The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,054. ESTD. 1835 SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1940. 5 CENTS.
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  • 312 1 Battleship And Four Destroyers Thought To Have Been Damaged WILHELMSHAVEN ATTACK IT was announced m London late last night that R.A.F. planes of the bomber command yesterday penetrated German defences and reconnoitred the naval base at Wilhelmshaven, reports Reuter. An enemy battleship which was observed
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  • 255 1 Women Must Mobilize On Kitchen Front" FOOD MINISTER'S APPEAL London, Apr. .">. I \TING a nationwide food my campaign to-day. Lord i v Food Minister, ap- to "mobilize themthe kitchen front." i that enough food had been ike Hitler, if he were a senbegin to wonder, but we idet 111
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 124 1 Paris, Apr. 5. NPFR cover of one of the heaviest artillery and trench-mortar ■gei yet used the Germans d a big raid at 5.30 a.m. yeson a small French outpost D Nied and the Saar. raid itself was unsuccessful and reputed but the French
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 81 1 rpiiE annual fee for wireless 1 receiving: sets m the Straits Settlements was reduced to S5, \%ith effect from yesterday, according to a Gazette notification issued last night. The fee since 1938 has been $12. There has been much public criticism of the old fee.
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  • 116 1 Tibetan Capital Soon To Be A Modern City TELEPHONES, ELECTRIC LIGHTS FOR LHASA New Delhi, Apr. 5. THE remote, primitive capital of Lhasa is soon being transformed into a modern city, possessing many amenities like telephones and electric light. A British electrical firm has just succeeded m surmounting the immense
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 32 1 Berlin, Apr. 5. NEW coins of one, live, and ten pfennig denominations made of zinc will be issued m the next few days to replace the present copper and bronze coins. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 115 1 Hankow, Apr. 5. REFERENCE to the continued Japanese interference with the administration ot the special administrative district No. 3 (the former British concession) was made by Mr. W. S. Dupree. director of the Council, at the annual meeting of the ratepayers. Mr. Dupree said the Japanese had
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 118 1 LONDON COMMENT ON RECENT INACTIVITY London, Apr. 5. IN the official view m London no definite conclusion can be drawn from the recent comparative inactivity of U-boats. No British ship has been sunk by a submarine for ten days. Possibly the Germans are suffering from lack
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 68 1 Paris, Apr. 5. NO surprise appears likely to emerge as a result of the negotiations m Bucharest between the German trade envoy, Clodius. and Rumanian trade officials, according to the Havas Bucharest correspondent. He adds that Clodius will probably leave Rumania m three weeks' time without
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 162 1 Calcutta, Apr. 5. The Bengal Government has forbidden publication of the programme for the so-called "national week" organised by the 'ant i -compromise" group led by Subhas Bose and fixed to begin tomorrow. Router. London, Apr. 5. Anglo -Soviet trade relations was the subject raised by ML Malsky,
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  • 265 1 Liverpool, Apr. 5. WITH a brilliant finishing burst along the final flat Bogskar (ridden by M. Jones), owned and trained by Lord Stalbridge, won the Grand National Steeplechase, beating Captain Scott-Brigg's MacMoffat (Alder) by four lengths, with Mr. J. Neill's Gold Arrow (Lay) third,
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • 484 1 London, Apr. 5. THE Chief of General Staff, Gen. Sir Edmund Ironside, receiving the Press at the War Office to-day, declared: "The Allies should be hearlily grateful that they have enjoyed seven months m which to perfect their armies. "I tremble
    Reuter  -  484 words
