The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 12 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 11..0.V' ESTI). 1835 FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1940. 1 CENTS.
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  • 544 1 BIGGEST SEA AIR BA TTLE IN HISTORY NOW ON, SAYS ROME THE Rome Radio, quoting an Amsterdam message, eayai "The biggest sea and air battle m history is being hum hi off the Norwegian coast and m the Skagerrak. "About 1,000 German aeroplanes and 600 British aeroplanes are engaged m
    Reuter  -  544 words
  • 298 1 British Ultimatum At Oslo Reported DRITISH ships have penetrated Oslo Fjord and have threatened to bombard Oslo unless the city is surrendered by the Germans within a certain time, according to reports from Charlottenburg, on the Swedish-Norwegian frontier, says Reuter's Stockholm correspondent. The inhabitants of Oslo are stated to have
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 82 1 London, Apr. 11. A DISPATCH from Charlottenberg, on the Norwegian -Swedish frontier, states that a German motorised detachment of 200 strong was halted and defeated by a smaller force of Norwegians to the south-west of Elverum on Tuesday night. The German commander was killed m the
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 63 1 EVIDENCE of the preparations mad' by Quisling to assist the German 1 invasion m Norway Is given m a message from Stockholm. This says that while the first German troops were advancing. Germaas v« ar- Ing the uniforms of Norwegian oflio-rs appeared at the
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 r s^ v/Hn"» KS EXTENSION OFOUR PREMSSES WE OFFER LATEST KOKELTIES HEW FABRICS WIDES SELECTiONS SEST MATERIALS SHOP AT GHOTIRM ALL'S _ii-43 HIGH ST. RAFFLES HOTEL »<*!vtail Dance 7 pm. to 9 pm *%&f^i-! Dinner and Dance (informal) >3|Ln^ 945 to midnight v^^jMJ Efc;.: v Tpl A A W SI
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  • 580 2 21 Nazi Planes Down In Last Five Days AIR MINISTRY STATEMENT ON LARGE-SCALE ACTIVITY THE cost to the Germans m their raids on Britain is 1 revealed m an Air Ministry statement which sums up the work of the Royal Air Force during the past five days. Nineteen German aircraft,
    Reuter  -  580 words
  • 106 2 IT IS authoritatively learned that an R.A.F. reconnaissance plane which flew over Bergen yesterday reported that "Bergen seemed to be a city of the dead." The pilot further reported that the berth where a German cruiser had been moored before being attacked by the Fleet
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 42 2 T Ottawa, Apr. 11. HE Canadian Government has anncunced that it is not issuing export permits for Denmark and Scandinavian destinations, and outstanding permits have been revoked Steps, are being taken to prevent Reuter isnipments from leaving.—
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 335 2 London, Apr. 1 The following are to-day's closing midule quotations. Shares are of £l denomination unless otherwise stated: The above are dealers middle price; brokers' margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not Included. Exchange Telegraph. Con. Loan 5% 1944-64.... 108 Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 109 -H4 War
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  • 169 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES vFrom Oui Owu Correspondent) London, Apr. 11. pOMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows uitb previous quotations m parenthesis RUBBER: Easy. Spot lid ll*Hd Ul3|l6d 11 5 16d) May lid llHd (11 3|l6d 11 sil6d) July-Sept. 10 15!16d 11 l|l6d (llHd ll*4d) Oct. -Dec. (Not clear m cable)
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  • 36 2 Paris, Apr. 11. A COMMUNIQUE issued here states there was a calm night on the Lorraine and Alsace fronts adding: "Two enemy reconnaissance planes were brought down by our fiehters early this morning." Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 48 2 London, Apr. 11. A WARNING of a new German mine- field m the Great and Little Belts cff Denmark was given m the navigational service of the official German radio yesterday. The announcer stated that lightships and buoys had been laid and a pilot service organ ized.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 32 2 London, Apr. 11. The British Ministers from the Balkans continued their conversations with Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, to-day, m the hope of concluding the series of conversations this alter noon. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 "The DAUGHTERS m Another Winner. It is First Rate Entertainment." —STRAITS TIMESBOOK NOW FOR THE WEEK-END i I^sV: ALHAMBRA Warner Bros.' Amazing sequel to 'The FOUR DAUGHTERS" Produced on a grander Scale /^L PRISOLLA LANE j J* X^y^^) ROSEMARY LANE m^^^^Wtk LOLA LANE- GALE PAGE 148^ 'iT^^^SO CLAUDE RAINS j
