The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,056. KSTD. 1833 Tl ESDAY, APRIL 9, 19iU. 5 L'fcNTS
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    Reuter  -  1,013 words
  • 80 1 British And Nazi Naval Moves Oslo. Apr. 8. BISH W \KSHIPS were yL led thin mornii.g m the *r>t i oast of of Trondheim. to Prerss reports- A t r>hn win also seen from iust north of Bud. re ittMßtn were stopH m reported from Badoe, m v.ruay, that ordi--u!
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 55 1 Paris. Apr. 8. German troop con- In German North Sea rti have been increased.! and disembarkation I been continuing at during the past four attitude Ls one of wait n us regarded at present say whether the moves' led blurt or whether land- 1 ».ist of
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  • 433 1 FE British and French Governments m their early morning broadcast yesterday on the mining of Norwegian waters, stated that m recent weeks the German campaign against merchant shipping of all nations had been intensified and pursued with even greater brutality than before. The number
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  • 296 1 NORWAY MAKES "SERIOUS SOLEMN PROTEST" Oslo, Apr. 8. A "SERIOUS and solemn protest" against the Allied decision to mine certain territorial waters was handed to the British and French Ministers m Oslo by the Norwegian Government. The statement says: "This morning the British and French Governments allowed mines to be
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 718 1 "A T LAST THE ALLIES ARE ACTING FIRST TALKING AFTER" MO news since that of the boarding of the Altmark «tas had such a tonic effect on the French public as the Allied announcement that minefields now bar the way to German iron ore ships for Germany. There is a
    Reuter  -  718 words
  • 37 1 London, Apr. 8. THE Sydney radio states that 60 Ja panese warships, including thre« aircraft-carriers, have been concentrating near Amoy. Their presence m such force is presumed to indicate preparations for operations on a large scale— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 124 1 'Criminal Plot' Says Berlin Paper Berlin, Apr. 8. Til E newspaper Allgemeine Zeitun?, commenting on the mining of Norwegian waters, says: "This crime is the desperate means of a people who tremble m the face of true war and believe that death by starvation caused by blockade i.s more humane
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 THERE IS NO BETTER TEA THAN BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA m feW C^l 0*179 K'A VfaflfeA CB mm f MH rW Hh3 iBsH Bu2^i MKS^ftW H WB H^l Ql X k^f I kJI H^^Hk. H 09 l^m cfl kjjh m-^ TO>NIGHT <ocktail Dance 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. DINNER
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  • 174 2 mm Our Own Correspondent) London, Mar. 25. DICK" Cohen, a prominent Malayan jockey about ten >ears ago,* won the second race of the opening meeting of the flat race season to-day when he rode Stretto to victory at Thurst Park m the Orange Two- Years-Old
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  • 567 2 Sarawak Muruts Now Sing Hymns "Isle Of Capri" THE remarkable changes which inhabitants of a remote part of Sarawak have undergone m contact with civilization are quoted from a Sarawak Government official's report, m the Pioneer Book, published by the Malayan agency of the British and Foreign Bible Society. The
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  • 107 2 AN elderly Indian named Sinna- vasan, who was sentenced to eight months' imprisonment for cheating by impersonation and who had ten previous convictions, appealed before the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine yesterday on the ground that the charge was false. Sinnavasan said he was unfit
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  • 298 2 London. Apr. 8. llie loliowing are to-day's closing middle quotations. Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con. Loan 5% 1944-64.... IMK +JJ Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 109 s War Loan 3%% Com. Union Assce (Units) 7 Prudential Assce 'A* Royal Assce Hfr Great Western Rly.