  • 46 1 London, Apr. f>. 'THE lirst German ship to reach London since the outbreak of war waa brought up the Thames by tugs to-day. She was the 8,000-ton Uhenfels. captured by the Navy m the sou* h Atlantic m November. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 39 1 London, Apr. 5. THE French Minister of Blockade, M. Georges Monnet, arrived m London by air to-day and m the course of the morning attended a Government luncheon at which Mr Cross, British Minister of Economic Warfare, presided. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 85 2 WITH the recent partial failure ol the padi rep m Malacca, the Resident C lor has appointed a cm; r <> Inquire into the reasons for II and to raggi si methods of relit m the affected ireas V ry serious fi irea 4 <
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  • 98 2 rHK new Government rice mill at T.iuk Anson, built following the outbreak of war, has been working for 111 pa I month Up t the end >t February, .states the latest issue of the Malayan Agricultural Journal, the mill had not been iibl' I j
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  • 75 2 IGNACIO FERNANDEZ, veteran light- weight boxer who is a well-known figure m the local ring, was taken to hospital last night after a fight m Waterloo Street m which five persons are said to have been involved. Fernandez sustained a cut m the hand and abrasions on
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  • 276 2 THAT the German invasion of Poland m September last was just a further manifestation of the policy dating from the 9th century of "Drang nach Osten," or "Thrust to the East," was the contention put forward by Mr. J. Z. Orski, a Polish resident,
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  • 114 2 A DECISION was given by th e Rent Assessment Board yesterday that an increase of rent arranged to come into force from Aug. 1 last year i* outside the scope of the Rent Sc? SJSTSK' which became effecti"Any rent increase- from Aug 2 is inmaV
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  • 55 2 A RESOLUTION of condolence on the death of the Rev. C. F. Andrews will be moved at a public meeting at the Indian Youth League, 118. Race Course Road, Singapore, on Sunday at 0.30 p.m., when Dr. K. R Mcnon will jpeak on the life and work of
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  • 404 2 Penalty Goals Give Uniteers Victory I niteers 3, H. &S. Bank L A BIG hurdle .was cleared by Uniteers yesterday when they defeated the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank by three goals (two were off penalties) to one m their Business Houses league fixture played on the J.CS.A. ground. By virtue
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  • 222 2 From Our Own Correspondent I Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 5. AT to-day's meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club the chairman, Mr. R G. Wilshaw. referring to the i Government advisory committee formed last year, said that the functions of the committee were to advise
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  • 94 2 A LETTER from the Colonial Secretary stating that reports from the Labour Departmr nt and the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs on working hours of Asiatic shop assistants had bern completed and were receiving the consideration of the Government, was read at a meeting of the committee
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 221 2 3 tc sh p°a w v s ALHAMBRA 3.15 6.15 9.15 (Always Cool i- Comfortable) A BRILLIANT SUGGESTION FOR YOUR WEEK-END!! i AFTER TIE RACES* ~~Z~ZZ P'POM THF PROHTTFRQ rvTP TTTTT «iv tw Jfl Iff p r\ f i\\JM\ inc. iZ\'*JlJK* C.J\o KJV I lit. j»B^S «Ci> ito 1^ 'S^
      221 words
    • 24 2 lie mur Daugkltn' ">j 1* priscilla im^Mm ROSEMARY LANE LOLA LANE GALE PAGE The Amazing sequel to "FOUR DAUGHTERS'* 'FOUR WIVES 7 NEXT CHANGE
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    • 400 2 MAKE IT A WEEK-END^ of SIDE-SPUTTIN.; The Picture H.M. The KING paid a special "Bhd 1 1 Visit to see on his recent birthday. "At the ABUX>NDfTIONEDI 4 SHOWS RM>AI CAPIaUL 11 a.m.—^.r.-'.l" mcrr J^V)^ l^:- KENNY BAKER FIORENCE RICE IE?S> (SM Em Ma- Iltrjw»l 0»»«rt Itot f«i««to. v^^lfflimiHiiiiiNiiiillHiiiiiiiiiffliiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiwiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii. Hear
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  • 217 3 START MADE ON RACE TO "BREAK ALL RECORDS" London, Apr. 5. PLAN for mass production of cargo ships which will be put into operation within a few weeks is revealed by Mr. William West wood, who recently took up his duties with the merchant
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 247 3 Nazis Alarmed Over Allied Air Ascendancy THE Stockholm newspaper Social okraten connects the pubUca--1 n of the German White Paper with ■man fears that the Allied superitj m th? air may be realized by :he end of the year. Hence, it is 1 the Germans may attempt dslvc now But