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    • 338 2 EVERYBODY AGREES TOPNOTCHKA!'> Early Booking for the Week-End i> Riw^k recommended Phone 5261. PRESS PUBLIC ENTHUSE OVER The NEW GARBO created by LimiMj). EVENSURPASSES "THE WOMEN" IN HI APTTOL 3 S#IOWS °AiLr Sww Tb. CRMB" ll if ll if 1 1 J fc c 5 0 in#dT l i odL
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  • 289 3 Grave-Faced Crowds Outside Chancellery CONFERENCE AFTER CONFERENCE HELD rrjlK rt-ult of the fighting m Scandinavia is being awaited Btrfci with growing nervousness, reports Reuter Lm Vmsterdam. Neutral correspondents, says Reuter, hoy% the population is storming newspaper booths gathering round ships with wireless loudspeakers to he censored
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  • 74 3 B B.C. Warning To Norwegian Danish Ships to Norwegian -c broadcast by j NorweI l^m to disregard ferine them to j hands of the I •••*ian Govt the national temporary i ncement. th nafaic has b«en tUllv N^trwei id w.^uld i thcii w.<hes. Wed Qm an- I call at tlie
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 11 3 Istanbul. Apr. 11. rail communwere interus floods m Reuter
    Reuter  -  11 words
  • 69 3 "Allies Hitting Back Hitting Back Hard" The newspapers In America are splashing the Allied successes on their front pages, cables Reuter. and among the headlines are: "British winning it at battle." "British win dozen miles sea fi^ht.*' and "Hitler pushed back." The New York Times says: "The Allies are hitting
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  • 637 3 THE heroic fight of a small Norwegian outpost of 15 men, the sole troops covering the transfer of the Norwegian Government from Hamar to Elverum, against the German advance guard numbering 100 was described by M. Hambro, President of the Storting, when
    Reuter  -  637 words
  • 173 3 Stockholm, Apr. 11. fUt. uambko, the Speaker of IT the Norwegian Parliament, announced to-day that Kinff Ilaakon lias issued a proclamation stressing the intention of Norway to fight side by side with the Allies and not to capitulate to Germany. The proclamation says the
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 103 3 Chungking, Apr. 11. V'EWS of two Chinese counter- offensives has just reached here. Launching a surprise attack m north Kiangsi. the Chinese forces have suddenly recaptured several strategic towns and are at present converging on Nanchang, the capital of Kiangsi Province, according to field dispatches The Chinese
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  • 131 3 Swedes Blast Raid Shelters In The Rocks Stockholm, Apr. 11. nYNAMITE is being used to blast air raid shelters m the rocks and the sound of explosions is being continually heard. Stockholm was not blacked out last night but preparations of all kinds are being made for any eventuality. All
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 73 3 Stockholm, Apr. 11. 4 VESSEL believed to be a German troopship is reported lost with all on board off the west coast of Sweden, according to a dispatch from Lysekil The ship had earlier sent out distress signals. Distress signals have been intercepted from a
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 A DELICIOUS BREAKFAST PRESERVE i b.</ H OIE 5378 FIVE LIHES Advt of Singapore Cold Stocmge Co.. LW >np 154
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    • 170 3 grow VEGETABLES WITH THE HELP OF NYTOL FERTILIZERS m handy 35ct. containers MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. Battery Road. ®l VII it II Where TODAY lIHIIV Ever^ bodv 31 5 6.15 1"" W Goes 9.15 hAUYAS CINEMA DE LUXI I BOX OFFICE 3400... IfMtt^il R strsngc Ik jl^^ yM*&m HI the
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  • 599 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1940. North Sea Battle OUCH details as have been officially confirmed regarding the great sea and air battle m the North Sea leave many important points still obscure. The full story has yet to be told, but enough is known to show that
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  • 1436 4  -  Walter Duranty The Carol Li tie Is Manned By Bucharest, Mar. 30. IT can all be told shortly, the so-called blaze m the Balkans. A year ago, day for day, Germany exercised the economic and political power which it had won from the Munich
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  • 518 4  -  A VETERAN By U/AR seems to have a peculiar effect upon the British temperament, particularly as soon as the Briton dons his fighting costume. It makes him sing! Perhaps it is more noticeable m this war than it was, at the time,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 Vo<x>otS7v^ "Don+ i|ou just love ROSES?" I "Yes, but best m I&SHs a GIMLET^' 18 MMI CALDBECK'S CATHAY CAFE "W7ier3 Everybody Goes" ESTELLE COWAN 7T//S V^££AT's PROGRAMME SCHOOL DAYS The Teacher Lynn Cowan The Bad Boy Bill Bailey Florence Chappe) Laurel Games c i w Lucille Nicholson Scholars t^ Dolores
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    • 22 4 /3% v The Well-dressed man m Spore goes to MIEN CHONG FOR HIS TAILORING. LATEST STYLES— LOW PRICES. 34, COLEMANST 'Phone 4816.