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  • 129 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES Froiu Oui Owv Con-etpoxJdeDD London, Apr. f. fOMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows with previous Quotations to parenthesis:— RUBBER: Firm. Soot 10 15 l§d 11 1 16d aOT b d IW) Tut SeD 10 15 I6d 11 1 16d (10 13 I6d 10 15 I6d> Ort^lSc 10v
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  • 90 2 TTHAT lie irightened he would be "beaten up" by Chinese If it were made known that he was goiag to Muar, was the explanation given by a young Formosan alien. Go Sui 3oku. 23, charged m the Singapore third police court yesterday with failing to
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  • 70 2 THE Governor, Sir Kheiitm mas. and Lad> rhonu> a<(<|| panied by C apt. R. A. <»wv n de-Camp, will go on leave to Hnt ail J from Singapore on thr m nu Apr. 17. The Rulers of thy •,i,-r i t f( Malay States, the Sultan
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  • 159 2 From Our O\*:: I MARKING the tennis KMOB Ko I met the Res: m a m rk doubles matches being a draw. The Rest won rfl singles and two out of thi bles. The Chin- *c v, out the In ers Result R. L. Or ut
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 Special Return Screening of RKO RADIO'S GRAM) COMEDY HIT! I lO DAY alhambra] 3.15, 6.15 9.15 YOIR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THIS Screamingly Funny Sho^ Hrl UOWL HARDY JEAN PARKER REGINALD GARDINER «^Bv9^H? f-'V\^ JISV^- C»»'/ Wu<s««e« and Chief Disorderly! jj^L l^^Dl'^ 1 V ft" *"d »h«n ih« |.»«i (hem
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    • 204 2 THE STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, MARCH 14. OPENING The Brishler Side i J?;»- Y ls Grete Garbo Laughs! I (f:om Our Own Ccrrespcndeni) f\ f AT THE Lendon, Feb. 3. "jVinOtCllka OlK? (Jt UISTORY was made once l,y 1 111ULW11IV.<1 WIH- Wl 'Carrier Air-( ondihonod H twoworff Gl rbo Talks.- r^i
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  • 277 3 Important Conferences Open In London >KITISH diplomats from south-eastern Europe who have Ken summoned to England to discuss ways of check- the German measures m their area, met m London r-terday. sides the British Ambassador to Turkey, the others Ministers to Bulgaria, Rumania, Greece
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 20 3 < »ponhas:en. Apr. 8. P mark, president I Ie Cjmpany and Dan trade delega- ndzn. his left th?re fcr Ger- Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 96 3 Tokio, Apr. 8. ACCORDING to a report from Heiho, a border town m Manchukuo opposite Blagoveschensk m Siberia, the Soviet military authorities are ru hin? the reconstruction of pill-box lines along the 5 000--kilometre border between Manchukuo and the Soviet into permanent fortifications. This is
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  • 157 3 British Deny Nazis Removed From Italian Ship San Francisco, Apr. 8. CAPT. WEIDMANN, the German Consul-General here, states that 35 j members of the crew of the scuttled Nazi liner Colombus were removed by the British authorities from the Italian motorship Fella at Gibraltar last Thursday. Capt. Weldmann declared that
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 65 3 London, Apr. 8. r[E German freighter Uheniels. captured early m the war and now lying, up the Thames, has almost completed unloading at Miilwall docks. It has proved to be a veritable treasure ship. It is estimated that che ship and cargo are worth roughly
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 141 3 JHE sinking of the Norwegian steamer Navarra, which was torpedoed without warning by a German submarine off the coast of Scotland, has aroused intense anger m Norway. The secretary of the Norwegian Seamen's Union issued a strongly-worded statement about the sinking m
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 71 3 U.S. Freighter Is Ordered To Return Home New York, Apr. 8THE United States freighter Wildwood, 5.000 tons, has been ordered to turn about m mid-Pacific and returned to Taeoma, Washington State, on in:ormation from foreign embassies m Washington. The owners of the vessel said that the information indicated this was
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 72 3 London, Apr. 8. T*HE Hospitals Trust Ltd. of Dublin. which conducted the well-known Irish sweepstakes on Urn Derby. Grand National and oth^r big English races since 1930 has decided to go into voluntary liquidation owing to effects arising irom war conditions. The Trust states
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 45 3 London, Apr. 8. ACCORDING to the Sydney wireless, a Japanese trade mission is expected to proceed shortly to Australia. The mission was appointed by the Government of Kanagawa province, which includes Toliio, to study conditions of commerce with Australia- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 64 3 IT is reliably lt.arned that the Japanese authorities haw established their own court m Hongkew lor the trial of Chinese and foreigners without extrality lights arrested for him infringements m the Japanfflf occupied areas m Shanghai. deviously all ?uch offenders had been handed over to the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 24 3 A COMMUNIQUE issued m Paris yester- day reports renewed artillery fire m the region west of the Vosses and local activity of patrols.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 145 3 London, Apr. 8. THE death has occurred of MajorGeneral Arthur Cecil Temperley. i reports Reuter. Major-General Ttmperley, who was well known as the military correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, served m the South African uar. the Mohraand expedition m the Indian North-West Frontier m