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 77 3 London. Apr. 5. 1i led m London that by xnld- mer It Is anticipated 400 tons of m hour will be coming up from 1 colliery about to be opened m Hand to meet overseas demand for lUsta coal. Borings were begun seven years ago I
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  • 86 3 Wang Regime The Railways Shanghai, Apr. 5. p\E3PITE protracted negotiations be- tween the Japanese and the new Wang Ching-wc-i regime, the Japrnese have refused to turn over the management of th 3 Shanghai-Nanking and Shanghai-Hangchow railways to the newly inaugurated puppet regime In Nanking, according to the Chinese Press. The
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 54 3 Tokio, Apr. 5. A TYPHOON accompanied by heavy downpour caused heavy damage m north-eastern Japan yesterday. Some 30 houses are known to have been demolished m Kamaishi. including iron works and school buildings. Railway services were disrupted. The tail-end of the typhoon struck Tokio but no damage
    Eastern News  -  54 words
  • 30 3 London, Apr. 5. THE death has occurred of Mr. A. H Ferguson, chief manager of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 94 3 Tokio. Apr. 5. IT Is a very silly rumour" the Navy oTue spokesman said today wh n n d'smissin* a Press report that Japan was contemplating placing part 01 Hainan Island at the disposal of Germany as a submarine base. The recalled another
    Eastern News  -  94 words
  • 194 3 Australian Air Squadron's War Work I London, Apr. 5. T is now revealed that the Royal Australian squadron which arrived In Britain at Christmas has flown 25.000 miles m escorting convoys. Some 250 ships totalling 100,000 tons have been convoyed by the Australians so far. The squadron is equipped with
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 140 3 London, Apr. 5. THE Board of Trade announces that m accordance with arrangements made m February and extended as result of discussions last week-end between the President of the Board of Trade and the French Minister of Commerce, increased facilities have been agreed upon regarding imports into
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 45 3 Lahore. Apr. 5. A conspiracy to bomb the ministerial benches of the Punjab Legislative Assembly is reported to have been unearthed by the police, who, m a raid on a house near here, found two homemade bombs. One person has been arrested.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 37 3 Washington, Apr. 5. rpHE House of Representatives yesA terday passed and sent to the Senate the $784,000,000 Army Appropriation Bill. This amount is $68,000,000 less than President Roosevelt recommended.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 34 3 Tokio, Apr. 5. THE German Ambassador, (Jen. Eugen 1 O f t. called on the Foreign Minister, Mr. Hachiro Arita, yesterday morning m connection with the visit of Prince Gotha to Jasan, Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  34 words
  • 125 3 MAJORITY ARE CREWS OF SUBMARINES London, Apr. 5. IT is learned that on March 8, after a little over six months' warfare, there were 257 Nazi combatant prisoners or war m Britain. Of these there were 23 U-boat officers and 195 ratings; 12 air force officers
    British Wireless  -  125 words
  • 43 3 T Canton, Apr. 5. HE flag of Wang Ching-wei's socalled orthodox Kuomintang is fluttering over the Customs house here. No flag had been flown here since the occupation of Canton by the Japanese on Oct. 21, 1938. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 24 3 MR- Ronald Campbell, British Minislf* ter to Belgrade, who hai been summoned back to London, left Yugoslavia on Thursday night for London British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  24 words
  • 341 3 Exchange Telegraph London, Apr. 5. The loilowing are to-day's closing middle quotations Shares are ot £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con. Loan 5% 1944-64.... 108% v 8 funding Loan 4"o 1960-90 109 > 4 War Loan 3V 2 99 5 16 Com Union Assce (Units) 7 Prudential
    Exchange Telegraph  -  341 words
  • 255 3 Spokesman 's Hint Not To Hold Games In West Pacific Tokio, Apr. 5. QUESTIONED regarding the Japanese reaction to the X American naval manoeuvres m the Pacific, the spokesman of the Navy Office to-day replied that there was nothing objectionable m naval manoeuvres bein?