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  • 389 5 "Those Stationed In Singapore Have Own Heavy Tasks" allant members of the Services on the sea, on tht land and m the air are called upon to bear brunt of the danger and difficulties which now M t our nation, and those Service
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  • 165 5 Rural Board Vegetables Campaign "ITNLEBB you grow vegetables we shall lose the war" was how a Singapore Rural Board signboard, urging rural residents to grow their own vegetables, was translated into Tamil. Referring to this "mistranslation" of a slogan he had coined. Dr. J. W. ScharfT, Chief Health Officer, at
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  • 269 5 •From Our Own Correspondent. > Johore Bahru, Apr. 10. THREE employees ol the Johore Bahru 1 marine department, charged with theft, were bound over by Mr. J. B. Weiss, first magistrate, to-day, to be of good behaviour for six months. Each was asked to execute
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  • 115 5 rGETHER with a dozen small islands off Pasir Panjang, Pulau Bukom Kechil, Pulau Sudong and Pulau Blaican Mati are to come under the control of the Singapore Rural Board At a Board meeting yesterday, the Rural Health Officer, Dr. W. L Blakemore, explained that this was
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  • 73 5 A UISTINGUISHED visitor to Sin- gapore will broadcast from the Singapore station at 7.30 p.m. tonight. He is Sir Clutha Mackenzie, wellknown m public life m New Zealand, and a distinguished journalist. Sir Clutha was blinded at Gallipoli, while serving with the New Zealand
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  • 205 5 Water Problem In North Johore Towns LATEX YIELD I* AS FALLEN (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Apr. 10. RESPITE threatening weather and v a few showers of rain, shortage of water is still a problem m kampongs and small North Johore towns where sources of drinking water have almost dried
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  • 91 5 A VERDICT of death by misadventure was returned by the Singapore acting Coroner, Mr. W. MacQuarrie, yesterday, at an inquiry into the d<?ath of a Singapore Harbour Board workman, Lim Ho Wan, who died from injuries as the result of a fall while cleaning the bottom
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  • 53 5 A FORMER employee of the Singapore Harbour Board, an Indian named Sallehmuttu, failed m his appeal before Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell m the Court of Appeal yesterday against a police magistrate's conviction on a charge of housebreaking and sentence of three months' rigorous imprisonment. Crown Counsel was Mr.