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  • 47 3 Moscow, Apr. 8. THE RESUMPTION of full diplomatic relations between Soviet Russia and Finland is indicated by the appointment of Dr. Paasikivi as new Finnish Minisjter to the U.S.S.R. and of M. Zotvo, I rmerly Soviet Minister to Latvia, as Minister to Finland.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 25 3 A DANISH salvage steamer has arrived to help the German carg* ship Curityba which went aground or. Sunday otT the west coast ot Sweden Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 62 3 London, Apr. 8. PARRYING the first mails ever flown v between the two capitals, a British Overseas Airways Corporation airliner left Heston to-day for the first of three preliminary flights inaugurating the new London -Lisbon air service, starting regularly at the beginning of May. l:ie service
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 30 3 N Chungking, Apr. 8. EWS has just been received of the death of Gen. Sung Ch2h-yuan. famous for his resistance asrainst the Japanese m Jehol m 1933
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  • 231 3 Nazi Transport Torpedoed Oslo. Apr. 8. TIIK German military transport Rio 1 de Janeiro, with 300 men aboard. was torpedoed near Christiansand, Norway. A hundred and fifty lives were lost. Keuter. Sande fjord < Norway), Apr. 8. A large German tanker, the Poseidon, was torpedoed off the Raver
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 32 3 LonJon, Apr. 8. The Greek steamer Okeania, 4,843 tons, has been sunk, apparently by a mine. Twenty-nine of the crew have been landed at south-east port. Five of them were injured. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 42 3 <r pHE 'Daily Express' abolished its society gossip column many years ago We recommend other newspapers to follow our example. "British journalism would be refreshed by abolishing tittle-tattle and snobbish prattle about so-called society." "Daily Express." London.
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  • 370 3 London, Apr. 8. ATEST reports of yesterday's air engagement over the North Sea .show that the enemy fighters concentrated their attack on a small section of Wellington bombers which were flying some distance astern of the main British formation. Four Messerschmitt
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  • 194 3 U.S. Exports Up By 33 Per Cent. Last Year Washington, Apr. 8. THE value of United States exports from September to February wai 33 per cent, above the corresponding period of 1938-39, according to Department of Commerce figures issued to-day. Europe took 44 per cent, of the total. $1,949,000,000 (£487,000,000',
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 233 3 'Con Lnu d from pag 1 1 her itftantap r to the disacivu.v lI the Allies. If the successful protecutiou ol tl war now requir?j» mem to tak si measures, world cpinien will I I slow to realise both the i which they are
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 yoicf ptcA from j J' onr fine selection I f** 0^ ■id has been carefully >^^^/^ from the finest English /^L -trahan un d Continental breeds represents the best value V > ■*>«ltry that can be obtained. V > W a fresh supp!y m stock X^ 2> 111 se f
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    • 84 3 RED PALM OIL for cookinf RICH IN VITAMIN A as recently recommended In RADIO HEALTH TALK MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. Battery Road %ail Aaa Where .TODAY ITU Everybody 3.15 6.15 HIIIIIT Goes 9.15 MAUYA CINEMA DE LUXE ibx OFFICE 7400?" Positively The Last Three Shows To-day TRAVELSIN TECHNICOLOUR OPENING TO-MORROW
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  • 694 4 The Sigapore Free Press TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1940. The Real Issue IT was an ingenious idea of Dr. V. W. W. S. Purcell to draw a word picture of Malaya under Nazi rule for very few have probably ever taken the trouble to work out for themselves what it would
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  • 2040 4  - If The Nazis Ruled In Malaya Dr. V. W. W.S. PURCELL A Wartime Nightmare By In A Radio Talk Last Nig hi I FOUND myself walking through the streets of Singapore, but there was a curious atmosphere about the place. It did not seem at all like the old Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 66 4 Be Careful m wearing unground Sunglasses, which may cause your eyes to be defective. Jn H^ j Hi Km. Go to Nan Sin and see tnc modern frames fitted with Genuine Chance English Crookes' B or B 2 Dark glasses for Safe and Comfortable Vision. At $5.00 per pair. Nan
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  • 718 5 Profit Of Third Party Has Been Removed 'PROBLEM IS LARGELY ONE OF ECONOMICS" ini.MKN tflmn o! the Salvation Army, Singapore, spent f many hours m the streets interviewing girls who made their living by prostitution, declared Lieut.-Col. H. hmit httu* «f the Salvation Array m Malaya,
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  • 72 5 AN R.A.F. aircraft which was fly- ing at the north end of the Straits of Malacca yesterday morning was forced, owing to a mechanical defect, to come down m Dutch territory m northern Sumatra. The aircraft was damaged but none of the crew was injured.