    Eastern News  -  255 words
  • 180 3 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES iftraaa Oui owu Correspondent i London, Apr. 5. £OMMODITY and Exchange markets cosed as toilows witn previous Quotations id parenthesis-— RUBBER: Dull. Spot 10^d lid (lid 11 Ma y 10T»d lid (lid li»;dj Jul-Sep 10 13 16d 10 15 lCd (10 15 16d 11 1 16d, Oct-Dec 10
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  • 74 3 Washington, Apr. 5. '"THE United States is sapping 1 into the war I hate to say it but I honestly believe it," declared Senator Holt m the Sena'e today during angry denunciations of propaganda following a speech by the Attorney-General m Ontario yesterday m
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 108 3 Chungking, Apr. 5. CHINESE circles are jubilant over the latest Chines 3 Held dispatches from the West Suiyuan front which claim that the Japanese counteroffensive has been repulsed and the Chinese forces are m complete control of the situation. The Chinese are now converging oh
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 42 3 Washington. Apr. 5. MR. Jesse Jones, the Federal Loan Administrator, has announced f hat he is askii j Congress for authority to use part of the $20,000,000 loan tr> inland for reconstruction work In Finland. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 33 3 rpHE High Commissioner ol Palestine A yesterday made his first official visit to the Australian troops m Palatine. After inspecting the troops ht visited the overseas base headquarters of the Australian forces.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 164 3 for dinner will have an entirely fresh meaning if you have not already eaten some of the delicious Ice Cream made by the Cold Storage Creameries. Easily the finest, richest, smoothest Ice ('ream you ever tasted, *md so digestible too because it's homogenized. Dure are a dozen superl) flavour* to
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    • 280 3 RED PALM OIL »or caaklnf RICH IN VITAMIN A M recently recommended m RADIO HEALTH TALK MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3 Battery Rood Ib^^^ITUAII Whee TO-DAY 11 HliV Ever y bod > 11a.m. 3.15 wSJH lllll¥ 6oci gl5 915 < gg JEa^ HALAYA'S CINEMA DE LUXE I 1 BOX OFFICE PHOM
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  • 671 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1940. More About Taxes WAR taxation continues to be the burning topic of the hour and is likely to remain so for several months to come. The past week has seen meetings of the legislatures of the F.M.S., the Colony and Johore and
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 4 -WANT A U*T UTTIt CIBI.?-
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  • 1114 4  -  J. A. Spender By 'THE last years m Europe have seen the development of a new instrument of national policy the lie. Revelations made m the French Yellow Book and m Count Ciano's speech on the Stalin-Hitler pact throw fresh light on how the lie has been used
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  • 653 4  - Has Aerial Speed A Limit? DAVID ENGLAND 11 Y SOON after the wai itai asserted m some quathe fighter planes m ready so fast, and the pj them so difficult to handl< speed, that there was U1 hood of swifter mar? built. Attention, th<-> be concentrated on moi armament. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 363 4 I I agree.. You find I ROSES Lime Juice I satisfies all tastes!' i i <■ v i[ y -^j Bl SPECIAL r B M raE APPOINTMENT KING 0F SIAM I esto. a^^^^^ IS7? I NEWEST DESIGNS m umMOND JEWELLERY I NECKLACES BRACELETS BROOCHES I RINGS CLIP WATCHES. I .incorporated
      363 words
    • 10 4 Jewellery.. Jades.. 18, BATTERY ROAD, FIRST FLOOR PHONE 7143 i
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  • 310 5 Man Who Lost All His Goods In Store Fire Fined $50, Had No Licence CHAN KOON YEEN. 01 Chop Poh Cheong. was yesterday fined $50 m the fifth court by Mr. L. Goto, when he pleaded guilty to a r e that he on Feb. 22, at Upper Street stored
    310 words
  • 31 5 T'>rc Traction Co.. Ltd.; return of 5240.00 C March an increase of! ;red witti March last the last rtl 51. 378,000. Which is $141,000' the corr-^pondint? period) '•.>.;■
    31 words
