Floated Face fbwder Amazing Discovery of tons Beauty Chemist ricer and lighter c thought possible!
      117 words
    • 56 5 "His Master's Voice" SEVEN VALVE WORLD TOURER' SUPERHET TABLE MODEL Model 676 For A. C. Mains WAVE RANGE: 13—30, 30—92. 195— 0, T25- 2.000 metres. OUTPUT: 10.5 watts. GRAMOPHONE PICK-DP: Sockets are provided for the attachment of gramophone pick-up or q» TO record player. Aw w ROBINSON CO., LTD. J|
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  • 209 6 SYMPATHY for Scandinavians m their "present tragic plight" was expressed by Mr. W. A. Stanton when presiding at the annual meeting of Rajah Hitam Coconut Estate, Ltd at Kuala Lumpur. The positions of Scandinavia and Malaya, he said, were m many ways similar. "I wish to express,
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  • 124 6 A GAZETTE notification yesterday states that "the Governor has authorised the Singapore and Penang Chambers of Commerce to pay freight where this has not already been paid and other necessary charges to or for the benefit of any enemy on behalf of the owner of
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  • 150 6 Before the Chief Justice, the Honourable Sir Percy McElwaine m Court No. 1 at 11 a.m.: 5.3 40— J. P. Seth vs. Goh Hoon Seng (For settlement) Thereafter: 5. 204 39— Harry Elphiclc vs. L. H. Round (if not concluded). 5. 394 39 Tan Kirn
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  • 355 6 Skimming The Rooftops— And Then Crash! London, Mar. 28. THE R.A.F. 'plane was crashing at 200 m.p.h— filled with bombs. It swooped over Ipswich. The pilot made frantic efforts to keep its nose up. One of the twin engines had cut out. Roofs raced up at him. Crowds screamed m
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  • 138 6 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Despite an improvement m commodity prices to-day, share prices showed practically no improvement while the amount of business that took place was negligible. Tin was higher at $124 7 b, while the price of rubber at four
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 595 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS I SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are now invited for the following materials or aerrices. For particulars see Municipal Tenders; Room Supply of Galvanised W. I. Tubes tor period July 1. 1940, to June 30, 1941. Date or Closing. 4 p.m.. May 30, 1940. Supply or 50 tons
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    • 383 6 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd. (near Swimming Club) Board- Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens— Tennis. Phone: 5758. EAST ANCLIA 5, OXLET USB BINGAFORE. S mlns. to town nlgn level, garages, dsl& or monthly ntes. Urge grounds, excellent cuisine, tennis, tingle •no" double rooms. PHOWi an
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 369 7 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES INCOWFOKAIfcO IN fcINULANDi P. d» O S. N. COS SAILINGS. r possible services are being maintained a 0. S. N. Company to tlieir usual call except ports m Japan. are requested to register thefr bur under present circumstances 5 are perforce restricted Return tickets available
      369 words
    • 438 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (incorporated id tMb j l IXEPHONE: Freirht S43S P«ssace iWJ PilClflC Kegular senicc from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT KMPRHSSKS -Across Canada through the Canadian Koekies— i.ake Louise— BanflF. Trans- Atlantic by -EMPRKBST DUCHKSS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management. lor
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    • 276 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States ot America Oates are not guaranteed, all cargo booking* subject to Conference War Clauses WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger
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  • 2240 8 Moderate Dividends In Fourth Day's Racing BLUE RIBBON FALLS, IS DESTROYED ON COURSE IJKAYY rain an hour before racing started made the u r oin£ very heavy at Hukit Timah yesterday afternoon for the fourth day's sport m the Singapore Turf Club's Summer ((iovernor's
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  • 45 8 picture. Though on the ground, Abdul Rahman does not relax m his efforts to prevent this gunner from getting through m Tuesday's first division soccer match at the stadium, m which the Malays and the Oth Heavy Regiment drew two-all.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  45 words
  • 159 8 GJEX*. .">: Thoruyt-rofts 0 THE G.E.C. proved much too gcod for ThornycrofU yesterday at the Singapore Harbour Bo:\rd ground, winning by live goals. Bah Chee. Thornyerofts' goalkeeper, however, brought oil some extremely rlever saves. The first live minutes of the
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  • 33 8 HPHE second division <a league soc- cer fixture between the Malaya Signals and the R.A.M.C., to have been played yesterday at Alexandra, was not played owing to adverse ground conditions.
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  • 285 8 Police 1. S.C.C. A BRILLIANT move by the forwards, ten minutes after the start of the second half, save the Police I well-deserved victory over the S.C.C. m a first division league fixture played on the padanff yesterday. It was the only goal
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  • 247 8 Malays Coll ect Full Points In Reserve Game Malays 1 X f WHEN two team> liv H and the R.A.I > drawn to ni^et m sion game of the g > the average Bum fan i.,., L"' ward to a full quota of thrills yesterday game bet* two *ides at
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  • 11 8 ■yHE Derby this year i> v Nowbury on Junr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 /^ITUAIB where OPENING TO-DAY lyiHinHV everybody 3.15 6.15 9.15 «E£i^L mauyvs cinema deluxe GOES 'PHONE 3400 FOR YOUR RESERVATIONEXCITING! EXHILARATING! ROLLICKING! REFRESHING jflF] jyr rd t r a-* Mt >. F-^ J^HriP*?^ REX HARRISON -the Best nun o« ui.- w. I NW. Jjgijp o Merl <" Oberon picture 'OY--1 f*
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 29 8 To-day's Sports Events soccer: First division. Argylls vs. Royal Navy, SUdiam: second division (a). Naval Police vs. R.A.F. Torpedo, Naval Base. r r Tennis; S.C.C. S.R.C. and S.C.R.C. tournaments.
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