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  • 152 5 JAPANESE DIES AFTER STREET ACCIDENT A FATAL motor accident at the junction of Victoria Street and Bras Basah Road, resulting m the death of a Japanese, K. Hiroa, was the subject of an inquiry before the acting Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. MacQuarrie, yesterday. Hiroa, it was stated, died from a
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  • 170 5 THE Yen. Tai Hsu, president of the premier Buddhist Association of China, and Archbishop of the Buddhist Church of the National Government of China, who has arrived m Singapore, will give a talk on "The Buddhist Eightfold Path and the ReiOrmation oi our Life at
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  • 70 5 CHARGED with committing criminal breach of trust of $668.70 while employed as a bill collector. JJm Sek Lock, alias Lim Bciu Cheang, a 20--year-old Hokkien. claimed trial m the Singapore third court yesterday. The offence was alleged to have been committed between Feb. 12, 1939,
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  • 36 5 FIVE people received minor injuries when they were involved m a collision between a motorcycle and a bus at Bukit Timah Road yesterday afternoon. The two vehicles ended up m a drain
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  • 36 5 A CHINESE aged about 30 years was found m difficulties m the Singapore River yesterday morning. He was rescued by a Marine policeman and taken to the General Hospital m a shocked condition.
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  • 240 5 Children Grow Vegetables At Hospital PATIENTS TRAINED TO EARN THEIR LIVING rc^r. Andrew's Ortho- j pital grow most of the s thej need, plant pot flowers.! :.d do weaving, sewing! i .nt of light carpen- j acung, writing. ;:;metic and even algebra to -upied among the principal points the
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  • 64 5 A tralian girl who ar- re by the Nieuw rday is to be married j to Mr. Elliott McKee, of! :<h Co.. «S.S> Ltd., whom she Zealand two years ago •day. She is Miss Joan 11 Drury. who is accom- parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
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  • 65 5 ALLEGED to have committed criminal trespass into the compound of a 'house m Highland Road and to have used criminal force on a detective, Ngali bin Mangen, a 60-year-old Javanese claimed trial m the Singapore third police court yesterday. The case was postponed a week for men -ion.
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  • 279 5 Java Paper On "Neutrals In The Trap" BRITISH ACTS DEFENDED T*HE shooting down of a British bomA ber by Dutch fighters over HoUand a few days ago is condemned by the Sourabaya Handelsblad m a strongly worded leading article entitled "Neutrals m the Trap." "When German warplanes bombard innocent Dutch
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  • 127 5 AUTHOR of a cookery book entitled "A Cook's tour for Cooks,'' Mrs. Anne Dyason. a well-known Australian iree-lance journalist, arrived from Melbourne yesterday, on her way to Chungking to study and write a series of articles on her observations there. Wife of a stockbroker who
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  • 63 5 A VERDICT cf death by misadventure was returned by the acting Singapore Coroner, Mr.W.MacQuarric. at an inquiry yesterday into the death of a 21-year-old Chinese, Seah Ha'am Choo, who died on Mar. 29 from tetanus. It was revealed that the youth received an injury
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  • 78 5 THE Food Controller announces that new maximum prices for the sale of Empire Sugar have been fixed m the Federated Malay States. Following the trend of prices m the Java market, supplies of Empire Sugar have also fallen m cost and this, together with
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  • 210 5 rpHE following message Irom the 1 Secretary of State lor the Colonies has been received by the High Commissioer for the Malay States, Sir Shenton Thomas I have it m command from His Majesty the King to request you to convey to His Highness
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  • 552 5 DEMONSTRA TION TO COUR T I J. FERNANDO, 38-year-old Singhalese, former cashier and reception clerk of the Goodwood Park Hotel, charged m the Singapore criminal district court with making a false report to the police that a Chinese assaulted him and stole cash and cheques m
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  • 57 5 A 1 the annual general meeting vi th«Kwcng Wai Shiu Free Hospital, Singapore, the following were elected office-bearers: President, Mr Chin* Kce Sun; vice- president. Mr. Woo Mun Chew: hon. .secretary, Mr. Boey Khye Hong; trustees —the president, vicepresident, .secretary, and Messrs Np Sen Choy. Ltung Yuen Ho,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 M t-ver occurred to you that enjo\ 1 delicious Dinner at the MR -CONDITIONED CAPITOL RESTAURANT t" $1.75 Cor «-vrn selected courses Neuly Furnished Lounge >u»)dued Lighting ensures >our absolute comfort. *m for >our next Dinner Party 'Phone 4906.