  • 46 5 TBand and Drums of the 4th Battalion, 19th Hyderabad Regi- I will beat Retreat on the S.C.C. I p.m. on Monday. The will be: Ifl Jriialabad"; Band Colours**; B i March) i Band Ward] w -d": j Dm Solo"; Busies j
    46 words
  • 52 5 A(i( M was H m respect N d tson, was al- \t committed criminal when he appeared Mr. H. Watson m the Singapore third court yesterday. claimed trial to the charge, i h involved jewellery altogether h $27. and the was postponed l -I of
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  • 61 5 THESE iruii are alleged to be .nbers of a dangerous subver•lety. declared Court Inspector j Cowte m ihe Singapore third court iay, opposing oail for two men, 5< :ig and Lav Li Pek. who were gad to hav t acted as members of ..awful society. "The Malayan j
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  • 65 5 VERDICT o: tound dead" was returned by the acting Singapore ocr, Mr. W. MacQuarrie, at an inquiry into the death of an 13-year-•>ld Chinese girl who was tound float:i the Kranji River on Mar. 27. The girl was last seen by her lather rinf the house on
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  • 165 5 j^EFERRING to the short list of bankruptcy cases before him yesterday the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine said "Is it due to prosperity This seems very satisfactory." When a bankrupt said that he had spent about $400 at the races, Sir Percy remarked, "So
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  • 120 5 DESCRIBED us being "hard-boiled gamblers," seven Malay women received fines ranging from $1 to $2 each when convicted on a gaming charge In the Singapore third court yesterday. The women were arrested during a raid by Mr. H.B. Armstrong,' Assistant Superintendent of Police, on a
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  • 92 5 A PPEARING before the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, yesterday for his public examination, a proof reader, John David, employed m the Government Printing Office, said it was his second bankruptcy. He first became bankrupt m 1934, he said, and his liabilities were about $5,000.
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  • 837 5 No Right For Landlord To Evict Tenants THE Board will always, if possible, restore to a landlord his own property if he requires it for development or even reasonably for his own accommodation; but the Hoard do not think it sufficient if the only
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  • 214 5 BOTH the accused are bad characters and are known to he working together at snatchthieving," remarked Court Inspector Cowie after two Chinese, Lee Wah. 30, and Yap Poh Pioh, 22. had been convicted m the Singapore third court yesterday on a charge of theft.
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  • 95 5 THHL First Penan* Ranger Com- pany has won the first prize m the Guide Colonies Competition for the best-dressed doll with a Chinese Bride. The second prize was won by a company m the West Indies. It is probable that some of the prize-winning entries m
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  • 126 5 pHUA WEE KOON, partner m a tin mining concern m Johore, offered to pay his liabilities m full when he appeared berore the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McKwainc, yesterday, (for his public examination. When Mr. F. A. Chua, Assistant Official Assignee, said that the
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  • 82 5 A 27 -YEAR-OLD Hokkien, Ang Boon Cheng, described by Court Inspector D. Cowie as having a "wonderful police record of eight previous convictions," was sentenced m the Singapore third court yesterday to two months' rigorous imprisonment for attempting to steal a rattan bag. Ang Boon Cheng, who
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  • 38 5 MR. W. MacQuarrie, Chiei Police Inspector, yesterday took up the acting post of Singapore Coroner m place of Mr. W. G. Porter, who left last week on furlough. Mr. MacQuarrie, has acted as Singapore Coroner previously.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 Has it ever occurred to you that ><>v can enjoy a delicious Dinner at the AIK CONDITIONED CAPITOL RESTAURANT $1-75 ■even selected courses "i X Newly Furnished Lounge with Subdued Lighting ensures your absolute comfort, Hook Now for your next Dinner Party Phone 4906.