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  • 72 5 "THE Municipal Commissioners are A supposed to do no wrong," said Dr. W. L. Blakemore, Rural Health Officer, at the Singapore Rural Board meeting yesterday. Mr. C. Reuben, an unofficial member and also a Commissioner: I definitely disagree with you. Dr. Blakemore was
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  • 155 5 German's Bags Left In Hotel Store-Room MANAGER FINED IN the Singapore fifth court yester- day before Mr L.C. Goh, W. Ingold, European manager of the Goodwood Park Hotel, was charged with possessing the property of an enemy alien and failing to hand over this property, an offence under the Enemy
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  • 202 5 'THE question of what constituted "minor" and "major* repairs to an attap house was discussed at the Singapore Rural Board meeting yesterday, when certain bylaws for the regulation of attap houses were under consideration. Dr. W. L. Blakemore. Rural Health Officer, said that permits
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  • 136 5 I COULD not call my witnesses during my trial because it was a festival day," said a young Sikh, Karam Singh, before Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell m the Appeal Court yesterday when appealing against a magistrate's conviction on a charge of theft of $70. The
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  • 62 5 HAN Chain, a 57-year-old Hockchia, faced a charge of lodging m the open air m Canal Road, m the Singapore third court yesterday. Said the court Interpreter to the magistrate, Mr. H. Watson: I don't think that this man is quite right m his head. He says he
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  • 282 5 ADMITTED to the Budapest Royal Academy of Music at the age of eight years, and a professor of the i piano at 19, are only some of the achievements of Hungarian-born Mrs. Lili Kraus-Mandl, the wellknown pianist, who passed through Singapore by the Johan
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  • 322 5 EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM TO BE GIVEN TRIAL CINGAPORE'S new car park m Collyer Quay, on the of Clifford Pier, will be opened for general use on Monday. Cars, both owner und syce driven, may use ihe parking accommodation on and after that date,
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  • 34 5 Under the auspices of the Tamils Reform Association, Mr. G. Sarangapany, editor of the Tamil Murasu. will lecture m Tamil on "Tamil Nad" to-morrow at 7 p.m. at the association premises, Kl-ang Road, Singapore.
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  • 174 5 WANTED ROAD TO BE NAMED AFTER HIMSELF SINGAPORE rural road sh uld b* naaacd after petsons wh some public service In the <i > suggested at the meetinf of Vbt pure Rural Board yesterday The IlJard decided to lt»i3 ffct application r,f a Chinese who wmm a4 a roa;l to
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  • 52 5 A CASE was mentioned m the Ratftpore fifth court yesterday In which George E. Lee, was charged that while being the occupier of the Happy World, he permitted the place to be used as a common garnin g house. The case w.s postponed until May 16
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 I ever occurred to you that Tiioy a delicious Dinner at th« UK -CONDITIONED CAPITOL RESTAURANT •t $1.75 for •*'ii selected courses Newly Furnished Lounge subdued Lighting ensures t absolute comfort. N for your next Dinner Party Phone 4906. WHOLE NATURAL FOIE GRAS TRUFFE <'LO TINS FOR 12 PEOPLE H
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    • 7 5 ror N €L **»i»G M FHS 5W
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  • 287 6 "Big Squeal" May Reveal Schultz Killer New York. A CLUE to the murder of beer baron I "Dutch" Schultz, five years ago, is i believed to have been found during injvestigation of a Brooklyn "cash and bury syndicate." Already fifteen murders have been solved during the m I vestigation Confessions
    British United Press  -  287 words
  • 115 6 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY With war news the chief topic of conversation to-day, very little business was transacted In markets and the tone was dull. Local tin was higher at $126 and the I price of rubber at four o'clock was
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  • 944 6 Expectancy Beneath Air Of Deceptive Calm London, Mar. 24. U/HAT is it like m the Siegfried Line? How strong Wis that Line? How are the German soldiers spending their time, and what are their reactions to the war? Such are the questions which all of
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  • 133 6 Before the Chief Justice, the Honourable Sir Percy McElwaine m Court No. 1 at n a.m.: Motion m O.M. 1/40 Re W. A. Strevens deceased Thereafter Bankruptcy Before the Honourable Mr, Justice a'Beckett Terrell m Court No. 4 at ll a.m.: Summonses-in-Chambers, Originating Summonses and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 671 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TKNDKRS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. lenders axe vow tnrtted for the following materials or services. For particulars see Munldnal Tenders Room «upply of Galvanised W. I. Tubes foi period July 1, 1940. to June 20, 1941 Ditc ol Closing 4 p.m.. May 30, Suppiv or 50 ton.s ol Pig
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    • 196 6 BOARD RESIDENCE SEA FRONT RATONti GRANGE— 7I Meyer ltd. (near Swimming Club) Hoard-Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens Tennis Phone: 5758. i EAST ANGLIA 8. OXLET RISE SINGAPORE. 3 mlns. to town high level garages, dally <jt monthly rates, large grounds, excellent cuisine, texmla. single and double room 3 FHOXB