      39 words
    • 191 5 T[ 1 V ""<i 11 Hi? If SEVEN- VALVE $450 RADIOGRAM Model 694 (for ax mains) Wave Kansre: 13-30, 30-«Ji. IMS-580, 725-2.000 metres. M«k!oI (Uted with Automatic Record (hanger and special light-weight Pickup Arm. "HMV."' Agents and Service Eipcrti ROBINSON CO., LTD. 192 ffifif ■■■■■■^^^U J^ p SODENT| PKE-WAK ntiCBS
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  • 180 6 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Markets were quiet and steady to-day and although not much business took place, the undertone was firm. Local tin was $122 up fc, while the price of rubber at four o clock was buyers spot 35 7
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  • 1331 6 Fraser And Co's List MONDAY, APR. 8, 1940: 5 P.M. MINING Bayers Sellers Ampat Tin (is) 4s 714 d 4s lOV'zd Austral Amal. (ss) 6s 9d 6s 3d Austral Malay 35s 37s Ayer Hitam (I) 21s 22s Ayer Weng .63 .67 Bangrin Tin 21s 22s
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  • 277 6 Programme of drills up to »nd lor week "SSdM Vm.. H-dQuaners SV^C ?Z- f&° cJSnivl*.^ction'Tr^. Section, Section Training;^ Ist Bn. Int See tion, Section Training; Depot Coy. <W. i. Wing) V.M.G. and L.M.G.; 30x Range HQ. SV.AC. Coy., Table "R". Wednesday. 5.15 pm Headquarters S.R A (v).
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  • 164 6 THE Committee of thr Indies Society of P Collectors has decided, iti with the Social Office of tto< lands Indies, to celebrate Festival" of postage stan this year with a special fui Hotel des Indes, Batavia. An exhibition of stamj-post-value will be held at X
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 585 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are now invited for the following materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room Supply of Galvanised W. I. Tubes for period July 1. 1940, to June 30, 1941. Date of Closing. 4 p.m.. May 30, 1940. Supply or 50 tons of
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    • 440 6 BOARD RESIDENCE SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd (near Swimming Club) j Board- Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens— Tennis. Phone: 5758. EAST ANGLIA t. OXLEI KlS* BINQA*OES. I mjn«. to town nlgb level, garages, d*Uy monthly rmtet. large grounds, excellent cuisine, (eonte. tingle and double rooms. pbonb «m
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 366 6 Post Office Mail List Mails close at the General Post Oldce as follows: TO-DAY Aden air 5 p.m. Africa air 5 pjn. Burma air 5 p.m. Canada air 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. China surface 1 p.m. air 9.30 a.m. 5 p.m. China (South-Wesc surface 2 p.m. Egypt air 5
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 432 7 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. 6c O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained \y the P. 0. S. N. Company to their usual ports of call except ports m Japan. Passengers requested to register thefr requirements, under present circumstances mailings are
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    • 416 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m F.M.S.) TELEPHONE: Frdartat 548& Passage 543) f||ll>l4kN PACIFIC Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" "DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.- All under one management. For detailed information
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    • 502 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTKRN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger
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  • 273 8 Gordons Beat Cricket Club At Changi IN a cricket match played at Changi on Saturday the Gordons beat a Singapore Cricke. Club fide by four w.cke.s Batting first the club scored 154 for eight wickets and declared. Major Muxwell-Gumbletcn being the highest scorer wi*h 54 runs. Th? Gordons knocked up
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 8 picture. Freedom, who won the fifth race at Bukit Timah on Saturday.— Fress Press
    Free Press  -  14 words
  • 129 8 I THE following was the result of the draw m the Perak Turf Clubs Grand National Sweep this year. Away *****; Bachelor Prince *****; j Black Hawk 152G5: Bcgskar *****; j Bcyo *****; Corn Law *****; Domi- i nicks Cross *****: Downright *****.
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  • 57 8 E. Ellison won the Trimmer Cup competition, which was played over the we?k-end at the Keppel Gol! Club. The scores were: E. Ellison 92^82—36-138; J. Guy §6+77—24 139: E Bolton 94 89— 3G 147: R. J. Fennie 834 85—16=152; C. A. R Bateman 77+75
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  • 30 8 WEARNLS Sports Club defeated the Traction Company by three goals to nil In a Business Houses' league soccer fixture olayed en the F. and N ground yesterday.
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  • 528 8 SAPPERSIHOW GOOD FORM TO BEAT POLICE Winners Make Better Use Of Their Opportunities p K c 4, Police 2. PLATING their best game this season, the Fortress R.E. gathered full points from the Police at the stadium yesterday m a first division league game, winning by four goals to two.