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    • 163 5 "WREST A W YLE" THE PORTABLE COUCH for GARDEN BEACH or BATH IKG POOL ROBINSON «t CO., LTD. AS REGARDS PORTABILITY- jy/^^ THE ILLUSTRATION SHOWS PllM^K/ r MAKERS SUCCESS IN I Just Opened! BRITISH MALAYAN GROCERS Purveyors of all high class groceries. Cameron Highlands vegetables, S-CS. fresh milk or tinned
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  • 1641 6 GOVERNOR HEADS "GROW MORE FOOD" DRIVE "THE finest flower show Singapore has ever put on," waa the general opinion of the many people who visited the exhibition which opened at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday under the auspices of the Singapore Gardening Society. There were,
    1,641 words
  • 175 6 ISSUED BY I.: AM. AMI f close on c:;sixlss resTbiu>\i Cond-Jons some hup. markets to-day and theTe wu* doinc. Loccl tin was btuer while the p ee of rubber v four buyers Spot 35 cents, Ap.ilJune oj and July Sep-eraber 34 1 2 *^ak,. Hong FatU
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 622 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are vow invited for the oilowing materials or iervlccs. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room Supply o! Galvanised W. I. Tubes for period July 1, 1940. to June 30, 1941. Date of Closing. 4 p.m.. May 30, 1040. Supply of 50 tons of
      622 words
    • 441 6 BOARD RESIDENCE SEA FRONT KATO.M. CiRANGE— II Meyer Rd (near Swimming Club) Board- Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens Tennis. Phone: 575H r s l r EAST ANGLIA i, OJULJCt lUSJL SLNGAJ-Oltl* I mint, to town blfn level gange*. dally -jr montnly rmtea, large grounds, excellent cutalr.e teunis dngl« and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 41 6 Law Notice For The Day Before the Registrar at 9.15 ajn.- Taxation m Suit *****. Before the Dy. Registrar (Mr. Ess) at 9.45 a.m.: Taking accounts In O.S. 108 28 At 10 a.m.: Taxation m O.S. 60,34, S. 37 39 and
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    • 232 6 Post Office Mail List Mails ciose at the General Post Office as follows: TO-DAY Aden air 4 P- 111 Africa air 4 P- 111 Brunei surface 1 p.m. Kuala Belait surface 1 p.m. Burma air P m Egypt »ir «P m Greatßrltain& Europe generally air 4 p.m. India 4 P-
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    • 73 6 POSTCARDS: Surface Mail 4 Air Mail 5 cents each On and from the same dat<> the for telegrams orijinatin*? the M Teli?grapli S"stem for d^'ivery w*th -ys^em will be: ttate per word. Ordinary 6 cento Urgent 12 cen^ Prer.s (ordinary) 1 cent Press (Urgent) 4 cents Meteorological 2 cent* Greetings
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 437 7 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by the P. 0. S. N. Company to their usual ports of call except ports m Japan. Passengers are requested to register thefr requirements, but under present circumstances ilings
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    • 389 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporatea m r M.s j TELEPHONE: Freight 5433 Passage Sill lllpjANPAcmc Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES—Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" -DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management. For detailed information
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    • 512 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger
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  • 29 8 picture. A goalmouth mele* m Thursday's first division soccer match at the stadium m which the Chinese beat the Manchester* by two goals to nil Free Press
    Free Press  -  29 words
  • 462 8 koyal Navy 5 S.R.C 0, HISPLAYING good team work and plenty of speed, v the Royal Navy outclassed the S.R.C. m a first division V-aeue match at the stadium yesterday, winning by five goals to nil. The Recs. fought hard. Alpaonso i
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  • 63 8 A TEAM will be selected irum the following players to represent the Municipal Engineers against the General Electric Co In a friendly football match to-day at Farrer Park at 5.15 p.m. Ton:; Hee, Kordi, Salleh, Seng Hock, Soo Teng. Saini, Teck Kirn. J. B. Potter, I a7arro.