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    • 122 6 THE SINGAPORE C. OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION DAILY PRICES CURRENT Apr. 11, 1940: 13 o'clock noon No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 35 36 No. IX R.S.S. F. 0.8. m cases April 364 36 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. FOB. In bales April 3514 35^ FAQ. R.SS. FOB. m bales April 34 7 g
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 232 6 Post Office Mail List Mails close at the General Post Office as follows: TO-DAY Aden surface 9 a.m. Australia air 5 p.m. Burma surface 9 a.m. Egypt surface 9 a.m. Great Britain and Europe generally surface 9 a.m. India surface 9 a jn. I Java surface noon air 5 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 403 7 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES UNCOWPOWArED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. CO S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained the P. A O. S. N. Company to their usual rta of call except ports m Japan Passengers an requested to register tliefa luirements, under present circumstances are
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    • 379 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. lncoiporatea id t.M.S.) rCLEPBONE: Frelfbt 5433. r«ss&re 6131 pllstAN MCIHC Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES -Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— lake Louise— Banff, Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS' DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— AH under one management. mmm t tor
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    • 519 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses WK STERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) vie Java by first class
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  • 486 8 WEIGHTS for to-mono*, the third day of the »Sinsapore Turf Club's summ'T Governor- Cup* meeting at HorvcN. Class I. Div. 1, 7 Furs: S4 NH*'jwFfcirris 8 3 8 It '!'< 8.3 8 0 Cariocu 8.2 i t.B Grand Prix 8.2 Pur,- QoM 8 8 Suntiv Ghana 7.13
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  • 109 8 'PHE foQoving have accepted to play 1 cricket ior S.C.C. vs. St. Joseph's Institution tj-morro^.' at 2 p.m. at St. J< ground J. E. Jeans (cmpt), J. H. Wheeler, "R. S. Tufneli. A. F. Hunter. J. T. Rea. FOtlr. R. A. Lewis. Rev. A. S.
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  • 29 8 THE annual general meeting of the Bombay Sports Club. Singapore will be held at 8 p.m. go Apr. 17 at the Club premises m Raffles Quay.
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  • 49 8 picture. picture. Free Press Little John snatches a close victory from Furious and Stella's Pet m the third race on Wednesday at Bukit Tim?Ji.- T2:e tamest winner on Wednesday. Solar Time canters home in_ the seventh race. Kehind the winner are Antruin and Alba.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  49 words
  • 246 8 Further Ties In Singapore Tennis T ournament A LL ties m the spring tennLs tourna- j ments at Singapore clubs had to be j pc:'ipjned again owing to the rain. Fi' r her ties urr» eiven below. STRAITS CHINESE R.C. MONDAY i hampiunship Singles: Wee Eng' Lock vs Yap Ah
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  • 518 8 LOYALS SCORE SIX GOALS AGAINST AIRMEN Keen Reserve Division Game At Gillman rnvals Res 6, R.A.F. Res 1» THANKS to a sparkling display by Corporal Kenyo£ 1 the Loyals were able to beat the R.A.F. (Seletar) by six goals to one, m a keen reserve division game of th* SAFA
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 8 picture. Starlet Tiger, winner of Hi uu, race on Wednesda\ at Huku h Spencer is the jocko Free Press
    Free Press  -  19 words
  • 405 8 Three-Nil Victory In Reserve Division Soccer Chinese Res R.E. Res 0. DV beating the Fortress R.E. at the stadium yesterday by three goals to nil, the Chinese have moved up to second place m the reserve division tables with seven points collected m four
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  • 165 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremhan. Apr. 10. THE Negri Sembilan cricket team to meet Selangor on Saturday and Sunday m a state fixture at Kuala Lumpur is L. V. Strivens, Lee Mob Hon, F. A. S. Caldwell, F. de Silva, A. B. Chapman. T. K. Sukamaren,
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  • 111 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.* Ipoh, Apr. 9. A START will soon be made m the inter-state Viwn tennis competition for the Iskander Cup. The competition is open to~ Malays from all States In this country. Johore, holders of the cup, will meet the winner of
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  • 64 8 THE following will represent the Tan Tock. Seng Hospital Recreation Club m a game of soccer against the Singapore Gas Works XI to-day at the Farrer Park I. Nadarajah, A. Sankaran, A. T. Wong, Abdullah Lincha, Swee Lim Swang, Tan Peng Chia. P. T. Lee, Marimuthu, Chong
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  • 65 8 THE following players have been selected to represent the Lad Footers' Athletic party against the G E.C Sports Club m a friendly game of soccer to-morrow at Farrer Park at 515 p.m. Peng Kong, Julian Law. Kai Teck Chin Cheon, Ah Bah. John, Ah Yuik i Sum
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  • 68 8 TTHE following have been selected to play soccer for the V.M.C.A. Junior Department against 7th Heavy Battery R.A. on Tuesday, Apr. 16 at 5.10 p.m. on the Anson Road ground: Edward Wee, P. K. Satyapal, Low Huck Yang, G. J. Moxon, Vijiaratnam, Chin Sun Swee, Koh Chit
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  • 52 8 rpilE following have been selected to 1 A play cricket for the YM.C.A. against the A.P.C. to-morrow at 2.10 |p.m. on the Anson Road ground I. B. Suratta, Xavier, Marsh, Thompson. G. L. Day, Goldsmith. Nathaniels Lawrence, S. M. Hope, Ormondroyd, Le Mercier. Reserve."? Kwik Sam York. F.