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  • 196 8 J7 JONES and Mrs. Irene G. Angcll won the Island Gelt Club's mixed fcurscmes on Sunday afternoon with a net score of 32" 4 Some of other cards returned were as follows: F. Jcnes and Mrs. Irene G. Angell ,45— 12V4=32 3 /i; H.
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  • 133 8 TAKING full points from the Royal Navy m a first division league game at the Naval Base yesterday with a victory by four goals to two. the Loyals moved up to second place m the table with seven points collected m five games. The Chinese
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  • 330 8 Last Minute Goal Gives S.C.S. Victory Spore Cold Storage 3: Nestanglo 1 A LAST minute goal enabled the Cold Storage to gain a wellearned victory over Nestanglo m an exciting Business Houses' League soccer fixture on the V.M.C.A. grcund yesterday. It was a well-earned victory, because the winners had slightly
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  • 53 8 THE Mayflower Badminton Party will celebrate its 12th anniversary on Apr. 13 and 14 at a seaside bungalow 496-4 East Coast Road. The party's annual report and accounts will be presented at the thirteenth annual general meeting which will take place during the celebration, which also includes land
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  • 101 8 THE following were elected officebearers at the 14th annual general i meeting of the Siong 800 Athletic Association President, Urn Hock Seng, (reelected), vice-presidents, Dr. Tay Kum Swan (re-elected) Ho Quee Phlau, Koh Hor Khoon and Lee Kirn Choo, hon. gen. secretary, Choo Kwai Low (reelected), hon.
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  • 318 8 BANKERS SUFFER THIRD REVERSE IN B.H.L. \VX\ 3: H. and S. Bank 2. THE A.P.C. created a mild surprise yesterday when they defeated the Hongkong ?nd Shanghai Bank by three goals to two m their Business Houses' league suzcer fixture played on the S.H.B. ground This is the bank's third
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  • 21 8 picture. A picture. Z Ribbon wins the Mm* tattta Satl day BUkH Free Press Saras i?&^i^?zA*~ Free Press
    Free Press  -  21 words
  • 393 8 A SLOW start, to which there was a thrilling: finish, marked yesterday's first division soccer match at Changi between the R.A. (A.A.) and the R.A. (9th Heavy Battery) which ended m a draw, each side scoring: one goal. The 9th. Heavy Battery ware fancied
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  • 45 8 Soccer: First division, RAF. vs. Malays, Stadium; Reserve division. Royal Navy vs. S.R.C., padang second division (A), Malaya Signals vs. R.A.F. Tengah, Alexandra Road; R.A.F. Torpedo vs. R.A. (8.M.), Seletar; Puala Brani vs. R.A.O.C, Pulau Brani. Tennis: S.C.C., S.R.C., and S.C.R.C. tournaments.
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  • 320 8 Weights for to-morrow's races at Bukit Timah are: Horses, Class 2. Div. 1— About 7 fur*. Playboy 9.00 Aerial Poet 8.07 Beano 8.13 Fair King 8.06 Scarlet Tiger .8.13 STathmore 8.05 Sir Victor 8.11 Kerrena 8.04 Meadowman B. in Distinguished .8.02 Viola II 807 Daclabhoy 8.01 Horsn.
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  • 46 8 THE Negri Sembilan-Malacca branch 1 of the Automobile Association of Malaya will hold a standing start sp.ed trial on May IS at Seremban. The venue will be the first mile. SerembanTampin road, the scene of a former I successful sp^ed trial.
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  • 36 8 ENTRIES far the V.M.C.A. tennis championships for members close on Apr. 15. The tournament will commence on April 18. Entry forms are available at the tennis pavilion and the general office of the V.M.C.A.
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  • 253 8 RESULTS of yesterday's the Singapore clul> tournaments row m progre* At The S.C.C Mix^-d doubles: Ca; .'•ell-Roberts beat MUi Dull Houston, 6—l, 6—2. TO-DAYS TIES hampionsip Singles: W. J. M. Warden vs. D. X son. Women's Doubles and Mrs. RimeU-Rob< i and Mrs. Hinds. WEDNESDAY Mixed
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  • 53 8 rHE Singapore Amateur Association championships wii held at the CS.C. at 4.15 pjo 27. Entries clcse to-morn The folio wins are th« 100 200, 400 metres *r> metres back stroke. 200 n. stroke. 200 metres relay and championship. Events for wemen sre I free style and the
    53 words