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  • 52 8 T*HE follow n-4 havt* accepted to play taf the Singapore Colts against the S.C.R.C. at Hong Lim Green at 2 p.m. to-morrow: N. Hay, D. de Cruz. J. Traill. J. Crowtfcer. M. Train. C. AnthenisT, H. Humphries. K. Armstrong. M. de Souza, M. Gammel, L. Estrop. Reserve.
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  • 101 8 "■pHE following have been selected to play cricket for the Ceylon Sports Club against St. Andrew's School today on the school ground at 2 p.m. Ben Dudley (capt>. P. Retnasabanathy, I. Nadaraiah, S. Velautham, T. Kanagaratnam, Dr. Balasingam, A. N. Nathaniels, A. E. Gunasekara,
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  • 291 8 Wearncs Si Guthries 1 THE business Houses' League soccer A match between the Wearnes and Guthries soccer team* at the S.H.B J.S.C. ground yesterday turned out to be a poor game, and ended m a three-one victory for Wearnes. Wearnes possessed a slightly better
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  • 1661 8 Opening Day Of Singapor^Summei^ Races Van Breukelen Has Nap Hand In Cup Race ROYAL HAMPTON TO WIN FROM JACK DRUCE TRAINER M. van Breukelen, who has been saddling nearly all the winners of biff races m recent months, has once again a nap
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  • 100 8 SELECTIONS for to-day's races at Bukit T ir nah ar»: Free Press Race 1. Complacent, Stormy Night. Race 2. The Poacher, Dinna Forget. Race 3. Strathmore, Paramour. Race 4. Sir Victor, Meadowman. Race 5. Freedom, Servus. Race 6. Royal Hampton, Jack Druce. Race 7. Waetere, Saladin. Race
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  • 24 8 IN a Business Houses League fixture 1 played at Farrer Park yesterday the Oversea Chinese Bank beat Harper Gilflllan two— nil.
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  • 192 8 Juniors Win By 94 Runs IN a cricket match j,.ay d on th. y ground yesterday, the V.M.C.A beat the 41st Company. Royal En?; 94 runs. Thompson was the mo: t sik< on the V.M.C.A. side, takli 22 runs. Wilton was the best b*i an undefeated 42. All n was
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  • 195 8 YESTERDAY'S ties Li the S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament resultec > lows Men's championship doubl. s Bedford and O. FuiW b<>at A. G I) O. R. S Battman, 6—3. 7. D Anderson and A. D. Anderson kmt den and J. Mclntosh. 4 6 6 l. 6 -a D.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 AUSTRALIAN SPORT MATERIALS of guaranteed first grade quality at exceptionally reasonable prices. Following the huge success of the W.A. Oldfield "Crown" cricket ball, offers are now made for all types of Australian sporting material CRICKET material under the autographs of W.A. OklfuUl S.J. McCabe made by the largest canvas and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 148 8 Week-end Sports Events TO-DAY Soccer: Second division (A), Publishers T t±2*i SUdlum: A :< vs. 2>, seletar; Kaffles' Institution, Past vs. Present, for Clarke Shield, Kafflrs Institution. mSi!** 1 t CI CSC Baiestier; S.C.C. vs. P.W.D., S.C.C.; Indian Assn. vs. Indian Army Officers, Balestier; S.R.C vs. Manche^ters, S.R.C; An«lo-Chinese School
      148 words