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  • 46 8 1 TTHE following have been selected to play soccer for the V.M.C.A. against S.R.C. to-day at 5.10 p.m. on the S.R.C. groundWee Aik Chan, V. N. Pillay, M. Swyny. J. Moxon, G. L. Day, Ralph. R. (Sabapathy, Goldsmith, Swee Hock. I Lawerence, S. Orton.
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  • 56 8 THE following will represent the Gey- lang Corinthians m a friendly soccer fixture with the R A.F. (Kallang) i on Sunday at the Geylang Stadium: Jabaar, C. B. Humphries Dollah. Kirn Hin. Hoi Seng, Hock Guan. Jafar Mahmood Ismail Rasol, Yew Tim and I Teck Seng. Reserves: Chin
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  • 39 8 SOCCER: First division. Manchesters vs. S.C.C., Stadium; H.H.L., H. S. Bank vs. Traction Co., S.H.R.: Guthries vs. Uniteers, Jacks vs. Oversea Bank, J.C.S.A. TENNIS: S.C.C., S.R.C., S.CR.C. tournaments. CRICKET: V.M.C.A. Juniors vs. Manchesters, Prince Edward Road.
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  • 270 8 S.C.R.C. Will Admit Women Members ACTION DESCRIBED AS PROGRESSIVE STEP 117 OMEN are to be admitted as associate members of the Straits 1 Chinese Recreation Club, which, in' the words of one member, has been known as the "men's club for the past 50 years." A rule that 'wives and
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  • 135 8 INDIAN Association cricket the week-end are: Against the Singapore 1 jociation to-mcrrow at 2 jj 1 [ndian Association ground Choor Singh (cap: H c &i iam, B S Varma. Dbari Piara. Bhatri. Retnacamay, leddy. N. B Menon, Tanir a.. Sarmukh Singh Reserve lah and Nakhoda.
    135 words
  • 82 8 THE following will renr S I at cricket against H.s.A morrow at the J.C SA ground Eu Chow Chye, Chua B Shua Hock Seng. Fong Kirn Wah. I>* Huck Yang. K. T. Ooi. Alex Tai Liang Chid, Tan Hurk Wai: Hir, Yap Mooic Kirn Against the Manchestei
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  • 49 8 THE following liave arcepi»-d lor the Singapore Colt.s Lhe P.W.D. on the PV. I) Serangoon Road, at 2 p.m on S F. Chopard tcjipt D dHay. D. Rabot. W Rogt r H Humphries, M G-ammeil. M. g Sti Traill, J. Crowthcr. M Tr serve: L. Estrop
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 101 8 CANNED BY kfy 'A ■US^Bk £|u3^^^^p^^gvfla^^ Bar d^^^^^ ;^"''V^^^^ T^^sej^^StV dfiflaia \j^w^ fOX I fe t w ■iftafea^a^aw^fek^iaM damsons I With atock of Chivcr* Canoed fruMj v, JJ^af^^H^^ your larder you are able to enjoy your 9 nvourite varieties at any time of <*^ yeas. la^gaß^gflßHi(?^Bf These fruits are grown
      101 words